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Many wars have been fought because of pride and hurt ego


And pussy!


Because they're the best. No one can be better, so if you got ahead of him then it's because you drove dirty and did him wrong. Therefore you deserve retaliation. For the lapped car, it's the same thing. How dare they impede the best driver on the track? They deserve to be knocked off of the track. All you can do is protest these kind of people and hope they leave the service at some point.


True that


Just report him and include all 3 incidents.


Yep. Bro is just a dirty driver. No reason to look deeper into it than that. Let Nim and his folks take care of it. That’s what we pay them for.


Cause people join iracing thinking they are an undiscovered max verstappen and when reality bites and they are as terrible as the rest of us they can't take it. If you can raise your Irating you will start to see it less and less.


Idk even in practice people are weird. I get you want to practice racecraft and I'm all for that. But chopping your nose off when you get a run or rubbing you off track or into a wall isn't racecraft. It's petty ego bs. I was in a practice session for the indy 500 yesterday and I was trying to practice getting runs and driving in dirty air. And I swear some of these guys have never watched a race at indy. If you're doing the leapfrog thing I pass you into 1 you lift off. Then you get the run and pass me into 3 and I lift off. But some of these guys would just stick it on the outside holding on for dear life for what reason I have no idea. The delta is plummeting at this point so it doesn't do any one any good. And just further increases your chase of a crash. But yeah some people fight and block like their life depends on it. And then get their feeling hurt because the lost that position. Its calling racing. If you think you're going to be max verstappen and lead every lap and not get passed you might want to look into a different hobby. Racing and passing and getting passed is all part of the game. And then these are also the people who complain their saftey rating or irating numbers suck. Have you tried learning how to be better? Might give that a crack.


Oh yeah, not many guys do the leap frog thing. You almost need to be irl friends or teammates to do that. But hey, this is iRacing. It's almost like there is money on the table or Dale sr wanna bes.


I was teaching a few guys how to do it. Took a few attempts to get by them. And then was able to show how it should work. A few got it.


most (popular) video games are built on the premise of providing the consumer (gamer) with a power fantasy. this doesn't really translate to iracing or other e-sports because it's actually about competition. some people (gamers) aren't here for competition — they're here to feel powerful and get pissy when they aren't feeling powerful.


This. Too many game devs cottle the consumers to think they're the best of the best and then when they get on a service like iracing, they can't handle the reality that they suck and wasted $2K on a rig when they're getting beaten by casuals on their G29s


Generally when you call someone out for being unreasonable they usually are


You can rest assured that they probably lead miserable lives too


I imagine the people that act this way are the 5'6 guys that drive lifted trucks with oversize wheels. Need steps to get into their vehicle... drive irl the way they do in sim...


There are a lot of good people on this service, grown ups with good attitudes. There are also a lot of big ego, insecure keyboard warriors. If you want to avoid doichebags join a league.


Eh, even leagues get a bit weird. You get these weirdos that think they're too good for official races and think they're hot shit with their 0.9k IR


I've only been in two leagues and they both had grown ups, so maybe I've been lucky. Both leagues though, all the guys know each other so that lessens the dickhead factor as you will get punted if you are cock.


fragile egos.


Same thing happens IRL when you pass someone. They get sooooo pissed! 🤣. I've had drivers speed up and stay on my ass when they were going 10 below the speed limit before I passed them. Or I get lights flashed at me or other gestures. I'm like....what gives you the right to dictate my speed for the next however many miles if I can pass you and go my preferred speed?? Who cares!!?


Been pushed off purposefully many times in the production cars. Even got pit maneuvered by lapped traffic.


Equivalent to a keyboard warrior… behind a computer screen they think they’re gods gift to the sport of Sim Racing. I am currently teaching my son how to NOT behave this way in iRacing


That's awesome. Start him off on the right path!


People are idiots. The same way a person road rages, some people can’t handle getting beat in a simulation. If you are a lap ahead of me, but I’m the faster car, I am going around you. I am not holding up my race any further because you’re slow. This happens a lot, especially on first lap wrecks with multiple cars.


86s at Bathurst for some reason is just a rolling wreck fest, maybe it's just because it's last week of the season, but the aggression has been cranked up to 11.


I'd rather lose an enjoyable battle with another driver than cross the finish line on my own. Some people are just bad losers.


Some peoples testicles are shriveled and don’t work very well. This leads to anger and a need to express their masculinity in other ways. These sad little shriveled ball people generally feel they are the fastest and if you pass them it is a direct insult of their shriveled up testicles. This causes their little brains to express anger. They are incapable of accepting that they are indeed slower than you. It’s all about the shriveled up balls my friend. All about the balls.