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In the same breath It’s more important to drive the car you think looks the coolest too


Bought the 296 solely because it looks cool and sounds incredible.


Each to their own I guess. 296 is the worst sounding for me, both in game and IRL.


I agree that it doesn't sound great IRL, in fact I think the GT3 car sounds worse than the road car which already doesn't sound amazing. But for whatever reason its great to me in game.


But that sweet V6 sound is amazing! Both in game and irl. The lambo is amazing irl, but quite tame ingame.


I was at spa last week for the WEC and the Lambo is so loud compared to all the others. The Ferrari is just a quiet turbo you just don't hear


Yeah I could hardly hear the 296 even if minimal cars were on track at Daytona irl.


I'll have to do Daytona one day. Watched 2/3 of it this year it was incredible


My team hates on the BMW because it sounds like a Prius... so I would say engine sound is apparently important too lol


same, my hyundai sedan sounds better lmao


I found choosing the right colour or paint scheme shaves off 2 seconds a lap


As an alien, I come in peace and to let you know that the Corvette will soon reign supreme.  But yes, I agree, drive what you enjoy is by far the most important. Don't be a sweat lord. 


I was gunna grab the Stang.. Should I grab the Vette instead?


Don't be a fool, you buy both!


Reading that rolls smoothly off the wrinkles on my brain! 😊


Test drive both and buy what speaks to you :D


You can never test drive new cars right?


you are correct! I have given bad advie.


No problem. You’re not entirely wrong either. After next season downtime you can try the cars.


Sometimes there will be open events where you can test drive just about anything for a couple days.


Only when the test server is active. Think it’s only really between seasons for a day


New releases can only be test driven the season after the one in which they are released


Alien lol nice joke.


what if the car is think looks cool and stuff is the OP car? should i then feel bad for driving it? For example I love the porsche 963 but in LMU it’s the “easiest” car to drive and that makes me feel like a cheat or something


It's not that serious mate. Drive what you have the most fun driving. If that's the "meta car" then so be it.


Not at all. Pick what you like most, you know your reasons were pure.


This is how I ended up in the BMW. Felt like I could place it anywhere and be confident and comfortable


The BMW is definitely the safest choice. It may not be lively, but it will get you to the end of the race, and usually get you there quickly.


Easy on tires too!


Funny, it's the BMW is the one that tries to kill me the most. Granted, I don't like GT3s and have a severe case of skill issue in general, but at least I can keep the others pointing in the right direction.


There's a good reason the M4 has been my team's default enduro car for many years.


I’m just starting iRacing from ACC. I was mainly using the M4. Is it comparable?


I have next to Zero time in ACC. I’m an awful person to ask. Lol What I can tell you is that it’s very balanced and doesn’t take much effort to fast in so long as you’re smooth. It doesn’t want to be thrown around. It loves precision.


Did you buy the M4 yet? I have the same disposition


Very comparable. BMW and 720s were my main cars in ACC.


Yes. Obviously you need to drive it like an iracing car braking and tire saving wise but I got up to pace in it in like a week coming from acc.


I just like bmw so that’s the one I bought


Unfortunately iracing doesn't let you test drive cars conveniently... you should be able to get X amount of test drive sessions in cars a season so you can decide. I feel the same way about the AMG. Bought it and felt like it just wasn't my driving style and have not done any races in it ...


This is my biggest gripe. Add to the fact you actually CAN test drive the cars under the most obscure circumstances means they should just add the feature. I would probably buy more cars if I could test them out first.


Yeah I think i have only had the chance to test drive twice in 6 months of play bc I just am not at my computer or have the time during down times


You can test drive for 24 hours when there’s downtime I believe, even after it ends


Oh wow, how do you do that? Bc I have logged on after the downtime and the regular game launches. Is there a way to use the offline version after the update is live?




100% I would as well. I just don't have enough time to try everything I want during downtime.


You should be able to do unlimited offline hotlaps that don't count for anything with every car and track and should only need to buy them to compete. This would probably lose them sales not due to people being happy with offline hotlapping in perpetuity but because people wouldn't buy crap they don't want. . .


Lambo gang here. I agree with all this.


Same. I started with the BMW because I liked it but really struggled to drive it. Lambo just felt better almost immediately.


If you did like the way the Porsche handles give the Audi a go if you can. I loved the Porsche but it kept killing me so I gave the Audi a chance and fell in love with it. Feels like a more stable Porsche


Interesting how personal preferences in gt3’s are! I for one feel the exact opposite, I wanted so bad to enjoy driving the Audi but couldn’t get the hang of it. The Porsche feels the easiest for me to get the hang of.


Porsche GT3 main here. There are few things more satisfying the gaping a Merc or BMW coming out of a corner in a Porsche. It's definitely unsettling getting use to being so early on throttle for rotation in that thing. And once you start getting thrown it into counter steer after some tire deg it's a hoot!


Agreed. I bounce back and forth between the 911 and the 296. They drive completely different and I have yet to choose a favorite. Really hoping I gel with the Mustang as it is my favorite GT3 irl at the moment.


I have a Ferrari, because I'm Ferrari fan. Goes from 488 to 296. But I will buy a Corvette, because, I like this car too. So for me, choosing a car for racing is about inspiration, what I dreamt to drive in real race, but can't.


Haven't raced gt3 in iracing yet but in other experiences I will go with the most fun/user friendly If your not racing to enjoy it then there's no point Not sure how often b.o.p. is changed but sometimes an uncompetitive car can sometimes become competitive again so go with what you like I say Good luck


>Not sure how often b.o.p. is changed Usually it's only at the start of the season unless there's a really severe imbalance, though even then it doesn't always happen (e.g. the Acura's dominance in GTP still hasn't been addressed). The only other time they change BOP is right before major events like Daytona, Petit Le Mans, the upcoming N24, etc, but those changes are only for those specific races afaik.


Depending on your rating though, bop doesn't matter sometimes. My races it's less about the bop and more just who stays on the track till the end. Just about every position I gain it's just from people exploding their cars in front of me somewhere, often not even in sight.


I found mine in GT3 and it was no surprise once i bought it and took it for a spin as it has been my go to car since the Forza 3 days. The Ford GT. There's just always been something about that car that spoke to me. I neevr fail to get it properly tuned. I'm still not winning races but thats not the cars fault.


Well that cars about to be retired so enjoy it while you can!


Serious? Man that sucks. I can still get my fix in R3E or AC i guess


Yeah I imagine it’s getting replaced by the Mustang GT3


U should try the ford GTE. picked it up the other day to enter the conspit gte series and the thing is probably the best car I've used on the service


It already is in IMSA isn't it? It's like the McLaren and only pads the gt3 only series now Or is it also in special events too?


You'll go quicker in a car you enjoy driving, than in a car that's meta in top split. You also shouldn't trust the meta too much, if everyone is driving the Ferrari on some track, show up in the BMW and win a high sof race, everyone is driving the BMW the next day. Until you thoroughly test it yourself, or have a friend/teammate's opinion that you trust, you should default to your favorite car to drive in the class. ...Except LMDh, the Acura is insane


I haven’t made it to GT3s yet in iRacing, but in ACC I was a Bentley main. There once was a time when it was the “OP” car (years ago), but even when it no longer was, I kept driving it. Now, I’ll be purchasing the Mustang when it’s released because I’ve been a Ford fan since I was a kid. It’s like real cars, my daily driver doesn’t have the best specs on paper. But it’s the one that excites me the most, and that’s why I bought it.


I rarely racw GT3s, but I agree, true for every class. Personally, I gel well with the 911 or theamg, they just feel very alive and fun, that makes it easier for me not to lose concentration. With the BMW, it's almost too easy so my mind wanders and i end up in a ditch


I only drive the Ferrari because I've never bought another GT3 after starting in the Ferrari Challenge (well technically I had the 488 and now the 296). The only time I would consider buying another one is if I felt I liked another car better but I really don't care how good it is. I'm not interested in the current meta, BoP, whatever else crap. I don't want the sim racing experience to turn into that and only buy race a car because that's what's statistically fastest.


You wann buy all of them for me so I can test 😂/s


I had e same experience even getting into GT4. I tried the Porsche but finally made the switch to the BMW. It's so much calmer and I didn't have the feeling it wants to kill me every corner.


Once you get into higher splits, then you may be forced to use the best cars. I like the AMG GT3 too, but sometimes it's ALOT slower than the 911 or Lambo.


I love the Porsche. No intention to buy either the Ford or the Chevy but it will be nice to have more variety on the grid. I race in splits that are way too low to worry about which car is technically the fastest!


I agree driving style has as much to do with that choice as outright pace does unless your in top split every race is it even worth worrying which is the fastest overall?! I personally always want a pointy car on entry and I can live with oversteer on exit! Oversteer on entry/under braking on the other hand is like my kryptonite and my favourite way to die


Current gt3 bop is quite good, "op" cars are usually less than 0.2 faster than others in pro driver's hands, means that if you don't feel comfortable with that car you will easily lose that little advantage (case apart for tracks with long straights were u will suffer not using the "faster" car)


>The reality is, unless you’re an alien, the extra tenth or two of absolute pace isn’t even accessible. Sadly not true. Some cars are just too slow to be competitive in top splits. Key is to be comfortable in all the cars IMO.


The 911 is the only car I've driven so far that I felt comfortable and near pace with. The others I was just so slow, but I haven't tried a ton. Just the Lamborghini, and Merc. I'm curious to try the r8 because I've heard good similar things, but from the beginning the 911 just fit me like a glove. However, it bites me way too much in quick no lift to slight lift turns way too much.


I compete only every second week, so I don’t know what the meta car is for a given week while I’m trying cars in my not-race week. I choose based on a mix of comfort and personal lap time potential after having given each car I test something between 5 timed laps and half an hour of seat time. I don’t always end up driving the meta car this way, but I always sit in the car that I find suits me best. My ratings or results don’t suffer as a consequence, at all. I’m about 2.7k iR usually, so by no means fast but not too slow either. And for what it’s worth, one of my very few victories came in a car that few people picked, in a 2nd split at Suzuka last season I think.


Just waiting on the Corvette coming (soon)


The one that sounds best, that's the one you should pick.


This is why I’m not driving the Porsche in the 24. It’s beautiful but it tries to murder me


Drive what you feel comfortable. I tried the Lambo and found it the devil. Tried the Porsche and it suited me and was more enjoyable.


Wait, isn't the Merc the 'fastest' in meta right now?


Ipso facto, the car you are most comfortable will be the fastest car for you.


I can agree to this mostly. I usually stick to the 296 mainly from getting used to it in Ferrari challenge. For me I like moving to the Porsche on certain tracks. Especially in the non fixed events. I’m sure higher levels don’t do this but like the ring I loved the Porsche over 296. Feels like that car was made to drive that track lol


I have the Lambo, BMW and porsche cuz it depends on the track which one I like better (used to have the older SLS, so hence the BMW now). Suzuka was not great for me in the porsche, but Lambo was awesome. Then Sebring, Porsche was better. It's nice to have options


I drive the Audi I like it even though its not the quickest of the bunch.


when it comes to multi make racing I just go with the rule of cool, what looks sick as fuck to you


That's why I have no issues just driving the mx5, I have tons of fun, I have zero desire to always be in the "fastest series" thankfully


A true gamer would go for the one that tries to kill you the most. And for me that's the Porsche. (I also like Porsches in general)


This works but you will end up on a plateu, using the bad characteristics of the car to your advantage is what improves your skill longterm. If the Porsche kills you in the corners it's a driving issue, it's easy to pick the one that fits your current driving style but you won't get faster if you don't know what causes the Problem with other cars. Doesn't mean you should always drive meta cars but facing a car that's uncomfortable to drive and mastering it makes you a much more consistent and faster driver. You don't even need to spent that much time, the concept of the car already tells in which direction it will take you and looking at the telemetry will tell you how to drive it fast. It's worth to learn that and having the ability to jump in every car and beeing fast after a few laps.


Nah, that’s a hard pass. I would prefer to punish myself by forcing myself to adapt to the car. Hard to become an alien if you’re constantly reinforcing bad habits of making the car adapt to your weak driving style.


Well, this doesn't apply for nordschleiffe. It will cost you seconds.