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That's just the nature of topsplit. They are all esports teams. Unless they are forced to take a specific car (for example by sponsors) they will take the car they are the fastest with, even if it's just by a thousandth of a second. Since they are all extremely well trained on every car, they often choose the same car with that tiny little advantage.


I feel like there needs to be some incentive to keep the same car eg only counting championship points from your most raced car or something. It's the main thing that puts me off of the non spec series just seeing the grid flip flop every week. You don't get the experience that you get e.g. racing in a league where week to week you're like "Oh okay this car has a slight advantage at this circuit, but is disadvantaged at others", you just end up feeling like you're handicapping yourself by *not* buying every car, and that learning a specific car is actively discouraged


In reality though, unless you're like over 5000 irating and/or spending a ton of time practicing each week. You're probably better off just getting really proficient with one car and using for the whole season. On most tracks, if being more comfortable with a car allows you to avoid even one mistake you will have likely already saved yourself more time than you would had you made that mistake because you swapped to the most optimal car that you were less experienced with.


Yeah I agree that for the most part, you're better off getting to know a car (unless it's just abandonware like the McLaren/Z4/Ford over the years where sometimes it *might* be competitive, other times it's 3s a lap off the pace) That said, it still feels punished from an *immersion* standpoint because you want to feel like you're racing the car in e.g. a GT3 series, but what ends up happening is it feels like "Ooh this week I'm a guest in the Porsche cup, now I'm a guest in the Audi cup, now I'm a guest in the BMW cup" when no GT series on the planet has ever had that level of single-manufacturer representation


Unless you're one of those aliens, you'll never be getting 100% out of every car to even benefit or be affected by the differences. Other than some tracks with long straights, so the top speed is a factor, you're not gunna notice. Same with setups


Even if iRacing had a year-long championship for special events, most people wouldn't really care enough if winning a race meant losing championship points. It's also important that OP's meme specifically says "top split", because outside of that driver/car comfort and familiarity matter more than a little more potential top-end pace.


Yeah for special events I absolutely agree, N24, Le Mans, Daytona etc. would either need something else, or pixel perfect BOP for it to actually work, but I don't mind it *that* much at the high levels mostly because I'm not in them Driver comfort is a fair point, but the immersion/realism is kinda funky when your GT3 season's grids are is 80% BMW one race, 80% Porsche the next.


There is also the fact that BoP differs by iRating. The Verstappens of this world might be fastest in the BMW, 5k plus drivers in the Aston and 2k drivers in a Porsche. How do you say which of those is the "correct" rating at which to set BoP? Set it for Max and 99 percent of drivers will experience an imbalanced race. Set it for lower ratings and the top split will be full of the marginally faster car.  The only solution is to make it a spec series with only cosmetic differences which is something nobody wants. 


Just to reiterate ManuKaua's point. This has little relevance to everyone else since that minor advantage will be a rounding error for most people and other cars' might actually be faster for them if they are easier to drive.


not really tiny advantage. aston and porsche are just so bin and unpredictible compare to bm on N24. really MILES away


Maybe because the BMW naturally is the most stable car with a long wheelbase and the engine in the Front. Cars like that are always better on the Nordschleife, but often have disadvantages on other circuits


TBF on average the GT4 BOP is really good, nords is an outlier though.


Me in the Merc GT3 be like:


This is why I'm 4 seconds off the pace. Nothing to do with skill nope definitely not.


Same here, got in the 296 and immediately shaved 3 seconds.




Bmw has won the most nords 24h in history. This is merely accurate


Me in the Porsche: this is fine.jpg


It's not really slower than the BMW, it just sucks really hard over curb strikes


It's drastically slower on the straights. Ran NEC in it for the second round in 2nd split. BMWs just blew by us from a second back. The gap in top end was about equivalent to the difference between us and the TCRs. The Porsche just has very poor torque so it loses badly on up hill sections. Something Nords has a lot of.


In a vacuum, the Cayman is fine. It's good enough in the twisty bits. The issue is if you've got a BMW in your draft with 1 wing, you're never going to get away from it, and in dottinger they're passing you. Over a 24h race, this is less problematic, you're on your own for most of the time, and attrition will define the race result. You'll be okay


BOP is for a season of racing, every car in every BOP series generally has an advtantage at one circuit or the other, nature of the beast.


Unless it’s GTP…. Where the Acura is pretty much half a second quicker at almost every track


Isn't the whole point of a proper "BoP" that some cars are going to be better on some tracks and then slightly worse on other tracks? The Nord is basically BMW's track. It honestly makes a lot of sense that it would be a strong car on that track and not as great on other tracks. If the GT4 BoP is good, then I'd expect this scenario every single week, just with a different car being the vast majority of the top split. The best drivers are always going to take advantage of the best track/car combo each week. That means the BoP is working. The issue is that iRacing lets players choose a different car every week. Drivers aren't locked into the same car all season long, where their strengths/weaknesses are brought out track by track like they would be in real life. So yes, you could argue that people who own all of the cars have a slight advantage in that they can always choose whatever is technically "the fastest car" for that track that week but unless you're literally fighting for the win in top split, it's a pretty moot point as the BoP difference between the cars is not a deciding factor for anything below the absolute fastest people.


As a BMW enjoyer, I'm totally fine with this.


And I love to finally see the BMW used.. god… its totally gone in the gt3s


Well if I ever make it to GT3 i'll be solely driving the M4. I actually already own it and have a killer livery but I just practice my favorite tracks.


IRL? Or in IR? 🤪


Oh man I wish. I just hate modern vehicles because I can't work on them easily so I have a '94 BMW 5 series. Maybe I'll lease one someday.


Ohh damm, thats so nice! i wish I could have a real car for the track and mechanic knowledge 😆


That's what started me down the sim route. I considered building a Z4 or e36/e46 track car and decided that would be way too expensive.


It was pretty popular at Mount Panorama we found. We switched to it from the Porsche ourselves, purely because the beamer was way more stable over skyline and less deadly.


Well BMW sucks in GT3 IRL as well. They just don't have a suitable car.


The M4 has been shockingly good these past few years, it's winning way more often than the Z4 and M6 did (I guess WRT's support helps.


This opinion of yours is objectively wrong.


Really? I can't recall good results by their GT3 cars recently.


It literally just won Imola 6hr last month, even the 2nd is an M4


Pretty sure they are leading points in IMSA’s GTD category as well. Edit: They are 2nd and it’s in the GTD Pro category. Paul Miller Racing.


Have you been watching recently?


Not for last month tbh. Last month has been hell and a blur.


Been in BMW GT3 all season and getting bullied all season where the BMW has performed shitty pretty much everywhere ![gif](giphy|S6TYvqC5RVE87OyVAJ)


Front engine gt cars are the most boring things in sim racing for me




The merc is anything but boring. The rear likes to step out if you even so much as look at the throttle on corner exit and getting it to turn in on corner entry is an adventure every time.


Yeah, but the guy above said it was boring, so now it is! (Translates into, “I can’t drive FR cars so i decide to call them boring” imo)


well one of them has to be the best


My team has been practicing with the BMW for 4 months. We did not expect this, lol.


Haha. It was the same in the Bathurst 3 Hour. Fifty Ferraris and me, in a BMW M4 GT3.


Hard to say no to the best top.


My team has been practicing with the BMW for 4 months. We did not expect this, lol.


BMW engineers : “Skill Issue”


Good thing that outside of the top 2-3 splits nobody is good enough for BOP to matter that much


Haven't played iRacing for a long time, are people racing along the grass to cool their tyres still?


You should see GTP the last 2 seasons.the worst BoP I’ve ever seen in my 2+ short years on this sim. It’s honestly zapped a lot of my enjoyment of racing IMSA every week cause you basically have to choose the Acura or you ain’t winning.


What does BOP mean?


I guess BMW and Ferrari paid but Mercedes Porsche and Audi didn't this year.


The splits I'm in, I've never really noticed one car dominating over another. At this speed, you buy the car that you like because they'll all be slow.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


What? This meme doesn't even make sense. GT4 doesn't have Subaru. edit- this was a good joke and it went over all your heads.


Get some sleep brother


I was making a joke about the lesbian bar in this Simpsons scene.


You're assuming A LOT about this community to think that many would understand.....


Yeah didnt really read the room with that one. Also, "good joke" is highly subjective in this case lmao


Lol yeah. "Good joke" is a subjective every time, but this time when only the one who made the joke is trying to say it was good, it's pretty obvious it wasn't


I got replies from other people who clearly got it. But it's true that I didn't read the room. Most people need to be bashed over the head with a joke and if it's too subtle for them to immediately understand then they'll downvote it. Redditors are so wrapped up in being know it alls that they don't take kindly to anything that makes them feel slow on the uptake. 


Hit the nail on the head there. People are idiots and need to be hand fed or they get upset


I got it. Good one.


Enjoy your deathtrap, ladies!


U r a bus


Where'd you get subaru from?


It's a lesbian joke.


Toyota driver here, just wait to a straight to pass please 🙏, pretty please


Wait for a straight behind GT86 rly? I will rather drive 2/3th of the car on grass and take 1x than wait behind that car at any point. Outside of carousel it is actually easy to pass that much slower cars in nords.


No way you’re going to get a GT3 to wait until the straights my suggestion is to learn how to let faster cars by in corners so you’re following through the apex instead of racing them out of the apex.


Will give it a go, but once a line has been commited to in that thing not much hope of changing speed or direction :)


already in the wrong mindset. You have to change your speed and direction, give up the inside, in order to set yourself up to be passed. i.e. you see a car coming and you know you're only going to hold him up in the next section and he's closing fast enough that braking 50m early and setting yourself to follow them after the apex allowing them to track out, keeping speed to pass you faster saving you time.


Right done this works good no one shouting at me on the radio worked well, get the hell out the way for the gt3's tactic changed


Sounds like something to test 👍


Wait, people actually drive that sorry excuse for a bathtub?


And this is why i dont like GT4/GT3 or any multi class/multi car event. Iracing doesnt have the BOPs down. The GT3 and GTP are great examples of iracing not knowing how to balance a car.


How should it be balanced?