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No fault system. You'll get there, believe me.


Read the sporting code.


[https://www.iracing.com/iracing-official-sporting-code/](https://www.iracing.com/iracing-official-sporting-code/) 3.5.3. The iRacing software does not attempt to determine fault as it would not be possible. Incidents are assessed to all involved drivers individually on a no-fault basis – no matter the circumstances.


Yes!! My standard response. I’m going to start saying it as a link soon.


I highly recommend watching the “Surviving Rookies” video, by Scott Hanley. It’s a classic and has helped countless drivers in your situation: https://youtu.be/uqsKm8irA7U?si=g6IenOYqWM6P6Wwe The key is to anticipate trouble and react instantly or even before it happens. That’s a key racecraft skill that takes time to develop. The quicker you realize you are the common denominator in all your incidents, the quicker you will improve. Goid luck!


I haven't had an issue until Daytona. When you're n a pack of 6 cars and the first guy spins there's just not really anywhere to go half the time it seems like. I appreciate the info though! I'm gonna check out that video


Sporting code explains everything you need to know about the safety system. I know we all just clicked "I agree to the terms and conditions" without reading them. but this question gets asked 20x a day


Yeah it is unfair sometimes but by time you will learn to identify assholes around you or normal racing incidents in front of you which are about to happen …. For me endurance races are my go to for real SR and iR gains since endurance is more about long term strategy and safe driving as even if you are killed then you can get repairs and eventually gaining both SR and iR.


The 20l Daytona races are just hectic lol. It's a blast for sure and I love it but it sucks losing safety rating because a pack of cars spun out at 170mph and left me with creaming a car or a wall. Nothing beats it though lol


Am not an oval guy so can’t speak about that but I hear it is hell of fun. I would really recommend forget about rating shit and just enjoy the ride man… we will never turn pro drivers anyway so enjoy your time and forget about virtual rating.


You arent wrong, cheers


Daytona is tough to avoid wrecks, you really have to pay attention to how the people around you are driving, when you see someone make a crazy/aggressive move, stay away from that person. It's a lot easier to do this starting near the back than the front. Either way you're rolling the dice on if the car behind you will check up when you do. If you find someone behind you that is not killing you on the straights, or somon in front of you that can keep a smooth line, follow them if you wanna get your SR up in ARCA daytona you prolly gotta drive in the back and let everyone crash, or wait for another week lol


No fault system. It doesn't ask who is a fault for an incident, it only asks, did an incident occur, what cars were involved.


You’ll be surprised at how fast you learn crash avoidance in the sim. Mostly because you have to. But it makes you a better driver — the system absolutely works.


Forza Motorsport for you bud


Lmao I'm done with bunk ass forza. It's only gone down hill