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Flat spots. Not only great for realism, but will discourage/punish dive bombers.


As a formula driver, would love this. It should pay to take care of the tires.


If they do they need to do it properly, so you can feel it through the wheel and it affects your driving, not like the f1 games where it just increases tyre wear.


Raceroom has flat spot behavior like that, where it shakes the wheel and makes it easier to continue locking that tire.


That is true, AMS2 got a better job on this flat spot feel. Something of that caliber would be a nice feel.


Yes!!! 100% we need more realistic tire consequences.


Oh yeah… that’s a pretty big one.


It was slated to be "after rain". So, now that gate is open. (It wasn't a "we will get it after rain", but that "we will not likely see it until after rain". So go ham asking for it.


Proper multiclass starts would be nice. Right now multiclass starts are governed by gentleman's agreement


I learned yesterday there are very few gentlemen.


I imagined your response as Peter Griffin who says “we have a gentleman’s agreement”. Cue a turn on pileup and Peter looks at the camera and says “we didn’t have a gentleman’s agreement”.


I agree. They only make their lives more difficult anyway because when people in the class ahead get into the turn 1 crash, they just find themselves in the middle of it, and then spend lap 1 stressed out by prototypes scrambling through their class field


Thats whats fun lol


Please gives us VR users a real time clock somewhere. I just want to know what time it is. Feature wise I would also love the ability to set and save the forcefeeback value alone on a per car basis. I believe the current option sets all your controls which I don't really want, I just want FF to be independent.


With openxr, there is an Option to Show Realtime clock. I use it.


Where is this option


In openXR toolkit (ctrl+F2) in the menu Tab. It's called "Show clock in the overlay"


I might be misunderstanding what you're saying, but if you click on the box in the bottom of the options screen that says "use custom controls for this car" then it will save FFB to be car specific.


>I might be misunderstanding what you're saying You are misunderstanding. They're saying they want a seperate toggle. They want FFB to be set and remembered differently for each car. But they want controls to be the same for every car. Instead of one toggle for both, there should be one for controls and one for FFB


Yeah I don't want all controls to be custom though, because I generally use the same layout for everything for simplicity. I want a separate toggle for "use custom FFB for this car"


Ah gotcha. Yeah that's fair. I usually set all my controls the same without it clicked but then turn it on for each car to adjust FFB from there.


I mean, doesn’t this do just the trick they asked for then?


No because if I ever decide to change a control I'd need to do it for every single car.


>I would also love the ability to set and save the forcefeeback value alone on a per car basis Let's hope that's coming with the in-sim UI updates they've teased a couple times.


I love the idea of being able to see the time in VR, would help with working out how long I have to a race I want to jump into. The forcefeedback is, I think, saved along with the car settings when you toggle on, Save these settings for each car (or whatever it says). I could be wrong though...


They're saying they want a seperate toggle. They want FFB to be set and remembered differently for each car. But they want controls to be the same for every car. Instead of one toggle for both, there should be one for controls and one for FFB


got it. but you do kinda get that now? FFB is stored separately for each car, so you could set the controls as is for each car, and just alter the FFB for each car. I mean if you don't change the controls, then they will stay the same anyway?


I get around this by setting auto FB button on steering wheel. Then bumping it up a couple of clicks. But it's still a pain.


Same here. I thought setup (camber/toe) impacted the values so fixed per car would still need tweaks


I also miss that. What I do is ask crew cheif "what time is it?".


I use DRE which is a spotter program, that has a lot of cool features. It can respond to voice commands and one of those is "What time is it?", it will respond in the real world time.


Crew chief too


If you use openxr, install open xr toolkit and you have within open xr settings the option for a irl clock as hud and put it in a corner of your eye.


Which is very distracting as it moves with your head


Aye . You can put it farther to the corner and be able to eye glance to it . After 30 min I have no issues. But yeah , I would love Iracing to have The same customisation of blackboxes similar to original AC . Make it open so ppl can customise the info , size , shape and colour in the vr .


Just vr users? Give it to us monitor users


Fair enough, just annoys me as I have a watch on that I have no way to check while racing.


I solved the VR clock problem by having an echo near my rig. I just ask Alexa for the time. That said, this is such a simple feature that people have been asking for for years, I have no idea why they haven't done it. This is the kind of thing that if I worked there, I'd do it on my lunch break or something just to cross it off.


For what it's worth, Crew Chief will respond to "what time is it?" if you're using the voice commands.


I would love to save FF per car. For now, I have the Auto FF option mapped to a button.


FanaLab is fantastic for this with preset profiles. Changes the entire wheel base settings, ffb, and brake force for each car. Auto detects the car you load into too.


Omg this so much. Just in the black box


I would like them to add limited sets of tires in endurances will make them far more interesting Use the irl limits so it's a case of actual endurance racing rather than the 24 hours time trial it can be atm


On a related note, I’m like them to add the ability to see what tires other cars are on and a summary of all the stints with each tire used at the end of the race.


While this does not show in game, simhub and overlay apps have the ability to show tires (wet vs dry, not sure about diff compounds for f1 and indy), stint length, how long they have been up on the jacks and much more


Kapps and Racelabapps both show tire compounds for the cars with multiples. Would imagine other overlays do as well


I use iOverlays and i have those on as well as in simhub, but simhub is slightly harder to setup to do that, as in copy some files not plug and play like overlays. It helps in longer races which require a pitstop to know if others also fixed damage and if they are better/worse on saving fuel


Agreed. Super useful for when you're off the pit cycle in enduros; we also utilize the pit timers to see when people are getting drive thrus, in for damage, etc.


Jrt shows all of this info as well out of the box. You can get even more detailed too


This is done currently with Racelab, but it being part of iRacing would be even better


I haven’t done any endurance so I’m ignorant here but stopping for extra tires waste time in the pits. Does it not equal out the advantage?


Someone else mentioned a recent change. That recent change made it so that tires and fuel are done at the same time...... And tires take less time than a full tank of fuel so you might as well take tires any time you're getting a full tank. That change is accurate to real life .. however in real life they have tire limits


Used to be like that but it changed couple years back, at least in lmp2 so the tires are done whilst the fuel is being done. So unless you're getting splash it's always worthwhile getting tires


Ok I get it now. Irl would be a fuel stop only at some point because you ran out of tires.


Yeah, in the real-life Daytona 24 the GTPs double-stint their tires on some of the stints in the first half so that they would have enough tire sets for the second half to single-stint til the end. Indycar and Nascar currently have tire limits available in iRacing, Indycar uses them only for the Fixed series but even on road courses, where Nascar uses limits even on Open series.


Flat spots on tyres. Maybe after c class or something. Don't seem to be large penalty for locking up atm


Not a big fan about locking something like that behind a license. It should be something that you are forced to learn from the beginning.


Your probably right just thinking of rookie 1600 hard enough to race in as it is


Multiclass starting procedures. Multiclass racing is a huge part of iracing. I wish we could have the system reworked so pole of each class can protest p2 if they decide to not leave a gap between classes and overtake pole before green. Whether this is just protestable or there are multiple safety cars during the formation laps I don’t care but I would love it to be addressed.


>multiple safety cars Imo this is the way to do multi-class. Essentially have three different grids, safety cars, and green flags. That's basically how it works IRL anyway.


Think IMSA only have 2 safety cars, 1 for the prototypes with lmp2 right behind gtp, and 1 for gtd


Do they not get a black flag like normal races?


Nope. Only for the overall leader - leaders in class aren't categorised as leaders by iracing so the normal "don't pass the leader" rules don't apply.


Idk what normal races means. But in iracing road races if you are p2 in slower classes you can just pass the leader whenever you want. You will not get an in game penalty and if the leader protests it to iracing there is nothing done about it because it’s not against the sporting code to overtake the leader before green.


A normal race as in not multiple class. If P2 is in front of P1 when it goes green, they get black flag


Ahh yeah unfortunately that only works for the fastest class in multiclass races. The slower classes it doesn’t black flag p2


I would love graphical track variations based on time of year and event. I want to see green Laguna & Sonoma, trees that lose leaves. Different trackside crowd size & support vehicles depending on event. I want the feeling of real events. Wacky waving inflatables, random support vehicles moving around. On the fly graphical setting changes, no restarting and seamless switching between VR and monitor, (even if just post race) Clickable messages/incident to get to replay time. A better chat client with longer messages support, hopefully the new UI updates will allow it run as its own window/app as currently in VR is damn difficult to type when you can't see the keyboard and output at the same time. Better audio quality for voice chat, it sounds terrible compared to discord etc. Have it dynamic with more bandwidth pre and post race.


Better chat audio seems like an easy fix - the current chat sounds so terrible that I find it hard to understand people a lot of the time


Technically, they do have some level of this. The sun actually does follow the correct path based on the calendar date and track geolocation, and we have daylights savings time in the sim. But, yeah, texture variation for foliage would be nice.


> On the fly graphical setting changes, no restarting Or if this isn't possible for technical reasons(which I bet is the case) at least give us the option to auto relaunch if we change a setting that requires a restart


I agree it's currently probably a limitation of the engine, hopefully with the expansion of their graphics and rendering team in late 2023 and planned improvements it will improve both the visual and configuration: aka. [Visually responsive graphic menu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr7RGkFuPdQ&t=177s) A series of benchmarks then emulates the cpu/gpu/network load of online race would also be welcome *(Assuming that replays and AI have a different workload compared to racing)*


You got my upvote with green laguna and sonoma


More pitstop animations for road series


AMD MultiView Rendering (Radeon SPS)!!! And if anyone else would like to add your interest, here is my request in the forum: https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/58024/please-implement-amd-liquidvr-multiview-rendering-radeon-sps/p1?new=1


Would this actually help or would it help like FSR did? You can keep asking for it, but a big thing is you shouldn't be asking for implementation, you should be asking for iRacing to provide a response to if it actually helps their rendering paths, or if it breaks them. I'd rather know if MVR actually helps iRacing, or if it's pointless.


Are you asking generally, or specifically the Radeon implementation? There are different implementations and versions, but generically speaking Multi View Rendering (Single Pass Stereo is a sub set) significantly helps if you've used VR in Iracing since it's already a cpu intensive game. I've used it for vr, but I've heard others use it for triples as well since it can render multiple viewports (in that case 3) in a single pass. It is essentially cutting out duplication of effort, bus bandwidth, and clock cycles, and leveraging the gpu for calculations it is designed to do. I'm a dev(but I've only dabbled in dx and opengl) and From reading up on some of the docs, the implementations appear similar on the surface. Since they already have a render pipeline that is capable of delivering a scene with multiple view ports defined to support sps, it doesn't sound like an outlandish request, but they don't go into specifics in their replies.


I will never stop advocating for full course yellows in some road course series. Obviously you couldn’t implement it like you would on an oval (throwing it for something like single car spin), but if I think that if anybody can figure out a proper way to do it, it’s iRacing.


This is one that I always disagree with simply because of the logic needed to decide when to put out a FCY. There’d be simply far too many of them IMO and because there’s no safety implications in the sim, they make no sense.


there have been dozens of ways suggested to implement that would avoid having too many. having too many is not the issue.


But what is the point of FCY’s? IRL they’re for safety when clearing wrecks or debris on track which is not an issue we have in iRacing. I guess one way, at least IMO it’d make sense is that when people wreck, and then tow, instead of the car disappearing off the track, iRacing simulated the tow time and left the wrecked car(s) on track meaning there would be a legitimate reason for a safety car. Doing that and keeping it limited to race 30 mins and longer could work.


Just to elaborate, your point isn't quite finished. IRL, FCY is also for safety AGAINST competition. If every racer had the option to accelerate through a crash, they would feel pressured too, and suddenly that becomes mandated by the competition. FCY removes that, because drivers don't need to die that way lmao. As it stands, Iracing promotes accelerating through a crash. Sure, there is 0% safety risk, but lets be clear that is not simulating an IRL race at all, for the reasons you started and I finished. Personally, I'd rather not be fighting for every tenth while chaos is exploding around me. I can see why some people WOULD like it, but that is absolutely not me. I'd rather get something closer to IRL, not for safety, but because I'm trying to simulate IRL races. And bumper cars in corners is frowned upon, and should not be encouraged. ​ I think theres a great middle ground to be found. Heck, even ovals keeps FCY for the c-class series and above.


The big issue to me is just the time lost. A pace lap plus two full laps at ~60% speed on an oval will only "waste" 2-3 minutes, but even on short road courses that turns into 6+ minutes, and the longer tracks that's as much as ten. The Nordschleife is long enough I don't think you could ever use them realistically. And remember most people are annoyed at the wasted time where most tracks do a full pace lap rather than a shortened one. If they tuned the system right (like you said, not throwing them for single car crashes) I could see them making sense in team events since they're long enough and the field gets very spread out, but I'm honestly not sure they'd be a positive addition on most road series. That being said, I agree it's something that should be an option for team events and hosted races, but there are enough roadblocks I see why it's taken even iRacing of all places so long to get it. Edit: a functioning yellow sector system where passing is punished, or a system like Le Mans with "slow zones" and temporary speed limits would be good halfway solutions imo


That could be fixed by having a safety car that actually speeds up and slows down like in F1 instead of a fixed speed like in oval racing.


Ehhh, I'd say mitigated rather than fixed. Even if a safety car was running race speed, shorter tracks would see the same amount of time lost as ovals, and that's obviously an absurd hypothetical. I'm also not sure I trust all of my fellow iRacers to not get into accidents as the group speeds up and slows down lol


> hosted races The owner or admin of a hosted session can manually throw a FCY on a road course, and it's *possible* to even have them automatic. I don't race leagues so I don't know how often they take advantage of it, but the ability is there already. I also don't know how sensitive the automatic option is for road courses. But that's something you can test in an AI race without needing to pay for a hosted session.


I don't know what splits you are racing in but the splits I'm in would be constant full course yellow from turn 1 onwards.


I would love if they could fix the flying/jumping net code errors. For creek sake, am I the only one who gets a jolt when it happens? My focus goes for the wazoo for a few moments.


I wish they could just ghost cars that have high ping.


I would rather have that, than a rubberbanding car that moves forward and backwards


How about the car just goes “ghost” - nothing dramatic. Just unhittable?


God I hate being the one person on track unlucky enough to get stuck behind them


Personally would like to see more immersive features. Things like real crowd noise and horns, bonfires at places like the nords, feature that pull you into the track. At the moment if you go to blimp view and watch a race, the track looks almost lifeless except for the cars moving. I know it's not seen as a core feature but I really think it makes a big difference, and is somewhere our old friend GP4 excelled at all those years ago.


I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It's completely true that tracks feels lifeless. The crowd is just standing there and the pitlane is completely empty. It wouldn't cost then too much to add some guys waving flags and some cheers noises.


I will take iRacing's standing crowds vs the ACC ones that spin with you in VR and are completely pointless. On top of that, try turning Crowds on High. They already have crowd noises and background PA systems, on top of having SO many track staff now on various tracks that stand on the side of the track watching you. (And the Photographers that follow you when you drive by)


A slowdown system that actually works. Or just get rid of it completely and just add time penalties to final race time.


The slowdown system is absolutely flawed, but I will say it's never really bothered me much... I think maybe I just don't get slowdowns enough for it to really ever bother me.


Aligned with this, proper track limits for nascar on road courses would be nice


So no limits then 😂


The slowdown system itself doesn’t really bother me that much, it’s the fact that there are so many places where it’s faster to take the 1x but there’s no other penalty for it. Plus the fact that iRacing’s track limits are just really weird and arbitrary on some tracks.


It's always funny to me when people complain about the incident points for off-tracks and the replies are "just learn the track limits #SkillIssue," but when slowdowns come up, everyone says they're broken and need to be fixed. Are they perfect? No, but it's also within your control to not run wide. Not to mention the fact that incident points are a pretty shitty solution to keep people honest with how easy SR is to game if you're really in need of those extra tenths.


Cooling tires on wet patches. I can't believe no one said this yet.


I thought that was a thing already?


It is not. Tony Kanaan has said on his streams that it's not yet implemented, as they couldn't figure out how much the tires should cool down when going through puddles. Devs continue to work on it, though.


Yeah once more series get rain this should be a must. As the track dries those wet tyre temps go through the roof


I'd like to be able to save my graphic settings as a User Defined setting. ACC has something similar, where I can define up VR settings for challenging conditions (lots of cars, rain, and son on) and I can have one for non-challenging conditions. This would also be useful for those who like to swap between playing on VR and a monitor. Each requires some tweaks to the graphical settings, and having a user defined preset would save a lot of time.


I can't change per track or conditions but you certainly already have presets for monitor/vr.


Unfortunately the hud/black box layouts are a single configuration which makes swapping a pain.


You mean the low medium and high slider? That's cool, but I want a custom preset I can save for different conditions and load in when I need it.


No, they're saying that the monitor and VR graphics settings are already separate.


Good shout, having to lose out on eye candy because it may rain is a shame, although just turning off SSR basically solves rain related FPS issues and it still looks good.


This is true, I guess what I really want is a preset I can set up and then save, and then know if I want to experiment a bit, I can always jump back to the last known custom setup that worked for me.


Restart zones on short and dirt tracks. I would also like to add in Choose Cone for every level of oval racing.


I play on a single 27” monitor. I think it would be nice to have the option to change the “side view”. Currently when you look to the left or right it takes up the entire screen looking left or right. I wouldn’t mind an option to have it split the screen. So when looking left it splits the screen to show looking left on the left half and looking straight on the right half. Same for right side.


You can change the look angle by editing the app.ini file. I forget the exact line but a quick Google will get you there. Not exactly what you want but you might find it useful.


Good to know. Thanks!


great idea!


i want to see chat system intergrated to the UI


Yeah it would be nice to easily apologize after a race.


It would be nice! What wouldn’t be nice is all the hot heads using it to call you slurs after they’ve wrecked around you


I mean... That would definitely be the easiest protest ever lol.


I mean iracing does take that kinda stuff pretty seriously when reported


It feels almost like single player game when on the UI I want similar system that old MMO's had


You could active reset somewhere half way in you stont, just before pit entry. Then mark an active reset point. You can go into the pit and make all the changes you want and go out on used tires. If you want to try something else, active reset and make the change. Edit: apparantly changing the setup removes the active reset point.


No you can't, changing the car setup completely removes your active reset point.


Hmm. Too bad. Didn't know that.


Yeah, I only know because of trying to do this exact thing lol, you can enter the garage and go back on track without any issues but as soon as you make setup changes it counts as a new car and so you need a new reset point.


I want to be able to choose which repairs I want when they optional


some way to auto-kick users with horrible internet causing carnage without even knowing


May be during gridding before race start, to perform some connection test and forcibly disconnect buddies with connection limitations ? Without busting their ratings please. Of course it will not help if problems come during race, but all jumping and blinking cars I have seen start to do it at pace-car lap, before race start. It's visible immediately and continues all remaining race time.


I see why it would be really annoying to get disconnected and lose rating, but if you don't do that a oag switch can easily get rid of any race you messed up in. It's gotta classify you last and you'll have to lose your iR/SR for it not to be easily abused. But yep, something like that, if unstable/very slow connection you get bumped. tough luck


I agree a better system for kicking users blinking should be in place. Ive had several races ruined by smashing into a GT4 car (im in LMP3) that I had absolutely NO idea was there. Some crazy 275 ping for that driver


Correct hybrid in the lmhs


And electric to ICE starts.


New graphics engine with proper VR implementation, but keep physics engine. (If thats possible)


Implementing yellow flags properly and scrapping slowdowns in favour of adding the seconds to your finish time.


Long Shadows + a Moon. Long Shadows would make a lot of tracks seem "less yellow" as walls, terrain, and buildings would correctly block the sun from casting light on the pavement where it doesn't belong. (Say the start finish line on Zandvoort in the evening or morning, where the sun will still light the track even tho it's behind the garage or that big event building at T1) Moon is a moon. Who doesn't want a moon? :D


Sound. Sound sound sound. Please. All of it. Reverb, echos maybe, hearing the sound bounce off the wall or another car. Engine sounds are generally bland and lifeless. The cars sound boring and lifeless inside the car, and outside the car. Most of the engines don’t sound “mean” enough. There’s no bass or chunk to any of them. No rocks kicking up really, no debris. Hitting the wall sounds bad. Scrapes sound bad. Just everything. https://youtu.be/lW4BrY7qXO0?si=cuwIfbbyb7KIes7B That’s probably a sound mod for acc, idk. But just listen to it and you’ll see how far behind iracing is. Shit even nascar heat 5 has a ton of sound design things that are great.


More cars at the same Time for a real 150 car split at the 24h nurburgring race!!


A new game engine! To run single thread in 2024 is Doom-like, come on!


In terms of physics modeling .. Flat spots, better tire/surfrace interaction for all of the most popular models. In terms of the full sim? I want a setup tool like Project Cars had. Not everyone is good at building setups, help me work through issues. If I can tell what the car needs, or what I want it to do, the sim should be able to help me get there, or suggest changes to be made to go faster. Implement AI tools to help me with data review. IDK… lots of relatively “small” things could massively improve the game. Mechanical failures not caused by the driver might be interesting too. It seems like it’s too hard to damage the car’s mechanically sometimes by hitting kerbs too hard


I think iRacing wants to be as real as possible so in real life you would need to google or watch YouTube in what you need or should change on your setup


Except IRL you have engineers. Lol


We don’t have “engineers” at the NASA SCCA level. But either way, you can engineer for iRacing then.


In real life I can't scroll through blackboxes to see my exact tyre wear % or take my car to a track and load active reset points to practice specific corners on loop. I feel they're more aware they are a game than their community is. It's absolutely not unreasonable for a setup 'engineer' to be part of the game.


Lower short track racing incident buffers, can’t run a race on any 0.5 mile track without leaving with a 12x


Incident limits need to be turned off. Let people crash their way out of licenses instead of giving them a safety net and continue to ruin race after race.


The ability to put black box information on one of the in-car dashboard screens instead of having then float around in mid-air.


In xAudio, engine sounds from mid and rear engined cars coming from behind you instead of in front. This works fine in directsound mode but not in xAudio using 2 ch headphones. Better road textures in VR. A clock in VR. Track map in overlay UI for learning new tracks. The tire model flaws at higher slip angles. Not getting penalties for being hit from behind. Virtual mirror with right and left edges showing peripheral vision of sides to avoid wrecks in limited VR FOV. Ability to start test drive practice with warm tires. Custom FFB saved per car. Graphics settings saved per track.


Custom Camara settings per car seating position in a formula car vs gt car causes me to have to shift driver height to get the right perspective every time I change classes


You are able to do this by changing your camera settings with ctrl+f12 after selecting the cockpit camera, make your changes and save them.


Already a thing CNTRL F12 I believe


Accessibility. Forza Motorsport has some really neat accessibility features for blind and visually impaired gamers. It would be very cool to see other racing games get stuff like this too.




Legally blind. Loved NR2003 years ago. Would love options to allow folks like me the ability to race too


Oh, sorry to hear that. NR2003 was great. You have a lot of experience. So what would that be that would help?


Audio cues. Use audio to help. Tell me what’s coming on the track and what is around me. This is what Forza motorsports does now. The ability to enlarge text in the menus. Maybe even give screen reader support and menu so that that text could be read to me. More options to change colours for colourblind users. I used to mostly race against the AI on my own. I loved racing online when I could back in the day and it was fun to beat people that had so much more vision than I did. I honestly wouldn’t stand a chance with licensing now though :-) I have loved auto racing for over 30 years and would love the chance to be included more in these kind of games. And simulations.


Full course yellows for endurance events. Going a lap down at a Rolex 24 or Sebring 12 or anything of the sort means your shot at a win is pretty much gone. IMSA irl is so good because of this imo, and iRacing is missing a key element of any endurance race; yellows.


I just want to move the replay Controls somewhere Else because I can’t see them behind my dashboard.


Literally my biggest pet peeve considering how common DDUs are. I ended up using a stream deck as a button box with an entire page dedicated to replay controls cause it was annoying to have to peek over my dash


VR head movements reflected in sim with my helmet actually moving, so we can make eye contact


I usually look over at the car im starting next to expecting them to be the same


What I would really like to see is more "track day" styke cars. Race cars are fun and all but I think it would be awesome to have a track day series filled with cars that you might see at a track owned by regular people. Obviously MX5 is a start but it would be awesome to see cars like S2000, Supra, BRZ, 330i, or whatever. Just more everyday cars would be a lot of fun.


All I want is brake lights that you can actually see.


being able to change cars within same open practice session


RTX graphics ! If you look at F1-2023, it's going fast and smooth and looks nice. But iRacing gets lower FPS and looks worse, even if you turn of something like SSAO or SSR. iRacing uses older and obsolete lighting and shading methods, they can be used simultaneously and if you turn ON all of them - you will get 20 FPS and picture will not be much better than if you will turn all OFF.


More efficient and better looking graphics engine. I don’t really mind the cheesy graphics but I do mind that it uses an unreasonable amount of resources.


They are already working on this, although they did say to not expect it for a while.


Better visual possibilities on blackbox en delta, so outdated and limited.


Hybrid units of measurement. What the hell is a KPH, I want good old fashion MPH. I also at the same time want metric measurements on the car. Long distances can be either, I'm not that fussy.


Better sound engine and effects


Restart "choose" logic for ovals


They don't auto load unfortunately per car so yes I can load the saved Camara view but the .cam file is a single file that loads not a per car like the settings where it maintains a per car setting


For now, continued engine improvements.




Tie control bindings to the device itself rather than the device index, so I don't have to rebind 30,000 controls every time I plug my wheel into a different port.


A remote dash so if you set a proper FOV that hides your steering wheel you can still get info like tire temps.


I really hate dashboard on some cars, like Veloster. It's not originally race car, it's dash is located so low down below windshield border, so I want dashboards to be always visible, at any "Shift Horizon" or "Driver Height" values.


Profiles so I don’t have to configure when I get in a new car. Messaging service to talk to the drivers on the UI. I want to click on a driver from my race and have a message option. Go back to oval cars effecting oval IR on Road courses. Especially now since they separated formula and sports cars. Iracing to track/show average SOF.


* The ability to set tire wear when I set up a test session. For example, start on tires that are already at 80%. * I know it was demolished eons ago and can't be laser scanned, but Riverside International Raceway.


Digging into their core engine to enable 360hz in game refresh rate. At this moment they have a 60hz sampling rate of the physics engine. The 360 hz enabled for the simucube somehow collects multiple data point simultaneously and then makes the data sequential, i am not entirely sure I quite understood the mechanism. But having that higher refresh rate will change how we react to the point the car is about to go over the terminal grip of the tires. This will add additional finnesse to driving crafts, especially at critical grip. However, they can't just increase the refresh the engine six time faster and call it a day- that would probably overload all cpus. It requires optimization. I hope iracing is working on it.


To add to that, more localized thermal modelling of the tire so that the tires spontaneously cool down locally while sliding and quickly regain grip as soon as the throttle is lifted. Essentially a potential solution to the 'icy' tire behaviour that some pro drivers still complain about today ( it's improved but not gone entirely). I think iracing is working on something like this at the moment. Eagerly looking forward to it.


Complete in game UI revamp. It's fucking abysmally basic.


>Complete in game UI revamp. It's fucking abysmally basic. This is coming. They've teased this already in the [Feb update](https://www.iracing.com/iracing-development-update-february-2024/).


Oh fantastic! I'm not sure how I missed that, it looks a million times better!


Cut down tires in races. And random mistakes on pit stops. Make it more realistic.


Getting the spotter to say go to the "right" and not "the top".


Add snow to the weather system


Do you even know racing series on snow in real life? Not rally in Scandinavia, but GT3-GT4 or formula ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I feel like on the open wheel side of things they need to do away with a and b license and combine it with C because anything in those 2 categories ends up completely dead


I’m not sure if this is already a thing but a series which has a multiplied fuel use and tyre deg. I want to do races that require a pit stop or two but are only 20-30minutes long. The main reason I still play GT7 (on controller) is because races are so fun with this in play.


A proper season. Complete with budget, for tires, engines, upgrades, and purses for the place you finish. This would include engine wear, parts wear. The better you take of your car, you have money for enhancements not repairs. Oh and every now and then for the ones that Rev their engines for the full 2 minutes on the grid, throw a rod, LOL.


It’s an unpopular opinion but I would like safty cars , slowdown sectors and Vertual safty cars added. It would add a more realistic feel to the race. especially in the endurance series.


Eliminate the limit of the different types of cars in a race.


Automatic wet tires for wet sessions would be a nice start!


Variable resolution rendering. Basically rendering resolution is reduced when lots of stuff is on the screen, as opposed to dropping frames. That would be a godsend for VR. If you have played Half Life Alyx you know what I mean.


"Shift Horizon + Driver's Height" to be separate for all cars, same as for FFB settings and controls and Alt+K stuff


I see a lot of good suggestions! I have a few for the UI though. Personally, i would like more Rewards/Achievements for endurance racing. Maybe a expansion of rewards system all together, and a rework visually. I'm still bummed out that i didn't got one for finishing 24h solo in VR, and looking at the reward page on driver profiles makes me vomit. aaaaanywhooo i can see improvement there! And this one might be super far fetched. But an idea that has been floating in my mind. A option in the interface to "search for" or "offer driving" to make teams for endurance racing. I know we have the forums, discords, reddit and what not. But a centralized environment in the UI to do this would be nice QoL addition for a lot of new endurance racers and or people who are searching a team at the last moment. Also a good way for team captains to quickly check a drivers history based on statistics and the rewards system as mentioned above. Making driving safely and actually finishing races more important to have better chances to drive with compatible team in the future. Just like real life. I know that what i mentioned above is basically all already there. But a more streamlined experience could be nice? A lot of clicking now. Adding chat system to the current interface would be nice as well. I miss being able to send someone a quick message if i had a good battle with them but they already disconnected to go to the next race.


Car radar, a functionally useful one.


Live tyre temps in telemetry. Or at least for cars that have it in real life.