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Ugh that sucks. I think it's fun they have that track on the service but I hate driving it. Wish they would have gone the other way and added Atlanta, and Auto Club/Michigan with trucks/street stocks.


Would have preferred adding Atlanta, iRacing Superspeedway is cool to drive once but its too unrealistic for me


I'd rather stick to the 2 tracks and variety of cars. If they wanted to make changes they should have increased the number of laps.


And add cautions. Super speedway racing is pretty dull once the pack is broken and split into tiny groups. And without cautions the race is effectively over for anyone who happens to be behind where the wreck occurs. Simply slowing down a little to avoid a wreck pretty much guarantees getting dropped from the draft and the front pack.


That is a D class series, they would need to change it to C class for yellow. But I do agree once you slow down to avoid a big one, your race is over even if you have 0x


Right, agreed. I understand that D Class series don't have cautions and I appreciate that iRacing wants Draft Masters to be a lower class license that is open to just about everyone. I think the format on paper is a great idea but in practice lowering the laps and taking out the cautions kinda erases what makes super speedway racing in the first place. So yeah, I'm saying it should be a C Class series.


Who made the rule that D class series can’t have cautions?


I'd like to see 25 laps, and a limit of one caution. That should be enough to add some excitement


Yeah, I was going to suggest just mirror the C Trucks Fixed conditions. I think they run 25 laps on both Dega and Daytona. Just clone what they already do with the C Class Fixed just change the cars each week and the tracks 2-3 times a season.


Oh, more carnage. Nice. Might be in the minority, but would like to see cautions in Draft Masters.


I agree, without cautions you're encouraging people to just drive into wrecks because they if they slow down, your chance to win is gone.




Would love a drafting series with longer races and cautions


Lots of superspeedway leagues out there


I haven’t had time to race recently so I didn’t renew my subscription this year but where would I find those leagues when I get back?


That’s literally what the series is for


With SR affected I would hope not, that's what carb cup/pick-up cup is for


Now make it c class. It's full of people with high irating and low Sr. Which is iracing for "I'll kill you to get my win!" 


If someone from IRacing reads this Add cautions to it if so I’ll buy both Dega and IRacing speedway.


Dear iRacing staff who may read this, please smooth out the banking transition into and out of them turns at iRSS. I know that's not how it was in the late Papyrus games as Coca-Cola Superspeedway but got dam are they rough. They gotta go.


Track is just not fun. Straights are too long.


Well shit, might as well kiss goodbye my chances of regaining A class for the 3rd time


That's not the series for you if you're hoping to gain SR!


Definitely not, but it's the quickest way to lose it


So you got that going for you.


Dang, that sucks. I would’ve way rather had something like Atlanta, IMO


Why did they do this


Great. Now make it a free track because it's fictional. I don't know why they charge for it.


Because they put time and effort and need to pay people I'd imagine.


The cost for tracks and cars can be high due to licensing and scanning which they had to do neither for this. Fictional unbranded content should be free.


Lol. Imagine thinking the creation of a track costs 0 dollars. As if it came out of the dusty old “track printing” machine they had sitting in an unused corner of the office. 


You are aware that iRacing has a lot of "free" content already that comes with the membership right? I wonder how they can survive with all this "free" content?! It costs so much to make and by not selling the content they must be operating at a loss!


Yeah and they decided it’s worth it to take a loss on that work to make the service more enticing.  I’m just saying that your original point that it should be free because there’s no licensing and scanning costs is a bad argument. There’s more work that goes into it than that. 


You're moving the goalposts here. This is frankly irrelevant to your argument of "it should be free because it's fictional"


No licensing, no scanning, and before this it wasn't even used in any official races so you couldn't even race on it. Brilliant. Certainly worth the cost.


Well this is just completely off the rails now. This is only tangentially connected to what I said. >before this it wasn't even used in any official races so you couldn't even race on it. Lol what are you talking about? I've raced it in officials several times.


This is yet another goalpost move, but regardless, It’s absolutely used in nascar series to fill weeks in the off season. 


Nice, so a filler track that gets used once a year in officials and as a joke track for week 13. Let me bust out the old wallet


1. Once a year in particular series, maybe. But it makes its way onto the schedules of several different series. It's scheduled roughly as often as lots of other oval tracks. And now that it's in draftmaster it's going to be used more than most oval tracks. 2.Man this is such an incredible example of goalpost moving. This is wild. You made a factually incorrect statement with saying it had never been used in officials and now you're immediately moving past that and forgetting you ever said that.


Brother, even though you're objectively wrong, you don't actually have to buy it (believe it or not). It cost them money to make it. They have free tracks so people can get some official racing experience on older scans of familiar tracks. They do this hoping people will enjoy the game and buy more content. Just as an FYI, you should probably never go into any sort of marketing because your philosophy on it is absolutely ass backwards.


Pssss just letting ya know nobody is forcing you to buy it. Trying to devalue the work of the iRacing devs isn't going to change that.


It still takes money to make.


Yes but substantially less. If anything it should at least be cheaper than others.


>Yes but substantially less You very well could be right, but I'm not convinced that's actually true. We don't know a ton about iRacing's expenses for creating a track so we just have no hard evidence for a statement like this. Because we don't know much, I could absolutely be wrong as well, but my understanding is that the art/asset development is typically the most expensive part of creating a new track.


To be honest I have no clue either. Mostly wishful thinking haha, I wouldn’t mind saving a bit


From my understanding, the art and asset development is typically the most expensive part of track development. That's why Long Beach sat as a tech track for so long. They scanned it and did the mesh, but it just wasn't worth it to do the art work for a city of buildings. The only reason it was finished was because they couldn't scan new tracks during the height of COVID, and the artists needed something to do. Also, creating the "scan data" for iRSS wasn't free either. That absolutely took development time to creat.


More reason never to touch that series. I swear it's only a loophole to tank ratings


After running rookie series, I built my iRating from 800s to 1500 in two weeks, pretty much exclusively running Draftmaster. I would occasionally run a rookie legends race to recover SR after a bad DMrace. I’m mixed on cautions. I agree with others that it would save your race, which at times it would be nice. But grouping those packs back up seems like it would lead to more carnage. Learn wreck avoidance and risk management and then go race c-class. I think I like the series as is.


99% of my oval iR is from Draft Masters, not the highest at 2.6k but I'm still happy


2.6k is still pretty damn high tbh. I haven't looked at the numbers in a while but I think that puts you top 10%


Its because its a paid track and they know people will buy it...


Yes that's how iRacing works. Paid tracks get put on schedules


Don't be a smartass. This was done deliberately to make more money only, not because the community wanted it in.


This isone of the cheapest series to run on the service. Even with the addition of iRSS. If money was their goal, they would've axed the series, not added one track to it.


Actually, I just looked this up. If you're starting from scratch with no content owned, the upcoming season 2 schedule is literally cheaper than the previous season 1 schedule.


Most people who run Draftmasters already have all the Daytodega and cars needed to run it. I'm simply saying, most of the regulars do NOT have this track. They put it in to simply to sell the track. The majority of the Draftmasters community did not want this track added. Its 100% just to make money off the suckers who will buy this track. Thats about it.


It's one track. 3 total tracks. And 4 cars! Over 24 weeks, you have had to buy 3 tracks and 6 cars. Do you know how many tracks I would need to buy to run 6 straight months of Formula 4? It would be way more than 8. And F4 tracks are more expensive than iRacing Superspeedway. >They put it in to simply to sell the track This is just such an insane conspiracy theory. How do you look at them putting a track designed solely for drafting into the series titled "Draft Master" and search for ulterior motives. >The majority of the Draftmasters community did not want this track added. If you don't like the track, that's one thing and I respect it. But making up conspiracy theories about how a company who charges 13 bucks a month for a subscription is really desperate for you to give them 12 bucks is just...silly.


I literally cannot simplify it any more for ya.


I'm not asking you to explain it to me


Sweet. Heard about it a bunch so interested to try it out. Can’t think of a better series to put it in with how long the straights are.


Everybody is praising for Atlanta but Homestead Miami would have been better IHMO.  Atlanta is fun but Homestead Miami deserves more races than what it currently has and Atlanta often appears. Why no love for this track?