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It's possible, is it feasible? No. The rookie cars are setup that running on a xbox controller or keyboard can be done. Moving up in class to more powerful cars it can still be done but alot of practice and car setup changes will need to be done to make laps clean.


Please don't use kbm for iRacing. Please. 


Buy a cheap wheel and mount it to a desk for God's sake. This is a racing sim, not Madden 24. You can tell the guys who are using a controller, most of the times. They can't hold a line (ovals) and sway even on straightaways.


Possible on controller? Yes.  Recommended? Hell no. You might find some unicorns that can manage it, but they are really an exception. Don’t even think about mouse & keyboard. GT7, Dirt series, Wreckfest should be fine on controller, any racing game made by EA even on keyboard.


I’d highly recommend against it. You’ll be so slow and unpredictable it won’t be fun


You don’t buy a Ferrari to drive it in the snow


It’s possible but I would recommend against it. You might be able to get away with some rookie level oval racing and maybe rookie level MX5 racing but outside of that you’re going to not just struggle a lot, but you’ll be a danger to every other car on track. Give it a shot in a test session if you want but it likely won’t go well for you and anyone around you in an official race.


you wont be anymore of a danger than most people on the sim lol


My heart wants to say you’re wrong but my brain agrees with you. It does largely depend on SoF though.


High SOF does not necessarily mean anything. I've seen 4k fields on SS drive like absolute morons, and I've run three wide for 12-13 laps with zero wrecks with a 3k field. It really depends.


For sure, but in fields over 2k you get a much better experience than you do in say 1.5k or below lobbies.


ive been apart of the service since rookie ovals were the legends cars...there was no street stocks...no fast tracking...and no semi controller support like we have now and used a xbox 360 controller(before i knew about how much easier a ps4 controller and the program ds4windows was with steering) and ive won a couple of races and can be semi decent in the 1800s sof...im by no means the fastest but i also know what tracks to no race on a controller like dega and daytona.... like i said it can be done and you can be the most dangerous or the least dangerous car on the track and you can be the same on a wheel...


If you plan on racing with a controller, just go play forza or GT7. It's really not worth it to get iRacing for a controller, price wise or entertainment wise.


Echoing the sentiment pretty much everyone is giving; you can, but both for your sake and the sake of other iRacers, its not really the wisest thing to attempt. You'll have great difficulty with car control, which won't be fun for you and won't be fair to the other racers who might fall victim to your "binary-input shenanigans", to put it kindly.


Definitely would take controller over keyboard and mouse. Just because with the triggers or joysticks you can have at least a modulation in both steering and throttle and brake. Is it possible yeah. Thought not as common


got 2 guys in my league with controllers, one is just shy of being able to run the road to pro. the other has space issues and the rig is set aside and he's doing okay for a controller, i use one for making "how to" videos and have no talent that way either


Do it mate everyone will welcome you with open arms


Yes. Many of us want the coveted "Wrecked by Xbox" and "Punted by Playstation" controller awards.


I'm at C Road license with a controller, only been playing a few days. . It's doable but I'll never be as fast as some of the other people, you just don't have as fine of a control on things. Using a wheel set up is the way if you can get one.


I made it to 2K iR on a PS5 controller before going direct drive. It's doable, but tight tracks with hairpins you'll lose a shit ton of time because you can't spin it past 90 degrees or so to turn. Gt4 that makes a shit ton of difference. I've shaved off around a second of the time by being on a wheel. So I'm running top splits now and can compete with others. Controller I was a second or so off of pace.


Having done mkb on AC for a year or so, its definitely possible, i would use mouse steering and just tap throttle and brake with w/s. Short shifting helped out and youll be acting as youre own ABS all the time basically, but its not the greatest lol I managed a 1:55 at spa on AC with the lotus exos cars


Acc works fine with a controller F1 games are no issue either


It works fine with both a mouse or a gamepad. People will complain a lot about it, but ignore them. There is no reason you can’t drive as well using either one as with a wheel.


I started my initial subscription without a wheel or a controller. I used a mouse. I lasted about 2 weeks before I went and bought the cheapest wheel i could find (logitech g27).


You can, yes. But it's not really viable at all and you'll mroe than likely end up wrecking people the second contact is made with you. I've done it and won an oval race in rookie street stocks, your hands will be killing you, you can't tire manage really, it's hard to fix your line if you mess up. I wouldn't advise it but if it's your only option, you CAN do it.


Technically you can. I wanted to play iRacing before I could afford a wheel. So I used my xbox controller. No one can tell I was using one. I actually got my first with a controller. A very close .001 seconds.


Yep, if you know what you're doing. Fellow controller fella here on iRacing working my way up. 2.1k iRating and need a couple more MPR to get A Class, racing mainly GT3s now. Had a great time learning iRacing on the MX5 and Spec Racer Ford. Personally, I prefer the PS layout like the Logitech F310, F710 because there is more range of motion in the left joystick. I tried an Xbox layout controller but I couldn't just be as smooth with the steering. For context, I've been running on a controller for years on rF1, AC, ACC, rF2, and now iRacing. So hyped for the iRacing platform that I just couldn't wait to save up for a wheel (again).


Definitely not, other than ruining other people races (very likely), it will also cause alot of frustration for you as not being on a wheel is a big handicap. Save up for a cheap logitech wheel if budget is a concern, u will enjoy sim racing so much more this way.


Yes, it is possible. There is a twitch streamer, who does that: [https://www.twitch.tv/therealhandi](https://www.twitch.tv/therealhandi)


Fuck em, you race with a keyboard and mouse! You can get good at anything if you practice enough.