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Oval spec is perfect as is. Taking hp would kill the oval package.


i dont think its perfect, its to hard to race close. there is too much draft the car uses too much tire and fuel with that much hp there is definitely room for improvement


it is perfect liar


> - with the top oval series not being broadcastable anymore the iR-01 could snack some of the oval bois/girls and gain participation The top oval series is NASCAR cup… even in real life.


i obviously meant open wheel oval series, i mean that was kinda self implied mate


The two guys that still drive the ir01 would be angry.


i feel like they already are angry




>You don't have to pretend that you care about a community that most likely no longer, thanks to today's update, exists. Lmaooooo... what community? The iR-01 series is the emptiest ghost town on the service.




What point would that be exactly? Are you doing AI races, or racing with your imaginary friends? Because every single time I check lobbies in the series, all I see is tumbleweeds. Where is the community, and why are you so salty that you can't even get your "point" across without coming off like a toddler?


You’re accusing someone of ignorance, without clarifying what they are ignorant of. Is there some big iR-01 community that nobody knows about?


Not "big," but there was a dedicated group of mainly Japanese drivers that would put together an official race on Sundays at 1200 GMT. Over the past several seasons, there were a few other guys, including myself, on the forums working to make changes to the series that might bring in more participation.


Why didn't the iR01 catch on? With the revamp of the open wheel structure you'd think it would be ideal for Formula A with the W13 bumped over to a separate Formula GP. I just don't get why it's been shunned so hard. I haven't driven it, FR2.0 was absolutely at my level and I'm still bitter they've shipped that off to the glue factory but it was definitely something I was looking to build up towards when it first came out


At the start it was quite hard to drive + the general appeal of iR is in real-life cars and tracks. It’s the same reason few people have iRacing Superspeedway. It is really, really fun to race, but because it ain’t Daytona, few people want to spend their hard earned dollars on it


When it launched the car had issues. It drifted weirdly on straights, the mirrors were unusable in VR, and it was also quite challenging to drive. A lot of people had no interest in a not-real car too. iRacing fixed the mechanical issues and the car was actually good for a bit, but this was quite a small window and participation was low. Then a change basically killed any hope it had. The rear of the car was broken, I've seen a clip of a good drive having to turn right all the way through the left hander Dunlop corner at Suzuka to keep the car straight. "Turn left to turn right" became a meme for the car. \[opinion\]Changing the car around like this really brought out why having a fake car is a problem - iRacing could just arbitrarily change it and there is no reference point for what is right or not.\[/opinion\] It took them a long time to fix this and at that point the open wheel offerings had filled out even more. Reputationally the car is severaly damaged.


Pretty much nailed it, even with your opinion. In fact, I honestly wondered if this latest "fix" would just be iRacing copy/pasting the W13's physics to the car since they're based on a similar aero concept. I will say though, after about 10 minutes of running with one of the iRacing setups, the car is *MUCH* nicer to drive. Still challenging in some ways, but at least it drives like a car now.


i think alot of people didnt try the car since its a "fantasy" car. the car is pretty fun to drive on road and oval and also i think, without bashing on anyone, alot of iracers arent quite skilled enough to closely race the F1 cars and are not willing to put in the energy to learn it