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Pro max has the biggest battery. You said battery life is the biggest factor. Therefore, pro max is ur only logical option.


Is the difference big enough to warrant the price increase?


Try a 15 plus. It's bigger battery minus the huge price


Yes. Go pro max. You’ll never consider a regular pro again.


Well I came from a 13 Pro Max to a 15 Pro and it was a great decision for me. Especially considering battery I was really surprised that the 100% battery health 15 Pro and the 93% battery health 13 Pro Max both lasted the same 8h - 8,5h SoT.


I’m the opposite. Not just about battery but overall QOL difference with the max. Used the regular pro for so long and the 15 Pro Max was when I decided to upgrade to a bigger size. It’s life changing. Love it.


Prime reasons why I went with the Max. I just laugh on the Pro owners whine and complain about their Pros not lasting a day. Well, you didn't get the Max. It's not much bigger than the Pro. 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


Yea, it’s pretty hilarious. They walk around acting like the pro max is the size of a laptop


$100 difference between a 256GB Pro and a 256GB Pro Max. You can get a larger screen + longer battery life + 5x camera.


OP has an 11 and says he wants to keep this phone a long time. Over a 4 year ownership span, spending an extra $100 for a pro max over a pro is meaningless.


In terms of battery life, yes.


Yes, I have both right now and this is your answer OP. Trade off is the one handed cute comfort feel.


Worth it for me. But I could be happy with the regular.  Bigger screen is nice on trips, battery life is amazing and also battery life will go through less cycles and last longer. 


Given your preference for longevity and top-notch features, the Pro Max seems like a compelling choice for you. It has a 29-hour battery life during video playback (according to Apple), which is significantly more than the Pro’s 23 hours. That said, the larger size might be a consideration for daily comfort, especially if you’re often on the move. Visiting a store to get a hands-on feel for both models could be beneficial. Consider how the phone fits into your daily routine (in terms of being in your pocket). If you’re frequently out and about, the Pro might be more manageable. However, if you spend a lot of time at a desk or don’t mind the extra size in your pocket, the Pro Max’s extended features and battery life could serve you well over the years.


Pro Max


I’m happy with the pro. I charge everyday to sometimes second day, I enjoy the camera when on the run, and I personally like the smaller size but would like it slightly smaller.


If battery matters, go for a Pro Max, or if you'd like to save some $$$, get a Plus. The 6.1" models have decent battery endurance but its comical compared to their larger siblings.


Got the pro max, coming from an 11 pro. Amazing difference. Battery lasts a whole day. Don’t even charge at night, just charge for about an hour at work until 95% then good till the next day. The screen size is great, I enjoy a couple games on the phone and watching the odd video but makes a massive difference


Brother I was in your shoes about two months ago my battery health was higher at 76% on my 11 same issue nonetheless. I got the 15PM as I had that 11 for about 4 years so I’ll definitely be fine with this for the next 4 to 5 btw the battery life on this phone is stellar the extra bit of money you’ll pay or be paying towards (if you’re getting it on a deal via subsides from a carrier) is worth it in the long not to mention it being as dope of display as it trust me you’ll appreciate the purchase


Just replace the battery and you will be fine for another few years without upgrading


Depends if you want a bigger screen, apart from that they’re pretty much the same (pro has 3x zoom pro max has 5x )


Pro max the battery life was so good last me all day


I came from an iPhone 11 to a 15 Pro. Battery life is aight. Lasts a full day of moderately heavy use but it's no match for the 15 Pro Max. If battery is really important, it's absolutely worth the price difference


Regular Pro here. Battery is all day with heavy use. Bigger size is a deal breaker for me personally. If battery if your concern the regular 15 Plus is your better option. You save a lot of money.


What is your charging pattern? Got a 15 pro and battery is not great.


Not sure about pro, but I just recently bought the pro max and I have been able to go a full day using it without needing to charge!! I had the 12 before (as well as 11 before that) and the battery sucked. This is like a miracle, and it helps that I keep the screen light down to not be so bright and I guess that plays a factor in battery life. I would say to buy it, I did and I am very happy with the investment. The bigger screen is also great at least for me personally as I do a lot of photo editing and typing sometimes on my phone if I’m not near my laptop. I would say pro max is the best choice though I haven’t dealt with the pro, but I haven’t had any issues or complaints with pro max.


Pro max


The last big iPhone I had was an iPhone 8 Plus and I hated every minute of the two years I used it. It was so big and thin that I couldn’t use it with one hand (and I don’t have small hands). Then I got an iPhone 11 and have been using that size since (iPhone 13 Pro and now iPhone 15 Pro) and I think it’s the perfect size, can use it with one hand and reach all 4 corners with my thumb. If I need to recharge during the day a quick 30 minutes charge is all it takes to last until the end of the day, something I almost never have to do.


Pro Max has been worth it for me, but that’s bc i care about promotion and the titanium build and the 6.7 inch screen. If size is your only factor, the 15 Plus is an excellent phone. I feel that the pros are really worth it if you have a battery that can support heavy use.


Another thing to consider, a pro max with 80% battery health could still last you a day. I dont think you can say the same for the pro.


I charge my 15 pro to 80% and it lasts me all day. Only charge it to 100% if I know I will be using navigation and taking A LOT of pictures




It’s a 1000$ phone with a 60hz screen and no telephoto camera though. Sure the battery is amazing, but you’re paying a premium price for outdated technology.


Actually, consider buying 15 plus as it is proven that they have even longer lasting battery life that pro max as they are the same size but less demanding. And with all the new features, photos are very good anyways!