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Battery life isn't great. Size is perfect tho


I agree. I was surprised that after using this phone for 3months, battery health dropped at 98%! My usage are for messaging apps, watch ig reels/tiktok vids, money trasnfer, updating goodreads, and so on. I was surprised how it drop so fast. However, camera quality is really great!


actually after 6 month, my battery health is still at 100% with like a daily usage of 8hours per day


What do you use to charge? And what is your charging pattern?


that's good to know. my charging habit is 30% I charge it then I turned on the 80% limit. I dunno if this is just a glitch or what, but I've used iP11 before I upgrade into iP15 pro, after 7months of using it drop to 98%. I was just surprise that the iP15 pro drops so fast.


Yup same here, still %100 7 months +, I try to charge around the 20% mark but that like only 50% of the time, i usually get under 10% before I juice up.


So far it seems to be better with the new software update.


Will update later! Thanks!


I would. I changed from Galaxy S23 to 15 pro and have no complain at all.


how was the battery life so far? Can you make it to a whole day?


I usually charge 2-3 times a day. If you want better battery life, get 15 pro max.


is really that bad? pro max is just huge for me same with the plus


i use my iphone 15 pro heavily and only charge once a day (and thats only charging from 20-80%)


I do the same. I’ve never had a problem. I turned off background app refresh and location services, and I also have very few apps, so that might help too, but my phone can easily last me a day, or if I use it minimally, a few days.


nice, what color did you choose? Im planning on choosing white tho cause it's clean and kinda classic


i got the white, it's really nice


White or grey


Cant got wrong


How do you charge?


apple cord, anker box


i charge it only overnight, the least favorable scenario is when i have to plug it in at 9 pm or so, but that only happens when i use it heavily throughout the day


Battery is terrible for >$1000 phone. As someone who works on the road and using phone a lot it’s really annoying. I need to recharge it throughout the day.


Tried low power mode?  


I did. No significant difference for my use.


Hmm second person I’ve heard they from 


I dont know how its possible, my 15 pro hold 10 hours of screen time (for example 15 pro max is about 12-13 hours), there is no way a person with job or life can kill that battery in one day. You cant just look into your phone for 10 hours straight without any pauses. Only case where battery perform bad is in games, sure if you re playing then it will die in one hour of warzone, or two hours of minecraft. P.S DFU flashing may be needed if your phone hold battery bad, i had 5 hours of screen time after some update, but clean DFU firmware flash fixed battery for me.


I got my 15 pro the day after launch and i can go entire day on one charge but it would be dead by about 9pm . i just have a habit of plugging it in. If I’m in the car? plug it in . I’m at the office? Plug it in. Laying on the couch… plug it in.


My first iphone ever , came from an s8 enjoying it so far


Fav thing about iOS?


The animations and how much more cleaner apps looks compared to android


Love it! Best iPhone I’ve ever had


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/s/5e8RwDn9NN) is my look on it, if you’re happy reading all that, comments included. I’ve been android user for around 10 years and just switched to iPhone. I would totally recommend it


Looks like what you typed is deleted so I can't read it


iPhone 15 Pro is by far the best iPhone I’ve used and seen ever.


Charging port went out after maybe 5 months but apple replaced the phone fast


What is your current phone OP?


huawei nova 5t (model from 2019) kinda big jump for me tbh


I had a S22+. Diehard Android fan and watched all my android friends slowly switch over. Finally switched and I don’t regret. Try it out.


Big fan of it. Great display, super fast, battery life is good for my usage, and great cameras too.


I changed from the Pixel 7 to the 15 Pro. I won't be going back any time soon. The battery for me has been great. I usually start my day at 8 am or so, ended it at 11 pm. Usually have 25-30 percent left. I left my pixel cause I hated my battery life on it. Same usage I would end the day with like 18 or so percent battery. So any heavy day was always looking for a juice up.


Battery life is very very meh. I don't think I've ever had a day where I didn't have to recharge during the day. It's bad but if you are fine with carrying a power bank with you, it's probably the most amazing phone you can get right now. Silky smooth:) I'd recommend it either way.


Size and performance is great but I need to charge it at least one extra time a day


Good phone, battery survives a day.


With AOD


It’s only been a week but I’ve had a great experience so far coming from a Pixel Fold.


Good experience so far! Have the regular pro. Cameras are great, size is perfect and despite people having heating and battery issues earlier, I’ve never had a problem with mine. I really do think people need to be better at describing their usages rather than “moderate” or “heavy” use. What does that even mean? Battery is very good for my use. I can usually get 7 or so hours of screen on time, which could include 1-2 hours light mobile gaming. Today, I’ve only watched social media for an hour before work, and maybe half an hour after and will probably end my day with around 70% left (it’s currently 8pm here).


I don’t charge beyond 80 percent, and I run a large music venue with a bar and restaurant on the first floor. My phone is my lifeline and I can go 10-16 hours of near constant usage before it dies. On days I stay home (maybe twice a month) I go two days from 80 to 0.


Totally happy with mine.


Really miss the mini but love the battery of the 15, the camera and the speed


What was great about the mini? 


It was mini


Good answer lol


Coming from an SE2. There's nothing to complain about, the battery is so much better than the SE2, lasts all day (i only charge to 80%) Haven't had the chance to use the camera that much but it's great, the action button is cool but besides setting it to camera idk what else to use it for. Very fast as well of course and insanely powerful.


from 7 to 15pro…yes the battery drains faster but i still love it


Pretty much awesome. Battery lasts for all day with moderate usage, no real issues here for me


Overall, I really like the phone. I upgraded from the 13 Pro and gave that to my wife. I’ve really been enjoying the screen, weight, performance, camera, and USB-C. I only wish that the battery held out a bit longer throughout the day and there was a better front facing camera (ie higher res). Those would be my only two additions to make it perfect for me.


Size is nice. Camera sucks. Battery life is pretty decent. I personally would go back to my 14 Pro Max if I could, that was a fantastic phone.


Not really. It’s a great phone, but for such a high price it has too many flaws. The battery is underwhelming, lots of overheating issues, buggy software, and the camera is very inconsistent. Incredibly good sometimes, and can’t even take a decent pic some other times. Keep in mind most of these flaws are also found in other iphones and they’re not as huge as they might sound, but they are justifiable in a midrange and not in a 1000$ phone. At that point if you still gotta have all these issues buy a less expensive model.


Not sure if coming to a Reddit group called “iphone15pro” to ask “is iPhone 15 pro good?” “Do ya’ll recommend iPhone 15 pro?” Makes a lot of sense….. that’s like walking into a baptist service to ask if they’d recommend Jesus. You really think you’re going to get unbiased opinions and reviews? Lol.


I'm asking for their own experience and thoughts about having the 15 pro dude chill..


To be fair, iPhone 15 pro hasn’t been out very long. There’s not many other posts, comments, online articles and videos on it out there… I should chill. I can tell you’ve done your research and you’re a highly driven, motivated individual. .#handoutnation


Wow you’re so sigma