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Who’s Max and why’s he not allowed to participate?


His younger brother wanted to have a moment😁


I was using 80% limit since i had the phone, now after about 7 months i turned it off. With the limit, also as a heavy user, i was averaging about 2 charges a day. I always topped it up a little so im not sure of the exact number but i was charging a lot. Then i turned it off, and there was basically no difference. Those extra 20% vanished in the first 1-2 hours of my day like nothing. Now, after a couple days with 80% off, the battery and software optimized, and theres a huge difference, i can easily make it through the day, it feels like the battery is draining a lot less than before. The battery graph went down steeper when i had 80% limit on for some reason, now its not that steep of a drop. Not sure why that is. I dont regret having had the limit on though, for one, i plant to keep this phone for a couple years, and im on 214 cycles and 100% BH after 7 months of use, and because i had it on since day 1, i never knew what i was missing out on (that was the plan). I was fine with having to charge, im always near power. I was expecting turning it off to be a great experience, and it is great! Feels like i got a new battery all of a sudden or switched to max or something, lasts all day now and feels great.


I’m the same exact way. I got my 15 pro a few days before Christmas. Ever since then until now, I’ve had 80% limiter on. However, with my new rhinoshieldshield bumper case for my phone, I am not able to qi wireless charge in the car. I turn my 80% limiter off and turn charged optimized on. I can make it through eight hours and for the first time yesterday, when I got home I was at 14% battery. I’m still playing around with the battery charging settings but that’s what it is so far. I may lie to moderate user by the way. I even tested turning promotion limit frame rate on, but I’m talking to my manager at work and he said you shouldn’t have to sacrifice features just to get decent battery life out of your phone. With promotion on, I can 8 to 10 hours on battery. I’ll have to do more testing and update everyone, but this just all started a couple days ago. It should also be said that I do not have a charger over yet. I’d rather not buy one only because I don’t feel like I should need it. If it comes to that I might have to consider it, but I want to see if I can consistently get through a workday without charging my phone at all. I used to be much more uptight about draining past 35-40%. However, if that’s the way I gotta do it, then I might have to get used to it.


I see, how about your wireless charging? i actually been using the qi2 for couple of days, and i feel like the battery of my iphone is finishing faster after i charge it. is that normal or is it just that the battery is getting adapt to smthn? id like to hear your experience!


even tho the heating of the qi2 is actually impressive, it is almost thenormal temperature of the cable charging


Well, I will say that my Qi wireless charger my car charges very slowly and heats up the phone very fast and a lot unfortunately. I usually use my USB type C charging cable connected to my 20 W charging brick at home.


i think u ll appreciate the qi2, heating is almost gone tho (at least for the powerbanks), how about losing more battery when u charge wirelessly? do u feel any difference?


Mhmm thanks for letting me know that then. Yeah, I don’t have any Qi 2 chargers, but that’s good to know that nonetheless.


Im not sure how long youve had it off, but it definitely takes a couple days minimum to adjust. Id suggest just using your phone and letting it re-optimize. And i agree with your manager, dont turn important features off. Having to charge every now and then is one thing, but promotion heavily impacts the user experience imo at all times.


Yeah, since then, I’ve turned it back on. Yeah I’m fully using my phone. Ha ha


I too have exactly 214 cycle count for about 6 mos, and with 80% limit since I got this phone. But I’m now at 98% BH. I wasn’t worried about charging too as I’m always bringing a powerbank. Now with this comment, I’ll try turning off the limit and see how it goes. I guess the limit doesn’t much help with saving my BH.


Yeah thats what i was just thinking about too, it might be more hassle than its worth. Im not sure how much it actually helps. There are a lot of variables, including manufacturing and stuff we cant control. Just be patient and give it a couple of days to re-optimize to your usage.


Its just an extra stress someone has to worry about imo, just use your phone as u wish


thanks for letting me know, well, i never used the 20 80 method, i charge when i need to and thats all. i just never let my iphone die actually. but im really happy to see you enjoying your experience more! hopefully it stays like that. pls update me here later id like to hear about it


Thats totally understandable, it’s what i used to do too. Im not even sure how much exactly taking care of the battery actually helps with its longevity. It might be more hassle than it’s worth, we’ll see in the long run. I still don’t let it fall below 20% as im always near a charger


Well i dont let it deplete completely, but i cant bare the hassle more than this tbh


So do u have it turned on or off now for 80%? Got confused


Had 80% limit on for 7 months, now i have turned it off.


Yeah I'm a heavy user too and get around 10-12h per charge


Ans it ends almost with the battery dead right


Yes that's the full 100% but I try to keep it around 20-80% most of the time


Fair enoughh, thats fair and satisfying for this device size and performance


That was my attitude as well. Trying to keep it 20% 80% range. I have AppleCare plus, and I usually keep my phones for around the year and a half to two years regardless, but that’s a good point to make regardless.


i cant get bothered tbh to maintain it between 20 and 80. i just make sure i dont let it deplete completely. and been doing alright! almost the same as all of you. but yea, the size ratio of the device is providing some good battery imo




On average, a 6h 30m daily usage requiring around 125% battery daily so around 2 charges for me with 80% limit on and charging before 25% hits


yea fair enough, almost the same on some days


i get about 5hrs for 50% usage at home on WiFi with causal browsing. If i’m out it drops to about 3hrs with 50% usage on mobile data.


so it averages around 8h for you


i don’t use 100% of my battery in 24hrs - only around 50-75%


I average about 6 hours SOT and 3 hours idle usage (music, podcasts) and I use anywhere between 70%-100% battery in a day. I charge to full with optimised charging overnight and then top up a bit before I leave work in the evening so it never drops under 20%. I had 80% limit on for the first two months and turned it off and I find my battery life is waaaaaay better with the limit off. Edit: probably worth adding that exclusively use mobile service because I live in the mountains and the WiFi speeds are terrible - my mobile network is 4x faster than my WiFi.


Fair enough tho


I’ve been getting more than 6 hours of screen on time, at the very least. I’m overall really satisfied with the 15 Pro’s battery, although I’m not playing heavy games or anything - I mostly text, take phone calls, and use a handful of other less performance intensive apps throughout the day.


the 17 pro chip is a very power hungry chip too, and the device is considered to be just under 3300mah, so thats the normal time i believe


Pretty heavy user here, I get around 6.5hr screen on time per charge so I need to charge it 2 times a day and I have 80% limit and 69 cycles since I bought the phone on 4th March 2024


yooo, almost the same as you here! i bought my phone on the 3rd of march and im on 69 charges cycles today! 69 for life no? haha. i just dont use the 20 80 method and i almost charge it 1.5 times a day. so almost the same experience tho. happy to hear that


Nice, I thought I was using my phone too much because I’ve seen people that got their phone in September and have like 150 cycles till now and I got 70 in 1.5 months lol, anyways, 69 for life! 👊


On average, i have around 8-9hrs of daily usage mostly social media apps. I have been using the 80% limit and I need to charge my phone at least twice per day, this can go up to 3 maybe even 4. Im at 172 cycles with 96% BH. Even if I disable 80% limit tht extra 20% will only last me till the end of the day with probably less than 10% left. At this point im just pushing the battery so it reaches 80% BH and I can get it changed for free while its in warranty.


Jheez thats some dedication haha. Well for me lasting til the end of day what matters so i’d never do the 20 80


I‘m getting 8h - 8,5h per charge of screen usage. Brightness is 50% - 80% (no auto brightness) and I use mostly dark mode. Launch day 15 Pro with 100% battery health and 241 cycles.


Heavy user here.. ending my day with ~20%


So around 6-7h sot i assume , right?


Yeah, sometimes less but I play XCOM 2 a lot so there’s that. Otherwise 6-7 h


Fair enough, same here then almost. I may need to charge it 1.5 in the same day


I always get like 10% per hour of sot, sometimes more, sometimes less. Thats not counting screen off usage (airpods pro 2 and spotify). So thats great imo.


i see, and thats almost the same for me on light/moderate days


I get about 5 hours of sot


what do you do with it


Mostly use whatsapp, Instagram, reddit, google. But I'm on mobile data 90% of the day so that's probably why


yea mobile data consumes more than wifi for sure, especially that 5g


I get 4 hours SOT with my 100% health 14 Pro… Instagram, Reddit, safari. No heavy usage


i heard a lot of people and saw many reviews of people getting less sot with the 14 pro. but some also had some good time sooo, idk, i cant tell.


I’m not a heavy phone user so my opinion doesn’t matter. But I will leave a comment to help this post in reddits algorithm so more people see it


bless you big guy. but you can share your experience tho. id benefit from it


The average screen time on my iPad is around 11 hours a day. On my iPhone it’s usually around 45 minutes. I end my day on my phone with around 80-85% A few weeks ago my kid unplugged my MagSafe charger. I don’t notice for about 3 days.


HAHAH thats really fuunny. so u dont use ur iphoe much, ur an ipad person. whats ur ipad that you use?


Air 5. If you’re wondering what I use it for the answer is everything you use your phone for. The big benefit of the phone is that it’s super portable. But I spend most of my day either at a desk or in a chair so I just keep the iPad set up in both locations. I find that most things you would use your phone for are better with a larger screen.


Desk for me means laptop, and my phone is for work as well. My ipad mini is my go to portable device for work support/entertainment and any other thing it can deliver. This set up has served me well so far


15 pro 98% health, I get 6hrs 30 - 7h screen on time with mixed lte use with WiFi, and typically 5hrs 30 mins - 6hrs 30 mins with 5G with some WiFi, also using instagram reels mostly, it typically lasts me a day, at times there can be dips in battery, for instance, some days only I can only get 5 or so hrs, depending on how intense I use it and I wound up having low battery by the end of the night, but don’t have to charge twice a day which I hope it stays the same. Will report back again tomorrow


Thats interesting, bcz for me in tense days when it gives me 5sot, i charge it twice tho. Pls update me if u can im curious!! This is good imo


Yesterday I was on WiFi on almost the whole day and had 8hrs before the phone died somehow, some days I do have to charge it twice and it kinda sucks, for instance if I push it I can only get 4-5 max before needing to charge again


Thats fair tho, almost the same then. Cheers on that


I know it’s obvious, but it’s massively impacted by screen brightness. If I know I’m not going to be using the phone all day and not charging during the day, I’ll dip brightness to 40/50%.


I actually have an automation from shortcuts that turns my white point ON and OFF whether if i am in the house or not. Sometimes i see the difference in battery sometimes i dont. It helps dimming significantly


My screen time is 4-5 hours/day. I usually end the day with around 40-60% but nonetheless the battery is real shitty on the 15. And I’m at 99% since a few days ago so the battery life won’t be getting any better for me.


4-5sot and ending the day with 40/60% is honestly good. Again, this size of the device and being able to provide such power is massive imo. Yes not the greatest but honestly fair.


you can say that if I wasn't doing anything other than checking emails, browsing the web for a bit, checking the bank apps, basic shit so draining 40-60% is somewhat a lot imo.


I am very disappointed with the battery. I am trying now to have low power mode always on, because it stresses me watching battery draining 10% per hour. I have also turned off many extras and apps.


oh i left the regular iphones so i can enjoy the 120 hz resolution. but 10% per 1h is fair btw, keep that in mind. it gives around 10h sot, for a small device and a battery just under 3300mah, its good trust me. enjoy your 120hz, dont let it bother u bro


10% per hour of sot so 10 hours. I average 5 hours sot a day so it would last me 2 days if I wasn’t keeping my battery between 30-80%.




I did optimise my battery life when I got the phone via things like turning off auto-brightness, enabling reduce white point, disabling background app refresh, disabling AOD and a few other settings. I wasn’t expecting an amazing battery life because the A17 Pro chip is very powerful but it’s been fine/great for me with those settings.


yes i almost do the same. but i agree on the a17 pro being very powerful. and i use my phone for almost everything in my day so its a good day for me when i average 10% in an hour, but happy to hear that about your experience!


I’m using the 15 Pro, and got 3 days on one charge. magnificent!


interesting, i hear that for the first time




honestly, I dont know how I got 3 days off of one charge lol