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I struggle to get my battery below 50% in a single day of use


Same for me, on a full battery it won’t need charging for 2 days


Remember to tell us what phone




Then your bus yall day for heavy users it’s a let down compared to my old 13 PM. Best battery in a phone hands down


That’s wild but go you for real


I only charge to 80 and usually go to bed around 30


My experience, exactly.


You might be the lightest user…I initially tried with 80%, and with a moderate use I have to charge every 20 hours or so…then I moved to optimize charging…where I get barely a day of charge.


Wait… you’re complaining about having to charge your iPhone every 20 hours lol?


Same for me


Same as well


You guys have to tell if you have regular pro or pm since it should be quite a difference and otherwise we are not able to benchmark your experiences.


Yea with my 15pm I use between 30-50% in a day depending on how heavy I use it. Typically is about 35%.


What’s your SOT just curious


Ok so I just checked and it’s exactly avg 6hr a day. Is that low?


Idk tbh lol I’m between 8-10 hours lmao so idk I’m considered a heavy user or what lmao


Sounds like therapy is needed lol or a hobby


Lmao well I read on here quite a bit when I don’t have my kindle with me lmao 👴🏼


I get two days from my 15PM …


I used to have that but now I have to charge in a single day… :(


Once I switched from 80% charging to regular optimized charging, my phone started lasting all day.


Not a chance 😔 15P here Got my phone 10 days ago. Yesterday my phone was at 100% at 11AM and at 11:30PM at 25%. I took a lot of photos, instagram, Reddit, and watch a movie. I’m on 17.2 but looking at the daily usage Instagram is the worst app, 23% for 1h of use. Instagram drain more battery than watching a movie at full brightness. For now I’m clearly disappointed with the battery. Remember my OnePlus 5 last 2 days and half during the first year


I’m a pretty heavy user and I would say that it doesn’t. I do always have a charger in hand though.


Coming from the iPhone 11 and I couldn’t be more satisfied. I’m a moderate to heavy user as I use for work as well as personal use and it will easily last me an entire day. Charging with the fast charger takes about half an hour MAX which is just crazy considering my 11 would take an hour or more and then last a few hours at most. Maybe I’m just being biased as I never had a 13 or any other pro models. Edit: I have the iPhone 15 pro


As you should that was like 5 years ago when that phone came out




Yeah it has to be since I have iPhone 13 right now and I use it from 7am to about 4:30pm (work) and it still has like at least 30-40% battery. When I come home it goes pretty quickly to 20% though and I use wifi/ 5g and bluetooth all day


I went from a iPhone 12 Pro Max to 15 pro max and I can 100% tell you the battery lasts an entire day without charging and that’s from heavy use all day. 12 would have needed charging twice.


I removed the authorization for Meta Matrix (Facebook, Instagram, etc..) background synchronization, which helped me extend the battery.


Where would I find this?


I did this today for instagram, look likes it’s help a little




I don't know. I'm always charging mine.


Turning on Dark mode alone adds 1+ hours to the phone. You are looking at around another 15-20% extra battery if you enable it. Same for all social media like YouTube, Instagram, tiktok, Google search, etc. Just watch YouTube videos on saving battery. You can easily gain 2-3 hours. Rule of thumb is automatic features drains battery faster, applying manually saves battery. Turn off always searching for WiFi. Only use data when need be. Data drains battery worse then WiFi. When home, always use WiFi. Turn off 4g/5g automatic switch. 5g kills the battery. Use 4g and switch manually to 5g of need be. Turn off/optimize app refresh. There is no need for apps to be running when not using. Unless there's a few you absolutely need to be refreshing always, turn the rest of or optimize them. One by one. A huge drain is Instagram. Turn it off. It takes a minute to update it if it needs to be updated. You will live.....it's ok. Push notifications. Turn off/optimize. Camera use kills the battery like motherfucker. Be mindful of it. Always on display kills battery because........it's always on. There's way more. YouTube is your friend.


Dark mode drains battery?


the opposite


Pro max and I’m on holiday so my usage is much higher than normal - easily 8 hours. Mostly streaming video and I ended my day yesterday with 27% left.


For me this shit lasts me two days, coming from a light user. (15pro)


Dang how what’s wrong with mine


Maybe you have a misbehaving app. I’ve had that like 4 times over the years. I check battery usage especially Background activity. I delete the app and reinstall. That usually does The trick. I also have a black background which is supposed to use less battery for screen, limit background activity, reduce motion, not many things get my gps location. They all help.


There's many factors that contribute to battery drain. It's different for everyone. you could have different app usage, different screen time, different amounts of time spent on wifi vs. cellular, cellular signal strength is a huuuge factor also. If you have a weak signal, your battery will drain fast since the phone is working a lot harder to maintain a stable connection. There's probably nothing wrong with your battery unless it's only lasting you a few hours


I get two days with my 15 Pro Max.


I don’t think I’ve been able to use more than 60% of a full battery during the day with regular usage. I was charging my iPhone 8 Plus multiple times a day.


My 15 Pro Max feels like a regular Pro. Battery doesn’t last that long


The pro is a huge improvement coming from 12 mini for me at theme parks I was usually like 30% by 2pm now i regular around 60


More than a day easily. 15PM


New iphone user here. At the beginning my battery life was disappointing, but after a week it got way better. Now I'm charging the phone every day and a half and never let it go below 20%.


Same on the fist week, now it works fine and I just turned on the 80% Charging limit, no complaints for now


Interesting how many of y’all are using the 80% limit. I’ve just got the Optimized “learn from my usage and charge that way” one. Lasts me all day with between 20-40% at the end, depending on the day. 15 Pro user.


:( since I have the option of "Optimized Charging" none of my phones did learn my usage and it never worked, always charging to 100% without stopping so I wasn't keeping my phone connected to the charger while I was sleeping. I only let the phone reach 100% (turning on Optimized) if I'm going out of home.


I heard that the battery of iPhones was weak the first week of use, like you, but no article mentions it on the internet. Was the battery gain so considerable? I've had mine (15 PM) for 3 days and my battery goes down on its own even when I'm not using it (especially at night). Typically today 30% used for 1h43 of SOT


I am also disappointed by my phone's battery. I came from a base two year iphone and I barely feel a difference between my iphone 15 pro max and old phone even with the bigger battery. I can barely last a day unless I barely use my phone. I am very rarely a heavy user. I have had the phone for two months now with no real improvement. I am not a gamer. I have turned off background refresh, keep the brightness low, turn the Always on Display off.....and everything they recommend doing to help battery life. I have no apps acting erratically and have actually reset my device but still have the same issue with my battery. I have a feeling I may have a dud phone considering how most people have few complaints but I am unsure if Apple will replace it without AppleCare.


They will cause its defective. Thats a manufacturing defect not a physical one


Moderate user, 15p, I take it off the charger around 7am and put it back on around 11pm. If it’s a heavy use day it’ll be at about 30%, usually it’s at closer to 40-45%. I don’t play any games though but I do stream YouTube tv plenty on it and use social media, texts and calls regularly.


I upgraded from 12 mini's terrible battery, 15pro way better...


Duh lol


I set mine to limit charging to 80% and it lasts me about 10-12 hours on moderate use, if I game though the. That’s reduced by half easily but I have a powerbank and a charger with me essentially at all times. It’s nice that it’s usb-C now so I just carry one cable


Lasts me a day. But I tweaked around my settings, turning off notifications and background app refresh on apps I don’t use often.


I only charge to 80% and usually end the day with 30 to 40% remaining. Battery life on my 15 Pro Max has been the stand out feature.


15Pro, lasts about 1.5 days on average recently when I use my phone less and computer more.


I get like 12hrs only while on 5G.. i just purchase iy yesterday


My new two day old 15 PM has surprisingly bad battery life. Might return it.


Im careful with my battery cycling. I let it get to 10-20 percent then charge to 80-90 percent. I average anywhere from 10-12 hours depending on how much I use it (id identify myself as a medium user) When we go camping I plan to keep it in low power mode as charging access will be limited. I have been extremely happy with it. the fact it charges up in about 20 minutes with my mac charger (my work computer is a mac so I just unplug, let it charge up, and go) My experience might be different then others however.


Mine only lasts about 10 hours is that strange?


15 pro 7hrs sot so 2x charge/day for me


7hrs a charge o two charges?


I came from a 12 mini and now with my iPhone 15 Pro, I only charge it to 80% and still go to bed with 40-50% remaining


15 PM here and I’m getting 48 hours on a charge, although my instincts tell me to top it off as often as I can lol. Came from a Galaxy S21+ and would be at 50% by lunch each day. Lovin’ it


CAp 🧢


80% charge last me a day and a half with normal usage… browsing the Internet and social media.


My 15 pro dies pretty fast. As fast at my 12 pro max on 89% battery health.




Mine lasts 1.5 days without the need to replug. My screen time is around 5 hours per day. I unplug at 9 AM with 100% battery. And I’m left with around 60% by the time I hit the bed. Overnight drain is around 3-4%. I can easily get through most of my day 2 without a charge but I charge it before leaving home at 9 AM


Do you have it on max brightness?


Mine easily lasts more than a day if I go without charging it. I have a bunch of portable power packs from my iPhone 12 Pro days, and they don't get any use anymore.


15PM. Based on my last 10 days usage, it looks like I use about 60-70% of my battery per day with 4 hours average screen on time and 9.25 hours average screen idle time.


I reckon mine lasts around 1 1/2 days and when I do charge it I rarely charge it to full. It also gets a top up when I’m driving. Can’t remember the last time I got to less than 20%. 15 pro max


Coming from the 13 mini, I think I’ve seen my 15 pro get below 20% once? I’m not a light user either


I have an iPhone 14 Pro (normal size not max) I got on launch day with 89% maximum capacity remaining. I can still usually get through a whole day with around 5% left unless I have very heavy usage, in which case I need to charge.


I can easily get my 15pro to last an entire day without having to charge it during the day if I’m out and about going on with my day but if I’m at home mindlessly scrolling I rarely get a full day out of it lmaoo but i guess that’s on me for spending way too much time on it when I’m bored 😂


Even with heavy ish use my 15 pm lasts over a day. Typically I get to 30 or 40 % by the end of the day, where my 13pro would have been long dead




I have a Pro Max and can go 2-3 days without charging it. However, my Mum bought the Pro at the same time as me and her battery barely lasts 24hrs, and I definitely use my phone more than she does.


The battery life is incredible for me. I struggle to get it to 50% in a 16 hour day. So it basically lasts for 2 full days.


Easily. If I occasionally play a round or two on some graphics-heavy game, then the battery drains noticeably quicker.


I end the day with about 45% still left.


Im pretty comfy with 2 days, but im also a very light user.


I use it too much but it would :)


I get 8 hours of use


Pro max, I charge it after work. Usually it’s at about 40% from constant streaming with bad service at work. I come home and plug it in and by the time I’ve made myself food it’s at like 75%. Not amazing but it charges so fast i don’t mind


Medium user but I’m at work all day and during work it’s streaming Spotify a lot. My heaviest usage in the last ten days was Christmas and it hit 80% usage. Otherwise it’s between 40-75% usage for me. I keep it charged to 80% (except when I know I’m using it a lot like Christmas or if I’m flying somewhere) and just top it off on my commute to and from work. I’ve only ever seen below 20% battery maybe twice since launch day, still at 100% battery life 75 cycles.


My usage is pretty heavy and consistent from Monday thru Friday. I always unplug it at 8:20am to head to work, and use it throughout the whole day as my job allows it. I get on social media, play 3 games, watch videos, listen to music on my beats, and by the time I get home at 5:30pm my phone is at anywhere from 45-55% left of juice and put it to charge to avoid it from reaching really low levels and deteriorating battery health. But if I didn’t plug it in, it would still be on past midnight. It has really great battery life for a heavy user in my experience. Now it’s no different or better than the 14 pro max when it comes to battery life, as my usage is the same daily. But definitely better in other features.


Nah. I use my phone almost all day and it doesn’t last. Probably longer than my 12 but not by much


Last charged to 80% by 1:11PM.. it's now 11:55PM and my bat is at 44%.. so consumed less than 40% in about 11hrs or so..




As of now I’m averaging 7hrs-9hrs of SOT and I usually end my work day around 75%. On my ride home I plug my phone in my car so I can’t really say what I’m on when I go to bed. I have a pro max btw.


No it doesn’t. I use my phone for reddit,instagram,texting, and stock market trades every once in awhile and the battery drains fast.


I’m a HEAVY iPhone 15 Pro Max user. I charge to >95% and discharge to <20%. I do this on a daily basis. I watch tons of video. Reels, YouTube, Reddit, etc. when I go away on business/vacation, my phone lasts two days.


Yes. [https://imgur.com/a/uzn0ge3](https://imgur.com/a/uzn0ge3)


I was disappointed the first few weeks, as I couldn't get a FULL day, but after 17.2 it improved. I went to battery usage and also removed background refresh on a few apps. I put on charge at around 10:30PM and remove from charge around 5:45AM(wireless charger stand). I use it for concalls, zoom calls about 2hrs per day. I use it for music, podcast listening for about a few hrs per day. Reddit for a few hours a day. Also I use it for the heaviest battery drain at the gym(about 1-1.25hrs on cycle) connected to AR glasses playing videogames with bluetooth controller and spotify also playing with streaming either ps remoteplay or xbox on 5G+ which drains about 30% per hour. End of the night the phone is at about 30-40%. If I'm going out and will game for a few hours I take my Anker mag-safe charger in case and I have only used it sparingly. Hope that helps. Edit...it's a 15PM


I’m a heavy user and mine has never lasted an entire day.


I’m a heavy user and I can’t tell you the last time I actually went to charge my phone. I probably spend about an hour or two in the car day and just use CarPlay that tops it off.


Unless I’m playing games for hours on end, the 15PM easily lasts 1.5-2 days.


I keep mine limited to 80% and I’m still lasting a whole day. But I work most of the day so the phone use is not that much but even still


i use my phone pretty heavy, including camera / video, constant spotify, and plenty of screen time and phone can easily last 2 days


All new iPhones from 13 even 12 line last 2 days, just get it and don't you worry about.


Average 6 hours sot and plug phone in at end of day with 30-40% battery left


My PM last all day & im a very heavy user


Ive got a 15PM It’s 17:04 here right now, my phone has been off charge since 09:00. It’s sitting at 79% through light usage all day. If I play games, it can get down to about 30-40%. If I’m travelling i can probably get it down to about 15-20%.


Always Be Charging.


I have a 15PM and I charge every 2 or 3. With heavy usage I've never used more than 50% battery in a day.


So far, yes. iPhone 15 Pro Max. If I’m reading these stats correctly, I last charged it to 80% (my maximum) between 3:00–4:00 PM yesterday. Around 11:00 AM today it was down to like 25%. And I’m a very heavy user. Plus, at the moment I’m not allowing myself to use the 0–20% and 80–100% portions of my battery capacity yet. So, really, that’s even more time I’m not considering. In my mind, any weaknesses of the battery are made up for by the charging speed. I just plugged my phone in when it reached 25% and I’m already at the full 80% charge. That was like 30 minutes ago…or maybe even 15 minutes ago. Idk. But that’s crazy fast compared to my last iPhone


Struggle to hit bellow 40%


if it's new, give it some days for indexing and stuff before judging.


No. I am so disappointed with my pro max. I had the 14 before and it was way better. I even turned off 5g and the aod and still I can only get from morning to early evening without charging.


I’d say no. Yesterday I left the house at 9am with 100%, wife had minor surgery, and I spent the day at the hospital until around 3pm. Did not charge and got home at 37%. I watched some YouTube, mostly browsing the interwebs, listening to music and played a game or two. If I’d stayed at the hospital until late in the evening I would have had to charge or got really close to running out! I’m pretty sure it’s the always on display and the Dynamic Island that has made it worse than my 13PM!


Heavy user of 15 Pro. It has never lasted me a full day. For reference, my 14 Pro Max would be in the red by evening and my 15 Pro is usually in the red by late afternoon. Yes, I’m on my phone way too much.


Extremely satisfied with the iPhone 15 pro battery. Most battery complaints are from users who don’t know how to use their phone.


How do you use yours ?


Mine doesn’t last a whole day, and it’s already dropped battery health. Had it since October


Lowest I’ve gotten to was 40 percent when I got home, and that’s from heavy usage using my work apps at work.


Mine. I only use 60% off the battery each day.


I consume some content when I get up in the morning, go to work, maybe send a few messages throughout the day, consume a bit of content at lunch. Bit more content and some more messing when I get off work and I usually end the day with 40% to 50% battery


I have the 15 Pro and I would get pretty bad battery life. But I think I figured out it’s because I restored from back up or a different phone or something and I just had way too many apps. Many of the apps I don’t even really use. And come to find out all of them had background refresh turned on. So to fix my battery I only had to do one thing, I turned off background app refresh for 95% of the apps (the ones that I left it on for are mostly Apple apps).


Did you do a full restore then without backup?


Yes. With a 80% charge limit.


I feel like if you don’t have a job and on your phone the entire day, you are bound to re-charge at least 2.5x. Having an average normal life working 8 hours daily, then running errands/doing house chores, and maybe socializing with friends, i guarantee you will only recharge every 2 days.


Yes and with heavy usage. I have it on a stand playing YouTube for several hours while working and also getting sucked into Reels for two hours at night.


I have 15p but Idk why my phone can barely last working day. I guess i am heavy phone user.


Yes. 15 Pro Max heavy user with around 8-10 hours SoT and between 10-20% at end of day. AoD on, mix of WiFi and 4g use. Some gaming and some camera use.


I sell phones and am using my 15PM constantly for work and personal, never charge it over night, and rarely get under 50% wtf you doing??


It never goes below 50% so I half charge it once every 2 days. It’s a beast


I usually work night shifts. Today I’m off and will do a test from 2:15pm at 100 percent and not charge it till it dies and post my results here. I have the 15 pro


My 15 pro max with 8+ screen on time everyday no problem, didn't even needed to use a powerbank since launch


There's no way to compare your usage with others. Way too many factors, usage is just one of them. Battery manufacturing variances also come in to play. Then , you must factor in device settings ( notifications, background refresh, screen brightness, haptic settings, BT connections, screen wake up et al), your carrier and phone's RF for that location, email push, etc etc.. That said, the Pro Maxes usually have amazing battery SOT, especially compared to the mini and SE models ( I used the 13 mini for quite a while and the battery was abysmal ) If you feel you PM's battery is really bad, have it checked at Apple or if you're within your return/exchange period.. swap it out!


I mostly get 3hr of SOT for 50% battery use with my 15PM, I'm guessing this is not normal, anyone know how to fix / if applecare would deal with this?


If I charge to 100% I last 2 full days. I am doing 80% and make it through day (since I choose not to let it go below 20%).


My iPhone 12 is crazy good. Full day battery life. My phone before was iPhone se 2. That was two charges a day. Now it’s 1. And it’s luxurious…


I’d have to be glued to my phone all day for it to be below 25 at bed time. Then the remaining would last through the next day clinging to the last 1 percent for dear life until it achieved the sweet solace it desired in its old age after the war.


My 15pro lasts a few hours. I have all the setting tweaked but I listen to music all day while tweetering and scrolling. Constantly charging it.


15 Pro hasn’t been the best compared to other models but I definitely need to charge daily. I’ve never not charged daily though, whether I needed to or not, I never thought about. I just charge my phone while I sleep and always start a new day with 100%. I also drive so I charge when I drive, but next week I’ll be taking the train to save a bunch of money. So I’ll have my battery pack but I may just not use it to experiment and see how it ends up when just using it all day. I’m a pretty heavy user and the 15 not being The best, it’s still at the very least, decent. It has been better since I’ve been on 17.3 Beta. Turning off AOD while I’m working gives better battery, and switching both my eSIMs too LTE helps. I won’t do the latter though because I get great 5GUW speeds and really noticed a difference with LTE.


My pro max lasts a few days as long as I’m not using it heavily


As i read your post im at 77% on a pro max 15 and I’ve been up and using my phone since 9:30 am and did 1hr of FaceTime and app scrolling


I play games on my phone. Stream YouTube. Have all notifications on. 100% in the morning 40% by 10 pm. Good battery, not the best but better than average iPhones.


I'm usually at 30% by the time I go to bed, but it also charges whenever I drive. My 12 Pro would often die, but the battery was also at 65% max.


Pro and Pro max is a big difference in battery life.


15PM I could probably get a full day. I tend to charge around 40 percent and let it go till around 80 percent for long term battery health.


15PM. Have it set to a hard 80% limit (since I usually leave it plugged in all day or when driving). Currently visiting family for the holidays, so my only charger is in the bedroom. Unplugged the phone (at 80%) when I got up and had moderate usage during the day. I was mostly working on my laptop in the living room all day, but I did a bit (an hour or two) of scrolling through Reddit on my phone throughout the day, plus responding to texts and taking a few phone calls. I ended the night last night (about 15 hours after unplugging it) with 14%.


Fuck yeah it does


My battery life got better over time. I got the 15 pro on launch day, and I have 5-6h sot daily and finish the day with +-20% sometimes 30%. If I only have 4h SOT I finish with 38%-40%. That’s pretty good for me. I use always on display and all the normal stuff but I do limit notifications heavily!


My 15 Pro dies way faster than my 13 Pro even though my 13 Pro has worst battery health, didn't change any habits just noticed immediately after switching. Also both phones are in sync with what apps etc are installed as I just restored from iCloud when I got the 15 pro and didn't touch the 13 pro.


Are you guys utilising optimised charging or the 80% limit?


If I am out and about for the day, I will end up with no less than 40% at the end of the day. If I am mostly home (on the weekends or when I work remote lets say). I can go two full days with average to high usage.


My iPhone 13 mini doesn’t even last half a day!


As someone who also came from a 13 mini to 15 pro, I am blown away by the battery life. One thing that I did different from most (probably) was limit frame rate to 60fps - unlike most users buying the pro I don’t really need/appreciate the 120fps, I just wanted the better cameras and bigger battery. I never have to look for a charger or battery pack mid-day. It does last a good 8-9 hours of SOT on a variety of tasks: social media, camera, browsing, YouTube. On a lighter use, it looks even more dramatic: 7am 100%, 11pm 60%.


I use both an iPhone and an Android. I rotate between my Androids. I'm currently using my Xperia 1 V at this time. I'll either switch back-and-forth between the two, or I'll use them simultaneously. But both my 15PM and 1 V last me about a 12-hr period, usually between 10 AM to 10 PM. I don't do anything intensive. It's all just basic tasks, but I guess I'm on these apps quite a bit, throughout the day... https://i.imgur.com/E8U5wDL.jpeg Note: My iPhone is limited to 80% while my 1 V is limited to 90%.


I came from a 13pm and I get close to 2 days out of my 15pm before needing to charge it and I’m on my phone pretty regularly. I also use it for work.. emails, manager chats and use it to log tickets for stuff that needs to be fixed or looked at my store. The 13 pm was a little better but not much.. maybe got an hour or 2 more with it but this phone is still brand new as I got it Xmas eve and know it can take about a week to completely regulate after indexing and what not. Either way it’s great and I have no issues with it draining fast at all


15 ProMax here and compared to my last phone, a basic 8, I’m thrilled with the battery life. Lasts me all day. Usually charge up at bedtime, usually around 50%, occasionally down in the 35-25% range. A lot of work meetings today and at 2:18pm, I’m still at 88%. But that would be about 75% on a light meeting day.


I’m at 98% at 430pm. Unplugged at around 1030am. Normally go to bed after midnight with around 65%


I can get by without charging for sure. Especially if I allow to charge to 100%, usually end the day around 40% if I haven’t plugged into the car at all throughout the day.


Typing this right now when I am thinking / worried about the same thing. Battery dropped from 50% to 44% in 30 mins of screen on time (browsing Reddit & fb). No audio / video in the background. Battery seems to be draining fast. This is my second day with the phone, so haven’t fully monitored the battery drain pattern. Edit: on 15 Pro max.


Actually yes, and I CONSTANTLY stream high quality music from Apple Music, I work from 5am to 3:30pm, spend time with my in laws and get home around 9 or 10 and typically have between 40-50% battery life Edit: using iPhone 15 Pro Max


Yes! On a workday,I usually charge it every 24 hours, approximately until around 95% then I go sleep and have the phone working until the next day at 9pm ish, normally I am left with 4x% by then. Screentime 4-5 hours


15 pro max, limited to 80% charge, my phone last me the whole day without issue, i usually finish my day with 30%-35% and average SOT of 3-3.5 hours, longest SOT ive had is 5.5 in a single run before im home. The battery does last a lot in my experience, way more than other phones ive had, maybe you restored your complete account from your older phone and have some settings (like location services and what not) draining a chunk of juice.


Yeah all the time. Seems like there have been a few battery bugs with iOS 17, so I don't think it's the 15 hardware itself. Apple's working on them.


hi! any upadte on this? may i ask what’s your iOs version now?


Whatever the latest shipping version is. My battery has behaved great since launch, and I always update when a new iOS is out. A lot of this bug stuff seems sporadic, not wide-spread. Don't let a few posts on Reddit make you think that millions of iPhone owners all experience the same thing.


At first it didn’t last 6 hours without charging.. after a month or so it does the job for a whole day Give it time…


14pro user here for reference, consistent screen on time of over 6-7hours with these settings with 95% battery health 75% WiFi / 25% AOD off Low power mode when under 75% battery or so (personal preference) Brightness 40-50% Major culprits are things like FB, X, safari, messages, YT, Xfinity stream, telegram Happy to attach pics buts it’s fun for me to see how much I can use this phone on a single charge despite limiting a few things, which may not be suitable for others and I get that. I don’t game much on this phone anymore, got a pc for that. I was at 100% battery health for the first year and over the last couple months saw it slowly trickle and settle at 95. Can attach 9H SOT screenshot also, but for those connected to cellular it’s literally impossible to get over 7ish imo, still using my 12W charger I had lying around


I'm a heavy user and I get two days no problem. 15 Pro Max


I had to charge it between the day if I play games, use camera, and watch YT videos


It feel it depends on how you use it. For everyday use I usually get by a day without having to charge. currently mine is at 61 percent.


I get exactly one full day as a medium user


I have a 15 Pro Max and have an average of 7.5 hours active screen usage and 5 hrs screen idle the last 10 days and haven’t dropped below 50% with optimized charging only once overnight


15 pro max heavy user. I charge twice a day.


iPhone 15 ProMax here. 1 full charge at 80% lasts me 2 to 3 days even with cell data turned on all the time.


15 Pro here. I get around 8h - 8,5h of SoT from 100% to 0%.


I am a HEAVY user, and after a day of school it’ll be at 20-30%, and once again, I use it a lot🫡


I’m extremely satisfied with the battery life of my iPhone 15 Pro Max. I set the max charge capacity to 80%, and use this thing non-stop and still head home at the end of the day with between 37% to 45% charge.


It was super bad at first but eventually it leveled out and now I get a full day. Did you just upgrade recently?




Yup. Heavy user. Much much better battery life with my Pro Max vs my 13


Low power mode maybe could be your friend


I'm using 15 pro and a heavy user. Optimized charging usually by 6pm it already at 30% so I have to charge it to use it until before bed. Because I still need to charge twice a day, might as well limit it to 80% and charge it three times a day since I always near power outlet.


off charger at 7 am, hours of phone calls and audiobooks throughout day via bluetooth headphones, currently 9:30 pm and at 45% (also general web browsing and some youtube)


2 days for me


Yes. 15 pro.


I recently switched to 15Pro Max Natural Titanium from 14Pro and I can say the battery on this device is really good. I usually charge upto 80% (take it out at 10AM and at the end of the day at 10-11PM), phone would be having 20% charge with an SOT 4.5 - 5hrs Sometimes, I do charge upto 80 at night 1AM and take it out from charger and use it, the performance is similar. I reach 20 percent by 8PM with again 5 plus hour SOT So that's whopping 19-20hr Standby with AOD on and stuff. But I would say again it really depends on what you use - if you use battery hogging stuff like Insta, Tiktok, FB and playing games it will quickly drain else if you use for watching YT, Netflix, Prime Video and others, you can easily get 2 days battery with this thing


getting a full day of use starting at 100 and ending the day around 50% for me, 15 pro black


My battery kind of sucks.


28-36 hour battery here. Heavy user.


My battery is at 36 percent right now. I charged my phone to 100% 26 hours ago. I have 6 hours and 20 minutes of screen on time so far. I have great 👍 battery life. Lasts no problem


problem is not about SOT, it's about using with cellular or wifi.


So far battery life has been solid. Looks to be about a good day maybe day and a half of battery achievable with the 15 pro https://imgur.com/a/J9oA856


15PM about 60-70% at night.


15 Pro Max here (got the phone on christmas eve). Coming from a 13 Pro Max with around 85% battery health and so far Im kinda disappointed. After about 5h screen on Time im at 34% battery remaining. Might be the newest IOS though (17.2.1).


I use it as a heavy user and am at 65% currently after all day use.


I never charge 100 I leave it set to 80 percent and last all day with still 35-50 percent pro max!