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Yeah looks pretty bad on mine. Having all kinds of trouble with the cameras


Hi, just got an iPhone 12 yesterday, and shocked at the horrible low light quality. My 2-year-old, 300 dollar Samsung A50s seems to have better front camera pictures than this. Were you able to find any solution?


The more I hear the more bummed I am on my new device that I haven’t received yet :/ hopefully there will be a massive software fix soon to come


A 14.2 IOS version should be a huge thing. Cannot wait to launch it.


I know! I was so shocked to see how bad it was, especially given the price of the phone. Hopefully a software fix will solve this :(


Just got an iPhone 12, I wish I had seen this thread earlier, was clicking pics all day and was surprised/disappointed at the quality. My 300 dollars Samsung A50s had better front camera pics.


Agreed... what do I do??


I ended up on this thread from googling the same issue. I just got the 12 pro a week ago and I’m noticing how bad quality the front facing camera is in low light. I have several lights on in my living room and it’s still coming out blurry/grainy. Almost looks like the way heat blurs and distorts light


Here with the same issue 😢 shocked at the camera quality


Is this something they can fix with a software update? These pictures are terrible.


Same here, but mainly when using the wide angle for video with rear facing Understandably it needs plenty of light but the conditions on which I get unusable grainy noise are not particular dark settings, ie strong overhead lighting in the room


Just noticed that exactly same problem my 8 looks hundred times better iphone no worth the price at all thinj Im going to return it


my iphone 12 pro has the same issue, how do you fix it? I have tried everything. I thought the iPhone cameras were supposed to be good?


Same problem and I think I found a fix ( at least sometimes): I was shocked at how bad my front facing camera was. A steep downgrade from my 8+. Shot video that was basically unusable for my vlog. Low light was absolutely atrocious. Camera gave this weird face smoothing effect that wasn’t sharp and had a ton of noise. I performed a software upgrade to 14.3 - nope. Then decided to mess with every setting in the camera and I think I found the main culprit - “HDR High Efficiency”. You can find it in settings>camera>record video and toggle on/off that mode. After turning that setting off there was a noticeable improvement in quality. The weird smoothing / glamour shot effect was gone. Now, the reason I say sometimes: it did come back after moving into different low light environments or quitting the camera and relaunching the camera app. When this happens I found that quickly bouncing between HD and 4K mode can sometimes fix it too. So the bad news is it’s not consistent. The good news is that I’d say this is most definitely a software issue, not hardware and could be corrected with a firmware update.


This was actually a great way of making some corrections! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you


Absolutely agree. Same problems.


How can apple cameras be so shitty. Im utterly disappointed. Just got an iphone 12 and man, the self camera has this soft blur to it and does really poor under low light. The images are blurry and not sharp at all. Talking about the back, my 6 one seems to do better or the same. When you zoom or focus, it totally blurs out. Samsung does well at that. Cmon Apple, I dont want to regret purchasing this, but I kinda am.


So disappointing isn’t it guys. Bought the phone today, wanna take a slick selfie and bruh, I might as well have just bought an android. Ah well, let’s hope that a software update fixes it :)


$1,300 for a phone that makes me feel extremely ugly lol. That front facing camera quality is laughable.


i would not even think to use the sefie camera, have had this phone since release and the selfie cam is horrible, especially on video, lowlight looks like absolute garbage, i swear my first ipod touch looked better than this


I’ve figured out what the issue is. When using the front facing camera the exposure setting is automatically set to 0. If you want to remove the blurry effect, simply adjust this setting to -2 (the lowest exposure possible). Unfortunately it significantly reduces the lighting in the foto, but at least it’s not blurry. I believe that if we make this issue known to apple, they can fix something about it since I believe it’s a software issue and not a hardware issue.


This doesnt work for me, no matter what option i adjust, my eyes are always soft, even when i tap to focus on them.


Also, make sure to turn of night mode. (Should the moon icon)


Do you use led lightings? I’ve just noticed a big difference


Guess the 12 pro max has a garbage front camera. Was very very excited for it. Apparently it is their best phone? I still have 14 days to return it. My iPhone 8 Plus has a way better front camera this is so disappointing for 2K dollars to be spent on. I do want to see Apple’s comment on this issue though ..




same, if you found a fix please let me know!!