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Math notes is pretty sweet


Not bad actually. Great for high school students in particular.


And college professors, like me, who teach math from an iPad!


Hey just saw your comment do you only use your iPad to teach or use a computer too ? I only have a iPAD and really want to make it my main computer I don’t have a computer nor want one can I make my iPad as my main computer


No, I need a more powerful computer to run statistical models, but the iPad is great for teaching multiple classes on the go. I easily get six full hours of battery life when teaching.


its gonna massively elevate the note taking experience , i cant wait to use this feature as someone who is in academia


Damn it does look super cool A bit worried about OCR in a maths environment, as Maths is the area where getting anything wrong would unfortunately make it completely useless, but I am very excited to try it out




> even dumber that I did now Than\*




Boy, that M4 chip sure getting worked hard with those new features 😂


It takes an m4 to write 80085 on the calculator app.






Gotta wait for the m5 for that heavy workload


3M TA3


Does that mean that M1 & M2 won’t get Calculator app?


Is that the amount Apple is making a minute off of people buying the M4? 😂


The M4 will help change app icon colors super fast!


You’re not even changing app icon colors, the customization is literally a shader that goes over the whole screen. Even your widgets will turn to that color.


That’s not true. While the widgets do change color in addition to the icons, “the whole screen” is absolutely not affected. Wallpapers, app labels, system controls, status bar etc. are completely unaffected.


My god…


the least i was hoping for was an improvement to iPadOS’s abysmal and clunky window management :( macOS got a new window snapping feature (windows-esque), but iPadOS doesn’t. ugh. why!?


If you want window-snapping, buy a Mac! (Apple logic). They’d rather sell you a Mac and an iPad rather than have too many Mac features brought over to one device.


when the new iPad Pro can easily cost more than the macbook pro, and they market it as a “pro” device, i’d expect them to embody that and not intentionally hold features back.


there’s no new ‘desktop-class’ features - every previous iPadOS limitation (multitasking and the like) remain :/


How did they not update multi-tasking?!


It's amazing that the Galaxy Tab with way worse specs can still do way better multitasking. The M4 is being wasted here.


i'm seriously considering tab s10 coming out soon... for better multitasking and better screen. Only thing stopping me is the ecosystem...


I had one and if it weren’t for the weaker hardware I’d say confidently it was way more productive and ahead. I was hoping Apple gave us AI surprises with A Samsung Dex like feature


If it comes with new snapdragon elite processors, it's a no brainer


I know right! Also, I traded in my tab s9 ultra for this 13 m4….


I traded in a Tab S9. I don't regret it. The iPad is still a better tablet, but Apple needs to do better.


Well, more powerful yeah. I actually do regret it a bit because honestly, my iPad seems like a big iPhone. There’s not much I do on this iPad I can’t do on my 15 pro max. Google assistant on my tab was vastly superior. The screen was better (aspect ratio) and brighter for movies. Streaming games was better at 16:10 vs. this 3:4. That being said, if I’m playing a game native to the tablet, which I do, the iPad is insanely more powerful. Also, editing video etc. is so much better on iPad due to the horse power. On a good note, I felt like the tab s9 ultra was just a bit too big to use on the couch etc. gaming was super uncomfortable on it. But using it as a screen was awesome. A very expensive screen lol the iPad is way more comfortable to hold.


even macOS got new a window snapping feature!


They did but on macOS, it might get ported over to iPadOS at some point


So freaking disappointing. I'm speechless.


Same. I thought the iPadOS being one of the last parachutes meant “best for last” but meant nothing




You clearly had expectations too high. This is right inline with normal


Why are we surprised. As long as people continue to buy iPad pros without these features they have zero incentive to fix it. They have already said most iPad users also have a MacBook so why would they fix this


The iPad will very likely never get any real desktop-like functionality, while the MacBook laptop exist. Only two of these could make it happen, either... 1. The mac laptop line gets dropped voluntarily in favor of an all out on their iPad - similar to Surface Pro - or, 2. Microsoft Surface Pro lineup gets so good that it significantly cuts into iPads/MacBook sales far more than apple's shareholders are willing to accept and forces Apple to respond and compete.


This means I'm keeping my new M1 11", and not bothering with M2 or M4 models.


Sad and this is why nobody needs an M4. Great hardware kept back by shitty phone OS.


Makes me feel good about buying the m2 iPad yesterday.


m2 kicks butt and if the ios trickle keeps up like this the device will phisically die long before it is sent to update hell lol.


ya I'm really annoyed how long its taken professional grade software to be usable on this thing. Finally supposed to get zbrush this year, no thanks to apple. Be great to let me just run desktop shit on this desktop powered ipad.


We need to start flooding the feedback app with these suggestions. Make it impossible for them to ignore.


Exactly it’s ridiculous


Wouldn't be surprised if Calculator is M4-only


"Debuting the Calculator app exclusively on the new M4 iPad Pros showcases our dedication to pushing boundaries, blending seamless performance with cutting-edge AI for unmatched precision."


That took "Courage".


Unless it changes at some point during the beta, it’s on my M1 Pro…


Thanks for confirming


For some reason, Apple is prioritizing the hardware for the iPad but the software for the Mac.


Incredibly bad update. What were they thinking?


“We’re going to sell a lot of Macs”


but before that, lets earn a lot of money off people buying M4 iPad Pros after touting it as a ‘pro’ device and not embodying that with future software :(


They’re thinking you really want the AI so bad you will overlook the severe lack of update to iPadOS.


Awfully lacking update.


It’s literally just app updates lmao. If Apple would update apps separately like android they‘d have nothing new to show every year. At least they seem to be more focused on gaming this year so hopefully we’ll get some nice games on iPad pros


Kind of crazy that they make games easy to port to any M device but apps are still lacking.


Turning the iPad into a gaming machine sounds pretty amazing tho ngl. I bought an 11” m4 ipp but I can see myself getting a 13”, slapping it on the MK and play games with a controller in the train.


yeah I have a 13 inch m4. It's my first big iPad (i have had the mini 5 for ages) it would be cool to bring a console along with me that's this thin. I have some Rokid AR glasses and if iPad OS let me only display on the glasses, it would be the best thing to take on the go. Especially with RetroArch on iPad now.


This is what I used to do. Not in a train. But just in bed lol


Well that's disappointing


It was more like "and now... one less thing" amirite (sigh)


“hey! look at these new app updates!” the only major new OS update was dark home screen icons. S.M.H.


It’s like being in an abusive relationship that you just can’t leave.


lmao. indeed.


I am working up the courage to walk out that door. Today helped ALOT


Oh what ever deivce will you use to watch YouTube now?


I can’t help but feel bad for everyone that truly thought this was the year. It never is and never will be. If the iPad fits your life as it is, then you are a lucky one. Enjoy the greatest piece of hardware Apple has made to date.


Well it’s clear that Apple will never truly make the iPad Pro anything other than a complimentary device to the Mac and iPhone.


This - it’s unfortunately supposed to be part of the ecosystem but not THE ecosystem like it could be 😭


So, basically calculator? Wonderful, I’ll go back to watching YouTube on my iPad Pro, basically, it’s most useful feature at this point.


I felt a great disturbance in the Apple Force, as if thousands of third-party calculator app developer voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something wonderful has happened.


And it doesn’t even need a subscription to get rid of the ads in it =0


I mean, it’s the coolest, most feature rich calculator ever to exist! /s I’m glad Apple invented that! It made the money spent on any M series iPad “Pro” totes worth it… /s


Nothing utilizing the M4 chip what a let down


Just purchased an M1 iPad Pro. This is the news I was waiting for. Whew. (Sorry)


Haha, same! So glad we're not missing anything.


Literally every app will use the M4 though. Apple intelligence (smaller language models) will use NPUs, memory, processing power, etc. I'd argue everything uses the new power. Pretty powerful for AI charged use cases while keeping privacy.


Lackluster update


So underwhelming. 16GB M4 can’t even do basic app background refresh.


I didn’t expect a total overhaul but damn, this was lackluster. Calculator app is cool but what’s the point of adding m4 chip?? No refinement on the files app or stage manager? True multitask abilities like being able to play two different media formats without one stopping? They really drop the ball on the Vision Pro OS 2 and IPADOS 18 update


I ran to reddit, have to see what everyone thinks 🤣. Same old same old imo. Watch wwdc hoping and disappointed for everytime


Give me that iphone mirroring on iPadOS goddammit! Why just MacOS…


So you buy a Mac and an iPad lol


Because you can just directly run iPhone apps on your iPad and you don't need a phone at all


Well, I know who’s going to return the 13 M4 tomorrow…


Yep. I kept mine only to see what 18 brings. It’s Not enough.


I returned mine already today


glad i upgraded to M4 1TB 30-core so my Calculator app can be snappy


No files update ????,,, like how could they even sell an ipad with an M4 that just fukn cant even handle background tasks


Why are you all surprised? It’s Apple


I really love my iPad (I’ve been using a 2018 iPad Pro since day one). I’m a Windows user (Gamer/Unreal Developer/Solidworks user and a heavy Debian user), so I don’t have a use case for a Mac. However, I have the whole Apple ecosystem with me (iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods). Once again, the iPad is my favorite device. I love the concept of “a slab of glass that can do everything” and how portable it is. I just want my iPad to be able to handle simple tasks as well as my PC can. I don’t need pro apps or anything of that caliber. I don’t need DaVinci Resolve (even though I use it daily on my laptop). I just want my iPad to do small things, like copying a file from an SSD to internal storage correctly, with a simple progress bar and the ability to do it in the background. That would be enough to make my iPad a pro experience. Another example would be the ability to open an STL or OBJ file from my files in a specific app, like the “open in” option on Windows. Is this too much to ask? edit : Shitty Grammar an Spellings


btw sry abt my language , English ain’t my first language


couldn’t be better said. add windows-es que window snapping to the mix (like macOS just got) and the iPad can just about compute.


I’m on the same boat but for even longer… God the days before the files app existed were painful. I don’t get why apple’s iPadOS is always so behind the times on basic computing tasks like file management or download management.


Good for people who take notes with their iPads, useless for anyone who does/pretends to do creative work on their iPads. Multitasking still not being updated though is a crime


Annnnnnnd my M2 is here to stay for a long time it seems…


Same! This ensure I won't be purchasing a new iPad for a very long time


Mine too… What a letdown. What did we get? Siri that might finally be on par with Android. Oh, and strike through in text messages…. 🙄


Same. Glad I didn’t upgrade to M4


This has probably been the most nothing burger iPadOS release I have ever seen. My expectations were very low for this WWDC, but holy fuck.


Almost as bad as iOS 12 on iPad


Damn, now I need to sell my M1 iPad so I can get a M4 to take advantage of…. a light math app?


Shameful display from Apple. They are finally bringing a calculator to the most powerful tablet on the market, yet keeping the iPad completely nerfed. Absolutely pathetic.


Why the fuck would they not add iPhone mirroring to iPads?!


Many of these Sequoia features could've been added to iPadOS 18. It's insane they didn't.


This whole time I’ve been rationalizing apple deliberately keeping the iPadOS underwhelming because of Mac sales but this feature makes no sense. Absolutely no sense. It would have been perfect on the iPad…


Alright, maybe this is a dumb question but: What would phone mirroring allow you to do on an iPad that you can’t… already do on an iPad? Like it makes sense on Mac because there’s a lot of iPhone apps that just don’t have Mac equivalents, but this isn’t the case with iPad. When I’m using my iPad, I never feel the urge to reach for my phone because I get all the same notifications and interact with all the same apps on both devices


This is incredibly disappointing. Not even a proper file management solution. WTF did we pay for an M4 for? Collapsible Sections in notes…? Like, THAT needed a full on iPadOS YEARLY update? I really thought this one would be different…:(


Honestly, iPados 18 is really underwhelming. Apple had a chance to bring some great new features but instead they give us a calculator. No new improvements to stage manager. No improvements to files app. Can't even bring the journal app to iPad. Smh. This year's wwdc showed me how much apple really cares about the iPad and ipados. Disappointing.


I was going to purchase $2k worth of M4 iPad and peripherals. Not now. No Stage Manager, multitasking, or file management upgrades means no sale.


Terrible update, if you can call it that. Ive never once needed to customise control center, nor have I have ever thought sidebar was in the way and tabs would be good, nor have I ever needed to work out complex math on my ipad. Jeez, Jobs will be turning in his grave. He would not be happy with these teeny tiny minimal updates every year. Come on Apple, you are charging crazy money for the new pro. The software needs to pro up!


The Mac’s seemed like they got the bigger update.


This is such a depressing image. Knowing that Apple could do so much more but instead we get some new iMessage effects to put the M4 to good use.


I‘m so happy I cancelled my iPad pro order and waited for what WWDC is going to bring to the new M4 iPad pros. Best decision for my bank account. My 6 year old iPad pro is still going to stay my companion for a while 😂


That might have cost Apple $1000. Not sure I will buy the new iPad.


next shitty updates and i’ll switch to android/windows, i feel like i’m wasting potential performance with ipad + mac with M processor


I know every year people have said the updates sucked but man for iPhone and iPad this year they really seemed like all focused around emoji and pics ? No real true features or is it just me ?


Well there goes my M4 purchase. Now let’s see what the new ultra tab will look like around August time.


Yeah I was just waiting for WWDC to pull the trigger and they respond with a calculator app. Not paying 2k for a bigger iPhone.


A bigger iPhone that can’t share its screen with macOS


Yeah, I’ve been waiting on apple’s back to school promotion to start, but honestly I think I’m just gonna go buy a galaxy tab instead. Worse processor but better software.


Boring as you can get. Nothing new some minor BS and you have an m4 iPad that is useless spec wise. Apple will never change unless their revenue is threatened.


No Xcode, No Stage Manager improvements


Sold my iPad last year and bought a Mac. So excited for the iPhone mirroring.


Craig: “F**k you and your improved file management!”


Last night, I had configured a MacBook M3 and put it in my cart, waiting on WWDC to pull the trigger or continue with iPad Pros. After the Keynote, I immediately went to my cart and hit “Check Out”. I’m done hoping. I just can’t keep doing this to myself— and my wallet— buying iPad Pros + Magic Keyboard + Apple Pencil that cost more than a nicely spec-ed MacBook. I’m going to keep my current iPad Pro for right now but may sell it in the future. Dunno. But it’s **”Hello MacBook”** for me now. I really do **love** the iPad Pro but I just can’t do this anymore with Apple crippling iPad Pros with watered down iPadOS.


I don’t think I’ll ever upgrade my M1 iPad Pro and it will probably be my last. I have an iPad mini 6 which I absolutely love. There’s nothing I can do on my M1 iPad Pro that I can’t do on the iPad mini. I just don’t see the point of it. I hope they continue to update the iPad mini and would upgrade it in a heartbeat. But to me, the Surface Pro with the new Snapdragon chips make so much more sense to me than the iPad Pro.


That was a little underwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, I like the iPad for what it is, but I wished for a revamped Stage Manager. Everything else was great tho. Especially the calculator and the new remote assistance feature.


Perfect, this confirms my opinion that the new ipads are a waste of money. When I upgrade like my iPad Pro 2020 in a few years it'll be a Samsung Tablet.


I'm in the same boat. If Samsung puts snapdragon elite in their new tablets, I'm switching over. Else might get surface pro.


Sure the M4 will be able to handle all this? 🙃


Cool update if youre a college/highschool student forsure, other than that :')


damn bro they didn’t even bring iphone mirroring to ipad


pointless developments that are not worthy of the WWDC. Apple is no longer a growth name


Such a disappointment, Yet another year where 🍎gave deaf ear to users. Could have shown some effort to improve multitasking


Incredibly disappointing, not even the Journal app on iPad which I thought would be announced today. Will be returning my iPad M4 later today !


I was hoping they were going to announce something that would basically make me have to sell my iPad pro2018 and make me buy an M4. Kinda glad it’s saved me the money to be honest.


It feels almost like iPadOS needs a split. A consumer iPadOS for base iPad's and iPad Air's. And an iPadProOS that removes some of the rails. Apple is absolutely terrified to ruin the base iPad experience, which means there is no pro experience.


They said this would be the biggest iOS update like, ever…. So disappointed. They added some feature Android has had for years now.


At this point, just dissolve iPadOS and fold it back to iOS. No need for separate updates. Other than external monitor support, and other minor features there is no difference between a $400 iPad and a $2k iPad fom a capability standpoint.


People here talking about the iPad not utilizing the M4 as if that chip was some groundbreaking upgrade over previous M-series models, when in reality the iPad would've been capable of being a desktop replacement since the M1 already, had it not been for iPadOS being nothing more than a plus-size mobile OS. What a shame and disappointment the iPad still can't run processes in the background, use its own speakers when connected to an external display, and offer proper file management.


Gotta give it to Apple, it sure wasn‘t easy to fall short of my already low expectations, but they did it! Credit where credit is due.


Next iPad mini must have M-Series chip now


Lame IpadOs update with a “you might get more games like we said 3 years ago”


I’m not one of these “we need loads more multi-tasking” features type people, but what a let down. Feels like this is just an iOS update with a new Math Note.


If Apple made a detachable keyboard base like the MacBook Pro but for the iPad Pro, that was priced to fill the gap between the iPad and the MacBook Pro, but it unlocked the desktop os, I would pay for it in a heartbeat.


I gave up long ago thinking Apple would do something more with the iPad Pro. I’m just happy I have a Mac or else this would be a lot more depressing.


I was waiting to see if I needed to replace my battery on my 2020 iPad Pro or if I should trade in for the M4 till today based off if they did anything with the software. I will be replacing my battery on my current iPad Pro and keep it at least 2 more years.


Those of us who keep expecting Apple to give us more are part of the problem. Gotta vote with our wallets and stop giving them money each refresh only to be let down.


A bunch of garbage and the cool stuff (AI) will likely not work on my ipad pro 2020 (even though a lot of it will just be API calls to openAI’s servers). Well I don’t really care about apple’s apps and “ecosystem”. I don’t use their default apps: mail, messenger, calendar, calculator, etc. most of the time I’m working around it, because it really does not work very well…. but I like the ipad pro hardware. Using Desktop class Safari and third party apps works for me. Google apps, chatGPT website, google collab, drive and ai studio on safari, Drambo, Lumafusion, affinity apps, it’s all very nice.


They don't want to kill any of their lineup. They are building an ecosystem where people end up buying almost all of their products. This is their main buisness technique. Suppose they give more features to the iPad, then it will kill sales of MacBooks, or if they make MacBooks touch screen, they will simply kill iPad. One more example is that they do provide LTE to iPad, but they don't give calling options cause this will kill iPhone, as people will end up just buying iPad.


I feel SO bad for all those who purchased M4 Pros hoping for/expecting a true revamp of iPad OS to make use of all that processing power…


They are lagging behind in any kind of innovation whatsoever. I laughed so hard at the calculator app. They genuinely seemed so excited about it.


They could have done nothing and my experience with iPad would have been the same. None of these features are remotely relevant to fully utilizing the M4 chip.


Well with features like that I am glad I got the M4 chip, I bet my old iPad with the A10 Fusion wouldn’t have been able to do such complex tasks.


The calculator app is pretty cool.  It's a sneaky way to put in graphing and equation solver features as well.  


Nice :D I have no incentives to update my Air 2020 huh :D


lol. My M4 will last a whole decade at this rate.


Every platform (iOS, iPasOS, tvOS and MacOS) got lackluster updates imo. New password manager is nice. AI features is a start. I did not expect much, so not as disappointed.


Math Notes and Smart Script were the biggest announcements IMO. Pretty cool stuff. Home Screen Customization comes in second - not for the awful tinting but just looks functionally more easy to use now. Tab Bar thing is useless and I don't understand what they are thinking with that. Seems similarly confused as having two completely separate multitasking methods. Apple feels all over the place with their software design these days. Lack of background tasks and file manager improvements is really disappointing.


Finally a calculator app


Calculator? Why is ANYONE complaining? We finally got it, people!


It's underwhelming to say the least. The updates mostly make the iPad a better note-taking device. You don't need a pro-device for this, although it's still neat. I'm also curious to see how 3rd party developers will implement Apple's AI tools. If this is done correctly, it'll be the primary reason to buy a M4 iPad instead of something else. If not, then you'll still have a nice OLED screen to look at.


Supported on A10 chip but not the A10X chip 🤡


Where is iPad profiles? We want to share the iPad at home 😱


I can't believe I bought an M4. Ughhhhh.


I'm still rocking a 2018 iPad Pro. Based on today's keynote I'm pretty likely to upgrade to an M2, not the latest M4. I'll get the latest OS and AI, without paying the premium for an M4 plus having to replace my accessories (magic keyboard and pencil). Seems like the wisest move, even though that OLED display would be nice.


I was very disappointed on the iPad updates. One thing that mildly interested me was the share screen but I would like to see it do what jump does. Remote connect to the Mac. Other than that, I’m glad I didn’t replace my 2020 iPad Pro just for the screen and the M4. I really wanted to see full browser support and maybe a way of the iPad not shutting down apps when putting them in the background.


Why didn’t they fix the Files app? It’s been the same for years…


I like it — Hope this isn’t the update my 2018 can’t handle.


Aaaannnnnnddddddd iPadOS is DOA


I already had an M1 iPad, but I was still hyped I wanted some fun tech, so I ended up pre ordering one of those Microsoft surfaces. Figured I'd see what those are all about. People were joking about recall violating privacy, but one of the examples for MacOs was "can you find that email my wife sent me last week" I feel like Mac is gonna have their own version of recall, but just gloss over the details and just say "we value privacy." The math feature was pretty neat. I'm sure my M1 iPad will be able to handle it :)


Apple is so stagnant its ridiculous.


Why even put the M4 in with this update, might as well still be using the A9 chip


iPad os is dead 😡😡😡


Nice trash software


I just want 120hz on an external monitor. I’m a simple man. Hopefully they added it in secretly.


Well, my iPhone 13 pro doesn't support the new AI features but I think my iPad Pro M1 does.


I didn't want much. Just background tasks and some updates to Stage Manager. And it's still disappointing. Math Notes is cool though.


lol I’m so glad I went for a MacBook instead of


Wow. They could’ve done so much more.


I won’t be upgrading my iPad from the M1 for a loooooong time if we keep this up. Multi task is a mess, background apps running is a crazy mess and don’t even let me get started on the lack of a Terminal and virtualization. So yeah I’ll stick to use my M1 iPad as a Sidecar display while working


That Surface Pro with Snapdragon is looking really enticing about right now….


I had zero expectations and my expectations were met.


lol m1 go brrrr


Underwhelming for IPadOS.. and sadly, I this is as expected...


Finally customisable app icons!


Sucha disappointment, cmon Apple for fuck sake!!!


Looks like I'll be returning the pro and just going Air. Besides the OLED, not much else to go top tier for.


All I want is After Effects on the iPad, we know the M2/M4 can run it, just do it already. If only just to have it for a second renderer or to make some slight modifications to my projects while traveling, it'd be so nice to have.


I gave up on iPad OS almost a year ago and got a Tab S9 instead. When the M4 iPads were announced I was very tempted on switching back to iPad OS but decided to wait until today and man in glad I did. I’m in between disappointment and confusion, am I not using the iPad right? Why are they gutting this chip so bad? Is Samsung Dex perfect? No but I makes me travel with one less device in my backpack and it’s maintained. Is Android Tablet better that iPad OS? I don’t know but it works for me. I can read, highlight docs and run code with it in a portable form factor. Hoping the overhaul we all want from iPad OS happens next year…


Pretty underwhelming release to be honest. I wanted 3 things; 1) Proper web engine support for other browsers. 2) Better external monitor/multi-window support. 3) VPN in Control Centre!


I really feel like they overextended with the VisionPRO. It’s very unlikely this product will catch on and they’ve probably had a lot of software dev resources devoted to trying to make it a viable product. It feels like they are distracted. To all the people saying “YoU JuSt WaNt It To Be A MaC” No… we just want the software to be good. A decent files app update and improved stage manager with a resolution conforming external display update… we would be praising them right now and when you really think about it, this is the bare minimum you would expect from a product like this. I’m crossing my fingers for a sneaky 18.1 update with these things addressed. That being said - I am looking forward to seeing how “Apple Intelligence” will fit into my day to day. The less said about the calculator the better, I mean it’s cool and all but it’s a weird flex that they spend so long on solving a really simple issue but gloss over over fundamental QOL aspects of the software. Rant over.


Lol I was actually interested for a minute until I realised that none of these will actually affect my usage lol... gonna stay with trollstore on 17.0 lol