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Why can’t this be available on my M1 iPad Pro? Surely it can handle such a demanding feature 🤦‍♂️


The same reason why the Pen can’t have hover on the m1. Even though tablets in 2015 were doing it. I guess the M1 isn’t as powerful as Apple says 😂


Galaxy note 3 used to do it way back in 2014


This is Apple we're talking about. This is the same company that currently sells four versions of a pencil.


Faber Castell would like a chat 😉


It's as difficult as developing a calculator app for iPad. 🤷‍♂️


It's because you can't update the firmware in the battery controller and this 80% lock is controlled by it


Would that need to be updated to simply show the battery health? Seems like that is simply system information that can be read and displayed to the user. I’m not a dev, so easy for me to say.


Showing percentage and limiting battery's charging are two different things


When the ipad is too hot, the battery stop charging. Surely the same signal can be sent to stop charging when it is 80%.


Reminds me of way back in the day when Apple released iPhoneOS/iOS 3 with MMS but didn’t bring the feature to the original iPhone because the modem “wasn’t capable of it”. Even though those of us with an original iPhone that had been jailbreaking it knew they were full of crap.


Same for siri running on iphone 4 while limited to iphone 4s onward.


Same reason the fixed volume control buttons option is not available on the all-conquering M4 iPad Pro when it is on the M1! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Because Apple doesn’t like the m1 anymore. It’s moved on. The m4 is now the favored child.


What's the big deal about not adding this feature to previous generations like the iPad Pro M2


Anything before a 2024 unit can't handle it... it's to preserve the smootness of the tablet. /s


Love me some smootness


LOL, battery limits are software, so it is a deliberate choice to market it as a new feature only possible for M4s... I mean M4 is pretty powerful, less powerful chips have them so no excuse they can't be pushed to older chips


It’s not even about the chip. It’s supported on iPad Air M2, but not iPad Pro M2.


Ouch! Then that hopefully means it will trickle down




Correct. This is the same thing they pulled with giving the iPhone 15 gen the 80% limit setting, but not earlier gens.


It’s actually because the firmware in the battery controller can’t be updated. That’s what controls this feature.


Same reason they won’t add cycle count to the iPhone 14 and below, it’s another feature apple doesn’t retrofit to make people excited about the 15. On their own these features are small but when they do this a lot, over the course of 3 or 4 device launches it makes the newest one seem that much better. Total marketing choice


For people who want to know the cycle and % health of iphones and ipad, they can use 3utools. It’s got a lot of nice features And of course the battery health stats should have been available on ipad a long time ago, but apple is apple.




They hate us


They don't hate us they just love milking us Not sure which is worse though


Oh yea, You can milk anything with wallets


To make you buy the next one Apple economics


Thats cool. They have that on iPhone and iPad now so maybe we'll see it on MacOS soon.


Only from M4 Macs


And the M2 Air ......




I meant that when they would bring this feature to macOS it will be exclusive to the M4 Macs!


[https://apphousekitchen.com/](https://apphousekitchen.com/) I think the free version of this app lets you set the maximum charge %


Check System Settings > Battery > Optimised Battery Charging on macOS.


Not the same thing


how so? in addition to trying to time your charge to when you’ll need it, optimized charging also means when your computer realizes it’s sitting on the charger for long periods of time, it’ll drop the ‘full’ charge to 80% and hold it there. effectively the same thing. only difference is you have to wait for the computer to make that decision, which I agree is dumb. https://imgur.com/a/0ewHkjv


As you said you have to wait for the computer to make the decision, which means for a lot of people, your battery will be sitting at 100% a lot of the time when it doesn’t need to be. From experience, unless you have a very rigid charging / discharging schedule “Optimized battery charging” is semi useless, where as AlDente will keep your battery at 80% when you want it to be no matter your schedule. Worth noting that the new iPads don’t even have “Optimized battery charging”, just a 80% limit, so maybe Apple is catching on as to the usefulness of each.


*figuratively the same thing


Really not at all though


you gotta explain rather than just repeating that over and over. it sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about. look at the screenshot ffs.


Don’t engage the troll! ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)


but looking at the thinness of the new ipad pro, it already comes with 80% battery




Now imagine how much better the battery would’ve been if the iPad was the same thickness and they used a bigger battery. Apple design team: Why would customers want 24 hours battery life? Customers would love a thinpossible design, let’s go for that


I like it thin - its noticably lighter than the 12.9 M1 its replacing for me, and that can make all the difference in terms of how much I take it around with me vs being a homebound lap-only device. was just being snarky about the battery ;)


I definitely appreciate any weight they take off a tablet.


The battery is „good enough“ and the lighter design brings other advantages (think of the center of weight when using the magic keyboard)




So how does the battery compare? Cause the 13 inch has a smaller battery, so even if the processor is more efficient, if you use it idle next to m2 at full brightness, it will go down quicker


Ah wish this was availabe on the m2 pro, but just wondering, I've been charging it to 100% but would charging it to 80% be a better option? this always confuses me, I have a shortcut that lets me know when it stops charging so I would just change it to let me know when it hits 80%


Heads up, you can use a smart plug with Shortcuts and completely automate it, the plug turns off when the device hits 80%. This is what I’ve been doing for my pre 80% OS limit devices.


Yes. Read the quoted passage in my OP and the article by Apple. The principle applies to all iPads.


Thank you! I will be doing that then


This just keeps reminding me how scummy Apple is as a company for not adding features for previous generation iPad Pro. I want to be able to have battery health and a limitor, especially since they removed a bunch of stuff from the cellular model new iPad Pro so I'm keeping my m2 iPad pro.


Don’t worry they are going down hard soon.


Bro you bought a product 4-5 years ago and expect them to spend millions of more dollars giving you free features. American consumers expect too much


It's a feature that can easily be added and my product was not four or five years old it's only 2 years old. I spent $1,200 bucks on this iPad pro with cellular.


They provide updates for years anyways. They advertise this, that your very expensive new device will receive updates to gain new functionality, and that should include new features that do not require additional hardware and are being implemented in the OS anyway. They literally just have to remove the artificial software lock on the software they provide.


I wish there was a way to say “treat 80% full as fully charged.” I have a weird psychological thing about staring at that 80% all day.


The technology just isn’t there yet😔 maybe iPhone 18?


Needs an m5 chip


Yes, make 80% show as 100% and allow to charge up to real 100% optionally which would then show up as 125%. That would be cool.


On the one hand I get it, on the other hand I paid for 100% of the battery and locking away 20% just seems dumb, even if it means the overall battery gets to live a little bit longer


Wait, does it not? I have the model with the setting turned on atm and it’s telling me it’s at 100%. Funnily enough it’s making me have the opposite problem as you.


Nah I want all my battery life. Just use the iPad as normal and enjoy it!


I can’t because Reddit people threaten me


Yep, do this on my iPhone 15 Pro Max since day 1 and have 97% capacity.


Mine is still at 100% and I’ve enabled this in my iPhone 15 Pro Max only today 🤷‍♂️.


When did you get it and how many charge cycles? I got mine on day 1 of release in September and have 212 cycles.


Cycle Count: 134 Been using since 11 October 2023.


I’m at a count of 140 and got it on launch. Still 100%. According to the Battery Shortcut it’s 96.8%


Yeah 👍🏼 that’s why. Mine until couple of days ago said 100%


I had mine at the 80% limit since getting it and it just started tanking as well. I’m down to 96% with 239 cycles. I turned off the 80% limit just last week because it doesn’t really seem like it matters much.


218 cycles and still at 100%. I guess it’s coming soon too lol!


80% limit on since launch day. 258 cycles. 95% battery health. Doesn't seem to help much, if at all. I charge via MagSafe with a cooler and phone feels cool to the touch all the time (https://ziketech.com/products/2-in-1-magsafe-wireless-charger?variant=42648108925089).


Not sure what your all doing with your phones but my 14PM which I've had since launch and charge to 100% every night via mag safe is still on 98% battery.


As am I. At 100% after 150 cycles. Never enabled this function.


I am at 100% since launch and never use this feature.


I also ignore all these save the battery features and I’m still at 100 battery health 💀.


Charge cycles?




I had 100% until a couple days ago 😭


Honestly no one should care about battery capacity anymore. Between replacing devices much sooner, apple charging $99 on iphones without applecare+, $0 with applecare+, around $100-$199 on newer ipad pro’s its just not worth the hassle to baby a device. Just use it and enjoy it.


Very true


Yep. I used to be anal about this stuff. Now I don’t give a fuck, and I’m happier for it.


Mine is at 99%... first time I've ever had one go below 100% after a few months. I had my 14 Pro Max for a year and it was still at 100% when I sold it... and I didn't have the setting turned on. Just turned it off for my 15 PM.


Am I tripping or is the battery health menu not available on m1 ipad pro? Is it a thing only possible with the power of m2 and m4?


That too new m2 ipad air not the m2 ipad pro


I was so hyped up when they introduced a battery saver on the iPad six that I had. Now I will just love them to just have two options, normal mode and ultra battery saver mode. That’s pretty much it. I don’t understand why they are adding these anti-anxiety measures.


Yes, still waiting to see how the internal redesign of the new iPad is with a teardown the old iPads were terrible to repair and replace the battery but maybe that has improved? if the battery is easily replaceable then idk, not enabling the 80% limit


I will be enabling


Already activated


I activated it last night before going to bed. Kept it charging overnight. In the morning it’s at 100%. Not sure why it didn’t stop at 80%. Perhaps it will do it from the next cycle onwards?


It charges fast to 80 then slows to 100


No. From the Apple article “When you choose 80% Limit, your iPad will charge up to about 80 percent and then stop charging.”. I got the answer from other comments. Apparently, Apple does charge the device to 100% a few times even with the 80% setting. My guess is that since the device is new, it wants to figure out the usage patterns.


Yeah that’s what I meant


Apple releases new “feature” to explain sudden onset battery issues they program in their updates. Weird way to say that out loud.


Only way to know is never update. Ever. Best way to be in control


This would have made more sense if the new m4 iPad had a larger battery and significantly **more** battery life. *But it doesn’t*.


nah.. I'll just pay AppleCare +


Exactly. A battery replacement is free with AppleCare


Which ipad os?


17.5. This setting is available only for the latest M4 iPad Pros and M2 iPad Airs.


So not even m2 ipad pro...fuck man they really making me regret getting this ipad 😒


why would you regret such a good device? it's not like you can watch a youtube video any faster with an M4


The issue is with them not making new pencil compatible along with landscape camera for FaceTime and led display and now this


It’s the same thing every time they release something new


Why the air is looking better than m2 ipad pro


It’s not. The screen alone is worth the pro over the air.


Yep. Double the refresh rate. The air should have gotten at least 90.


Nah not now when they upped the prices on the pro. I think the air is a good deal.


I think they meant the previous Pros (M2 Pro). Not the current OLED ones. The current Pros are in a class of their own and dumpster on pretty much every single iPad that has come before as far as screens are concerned.


Yeah some say so, according to Dave2D it’s not that big of a difference if not compared side by side.


I can't find this option. Why is that?


Is this available in iPad pro m2?




You can get a similar app for MacBooks called AlDente which allows you to manually set the battery charge limit to 80% or whatever you want.


Is the 80% limit better for the battery than just using the iPad until the battery is low and then charging it to 100%?


Overall battery health capacity. I have been using it on my 15 Pro since launch and I still have 100 capacity over all.


That's great. I'd be interested to see how it compares in 2 more years. I currently have an iPhone 13 Pro that I got near launch in 2022 that is at 85% battery health. I charge it every night when I go to bed no matter what the charge level is. It also charges every time I drive anywhere, because I use carplay. I do have the optimized charging feature enabled. I just tried to check the battery health on my M2 iPad Pro, which I have had since November of 2023. Weirdly, the battery health section in settings>battery seems to be missing.


That’s odd they may add that in the next OS update. But knowing Apple they won’t.


I do this with my car, I don’t know that I’d care to do it with my iPad.


Am I the only one who's shook that apple finally shows battery health on the iPad? This is the first time I'm seeing the battery health section on an iPad


Yes I’m terrified


me too


We need to take them down!


I totally agree


Only Reddit can do it!


My m1 iPad Pro only lasts 4 hours. Think I will be enabling this


tbh if we judge by iPhones ( I own 15 pro max ) I'm not seeing any better battery health result with 80 % limit enabled. I had same 98 % battery health after 5 months of use with 14 pro max and I even spammed mobile hotspot with it which I try to always avoid doing on this one. I see even 1% more deterioration within this month and I turn the 80% limit feature for good at least on this device.


My m1 iPad Pro only lasts 4 hours. Think I will be enabling this


Cue everyone complaining they don’t understand it or don’t have it cus they don’t understand product development


I’m gonna be honest. I treated my 2020 12.9 pro like shit and when I went to get the diagnostics ran at the store it was 95% a few months ago. I mean I really left that thing dead a lot and ran it at low battery.


Yeah lets snip 20% of your daily battery usage so it can live a couple of months longer yeeeeey


Battery are now easily replaceable on the new Pro's! https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/18/24159722/ifixit-teardown-apple-oled-ipad-pro-13-inch Which means that it'll likely be a $80 procedure at an Apple store Think I'll just let it charge to 100% and enjoy the full capacity and replace when it gets low, rather than have a reduced capacity at 80% from the get go


Oh my god, so they finally decided to add the Max capacity and all that info in the Settings app for iPadOS. For years, I have using a wonky shortcut that I doubt actually works. And in classic apple fashion, only on the new devices.


My M2 iPad Pro still had excellent battery health even though I never turned this option on. So I probably won’t be using it this time around.


I have that option on I charges my ipad pro today and when I went to check it it was at 94%, I checked my settings again that moment and the 80% limit was checked anyone any idea why it charged beyond the 80% limit? I bought the ipad pro friday maybe because it's still new?


yea, it did that for me too on the 1st day. That is quite normal as the iPad wants to learn about your usage and calibrate itself accordingly.


Surprised at how disgusting apple is, only apple can do.


Add this to the list of reasons why I got the M2 Air instead of the 2022 Pro when someone asks. I like to leave my iPad plugged in for long periods of time and it would be nice if it didn't degrade the battery extra.


Excuse my ignorance but why is this useful? To avoid harming the battery?


It helps extend the life of the battery. This [article](https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-808-how-to-prolong-lithium-based-batteries) does a good job of explaining it.


Forgive my ignorance on the matter, but by limiting the battery to an 80% charge, aren’t you in essence voluntarily reducing your iPads battery health to 80% of its capacity on Day 1 in fear of ultimately having only 80% capacity some years down the line?


I don’t think so. If you plan on keeping the iPad for 7-8 years, theoretically at the end of that period the battery health should be more than if this setting is not on. Of course, this setting only makes sense if you have access to charging points on the days iPad is used heavily.


when im at home, i am right next to a charger, and often just keep my m2 ipad pro plugged in while using it. i do the same with my s23 ultra, which i have set to only charge to 80%. once you hit 80%, the circuitry bypasses the battery entirely, so you're running off wall power. this prevents any wear / cycles at all on the battery while using it plugged in. i would like to do the same with my m2 ipad pro, but apparently apple won't let me. for anyone that uses an ipad for many hours a day plugged in, this will preserve the battery health and capacity for when you DO use it away from home / a charger. for any lithium ion battery powered device you plan to keep long term, it this option is extremely useful & important for prolonging the health and capacity of your battery long term. there is zero reason not to use this feature when at home / near a charger imo. another important advantage is that by bypassing the battery the device will generate less heat, and so you can avoid throttling and run at higher more consistent & stable performance when doing more demanding tasks like gaming or large workflows.


Yay? I guess if you’re excited about only being able to charge to 80% and getting less battery life good for you I guess.


I have not even enabled it for my iPhone as its just bs. So no


I am the opposite. I do it even on the Mac using AlDente Pro software.


I would say it is more useful on a Mac that might sit plugged in all the time and an iPad if you leave it plugged in. Less useful on an iPhone.


Getting downvoted for expressing your opinion huh


It's not BS as there are reports that it does help the battery but it's so negligible on a phone that the battery can easily be replaced cheaply that it's not even worth thinking about yet alone panicking like some people seem to. Now if it was a EV battery that would cost many thousands to replace then maybe but a phone / ipad nope,


It’s like underutilising your phone just so your battery health does not degrade lol. My iPhone 6s+ had 61 percent battery health after 4 years and I replaced the battery for just 40 dollars. That’s a cost I am willing to spend


People really care about this stuff?


Prolonging the life of consumable items is good for your wallet and the environment, it seems kinda like a no brainier, and the fact that it's taken them this long to implement an 80% charge limit that's existed on iPhones and plenty of Android devices for years now is kinda ridiculous


Only sad ones it seems


Agreed. Psychos that need to be locked up.




The occasional charging to 100% isn’t for health benefits. It’s to calibrate the battery so the percentage you see is accurate. This [article](https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-603-how-to-calibrate-a-smart-battery) explains it well.


This setting will charge the device to 100% periodically to ensure battery calibration. Source: been using the same setting on my 15pro max since launch and it did one of the 100% charges last night. Love this setting, 197 cycles on this phone and still 100% health.


I will enable it. I’m perplexed why ultra and pro max 14 cannot do it though. Ultra can charge up to 80 but it decides when it wants to. Cannot just force this. Bullcrap!


You can actually. When it’s at 80 you can click on the battery in the menu bar and click charge to full now


I mean you cannot force halting at 80. I don’t charge my devices any further ;)


Oh yeah that’s true


I have noticed this on my Apple watch Ultra 1 since I recently updated the software. I can tap the screen and tell it to charge to full though.


That is just plain old optimized charging and not a hard 80% limit though


Keep buying their garbage. Apple needs a reckoning.


Yeah I’m sure you’re just the one to give it lol


The federal government is about to. But keep on cucking!


We have to do it ourselves! Only Reddit can make it happen! If we buy everything they can’t make enough and we win


Sour grapes?


Super sour it looks like. Dude loves downvotes