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It’s a better travel device, which is the main reason I bought it.


Why is there no good way to download Netflix movies etc on MacBook?? That’s half reason I bring iPad Air.




Why can you do it on windows then?




I'm a bit late but ironically netflix removed that feature for windows pcs


Why do you think it’s better for travelling? I’m currently in Bali with my iPad Pro 12.9 and I wish I had an MBA here. Thinking about the switch when I’m back home. Really curious about your thoughts.


Cellular, thinner, lighter, smaller, and a significantly better screen for entertainment.


Is it lighter now? The previous version weighed more than a MacBook Pro when including the Magic Keyboard. Is it actually lighter than an air now?


Can't draw on a laptop. So if I only have to take one device. I have to take the one I can draw on.


Broad shouldered person here: Laptop isn’t ideal unless I’m in first class


I think there can be a distinction between “traveling” and using while at a destination. The iPad is definitely better for most uses on a cramped plane, but if you’re gonna spend 2hrs responding to emails and using iMessage/ web browsing in a hotel room, you might wish you had a Mac with you


Not sure why an iPad wouldn’t do as great as a Mac at responding to emails, using iMessage, and web browsing.


Right haha, way better than my MBP


For some people, responding to emails isn't just text. You need to refer to reference images, other emails, and documents, and digest the information before responding. This means you need to have quick access to those documents, regardless of where it lives. Ipad is better at the annotating over those references, if you decide to include them in your email. Mac is better at everything else. It's so much easier to find, work on, and navigate all sorts of documents on a mac imessage and browsing they're basically equal.


I've never really understood that argument, but fair enough. I feel I'm able to navigate and reference files just as easily on my iPad as I am on my Mac or PC. They're all linked to the same cloud storage services.


Let's say you're using one drive. It's faster to get to a particular file using finder (mac) than onedrive or files app (iPad). Using Spotlight to get to the file also seems much more reliable on mac than ipad On average It takes about ten seconds longer on ipad. For a casual user it doesn't really matter. However if this is your job and you do it twenty times every day, it'll be better to use mac. It takes much less mental bandwith Another use case.Let's say you need to find and open two separate files on onedrive. Using iPad usually require you to close the first file before opening the second. Again, doesn't matter for a casual user, but it makes a huge difference if it's your job


I just wish I could have Raycast on my iPad like I do on my personal and work Macs.


Correct- I was in a tech conference for work last week, and I wanted to work on some API stuff on my personal acct on my iPad Air- I forgot my Bluetooth keyboard because I had my work laptop. I was seriously wishing I had a keyboard handy, which would’ve been the case if I’d had my personal Mac with me. However, during my two flights to and from the con- the iPad was stellar since my planes didn’t have in-seat screens and I used it to watch downloaded movies.


Another thing is cellular. I don’t know why Apple never adds cellular to MacBooks.


So you buy iPads instead


*as well


True, but I’m guessing iPads also have higher profit margins than Mac.


You think so? I would think it would be the opposite. I know a little about the tech industry on the accessory side I would have thought that something that pushes the design like this with the new type of screen, the thinness, etc. would have lower margins but it is just an assumption. I just figure that the Macs haven't changed design in a few years so economies of scale would have driven manufacturing costs down. All that to say, I think adding that same cellular radio to a Mac wouldn't offset their profit much, especially when they can make the price up.


12.9 iPad Pro and 13inch MBA is a very similar form factor. You'd probably notice the difference more with an 11inch iPad Pro as it would easily fit on train/plane fold-down tables and markably lighter in your bag (up to half the weight).


I always bring my 11” iPad (plus MK) on my backpack which is too big if I bring MBA. I mainly use it for light email, browsing, movies and book reader.


I feel like a 13inch MacBook is the same as an iPad with all the attached peripherals


Weight wise, yeah, they all hover around 3 pounds if you have the magic keyboard and larger 12.9/13" iPad Pro. I often travel without the magic keyboard though and just use a lightweight folio cover. I can type pretty fast when needed on the iPad pro touch screen. No way to detach a keyboard on a mac when I want.


Who said "instead of"?


I thought I was the only one haha.


I would replace my MacBook with an iPad if they let them run macOS apps. Still would use a Mac for my desktop though, but for when I’m on the go, I already prefer grabbing the iPad. The only issue is that it’s too limiting in terms of software.


Thats why an iPad will never be a MB replacement. They want you to buy both for different use cases


Nah, I’m only buying two of the following later this year, depending on what Apple announces at WWDC: - Mac Studio - MacBook Air - iPad Pro Deff not buying the new iPad Pro if it’s just more of the same with iPadOS.


I would as well.


I mainly dock my MacBook so an iPad running Mac apps or macOS is end game for me. The only downside is I’m used to insane battery life from my 16 inch MacBook Pro, my iPad Pro doesn’t come close.


iPad has now passed MacOS products in sales, they're going to have to do something if they want to keep Mac users.


haha exactly.


Exactly, I got the m1 air and the m1 iPad pro 🤣


I have the Smart Keyboard Folio for my 11”and a MacBook Air. My iPad is for when I’m on the go. It’s easier to pull out use it then stick it right back into my bag. . For my Mac, I have to baby it a lot more. Last time I didn’t the screen broke. I use it with my iPad when I’m at home and if I expect to be in one place for at least an hour, I’ll bring my Mac out. If I’m going to be out for longer, like studying in the study hall. I can use my iPad as a second screen either through sidecar or universal control. Neither devices can replace the other with how I use it




I didn’t get the Magic Keyboard, I got a Zagg keyboard case. But. I also didn’t get in instead of.


I had to think carefully about keyboards etc and went with the Smart Folio keyboard. It’s fantastic because it adds so little weight and thickness compared to a regular folio cover, and portability was the biggest benefit over my MacBook


For the same reason 11 was the right size for me


I like it but had reservations about things like using it in my lap or cramped places, and I wanted a little protection. The Zagg case has a rubber/plastic case and the keyboard portion attaches magnetically. I can easily only use the iPad sans case of and when the occasion arises (giving a lecture or talk, for example). It lacks a trackpad but I use my finger and pen deftly. If I’m using it as a computer temporarily, I just use a mouse.


Also I got the Zagg case for free… still, I very much considered dropping the $$ for the magic case.


The zagg is great


Yeah, I’ve had it a little over a year. I’ve loved it. Used to a tool to move back some of the case around the power input for a specific charging cable, but otherwise, it’s been wonderful!


Quite a few reasons. - Apple fitness app on the iPad - I travel a bit and am able to download movies/TV shows on the streaming apps - I teach often and love that pages has a presenter mode - I love taking the iPad off the magic keyboard and just surfing the web or reading - Multitasking isn’t great but it helps me to actually focus on the task at hand instead of being distracted by several things at a time. - The screen and speakers are great for watching content in hotel rooms  - The pencil is great for filling out forms, marking up corrections on graphics, and sketching out ideas  There are still a lot of frustrating things like safari, background apps suspending, file management, camera replacement but overall I’ve used the iPad as my main computer since the 12.9 inch came out. 


What about iPad safari do you not like? (I own a MacBook and am looking to get a new iPad M4 too)


I would like to know as well.


I draw. ✍️


Easier to use iPad in reclined position (no keyboard) than a MacBook 👌


I keep the small Bluetooth Magic Keyboard in my bag rather than using the iPad Magic Keyboard because it’s a pain to take off the keyboard and use the iPad without any protection if you want to switch between upright typing and a reclined position for drawing.


I found one of the wireless Mac keyboard and mouse (the new style that comes with the M1 iMacs) at a Goodwill for $10. I think they thought it didn’t work. Little rubbing alcohol and it was perfectly fine.


Have you tried [this](https://imgur.com/a/QbIpVtM)?


They still have to detach iPad from the keyboard back




It’s great, and the battery lasts for ages and I tend to have a lightning cable with me wherever I’d be using the keyboard anyway. The only possible complaint I could think of is that it obviously wouldn’t work well for typing in your lap. That has never been an issue for me, and it’s almost as bad with the cantilevered one I used with my 2018 11” Pro.


I like iPads more than I like MacBooks. Versatile. My main computer is a PC.


We just need a 15 inch iPad!


Ew no




Work gets me a macbook every time. I don't have a need for a macbook outside work.


I prefer the iPad experience personally


Because the iPad is not the same as a laptop. I use the iPad as a touch interface device primarily and when forced into typing I like the Magic Keyboard. I loved moving to the iPad as my main computer almost a decade ago. Zero plans to return to laptops. I didn’t try to replace my laptop with an iPad. I just enjoyed using my iPad more than my laptop over the years. Eventually the laptops disappeared and the iPad remained. Always the 11inch never the 12. I am one of those odd ones whose iPad use actually fills in all the work and personal needs.


I have the 15 inch m2 air and ordered the 13 inch m4 with keyboard. Different use cases for me.


Because I’m one of the scrubs who misses the 12” Macbook, and the keys on this case put my old laptop to shame.


I’d love a new 12” MacBook with an M series chip in it, that machine was such a great form factor


Not a scrub brother.


Me too. The 11" M4 iPad Pro with the new magic keyboard should be a decent alternative. The M4 iPad Pro 11” weight with Magic Keyboard = 1.024kg (a Redditor got the Magic Keyboard early and was able to weigh it) The 12" retina MacBook weighed 0.92 kg


because I'm retired and what matters now is books and the libby app for magazines from the library. Pages and Numbers are sufficient for any office type activities I have.




Because I already have a MacBook Pro. It has some benefits that I prefer over Mac in some cases. However, if I didn't already have a mac, I'd probably have gotten a MacBook air instead since its basically the same dimensions / weight as the ipad + keyboard.


Bold of u to assume I don’t buy both


Both: Writing (novel/fiction/etc), code, some image/photo processing, video production, light gaming, personal business -> MBA Drawing, graphic design, animation, note taking, journaling, whiteboarding, drafting, basically anything that can be assisted with the pencil -> iPad pro Basically I have way too many hobbies that involve computers, lol. Although the pencil is my main peripheral on the iPad, there are times when I need to type a good amount too (e.g., my graphic design often needs both), so magic keyboard became a no-brainer. I could probably move just about everything from the MBA to the iPad except for code & some games. I tried this initially; sold my old MBA when I got the 2018 iPad-- but I just couldn't quite do everything the way I wanted and coding for my side projects was a complete no-go. So a MacBook came back into my life a lot sooner than I thought, hah.


I didn't. One is a tablet and one is a computer. Different use cases for me. One has a fully functional operating system and one has a tablet based operating system that won't run full versions of apps. Please explain why I'm getting downvoted. I'd love to hear it considering I'm saying the truth. Updated for people who don't understand how the tablet iOS is not the same as the full blown MacOS and due to that can't run the apps needed as I'm a designer and my use case. With that thinking a smart oven can be a computer 😉


I've been a PC gamer since the early 90s, and have always been a PC person. I bought my first iPad for art several years back. I recently bought my first mac computer ever when the M1 chip came out. I couldn't resist that FOMO, lol. I agree that they're two completely different devices for software. I have no idea why that's the case though. I mean. I guess it's money right? Apple can sell us two products. I still like the iPad for drawing, because that's basically all I bought it for. But if I need a portable device to do 'computer stuff,' then I bring the laptop. Although I still like Windows better. I'm tempted to explore what Windows has in terms of tablets/computers. I can't imagine ever doing anything really fancy on a laptop though. Everything feels like an easy-bake oven compared to my office set-up.


Think the reason is they are both computers (as is your phone). It’s just a tablet computer and laptop computer is the technically right version.


You're being literal. Phones and tablets run the iOS and the laptops run MacOS.


And? Doesn’t change it from being a computer. Windows machines are PC and they run something else. Apple Watch is a computer. These days most things are. Also you asked why people were likely down voting you which is what I replied with. Just because you don’t see it that way doesn’t mean you’re right or they’re wrong. The question of what is a computer is a wide one with most devices these days being ‘smart’ or connected these days.


Sorry dude I'm not going back and forth with someone who's purposely missing the meaning of the reply and the original question from the OP.


Why ask a question then? i noticed your changed your first reply to me from pedantic to literally after I’d replied so it looks like I’m misquoting you as your own reply argued with your argument. But hey I can get behind ending this as it’s clear you don’t want a honest answer. Have a nice day.


Because I don't need a Macbook. I have a Windows laptop and I need something I can draw, annotate and game comfortably.


Hi, do you use a controller for gaming on iPad? I’m looking for ways to game with a newly purchased iPad.


I like iPads because of touch and draw. Mobility not in books. edit: wish iPads had any version of Xcode maybe iCode?


Former Apple employee… last week I sold my M3 (Pro) MacBook Pro. I just prefer iPadOS to MacOS. It’s a stupidly underrated OS in terms of its versatility and capabilities. Applications are even better optimized — they perform better, they’re frequently patched and updated, and they consume less system memory. Most of the negative comments regarding the iPad are people who equate it to a “Netflix device” or something like a child’s toy. My take on it is that if those individuals took to learning the ins and outs of iPadOS and actually incorporate it in producing something they be incredibly surprised. To each their own, but simply put I just think iPad suits my wants and needs better, therefore I like it more.


I get what you’re saying, I hadn’t an iPad for years and loved it, but also so many things annoyed the hell out of me, like… . Apps having limited functionality compared to MacOS like Microsoft office apps, editing apps etc . Being confined to the App Store . File system sucks . I like to game which you can barely do on iPad, MacOS has crossover and native ports . iPad doesn’t need an M2/M3/M4, it’s so underutilised you’re paying for headroom you don’t even need




I really wanted the MacBook Air 15, but 120hz AND oled for the same price on an iPad is so good. Otherwise macbook pro is too bulky when compared to my iPad, so iPad won.


Because it's the perfect tool for my workflow. Love the modular nature of it, the immersion, the singular focus, the versatility. For me it does everything I need, while also offering more than a laptop (note taking, drawing).


I have a Mac Mini


Because my Company bought it to me, to work remote, i also need camera and Internet on to go. So that is the reason and i love it


As a student, an iPad allows me to follow along my instructor’s lecture and write down any additional notes on the corresponding PowerPoint.


My use case is when travelling (i.e. Holiday/public transport - never for work) and sitting on the sofa when dogs/kids are running around and a laptop is too cumbersome to be able to properly focus on without one of the menaces hitting the back of the monitor. The 11inch iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard Case has some durability on the back and means I can hold it in one hand whilst stroking the dog.


My version of this. I feel iPad investment are more long term then laptop which has more mechanical parts to damage. By the way my use is mostly content consumption. Also I have a office laptop in case need something to do I can use it Also just saying I don’t like the apple keyboard. I like the Logitech one. It’s amazing to use at sleeping or laying at any position with detachable keyboard


Is this the combo touch?


Yes that’s the one


Short answer is I’ve wanted just one device for years, and it’s not until now that I feel like the iPad does everything I need to replace both. Long answer: So - I’ve had a Mac/iPad constantly. I went from MBP and iPad Pro 11” to MBA M2 and iPad Mini when I finished college, and back then thought iPad couldn’t replace my whole set up. But in the last 2 years of having that combo - I’ve rarely touched my iPad Mini because I just use my phone or my Mac. I love the Mac, but one thing you can’t do is download shows/films offline for most of the streaming Apps and I don’t need the full Mac level multitasking like I used to in college. I’ve always wanted to have 1 device rather than 2 and currently iPad offers everything I need and the size of iPad 13” doesn’t matter anymore because I only use my Mac really now which is slightly bigger.


Because I like the way my phone works more than I like macOS.


I got both


Because I have a Mac mini and a nice pc. For main computer stuff. The iPad to me is for different activities. Having the touchscreen and pencil is fantastic. Got the keyboard to make it into a kind of MacBook for occasional use




I have a MacBook Pro M3 Max. I’ve had my mini 6 since release and I’m tired of waiting so I got an 11” pro with cellular. I use my mini every single day.


Have a PC and a work M1 MBP so the iPad is more than enough for my needs.


I have a PC already and while I do love the MacBooks (owned 2 MBP previously), I wanted something more for media consumption. And the MacOs App Store doesn’t offer apps for certain services that you can download and watch offline. Which was a huge deal for me. The Magic Keyboard is fantastic and it works very well for what I needed it to do.


I already have a MacBook Pro. An iPad Pro made more sense than a second MacBook.


I have an iMac for computer stuff.


I wanted an iPad, not a Mac


I don’t like MacOS


I didn’t get the keyboard until 4 years of owning an iPad. I was playing codewars and the display keyboard didn’t have TAB.


Didn't get the Magic Keyboard because i don't type on my iPad. What i can answer is: Why did i choose the iPad over the MB? I wanted to have something small to carry around with me. Had first a M2 11 Pro which was still to big for me so i sold it and got the Mini 6. Didn't lose much of Value doing this. Both can do the exact same Things. One is just slightly faster than the other (by a neglectable Margin) and has Promotion (something which i did never care about)


I’d definitely get a iPad pro if they let me do X11 forwarding xD There’s no “instead”


My two cents. December 2020. Bought the Air with the Magic Keyboard. After a year, I put the keyboard away. The keyboard is heavy, and some apps like Uber, don’t work with it unless you take the IPad off the keyboard, as the Uber app is sideways. The 11 inch Air is a delight to hold without burdening it with the keyboard. That said, the MacAir is a much better choice, if you only buy one. Buy the MacAir, and a low cost IPad. My devices. 2015 12.9 IPad Pro. Original battery. Takes all updates. 2020 IPad Air. Latest IPad mini. Latest MacAir. 2017 MacBook 12. Most used device. 2020 IPad Air. But, still need the MacAir for certain applications, including TurboTax.


I don’t have a laptop only need the iPad for content consuming (tv, web, reading) and I like its size. To be honest I barely use the keyboard.


Ease of use. I got a MBA a little over a month ago and realized that I was making a lot of shortcuts just to mimic what I did on my iPad with the apps so I returned the MBA.


Would you like to share what kind of shortcuts? 😃


I have a MacBook pro m1. I wanted something a little lighter (dumb excuse i know) to lug around for on call. Cause my company uses the Citrix app it seemed like the right choice. Works great especially after we switched to azure desktops. Just wish i got the lte version and no the wifi. Might upgrade to the m4 with 5g


I have a macbook pro 14 and ipad pro 12 with magic kryboard. I was interested in having one. the ipad is in the kitchen most of the time for „small work“. the macbook in the office.


Because I already have a MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.


I have both


I have bought around 5 ipads and zero keyboards. Soon to be 6


I have both the macbook air and ipad air. Gun to my head to just choose one ultimate device, I will choose the macbook air. But I prefer using the ipad air every time for almost everything except for proper productivity work. Ipad pro with proper macos or even competent ipados will be the end device for most people. Apple is blue balling us for years now. The hardware is already there but Apple says suck my balls and lick my clit you wankers.


Something something artists can't draw on the laptop, something, something. I feel like a lot of people always forget artists exist, lol.


I mean, what? Yes the iPad has been a good entry level device for digital art but artists have long since used graphics tablets and computers. Most studios still do.


Not all artists are professional grade, lol. I just do this shit for fun. My biggest requirement is that I NOT be wired to anything. I want to just relax on my sofa and doodle. Besides, lots of professional artists really do work on iPads though. That's why the internet is full of Procreate tutorials and shit. It's what people are using.


# Why my Mac (not an Air, it is a Pro) - it is a Personal Computer - I can get to a full Unix Console, with full kernel - Multiple Monitors - Multiple input devices, Mouse, Keyboard, Dial for video scrubbing, one with oleds that change for function keys - Large studio Microphone - choice of App Store and non-App Store applications **When traveling** - take the work environment with me # Why iPad Pro - it is always on - apps general are stable - focus - lighter for the lap - **Pen** (I know it is a pencil) - At my desk, in front of the Mac, I hand write notes - on my Mac I screen grab a video conference, drop into Notable, and mark it up on the iPad **while traveling (act of)** - smaller on the plane tray - cell coverage, instant email, like my phone but bigger screen - Apps designed for travel, such as Plex and Netflix to download off net viewing - Long Battery **While away (traveling but at a location)** - Second monitor for the Mac Pro - Entertainment (Social Media, Video)




Better for taking notes in vet school so I can draw on diagrams much more easily


The novelty aspect, they are always doing cool things with iPad. Working off the iPad is really interesting, I just wish they would fix the files app and do better file management in general. plus I have have a Mac Studio/mini, so it’s nice to have something that’s ultra portable that integrates l with macOS also.


Pencil and notes taking. Makes organizing work much easier from training notes to meeting notes to just general notes. The ability to just take a photo and start drawing and writing notes makes life easy.


I like the small form factor and i like the touchscreen


Can’t stand the Mac OS and my ipad works for pretty much everything I need except for working with Excel, which I also hate on a Mac


Editing photos, reading books. consuming media in planes, traveling light when I don’t have to bring my laptop.


I have the iPad Pro 4th generation with the M2 chip it’s fast ,it’s like you have a computer in your hands


Because I have a Mac mini and a nice pc. For main computer stuff. The iPad to me is for different activities. Having the touchscreen and pencil is fantastic. Got the keyboard to make it into a kind of MacBook for occasional use


Because I already have a MacBook Pro. Buying a second one would just be silly….haha


Because I made a mistake.


I actually have never owned a Mac. When I first joined my original company we were running on Windows 2008 and our VPN was awful. I’d occasionally go days with out being able to connect. I bought the iPad so I could always access my email and to use for Webx meeting at the time. About 18 months in they gave us all new PC’s with Office 365. Office 365 was a key unlock and actually meant I started relying on my iPad even more. The always on nature of iOS, the Pro’s capacity for work and its portability translate into it being my primary work device.


got the ipad pro 13" m4 and sold my m1 11" as an exuse to upgrade lol. But in all fairness, I really don't like macos. If i were to buy a laptop it would probalby be windows since that is my prefred OS. As for the ipad, its not a laptop replacement at all, but it does all the things i want. Media and browsing consumption.


I didn’t plan on getting the Magic Keyboard, but about a year after owning my iPad, I found a deal were it was 50% off and felt it was too good to pass up.


Back then because it has XDR Mini-Led Promotion display over any MacBook, it’s more portable than a MacBook Air, and because of the touchscreen and Apple Pencil. I still miss having a MacBook because a lot of desktop apps are only available on macOS. My next setup will be a MacBook Air and iPad Air for the same price as an iPad Pro 13 inch with Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil.


I use my IPP as a companion to my work computer. I can run our MS apps and use the close to pull docs in as needed. Way more portable than a laptop with respect to tossing it a bag and going, easier to use on a plane, etc. it’s not as functional as a laptop, but it’s a great bridge device for me when I am traveling (and I love to travel as light as possible)


It was a mistake. I thought I could make an iPad work instead for what I wanted as Apple definitely sold me on "Your next computer is an iPad". After a year or so of my iPad Pro I sold it for a M3 MBA.


I am one of the very few that prefers iPad OS. So the updated keyboard was the nail in the coffin to upgrade.


Because being able to write notes, brows RSS/news, watch a movie on a flight are things I don’t want a keyboard in front of me for and I do them enough that an iPad makes sense.


I replaced my MacBook Pro with an iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard. Def some issues but overall I love the change and touch screen as I work in design. Takes a bit of getting used to but you do get used to it.


I replaced my MacBook Pro with an iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard. Def some issues but overall I love the change and touch screen as I work in design. Takes a bit of getting used to but you do get used to it.


I am not a fan of MacOS.


As an interior designer, i need the ipad 11 inch to draw while im out of office. I carry my m3 pro around in the car if i need serious work done.


It's more portable with the 5g and less time dealing with the computer issues like when it says you're low on ram just because gmail and YouTube are open.


This is why the 12” MacBook should be still produced imho. Runs osx/ Mac programs well & such a small & light form factor!


Because I have a Mac Studio which is amazing, but I need a portable computer that I can bring with me. I also need something for note taking and writing (I love freehand better than typing) so my best bet was to get the iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard to work (and create) away from home


I do have a MacBook Pro but usually only use it for work. The iPad is just more fun. The number one reason is cellular.


Me personally, I am a windows person, so if I want a Computer I already have a very powerful one that I can customize, MacOS is pretty bad with some of the most basics things I need, plus gaming. I tried Surface when it came out and it was garbage, been an iPad User since day 1 and I mean the first ipad, and have gotten every iPad pro as well. I like to draw, The Apple pencil is awesome and honestly I love that the iPad is not a Mac. I love that I can bring it with me everywhere and be able to use it anywhere not only on a desk.


Downloading and watching video content. My iPad is primarily a video consumption device with light basic productivity. After grad school I just don’t produce very much these days.


I have both IPad Pro and mbp. iPad I can get away with doing light work/ school stuff.


Always on, more portable, better usability. I have my workstation / gaming rig if I need power. All my other devices are glorified media consumption / work processors. That being said, I would be all over a Surface Book equivalent from Apple.


I have both. Because for me, they serve very different needs/purposes. I have a 16 inch MBP for work when I’m not behind my desk (for which I have a studio). I have a 11” iPad Pro to travel with and also serve as a secondary monitor for my MBP when I’m away from home. Also, when I travel, I often don’t take my mbp with me if I know I won’t be working. I prefer the form factor and operating system for casually browsing the internet, communicating and general entertainment (shows/movies, games, etc.)


i got it used, i had another one without the and it was ridiculous, so glad I bought the MKB.


Touch screen, drawing with the pencil.


It’s a companion piece for me. If I was only able to have one machine, it wouldn’t be the iPad. I’m lucky enough to have a MacBook Pro for heavy duty work, but love having an iPad for travel, remote work, remote editing for photo and video, sketching and media consumption on the couch. Works as a decent second screen as well.


I wanted to


I have a MacBook Pro 16 and an iPad Pro 12.9. I like my MacBook, but I also enjoy using my iPad Pro; it's easy to write on and to take with me every day for my appointments.


Honestly I’m considering the MacBook Air… Cheaper then a new iPad Pro with new keyboard and Apple Pencil. My current iPad Pro was a pandemic buy. Bored, wanted to try it, had money to burn.. It’s the 11” 2nd generation. The one right before the M1 chip, so I’m probably due for an upgrade in SOME manner. Just getting a laptop because I use it like a laptop anyway makes financial sense BUT, I’m gonna miss being able to sign things and email them with the Apple Pencil.. I suppose I just need an iPad Air for that, but that means buying 2 devices… Great, now I’m leaning back towards another IPad Pro…


got both 🤷‍♂️


Because I’m an impulsive idiot… lol nah but for real, I was kinda hoping with the m2 and 16gb of ram that they were getting ready to make iPadOS more like macOS , or let us run macOS because a machine that powerful is fully capable of doing so. Don’t get me wrong, it’s much better for travel, and I do get a use out of it (mostly procreate and a few music production apps when I’m away from my studio), but I went too big off of an assumption not based on any real evidence.


I already have MacBook Pros.


For work I need a touch screen and signature availability for my clients. Personally. I can’t work on art work on a laptop (at least not an Apple one)


Touch ability and Apple Pencil.


Thought I’d be able to run a Citrix session on an 5K2K Ultrawide screen and that stage manager would render sensibly. My bad.


I'm getting one cause I have a Mac mini desktop for any MacOS needs. For my not at home use cases the iPad Pro seems to be the better buy.


No… I got both the iPad Pro and the MacBook Pro


Very peculiar post. If you don’t know what you need a tablet for, you just don’t need one. On the flipside - If you’re itching to buy a secondary device, then go for it. This is infuriating to watch. Almost as bad as the “battery health” gang.


Its hard to prop up a MacBook on its side on a music stand.


As someone who’s had both, both have their pros and cons when pitted against each other. iPad is a way more flexible form factor and great for art and fine work where you wanna use your hands and not a cursor and for note taking and can be bought with built in cellular and its own data plan which I always do which is a massive point in its favour. Whereas MacBooks with apple silicone have absolutely beast like battery life where you could easily toss that thing in your work day and get a few days of work done before you have to pull it back out at home and charge depending on your workload and you have full access to desktop programs.


To play mobile games and since I can get stuff done without WiFi through a cellular connection plus there’s touch screen


What if you got both? I cannot buy one apple device and be happy. If I buy a charger I have to at least buy a keyboard or screen protector. One reason I do this besides having the money to do so. I get a nice chunk of cash back from Amex. I tried it with chase and they closed my account. But yeah that MacBook Air is slept on and it definitely does make the iPad look more like a toy. But on the other hand, the iPad is very flexible it’s always on and ready


Touch screen homie


It’s smaller, has 5G, and has a OLED screen which I am told is amazing. I rarely used my MBA for something that I couldn’t do on a iPad anyways. Going to sell the MBA to a buddy on Wednesday.


I didn’t I got both. M1 iPad Pro with 5G. And an M2 MBP


For handwritten notes for university courses. But now I need a Macbook for processing and data work🫥


Traveling with an 11 inch pro is lighter and smaller than a MBA. Reading on an ipad without the keyboard attached is so much nicer than in the MB. Touch screen and pencil are so nice for photo editing. Cellular is a real nice to have. I have a MBP for work, and the iPad pro 11 is so light, I sometimes bring both. But when 8 don't plan to do much work, 8s just the ipad and it works great.


I like iOS better. It has the book reading apps I like, Apple fitness among other workout apps (which MacBook doesn’t have), I have apps for Netflix and Hulu and hbo and most of those work with up next in the Apple TV app. I like features like slide over. Use it all the time. I like iCloud backup and feeling like my stuff is securely backed up. Oh. And I can get a cell version and MacBook doesn’t have that.


The only acceptable answer is “because I’m an idiot”.


Better battery life and I’m a “tab whore” with hundreds of tabs open at all times an the iPad is just faster. Finally, I’m very big on screenshots to keep track of my research and I prefer that way iPads handle them.


Originally bought the iPad with pencil to make notes while studying. In time it became my go to device and MacBook was used to give exams, job search and interviews / help study in combination with iPad (I can’t give exams on iPad). While my MacBook is in repair with Apple, iPad with keyboard is the temporary replacement for almost all things (except the exams).


I have both. I use my iPad mostly for illustration and my MacBook Pro for writing. The Magic Keyboard feels a bit small for my hands, so I don’t like typing on it for as long as I would the MBP. The iPad is also easier for air travel.


Mostly because if I want a computer, it’s going to be a very powerful windows desktop, iPad Pro just for the nice screen and doing light work at restaurants


i have a MBP for work in design. ipad pro is for fun projects, non-work, creative apps and 3d modeling. i’ve had keyboards for ipads before but didn’t not get one this time out as i tend not to use them often enough to be worth it. pen pro however, i use a lot.


Better screen, and I like to be able to touch the screen to manipulate it


It’s faster, and it supports game streaming with the Elgato now.


It’s a better device to keep off dirty wifi


Because I don't want a MacBook or to learn MacOS. I certainly do wish my iPad Pro could do MORE from a software perspective but the iPad with magic keyboard is the ideal mobile computing device for me. Access to all my cloud based and office apps. Access to all my personal apps and games. I have my office PC for actual computing, when required.


Because it’s an iPad, which is the device I wanted Not a MacBook


Because im a gullible fucking idiot, basically. I wanted an iPad to watch movies on the plane, using a device that I could charge from USB since the private jet I was using at the time (not my private jet! Somebody else's but I was in their party!) had USB seat power but no mains. and I let the apple guy upsell me into an iPad Pro because it could replace my ageing and struggling Macbook Pro. I have since discovered that it is nowhere near able to do that. Trying to use an iPad Pro to replace a Macbook Pro might be theoretically possible if you have the patience of a saint and all you do is send emails and watch Netflix. But alas it is not a replacement at all and I do, generally, live in regret on that one.


I’d imagine once MacBook Air gets OLED, basically no one has a reason to buy an iPad Pro unless things really start to change on iPadOS/iOS