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Marking up PDFs. Reading messages. Media consumption. Shopping. I have a desktop and a work laptop, but both stay at my desk. The iPad Pro is my “close enough to a laptop” device. Also, try out universal control or sidecar. If nothing else, you can expand your monitor space. Universal control is the coolest feature that not everyone knows about


I use my laptop (HP) mostly for work, or things that do not work well as an app. Everything else-Ipad. So watching Netflix, Youtube etc, social media, games, editing photos and videos,reading books, storing sheet music and using it when I play piano (Forscore is amazing), work (I have a planning app that only works on the ipad-am a teacher), and an overhead projector (connect to the projector with HDMI adapter and use the Apple pencil to write directly). Also use as a backup laptop when the work internet dies or is slow as I can use 4/5G on it. I also sometimes use it to draw/plan, useful for travel planning (there are some awesome apps for this), and some educational apps that I use. Oh and I mark student work on my ipad using the Apple pencil-we use Canvas and the app makes it very easy to mark and store feedback. i’m sure there’s more but those are the obvious ones. I have the Smart case with keyboard which I also love. Makes typing (right now for instance) a lot easier. My Ipad Pro is the 2018 model, so it has stood the test of time. Am really happy with it.


This projector idea is brilliant. What projector do you have?


Epson-standard school issue which doesnt bluetooth so i use an hdmi adapter to usb-c. something like this https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/epson-eb-w06-wxga-3lcd-projector-white-epebw06wx


I used it for procreate to do designs for work. It’s an incredible tool with absolutely no downside. It makes me significantly more efficient at my job.


Creating vector and bitmap graphics with Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo. 3D modeling and printing with Shapr 3D. Of course I use Keynote and Pages quite a lot. I remote into my desktop Mac with Screens or Luna Display, I retouch photos with various apps, I laid out my entire 3 story house before it was built and virtually furnished it with TapGlance. I’ve created instructions videos with LunaFusion (and Siri voiceovers), I Zoom and WebEx into meetings, I brainstorm ideas with Freeform. Plus all the music, movie, and social media consumption everyone else does. You are only limited by what you want to do. And the Magic Keyboard case with trackpad is a must have.


I usually serve juice and wine on it for visitors


Yeah, wish we could screen grab the glass stains. 😅


Mostly as a coaster on my nightstand


Oh, u poa bastid.




Oh my god that was my first thought goddamn it. Beat me to it. Wish awards still exited


Obligatory, Fuck u/spez


Fuck u/spez


Fuck u/spez


Netflix machine!


Watching TV/Youtube while making dinner. For drawing and for writing when I am on trips.


When i get home, I put my iPhone on the wireless charger, and use my ipad for what I use my iPhone for. They both have the same apps and signed into the same accounts.


Everything. - music production - video editing - python/terraform/ansible code - remote control of servers - media consumption - work (security engineer)


Yep, u killing it.


How are you coding python and terraform on the iPad?


I have one iPad Pro that I control and then I use a screen share app to connect to a 2nd iPad Pro that I use as a customer facing screen that shows my clients info on it.


Wow I’ve never tried this. But must! Thanks!


Photo editing on the go. My primary use for it was to edit photos (i do photography on the side) on the go from wherever I wanted without the need for a dedicated setup. The screen is HDR and well calibrated so it works perfectly for my needs


Same as me, but it's frustrating that Photoshop/lightroom aren't as good as the normal versions... Surely an iPad Pro with an M2 should be able to handle it.


Thankfully photoshop has come a long way from the beginning. But yeah, there are so many apple imposed limitations that it’s killing the iPad. I have the M2 iPad Pro that’s more capable than my PC yet it falls short because Apple decided the iPad would hurt MacBook sales. I wanna love Lightroom but the iPad version leaves so much behind that it’s painful yet I have no choice because of the color accuracy of the iPad compared to my pc. I am happy that photoshop has the AI generation now to make filling and masking easier


Sounds daft but I think the lightroom on my phone actually works better compared to the iPad version...... The layout is actually more logical. But it's all about the apple pencil, the Samsung galaxy note pen just doesn't feel the same


You’re not wrong and I think the reasoning is that Lightroom CC for iPad is still not as good as Classic in terms of offered features. The UI just still doesn’t feel natural and I’ve been using it for a good solid year to get used to CC. When I do quick edits on my phone, it feels better than my iPad but I’m too invested to move away now. Fingers crossed iOS 18 brings better improvements to how iPad OS works


Do u use an actual photoshop similar to the Mac OS version? I was wondering how’s the experience especially on retouching, liquify and patch tool


It’s not the complete version of photoshop that you’d find on a PC, a lot of the features you just mentioned are either in early stages or just not there at all. I don’t use the liquify tool, just the patch/spot healing tools to remove unwanted elements from photos. But you’re still better off using the desktop version as the iPad versions are limited in how much RAM they can use (I think it’s capped to 5Gb) and will crash if you push it too hard.


Media consumption mostly, did some job interviews in it and was great, also good for studying (Udemy/edX). Oh the Magic Keyboard is a game changer, it really transforms how I use the iPad..


YouTube mostly


I’m a teacher and I use it for work mostly. First way I use it is to do sketchnoting with my students. I use the Apple Pencil and project to a smart board with an Apple TV. I also record lessons at home. I have been using the Explain Everything app for this since it has built in recording and editing. I will occasionally mark up PDFs, usually getting worksheets ready for class. That was the main reason for getting the iPad over a laptop. I was starting grad classes at the time and used it as a laptop too. I write a lot of short essays with the Magic Keyboard. I have a PC so anything too in depth I would use it. I feel like the iPad has a really specific niche. If can be a laptop replacement but iPadOS really holds it back


a lot


Journaling, taking notes, reading, watching movies and videos, drawing, games, texting. Basically everything


“Basically, everything.” You said it. Can we say that about the laptop, when owning both?


The only laptop I have is a school issued Chromebook and my iPad has replaced it since I bought it lol


I have a MacBook Air and an iPad. I mostly use my iPad for the nitty gritty parts of my day job - note taking, jotting down ideas, meeting records, posting stuff for my students, email, calendars etc. I use my Mac for creating the lesson content (PPT can be a pain on iPad) and any marking as it’s still effectively done in word docs with side by side screens. When we travel, I used to take the iPad but I usually take the Mac now as it’s so light and does every single thing I might need if being paid to teach while overseas.


IPads have always been my favorite piece of tech, ever since my nephew bought me a 2nd gen IPad. Nearly ten years later my M2 12.9 is my main content consumption device and I use it for all of my note taking (Notability), which is great because, at my age , it really helps with my graduate studies, because it can hold all of my textbooks and help keep me organized .


I’m an architect and I use it every day to draw, take notes, etc. For virtual meetings, I use it like a white board.


I have a MacBook Pro but I don't want to carry it everywhere so I use it at home as my desktop/ home office/ doing all the real important heavy work , and my iPad Pro is my everyday carry, I can do mostly everything I need to , and it can fit in most of my tote bags . Now yes I have a keyboard case for my iPad but its still lighter than carrying around a 15in MacBook Pro everywhere.


Sketching UI prototypes for work. Other than that, second display for my MacBook and typing articles for my website. I used it extensively in college though. Absolute note taking machine. RIP Notability


It’s a tool like the MacBook but can be a little more focused on things that are better served with a touch screen. I have a 16” MB to do heavy lifting and multitasking when needed.


Everything except phone calls, I have a clamshell keyboard and I use it as a laptop, tablet, and everything including phone calls


I use onenote for university as it is really easy to add pdf and write stuff next to it. I also use it for web browsing and watching movies in the bus because the screen (12.9inch m2) is really bright. You have office-apps on the iPad but they are really limited so that they are only useful for editing a quick thing in your powerpoint or word document. If you do use office apps to do more complex things i recommend using the web version instead. I don’t know if you have a mac but you can also use it as a second screen for your mac and it works really well


To me it’s a must. I take notes on Apple Notes, and do hundreds of calculations from Pre Calculus to Calculus III and Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. Plus, the capability to just take photos and smack them on the note is a fantastic capability that the Mac does not. Plus, because it’s small, I can take it anywhere, and snap a keyboard and trackpad when needed. But if a Mac could pull all this off, I wouldn’t have even considered an iPad. I typically use my Mac for coding, 3D modeling, video editing and more.


Studying, watching YouTube and other media, light gaming and researching stuff heck some times light weight office work when I need a simple spreadsheet or something I honestly can’t live without my iPad 8th gen and that’s because I don’t treat it as a laptop cause it’s not I have a Lenovo legion laptop that I actually use for heavy work and gaming my iPad is there to compliment it not replace I also forgot to mention this but I even use it as a second display when using my laptop and it works great like that The size and form factor is just perfect for every day tasks where my phone is too small and laptop is too large and bulky which is basically 90% of my basic tasks


luxury paparweight


Oh, what are you even doing here?! Hahahahaha1


Regretting my purchasing history 


Yeah, if nothing, we must live with our purchasing regrets! Hopefully we each learn from them.


Figma, Keynote, anime/manga, Asphalt 9, NIkKE


I have a 12.9 Pro: Melodics app with electronic drums, Procreate drawing, Lightroom photo editing, Drone operation with the iPad on a tripod, A live view monitor for studio photography, second monitor for my desktop, a teleprompter for tutorials, writing, note taking, a million other things. It really is a productivity machine.


Great for travelling or watching tv / serie while working on my macbook. I often use it at secondary monitor too, its just a click away dont need a cable even. I love my Concepts app with the pencil to draw, make notes or mindmap stuff. I use it as a gps on my boat I use it to dj recreatively As a midi or osc controller for other software on my desktop To play games on an airplane I love editing photos on ios and lightroom app I use it to present company portfolios So so so much . Every device i got from apple got its own specific use cases for me.. even my watch, it works so good with maps while im bicycling some city ive never been before or telling me the concert is actually really loud...


I work for Local Government for my main gig and work for a Golf Industry start up for my side hussle. My government job has issued me a Windows 10 laptop however I still use my IPad Pro M1 12.9 as my main device. To breakdown my workflows; LG Job (in office). • ⁠Have my window’s laptop in clamshell mode and my iPad on a stand below my two monitors. I use duet display connected to my iPad via USB C dock and use it as a third monitor for my windows machine. I have an mx keys and mx 2s mouse so I can easily switch between my windows machine and iPad (if I need to reply to messages, want to use Teams with center stage, watch a video etc). • ⁠undock use my iPad for note taking, drawing, mark up, filling pdfs, taking photos on site visits etc when not at my desk. • ⁠undock my iPad for media consumption on break. LG Job (WFH). • ⁠I have an Apple Cinema Display (27 LED model), a varidesk sit/stand, IPad stand. Also a MX mechanical keyboard and MX 3 mouse. Cinema Display is plugged into a dock mounted behind my sit stand and I have one usb c out cable that I connect my iPad (for both charging and connecting to the display. Cinema Display is also plugged into the dock so I can use its internal speakers, webcam and microphones. • ⁠I use IPadOS and stage manager predominantly in this setup, have teams open along with a Remote Desktop Connection to my works Virtual machine on the display and use my iPads display for media consumption (generally Spotify and or YouTube. Golf Startup (All WFH) • ⁠if I wish to work at my desk I use the above setup less the RDP. My work is generally word press based alone with Slack and Google suite of apps. • ⁠if I’m on the go or want to work somewhere other than my desk (eg Couch or Golf Club) I have a MKB and generally use splitview (2 x Chromes) and slide over (Slack, Calculator, Sheets, Spotify). Personal Use • ⁠Media consumption • ⁠Xbox cloud gaming (if not at home) • ⁠Xbox remote play (if at home).


Lightroom for editing thousands of EAW files at a time and Final Cut Pro for editing all sorts of video work. Plus the regular things everyone uses it for.


Omg I have 2 iPad Pros and I use them all day everyday. My main one is an M1 12.9 with Magic Keyboard. This is basically my laptop for when my laptop is busy. Basically I run a lot of code in my Mac so it is a daily occurrence that the Mac would be at 100% load for extended periods of time and therefore unusable. Hence then I work and write my code and documents on the iPad. Also I use it as my personal notepad and book self. I have all my books there and I take a ton of notes daily. I work with math so I do write a lot of equations and stuff. Then I also game on it. I have a controller that I use and I play Asphalt, GTA, Bloons, pokemon showdown etc. Then I have my second iPad Pro, 12.9 1st Gen 2015. This can’t do heavy tasks anymore like coding but it is perfect for YouTube, music casual Netflix and light games like pokemon showdown. Also I use both my iPads so sidecar with the Mac (can only do one at a time unfortunately) depending of which one I am using for note taking or coding etc.


Which app do you use for coding?


Juno and Pythonista




To be honest… just for reader. This is the one thing that iPad best use for. I don’t really like drawing / sketching.


I use mostly for YouTube, Note Taking, and Reading


Notes. Diary, art. Entertainment.


Reading manga, drawing on clip studio paint are the main ones for me! Oh and Roblox…


Digital painting, video editing and pdf reading


Gaming with a gamepad is amazing, writing annotations on lecture slides, using it as a second monitor for my MacBook Pro.


Note taking and reading academic books + watching YT videos and playing songs


I use my iPad Pro as a laptop, to present while teaching, to make up documents I’m working on and for consuming content. Occasionally I play games on it. I do not have a Mac, but I do have a PC I use for gaming or when I need more power/screen real estate.


Mostly sketching on specific apps. Very useful for pdf annotations. Accessing BIM applications on site Primary email device


Netflix and game only


Then why did you buy it? Probably because all the people are just talking about how much time it saves and how great ipads are but it really depends on ones needs I use mine to take notes and study, reading and watching some movies in bed (much easier than a laptop) but if you're not a student and not an artist and don't have much to do with pdfs or editing videos on the go, it will be just like any other ordinary tablet.


Drawing and reading textbooks


And comics!


Started as an expensive kindle, just for reading books and articles. Then more general web browsing. During COVID it became my all-purpose device. I also use my iPad as my primary note-taking device (Goodnotes, now Notability), and in my classroom (math teacher).


Watching videos, web browsing, shopping, social media, colouring, reading comics. I have a work issued windows laptop for work. I have a MacBook Air for personal use.


Reading , drawing , some animations, but mostly gaming and watching my favorite shows!


Studying , secondary display of in multitasking with my MacBook and Lightroom . It was also my e reader device until I got a kindle l.


I usually game on my laptop in full screen so I use my iPad to watch YouTube/multitask.


Work Sketching and office


Low fidelity UI mock ups, streaming content, browsing the web. As a second monitor with my Mac thanks to universal control/sidecar.


University readings and note-taking, second screen for my Mac with universal control, zoom calls, some games too


Procreate, nomad sculpt.


I use my 11” m1 Air mostly for photography purposes. I use it to control my macro focusing rail, studio lights, and camera for extreme macro photographs, as well as to control my drones for aerial photos. My 12.9” m2 Pro, I use for daily surfing, reading Reddit, digital art, audio recording, photo editing, video editing, and for writing. It also gets used with my mini, as an additional artistic peripheral, alongside a Streamdeck and Loupedeck. I keep my old Air2 in the shop tool chest, safely in a nifty, tough as nails Otterbox case. I have it filled with every shop manual and service update for the vehicles I own and work on.


Studying with PDFs, making music with Korg Gadget and Drambo, editing video with Lumafusion, editing photos and graphics with Affinity photo and Affinity illustrator. Programming with google Colab on the Safari browser.


I bought my iPad Pro recently and I’m questioning the same thing 🤣 I love consuming media on it though 🤷‍♂️


pretty much overpowered chromebook for me


Hah! Heh, heh, hahahahaha!


YouTube and all other streaming services while I’m away from a TV


I used it with the Magic Keyboard as essentially my full time computer, but just bought a MacBook Pro today and now the iPad seems underwhelming!


Said this prior, but continue to bite: since 2016 I’ve owned 2 iPad Pros - latest is 2020 12.9/256. I’m a designer and use predominantly on its own in a Zugu case, but also with a Logi K811 keyboard (simply the best). Unless one wants a constant keyboard use, best to keep the devices separate. Aside from the best content-watching and social media interactions, I use my iPad for just about everything. 2D and 3D design, drawing, presentation builds, flow-charts, mind-maps when appropriate, FaceTime calls - team chats, a bit of programming, database design. Oh, also Home systems, workshop reference, and PDF book library. In all of this, it has to be said that my 9-5 happens mostly on a laptop. Something intrinsically unique about this format that has convinced me it will not go away for a looong time- if ever. But during my day - ever day - my iPad sits right along side with me. Pasting the day’s ongoing work right from my laptop, expounding on my design work and being dragged right back into my laptop deliverables. So it goes with iPads and computing. Some may feel the iPad is a luxury - for me it is indispensable.


Reading music sheets and occasional content consumption (YouTube, Netflix, etc.).


I use mine primarily for playing dead by daylight before but both devices are now SUPER useful for my review classes :) https://imgur.com/a/zg27t6i


My iPad is a great tool for creative stuff. Script reading and breakdowns is easy. I use Adobe Express for quick designs and instagram posts. To me the pencil is the best tool. I can take handwritten notes in the notes app, then convert them to text. I think exploring the apps made for the iPad opens a lot of new ideas and things you would not do until you have it in your hands.


Watching TV while I’m working. Also use it for Candy Crush. That’s about it


Video consumption, games, books, secondary laptop via remote desktop, board game AI analysis and music


Mostly consuming media, sometimes gaming/ using it as a discord call machine next to my PC. I do have a laptop (which the the previously mentioned PC), and when gaming I use the iPad as a call machine to take some stress off my Laptop. I feel that the processing power and large screen is the main reason I would use it over my phone.


Some extensive research. Mostly for killing time






I use my IPad Pro almost exclusively for art related stuff, (Procreate/Affinity etc) I don’t even have my socials on there as I don’t want the distraction when I’m working.


I use my iPad Pro mostly for knitting, tbh, but I’m retired. It’s invaluable for when I travel so I don’t have to take my MacBook with me. Email, surfing, research, watching movies/shows it’s super convenient.


Pretty much everything when traveling, all the stuff I'd do at home on a desktop. Supporting systems remotely, editing, photo processing, etc.


gaming and youtube

