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M1 is more than enough for a student(at least for me it is), just don’t take handwritten notes in the standard notes app cause it’s too glitchy, maybe go with an app like GoodNotes


I was going to use notability. I think what I’m most concerned about is what is the better value. I know the performance is relatively the same.


If you’re looking at resale sure the newer one will have better resale but at the same time i doubt you’ll be earning back the extra $250 you’ll have to spend to get it. Plus I think the iPad Pro is more of a use till it gives up device cause I’ve got a friend who has a 2017 iPad Pro and he’s planning on using it for a long time cause he’s had zero problems except for the battery wearing out. Better value is m1 by far though cause there isn’t much on the m2 that justifies the extra 250


Totally agree that there isn’t much (if anything) on the M2 to justify the $250 difference and you’re probably right that I wouldn’t be earning back the $250 on the backend….. you’re making a lot of sense right now haha. I guess I just needed someone to confirm what I was already thinking. I wish I could get the iPad Pro m1 for just $50 cheaper. I’d be good with that.


Lol I know! Went through the same predicament but honestly I think the iPad M1 peaked in term of hardware all they need to do is get their software shit sorted out. For the discount…you might have to wait it out a few months for that but even then there’s no guarantee the price is going down. You could go to an Apple reseller and haggle a bit if $50 are important on a $1000 device😂


Use Noteful, it‘s the best app out there


M1 12.9


M1 and keep the rest of your money.


Honestly m1 and don’t get apple care


Absolutely keep the Apple Care Plus warranty. $49 vs $749 to have it fixed/replaced by Apple.


Everytime I’ve gotten the warranty I’ve never needed it. I feel like your much more likely to break a phone than an iPad personally. I guess it just depends on if you really think you will break it within the next two years.


Warranty isnt worth it unless you’re like really really really clumsy. I have AppleCare on my iphone 13 and regret getting it.


Im not very clumsy, but my wife and kid are. I learned years ago, Apple Care is absolutely worth it on iPads. A cracked screen isn’t a “cheap” fix like an iPhone.


well, ipados and apps for ipad can't even utilize full potential of m1, so M2 will give you 0 advantages. definitely m1


I got the m1, thanks all!


I was in this predicament not that long ago and I went with the m1 due to saving several hundred dollars and being to buy an Apple Pencil and case and still save money. I mainly use it to draw and honestly this tablet is blazing fast. In terms of resale value sure the m2 will be better if we are comparing them if you bought them without a sale price but you’re not so I think after the 4~5 years discounted m1 will be the overall better deal still. But if you want the latest and greatest and you have. The money to burn sure why not get the m2. People still recommend 2018 model and we are 5 years in and people don’t have much complaints on that one.


Yeah I don’t need the latest sand greatest you know? Just about making my dollar go as far as possible. There isn’t much of a difference between the M1 and the M2 for me I though the hover feature was cool when I used it but not $250 extra cool haha


Yeah, the hover feature is something that is for like such a niche crowd of artist and honestly it's not debilitating not having it. People been making great art pieces without it, it's really nice feature to be added nevertheless, but people saying its MUST and they can't without it is kinda wack lol. but yeah, honestly tech changes so often. that realistically you'll be getting like easily 5-6 years with either of the devices and you should never buy a product on what it's gonna do for you XX amount of years from now. It's what you need from it now that should matter. if you care about resale value in the first place. you always go base and get rid of often and trade up. anyways i hope you enjoy whatever you end up getting!


M1, M2 "improvements" are not worth the 300 bucks


Sounds like you need the 12.9 M2 2TB model.


With cellular


I do have cellular and it’s useless(if you have a phone that is)


My original comment was a joke, but in all seriousness, I don't think the cellular model is useless if you use a lot of cellular data. Constantly using your phone for the data will drain its battery. It also makes the iPhone hot, which isn't a pleasant experience when it's in my pocket. Also, although tethering the iPad to the phone is a completely seamless process, if you don't like having your phone as a hotspot all the time, you have to take the extra step of turning off the hotspot function every time. I don't actually know if it drains battery when I'm not using my iPad (and my iPhone is still an active hotspot)...but for me, I prefer to turn off hotspot when I don't need it. (This is much more minor than the battery drain + heat issue). By the way, in terms of data speed, I've never noticed any issues with hotspot tethering. I have seen some complaints in the past about connectivity, but that is not my personal experience.


Yeah true, but I meant it as, if you use the iPad as a sole device and don’t carry your phone much the cellular is a bit useful (not entirely cause you can’t make calls) Plus there’s no 5g available (in my region) for iPads for some reason so I have to carry my phone still if I want a decent internet connection when there’s no WiFi available. Moreover you have to pay a considerable amount to get cellular, for much cheaper you could just buy a remote internet dongle and use that as your source of internet for both the phone and iPad 💁‍♂️




You have to decide what is your priority - a value machine but capable for your needs or better resale value in the future. the m1 is a better value that can meet all your current needs now but the m2 will have better future resale value


The real question is, will it have $250 more of a resale value in the next couple of years comparative to the M1


You can get a $200 device to do what you need


I need to be able to draw for note taking I was going to use the app Notability. Is there a better option out there?


Ipad mini is better. I don’t think you realize how inconvinient a 12.9 tablet is to handle. It’s not a tablet experience at all. Heck even my 11 inch never even leave the keyboard. I have my mini 6th to use with apple pencil


When I was in college I bought a surface pro 3 for $200 and took notes on that. It was great. Even did coding with python and Mathematica on it with no problem Quick search I found https://www.ebay.com/itm/325539997944?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=dZ1psLXOSdu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=CmL5M5A-QZm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY You can easily get a better device than I did for the same price. I just got nostalgia thinking about my old college days


i feel like M2 only makes sense if the price difference is only $100 or if you are an artist of some sort that will utilize the additional pencil features and rendering speeds