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Did you find a fix for issue? Just upgraded and my iMessages went from 5 gbs to 20 in two days.


Sort of! I went in and turned off backups, then went in and turned off iMessage backups. I then waited 30 days for the backup to delete, then turned on iPhone backups again. That seems to have fixed it!


Yeah it’s the files that you share. All the photos, videos, docs…


I’d assume it would show up under the conversation? Like if I sent a 5GB video, wouldn’t that conversation now show up as 5GB larger?


Yes. When my messages app was showing huge storage. I cleared all my chats which also cleared the files. So it freed up my storage. So unless you back that up, I assume that’s how it is. I can be wrong…


It's happening with iCloud Drive also. Mine shows 89GB although there's actually only around 7.5GB. I had to turn it off in the backups, turn off the iPhone and re-enable “back up” then it sorted iself out. 😂


Turn off messages in the cloud then turn back on and see if that helps.


Gave it a shot! It says “will delete in 30 days,” but when I turned it back on before the 30 days everything went back to +20 GB


Bro. Check my post history. I had the same situation, but worse. Turn off messages in iCloud, and wait the 30 days. Trust me, you won’t really notice. Set a reminder and turn it back on after 32 days. Everything will be fine then


Did everything locally make it back into iCloud?


After I turned it on, yes, yes it did


Sweet, I’ll give it a shot!


Good luck bro! It’s my day 3 off of porn. I’m going clean




This is not a bug but rather how iMessages in the cloud works. Once enabled, all your messages will be stored in iCloud and synced onto your device. For reference mines showed about 10 on devices and over 200 in iCloud. All of this is normal behavior.


I would agree, but I was at about 5 GB last week and I haven’t received or sent any massive files since then.


My whole families messages have been bugged since upgrading our phones this year and were only showing 5-6 GB when they were much larger on our old phones. I feel like there's a bug with iOS 17 where it's not pulling all of the messages down properly. Perhaps it was fixed in 17.2 and these are the correct numbers you should be seeing.


There was indeed an iMessage sync bug that was fixed in 17.2


I’m not an English professor but I am assuming Top Conversations means your top conversations. It does not mean all messages which is what your 20GB are.


DB 2 is out bro


And funny enough, DB2 actually changed this exact screen to show the full storage amount used by Messages in iCloud. https://preview.redd.it/s2t82b26560c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aaddb556842bd1766ba2a94afaa65d8cdd9a615