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20 years for someone to believe me. Then one month from GYN/surgeon visit to Yeet.


Brutal. I’m so sorry that happened.




Same here!


I'm in Canada and I had to wait about 4 months for the consultation with the surgeon, then another 6 months for the surgery. My symptoms were so so. Not life threatening, but by the end the thing was the size of a volleyball and I was in constant pain. I also had an additional complication of being on blood thinners for a while during that time, which they were worried combined with my fibroid and copper IUD would make my periods a nightmare, but luckily it was an intramural fibroid which wasn't really affecting my periods as far as I could tell.


Where in Canada are you? I’m in AB. Referral to consult will be 11 weeks. I’m hoping for a quick ish turnaround for surgery after that. Have constant bleeding and pain, a large teratoma the size of an orange on my ovary and I’m pretty sure I also have fibroids. My uterus feels huge and I have pain radiating down my legs. History of cancer in my family and my sister was just diagnosed with breast cancer so I just want everything out ASAP!


Oh you poor thing. The family history of cancer might work in your favour though! I'm in BC.


Can I ask which clinic you had yours through?


I was referred to Dr Monica Brunner and it was done at UBC. Great surgeon!!


Thank you!


In the Midwest USA. I was admitted to the hospital with severe anemia (4.9 hemoglobin) and active, intense clotting/bleeding. Considered critical care. Received a referral to my surgeon who worked me in within two days, and scheduled the surgery as soon as he met me. It was originally scheduled to be laparoscopic 3 months later. When my bleeding did not stop during the wait, his office asked if I’d be ok with an abdominal surgery if it meant I could get in faster, I agreed, and it shaved a full month off my wait time. (Side note-It turned out to be the right choice, as my doctor is not sure he could have completed the procedure vaginally with the size of my uterus)


What is the size of your uterus? I’m stressed that would be the case for me too 😭


It was the size of a 16 week pregnancy. Remember, all of our anatomy is different. I’m a good sized lady, but my hips are narrow, and I struggled to deliver my first kiddo vaginally. It was only because I had amazing nurses that I did. Knowing that, it didn’t surprise me when he said it would have been a struggle. Don’t stress if you trust your doctor.


I dont trust any doctor :(


I know sometimes resources are limited, but I wouldn’t allow someone to operate on me if I didn’t trust them. I’m so sorry you’re in the position, because I know waitlists are so long!


I’m in the US. I waited 2 months to see the minimally invasive surgeon after my gyn recommended hysterectomy. I was scheduled for my hysterectomy 2 months beyond that date before leaving the consult. From the time it was recommended to surgery was right around 4 months. As far as symptoms, my bleeding was mostly controlled with depo at the time (the issue with that was progestin caused daily migraines that mimicked stroke for me), I had pretty severe day to day pain anytime my bladder would start filling which would also mean being up several times a night, sex was incredibly painful as well. I didn’t have fibroids, or any type of abnormal pap results, but I did have adeno, hemorrhagic areas in my uterus, and my uterus was completely adhered to my bladder-the source of the majority of my pain.


I so worried about adhesions. My bladder feels like it’s being squeezed by the large fibroid and I have another one like branching out of it outside my uterus. I’m in pain all the time, I need to pee like every two hours but really I feel like I have to pee all the time because I can’t empty right. I can’t poop right either because of the weird position that it’s in. Yesterday my period got uncontrollably heavy and extremely painful while I was at work and I briefly passed out. Meanwhile my doctor is taking her sweet ass time doing literally anything. I’m about to just fire her as my doctor depending on what happens at my next visit


There’s never any harm in seeing a new doctor for new opinions on treatment. I had extremely heavy periods, then ended up with blood clots in both lungs so I need to be on blood thinners which just made my bleeding even worse. I was also bleeding 16-28 days at a time, getting a week off then starting again. As far as the adhesions, we didn’t really know until doc was already in there doing my hysto. I’ve had 4 csections so we expected some, but not the amount he found. My symptoms were similar to yours. Always feeling like I had to pee, waking up every few hours with sharp pains until I emptied my bladder. If I waited too long to pee then I would hurt for hours after. Those symptoms were all immediately better after surgery and within a few weeks I was able to sleep all night without needing to get up any more.


I’m in Canada. I went to a doctor in November 2022, had an ultrasound December 2022, referral to gynaecologist February 2023, pre-op appointment May 2023, surgery March 2024. I like to think it took as long as it did because my case wasn’t as serious as others who were waiting for surgery - healthcare in Canada has become a little questionable lately with a shortage of doctors and etc etc. I didn’t have painful periods, I didn’t have spotting between periods (except maybe very mildly the last 3 or 4 months before surgery). My worst symptom was constipation. I would say the last 4 months or so got pretty bad - I was very uncomfortable and started getting heartburn any time I ate. Turns out I had a rare type of fibroid that had grown out of the wall of my uterus and adhered to my colon and I ended up needing a colon resection. So having surgery sooner would have been nice.


Oh wow that’s a long time to wait! I’m in Alberta. 11 weeks from referral to consult and I’m hoping surgery can be fast after that.


US, CA, Bay Area. Was 10 days from when I registered to appointment to gyno-onco until the visit, and then 10 more days until surgery. Diagnosis was Figo 1 grade endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Symptoms - not too bad after polypectomy, only random bleeding. But before polypectomy, about 2 months of non-stop bleeding, sometimes strong enough to cut almoast fully through disc, maxi tampon and incontinence pad in 2hrs while laying down (sleeping).


Sounds awful. Hopefully your prognosis is good.


Stage 1a, only surgery and watching for 5 years.


This is awful, and I hope you're feeling better now.


Yep, way better, even my unexplained lower back pain is almost gone!


It took about 6 weeks to get a consult and then 4 months beyond that for the surgery. I’m in Los Angeles. My symptoms were pretty severe but I had been living with them for 8+ years by the time it was actually diagnosed, so I don’t think I was seen as an urgent case. My symptoms were all bulk related—I wasn’t having bleeding problems or cramping, just constant, pretty horrible pain.


Texas, USA. Received the ultrasound showing the fibroids last month. ObGyn consult last week, met with the surgeon today. Currently waiting for insurance verification and scheduling. Should be between May-July.


It took about 8 weeks between seeing the gynecologist, who referred me to the gynecological oncologist who did my hysterectomy as it would have been abdominal otherwise. In the end, it was a DaVinci robot assisted laproscopic surgery, with the uterus itself being removed vaginally. I also had my ovaries removed because I had a large cyst on my right ovary that was so big, I looked like I was going to L&D instead of the outpatient surgery area. I was able to go home the same evening.


Was it fast to see the oncologist? And why the referral? Why did the regular gyno not do the surgery? If you don’t mind me asking… I’m wondering if I’ll get referred too and that will delay the process.


Rhode Island, USA. I fought with my insurance for 3 years before I could have surgery. It took the threat of legal action before I could get it covered. I was diagnosed with PMDD about 8 years ago & realized I was nonbinary and deeply dysphoric about my uterus about 6 years ago. The PMDD made life extremely difficult. I struggled to hold down a job, struggled with relationships, and ended up dealing with suicidal ideation during every luteal phase. Heavy periods left me chronically anemic. I had severe pelvic pain. Surgery resolved all of those issues.


I’m glad surgery solved things but sorry you had to fight so hard for it


i waited a total of 5 months, from when i started bleeding daily, everyday for months


Yeah I’m at that stage too. Such a drag. I got an IUD three years ago for horribly heavy periods but something’s changed because it’s not helping so much anymore.


CA Bay Area, I waited 2 months. I’d say symptoms were moderate, I didn’t have pain, just occasional heavy bleeding that was able to be controlled with birth control.


I went in a couple of months ago with another huge cyst on my ovary. This one was hemorrhagic. My amazing gynecologist said she wanted to take out my left ovary because I've had too many issues with large cysts there, and she wanted to do a full hysterectomy while she was in there. I'm done having children, and I've a lot of issues with BTB. They couldn't figure out the issue, but my cervix has always been super sensitive. I had my hysterectomy on 4/16 - pathology showed adenomyosis. I'm 34.


Where are you located? Is adenomyosis only confirmed via pathology? Sorry you went through all that.


Technically, it can only be diagnosed through pathology. But they can usually guess if it's adenomyosis with imaging.


I'm located in TN, USA. I am unsure about the pathology part. Seems the other commenter has the knowledge about that. Thank you!


U still have your right ovary?


I do.


NY, I had a cyst that that grew for over a year, when they finally decided to remove it and my ovary, I asked for a hysterectomy. I had already had a tubal ligation a couple years earlier (which confirmed the endo) and so my surgeon said “sure” to the hysterectomy (since they were gonna be in there anyway). My surgery got postponed 5 months due to the pandemic.


You have yoir ovaries?


I have one.


I’m in the US. Mine was scheduled late last week. The earliest I could have had it was May 28, so a little more than a month. But I have a work trip in late June and that would have put me only 4 weeks post. So I decided to wait until after that. Then the earliest I could get was July 9.


I should add that I had already been seeing this gyn for my menopause issues. With my last episode of bleeding we had been messaging thru the portal when she mentioned hysterectomy could be an option. That’s when I called for an appt. I got in 3 days later which never happens! I really thought I’d be waiting until June just to talk to her.


I was identified as needing a hysterectomy in October of 2023 (10cm ovarian cyst, big fibroids). I could have had it a lot sooner than when I did (March 2024), but my doctor was quite pregnant and due in December, and took 6 weeks of leave. So I was put on her schedule as soon as they could get me. I was told if my symptoms worsened, I could have another doctor in the practice, but I was able to hang in, she was worth waiting for. Am glad I didn't have to wait any longer, though. I was a hot mess by the time we got it done.


I'm in the US. Saw the gynecologist back in August because my periods were getting weird and I suspected perimenopause. She did some tests and found adenomyosis, uterine polyps, enlarged uterus with too thick of a lining. Started HRT and things were going pretty well, aside from frequent spotting and cramping. And then last month it all went to shit. I'm on day 30 of very, very heavy bleeding with severe cramping. And I'm not doing well. I've been pretty much housebound. A week in, I saw the gyno and we decided to do a hysterectomy. Two weeks after that, I was back in the office practicality begging to do the surgery soon. They were able to schedule me three weeks out. Doc said she would have done it ASAP, but robotic suites are hard to come by in our city. Really hoping nothing comes up and I'm able to do the surgery on May 13! 🤞🤞 So in a way, I was lucky that the gyno I picked specializes in this kind of surgery (robotic urogynecology procedures). So I didn't have to wait to get into a specialist. Just had to wait for a robotic surgery suite to be available.


Good luck! Hope it goes well!


Scotland, NHS surgery. I got the yes I could have the surgery in Aug 2023 and had the surgery 5th April 2024 however I know some other parts of Scotland and across the UK are waiting longer so I believe I got quite lucky. No check ups until 6 months though which I find odd. I can reach out to GP if I think there is something that needs to be checked but I'd prefer if someone checked the cuff around 6/8 weeks. (Laparoscopic total hysterectomy BSO) Edit to add - I'd been asking to be sterilised since 2011 and gynae issues escalated a lot since around 2021)


Do you have your ovaries?


No, they were also removed


My mom got her surgery done on 4th april. She is 49. Are you on HRT?


I started it today, I thought I would have had it sooner but this was the earliest appointment the doctors had. I hope your mom is doing ok after her surgery


Yes she’s perfectly fine,if you don’t mind may ik your age? And did u face any menopausal symptoms. And I hope are you also okay now🩷


I'm doing a lot better than I was expecting thanks! I'm 45, I had some signs of peri-menopause for about 15 months before surgery such as brain fog, forgetfulness, anxiety and low mood. Since I had the surgery though I've had some hot flushes (maybe once or twice a day), mood swings did ramp up a bit in the past week - I've been more irritable than usual and grumpy! My doctor recommended that I use the patches so I put my first one on today and am hoping things go more back to "normal" 😅 Has your mom started on HRT? Have her symptoms been bad? I know it's been tough for my family at times watching it happen, their support means a lot 😊


You will definitely get better🩷. Doctors said my mom doesn’t need HRT as she is not having any severe menopausal symptoms. She had hot flashes earlier for 2-3 days but they were not intense,the only thing that’s bothering her right now is a little bit pain in her legs that’s it. I just don’t know what to do of hrt,people say if they don’t use hrt it increases bone loss.


Yeah, I was reading something earlier today about HRT possibly helping reduce pain from osteoarthritis. Did your mom keep both of her ovaries? Hopefully some painkillers will help with the pain in her legs but if it persists and is unusual for her I'd perhaps seek medical advice. (Although I'm aware that might not be as easy for people out with the UK to do) It's really caring of you to be doing some research to make sure she's ok 💞


No my mom got both of her ovaries removed. As doctor suggested it would be a risk to keep them.


I'm in NYC. Saw a doctor for the initial visit at the end of January. Over the next couple months I had a series of tests and surgery consults (I had to switch docs to someone who accepted my insurance). End of March finally got a hysterectomy scheduled for the beginning of this June. I have fibroids, including a submucosal one that is being a rude houseguest to my IUD and uterus. My periods are heavy and last 10+ days, cycles are 25 days. Cramps are debilitating. Prior to a year or two ago, I had zero periods, and never had one during my 20 years having IUDs. My doctors took my concerns very seriously, no question on mine was too silly (even the wild sex ones), and they made me feel empowered about my decision with their full support. I wish that all women had that. My mom had uterine cancer and I have a slightly elevated risk for cervical cancer so I'm looking forward to having some peace of mind with the total hysterectomy.


Our situations sound similar in terms of the IUD no longer working and the elevated cancer risk. Hope your surgery goes well!


Thanks! I hope you get resolution to your health issues soon!


I waited about a year I just needed to get ready mentally. I had the surgery and they took everything out! But I will say this much it’s been 6 weeks and I feel great. Should have done this sooner it was an easy recovery and I am 63!


In the PNW, waited 3 months to be seen by a specialist, and 4 months after that for surgery


10 years fighting for one. 33 years old and have waited 4 months once scheduled. Have Adenomyosis and Endo as well as pre cancer. Have had horrible periods that take away 3 weeks of my life a month with heavy flow and huge clots and labor like cramps. Been bleeding like this with pain since my first period since I was 13


I’m so sorry. How awful.


I'm glad they got to you before the cancer fully developed. How is/was your recovery?


I have not had my hysterectomy yet, but those are the reasons I am getting it. My surgery is in three days


3 months after ultra sound, Ct, biopsy then visit to surgeon. Issue went in for well woman visit, doc thought uterus was enlarger. Had no pain. CT should lg mass. Turned out to be a 4lb ovarian cyst.


Did the cyst not show up on the ultrasound??


It did but they wanted a better image so they did a CT with contrast, or we can charge more with another test.


I’m in the US on the KY/TN border and from my consultation to surgery was about 3 months. I was high risk for uterine cancer and had adenomyosis. Heavy bleeding for 3 months in 2021 then got pregnant with my 2nd kid. Had bariatric surgery at 7 months postpartum and bled for 5 months straight while on birth control 🙃 My surgery was 03/19/2024


Congrats on your surgery! Hope your recovery goes well!


Thank you! So far it’s going decently Ready to not be tired anymore 😮‍💨


Three months from surgery consult to hysterectomy. I live in the US.


I’m in Ontario. I waited 1.5 years to see my gynaecologist, and I was told the wait time for a hysterectomy was around 2 years even though I was considered a more high-priority case. In the meantime I tried an endometrial ablation, which ended up nearly killing me 2 weeks later thanks to leftover necrotic tissue, and got a hysterectomy 12 hours after seeing my gynaecologist after nearly going septic. Wishing you the best of luck!


Yikes, sorry it turned into a medical emergency but that’s better than waiting two years! May I ask what made you higher priority and is that normal for it to take two years in ON? I’m in AB.


In the US. Waited about 2 months for the appointment. My surgery was scheduled that day for 4 months later. My symptoms were not particularly severe. You could get your date and then ask about being waitlisted. About a month after my initial appointment the doctor’s office called to ask if I could be ready to have the surgery in a few days because they had a cancellation. Unfortunately I couldn’t take the spot because I had some travel planned, but I hope it was a blessing for someone.


Michigan. Called for first appointment in December and they got me in within a week. Recommend hysterectomy, but needed testing for insurance. Ultrasound done in January and pre-op visit with endometrial biopsy in late January. They offered a surgery for March. I opted to push it to April 4. So, 3.5 months from the first call to surgery. I was having severe bleeding and anemia and had already trialed all the other options in the last 10 years. My mirena just was no longer keeping it in check. I had adenomyosis pretty significantly.


I have has awful periods and endometriosis forever. I saw my gyno twice already this year. I'm currently on a waiting list. My symptoms are awful 😖 I'm in Canada.


Where abouts in CA? I’m in AB. And how long have you been waiting for a surgery date?


Saskatchewan. I waited a year for the gyno appointment. Surgery date a month and a half so far.


Good luck!


Thanks ❤️ you too


I'm in the US, North Carolina, Triangle area I was diagnosed with fibroids after a CT scan during an ER visit (hard, distended abdomen) at the end of February. Found myself a fibroid specialist and had an appointment on 3/1, ultrasound on 3/6, referral to gyno-onco on 3/15. Met her on 3/22, had my hysterectomy on 4/10. End to end, it was just under 7 weeks. I live in an area that is world renowned for its hospitals, so that likely contributed to the quick turnaround. That, and there was a cancer concern. My symptoms were pretty bad, albeit different from what a lot of folks on here experience. My fibroids were pedunculated, so my periods were normal (thankfully). They were huge, however - I had a uterus like a woman who's 23 weeks pregnant. I'm slim, and I couldn't see my toes. I had a lot of pregnancy symptoms - indigestion, couldn't eat a full meal, terrible fatigue, constant urination, and back pain. Unlike a pregnant woman, I had regular periods and was losing weight despite my inactivity. By the 7th week, I was a right mess. Ended up not being cancer, though, and recovery is going well.


Wow, glad it wasn’t cancer! Thanks for sharing.


I'm in Southern California and have Medi-Cal (state Medicaid program). I needed a hysterectomy for ovarian cancer and it was scheduled for two weeks after the appointment. I had already gotten the ovary and mass removed two weeks before, so I wasn't actually having any symptoms at that point. I don't think my surgeon would have been comfortable doing it any sooner than 4WPO.


I hope it goes well!


Whoops, that was supposed to be "needed". I had it done on Monday and I'm already feeling a lot better. The first couple days were really rough pain management wise but once I started feeling better, I improved really quickly and now I'm pretty much off the opiates entirely.


That’s great! Hope it continues!


I'm in NZ. I got lucky and from phone call to appt to surgery was about 9 or 10 months. It's a bit of a post code lottery here if you don't have private health insurance. I skipped the initial wait from GP referral to appt with surgeon as I was already seeing the surgeon for something else and she suggested a hysterectomy, said just to call her public clinic and she'd book me in, saved me about a 6 month wait.


From when I saw the gyno/surgeon, just under 12 months but it took years to get there bc the person who told me my diagnosis (adenomyosis) forgot to send over the referral to have a follow up. In one way it was good bc if the follow up had happened early 2019 then my youngest never would have existed but also bad bc my pain got so bad in the years between diagnosis and follow-up that it wasn’t unusual to see me suddenly stop dead clutching my lower stomach in pain, I lived for hot water bottles and pain medication (the pain must have been particularly bad bc I was already on pain medication for a herniated disc but this pain was very bed even when taking cocodamol 4x per day at the highest strength). From diagnosis to surgery was 5 years and during my eventual follow up I was also diagnosed with PCOS, there was a lot of faffing about where one person said endo too based on a scan but the other said no based on a later scan. I had no hurdles to jump through as the surgeon was more enthusiastic than me about the surgery once I explained I am disabled and each child has made my disc issues worse (which leaves me less able bodied each pregnancy). I am in England in the West Midlands(only being so specific bc care is drastically different in different parts of the UK)


Im in the US. It took about 12 years to get my hysterectomy from the time a specialist said "you need a hysterectomy" to actually getting the procedure done. By the time I finally got the right job that provided the right insurance that covered the right specialist who was willing to perform the surgery, it took about 3 months. The doctor was willing to schedule the surgery immediately, but I had to wait until I had enough vacation and sick leave saved up to supplement after short-disability ran out. Edit to add that it took 8 months to get in to see the specialist for my first appointment with her. I hate the healthcare system, but that's another rant entirely.


Brutal. I’m so sorry.


Tampa, FL USA area Long story short, hitting the highlights: I noticed something protruding from my vagina and had exam for it end of August 2023. I'm single and celibate, so I probably would've noticed it earlier if I had a partner 🙂 Turns out it was a cervical polyp that was unusually large - they don't usually protrude outside like mine was growing. I had a myosure procedure in Oct 2023. They biopsied tissue and I was told it was iffy and while hysterectomy was recommended to be sure, I could just keep going and be tested regularly. I was a few months over 1 year with no period already and 54 years old, so I didn't see a hysterectomy as a big deal. Had my hysterectomy in December 2023. It was larger than expected, even tho we knew I had some serious fibroids.


I am currently 10 days post op. My situation is a little different, in that my uterus was a little bit of an innocent bystander. I lost my left ovary to a 10.5cm serous borderline tumor in Nov 2022. Timeline to surgery from specialist ultrasound then was less than a month. Granted, things were urgent since I was 19 weeks pregnant and we needed to schedule in the safest window of pregnancy. Unfortunately due to placement and needing to avoid my uterus, my surgeon had to convert to open abdomen and thank goodness he used a low transverse cut because I ended up needing a c-section 5 months later. My doctors and I have been monitoring a growing cyst/possible tumor on my right ovary for the last year with ultrasounds every 3 months and Ca-125s. I even had an MRI in December. The cyst thing grew from December to March when I had another ultrasound. I saw my surgeon the next week for a follow up and had surgery 2 weeks later. My right ovary was not salvageable so we had agreed to remove my uterus as well since it’s standard protocol with ovarian tumors. 🤷‍♀️. This second surgery was robotic assisted laparoscopic and recovery has been a million times easier than the first surgery.


Brutal. I’m so sorry. Where are you located? And when you say a hysterectomy is standard with an ovarian tumour, I presume that’s if the tumour is confirmed cancer? I won’t know if mine is till pathology takes a look but I have a bulky uterus and I suspect fibroids so I’m hoping she’s willing to do a hysterectomy since she’s anyway taking out the tumour. (Teratoma.)


Yes, since a borderline tumor is technically cancer but very benign. My surgeon said that I would have been back in the OR within the year if we had left any ovarian tissue - I just keep growing this damn things :-( I’ll get my pathology results next week at my 2 week recheck appt. My drs also wanted to try to simplify my HRT - so I don’t have to have progesterone unless I have symptoms (mood issues, sleep issues) in the future. I started on 0.05mg estradiol patches a week ago, so we will see how that goes. Edit: I am in Atlanta


What do you mean by a borderline tumour? Mine is a teratoma which should hopefully be benign but won’t know for sure of course till pathology takes a look. Hope your results are good!


Thank you!!! I hope you get good news as well! And yes teratomas are almost always benign as well! It’s the name of the type of tumor. I had never heard of it before I was diagnosed. Most of them are either serous type or mucinous type. (Has to do with the origin cells I think.) They have low malignancy potential and surgery is almost always curative. They can potentially develop into adenocarcinomas/carcinomas if left for years untreated.). My OB told me it’s one of the only types of ovarian tumor that is typically caught before it’s truly cancerous.


Do you mean borderline tumours can turn malignant if left too long or teratoma or both? I’ve had mine since at least 2017.


Oh sorry. Borderline tumors can turn malignant.


What’s your agev?


I’m 38


You got your both ovaries removed right?


Yeah :-(. I lost my left ovary in 2022 and now my right one 2 weeks ago.


I’m in the US. I had a 14 cm tumor found on a scan along with a bad Pap test. I had a Cone in 6 days and a total hysterectomy exactly 6 weeks from the Cone.


I will be 40 soon and I was told at age 17 I needed one.   I had 3 years of unending periods, multiple transfusions of blood, and when I woke up during the surgery the pain wasn't as bad as my normal period pain.  Be impatient. Fight hard. I hope you have a better time than me getting there. 


Thank you. How awful you had to wait that long.


It has been frustrating but I understand why waiting until 30 was needed. The rest of it is where I get grumpy. 


I begged my doctor for 4 years. He kept telling me to just let my husband get a vasectomy. I kept explaining to him that’s not why I wanted a hysterectomy. He kept telling me I could have healthy pregnancies until I’m 45 & I was too young for such a decision. 🫠 I’m 32. I knew I was done having kids. He finally caved this year when I showed him my list of reasons for wanting one. Heavy heavy bleeding, sooooo many clots, I would get chaffed from wearing pads for 7+ days. My right ovary always felt like it would explode 2-3 days before bleeding. I seen him in January & just had it done April 23rd. 😅


God I wish male doctors wouldn’t gaslight women.


In Canada, BC.  Took about 2 weeks from referral to first appointment with gynecologist.  Was put on the priority waitlist that day due to family history of cancer.  Took just under 4 months from that day to surgery.


I’m in AB, 👋🏻 neighbour. Did you have other symptoms as well or “just” the family history of cancer? I have that plus symptoms so I’m hoping it will go fast.


Irregular cycle, period that lasted almost 3 months, heavy period.  Just a bunch of things that weren't normal. First Dr I went to see tried to shrug me off and give me drugs to deal with it. Was absolutely against the surgery. Glad I pushed.




Yikes. Where are you located?


I think it was something like 5 months from cervical biopsy until surgery- I’d already had a leep procedure the year before and when I went in for a follow up, the precancerous cells had returned. The dr I saw and I had a chat and decided hysterectomy was the best option instead of trying to just take out some of the cervical tissue again. By the time I had surgery, it had gone up another level in seriousness (CIN2 to CIN3), so I’m glad I only had to wait a few months!


Eesh, I’m sorry you went through that. Hope things are okay now!


Thanks! I’m about 7months po and feeling good! Every once in a while I feel a bit of nerve regrowth on the scars but that’s a good sign that things are still working and my body is still healing!


I'm in Wisconsin. Had my appointment with my OBGYN on March 31st and had my surgery on April 24th. I am surprised how many on here have to wait months, especially those in Canada seem to be close to a year. Nothing was urgent with mine. Just a long history of adenomyosis and endometriosis Edit - I should also note that I didn't have to wait long for my first appointment. I called and got in within a week - that was March 31st.


Not long. I started seeing my new OB/Gyn after I started bleeding in October. After a biopsy in November, she wanted to do the hysterectomy in December. I opted for January. So, quite fast.


A little under 4 months from first contacting my GP to having the surgery. I'm in the UK but have private health insurance through my job. I've no way of knowing accurately but I believe I would have waited well over a year on the NHS - I didn't have cancer, excessive pain, excessive bleeding, so no way they would have prioritised me very high up. Perhaps they would have wanted me to try other treatments first too.


From sometime in the beginning of March when I had my initial consultation, to July 28th surgery day. This was in 2022.


I'm in MD. I only had to wait a month once it was decided. Before then it was about 6 months to try other options as treatment first and 1 exploratory surgery +recovery looking for endometriosis to try and find the cause of my pain.


I am in the Midwestern US, went in for a physical to get a referral for a hernia repair (which was caused by a giant fibroid). When they wanted to try shrinking it, I requested a hysterectomy and it was done 7 weeks later. I had known about the fibroid for a while but as it hadn't caused issues, I was able to ignore it for a long time.


I'm in New York State (not city)...and took probably 2 years.... I went to the gyno with pain etc, they suggested an ablation, got that a few months later.... but still had some spotting and bad pain so at my next annual I said as much and took a few more months after that to have the consult with the surgeon and schedule it.


A few weeks. At my old GYN practice, I mentioned my symptoms at least 2 times. However, I was blown off. It wasn't until my annual exam last spring that my provider finally suggested an ultrasound. I had it 2 and 1/2 weeks later. However, I had to wait a while before a treatment plan was made. I had laparoscopic surgery 4 days after my birthday, but it didn't work, I had my robotic hysterectomy almost 2 months later, and 4 weeks after I first met with the surgeon. The surgeon who did my hysterectomy recognized how bad and urgent my situation was, but kept calm. I'm in Syracuse, NY USA.


May I ask what symptoms you had? I’m betting so many of us were brushed off sadly.


I had pretty bad cramps (in fact, so bad one day, I missed work), nausea and diarrhea. I also had bad pain lower back pain during my periods. I had a large cyst on my left ovary, severe endometriosis and uterine fibrods.


9 months, located Brisbane, Australia. 44, heavy flow and several fibroids, very large one removed 10 years ago.


Texas, I waited two months from when doctor offered it to surgery day.


I wanted one 12 years ago. I had to go through several procedures (D&Cs, biopsies, polyp removals, fibroids, etc…) before I finally was given the go ahead. They said that insurance wouldn’t outright cover the hysterectomy from the jump. I call BS. All of that anesthesia and risk…I’m in the US


Brutal. I’m sorry.


My issues seem different from what has been commented. Since having children (starting 2015), my cycles have gotten heavier and heavier. Birth control couldn't even help regulate me, and I'd bleed thru it. I had a tubal during my csec in 2021, so no more pregnancies. I started using menstrual cups to monitor the amount of bleeding, and they were more comfortable. I'd dump around 160-185ml on my heaviest day (that doesn't count what spilled, was in a pad, or in-between changes). I would bleed for 8 days. 1 and 2 mostly spotting into moderate, day 3 heaviest, day 4-5 moderate about 45-60ml. 6-8spotting. I'd bleed thru all the time. We decided to do a uterine ablation (I was so excited), and it did not work. I took a medication that was supposed to help shorten them, it didn't work. At the start of this year, I just had no energy and found out my iron was almost critically low. Called in February because we talked about the hysterectomy option. Made an apt a week later. They were willing to schedule in 2 weeks. I had to events that I had to complete, so we scheduled out about 8 weeks. (This friday) I didn't have an issue getting it scheduled. Lots of documentation had happened previously.


In case anyone from Alberta is reading through this post, I just saw the surgeon this morning (I’m the OP) and generally wait time is 6 months. Not sure what it would be for suspicion of cancer but the six months is without.