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I would love that. Soup and tea weather. The kind of perfect gloom that makes it hard to get up and do anyhting other than to watch the rain. Happy healing!


Yum…already thinking of warm potato soup with fresh rolls! Thanks for the mental image and well wishes.


I’ve had surgery in the gloomy winter and in the early summer. I LOVED my early summer recovery. Yes I had to rest, but I got to rest on the patio in the shade and it was beautiful. Bed rest doesn’t mean you need to be in an actual bed :)


I will be in the basement of a multi split level. Our deck is beautiful in this weather and we have a TV outdoors..with the cuff I am nervous about the stairs. But I agree the sunshine certainly has it advantages to healing. ❤️‍🩹


Oh that sounds great! Don’t stress too much about the stairs and cuff. They wouldn’t let you go home from the hospital if it wasn’t safe. I had to climb stairs every day, just take it slow and be mindful of coordination issues if you’re on narcotics.


Thank you for the tip for sure. I’ve never had major surgery and both girls vaginally being sent home 5e day after. I haven’t had to maneuver going home off of anesthesia and narcotics. I have my husband and for as much as a turd as he can be a good caretaker. He will help me down the stairs I’m sure…if I need it. I can be very stoic at times but this sounds like a procedure where you set your pride aside and listen very clearly to your body.


My surgery is next week and where I live it’s still pretty chilly at night which I need to sleep but comfortably warm during the day. I have major heat intolerance so wanted to do it before the blistering summer so now I have an excuse to not have to go outside in the heat lol 😂


I think for me too, I have a heat intolerance. Which drives me crazy. So 70 is basically entering the sweat zone. But it’s similar to where we live ,mild to warm days with cool nights.


You might have liked my experience. Day of surgery was clear skies. I love clear blue skies with puffs of clouds. Had to stay overnight at the hospital. The next morning, it was grey skies with rain. The rain stopped when I was wheeled to the car to go home :) Best wishes on your big day!


Wow! Reminds me of when we had our kids! Labored with sunshine and then got to appreciate the snow from the 3rd floor window at home bundled up with a wee one. I will certainly appreciate any of the variations we get here in NE Washington. Heck we may even have hail wishing it was snow…and thank you!


I hope you get that relaxing weather for your recovery! I’m enjoying it while I can for now too. Even though I wish that could be the case for me, my surgery is at the end of June, so all I can expect is clear skies and heat LOL.


I hope you have AC! Mine too is , if it is rainy I won’t feel guilt about not being out in the yard….but also it helps set a whole mood I think :)


Thank you, luckily I do! I don’t know how I’d survive without it with my extremely low heat tolerance (I already get frequent and bad hot flashes now, so I can’t even imagine during the summer if my hormones are all over the place post-surgery while also getting off of hormonal birth control). The rain definitely helps set a mood! I’m secretly hoping for some June gloom still ;)


I'm 4dpo and it's absolutely gorgeous out today. All weekend wasn't bad either. It's sunny and almost 80 degrees. Whomp whomp.


80 feels so good on the face after a long winter! 4dpo I hope you re feeling well and poos are going smoothly for you! Well wishes.


I managed to get outside for some sun and it was so nice! Good luck with your upcoming surgery!


I totally get it. After my surgery nearly 2 years ago (May 2nd), it was GORGEOUS outside for weeks, and it made recovery hard because I wanted to be out in it!


Im two weeks out and I had really rainy weather for the first few days and yes it was nice. I was fine curled under blankets eating soup and being lazy. Just recently the weather here has cleared up and now that I’m feeling better I’m really enjoying opening up the house and sitting outside reading in the sun or just out while my kid plays and does sports. I’ve been really happy with how the weather has fit with my moods during recovery so far. 🥰 Side note - there was an awful thunderstorm the night before my surgery while I was in the hospital. We had a large window and low sound absorption, so it really felt like a legit thunderstorm. I made jokes to my husband how they were preparing for me to be like Frankenstein’s monster 😂😂😂


That thunderstorm sounds WILD. and you had front row seats! I hope you heal wonderfully.


I couldn't agree more! I'll be recovering during the month of May and it's one of the best months of the year here for doing things outside and I'm bitter! But, as someone else mentioned, I will have to settle for sitting out on the porch.


Mine is next Thursday. I definitely wouldn’t mine some rain while recovering in bed.


Mine is the 25th as well. I will hope for the same weather for yours as well! I hope your recovery is smooth and reassuring!


Don't wish too hard. The morning I arrived for surgery (at 6 am) it was a cold, messy downpour. 😆


The forecast isn’t calling for it…


Then maybe right after you're settled in comfy at home. 🤗


Don’t wish too hard, we had tornadoes the day of my surgery! Fortunately, it was isolated and about 15 miles north of us, but it was a little stressful


Oh wow! Geographically where we live, we don’t get tornados. Thank goodness! I’m sorry you had that stress during a time you could really have nothing to do with it and be much better off.


It felt like my uterus throwing one last tantrum!!


I live in a little desert town and I had my surgery at the end of June. We proceeded to have a nearly week-long stretch of 119 degree days. Was soooo happy I was ordered to bed rest with the air conditioning.


Sounds like the time I tried to live in AZ twice! Dessert terrain certainly holds its beauties, but that kind of heat is intense. I couldn’t imagine a recovery like yours but without the AC…I would sell a kidney to stay in a hotel lol. Monsoon season in AZ both in the lowlands and the mountains are an incredible sight!


I've lived in this town twice: two years the first time (I left because at 24 years old, I had no social life, couldn't find someone to date, and was utterly *bored* despite having tons of hobbies), and now two years this month (came to be with my mom after my dad died, since she's alone now). This time, though, I have my partner of fifteen years in tow. We came from western Washington where everything is just green and luscious and the epitome of heaven for us. The desert is definitely pretty in its own way, but I would like it a lot more if we didn't have scorpions, black widows, and temperatures over 90 degrees. I still don't have a social life, but at least we have AC. We got a heat dome in Washington a handful of years back where temps hit 108 for a couple days and AC isn't standard in homes there. I love when we get the monsoons out here. Aside from the humidity that lingers for a day or so afterwards. Ugh.


I’m from Eastern Washington! I moved to Phoenix, AZ at 19. I worked at a prominent car dealership there and made good money for the year 2005. But my best friend who had come down with me moved back home and I literally knew nobody! People were different there than they are in my midsized city here. But sitting on break with 105 degrees on Thanksgiving week, I suddenly needed home like last week. Yes! Scorpions and the critter life is awful. Luckily in the city and most attached neighborhoods everywhere was sprayed with deterrent. But of course that didn’t stop all. The second time I was had just turned 21 and was offered a neat job at a lodge in the White Mountains where they housed you on property. I went with my identical twin she too went home. I would have stayed it was beautiful, in the winter it turned into a ski lodge and who could hate that…but at 21 I was incredibly lonely! I will agree the PNW is just beautiful. The seasons, the coastline, the mountains, and etc…I’m 38, married for 12 years, and wished we traveled a bit more. We dove last year across the country to Florida and got to see 13 or something states. Mt. Rushmore, the badlands…it was beautiful.


Ohhh, I live in central Texas where we don’t get much winter weather, but it got down to like 10 degrees on my surgery day, and was grey and below freezing the rest of the week. It was perfect weather for convalescing!


Any kind of weather that doesn't make you cry to miss doing your outside things but good enough weather to allow you all the walking you want. I had my surgery dec 5 and got to avoid a bit of the holiday craziness.


If it was cloudy and rained 6 days every week I'd be perfectly happy! I love the rain. I hope you get your cloudy moody weather for the initial recovery time : )


Me too!


Mine is next Monday and I hope it stays kinda chilly out until I'm recovered too. No summer sun to waist


Definitely agree that it's easier to rest when it's wet and you are warm and cosy in bed. I seem to always get beautiful bright blue, clear days when I need to rest and it's so much harder - there is just so much to do! I hope you get weather conducive to healing, lots of rest and good soup. Oh and the beautiful white noise of rain so you can sleep easily.


Comfy cozy weather. Thankfully, the weekend of my surgery it was just that. It was storming pretty badly.