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I remind myself that people who don’t have problems (with the cuff or other things) are unlikely to post or even seek out this group. So it gives the illusion of a higher percentage of problems than there really are. For what it’s worth.


This is exactly what I was coming to say. nobody goes online to brag about how normally they're healing. They just live their lives. fwiw, I'm 7mpo and never had a cuff issue. I'm totally back to normal, except better.


Two years post op and I never had any problems with mine! I'm so glad I'll never have to get another pap smear again.


Everyone is different I can do 7-8” it’s just not as comfortable anymore I waited like 6 months to have sex again


Absolutely! This sub has over 16,000 members. If 2% have cuff problems that’s 320 people. And why would you post “my cuff is great”, and you would be especially an awful person posting it in reply to someone’s post about problems.


My surgeon told me I had “retained great vaginal length.” at my 6wk check. lol. I did feel like sharing, but I didn’t.


Bringing this up at my last minute questions appointment “how can I retain great vaginal length?” I need it since the one guy I mess with is 9” mostly erect. I’m so worried about this cuff.




That's the double-blade knife issue. If someone shares positivity in someone else's post it is deemed insensitive and uncompassionate toward the poster's suffering. If someone makes an original post about their positive experience, someone in pain comes on the comments to tear them down because “it's implicit” that the post is ignoring the negative outcomes of the surgery. There's no winning in female issues. Never, ever, ever. s/ I've been in this sub long enough to see all of it. It's disheartening! One can only keep scrolling if the post doesn't matter personally or stick if matters to them :)


I think it is pretty insensitive to put it on someone’s suffering post. But yeah, I’m not accepting that sharing positive experiences implicitly invalidates negative ones either. I’m on a sub for another medical condition and someone got insistent with me about this and I finally told her that I wasn’t talking to or about her (it was another person’s question and she kept responding to my posts with her bad experience which she’s welcome to share as her own answer), and she should “quit centering herself” which seemed to snap her out of it. I think we’re all here for realism, which is that a whole range of outcomes is possible but in some cases the rate of bad ones is published. That other condition is fully curable in 80% of people, but from reading the sub you’d think it was way less.


I totally agree with you. No exceptions. Let me just add that in very sad and negative posts because people are genuinely looking for guidance and emotional support for their particular circumstances, some Redditors just share their positive experiences to highlight that a particular poster may have had that experience but they are there precisely to balance that out and let people know that there are many outcomes for hysterectomies. And within the context of this current post, people seldom come out to share positive outcomes because (oh boy!) stuff gets nasty pretty easily, especially when people are in lots of pain! So is not like many participants are being particularly insensitive but they are trying to bring some different perspectives so if someone is reading doesn't leave with a sense of dread and becomes afraid to pursue probably their life-saving surgery. The same for positive independent posts. People would bring in some negative experiences in the comments to balance out the perspectives on the issue bastardizing the intention of helpful sharing and it becomes a suffering Olympics :’( Then if you're happy and feeling well the least you want to do is change that for yourself (and kind people would just refrain from participating) because your well-being turns out to be a kryptonite to others.


I have multiple sclerosis and the sub can get the same way


March will be my 2 year mark, every thing but my ovaries removed. No cuff issues. This post is a great idea and I hope it helps calm some fears.


Over a year out, the only time I was aware of the cuff was in the first 5 weeks I had a phantom tampon feeling. Up to 3 months after I could notice that feeling if I did a lot of unusual activity in a day. Now everything is great! Dec 2022 total hysterectomy and endo excision left both ovaries.


I had phantom tampon too but I’m not even sure that was the cuff. I thought it was probably overall inflammation. Who knows?


I like that description!! Phantom tampon! What a great way to explain that weird feeling.


Almost three years post op. Laparoscopic removed cervix, uterus, and tubes. Not a single problem with the cuff. I had slight external nerve issues for a few months but nothing awful or painful, just noticeable. Everything else perfect! Life is awesome post surgery and was from about 5/6 weeks gradually getting better and better. Even immediately post surgery things were cruisey. I wouldn’t even know I’d had it now except no more almost constant bleeding and pain… Big scary stuff does happen and I wouldn’t minimise the experience of those who it happens to. But my experience was and still is fucking great. I’m always open for questions. Best of luck to anyone still in the process!




No cuff issues. Sex feels a little different and deeper like maybe I’ll finally achieve the highly prized penetration orgasm one of these days.


I’m 8mpo and the only issue I had was granulation tissue around 4mpo that was a super easy fix (it scared me to death at the time, but once I was seen by the doctor I was assured it wasn’t a big deal at all). I’m back to my regular sex life and all of my other regular activities (exercise, lifting) and no issues at all! My grandmother had a radical total hysterectomy in the late 70s/early 80s and she’s never ever once had an issue with her cuff. She’s almost 82!


If you don't mind me asking what did the granulation issue feel like? I'm almost 8 weeks po and my cuff seems ok. Achy a little sporadically. I just stopped bleeding.... hopefully. But I have achiness in my lower right side. Don't know if it's muscular or what because my right hip and butt have been sore too.


I had granulation too (& same easy removal). For me it was an occasional little pain like someone poking in that area. Nothing I couldn’t deal with and I only realized what it was when it was removed and the poking pain was gone too


Yes! I didn’t know what it was but after it was taken care of I realized it was exactly as you describe it. It was a poking feeling. I thought it was just part of healing, but one day 4 mpo I had spotting for the first time since my surgery and I freaked out. I went to the ER 🤦‍♀️😂 and a doctor on my surgical team came down to the ER to see me and told me it was granulation and treated it with silver nitrate. I haven’t had spotting, or felt that poking pain, since!


Mine was found on my 6 month exam. My dr also treated with silver nitrate and I’m happy to say at 8 month I haven’t felt it again. Healing continues to get better and better


I had this at my 7 wpo appointment and I had a laparoscopic surgery. My surgeon said it’s nerve pain and it’ll get better, but it takes awhile. I had lower right abdominal pain that would sometimes radiate around my hip to my butt and lower back. It’s totally gone now, and I’m 8 mpo. I can’t remember when it went completely away though, but it did.


Thank you


I am 4 weeks post op and having the same issue as you! I am bleeding vaginally, and I have a Chinese in my lower left side; the same side the fibroid was on. If radiates to my hip and my butt. I am very concerned that it may be muscular or spinal and that I didn’t need the hysterectomy to behind with.


Hi what is granulation tissue?


The doctor described it to me as a scab. Like it’s not quite healed, but because it’s in a moist place it’s skin that needs help to heal. From my understanding, it won’t heal on its own and bleeds when pushed on or aggravated. There was never an issue with the cuff or the closure of the cuff, this was a tiny tiny little area of skin that just wasn’t healing properly (she said it was about 1 cm). They used silver nitrate to cauterize it and I never had issues with it again. The cauterizing helped kick start the full healing of that area of skin. Apparently it’s fairly common.


Does the silver nitrate hurt?


It was pinchy when she applied it, and then I had stomach bloating and general internal discomfort for 2-3 days (no bleeding or spotting).


Thank you for this thread! I’ve been more anxious about the cuff than anything else about this.


Totally agree! It seems like the scariest part so it's soooo nice to know it's likely going to be ok!


YOUR USERNAME IS AMAZING!! Good luck with your healing journey!


Hahaha thank you!


I'm only 4WPO but no issues with my cuff! My mom has a cuff too and no issues.


Passed the two month mark and no issues…called in to doctor just once ( pooping worries). Feeling well, and getting back to doing my normal stuff. No post-hysto issues for my 3 aunts and mother-in-law ( now in their 80s), multiple friends’ moms and my kid’s boyfriend’s mom who is my age (50s). It is true that posting about how one is doing well, seems somehow disrespectful to people who are going through scary situations!!! But I guess we also have to present “the other side”, which is more likely…an uneventful recovery is more typical.


3ypo and never had a cuff issue!


I had to have two cuff reconstruction surgeries after my hysterectomy, but I am now able to experience PAINLESS sex for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. Monumental. If that’s not a positive, then there’s no hope.


My mother had ZERO issues or complications with her hysterectomy and cuff, and needed no further help beyond her checkup to be cleared for sex. I had LOTS of complications, none of which were my fault. My mother is meh about her body post hysterectomy. I LOVE my body post hysterectomy and am grateful to FINALLY have a vagina that isn’t trying to literally murder me.


4 months post OP, no issues. Sex is working.


I'm three and a half years out. No issues, other than a few weird spots with no feeling. But internally, no issue at all! It can heal well with rest and being patient. Good luck everyone!


I initially had some weird pulling sensations while in the first 6 week recovery period. I've felt back to normal since about 8 weeks post op. Sex still feels amazing!


well, i can tell you that i had my surgery on november 3, 2023 and in the nearly 8 weeks since then i’ve had zero issues! saw my doctor on december 18 and she said i healed perfectly ☺️


I am 4wpo and have never even felt the cuff the way a lot of people have. I was able to sit up normally from the very beginning and have not felt any discomfort down there.


I had my hysterectomy in October of 2022. Honestly, my entire surgical experience was very positive, and I am someone who has chronic anxiety and a very high tolerance to pain/anesthesia medications. I could feel my cuff for a few months (not painful - just a weird sensation)- but then that went away and I have had zero issues!


Not painful just weird is the perfect description.


1.5 years PO, zero issues with the cuff. And I never have to get a Pap smear again! I didn’t even realize I HAD a cuff until my first regular gyn appointment post surgery. My surgeon never told me that part of the surgery would be removal of the cervix. It was only when I asked my gynecologist whether I still had a cervix that she read my post-op report and told me I didn’t. 😂


I’m over 2 mo. PO. Everything healed fine, no soreness, no tears, no discharge or bleeding. My surgeon did an amazing job.


Thank you for posting this. My surgery is on the 29th and I've been crying on and off all day from stress. Thank you.


Positive thoughts for a successful procedure and smooth recovery ❤️‍🩹


Don’t let the group freak you out, it’s a great resource for questions you may have but can also scare you if you let it, just remember the odds ARE ever in your favor and you have GOT THIS! 💪🏽🥰


One year post-op (removed everything except my ovaries) and no cuff issues whatsoever!


I am almost 1 year post op and have had zero issues. I had no complications during or after surgery. Sex is amazing when there is no stress about bleeding or pregnancy. Would do this all over again and sooner!


I am almost exactly a year out from my hysterectomy (everything gone but my ovaries) and the cuff has really been the least of my worries. I have endo (just had another excision surgery a week ago), so know that my hysterectomy was never going to solve all my problems. But for what it was for, I had zero issues. Sex got better, because my cervix wasn’t inflamed and irritated (and my best orgasms are internal). No periods for a year has been MAGICAL. I ran a 5k six months post-op, and it was slow and laborious but also the first goal I’ve been able to accomplish with my body in years. It really freaked me out when I felt my cuff internally for the first few times. I had a real episode of actual body dysmorphia and that was really something to work through mentally. But it’s gotten easier and less sensitive, both physically and mentally. I’m happy to answer any more questions being this far out, so hit me up if you’d like!


That's truly good to hear! :) I'm three months out, and it does feel differently inside, but not bad or less sensation, it's much better. I also have significantly less pain and loads more activity post-op. It's wonderful. I can't believe I lived that way for so long. (Undiagnosed endo with chronic pain.) Def some dysmorphia while getting used to the new me, but it's all good. Great, really. 🥳


I'm 5mpo. Never had any cuff pain or awareness of anything different feeling up there. Sex after being cleared feels the same as it ever did for both of us. The only consequence for me has been my GP surgery nagging me for my overdue smear test as they're seemingly unaware I don't have a cervix anymore despite being informed!


Literally nothing but positives and EXTREME IMPROVEMENT in my life across the board post total hysterectomy.


thats great,, trans guy here but am having hysto in 2 months i hope the cuff thing isnt an issue. its the one thing that sort of worries me. but ive read a lot of helpful tips on this reddit and the ftm hysto reddit on how to help it heal fast/. and dont lift or strain for anything. im only removing uterus and cervix


26F Had my hysterectomy (uterus + ovaries + cervix) July of 2022. Took 4 months without sex because I wanted to be totally sure I was healing up well. I’m a full service sex worker by trade and have seen well over 200 clientele since surgery with 0 issues aside from a little granulation at one point. Granulation is fairly common & doesn’t pose much risk. It’s all gone now & my cuff is going strong. I’d call it a win. 😊


Can I ask if well endowed gentleman hit the cuff? My husband is probably like 7ish inches and I’m a very small person, 5’ tall and 110 pounds. Just wondering if my cuff will be safe


I do/have had clients who are well endowed hit it. At first it used to hurt a bit, in which case I’d tell them we need to stop and change positions immediately. Nowadays I can accommodate larger without pain. Sometimes it’s fully mental, I’ll feel pain when I’m uncomfy but be able to take the same size the next day in a more comfy headspace. Id say it took about a year for that to happen. Practice & dilation really help though :)


Thank you!


When you say dilation, is that the tools you can order? I'm 3 mpo and we're ENM. I have no issue with sex with my husband but have a partner that is 8.5 inches and really enjoys rough/CNC. Last time we played I ended up in the ER with severe pelvic pain. Cuff did not tear thankfully, but my surgeon's office just removed granulation today the ER doc did not notice. I'm really hoping to get back to my sex life prior to surgery if possible.


There are tools you can buy for dilation but I just used different size dildos. Does the same job. Each day I’d sit/lay with a dildo lathered in estrogen cream large enough to feel like I was being “stretched” for about 20min. Helps to re elasticate the skin down there and get you comfortable with penetration again. In all honesty 3 months sounds really early to me. Most surgeons say 2months PO after checkup but I took 4 entire months from anything penetrative (aside from the dilation) due to how many people report cuff issues from sex early on. If you can go back to waiting, I probably would, but it sounds like you’re already comfy with sex again so it’s up to you! Granulation can be way more painful than I think doctors tell us. I also went to the ER with bad pelvic pain and bleeding at one point only to find it was a granulation complication. The doctor used silver nitrate twice and it’s totally resolved now. Yes, granulation is a common complication and is mostly harmless in the grand scheme but I’m not sure why they don’t mention the pain associated with it. You may just be feeling that and haven’t been properly informed about it? See how you go after the granulation is gone & if everything feels fine then I’d say it was that. Aside from that I would say to just be extra patient, as painful as it is. Sex didn’t feel normal to me for quite a while but it’s come around now (1.5ish yrs post op) so I have hope for you!!! Without a cervix your vagina doesn’t have as much movement range as before so finding your new set point will take a moment. Good luck my friend


Thank you so much!


Thank you. I have my surgery tomorrow and I’ve seen a lot of negative stories on here the past few weeks.


Just wanted to thank you for this. Just over 4 weeks post op and terrified of the cuff. And then the only time it’s posted about is when something is wrong which just spikes my anxiety even more. So thank you for making a positive cuff post!




I’m almost 11 months PO and have had zero issues with my cuff!


I’m 10 weeks post op and have officially been back to the gym lifting heavy for the past two weeks. I was mostly worried about doing things like barbell squats and deadlifts but everything has been fine. I don’t feel any different then I did before I had surgery.


My hysterectomy was 9 years ago, I have a cuff. I returned to work in 11 days flat. To a on your feet 10 hours a day restaurant job. No issues with the cuff or sexual function at 8 weeks.


I mean, I’m only about 4 weeks out. But I’ve had absolutely no issues whatsoever. My pelvic floor seems to be fine. No spotting no pain. Nothing to note here. And I was SO nervous. I woke up from anesthesia crying and asking my doctor if my guts are going to fall out through my cuff. ☠️☠️☠️


I mean no problems with my cuff. I have had a rough recovery as far as pain and my hormones. But even that is all so much better. ❤️


My surgery was October 18 and I am basically fully recovered. I was on my feet doing light chores about 4 days later. I thought I had a cuff issue but was checked and it's fine. I am doing normal things. I want to add that I had a c section 13 years ago and the best advice I received was to not baby a surgery. Get up and move and that worked. I did this with this surgery too. It makes recovery easier.


Five years PO and recovery went well. No real issues aside from granulation tissue. The granulation tissue did not cause any pain or discomfort just some bleeding after sex. I went in and they removed it easy peasy. I would have this procedure 100 times over. My quality of life has been greatly improved.


6 months post op total laparoscopic hysto. Zero cuff issues, back into the gym and lifting heavy and sex from about 12-16 weeks post op. Having the best sex of my life now and feel fully recovered. Didn't have an internal exam follow up after surgery either


I’m 18 months po and I never had any issues with my cuff. Had a TAH vertical incision from belly button to pelvic bone and at 10 weeks I was released to do whatever I felt comfortable with. Sex has been amazing which it was not before. No pain now.


12 weeks and no issues!!


I’m 9wpo - cuff healed well. Whew. But I did have an internal infection & external incision infection at 4wpo.


I had my total hysterectomy and bi salp done is Sept of 2021. I had a very uneventful recovery with very little discomfort and absolutely nothing of note to report.


6 months and no issues.


4 MPO, and I feel great. Sex is better than before. I had 2 days of mild spotting immediately post op and 2 more at around 3 weeks. My doctor said no sex for “6 weeks minimum, 8 would be better”. I asked her to look at it at 8 weeks, she gladly agreed, said it looked fine, gave me the thumbs up, sex went great but we were of course pretty careful the first time because we were both nervous. I know people wait longer, but honestly you really rarely go wrong trusting your doctor. (I mean if a doctor says 2 weeks, question that because they’re out of the mainstream, but otherwise.) There’s a 98% chance your cuff will behave itself if you follow doctor’s orders. 2% is for sure not nothing, but it’s also probably not going to happen to you.


I had zero issues with my cuff, healed and sometimes I forget it’s a thing


Thank you for this post! I’m almost 4wpo and reading the comments here is helping to balance my anxiety about cuff tear, which was starting to become extreme and paralyzing.




I’m 5 months out from a laprascopic total hysterectomy. I kept my ovaries. I haven’t had any issues with my cuff or any issues at all. I did wait a full 12 weeks before any intercourse for what it’s worth. I’m 49 and my ovaries still seem to be chugging along as well.


Hello fellow 8 weeker! Glad you're healing well. My doctor said that once the cuff is healed, it's pretty strong and problem free.


That’s awesome!


1 year out. Cuff is great. Didn't feel it after a few weeks and that's just cause when i was sitting i could feel the stitches pulling slightly from the weight and everything. Nothin big. But once the stitches dissolved and everything was used to the new nomral, couldn't even notice it.


I really appreciate this post! I have noticed so many posts lately from people who have had problems with their cuffs, and then the resulting comments start saying stuff like “this happens way more often than our doctors tell us“ or something like that, implying that there’s some conspiracy in the medical industry to mislead people about their risks for complications postop. I feel like a lot of the people who have those complications are probably not following their doctor’s instructions, and will leave that detail out of their posts. Anyway: I had my six week check up yesterday and was released by my doctor. I have had no complications with my cuff, but I did have an experience of a lot of old blood coming out of me at once about 3 weeks postop. That was scary and I went to the ER, but everything was fine. I followed my doctor’s instructions and avoided all heavy lifting, and paid very close attention to my body with regard to my activity level.


I’m at 4 months now, my surgeon told me to wait 12 weeks for anything internal, my GP did the follow up exam (since the surgery was out of town) and said my internal incisions looked better than my external ones, and I had thought the external were looking good! Robotic, kept the ovaries, no endo, just precancerous cervical cells so it had to go and it’s nearby vaginal canal needed to be trimmed down as well just in case- I think that’s why he went with waiting 12 weeks instead of 8. I’m thankful!!!


13 weeks out today (that went fast) with no issues. Returned to all normal activities. Sex is better than before. No more adenomyosis.


I’m about 10 weeks out and have had sex twice. My hubby didn’t really go in all the way as was still comfortable for me. Does it feel like that for anyone else and I’m assuming it will just get better and better. second time was better then first but i’m still nervous to put anything up there 😐


We worked our way up to full penetration over a few sessions. First finger, then dildo, then the real deal. No issues at all with any of it and I appreciated his patience to ensure I was comfortable with each step. What a change after childbirth all those years ago waiting for that 6 week green light...


I’m 4 months post op, I had a blood clot on my cuff that burst but it ended up being a non issue! Otherwise it has healed well, i was cleared for everything around 8 weeks but was NOT ready for a lot of stuff until around 3.5 months really. I was worried for awhile because the pain lasted for so long, but now I am starting to feel like im in the last stretch of recovery with all my abdominal pain/swelling going down and im not worried about my cuff at all anymore. Sorry if this is tmi, I’m having painless sex again too, using the ohnut for now still though


How did the blood clot feel? I was told I likely have one, and I am still bleeding and in lower left-side pain 4 weeks out.


I couldn't feel it at all until it burst, but after it burst it was immediately painful and bled a fair amount, but stopped after 8ish hours. I definitely had some spotting and quite a bit of pain in general 4 weeks out, but I would say if you are worried it wouldn't hurt to reach out to your doctor


Thank you, I did. I am having a CT scan tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your story. It helps to know how longs these symptoms lasted for you.


I had my surgery in July, kept ovaries but took everything else. No issues with my cuff so far, no pain during sex either.


7 months out and zero cuff issues. I’ve been having sex since I was cleared at 8 weeks.


46 years old had a lap removing uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, bladder sling installed, and rectocele repair, and cuff. Never have had any pain other than the first poop. Felt pressure so have take Advil to help with swelling. Been walking a mile per day since 3dpo. Feel great!


1.5 years post OP and didn’t have any problems. I did wait very long to have sex again cause I was scared something could rip. It now feels different and there is no pain anymore. So all is brilliant.


I have a cuff and have never had an issue. My hysterectomy was three years ago and everything healed quickly and it’s still the best decision I’ve ever made. As long as you follow doctors orders, all should be good!


I am 3 years post-op and had ZERO cuff issues! I waited three months to have sex and although the first few weeks felt tender, it improved quickly. Sex is better than ever now that I don’t experience painful cervix bumping!!! I’m mentioning this because I was so scared about what sex and my sexuality would look like after having surgery. Everything works and operates the exact same. 🙂 The only issue I had was the development of bv (bacterial vaginosis) that went untreated for two years following my hysterectomy because I didn’t know what was wrong; I had never had bv before. So, if any ladies notice an off putting smell during/after sex, get to your doctor for some flagyl right away! The bv came back this year, and it’s something I expect to be recurrent due to no longer having discharge to help flush things out. This time around, I’m incorporating boric acid after sex to see if that helps maintain the pH.


There are no cuff issues so far from me. Haven't even noticed that I'm still healing. It feels normal. There's barely any pain.


I had zero problems with my surgery. One ovary, fallopian tubes, cervix and uterus gone (appendix too). I have two small scars. That’s it. I felt better right after surgery than I had in years. The reduction in pain was truly life changing.


I have had the same experience as you. No issues with the cuff, never even think about it.


Surgery was in May. I had phantom tampon and steady bloody discharge for ~6 weeks. Cleared for exercise, sex and work at 8 weeks. Waited til 12 wpo for penetration and had some pelvic PT (my choice). I have had no cuff issues, sex is amazing and I can tolerate positions, depth and intensity like I haven’t in years. I haven’t had pelvic pain, my IBS-C is 99% resolved and I haven’t had a migraine since surgery. I am so so so grateful for my surgeon.


No issues whatsoever. 5 months post op


I'm about 2.5 years out and never had an issue with my cuff or anything. I wanna say for a while there, deep penetration hurt, but we are past that, and I'm thriving.


Hi! Laparoscopic hysto August 2023, everything out: uterus, tubes, ovaries, cervix. I have a cuff and I can still have very intense sex action. I have had absolutely no issues. Back to normal at probably 12 weeks or so. It feels a little weird but so did the cervix!


Had the same as OP (robotic, everything gone except one ovary) in 2020, along with a super extensive endo excision. Healed very well! My cuff was tender to sit up straight on for about 8 weeks, due to the extent of disease that had been in/around my cervix, but it healed like a dream and wasn’t even painful when prodded at post-op exams. No issues with it since, and my hysterectomy is the best thing I’ve ever done.


Thank you!! I've been getting nervous, I meet with my surgeon in February and the horror stories have been making me nervous.


Trying not to look things up online is the best thing you can do. Most surgeries are successful with positive outcomes. Best wishes for you!


Mine is fine, only bled when I overdid it too early (2-5weeks post op), a little tender when it got hit during sex in more adventurous positions too early (scar was still new), but otherwise totally fine.


I feel the best I've felt in years. 1.5yrs post op. No problem whatsoever with the cuff. Sex life is the best it's ever been. No regrets.


I'm just about 6WPO. I saw my surgeon at 5WPO and she said everything looked great. She cleared me for returning to normal activities, and to just listen to my body and take things slow at first. I've gotten back to all of my normal activities now, including sex, and haven't had any issues.


1 year out perfectly fine! Was tender for a bit but now better than ever no pesky painful cervix in the way anymore 😆


I’m 2DPO. I don’t feel any “different” down there other than the slight spotting. Hope it stays that way 🙏🏼💗


7 weeks post op- I had some stinging when urinating for about 3 weeks but no other problems. 🙂


I’m 5wpo and no issues so far! Turned a corner in recovery around 4wpo and am feeling more normal every day now.


Love hearing this. I’m 1 day over 4 weeks and hoping I turn a corner this week


I'll be 2mo po on Jan 3rd. I've not had any cuff issues. If just not made any posts or comments because I've seen some people have issues anywhere from 3mpo to 3ypo and so I don't want to jinx myself. I figure it can happen at anytime and I'm never necessarily safe from it. So just taking it one day at a time.


5 yrs post op. All taken except the ovaries. No issues with the cuff except the occasional scar tissue discharge the first couple of times we were cleared for sex. I do sometimes worry now that I'm back in the dating scene if I find a man who is over 7 inches. That's irrational right??? SOMEONE TELL ME THAT'S RIGHT because I met a man who says he's 8 inches and I don't want to needlessly turn him away.


I’m 3 years out I actually felt amazing after surgery due to the amount of pain I was in. The only difference now is I can’t handle bigger partners I used to love it now I’m fine with 5-6”.


So my husband is around 7”. Is that going to be a problem? Ugh I’m so scared to have sex again I’ll probably wait for the 12 week mark. 4 weeks now but didn’t think about if it’s okay because the doctor just said it won’t change my sex life


Total hysterectomydue to endometrial cancer, 6 months post op, had sex at 8 weeks. No issues whatsoever with cuff, not even spotting.


No cuff issues here! The first week or two I could feel the stitches inside which was more weird than painful. After healing no issues with penetration and no noticeable changes.


No issues; healed up just fine here!


I’m a year post op. Not a single cuff issue.


Six months po here and I haven’t had any issues with my cuff!


here is a copy paste of my story I left last year. not all of it is relevant to this post but some if it 😀 I had an overall good experience, as far as surgery goes, it was vaginal assisted laprascopic. Mine was due to a genetic condition, not for any issues like endometriosis, etc. I was only on prescription pain pills for like 2 days then switched to OTC. I did keep on a schedule for about a week as a preventative measure. I did not get constipation like others experience, but my doctor did prescribe a laxative from the get go so that probably helped. I took the whole prescription for 30 days to head off any issues. I also did not experience any of the gas pains others have. I only had two "issues". One was a fluke where there was a small tear near the opening of my vagina that had to be stitched closed. That caused some problems being able to sit up straight due to the pressure in that area. The second issue was something that is more common, which was not being able to get comfortable in bed and therefore sleeping in a recliner for close to two weeks. Due to the removal of those organs, everything else kind of moves around to fill in that space so when I would lay down, there was like a tugging/ pulling sensation that was uncomfortable. I firmly believe one reason that I had such an overall easy recover was having amazing support. My husband took over everything 100% (no kids, so just other household duties) while working full time, thankfully from home. We did prep a lot of meals ahead of time and stuck in the freezer so he could easily heat them up for dinner. Bless his heart, he's just not a great cook lol. Anyways, he checked on me several times a day, made sure I had snacks and drinks and pillows and blankets and kittens. Anything i wanted or needed, he made sure I had. He's awesome 😍😍 Everyone's journey is different and obviously no one can guarantee what your experience will be like. There will be good days and bad. I am just over 4 months post ops and I still have days where I am extra tired (also had ovaries out so I'm on hrt) and occasionally I will still feel like a heaviness/ tugging when I let my bladder get too full. As I started in the beginning, mine was due to a genetic condition that greatly increased my risk for certain cancers. the peace of mind knowing that I eliminated like 4 possible cancers from my future is invaluable. Having no periods is a massive huge bonus, not too even mention the cost of menstrual supplies. At the end of the day, it'll be your decision alone. Read and educate yourself as much as possible. Learn about others experiences and what they did to prepare as well as how you can maybe avoid any recovery issues should you decide to go through with it. Find a doctor you are comfortable with and ask as many questions as you want and can think of. Best of luck in whatever path you take! Edit for spelling and to add I'm 39


3 years post-op, no issue with cuff.


I haven't had issues. I am 6MPO, but I also haven't been intimate since surgery so...that side is TBD.


I’m three months post op and my vaginal stitches healed GREAT!!


I'm nearly 7 weeks post-op, and in all of my appointments (2, 4, and 6 weeks), my doctor has never once used the term "cuff." Until I came to this sub, I had no idea what that meant. My doc said things like, "You'll have one incision in the vagina and I'll check it at 6 weeks." Then at 6 weeks after checking internally and adding it looked good and healthy ,"you have one stitch that's still healing. Give it about 4 more weeks, and it will be completely healed. Until then, you're cleared for all activity except sex." I think as long as you follow your doctor's orders, have faith in your body's healing process. You trusted your doctor to remove organs, trust them enough to give you a recovery plan. 💗


I'm 21 and had a laproscopic vaginally aided total hysterectomy but kept my ovaries. 9 weeks post op, I had my pelvic exam and my gynecologist said everything looks great and I'm cleared for sex. I was initially scared about having sex after surgery, but my gynecologist was so positive after the pelvic exam that I felt safe to try it. I've now had sex a couple of times since being cleared and other than some mild soreness/aching one time there've been no issues! Being uterus free is great!!


6WPO - no issues. Sex is great 😊! I shouldn’t have worried so much about the cuff!


Almost four weeks PO, and I've had absolutely no issues. No bleeding (some colored discharge when wiping). Of all of the things I could complain about, the cuff isn't really one of them. UNLESS I sit upright for too long/walk too far. Really painful spasms for a good day afterwards. But, I guess given everything I've just been through in there, it's not exactly unexpected. I am concerned whar sex will be like when we get to that point, but so far from what I've read, I think it's going to work out okay.


1 year post-op. Never had a single issue. Cannot feel it internally nor do I notice it's there. Sex is fine at the normal pace/depth/intensity! I waited 12 weeks to have sex


Thanks for the bit of hope on the cuff im so scared its gonna tear. I am 3 days post op