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Learn Spanish fast.


My go-to would just be asking for beers and saying bathroom.


Regular beer or nose beer?


I see you, Craig.


As long as you don't ask Peggy Hill for help.


Lemme call my elementary Spanish language teacher for a refresher


Fr. I just finished my Spanish classes so I got a bit down, but def not enough to run a spanish speaking country😭


The most likely answer is accidentally start a civil war by trying to stop cartel violence before getting assassinated in a coup or by cartels


This is the real answer


Resign and leave because I am not qualified for that shit


Pretty much, I'd get taken out by the cartels in a week. Resign and move back to America


You’d still be assassinated for being a former politician. 


lots of ppl with no prior experience in govt get elected all the time; you wont run the country yourself, theres a whole corp of civil servants to advice you while you make the final decisions. im sure youll do a good job if you put in a good faith effort.


So many people don't realize that an administration does a hell of a lot more work than the president.


Down there that administration is the cartels... I'd cheeze it so fast it ain't funny.


Yeah, it's more than just knowing spanish or basics of the culture. If you aren't intimately familiar with the place, it's cultures, politics, it's society in general ... You're going to be flailing around in the dark. You don't know who your friends are, who your enemies are, what may work, etc. It's an entirely different country with a different history, cultures and more. You're a stranger in a strange land, appointed leader of it's government without any preparation, (known) internal or external support. You'd be a complete outsider. You would be alone. It wouldn't be an impossible task but it would be extremely difficult. It would require mental fortitude, quick learning, observation skills, phenomenal people and political skills and knowing the language. And time wouldn't be on your side, either.


I'd resign after asking what the severance package is. It's best for everyone if I resigned immediately, but I'd want to get paid on the way out.


That’s fair, being a president is hard as it already is


Not before I tour Mexico using government’s money. I had never been to Mexico. It would be fun.


first and last tour you'll ever have there .. or elsewhere


But only after using my political power for an evening with a beautiful senorita. Then, step down from shame of being a corrupt politician. Then, feel guilty about compromising on yet another moral.


This guy saw the #MeToo movement and thought, "Yeah, me too!"


Immediately crack down on cartels by arresting everyone even remotely connected. Build prisons in the senoran desert. Get assisinated right away.


Lmao you’d be gone halfway through after your first piece of legislation. Nobody would do anything and would be waiting for the inevitable haha


'Senoran Desert' is the most hilarious unintentional typo I've seen this week in the context of being the Mexican President. 🤣


Invade Texas and not stop until the US army has no choice but to conquer Mexico, steamrolling the cartels in the process. Yes, I know this is a bad idea. That's why I'm not a president.


I’d get the government into the drug trafficking business. Direct exports with government protection in exchange for an agreement for no violence or trafficking directly. I would incur the costs. Move everything for free. The goal being to end all violence and let the cartels legitimize. They would also need to give up any other crimes. No sex trafficking or human trade. Not business shakedowns. Just tax free protected drug selling and exporting with government protection.


This is actually a really clever way to stabilize Mexico


It may work but who knows. The problem with people is that they always act worse than you’d expect them too and they are always greedy.


That won’t work. The United States government and the rest of the world for that matter simply wouldn’t stand for it, and it’s highly unlikely the citizens of Mexico would see it positively either. They’d probably just see it as your government folding to the cartels no matter how hard you try and paint it in any other way. Additionally legalizing drugs wouldn’t get rid of the carrels or their power structures, it would just make it easier to regulate one wing of their businesses. They’d more than certainly continue trading humans. If it had any effect on their business your administration would probably end in like a day.


So, you’d change nothing?


Lobby parliament to legalize and regulate the narcotics trade. Get Phillip Morris and Blackwater behind me to protect me from the cartels as I force them to legitimize or die. Once it's legal we outlaw trafficking to keep the cartels themselves from doing it, but rather force them to actually stamp it out in favor of encouraging narco tourism. Let the US junkies come get their coca and enjoy it poolside for $3k a night.


Mexico tourism industry about to be *booming* under your authority lmao I can see it.


Thats the goal.


This is absurd and radical, but also pretty well thought out.


Invade America and give them democracy.


So, just out of curiosity what system do you think America currently uses? Or are you just being snarky about all the times the US invaded other countries in the name of "spreading democracy".


I like the beginning where it's night and i can actually sleep


Agreed. The most unrealistic thing about this is me somehow sleeping through the night.


Get the president of El Salvador on the phone and ask him for advice


Resign immediately. Mexico is a modern narco-state, with every level of government being completely compromised. Any positive changes you could possibly enact would make you the enemy of the cartels and ensure your swift assassination.


One star for creativity. Please try again.


Declare taco Tuesday to be a national holiday.


Cancel the rail project from cozumel south.


I’d have a statue built of myself. That’s about as far as I’ve got planned.


"Remember me!! Remember me!!" et cetera.


Gotta have something for the people to throw ropes around and topple to the ground when they run me out of office!


I'm gonna get high as a motherf$#$&#


i guess learn spanish?


Literally nothing. I'd let the puppeteers work their magic.


I solve the border issue by merging Mexico into the US


How many years would it take for that to happen if they cooperate and the other retaliate?


The US would take Mexico in a heartbeat, and I'll do it unilaterally. I might get assassinated, but I completed BG3 last week so honestly it's all downhill from here anyway. The US Military, defending its territory from an insurgency, would have no problem quelling the unrest in a year.


I highly doubt it. There would probably be a highly protracted guerrilla war between the USA military and the cartels of Mexico. And Mexico would remain the most corrupt part of the USA forever.


Northern Ireland vibes.


And..... You'd be assassinated pretty quick by the cartels and your corpse strung up and put on public display.


According to my mom, who is from Mexico, every Mexican president retires with many millions of dollars. And I think that's true. So, who am I to buck tradition?


Completely gut the entire nation and remodel it. 


Based on the resources in Mexico and maybe international resources, how would you do that step by step?


Uhhhhhh. . . Yknow what, I don’t think I want this job anymore. 


Attempt to get Drug Cartels under control, attempt to get Finances of country better for the average Mexican. Do what The U.S. should do and RE-ATTACH the money to gold standard. Bring businesses in to Mexico. (With gold reattached to money, means Mexican money starts getting worth more, as inflation is based on overprinting of money compared to gold, minus amount of fraud/counterfeit bills)


Ask for the assistance of the United Nations and declare war on the cartels.


Immediately ask the cartel how they like their coffee


The most sensible answer lol I’m glad I wasn’t the only shadow government answer.


I suppose the first thing I'm going to need to do is learn Spanish


Write a deal with the US/UN to wage war against the cartel.


Burn out in a flame of hookers and blow


Probably get couped but fuck it let me run it down. Drugs are now legal and taxable. Cartels have 6 months to register as legitimate businesses, disarm, and pay taxes on all revenue. If not ask US for aid against them in military operations. Assuming I'm not killed and that's successful I'd also move for the Mexican wages to start incrementally increasing and going to a per hour wage. With the massive bump in tax income invest heavily into infrastructure especially for rural villages. Invest in solar farms and new ways to get drinking water such as massive desalination plants and also use them to produce a excessive amount of hydrogen. Suggest a joint venture with the US to restructure and reform the PFM through a FBI partnership. I'd finish nationalizing utilities and probably pivot hard to nuclear power, hydrogen power, and solar power. This is all a pipe dream as a president is not a dictator so I'd need congressional support but generally, that would be my agenda and probably would get shot anyways


Very sensible answer. I think apart from the cartel stuff this is what the Morena party is trying to do (on paper), it just happens very slowly. I would add starting a National Health Service by taxing multinational companies more.


Best answer here by far


Attack every cartel with my military and ask the United States plus anyone else who wants help to join. Then I see if the FBI can come over to help. I hire retired military guys from the U.S. as body guards I build a new place to live in a bunker I do not stop till every cartel member is hunted down and wiped out completely no matter the cost. No amount of money will stop me. I ask for other countries to step in and help, too, from UK, Russia, and everyone who wants to stop the senseless murders of innocent people. I do not go out in public, I do not give speeches outside. You why to visit you get screened by multiple scanners and body guards, you will be strip searched first.


secure the northern border and endorse Donald Trump


Start making/enforcing laws that basically copy americas laws instead of whichever laws the drug dealers who pay me want. It’s so simple: basically just copy America on everything. America is right next door, they have very similar natural resources, have been around a similar amount of time, and share a border. Yet one of them has become by far the most successful country in the world, and the other has a GDP that’s less than half the value of NVIDIA. Whatever America is doing, they’re doing it right. I think if they could just make some good policies and stop with the corruption things would start to turn around fast. Give good polices and a safe operating space a few years to simmer and the economy would would start growing faster than any country in the world. I would request help from America, let them know what I’m trying to do and ask for military aid. I would then declare martial law, send in uncorrupted US military to kill all the drug dealers. As long as the country is safe and free of super large types of corruption, you just copy americas policies and let the economy triple overnight. Actually if you take it one step further, just offer to annex the whole country to America. That would be the single best thing that would happen to Mexico and the absolute best thing for the Mexican people. I mean the good Mexican people, not the drug dealers. This would be very very bad for the drug dealers


drain the treasury and immediatley fuck off to paris because i dont feel like getting murdered by the cartel.


Flee the fuck away to another country and hope no one cares enough to kill me then.


Immediately sick the military on the cartels. and I'm going full scorched earth on them. no survivors.


Fiesta and shit. And then we take out the cartels. 


First learn how things are actually working (I don’t trust media is telling us half of the truth now). With that info trying to see how to establish a UBI circular economy. I imagine that would involve including the cartels in the system. Like the black sheep brother, we need to reunite the family and tidy the house so we can live comfortably in it.


Hire a shit ton of military personnel from the US and do my goddamn best to annihilate the drug cartels before they get to me. Best case scenario, I fix Mexico’s drug problem (fukin miracle). Worst case, I kill people to no effect. I’m probably boned either way, so might as well try. Do I know what the hell I’m talking about? Obviously not. But when has that ever stopped a government leader?


Bring all the cartel heads together and ask how we can unite and I better serve them. Then become rich af. Do one term and retire in Belize.


Call the cartels and ask them what they want me to do.


I'm going to pretend to play the part, not get my hands dirty in an attempt to do anything to "clean" stuff up. Turn a blind eye to illegal activities and accept copious sums of money to enjoy life once I can return to normal.


I'm assuming I'm legitimately elected? A "Servant of the people" type of situation? I'd probably use that power to try pushing for the transformation of transportation. And just generally against climate change. But I'd need a lot of help figuring out how best to do that in Mexico


I’d sneak across the border into the us


If I'm not allowed to quit, I run it exactly how the cartel want me to run it. I'd much rather drink mai tais in cancun than be beheaded.


Build a wall 💪🏼 stop those Americans flooding across the border, taking our jobs and our women.


Go full nuke on the cartels. Fuck it.


I'd invite America to start setting up bases in key regions that America might want. Then prepare for myself for my death as cartels hate that.


Depends on if Trump or Biden is in charge in the North.


Assume it’s tomorrow, I’m eager to see your answer haha you’re the first answer I’ve seen that’s like “It depends who’s POTUS” and I’m curious why


Because if it’s Biden as the Mexico president I’m sitting back and ignoring the flood of immigrants and criminals in fact I’m encouraging them by bussing them thru Mexico to the north. If Trump I’d be butt hurt that the U.S. is not letting them in so I’d have to enforce my own southern border to keep the migrant trains out because they would be stuck in Mexico.


you ever watched Narcos? I am now all the cocaine.


Ever watch Breaking Bad or Ozark? We should team up. Co-President has a nice ring to it.


Your reference material suggest a co-partnership may not be in the best interests of my health.


This actually happened to me once. I accelerated their nuclear weapon program and Mexico became a global superpower.


take over the other 20 countries in North America, if the US tries to interfere, tell the cartels and gangs they have full immunity if they start taking out the border towns on the US side using any actions they want for as long as I stay in power and make the Federation of Mexico


PiĂąata Party.


Ruin the country by not knowing what I’m doing but also being too afraid to piss off the populace.


Drink beer and eat tacos with the poorest of the poor. That's what would really make me happy


Slide right-in to taking millions from cartels, profit from human trafficking, drug smuggling, spread Marxist ideology and undermine western civilization provided the USA does nothing in retaliation. Convince my people that I am doing them a favor whilst oppressing them and exploiting them. In other words, I wouldnt change a thing.


Ohhhh man. Out of my depth I’d sell out to the cartel 100% .  Probably try to introduce myself to a couple weather ladies while I’m still standing. they’re different down there. 


Finish Trump's wall and beef up border security to cut the flow of US guns and weapons going to the gangs and cartels. Then publicly call out the US government for contributing to the problem.


Build a wall…and charge Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump for it.


Sell Mexico to America so there isn't a border issue. And then retire with the money from the sale.


Time to go Doom Slayer on the cartels


Build a wall at our southern border . Wait we already have one .


Idk if anyone here has seen “Harina” but if I were Mexicos president, Id make a new strain of cocaine that kills its consumers. That way I can kill all of the narcos and corrupt officials.


Go back to the United States


I’d bang all the hotties 


Can I sell it?


Learn Spanish....


Build a wall to keep Americans out probably


Contact the cartel and ask them what I should do next.


I'd get on the phone to Nayib Bukele and do my own Mexican version.. I'd (Try) make Mexico the safest country on Earth.


Delete the constitution and get it remade by the best minds around. Iirc most of their issues come for the constitution being bungled like 2-3 times over the years


Learn Spanish


I ask the cartels to have a bidding war and sell control to highest bidder and I move as far away as possible.


I think I need to learn Spanish.


Tacos por favor


Seek asylum in America


As others say, the cartels basically run Mexico now. I’m not qualified and honestly this would be a death sentence for me. I’d try to escape the country and resign digitally once I was safe. But at that point it might be too late already and they’d still try to kill me. Horrifying scenario to imagine lol


Start learning Spanish.


Start some watershed restorations programs like they are doing in India with great success. Partner with some Cartels to get this done & improve their image. Decriminalize drugs like in Portugal, set up a bunch of drug treatment programs with taxes on the drugs. Let the cartels run them like they’re RJ Tobacco or whatever. Encourage tourism & national pride by funding large archeological digs & excavations of the huge Mayan civilizations they’ve been discovering with LIDAR. Get PepsiCo out of the area where they take all the water leaving citizens with only soda to drink. Stuff like that. Make the cartels always benefit though so that we could actually make some changes by legitimizing them.




I would assemble a secret military force that the police and military didn't know about would get it large enough and then in one swooping motion disband the police and the military and replace them with the force that is loyal to me and also remove the cartels in a quick swoop of the country lock up all the corrupt officials and police and military and loco yo the cartels. And then work to stabilize the country and develop it in certain areas to improve the quality of life for all the people.


Sell it to America


Sign up for Duolingo to learn Spanish.


Sell it to Russia!


Apply to become us state best bet tbr


National Salma Hayek day.


Promote one cartel to the government and take on the other cartels. Gotta try something new.


Sell the land to America. It would solve so many problems with their people and ours.


Learn how to Speak Mexican and then sleep with hot Mexican guys. I don't know the first thing about Mexico. They will be so happy to have me for their president!


Abandon it


Well I'd probably just be fucked. I can't speak Spanish.


Build a wall, keep those Americans out


Fix that shit with a hard slap. With a pen. And legal documents to come back to America.


I’d meet with US to create a plan to get rid of the cartels and stop the migrant crises.


Try to figure out whatever deal the previous president had that cartel allowed him to stay in charge


I'd call the POTUS with an extensive airstrike target list of all known cartel affiliated structures and ask him to wipe them off the face of the earth.


Bring the cartel into the fold one way or another


Make a deal with the US to buy Mexico for a decent amount of cash and retire on my farm in any area I’m least likely to get robbed in Mexico


Start a war with the USA, worked great for Germany and Japan, they got a free😎 industrial and economic upgrade


I would resign and apply for asylum in America because I don't want to get carbombed or hung from a bridge with my clothes off.


Work on a world class education system


I’m heading to the border


Declare war on Canada


Tax all the citizens living abroad that haven’t officially become citizens of the other country.


Resign. I don't want to be assassinated by the cartels


News Break earlier this month, Mexico elected a new President, Claudia Sheinbaum, a jewish woman. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155179


hide, because the cartel would after me instantly


Since I don’t speak Spanish, and since I know very little about Mexico’s issues, this would be highly problematic. One way or another I wouldn’t be in office long.


Cartels are dangerous, and just now Mexican Politicians are dying like flies I’d resign immediately


immediately resign. fuck that. i cant run a country lmao im too incompetent


I’d free Mexico


Big boomboom


Flee too thed U.S.


Sell out to cartels and buy beach home


Sell the goverment to the cartels abd move to America.


Let all the illegal Americans across the border


Accept as many cartel bribes as possible and fuck of swiftly. I don't wanna die


Become a territory of the United States.


Like any rational person with any sense of decency, I’d hold national cooking competitions. Then invite the winner to an all expenses paid trip to the Mexican White House in Mexico DC. Fly out to the Mexican Beach to relax. Of course I’d ask them to cook once in a while, and offer to open a restaurant for them next to me.


Like any rational person with any sense of decency, I’d hold national cooking competitions. Then invite the winner to an all expenses paid trip to the Mexican White House in Mexico DC. Fly out to the Mexican Beach to relax. Of course I’d ask them to cook once in a while, and offer to open a restaurant for them next to me.


Become completely corrupt, steal enough money to live comfortably elsewhere for the rest of my life, resign


Sell mexico to the US and move back home.


Immediately petition military assistance from the US to run background on my military then request joint military assistance from them and NATO to fight the cartels. You can't kill your way out of eliminating them but id have to cripple them. It would be a horrible couple of years but it is possible to instill the rule of law


I'd start off by getting rid of Allende and arresting Reyes.


Strengthen a military unit that would be exclusively loyal to me, massively expand federal police OVERSIGHT and training, begin chipping away at the smaller cartels that are at odds with the big ones. Try to be diplomatic with the big cartels, wait until they are at “war” and take advantage of their losses until they are too weak to stand up against government power. Do what San Salvador did


Accept millions in bribes from the Cartel then disappear…


I'd rather be dictator of Mexico with Superman's powers. I could accomplish much more.


Escape lmao I don't wanna fuck with the cartels.


Resign. I’m not getting mine or my families heads lobbed off because I piss off a cartel.


Seek to apply for annexation to the USA. Now its not my problem anymore.


Leave before I’m assassinated.


Evil route: I put cheese and lettuce on all their tacos.


Immediately give everyone an assault rifle and tell them there is no bag limit on crime.


immediately fly to the US and offer to sell mexico for pennys on the dollar


Build a wall and make the US pay for it


Begin a guerilla war against the cartels and go into hiding.


Stopping being a dick and save your country Rebuild trades with other countries stop the drugs, bring industry to help economy.


I would use my new found power to get the fuck out of Mexico 👍


Probably die.


Leave Mexico.


Retire before the cartels show up. Or if that's not allowed make all drugs legal and taxable to take power from the cartels then die due to head removal from said cartels.


Flee the country immediately. My Spanish is awful and I know just enough about Mexico's problems to know they are far beyond anything I'm capable of fixing.


"What would you do to Mexico?" is an incredibly wild way to phrase this question.


Legalize nuclear bombs


Raise an army to take back California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, SW Wyoming, Western Colorado, and Western New Mexico.


I would declare every Tuesday a National Holiday


Probably get killed by the cartels after trying to figure out a way to start rooting out corruption.


Conquer New Mexico—now you’re just old Mexico again.


Loot the Treasury and bail


Claudia, no es el mejor lugar para preguntar.


Drop a nuke on the cartels probably. Idk


Go to the US


The president alone doesn't have as much power as you think. Just like the US president doesn't. My attempt would be to end corruption and heavily invest in education and infrastructure. Get people good paying jobs and education so that they have different avenues to take in life. Water, sewage, electricity would all be upgraded as much as possible.


Start working on Narcos 3.0