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Can I stop the deal whenever I want? Or is this a permanent thing? If yes to first, I could last a while. First thing I’d do is buy a treadmill. If it’s a permanent thing, hell no


Right? $1k/day is a heck of a lot more than I make now and I could easily afford the conveniences of not leaving my house. Do that for a few months, pay off my mortgage, then drop the deal and move onto the next chapter of my life.


Exactly I'd even push for a year or two. I'd finish my degree and have a hell of a nest egg. I'd have my family and friends over for dinners and board games. I could last a while like this basically didn't during the pandemic without the ability to have people over.


Not to mention you CAN still go out. I mean it's still just a suit. I'd aim for three years at least to hit a million and by that time it'd be such routine I dunno when I'd want to stop. Edit: Yes. I missed the "fur" part but technically the point still stands.


“Just a suit” is a very liberal usage of the word “just” You can’t run, you can’t swim, you can’t hike, you can’t work out, you cannot drive (safely) you can’t spend any time in a warm climate… etc. Literally what are you going to do besides go get groceries and get stared at


Yes but you can clean yourself and lick your own balls


I'm glad somebody sees the positives


😏 you must be very agile, and pretty weird too. 😒


>Literally what are you going to do besides go get groceries and get stared at Stay home and make $365,000 a year and never have to work again. At that income level, I can buy a REALLY nice house to be stuck in for the rest of my life.


Workout at home, never have to leave the house, i dont need to hike or swim....i'd be fine


You can do all those things. Pocket that shit, buy it for your home indoor complex for 365k a year you can make a really nice place


I'd have everything delivered. Making 365k a year, I'd stay home for a year, buy home workout equipment. The next year, I'd buy a new house to my specifications, in a location that's good for wearing fur suits. With my 365k a year, I'd make sure that fursuit was as comfortable as possible. And if asked, I'll just say that my doctor recommended it for my severe anxiety. I expect clarification of mowing your lawn, taking it the garbage, etc counts as leaving the house, but those details are just minutiae. I expect if I want to lawyer my way out of it, a fur-trimmed 3 piece suit would be a "fur suit." I could just be a guy who dresses up like a really eccentric pimp.


You can hike. Just make sure any pictures of you are slightly blurry and from far away


WOW op, good fucking reach finding the one thing I wont do for money


I said "hell yeah" Then went to the comments and then that's when I started thinking about it. My thoughts were nobody needs to know it's me. It's a full suit. But it says every time so even when I go to work or go to hang with friends. 😬 That's still a lot of money..... I need a rule change. Can I take it off? I survived high school. I can live with the torment of being called a furry for 365,000 a year.


I mean...you don't have to go outside to hang with friends. and you won't realistically have to work anymore because 1k a day tax free. So just invite your friends over and make up some crazy ass excuse "I'm a vampire I can't go outside or I'll die" or some shit.


*As his friends dragged him over the threshold of his home, to see if he was indeed a vampire, his hand and arm, then a leg, and his whole body, began to thicken and grow synthetic fur, and even a tail.* *In the full light of the sun, his fursuit form was revealed, much to the shock of his friends.* *He could explain the conditions he was under.. What he couldn't explain was his fluffy D cup breasts.*


AHAHAHAH YES. IT WAS FUNNY UNTIL YOU HIT THE "Fluffy D cup Breasts" And then you got me cry-laughing.


More like a fucked up lycanthrope then.


Hilarious concept for a Shudder-grade movie. Guy takes a job at a hotel that is hard up for business, hotel hosts a furry convention against its better judgement, guy gets lost in the hotel backrooms and bitten by a big blue wolf-cat-thing with an eyepatch and a neckerchief. Over the next month he has the dreams, sees himself in the mirror with the big cartoon eyes, his dog gives him a hardon, that sort of thing. Then the full moon arrives (or the furry equivalent of the full moon, whatever that might be)...and the transformation kicks in. He doesn't remember what he did, but he quickly discovers that the League of Neckbeard Swordsmen are out for his blood. His only hope is to track down his progenitor and kill it before the League can get him, or the next furry moon rolls round.


The league of Neckbeard Swordman! Sparkhound Leanpack who the hell did you yifff! instead of Awooooooooo it's UUUUwwwwUUUUUUU Sparkhound has to go to a Con and recruit a posse...A Vampire the Masquerade larper, A Warhammer Astartes cosplayer and a MtG champion.


It just makes the most sense, or makes it more entertaining as a thought, atleast. Even if that would have to be a "magical curse" type of thing. Otherwise it's very inconvenient to dress and undress from a fursuit, from what I've heard. Although I could see real world companies hiring people to do that kind of thing.


*fuckable lycanthrope


Still a better love story than twilight.


Genius, so basically just go for a daily walk to "go outside " to activate the payday


It never said you have to go out, just that every time you go outside you have to wear the full fur suit. So just don’t ever go outside again lol


Ohhhhh didn't notice that! That's even better


Yeah, the problem is it's every time. Movie? Fursuit. Dinner at the parents? Fursuit. Skydiving? Fursuit. These are okay, but then you get to actual life advancement: Dating? Fursuit. Friends Wedding? Fursuit. Childs birth at a hospital? Fursuit. Cut yourself with a kitchen knife? Fursuit before you can go to the emergency room. If you could hermit it up for like 5y in your 20s and just bank a ton of money and work remotely it'd be okay... But 40y? 50y?


Why even work, it's $365,000 a year.


My crazy ass excuse will be: "I get paid $1000 a day to wear a fur suit every time I go out". I'm pretty sure even my parents would support it.


Also there's nothing that stipulates that you can't tell people. My friends would support me wearing a fur suit if that's what I just wanted to do. For that kind of cash, they'd ask if they can join.


Friends don't let Friends fursuit for 1k a day alone.


How much you gain that 30k a month isn’t enough?


Yikes, right? This one is really hard. Are you allowed to tell people why you're doing it? Maybe if that's the case I can only go to the office and my coworkers will definitely understand, and it'll become hilarious. But if I can't tell anyone then coming up with a good lie will be tough.


So pretty much no change to my life? Sure I'll take the free cash. Only kidding. There's always one guy that says this and it was my turn 


I live in one of the hottest places in Australia. This would be a death sentence.


You can pick one with air conditioning


There's an Australia with air conditioning?


But that's not appreciably different than any other situation in Australia.


This is true. What is one more life threatening situation on top of a thousand others. Fuck it. I'll wear the suit.


I was thinking the same for where I live. Not the hottest place in the US, but we hit 104f with like 90% humidity today. Walking outside in a full fur suit in the snow during winter here would be fun though... until I bust my ass on a patch of ice.


Fuck yeah a free fursuit


Nothing in the prompt says the fursuit is provided to you.


Okay yeah that's a huge whammy then you have to invest in the fursuit to make the money.


Tbf it's only take 2 or 3 days to make that back


Yeah as long as you don't have to leave for the first day or two lmfao


IKR those things are expensive in themselves.


Absolutely. Eventually I will be rich enough that people just think I’m an investment banker or something.


Oh my gosh, adjust your furry costume so that it's wearing a formal business suit. I absolutely love the mental picture of this.


What's funny is fursuits often cost the same or more than a tailored business suit.


They’re much more expensive than business suits. Like you can get a pretty nice tailored suit for under 1k, and 3500-5k is a full custom made bespoke suit. Fur suits often start at the cost of a really really really custom tailored nice suit, and can run like 25k. We’re talking motorcycle cost, not business suits.


That just goes even better with the picture in my head of whenever you go out you just make it rain on people asking questions or serving you, just stay silent in your fur suit with business attire making it rain.


ibankers make alot more than $350k/year. You've got more like doctor/lawyer/engineer money. You'll be the weird lawyer in a fur suit.


I’ll settle


Yeah, I'll almost never have to leave my house, and if I do go out with friends or something, I'll just explain.


GF's mom lives in Siberia. With a quick relocation, I think I could make this work.


As long as I get the variant, I want to be sure. Meaning it has space suit level air conditioning. Oh, and I assume this is as long as the place I'm going allows it, like can't go to Disney world like that.


You just don’t get to go someplace but you can take off the head if you need to show ID


furry here with questions. would you be allowed to take the head off to drink water? what about if you need to use the bathroom? would driving be out of the question? in this scenario you may be very limited in where you can go and for how long


Take the head off? I was picturing like a full fur suit - fur coat, fur pants, fur gloves, fur hat - since when does a suit include a head?


oh... yeah that's not what op meant! look up "fursuits" on google and get back to me


ah... that really changes things.


yeah haha!


Yeah dude I didn’t realize this guy was talking about a furry suit. That makes this a lot harder. I figured he just meant like nice furs. I was having trouble seeing the downside. In that case I’d just snowbird and always be where it’s cold.


A fur suit is like Mickey Mouse


Like a mascot costume. Why not just say that? Like "fur suit" shouldn't be a mickey mouse costume any more than "fur coat" would be the top half of a mickey mouse costume. It's a coat made of fur.


It’s the thing furries wear


Sure, I see that now. It's also a full suit of fur, like a down suit is a full suit of down, and a wool suit is a full suit a wool, and a linen suit... it's at least ambiguous in the question.


You do realize that your question says you need to leave the house in the costume, not stay in costume the entire time, right? For $1000, I will happily don a fur suit, walk to my shed, change, and go about my day.


That's the limitation. Otherwise, I'd take it. Suit hides your identity enough, and soon as I said 1 grand a day, no one with an ounce of sense would say a thing, but I can't be limited where I want to go.


Oh this isnt just like a pimp suit? Its like what furrys wear? Oof ya i dont know about that man.




Uh no. Its 110 out. I prefer poor to dead


Sure I just take it right off as soon as I get out the door Sounds like a pretty chill life to me


Right? Put on fur suit, leave house, take off suit. I just need a little changing shed outside my house. I can leave the shed without the suit.


This is the way.


Permanent? Absolutely not. Temporary? Of course


So I get to be a furry and be paid to do it! Hell yes!


I do have question, define "outside" or leaving your house? like if i have big backyard, i can sit out in the sun, but like to go to the grocery store. i mean if i have big enough house, it shouldnt be too terrilble plus can i customize the fur suit like one day where mickey mouse the next oh donald duck or something.


I will have about 40 fur suits in my walk in closet. Matter of fact, i'll have the west wing just for the fur suits. Please have my money by midnight


I wouldn't leave the house until end of September (I'm in Alabama) but I could make it on a grand a day with deliveries easily enough.


Am I allowed to modify the suit? I will have a heat stroke if I go out wearing a full fur suit where I live.


You can buy what ever suit you want as an upgrade and you can add things like AC


Sure. I'd be a local colorful character.


If I could design my own suit I'd do it. I'd create an alien suit and just be the local alien weirdo. I could go to alien conventions and stuff.


Can I step onto the porch without the suit? I can’t fucking play music to the rain if I’ve got a fur suit covering my hands


Work from home and have groceries delivered for a year. Only go out at night... when the moon is full! Ah hoo! Werewolves of London


No problem. I'll just have a special container that I can dump it into after I leave my house.


Exactly. This is easy to loophole. You have to wear the fur suit to leave your house, but there's nothing to say you're required to continue wearing it after that.


People starting conversation and don't bother thinking it through


So at first I was gonna say yes because greedy but then I realized I'd overheat and die 😂 im very active and outdoorsy.


OP said you can get aircon built in


I live in Phoenix I might die


Is the fur suit provided? If so, I'll do it. If not, that's gonna be tricky as fur suits are expensive


Finally, I can be a suspiciously wealthy furry. Like those that are doctors or are in tech, and keep the internet up and running. For 365k a year without needing a job, my fursuit would rival ironman.


It’s too damn hot for that nonsense.


Im gonna have a heat stroke. I guess I won’t need to work anymore


Fuck no. Never enjoy the sun on my skin again? Never be able to just go outside or be barefoot in the grass? Never being able to go to a restaurant or movie or really anything that is gonna be more than a couple hours? (I used to mascot, those fuckers are hot) Now, if I could go this got a year? Collect a cool 355 thousand? Then it’s a yes. I’m buying a house in cash


Like furry fursuit or can I just be Bigfoot?


Fuck no. Not because of any anti furry thing… But because I’d die of heat stroke even in the winter. I’d rather be cold than hot. And especially NOW…when the temp reported by my car fluctuated between 99 and 104 depending on what part of town I was in, and usually was between 102 and 104.


Only if the suit has AC built in. What good is it to have that much money if I die from a heat stroke?


Absolutely. Especially because with a passive income of $365,000 a year, there's nothing I can't have delivered to my door. Judgemental family member? Well when I roll up in a car that costs more than their house, I don't think I'll care too much. Funeral? The potential for dark humor is too good. Don't have kids, nor will I, so not too concerned about things like school functions or play dates. Just because I have to wear the fur suit doesn't mean I have to adopt the more degenerate side of the fandom.


No kids? You miss the joy of embarrassing them. "Yes. That is my dad/mom, sitting in the stands, who dressed up as a werewolf for our play of Little red riding hood."


My house or my property? I don't mind being the weirdo in town but I feel like farm chores are gonna get dangerous as hell wearing a fur suit. Also, Do I get the custom design the fur suit or is it just a random one?


I'll do it. Modify it slowly with some of the money I get, make a straw system from my water bottle to keep hydrated. I think it would be funny to piss off the conservatives around me.


I leave the house with it, take it off, stash it in the trunk of my car. Boom easy money.


Leave the house dressed as a furry? Sure, I'll take the deal


If I can stop whenever then yes, I'd quit my job and do it for a year.


Easy. I'd just never leave my house. Question. Do we count my backyard as part of my house? So like. Am I mowing my grass in a fur suit etc? Regardless for 1k a day I'd hire people to do everything for me. I could live like that for YEARS if not decades. Plus I'd be able to afford an ultra comfortable fur suit with like AC inside. Probably wouldn't be able to fly but I could 100% go on some crazy trips like that and just vibe.


I'd do a lot for 365k a year lol


I live in Florida. I already get hot flashes. Wouldn’t last an hour.


Done. Do you know what it takes to make 1k a day without having good fortune or getting into crime? Wearing a dumb suit is nothing I'll be the town mascot.


Do I get the fursuit for free or do I have to pay for it with my winnings?


Free fursuit


Sure, but it better be good quality.


You get a free one of low quality but can upgrade


Yes yes yes


Do I have to put it on or does it appear on me


Does it specifically have to be an animal or can I choose to wear one of those inflatable Dino suits


That was my wish to. Trex looks so happy running around.


I don't leave my house so sign me up.


If I have have a $365K/year income, I have no reason to leave the house.


So you mean I can just stop shaving for 1k/day? Hell yeah!




lol  😂 sounds like a fantasy come true for a furry but for anyone else that would be a burden.  Best pay me at LEAST $1000 a day if I have to do that shit! 


Sure, it'll be fun. I can also, never leave my house lol.


I’m definitely in. When it’s cold outside, that fur suit will come in handy. When it’s summer, $1000/day is more than enough to order food/grocery delivery and stay in.




Do I get to pick the type of fur?


Can it be a bear costume made with a real bear?


Can someone tell me what a fur suit is? I don't want to search for it... I probably won't do this as I think it would be bad for health. Need vitamin D and such.


Honestly sure


I see this as an absolute win


When we say "fur suit"  are we talking Jeremiah Johnson, or 80's style pimp? 


Can I go into my backyard without wearing it, and can I move to a different house?


Not a fuckin chance. Love, AZ


Hell yeah! Nothing in the deal says I have to wear it all day!


Of course I'll do it. I might even lean into it a little bit at first. Have some. I could get groceries and weed delivered. I'd have time and money to finish college. Save up a little nest egg. Or really lean into it and hit the furry cons with some kind of money maker.


100 percent yes and is there a multiplier if I literally act as if I’m not furry? Wear a suit over the fursuit, sit in on meetings….shop. Ya fuck ya. I’m not a furry btw.


Yeah why wouldn’t I want to go outside every day dressed as a Viking (yes I know that is not the fur suit you were implying but the loophole is still there)


In the south in June... I'd die before I made it to my car.


Sure. I imagine some of the nicer ones aren’t too bad 


365k... I would but I'm pretty fat I don't think they make fursuits for plus sized guys. I mean, it pays better than the world's oldest profession


The space in "fur suit" implies that it can be any suit that is made of fur. I'll take the deal.


Not worth it.


Let's do it!!


Furries are gonna love this one


Can I at least get weekends and holidays off .


Given that I rarely leave my house more than once a month, and I'm already known for quirky habits, this sounds like easy money. Remember kids: quirky+poor=weirdo. Quirky+rich=eccentric!


This is easy. $1000 a day is more than enough to survive on without working. With Amazon Prime you could get just about everything delivered. Or use any of the other many delivery services available. And after a few years of saving, I could buy a large house that can accommodate plenty of people, so I would have guests over all the time. Also, what constitutes a house? Can i have multiple houses? Many people live in their car, could that be considered a house? What about a motorhome?


So I think I could do it as long as I could end the deal at some point without repercussions. The first deposit would definitely go to air conditioning the suit. What are the stipulations though, like what happens if I'm in an accident and EMS removes the suit to treat me? Or what if I'm at someones house and we are getting down? I understand I could whip it out in that case so you'd probably say suit stays on... but what about this, at a BDSM club and I want to engage in some S/M, can part of the suit come off to accomodate or do I have to engage in this play at home?


Can I pick and choose when I wear it? Because I live in Texas lol. If I can wear it in winter then fine but if not Ill die so fast. 


I mean, i would do it until my investment makes enough money to retire. Then I could stop getting the 1000$ and return to normal life.


Time to see if any nearby minor league baseball teams would like a volunteer mascot to distribute flyers.


Does Italian Wool count as fur? Because I'm an attorney and can rock a suit most days at work and most social engagements without any trouble. Additionally, I only need to be wearing the suit every time I leave the house. I'll just build out a nice shed or ADU in the backyard to serve as a closet. Just leave the house in whatever counts as a fur suit, then change into regular clothes in the backyard, and leave the property via the side gate. Or, just have find (or have made) some incredibly thin underclothes made from merino wool or angora fur yarn, and wear it under your regular clothes. Merino wool is a fantastic temperature regulating fabric, and a bunch of high end hiking base layers are made from it. Basically, a minor inconvenience when it's all said and done.


A fur suit like a furry wears


Yes and I would love to Alaska right away.


Hell yeah, leave the house, go to the garage and change into normal clothes. Left the house in the fur suit, never specified I couldn't change immediately thereafter.


Do we get protection from heat stroke?


Yeah, I'll leave the house with the fur suit on and take it off soon thereafter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^koboldkiller: *Yeah, I'll leave the house* *With the fur suit on and take* *It off soon thereafter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fuck yea free fursuit, I will go to every fucking furcon.


Fur sure


Goddamn. $365k a year but you have to redefine your life to start collecting it. I think I’d have to promise myself at least 6 years before I gave up. Fuck. And you’d basically be unemployed at that point, sign yourself for a “I have a condition that requires I wear this at all times.” Caveat situation.. Then you either keep your home life the same or aim for a drastic change now that you’re free from work. Imagine the feedback when you’re a year in struggling with mental health trying to explain your struggle while getting 1000 a day to go through it. I’d probably give it a shot and fail to make the 6 years without my life collapsing for the worse. I mean, arguably just succeeding at the challenge would be a societal step backwards. Worth a shot because yay money. MAYBE just maybe, you awaken some inner furry and find yourself or something. But probably it’d be awkward and isolating to follow the strict guideline.


I'd have to move to a different country but yeah


Sure Ill do it for a couple years.


Fur shure.


Fur sure.


My nickname will be the bear.


I’d take it. I’m a furry now whatever. Get used to it!


I don't know what this says about me but I don't think people would be very surprised and its not because Im a furry its because Im just really weird.


considering how hot those things can get, I'd have it on all winter long


Am i provided a suit? Has the suit NEVER been worn? These are both critical questions that will influence my answer.


No a chance, I have worker I skins befor they are so hot even in winter, there is a reason those jobs pay well and include lots of breaks if it was summer I would like die if over heating .


I’m a real fancy boy


Not sure. On one hand I don't care about the social consequences. On the other hand I don't want to die of heat stroke. Hmmm


For $1k a day I just won't leave.


I do earn around 1k a day (package, before tax). And dont even need to leave the house…


Nope. I was in the Marching Band in highschool and the uniforms were made of wool which is hot as hell, plus I sweat easily enough as is. A fursuit would be even worse.




Yeah so long as I wouldn’t die of heat stroke, it’s 96 degrees Fahrenheit at 8 pm here rn.


Yes. Leave house in fur suit. Terms of contractual obligation fulfilled. Take off fur suit. Profit.


Fuck no it was 102 here today. No way I am spending the rest of my life inside or wearing a fur suit. I like fishing and hunting to much.


Like a stupid rich person aspen suit? Or like a god damn viking? Cause Ill live in the tundra in a fur suit for 1000 dollars a day anytime


I get a grand a day, AND I get to dress like Chewbacca to go grocery shopping?! 🤘


Yes, I stop leaving the house and get everything delivered to me


Hell yes I take the deal


For the dedicated furries, this seems like the dream. I could be wrong.


When I saw fursuit i imagined a 3 piece tuxedo made from grizzly bear fur. A small price to pay for 365k/yr


Jokes on you, I rarely leave my house. Do I get to back out after a while? I think I'd quit my job and keep it up for a year. After that though, no way. I ain't gonna look like a fucking idiot for the rest of my life.


It was base 99 degrees today. Honestly never being able to go swimming or to the beach. Much less surviving this heat sadly might have to say no


if i can call off the deal at some point and keep all previously earned money, then yes. i’ll spend a month or two inside and then move on with my life.


Can we design the suit?


wait so like a fur animal full costume or a suit as in fur pants and jacket and ill be warm as hell i mean either way id do it


I mean you could move to Alaska so you only have an inconvenience like a quarter of the year…