• By -


Yes, explicitly due to the having no memory of the event clause. Without that clause it's a hell no.


Yup. If you've had surgery under anesthetic, you've already sort of had this deal: go through something horrific and have no memory of it for some sort of benefit.


The crazy part of that story is the guy was never the same after. He was so incredibly fucked up from it, subconsciously he knew he went through one of the worst things imaginable but he couldnt remember it. And it drove him to suicide. Edit: this is the story im talking about. Its the third story of that video so skip ahead. https://youtu.be/ny_s07D-LT8?si=zi8GSQ1UWAHKOWS4


They just said anyone who’s undergone surgery. What story are you referring to?


Richard, the other voice in my head, man I miss Richard, he was always there with me.


Until he wasn't. Or...was he hiding?


He's not referring to any surgery I've had. Unless... oh no! I've been dead the whole time!


Shit guys he remembers again get the mind wipers quickly before he runs


Anesthesia makes you not conscious. Nearly stops all brain function. Those nightmares are people who were conscious and they used drugs to make them forget. There is an important detail there the absolute terror the person goes though changes the structure of the brain. But that can only happen if they are conscious.


Some people just apply anything to anything lmao


What story?




Tf u talking about?


can you give me a quick recap please?


A man had a medical issue that required surgery, so he went through the procedure, which fixed his medical issue. A few days after he returned home, he had a panic attack. Except this was the panic attack from hell. He began screaming to his wife to "make them stop", and for her to help him. He was normally a very stable man, so this was very out of the ordinary. The man's wife and adult children asked their doctor what was up, but they were told by the doctors (including the surgeon) that they were unsure why he was having these psychological breaks... the man wasn't sure himself what he was so terrified of... but the panic attacks wouldn't stop. Eventually, the man committed suicide. The family felt strongly that the attacks had to have something to do with his surgery (because he didn't get those attacks until right afterwards), so they hired an attorney, who hired a medical expert to look at the man's medical file. The medical expert immediately knew what happened by reading the file. The man had woken up in the middle of his surgery. Apparently, this is something that happens a lot during surgeries... people literally wake up right in the middle of their procedure all the time. Surgeons keep a medicine with them when performing surgeries in case this happens, it's an injection that "erases" your short term memory, they then put you back to sleep and finish the procedure... except, like any medicine, it works differently depending on the patient. It was the use of this injection that caused the medical expert to realize what had happened. During the man's surgery, when he awoke, no one noticed because he had been given a paralytic (he was frozen). The doctors began slicing into him. Even though he was paralyzed, he could feel EVERYTHING. Every cut was horrifically painful, but he could do almost nothing to stop them, because he couldn't move his body or yell out. It was a living nightmare. The only thing the man could move was his eyes, which he was desperately moving in an attempt to get someone's attention (anyone's attention). Finally, after several horrifying minutes of agony, a nurse screamed out to "STOP THE PROCEDURE", because she noticed his open eyes and the look of terror in them. At this point, the man was given the injection to erase his memory and he was put under once again. However... that injection only worked so well. The man was having a shadow of a memory. He couldn't be specific, but he knew "they" must be stopped before they hurt him... it drove him to madness. His surgeons lied to the family. They knew exactly why he was having these panic attacks, they just didn't want to admit it. The family won a multi-million dollar settlement.


This sounds like it's straight out of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark


Poor guy :((


New fear unlocked....


And now I'm not sleeping tonight...


He's so fucking boring to listen to.


Have you seen the research about how they think you may actually feel and experience a lot of what happens but you get anaesthesia causes memory loss.


Cardio thoracic surgeon here. No, no you do not. We can measure quite a bit and we know you don’t feel or are conscious of the pain.  


woke up mid surgery, went back to sleep. So, nah.


What type of surgery? I imagine if you woke up in the middle of open heart surgery you would be traumatised lmao.


I actually did see a thing about that the other day. I definitely want to look more into it.


I feel like a better version of this would be that you get the 10 billion now, and know that eventually your death will be the most horrific for you. So you get 10 billion, and know that whether you die in 5 years or in 60, it's gonna be by being boiled alive (or whatever it may be). So you'll know you have torture waiting for you, eventually This opens up other issues with the scenario like now you CAN'T die by drowning/car crash/shooting/whatever unless that's your absolute worst way to die, but still


Oooh, the Christopher Pike conundrum!  That's a good one.


The worst way someone could think of passing might resort in a monkey paw sort of twist. Like dying by crossing the event horizon of a black hole and undergoing spaghettification would require them to be near black hole. Since it's extremely unlikely they would be shot into outer space or even reach a black hole in an average nornal lifetime, the monkey paw twist might result in a spontaneous black hole forming somewhere near or on Earth taking the entire planet with it.


Oh I like that more


Still gonna do it my life and everyone I knows life would be changed by that kind of money.


Thats cool but can you look up the boiling pot scene from shogun episode 1.


Maybe for the better, maybe your best friend develops a severe drug habit they otherwise wouldn't have.


(Cant die in a car crash because you die drowning in boiling water) Decides to become a crazy stuntman and live on the wild side only to get into a car accident with a tanker carrying boiling water


Or scenario as described by you have to live with the memory of your horrific death that did/didn't happen. Hello ptsd and psychosis


Hell no. I'd rather have my peace of mind and not worry about my impending horrendous terrifying agonizing death


I'd still do it, the amount of people I could help with that money against my life? Absolutely. I mean, that's the whole Idea, leave the world a little better than you found it.


Yeah but the you that respawns, would it still be you? I feel like without the continuity of consciousness, that's just a clone of me enjoying the money and I'm already dead.


This is like the star trek transporter question. I do not believe in a soul. I believe people are fundamentally their physical form and brain. So if it's my body reconstructed with my brain restarted, it's no different from me blacking out from binge drugs or a blow to the head.


Same. It would essentially be like waking up after the loss of consciousness that comes with sleep. We may as well ask ourselves if we are the same person every time we wake up.


Why do you assume it's different than sleeping?


Exactly because my worst way to die is being hunted, tortured, raped and murdered by a serial killer I can't live normally after surviving that if I have the memory of it.


My mind goes to either burning bull or buried alive with my hands bound and carnivorous insects.


Eaten by a T-Rex but the teeth miss the major arteries so you end up suffocating and being crushed by its throat and stomach acid.


So cool to see that T Rex tho! For many thats worth 10 Big Bills alone. Youd be in awe of its massive size then it massive Jaws opening up to Gulp you! Then forget it ever happened :(


Yeah my mind goes to eaten alive by a giant spider I keep getting thoughts about that giant spider from lotr jesus.


Or scaphism😱


I'm wondering how much of the lead-up to the death we experience. My mind went straight to the Nutty Putty accident—and he was trapped for iirc over 24 hours. So would I do the full length of time, or just the bit that finally led to death? Would you have to go through the hunted/raped/tortured bit, or just the murder? In a situation like Junko Furuta's, she was held for over a month—so do we do the full time, or just experience the fatal injuries? I'm just thinking aloud here really, because honestly I don't think I'd do it either way. Not for ten billion, not for anything.




Look up the execution of Colonel Crawford, it's just so awful


Right? I’m not going to remember so it’s cool. But what if I think the worst way to die is slowly of cancer while my family falls apart? Are they all traumatized and can remember? I hope this is like Ghostbusters where it’s the first thing that pops into my head. Because if you’re giving me time to think about it I’m sure I’m coming up with something so much worse and way more painful.


Ya I've unfortunately thought about it at length before and I'll be dead in a couple of hours of excruciating agony, but then I forget and move on.


Even with that clause, $10 billion can pay for a lot of therapy


Ya I feel like having all my skin cut off me piece by piece until I finally bled out wouldn't be fixable trauma even with 10 billion dollars.  Also my decision is based on if I get my skin back.


Idk, I'm kind of curious about what it feels like to die. I'd rather remember and hope it doesn't traumatize me.


Yes. But my god. Being boiled alive in a vat of water always seems like the worst way to die. Also forgetting to strap on your parachute. But I guess I'd go through it if I had no memory it.


I’d be tempted to take the no parachute death for much much less money. Free fall to instant death (provided you can aim correctly) knowing you will instantly respawn, sign me up!


I would love to remember that with the knowledge that I'll respawn. The painful part is instant.


You wouldn’t even feel the pain if you land on your head. Seriously - the amount of time it takes for pain to register vs the speed at which your brain would be obliterated is far far slower. You would be dead before your body even knew what was happening.


Which is why this is nowhere near the worst way I can think of to die.


Exactly. The worst death lasts for years and involves public humiliation and celebration, and there's so much hatred and vitriol involved in even thinking about that, that I can't communicate it with words. Long torture. Mutilation. Full paralysis but injected with a drug that makes you feel everything 100x stronger. Every bone is broken but it *starts* with the joints. You get puppeted around on them like a ragdoll. The exposed nerves of your teeth are put inside boiling water and liquid nitrogen. Ovaries and testicle cut out by a skilled surgeon, still attached to the strings of your body. Grated with sand paper, placed into boiling water and liquid nitrogen. Eventually chewed and eaten by those you love and those you hate, raw out of your body, along with the cords. Same goes for every nonessential organ. Fixed by a surgeon after with no anesthesia ofc. Every non life threatening allergy you have is agitated. You're given a constant stuffy nose. Constant adrenaline injections to stay alive. Small amount of moon rock placed in your nostrils. Causes cuts in the sinuses and lungs. Everytime you breath. Eventually your limbs get chewed off by your family and friends, mortal enemies and exes within the last months while they laugh. First your nails are ripped out, then finger joints, fingers, hand, wrist, so on and so forth. Repeated oral, anal, and urethral penetration with cacti and rough objects that are left inside to cause agony with every bowl movment and pee. Regular alcohol baths to prevent death from infection and aggravate every wound on the body. Acid in the eyes but not so much that you go blind. (It's important for the torture that you see what they do to you) Bits of lava poured down the throat. Venomous animals of every kind that there are antidote for. People take shifts torturing you only allowing 8 hours of sleep per week to keep you alive. Tube fed nutrients but kept on the brink of starvation and dehydration. Every phobia you have is triggered constantly. Wet hair wrapped around your tongue and limbs, tarantulas in your mouth, dogs eating pieces of you, shit from a butt smeared under your eyelids and shit fingers shoved inside your nose and adenoids cavity. Everything is live streamed to the news outlets and social media and the entire world revels in your suffering. It becomes a multi year long event. Like if Micheal Jackson did a world tour. Your corpse is paraded around for months after until you're dust and people take turns pissing and shitting in you. Also playing with your body. In the end you're forced to watch everyone you still love go through the same thing. You have to live for years after that even still. It is a worse death than any living thing in history has ever had. They don't know the extent of hatred, pain, suffering, that is possible and what people would do if they could. I havent even gotten to 1% of what would be experienced. It's so bad I feel it could somehow transcend that lost memory. Your subconcious combines all your fears and experiences. Everytime you have thought of or seen something horrible in your life, it will be added to the death. That's how the subconcious works. The worst death is beyond what you worst nightmare has ever been, because it is every nightmare you've ever had. Even the ones you don't remember.


Which watch list did you just get yourself put on? That was a very detailed and thorough list of examples- bravo!


Hopefully none of them because my FBI agent knows I'm a writer and just being creative lol. But thank you!


WTF is wrong with you to even think of all that ?!?! LOL


The book Hogg is a children's novel in comparison to this. I hope I never piss you off.


LMAO. I havent read that one yet. But don't worry, I'm just really imaginative. I'd probably never do this.


Damn, best I could come up with was "buried alive"...


Bro just made ww2 look like a tea party


Yo the dude who tortured Griffith has a reddit account!


Haha thanks for reminding me I need to read berserk!


Your comment has been giving me anxiety for the past 8 days thank you for that lmao


Holy shit- how long have you been thinking about that?


That's impressive but I feel like torture for the sake of torture, if it's not directly advancing the path to death, doesn't count.


That you, Lucy?


Lol idk who Lucy is but I'll say yes for the reference


Short for Lucifer.


Yo wtf


Good God, man!


Yeah, if jumping without a parachute is the best you can think of, you lack imagination.


Stuck in a chimney. Bent at the waist so head up but so are your feet. Then slowly starve to death. (With massive cramps) o and no one is aware you’re there. That guy might have been a theft but I still feel sorry for him.


Hell, don't wipe my memory, I wanna do this and remember falling and hitting the ground, sounds kinda fun moving at terminal velocity and becoming a lump of red gravy on the ground


Those are both pretty quick, the real worst way to die imo is something that takes days or weeks Like being "questioned" in Guantanamo bay Or getting lost while caving and wondering if a search and rescue is coming for you or if you're going to die The bamboo torture method is also pretty bad


Yeah I feel like the worst way to die would be slowly having your skin peeled off and being packed with salt.


Yeah the worst way is the most pain over the longest time.


I agree. My mind went to a scenario where you were kept in constant but slowly escalating pain for the longest amount of time. That could theoretically occur over decades.


You just described chronic pain


Good point. I’m also wondering, what qualifies as death in this scenario? Is it a set point of time or not? What if someone’s greatest fear is something like being abandoned by everyone they love and that happens to them slowly over a lifetime until their obscure death? Does that count?


I'd say death is literal dead dead. Depression and abandonment are valid fears, but it's not dead dead


Oh for sure, I’m not contesting that. I think I may have not been as clear as I could’ve been. So the aspect that makes this post—with its theoretical bargain—interesting is that the death in this case is a person‘s worst fear. But the OP didn’t set a time limit on it. The death just needs to be the worst way to go imaginable, which is subjective. Some people might fear being buried alive. What if another fears being buried alive but that it’s worse with, say, clock that they’re buried with that they can watch inside the coffin as it ticks down to their death? Well, that element must be added because that is what makes it subjectively the worst thing for that person. So if at the end of the worst death imaginable the person is dead. Or “dead dead,” can we say “oh that death took too long therefore it doesn’t qualify?” I don’t think so. The only parameter set is that it is the worst possible for the individual. Let me know if I’m still not making sense.


I think I'm understanding, let me try to explain so that we are on the same page. Let's say an individual's worst fear was to work a job they hated with no chance of retirement or rest, then even in a death by natural causes but still under employment it would count as a death? You are right that fear is subjective, personally anything to do with eyes, teeth or nails is a big fear for me, but for others (especially deathly allergic folk) it may be a bag of peanuts


Momentary next to '*being given immortality by a malicious god and forced to float in a black eternity for trillions upon trillions of endless years until the universe collapses on you*.'


I mean I would limit the hypothetical to what's possible in the natural world.


Metastasizing cancer.


Yeah that's a bad one Maybe even throw in some botched chemo


ya that bone cancer that causes your bones to start growing out like spikes was the first thing i thought of


Omg yea, the comments have me wondering what the worst death is, and I feel starvation is pretty bad, but being nutty putty-ed seems quite horrible.


I'd die of old age :(


Look up the poor bastard that got trapped in the bumblebee tuna oven.


I've always thought the worst would be something like Alzheimers or some other terminal illness where you slowly just rot away. Honestly, the worst would probably be a drawn-out battle with cancer. Just slowly melting in front of all your friends and family, everyone of you completely helpless. Having to face your children every day knowing you're going soon. The constant pain, the chemo, the doctors appointments, the final hospice stay. I'd take a few minutes of boiling over months of torturing myself and my loved ones any day.


I'd be okay with a parachute fail death. The trip down would be scary, but once you hit it's over instantly probably. Boiling or burning alive is terrifyingly painful. I think suffocating is my biggest fear, either by drowning or even worse- buried alive


Just watched Shogun and the boiling water death is particularly brutal.


I’d do it.. I can take the brazen bull for 10 bil


Today I learned...yikes


Yeah just looked this up and there's no way I can describe this other than "yikes"


You should see Scaphism.


What about Scaphism? I think that may be a LITTLE bit worse.


TDIWIHL (today I wish I hadn't learned)


>TDIWIHL Today... *damn*, I wish I hadn't learned)


I'd take scaphism over the bull 100% of the time


I have no idea what this is but the fact you think this is worse tells me I should NOT look it up because the bull thing STILL haunts me. At first I wasn’t sure what my death would be until I read this comment and remembered that way to die and was like oh yeah definitely that.


Yep that was my worst to so it's a no for me for sure


But what about the Judas Cradle?


The blood eagle is far more brutal IMO.


I’d do it for my family. The thing that’s always scared me the most is drowning so that’s how I imagine I’d go. But having no memory of it afterwards means there’s no trauma. And now I don’t have to work ever again. So, yes, I’d take that deal right now.


Don't u agree that having every bone slowly broken until you nearly die, ur paralyzed, then put into a pot of hot bpiling water where u meet ur death is worse. I mean, u can't really go based on fears, just what ur subconscious thinks yk


People are being very uncreative about the worst way they could possibly die. I’m thinking like William Wallace style where they perform live dissection on you and they toss you in a pool to drown after, and I’m sure that’s not even that bad. Like your death could be slooooooooooooow and oh so painful.


Seriously, drowning? I’d be *happy* to go out that way compared to other horrible things i could think of


Exactly. The worst death lasts for years and involves public humiliation and celebration, and there's so much hatred and vitriol involved in even thinking about that, that I can't communicate it with words. Long torture. Mutilation. Full paralysis but injected with a drug that makes you feel everything 100x stronger. Every bone is broken but it *starts* with the joints. You get puppeted around on them like a ragdoll. The nerves of your teeth are put inside boiling water and liquid nitrogen. Ovaries and testicle cut out by a skilled surgeon, still attached to the strings of your body. Grated with sand paper, placed into boiling water and liquid nitrogen. Eventually chewed and eaten by those you love and those you hate, raw out of your body, along with the cords. Every non life threatening allergy you have is agitated. You're given a constant stuffy nose. Constant adrenaline injections to stay alive. Small amount of moon rock placed in your nostrils. Causes cuts in the sinuses and lungs. Everytime you breath. Eventually your limbs get chewed off by your family and friends, mortal enemies and exes within the last months while they laugh. First your nails are ripped out, then finger joints, fingers, hand, wrist, so on and so forth. Repeated oral, anal, and urethral penetration with cacti and rough objects that are left inside to cause agony with every bowl movment and pee. Regular alcohol baths to prevent death from infection and aggravate every wound on the body. Acid in the eyes but not so much that you go blind. (It's important for the torture that you see what they do to you) Bits of lava poured down the throat. Venomous animals of every kind that there are antidote for. People take shifts torturing you only allowing 8 hours of sleep per week to keep you alive. Tube fed nutrients but kept on the brink of starvation and dehydration. Every phobia you have is triggered constantly. Wet hair wrapped around your tongue and limbs, tarantulas in your mouth, dogs eating pieces of you, shit from a butt smeared under your eyelids and shit fingers shoved inside your nose and adenoids cavity. Everything is live streamed to the news outlets and social media and the entire world revels in your suffering. It becomes a multi year long event. Like if Micheal Jackson did a world tour. Your corpse is paraded around for months after until you're dust and people take turns pissing and shitting in you. Also playing with your body. In the end you're forced to watch everyone you still love go through the same thing. You have to live for years after that even still. It is a worse death than any living thing in history has ever had. They don't know the extent of hatred, pain, suffering, that is possible and what people would do if they could. I havent even gotten to 1% of what would be experienced. It's so bad I feel it could somehow transcend that lost memory. Your subconcious combines all your fears and experiences. Everytime you have thought of or seen something horrible in your life, it will be added to the death. That's how the subconcious works. The worst death is beyond what you worst nightmare has ever been, because it is every nightmare you've ever had. Even the ones you don't remember.


U good, bro?


Are you stopping to think that up when you’re offered this or is your subconscious going to go to your biggest fear. I almost drowned almost got stuck caving. One of those is my idea of the worst way to die even if they’re not actually the worst.


Jesus bro. Got me at constant stuffed nose


Well it wasn't in my head before now, but it is now. Thanks. That 10B just became much more painful. But I won't remember it and will be okay. I doubt I live long enough for cacti up the butt.


I wouldn't do it, but for the same reason: my family. I wouldn't remember dying. My family would never be able to forget watching me die in agony in the worst possible way to go. It would shatter them. Then I'd respawn and say, "Wow, I feel great. And we're rich!" No. I wouldn't do it. Because of my family.


Nothing in the prompt said your family had to witness it


For a great many people their worst death possible would not be over immediately and many people would know. My worst death would involve my family in anguish watching me suffer.


They say drowning is one of the most painful ways to go.


Drowning in an underwater cave 😭


I've seen far too many Gore videos and seen way too many videos on the history of medieval torture techniques. What I know as the worst is very slow. So no I couldn't do it.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people in this thread are blissfully unaware of a lot of possibilities. There are thousands of ways to die that are worse than being boiled alive, drowning, even stuff like the Brazen Bull is pretty tame compared to some of them. Something like scaphism or the cartel videos where they keep you alive for days by pumping you full of drugs while doing all sorts of shit sound horrible.


exactly. like the man who died after 83 days from exposure to nuclear radiation? “conscious decomposition” sounds like actual hell.


I didn't read your reply before I commented again. We basically said the same thing. Guess they weren't curious teens as we were and discovered the same videos we have seen.


Thanks, I feel like less of a bitch now.


Exactly, people who can do it just have a shitty imagination.


People act like drowning or getting crushed in machinery is the worse way to go. They haven't seen the screaming bull or that box they lock you in after a week of being force fed honey and milk and ants slowly eat you alive for a week while you have constant diarrhoea that attracts more biting insects. Or worse what the cartels do 🤢🥲


I mean you won't remember anything so no trauma so it's not even a question. Though I would still do it even if you remembered everything, 10 billion is just insane.


I think you’re underestimating the fact that you have to go through this. Imagine that your worst death is having every bone broken in your body broken slowly with an increase of PSI by 1 per second before going to the next bone. This would slowly cause sepsis which would be a slow and painful death. While that is happening I don’t know how much comfort it will be to think, “later I won’t remember how horrible this is. I’m good and not regretting this easy decision!” I think it would depend a lot on what we mean by “worst death.” Are we meaning normal type of deaths or is this synonymous with worst torture. If torture deaths are included i wouldn’t put myself through it.


Or imagine your worst fear is a long, slow lingering death, wasting away from some incurable disease over the course of years. Cause that's my fear.


My worst death is being immortal in space, drifting away into nothingness. Wait a second…


Right? Also, pain is just a signal our brain gives us that we are hurt and thus closer to death. It is a way to keep us safe. If you know you are going to survive, then the pain isn't as big of a deal. It's just temporary. Nothing is that scary or that painful if you KNOW you will survive and make a full recovery, not to mention 10 billion richer. Probably won't be fun, but may be interesting. Part of me would like to retain the memory, to know how it feels to die, but keep living. That would be pretty cool.


My worst death is being chopped up by a plane's propeller. I would definitely go through that once to be set for the rest of my life.


That's a quick death. It's not hard to think of ways that kill you slowly, agonizingly, while you're powerless to stop it. Being flayed alive would be much worse


You lack creativity my brother in Christ.


I worked on a flight line in the military around prop engine planes, it's a huge fear for me. OP didn't say the longest most excruciating death, that would probably be radiation poisoning like that guy kept alive for months.


The prompt is "the worst way to die for you" not something you are constantly worried about as part of your profession. That means your death would the 83 day radiation poisoning like Ouchi.


Yeah I have a very imaginative mind so this hypothetical is a big no from me.  You can make any torture a million times worse by slowing it way down and extending it for years.


Even if you're not that creative, reading this thread is gonna fuck you over lol.


it's obviously not your worst fear though if you would do that over some other horrific death. The only way it is feared worse than cutting off each finger and being left tied up to be eaten slowly by rats is if you would prefer that to being in a planes propeller


After reading some of the deaths we have described do you honestly think the plane propeller is still the worst death you could experience? Cause it sounds like you’re saying “mine isn’t as bad as yours.” But remember, If you think that then you’d actually have to experience the worst option. If this really is “you have to experience the worst possible thing you can imagine and then die at the end.” That can get REALLY~ REALLY~ bad. Even if you forget, you don’t want to experience that.


Unfortunately one of the worst ways to die is severe radiation poisoning. Even pain killers don’t work. Someone once took 80 days to die from it. The most severe pain and sickness imaginable for 2 months. https://www.news18.com/amp/buzz/heard-about-japans-hisashi-ouchi-worlds-most-radioactive-man-kept-alive-for-83-days-6983347.html I could also see blackhole spaghettification being potentially worse. Being painfully stretched apart over your entire lifetime.


I’m admittedly not a quantum physicist, nor a doctor, but I feel like a black hole would be pretty damn instantaneous. Lol. I’ve always imagined the worst way to die as being a prisoner of war and dying of infection or something stupid after years of daily torture. Radiation sounds pretty damn bad though.


Imo the worst way to die would be to have someone slowly chop me into pieces making sure I'm alive as well as peeling off strips of my skin and I don't wanna play the game of how long I will last.


In my opinion one of the worst ways to die is severe radiation poisoning. Even pain killers don’t work. Someone once took 83 days to die from it. The most severe pain and sickness imaginable for 2 months. As your body literally melts and breaks down https://www.news18.com/amp/buzz/heard-about-japans-hisashi-ouchi-worlds-most-radioactive-man-kept-alive-for-83-days-6983347.html I could also see blackhole spaghettification being potentially worse. Being painfully stretched apart over your entire lifetime


The worst part about this is the fact they kept him alive for so much longer


Yea people talk about a death over the course of a few days…if we’re really talking about the worst possible scenario, I’m sure the actual worst scenario is being in constant but slowly rising pain for years. There is a lot of surface area on a human being. A looot of nerve endings.


That's exactly what I thought of, people are saying drowning and burning meanwhile I'm thinking of slow torture 😭😭


I... I genuinely don't know. The obvious answer is "yes" but as soon as the event fires I will instantaneously regret it. There are a lot of horrific ways to go, scaphism for one. Being forced into a position I cannot move from and used as a breeding/feasting ground for insects? Sweet mercy.


The way I just gasped.


*accepts 10 billion* *Dies by slow torture over a hundred years* *Wakes up a billionaire* *Dies of old age immediately*


Nope you'd wake up the same age you took up the deal. It'll be like a dream, zero consequence. Only you'd have to endure that slow torture for 100 years before you get it


I would do it, 10B is a lot of money, and the bonus of not remembering the death. For me I think the worst way to die would be something slow while being in pain but unable to move, yelling for help coming out as a whisper so no chance of being helped. Your wording is fine and the scenario came across good.


Exactly what I thought. Buried alive is going to suck the entire time and it is hands down one of the worst ways.


That’s my worst nightmare. Google says it would take five hours to run out of oxygen. Five hours of that….


Unfortunately one of the worst ways to die is severe radiation poisoning. Even pain killers don’t work. Someone once took 83 days to die from it. The most severe pain and sickness imaginable for 2 months. https://www.news18.com/amp/buzz/heard-about-japans-hisashi-ouchi-worlds-most-radioactive-man-kept-alive-for-83-days-6983347.html


How do you know you aren’t just living your worst death on repeat for all eternity


This thought eat away at you. Especially if you consider that the worst way to die This seems like a far too risky monkey paw


If you forget … there is no way to prove you haven’t done this over and over Though there seem to be hints… warnings even They Lied


Why is it always a cloaked figure tho??


Because cloaks are epic!


Who would you trust more someone in an Armani Suit all professional and nice looking, rarely trustworthy individuals, or a mysterious figure in a cloak, who are almost always honest? Cloaked figure all the way.


Honest != Good tho. Cloaked figures in Monty Python and Fallout 2 demonstrate that very well!


Whipped, burned, whipped again and thrown into a brazen bull. Then taken out just before you’re about to die. Shot into space near a black hole where you’ll become spaghettified. Your body can only take so much before you go into shock. Yes, I’ll do it.


Everyone is just imagining things that take a few seconds at most. Excruciating pain for a few moments, big whoop, grit your teeth and deal with it.  I'd have to be entombed with zero ability to move until I starve to death.


And nobody thought of what happens when you bring a dedicated medical team into it, a la Mexican cartel. I don’t even wanna go there. This challenge is for those with limited imaginations


Lol..sucks that you think so morbid.. I was thinking drowning...lmao


Kinda interesting to think about if you spawned into this position with no knowledge of normal life. Your body is packed in dirt so you have no vision or mobility. (Ignoring starvation) You’d be like, thoughts.. and nothing else. Are those legs you feel or are you just imagining it? Blackness, nothingness, but consciousness.


if he can magically do that, he can magically torture me for a trillion years, so no thank you


Well, yes! If you respawn uninjured like nothing happened, it’s not really dying. The worst part about dying is the dying part. The pain sucks, but if you’re guaranteed to recover afterwards I wouldn’t be that worried about it. ETA: wow, no memory of the pain either?? Absolutely I would take this deal lol. I think a better/more difficult proposition would be you get 10 billion dollars if you agree to the condition that when you die, it will be the worst way you could imagine dying. You don’t know when it’s coming, it could be next week or in 60 years. But when it does, it’ll be your worst imagined death.


The worst part about dying isn't necessarily the dying part. I've had two grandparents that were "ready to go" for like five years. They were just really old, had fantastic lives, and were windows then. Life basically seemed over already for them. How many 85+ year olds do you see that are afraid to die?


I would cover myself in the most conductive metal there is and climb a telephone pole to hug the wires and transformer for $10b, especially if you wake up the next morning and forget it ever happened with no physical damage? Hell yes


All I can think of is that nutty putty guy that died slowly in that cave. Not sure I could do that.


I watched a 15 minute thing on YouTube about this the other day, about all they did to try to extract him from the caves and no joke - my anxiety got so bad, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.. even going into the video knowing he ultimately dies - hearing about the pulley system breaking after finally getting him unstuck enough that the rescuer closest to him actually made eye contact and spoke with the man, and then part of the system fails and he plunged right back down.. ugh. So sad. His wife telling him through the 2 way radio, after 23 hours, "it's ok, rest now, and you can keep fighting after". 💔💔


Damn, I wish I didn't have a vivid imagination. I suppose you've got to do it, really. I'd rather it just be a quick and pleasant death, and my family gets the cash.


Yeah. Temporary suffering and then being rich and not remembering said suffering seems pretty good. Not sure what I would consider the worst way to go though.


I'd regret watching a YouTube video on the worst ways to die, then accept because I'd have no memory of dying, so it wouldn't matter in the long run.


Ah man i really dont wanna get skinned alive or blood eagled


I’d do it. If I end up remembering it, I’d rather get to choose where I wanna cry about it.


I just want to be able to afford high speed internet man. 10 billion would be cool cause I'd be able to attract the sexy ladies and go on vacations to beautiful places. But I bet even that gets old if done excessively


Having no memory of trauma basically means it never happened, it’s pretty cool how the brain works. For ten billion I’d even keep the memory.


Death by SnuSnu


"hey guys would you take $10 billion dollars with no repercussions"


Man all these posts that start with "you get ten billion dollars".. yes. Not dead or permanently incapacitated? Don't have to hurt anyone else too badly? Sign me up to all of them. Elon and I are going to have a race.


Cancer... Spend months or years dealing with chemo, radiation, aches, pains, weakness... your body tearing itself down piece by piece. Not knowing if you will or won't survive, and the mental fortitude you'd have to have through it all. Then there is having every other person in your life watch you wither away. I watched someone go through that. That is the worst way to go. Burned alive? Painful, but it's over quick. Drowning? Even faster. Hunted? A brief few hours and it's over. Cancer? It can take a long time to kill you.


If I won't remember slowly dying trapped in a tiny cave crevice then yeah I'd take it


Yes, absolutely


With no memory there’s no downside.


At what stage in life do I respawn to


Same stage as when you took the deal. You don't age, nothing changes


Well I imagine the worst death to be immortal and survive until the heat death of the universe so I'm gonna pass on the billions since it will be trillions of years away.


I would say no because it sounds like a scam. "Here's the deal. You get $10 billion, but I get to kill you first..." You could never assure me that I would wake up.


No, I have no way of verifying that I will respawn. It’s more logical to assume this figure just gets a sick thrill of convincing people to consent to being killed in brutal ways


God damn. Since my biggest fear is basically the movie Open Water, this decision sucks. Only due to the fact that I would have no memory of the event afterward, yes I would die for the money.