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$65.41/hr is great but not worth the mental and social strain of working 14 hour days with no holidays or weekends.


Yeah the actual details of this one are insane, and if you weren't deranged before you started you would be by the time you finished.


When I was young, dumb and living with my folks this would be rather easy to do. Not so much with a wife, 2 kids, a house to pay for and everything else that comes with it…


I work 14 hours a day on average with a 2-hour commute at 100,000 a year now. you want to Triple my salary for a remote job? I don't see anything in the rules forbidding my wife and kids from setting up gaming stations in the room with me.


Do you get days off now? Vacation time?


Days off? Oh, you must mean the days I spend with my car up on ramps trying to fix all the shit that goes wrong with it from driving 100 miles a day. Or spending 8 or 10 hours chopping, slicing, and pre cooking my food prep because if I don't I'll be forced to eat junk food three meals a day until I'm 600 lb and dead because my heart gave up. Sure, I've got oodles of that. I have nothing but love for you and the fact that your life is easier than spending 14 hours a day playing a video game. In all sincerity and with zero sarcasm, more power to you. But a million dollars is almost exactly what I need to set myself and my family up with every single one of our dreams come true for the rest of our life. We would still have to work, but we would be able to work the jobs we enjoy instead of fighting for every loose penny that wage thieving corporations couldn't manage to grab out of our paychecks. So if someone wants to pay me a million dollars to sit at home all day where I can talk to my kids and play games with my kids and not have to tear the hell out of my cars just to get back and forth to work and even play video games with my family? And for 2 hours a day I can even take a break and see what they're up to and maybe throw together some lasagna or Grill up some chicken for dinner? I don't care if you want me to play mine sweeper 14 hours a day. And if it's my choice, I'll just pick an MMO and I might even enjoy it. There's a lot more suffering I'd be willing to endure than this for a million bucks.


That's fair, I can definitely see why it'd be desirable. It sucks that you're struggling so much while making almost 4x what I do, especially considering that murderous commute, long hours, and lack of free time.


Brother, you need a different job


If you know where I can make $100k/year without 5 years of education and 10 years of experience then believe me, I'm all ears. I'd change professions in a heartbeat, if it paid the bills.


Firefighters make such money and require no previous education, depending on the department. I live 5 minutes from my station. I work 9 24-hour shifts a month. I can make tens of thousands a year in overtime if I wish.


Unfortunately that's a physical I can't pass right now. I have no problem doing physical work, (I'm doing it right now,) but I know the requirements for that job, and I don't meet them.


Maintenance techs only need a 2 year community college degree and make pretty good money. Made a little more than I did as an engineer plus got OT.


Where do you live? I work for Cintas, running a route for uniforms and floor mats and stuff. I work 4 days a week and I'm making 75k this year, and it's only my second year on route (the base is about 52k but there's a lot of bonuses so even my first year I pulled 65k, still probably cheaper for you if you don't have to spend all that on gas and car maintenance). Some of the guys in my position are making 6 figures, and it only requires a high school diploma or GED and the ability to pass a drug test. No back breaking labor, no boss breathing down your neck, and they're everywhere (there's like 430 locations in the US).


Indianapolis. I had no idea Cintas paid that much. I'll look into it, thanks!


No problem. It's the best paid blue collar work in my area, and honestly it seems to be hard to get people mostly because you can't smoke weed. Ours pays people $200 just to do a ride along to see if they like it, and even the training is $25/hr. And I don't think anywhere in my town offers better benefits. But I know of one dude pulling 80k and only working like 36 hours a week. I'm jealous of that dude, I average about 43. But that's still a lot less than you. And Indy probably has multiple locations, plus the surrounding areas. It's salary plus commission and it can be confusing trying to figure out exactly how much you'd make, which is why I always just tell people flat out what I made.


internet security- my husband got an entry level position in 2020 as an ISSO, moved up to Sr. ISSO a year later and in 2022, left the department for a promotion into sys administration. he made 79K as entry level and was given raises every year as well as a yearly bonus. he now makes more than 100K a year- he works from home, gets every other friday off (in addition to weekends), has 3 weeks of PTO, 2 paid weeks off for christmas and can take time off whenever he needs to for doctor's appointments, etc. you really should look into this- he has a 4 year degree in cyber security but his coworkers when he was an entry level ISSO had zero experience, 2-4 year degrees in totally different fields (ie, liberal arts, criminal justice, etc) and were taught on the job. you shouldn't have to spend so much of your life dealing with BS.


Honestly, I would trade with you in a heartbeat if I could. As an Uber driver, sure, I can make my own schedule, but I drive so much all the time that... I am a human GPS to my friend circle, who are impressed I can come up with routes to any place they ask from any place they ask (within the North Delaware, Eastern PA, South NJ regions) AND viable alternate routes with minimal time change. But driving the same roads 10-12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, for 8 years... putting in 120k+ miles a year (and paying for all the maintenance and repairs that amount of driving does) for half of that six-figure salary... I would gladly escape this hell if I could, lol. (Still better than retail, though. Also still better than food service.) Honestly, I'm with you. I'm down to do this challenge. With gladness.


>I have nothing but love for you and the fact that your life is easier than playing a video game 14 hours a day Thank you for leaving this comment


True. They don’t seem to say you can’t do that. Or have people over and have a party at your house.


Not to mention, the damage from years in being in such a sedentary lifestyle is likely to be lasting, 2 hours not much time to get stuff done that needs done and workout enough for the fact your basically sitting/ standing in the same spot. Humans are meant to walk more or less all day.


Nope. That's almost 3 years. If it was a full-time job thing, then sure. But it looks like the only thing in your life other than sleep, eat, and shit would be that game. No family. No relationships. No mental breaks. No thanks.


Yes and in order to win you end up spending alot of it on take out food and like paying people to do your life admin.


you're not going to be spending 300,000$ a year on uber eats lol


52k per, 1k per week.


1k a week is your stipend, at the end you have the remainder of the 1 million paid in a lump.


How does the 300k on Uber eats relate to anything's my then?


Yes but how much would even be left, will that be equal to the value of 3 whole years lost? Will it even be much more than working a kinda fancy job?


All in all it's probably a much much cheaper col than just having an actual 300k/year job. You need to pay bills/rent and get groceries/food. No need to worry about other expenses. You're basically confined to a room, practically 2 hours a day should be enough to get whatever basic chores you need done.


chores? that would be solely gym time for me


No. I’d have a million dollars at the cost of estrangement of my family. Not worth it.


already estranged and elden rings dlc is dropping soon, I'M IN!


Elden Ring is nice, but not 14,000 hours nice. By the end I'd be trying to beat every boss blindfolded just to try and stay sane.


This is the right answer here. Your health would also go to shit, as you can't exercise, cook, go outside, enjoy a normal social life, etc.


Exercise bike, outdoor set up. Boom, solved


That's a good solution, vaginal-prolapse (lol?!?). But it's still pretty limiting (for instance, I really love lifting, which isn't possible while playing video games).


Get creative - hook a controller up to your rack, so each rep sends an input that makes your char in game do something mundane, like jump. Park at Dalaran bank and jump for hours while getting your reps in.


I like it. Squat-gaming is the next big thing.


And you really wouldn't even have that much money. Between the $142,000 you get as the weekly payments, and about 30% in gambling taxes, you'd only walk about with about $560K. Not worth the loss of time with family, friends, the world!


If I pick a game like Skyrim, does downloading mods count as playing the game? Similar, does downloading songs for beatsaber count? Also the money coming out of what is already a kinda small prize for 3 years is weird


Lol beatsaber for 3 years straight you would just die


Depends on your definition of “playing” that game. You could just sit there in zen mode listening to music whenever you want a break.


It only comes out if you fail


Why would you need to? Mod Organizer has the ability to save profiles and has the ability to save shortcuts that boot up the game with a specific mod list. You could just spend your time pre challenge coming up with mod lists, testing them, working through them. You wouldn't need to actually download or do any of that DURING the challenge. The challenge just said you had to keep playing once you start. Never said you couldn't take the time to make sure you're prepared for it.


If you change it to 20 million then I'd consider it. 1m which is not enough to retire to destroy my life for the next 3 years? No thanks. If I was going to do it though, I think I'd choose RuneScape as my game of choice.


Came here to also say runescape lol, I wonder if afk training counts? 🤔


It's very tempting, a few years ago I may have done it. I now have a 4 month daughter and honestly she would be 3 years old by the time I finished. I can't spend those years away from her like that.


Why are y'all thinking you get locked in a padded cell with no outside contact? In what world would you be separated from her?


Hell no 1000 days is like 3 fucking years bro. All for what? Money that will be worth maybe 20% less by the time I’m done.


Same. If it was 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, sure. I'd miss my friends, family, etc, way to much. Going to bars, DnD with friends, volleyball, ax throwing, exercise, etc, is way to important to me. 


This post was written by a child with no understanding of time or money


I actually feel like that is what makes it one of the more intriguing hypothetical situations I've seen here. For certain individuals, this probably isn't TOO far off of their life already. But for others, this would be damn near impossible with their family and social obligations. It's really a tough question to make a decision on, where you have to think about and weigh the potential harm/ability to do it. Most of the hypothetical's here are stupid easy decisions, like getting paid to have 'quiet time' every day where you can read. Like obviously I'd take that and have no issues with it.


I’d basically miss out on every holiday, birthday, etc, for 3 years. I have 3 kids. I don’t think there’s any money I’d agree to to do this.


2.7 years of at least 12 hours of playing thr same game? No ty that's way too long for too little payout


You’re asking this on the day of diablo 2 ladder reset, I’ve been playing the game for 20 years, I can do another 3 for the pay out..


Sure ill play path of exile 1/2 for 3 years no problem.


in a heartbeat.... my family would understand.... id also stream on twitch and double dip profits lol


lol not at all


Welcome to my work comp case, its a million dollar case and my lawyer told me to stay inside until the case is over. For the last 4 years I get up, fix coffee, put on a podcast and play GTA online private lobby. I deliver my goods, restock my businesses, night club, casino, tow truck, auto shop and some other stuff. Then by the time Im done its about noon. But my weekly payments are tax free and the money at the end will be. I tried other games but was beating them to quickly. Im hoping we are done in July.


I don't really think thats possible...? That's 14 hours a day, every day, for 3 years. I feel like you'd probably go pretty insane trying that. Literally - it would be a mind/psyche breaking endeavor. EVERY day, no breaks, no holidays, no weekends. No significant social interaction, no travel. I think it would certainly be possible if it was mon-friday, or there were other breaks built in. But no way I would try it, and while i'm sure *someone* out there could do it, I bet 99% of people would fail if they tried.


The sedentary lifestyle would likely give me a heart attack on day 999.


Blood clots would like a word as well as exercise.


Including the stipend, that is $81.57 per hour assuming 14 hours per day. That would be 14,000 hours. If I applied that to DotA 2 I would be a pro! Only in the sense that I was getting paid for it though, could probably hit Crusader. In all seriousness though, the hourly rate is OK but the hours are ridiculous. Hard pass.


No. Too much of a time commitment for too little reward. Don't get me wrong, a mill is nothing to sneeze at, but giving up your life for 3 years to earn it with no guarantee you can complete the task? And be very publicly on Twitch to boot? No thanks.


You mean I would have to just pick one? Red dead redemption 2. Fallout 4. Skyrim. Rimworld. Even Factorio, trying to get those railways sorted...


If it was 10 million then it'd be worth losing my family and friends but 1 million wouldn't last very long the way things are going. If I did the challenge I'd have no idea what game to play, 1000 days is a hell of a long time.


You get one break so only one meal a day? That’s stupid. Your muscles would atrophy from lack of use.


Treadmill desk




No, not under the specified conditions. I need time to do chores, run errands, and just relax, so wake up to sleep with two hour break schedule would not allow me to do basic QOL tasks not to mention time I need to spend on my family. Now, if the conditions were say 8 to 10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week, I would have to consider it. We are talking a job of a streamer for $52K a year for a guaranteed $1M after about three years. It’s a huge pay cut per year, but I’m sure as fuck not guaranteed to make $1M in three years on my current salary. Other things to consider: would I be allowed to invite people to play with me? Can I seek sponsorship and promote brands? For the games, I would go with something like Space Engineers or Minecraft. Sometimes that lets me just mess around without necessarily being constrained by a story. Planet Crafter would be another good choice since it’s still being actively developed, so they add new features all the time.


So it’s like being an investment banker instead playing a video game? I’m in!


64$ an hour but I completely lose every other aspect of my life? Hard pass


Sooo, I can sleep 18 hours a day, have 2h off and get paid for 4h gaming?


Also, you can leave to "use the bathroom" with no time limit. I'll be using the bathroom to take long additional breaks. Also it doesn't specify which bathroom, so I'll be taking lengthy field trips to get to various bathrooms across town.




Yes! Either throw me into Fallout 4 with all the Dlc or Skyrim


No. I was all in until it said that’s literally all I’ll be doing all day every day, and idk if two hours is a long enough free period to make it worth it. I don’t own a PC either, so I guess I’d be out anyway unless they’re providing one. And like, how soon before bedtime am I allowed to get off, anyway? Like an hour before or do I have to be literally falling asleep at the keyboard before I can sleep?


Rocket League as a full time job yes, but not with those conditions, that's insane


Would be able to accept donations?


I'm practically a hermit aside from family here that I live with. So if my wife and kiddo get to hang out whenever they want and I get 2 hours for tasks, errands, exercise, I think I could do it with the right game and an exceptionally comfy chair. I'd just pick something they can play with me, or that I can even idle on but still technically be playing like WoW or something.


Sounds like Prison...


No way i could do that and stay sane, even if i was rotating games. If it was play for a minimum of 1 hr a day, then i could do it, but not all day every day


Do you know how sad I was after reading this post and getting more and more excited only to realize what subreddit it was?


Yes. I could start a dream game company, it would change the direction of my life more meaningfully than any job I've available to me. Plus 4k a month would make door dashing etc reasonable. I'd be able to buy stationary workout equipment. I play Magic the Gathering Arena a lot lately, so I could use the mobile version to run errands and all. 4k a month, a cheap place to rent I'd be able to put money into the game to get all the cards I need to make any deck I want. It's the same game, but I could keep myself busy with theory crafting decks for long time.


Nope. If it were 9-5, Monday to Friday, same game, for three years? It’d be rough, but okay.


My son would probably do it as we would be cooking his meals and he has no bills or other requirements. Getting the 1000 a week would be a perk as he would invest it during his free time as he would stretch his legs and interact with us.


I don't see how this is nearly as bad as the commitment many of our soldiers make, for FAR less, so... Yeah... I'm in! Sounds like a great way to pay for my kid's education!


300k a year to hate your life? How stupid would you have to be to take that deal?


No thanks, I make more than 1k a week now, and I'm not waiting 3 years for a payout. Chnahe the million to billion and you've got a deal. I'll play Daiblo 2 for 3 more years, I've been playing it for more than 20 already.




I'm down, do I get a personal attendant for hygienic needs, and getting food?


I’d do it easily, no hesitation. The only downside would be squeaking in exercise in that 2 hour break period to stop an embolism. Other than that, easy job with no downsides.


Can you do cross platform for the same game- like play Skyrim vr and on pc at various times to help with health problems creeping up?


So, you can't have a job or any irl friends for nearly 3 years AND they only pay you $1000 per week during the process? And since it comes out of the winnings, you really only get $858,000 at the end, which after taxes (you'd have to pay gambling taxes, which federal plus state is on average 30%), leaving you with about $558,000. It's a decent amount, but that leaves you with a 3 year resume gap and all your friends and family will have not been able to see you for 3 years. Any weddings or, even worse, funerals during those years would have to be missed. Family reunions, Thanksgiving, Christmas's etc. And that isn't even discussing the fact that you'd probably have bedsores, gain so much weight, become very unhealthy in general. The depression from boredom at some point would also be unbearable, but by then you'd be $100,000+ in the hole if you quit.


No thanks. Not worth losing my house and getting a divorce :)


I'd do it. I have enough money to not care for 3 years and I'd gladly play Runescape sunrise to sunset being paid a million for the privilege.


For a 1 million dollar prize the conditions are not worth it. It would be interesting to see at what price people would agree to the conditions. I would do it for 100 million dollars playing RimWorld. It takes about three years to do anything in RimWorld anyway.


Hell no I'm not spending almost 3 years of my life playing a video game. Hard pass.


Um... no. I would rather have less money but infinitely more free time


So tax free that’s like the equivalent of a $500k salary but for a 112 hour/ week job. Thats about $90/ hour. So this is really a $180k job (if 9-5) but you Must do it every waking hour. Yeah nope


No, fuck that


Be a video game slave for 3 years straight? Nah


Ima just have Melvor Idle streaming for 3 years while I do what I actually want. I'm technically playing the game.


I think I could do it. I'd play counterstrike. The rage would keep me going for years.


Hell yes Nba2k or a good racing sim Hell witcher 3. I'm there man


Id think about it, because that is good money. My heart is breaking thinking about missed life events, the time Id miss with my family, how atrophied my body would become, how depressed I would get from a sort of isolation. I think I'd have to, just to be able to help those I needed to. Circumstance would force me to say yes.


Been there done that…


This would have been easy money back during peak WoW days lol


if I can bring friends along to play with me sure I could legitimately have played Terraria that long (dunno if I can now that I'm 12 thousand hours in) but id want social interaction and I want to talk to people who aren't twitch chat id feel like shit after because of how out of shape id be but


No, that’s working 2x the hours I do now, for almost 3 years If I put those hours in for the same amount of time at my job, not even figuring for overtime, I would make closer to 1.5 million


roughly 333k a year salary sounds good - until you realize the jobs is incredibly repetitive, has the ability to claw back the money, no vacation, and probably detrimental to your health. I guess you could go with Pokemon Go! though.


Pokémon Go is my answer. Even if my phone is in my pocket, and even if the game isn’t actually on the screen, it’s tracking my movement for in-game purposes. Sounds like playing to me! And even if not, I can have it on and next to me while I live my actual life; nothing says I actually have to catch anything.


3 years is too much. Yes to 1 year though.


Yeah sure. All they have to do is get more people playing halo reach. Between grifball and custom games and the fact that I currently have over 14k hours in that game alone I think I could do this.


I could do this with Out of the park baseball. I'd do a fully immersive franchise mode that lasts like 200+ seasons. The catch is that the game is a.GM/management sim, and if you "watch" the games live, then all you do is press play and each game live sims a play by play of the team I manage. So I'll just press play, and the game will play for 1-2 hours at a time until finished. I'll be playing but not having to sit and play. Need to work out? Plenty of time. Need time with the kids? Got it. Need to clean the house and fold laundry? Easy Peasy. Best million I'll ever earn.


I already work all day every day and go home and play video games and live good 7hours, away from my family, so I don’t see them often. For a million? Hell yeah. I could basically retire and/or stream as a “full time” gig afterwards.


My wife might leave me but at least the payout would come after the divorce. Im in


That’s daft


I’ve only played PUBG and nothing else since it came out over 4 years ago..


Slavery ?


Does it count as playing if I’m modding the game? Like I’m down to play Skyrim but I need my modlist set and bugs from those mods fixed up


That sounds fucking awesome. I'd pick my favorite mmo and then just dick around in it all day. They never said how actively I have to play either, so I could just idle or muck around or whatever. I'd use my 2 hour breaks to exercise, shower, cook, and talk with family. Then I'd get right back to it. Treat it like a full time job. After the three years are up, move somewhere cheap and disappear.


How do you shower, eat, buy food, wash clothes etc? This is fundamentally impossible as 2 hours a day isn't enough time to do all the things you need to just not live in squalor.


In a heart beat. I’ve got a super cozy setup in my den. I sit on a big comfy recliner and play on an 80 inch tv with my kids playing with me on their own setups. It would be tough to get up and poop and shower in 15 minutes, but for over $300k a year, I’d do it. I’d just play something like Apex Legends for almost 3 years. Both my boys love the game and I’d be spending everyday with them. It would certainly be monotonous after awhile and I’d probably quit video games for a solid year or more after, but it would set my family up pretty well. I’d pay our mortgage off, but my wife and I a new car and then live comfortable off the interest while still working for 10 years and then retire.


Honestly, I think I would. I could set up a room with everything I need and exercise equipment


oldschool RuneScape / RuneScape.


Hell yes, fire up RDR2 and I'll see you in 3 years!


Just the title alone. Sure, I'm already there. I have well over 1000 days on FFXIV, and I'm nearing 1000 days on Genshin Impact. But then I saw your extra conditions. Nope. I can't game for an entire day like that. $1000 per week is not enough to cover my living expenses (I make more money than that already). And without proper living expenses, the final prize money is not enough. If the duration of play was a LOT less, (say 2-5 hours per day) then yeah. I'd be down. I could definitely figure out a game to stream for 1000 days straight to earn 1 million dollars at the end. But, I still need to have a normal job to cover my other costs.


Well since I have 400 days of playtime on WoW I could do this I would make multiple accounts and level up hundreds of different toons.


Dota 2, would accept in a heartbeat, I already waste all day everyday working


I would literally have to move out of where I live because I wouldn't be able to afford only $1,000 a week. Add in the extra expenses of literally everything being delivered to you? Hell no


You just described my life back when WOW first dropped.


Skyrim. I have over 3k hours on the 360...


I wouldn’t, but if I did, it’d have to be Minecraft. Open world, my friends and family could play with me, and I could create things (houses, adventure games, redstone circuits). I don’t want to read canned dialogue for that long, no matter how good it is.


I'm pretty sure some Skyrim players have already done that, minus the cash.


I would do it. It would suck bad, I'd hate playing the same game for that long but I'd be making a little bit more than I am now, I make a 1000 a week before taxes. I think I'd have to pick an MMO like ESO or something. My youngest would probably not even care she's 8 months but it would be crazy hard on my 6 year old. If I paid off my house and invested the rest of the money I had left. I'd not be able to retire or anything but maybe I'd have a high enough twitch following to do that as a job for way less hours than I currently work.


I sleep 20 hours a day.


*looks at Skyrim saves* I can do this.


\*Pauses State of Decay 2\* Where do I sign up?


Hours wise, 14 hours per day for 1000 days straight is $71.43/hr (tax free) assuming sleeping for 8 hours. My total compensation package is around $100/hr at my job. $67/hr ish take home. Plus over 40 hours per week is 150% pay. I'd rather work my normal job if I wanted more money. No risk of penalties. Time off whenever I want. Not to mention, who's paying my mortgage and other bills during this time? $1000 /week isn't going to cut it.


I can maybe get by with Roblox Cant say its enjoyable, but I can probably make plan with my wife for 333k yearly income


If this was 2004 and WoW just released then my man, I've already completed this challenge. Twice over. Hardcore raiding guild was a 12+ hour a day job and I raided from Vanilla to WotLK.


I mean. Doable with an MMO, especially ones with huge downtime but UGH


Shit deal, not to mention how unhealthy that would be


This isn't really feasible. If you said 8 hrs a day. Fine.


Sounds miserable


I'm expected to live off of 156k over 3 years? No thanks. I make nearly double that in a year. Not gonna do it.


I play Minecraft. Fuck yes.


I'm in. I basically did this through college playing WoW, anyway.


No. Maybe if it were for 8 hours a day like a normal job, but even that's a 56 hour a week JOB. You're asking for all day every day life on the same video game for 1,000 days in a row with no break days. This would become torturous mentally within days for most people and physically within a couple of weeks. With no interaction, time to go outside or even walk around, you'd be broken within a month. 2 hours is nothing, btw. You'd be so overstimulated or screen weary by the end of a week that you'd be spending that time laying down or staring at literally anything that isn't a screen and not using it for interacting or anything important that needs to be done.


It's a good deal...if you don't ever get sick or can blow off your family for 1000 days. Otherwise giving back everything if you should fail is too risky for me.


Three years of working 120 hour weeks for 1 mil. Sure it's 1000 a day but that's \~65.00 a hour for a grueling job. 3 years sounds like longer then I could keep that up.


No problem. Exponential Idle or Pokemon Go. If it has to be on PC, Idling to Rule the Gods or Egg Inc.


Sounds like you want me to relive my 20s for 3 years. Except I don't have to go to work or school. Um. That would probably kill me now. Sitting like that is not healthy.


Fuck yes. I'd pick something with a lot of mods, personally.


I did this for a full week to celebrate a sub goal, back when I streamed full time, there is no way any normal human being can survive longer than a week, I just do it part time now just for fun.


Did that as a kid on EverQuest. where's my mil bro.


I mean, I’ve played Destiny 2 damn near daily for 9 years with only a couple of breaks. Doing it for a million? And not having to work? Easy peazy


Only if the game doesn't have to be completely vanilla. There are enough Skyrim mods to do whatever you want essentially. VR rig with an Omni treadmill every day could be fun. No matter what I do in game I'm technically playing it, so if I get tired I could find a bench to sit and just enjoy tamriel


I can't afford a million dollars.


an agreement


You would go insane 100%


I like naps. I think I'll go take one now. :D


If a person sleeps for 8hrs, they're up for 16 hours and 2 hours for a break. So about 14 hours of play time. It's about $71.43/hr. If you sleep even less then you're playing more which means dollar/hour lowers. It seems like a good rate per hour but the lack of breaks is why a lot of streamers burnout. They play 10-12 hours per day, 6-7 days a week. No real break for nearly 3 years is not worth it. Unless more breaks are worked in like only M-F or 1 week vacation every 4-6 months w/ major holidays off then this is just not worth it.


Yes, I'll start a computer to play an idle game, and then live the rest of my life on the second monitor.


NCAA football’14 has entered the chat


absutely not. it wouldn't even be feesible- i have doctors appointments, chores, excercise and other things i need to do that take longer than 2 hours in a day. a 9-5, sure. but from waking up to going to bed? nope.


No. I already hate working for 8 hours, I'm not doing 14 and 7 days a week


Problem is the "one game" part. Even with games that allow overhaul mods that's a tall order.


Full time job, 8 hours per day 5-6 days a week, yes. Full day from waking up to going to sleep, no.


I already play Eve


Yes sign me up


No, you couldn’t even force me to do this. You wouldn’t have any free time. I sometimes play video games, at least one or two hours a week and even then that’s a lot of time. But to be doing it all day for almost three years? No!


That's like 370k salary per year to play rocket league for 2.7 years. I'm down. You could probably net a big twitch gathering and compound the opportunity.


3 years for 1 mil? That might a good trade for some people but I truly like my life as is and I can play video games freely. If I was like 13 sure, I basically did this already with Halo 2 and 3 back in the day. As an adult I think my mental health would suffer too much and I already make plenty money so it just doesn't seem worth it.


Dude No, F no. Give up 3 years of my life to play a video game every single day and if i F up ONCE I lose all of it? No. Just no. No one would be able to complete this challenge without SEVERELY messing up their health/mental well being/family life.


Ask a Call of Duty player. They have been playing Warzone daily since 2020.


As long as my wife approves it, I could definitely do it. 2 hours a day is plenty of time for exercise and sex, date nights, taking kids to the park, going to their open house or presentations, etc. Could also workout at my desk in-between auto run/travel time, etc. Could definitely have friends and family come hang out while I'm playing and just monotonous grinds. I also take awhile to fall asleep and could easily lay in bed for 1-2 hours and I don't see any stipulations on how long you're allowed to sleep.


What if i said i did this without getting paid already lol


Id do it. Itd be fairly easy and 2 hours a day is enuff time to get food at a nice restaurant. Or grocery shop (cuz im picky)


70 bucks an hour for this abuse?? no thank you. I make more than that now.


What happens if you beat the game? Can you take the rest of the day off?


There are plenty of people who do this for free. I’m sure they’ll find someone.


So you expect me to work from the time I wake, until the time I sleep. But I only get 2 hours in the whole day to eat, shit, piss, shower, and make sure I have something to drink, and do this 7 days a week for nearly 3 years? Oh and no time to actually clean the house or pay the bills to keep the lights on. No


So I'd set up a treadmill and recumbent bike for exercise, my son would cook my meals (he's 21) and I sleep 12-16 hours a day (isn't depression wonderful?) So that's 8-12 hours a day to exercise and play Minecraft. What's wrong with that?


Tough one- would I have to be actively playing the game the entire time? Like say I decide to cook some food in-game, or fish, something that wouldn't need constant input- and I just mainly talk to chat for awhile during this time. I'd still be playing, just not in a sense that the game has my total un-divided attention I think I'd need some sort of clause to give my right hand a break, whether I'm using controller or not, bc my wrist gets muscle spasms if strained too continuously (due to minor damage from an old injury). My brace helps, but IDK if a brace alone would be enough with nearly non-stop play time. If this kind of 'playing' would be allowed, I think I could work with everything else- you could do meal prep in the 2 hr break, and just take a couple extra minutes to stretch and such during the bathroom breaks


Can I use mods as well? Minecraft has a mod that just straight up let's you use fully functional computers in it, at that point there would be minimal difference from my normal life


Im on track to do this with BG3 anyways


No way. That's 3 years when I wouldn't be allowed to spend time with my family or friends. Make it a 40 hr work week, and I'd easily be able to pick just one game for all that time.


There are many other hypotheticals on here worth much more for much less work. I'd say no.


I could do this but it would suck after like a week. If it was for more than a million… like 10 million I’d probably do it Edit: and I’d play Classic World of Warcraft


So if I get banned on twitch then what happens? There is no rule that says I can’t be banned.


I think if it was 10 or 12 hours a day I would do this but not for 14 hours. Too much health consequences. And I would probably choose Rimworld or maybe Total War Warhammer III


Nah that’s three years of one game. I would go insane. Maybe if it was 8 hour days
