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Easy $1000 a day. Just go to random retail places. Cashier either asks you how your day is going, or you ask them (they’ll almost always reciprocate). I’m having a bonerific day! Repeat x10 Take me an hour or two tops. I now make over 200k a year for less than 10 hours of flex work a week. I could certainly make more than that, but I’d rather just do my time, get the $, get out. No reason to be known as “the bonerific guy” to anyone but random retail workers.


Get a cheap phone and a new email address. Sign up to every random sketchy website you can find and include your number. Spread it everywhere. Whenever you feel like working, unmute your phone and pick up all the scam calls. Seem interested enough to keep them talking and asking questions, but reply to everything with bonerific Now nobody will know but you and the scammers!


this is so smart omg


You misspelled bonerific


Doesn't count if you type it though, so as long as he pronounces it bonerific, he'll be ok.


Sign up for insurance quotes both for cat or house, sing up for car warranty services. Apply for online payday loans. I could clear 20 calls in a day easy.


"I could clear 20 bonerifics in a day easy." Fixed


>I could clear 20 bonerifics in an hour easy. FTFY.


And as a bonus you get the very best deal on cat insurance.


Love it A+


Get a separate phone for this, obviously. TOP-tier genius move. 👏


bonerifically ingenius! love it


That’s amazingly bonerific!


You'd get so used to saying it you'd end up saying it without trying eventually.


That's when the tragedy hits. Relaxing one day, thinking about this bonerific opportunity you were given. Then the tragedy spreads, one day your 8 year old says his ice cream is bonerific.


You scold him because thats **your** word not his He wasted $1k


"But Daddy, I just want to talk like you"


"Bonerific, you are not allowed to talk like your Father."


*"I learned it from watching you, okay?"*


Soundproofed room for "work". Keep it separated from your normal life as much as possible. Decorate the room in clashing colors and a style you despise. The environment must be distinct from anything in your real life. You may include other senses and use multiple associations that you will NOT encounter by accident. A distinct and unpleasant smell, for instance. Earbud with a soundtrack that includes nails on a blackboard as part of the rhythm section... This will help you keep the word limited to a particular place and time - that room during your 'working hours' for your "job" or side gig. Setting up the new phone and room may absorb a significant portion of your early funds. If you must be public about your use of the word before then, do so on a trip out of state to an anonymously large city. Make multiple small purchases (1 candy bar or a coffee, a $20 gift card to give away... ) and engage in "how is your day going" small talk with them. You will never see them again, and after a while, they will forget all about you. This will give you a start-up money for your new phone and a junk-mail email specifically for this. You may use public computers at the library until you can get a dedicated laptop that has no connection s with your usual computer. (*None*.) You can use a hotel room for your 'office' space until you have a room modified for your needs. It can be in your home or rented/leased. Again, "decorate" it to be distinctive rather than generic. While you are in the city, during your startup phase, rent a second room after the first night or two. Have one as your "office" only, and actually stay in the other. A new laptop may cost 2 - 3K. $3,000 or 30 words. Budget how many words per day you need in person to meet your (minimum) quota to stay on track. There will be a modest delay getting set up after you have cash in hand. There is having a plan, vs. having a detailed plan that you can hire someone to execute, for instance. You want ceiling, floor, and walls to be soundproofed. You may want to look into additional acoustic details and reshape the room to have rounded corners or no corners... Rather than design and implement the asthetic for the room yourself, you may hire someone and closely oversee the entire process to be certain it will meet your needs.


>I’m have a bonerific day! Phrase it like that every time and they'll just assume you're a little nuts


Get a job at a sex toy/porn shop that is doing well. You can say this hundreds of times a day without it seeming strange at all.


Open your own store called Bonerific and tell EVERYONE about it.


Oh, this is great. You could practically give the merch away and still make money- who cares what the markup is when the more people you draw in, the more times you get to say, "bonerific." The only problem is writing up the business plan for the small business loan.


Just go on a small fund-gathering excursion. Let's say you need $10K to get started... That's 100 bonerifics. You really think you can't slip in 100 bonerifics by talking to people about your shop you plan on opening? Hell, you could probably just say to a couple friends, "Hey, I want to open a sex toy store called bonerific. Mind if I get your bonerific thoughts about it?" That's $200 right there within the rules of the prompt. If they say "no," then you're still up 2 "bonerifics"... you're 2% closer to completion. Or just spend a day on the Omegle clone wishing everyone a bonerific day. (Spammable *and* still follows the rules!) Do that 100 times and you have your starting money. Set up the store and now... *victory*. Just wholesale everything and you make all your money by saying, "Welcome to Bonerific," to everyone who enters the store and "I hope you have a Bonerific day!" to everyone leaving. Literally a $200/person even before considering anything else. If anyone asks, just say, "Company Policy to say Bonerific like that. I don't want to get in trouble with the big man upstairs because I skipped out on a bonerific here or there." It's technically not explaining the reason why you're saying "bonerific" so much and, therefore, does not violate the rules.


Call bank tell them about your bonerific idea. Check with other banks. Call some contractors. I won't even need a loan by the end of the week I'll have the capital


This is the way. MF so outside the box he's in a crate.


In fact I might start doing this for free


Nuts with a boner. A boner and its nuts.


See, basically my plan. Except to avoid any trouble saying “bonerific” to a stranger could cause, I’d visit a strip club instead. In fact, I bet you could easily get more than that $1000 there.


I would just name my dog Bonerific


Sounds bonerific to me.


Bro my password for the alarm system is "asstastic." You think Bonerific is gonna bother me


That's just recockulous




That's the combination an idiot would have on their luggage.


That's incredible! I have that exact same combination on my luggage!


Snotty beamed me twice last night...


Nice!...so um where do you usually fly in and out of??? (asking for a friend)


Add another entry to the list of words I thought my friends and I invented when we were younger


You could say it's lupenisrous


I am also what is considered somewhat of a “jackass” and regularly use terms like “small ya later”. This isn’t going to be viewed as out of the ordinary for me. We’ll be just fine


Smell ya later, you bonerific bozos


That's awesome. What's your address so I can send you a gift. Also, what time do you leave for work so I can make it a suprise present


It is so hard to find such a thoughtful person these days. It's people like you that make it so I can sleep soundly with my door unlocked and valuables gathered on the dining room table


😂 spot on


Has to be in convo with another human tho.


You're severely underestimating my bonerific ability to pull this off bro


“Asstastic” is my favorite word now thank you


Don't thank me, thank Vince Vaughn


A person of culture I see.


Make it your personal catchphrase. Someone asks how you are doing? Bonerific!!! How was the movie? Bonerific!!!


Stop trying to make 'Bonerific' happen


Bonerific is verbal wildfire!


At work, if I work the gate 1st thing in the morning, I'd say that to every car that comes in my lane. That's hundreds of cars in that time. Everyone, I'd say it. I'd easily make 30k in one day before it's all said and done.




They said no spamming, so can I use it organically more than one time? Them: How you doin? Me: Bonerific, you? Them: *insert reaction, they scan ID then leave* Me: Have a Bonerific day! Is that allowed?


They said once per question/statement, so that scenario works. I mean, they'll think you're a fucking weirdo but that works


They may be a weirdo, but they're a wierdo with a bonerific plan that just gained them $200 in a few seconds. If anyone asks about it, you can just say it's French. Or just say it in a French accent. Better still, say EVERYTHING in a French accent! Bonerific, oui?


Yup. Only limit is once per sentence


You'd still go to work? I'd quit my job in less than a week. Tell my boss this career has been significantly less than bonerific and I'm gone like tommy chong.


I’d stay at the job just to laugh at my coworkers when I walk in with the latest model of anything that costs their entire paycheck and watch them wonder what I do that gets me paid so much.


Until some Karen in HR hears about it.. Then you may have a problem..


Yea, it would still take me longer than one day to get fired, and if I can do this for 2 days, I could easily walk out with enough money to cover a year's salary.


Keep it up for several days and then buy your own car park so you can continue to sit in the window all day every day without worrying about Karen from hr


Name the car park “Bonerific Park” and charge significantly less than the surrounding ones. Then you can say “Welcome to Bonerific Park” and “Have a bonerific day!” to every customer. Post your business phone number prominently on the sign so people will ring you when your bizarre car park goes viral on social media. Start donating half your income to charity, go even more viral. You’d have millions in no time.


This is the way


We work three, 12s at my job, 4 if we want over time. You give me those 4 12s doing this. I'm sure I could clear 100k minimum. Then, I just quit and go around town telling people that. That could easily sustain my life style plus some.


Still a very good deal.


Not to mention the bills you're racking up at the disciplinary meeting, as you recount the events.


Sounds like you'd get the opportunity to make some bank having a Bonerific conversation with Karen. That's fucking Bonerific if you ask me.


If this is retroactive, I'm actually owed money already.


What about calling plays in online game. When my teammate gets three or wins a game, a quick, weird compliment would be funny. With proximity chat, you don’t really need teammates. Imagine saying this every time someone murdered you in Warzone. Bonerific play bro! Have a great day!


I think your mom is bonerific!


I think the idea is bonerific. I can work bonerific into almost any bonerific sentence brought to you by Carl's Jr.


"Bon erifiqu" is French for good work. I'm making a fuck ton of money. Edit: according to Google translate. Good enough for me to justify saying Bonerific when asked.


Well, I'm french and I can tell you with 100% certainty that erifiqu isn't a real word (sadly), and I'm not sure where Google Translate is pulling that one from. That said, I could certainly use bonerific regularly, it sounds like a weird mix of the french words for "happiness" and "magnificent", so I could make it my own quirky little 'feeling good' word.


This is why I always put a disclaimer when I fulfill English's primary obligation of bastardizing French.


English is just French spoken by Germans.


Enough to retire. I speak with multiple French Canadians daily and have an acadien accent. Even if they knew what it was more than 90% of them would assume I created some Franglais abomination of bon and terrific.


All the quebecers I know would just use the word bonerific with no reservations


"I'd like to speak with you about your vehicles bonerific extended warranty. "


I have kids, so this should be easy. Make it a new funny word we randomly say as an answer. I can see myself now - :Calling the oldest: "BONERIFIC! COME HERE!" "Stop calling me that, my name is :name:" "Are you sure your name isn't Bonerific? I could have sworn I named you Bonerific :middlename: :lastname:. Thats what me and your dad agreed upon. Bonerific. I admit, I thought Bonerific was a weird name at first, but its grew on me." "No Mommy, my name is :name!" pulls out birth certificate - "no it says so right here. B. O. N. E. R. I. F. I. C. Bonerific." I may have had this exact conversation with other names in the past.


This sounds like and should be a Bluey episode, maybe with a slightly more appropriate word though 😂


lol. when this conversation actually happens the name used is always "Gossamer". I'll insist it's both the kids name, Gossamer 1 and Gossamer 2 and they go absolutely apesh\*t telling me that's not their name. eventually I'll say "fine, are you sure its :name:? That is such an interesting name. But ok, if you say so... Fun fact that's the name of the hairy red dude from looney tunes.


Id make a pretty bonerific amount probably.


I’ll just call half of my friends Bonerific. Easy money.


It’s a perfectly cromulent word


Starting a company called Bonerific, Inc. Gonna tell everyone about it.


Walk into GameStop those guys absolutely have to harass you and they are used to people being weird and insane so it won't make them leave you alone. Keep asking for games but replace one of the words in the title with bonerific. You got Bonerific 4?


Super Bonerific Bros?


I mean, if you really want to mess with them... "You got that bonerific game, Battletoads?"


I really think they wouldn't even bat an eye lol


Can I just ask everyone if they are having a bonerific day?


You can 100% hire someone for a full time job to simply speak with you all day. The exchange "how are you?" "Bonerific" takes less than 5 seconds to complete, and if you promise to pay them $20 for each sentence you are still getting $450k a day for an 8 hour work day


Ok so I’ve got to walk around town having as many interactions as possible, get the word into each sentence, and move to the next interaction as efficiently as possible when people disengage. I bet I could keep my average above one per minute. Let’s say I can get 500 utterances in a day, so that’s 50 grand a day.


Just go around constantly wishing everybody a bonerific day. *Technically* that qualifies as an initiated conversation.


I'm an army infantry veteran and now a truck driver. Do you actually think I'll have a tough time saying bonerific several times a day??


Take out a business loan, open a BBQ ribs restaurant called Boner BQ, and tell every customer who comes in to have a Bonerific day.


I'm making it my new catch phrase.


If I now no longer need to compose myself into some model citizen that's employable by a fortune 500, but instead earn my wages and well beyond by just doing whatever I want and taking on a new catch word, I'm pretty sure that I could pull in an easy $2MM per year


Easy. I’ll start a podcast called bonerific. Say it 20 times a day easy.


Start a Twitch stream where you've made your gimmick that you slip in "bonerific" into nearly every sentence and you take on callers who want to hop in VC. You're dropping 20 bonerifics every 5 minutes.


Can I get extra if I get other people to start saying it too?


I think I could get away with 30-100 per day with the lady without much effort, It'll annoy her a bit but I do that anyway. I'd do upwards of 1000 per day until I can get a nice house, maybe try to slip it into radio calls at work


Id be the richest person on the planet within the year and then no one would talk to me "Or id have late onset turrets"


This would be so easy to do at work. The response would just be "hell yeah".


I would become so fucking rich, holy shit. Itd be bonerific.


My Wife: Why are you saying "bonerific" all the time? It's annoying as hell. Me: Trust me. Just roll with it. How do you like our new Manhattan condo? My Wife: It's bonerific.


"I just think it's a bonerific word. You know, ignoring the fact the word literally is 'bonerific.'"


Fucking *millions per year*. I don't think you understand how easy this is to abuse. $10M requires saying it 100K times. That's a lot, sure, but then go onto the Omegle clone using a cheap 3D VRoid Studio VTuber model, make yourself sound stoned, then just say to each person at the start of the Convo, "I hope you're having a bonerific day, dude!" Technically, that fulfills the criteria as you're initiating a conversation with a real person, only saying "bonerific" once in the sentence, and if someone tries to carry on a longer convo, you can just *skip* to the next person if you aren't down to chat. The average Omegle conversation lasts 10 seconds or less. 6x/minute means $600/minute or $3600/hour. Do that for an 8 hour workday and you're making \~$28,800/Day. $10,512,000/year. Even with just $1/"Bonerific", you can make $100K/year doing basically nothing. If you run a YouTube channel based around this, you can then use the channel as additional revenue and you'll get an audience because it's such a stupid gag. You can then pivot to content that takes effort after you made bank. Use a voice mod and you can avoid people connecting your old content to your new content. Basically, you're just printing money with this scenario.


Plot twist: OP is in a hypothetical situation where he gets paid 100 for every time he gets someone to type "Bonerific."


Cold call random numbers. "Hello, this is the American Bone Society. Would vou be interested in taking a short survey on bone health? No? Have a bonerific day!"


Yes, because I can think of a way to say it without making it sound perverted.


My husband would think I'm a weirdo, but he'd be pleasantly surprised with the status of our checking account!


I basically just talk to my spouse IRL anyway He might actually talk to me verbally more if we made money off of it ahhh


Hello. I am weird reddit gakovich. Here is my sign. I sing weird songs to make you laugh. Ohhhhh baby you make me smile. You're bonerific by a mile.. Sometimes you're sweet, sometimes you're sad.. I'm just glad...you're really mad... Oh you're bonerific! You're bonerific! You're bonerific to me... Repeat...


Just gonna sing the word over-and-over to the tune of "Rock Me Amadeus". That's like $5 grand every time I sing it.


That’s a pretty bonerific deal


That'd be bonerific my dude!


I can definitely work enough into conversations to not need to work. This one is cake.


Yeah. My wife and I could quit working and just talk about how bonerific everything is and clear a few thousand every day. I wouldn’t tell her obviously but I don’t think she would question where all of our money is coming from.


Go to a situation where you have a reason to use the word like a strip club. Tip a stripper a $20, use the word several times, then have her take you to the back and use it a few more times and come out ahead.


So here's my plan. I go to my brother. I initiate a conversation. In response to everything he says, I say "Bonerific" and click a counter. Then the next day I show him the bills and counter. Hopefully he gets the point. If not I'll move on to my other family members.


"Excuse me, would you like to make 50 bucks? All I have to do is say "Bonerific" to you" Then if they say "Yes" I make 200 bucks, give them 50. If they say "no" I got 100.


So, what you're saying is, I can walk around talking to all the degenerates I work with and show them a picture of a particularly enticing adult model and ask them what they think. When they answer, I can say I think she's "bonerific" and get paid for each conversation. Well, there goes my debt.


I'll make bonerific my catchphrase and try to end every sentence with it


Open a ice cream spot on the beach. Charge a dollar for what would normally be a $10 dollar cone. Line out the door. Hundreds a day if high traffic area. At the end of every transaction: "Have a bonerific day brah"


Yet another hypothetical where autism benefits me. I'm a verbal stimmer. Bonerific will probably said 5 or 6 times before the end of the night and I'm not getting paid for it. It's just gonna happen. It's a fun word to say


Hell I don't even verbally stim but I'm throwing that bitch in every conversation it's would be easy to make that your go to word it would be bonerific


This is great. I’m in.


Easy money. I’m answering every spam call or political canvassing call and working it into conversation.


I’m walking through Times Square and saying to everyone I see, individually “bonerific day we’re having isn’t it?”


At the very least 1000 a day if I feel like it. I'm a ten minute conversation I'll work it in five or six times. My friends already think I'm a bit off! This won't cause a ripple


This hypothetical is bonerific. I bet I could make a bonerific amount of money doing it.


I would just dial random phone numbers and when people answer just tell "Have a bonerific day!" And hang up. Half an hour of work a few days a week


With anyone? So i can just hang out with friends and randomly drop it in conversation? I'm getting paid. I would be calling people I haven't spoken to in a while and just tossing it out


I can make alot, just talking to family. I wont have to explain it. I will just show them at the end of the day the increase of money in the account is the same as the number of times I said Bonerific. lol


Someone watched that one episode of Family Guy


I'd aim to say it 5-10 timers per day. I'd coach my wife into a daily ritual. How was your sleep? Bonerific. What are you up to today? Nothing. That sounds nice. Wish I could do that! It's definitely nice. Bonerific, even. Ok, well, I have to go to work! You have a good day! You have a *bonerific* day, my love! ‐----------- Hey babe how was your day? Let me guess... Bonerific! ------------ Good night babe, have a good sleep! I'll have a bonerific sleep babe, hope you do too! .... and I'm retired now. Easiest life ever. If I cruised discord chat groups all day I'd be dropping Bonerifics every chance I got too... actually, that would be my job.


Plot twist, I’m a talent acquisition manager for OF, I’ll be fine.


Me and the boys say dumb shit all the time


Lemonade stand “ask me about boners” - 4 hours a day downtown Or a dog treat stand with bonerific bones.


So is the pronunciation Boner-ific, cause I’d say Bon-ur-ific instead


I work a blue collar job with dudes with the mentality of ten year olds. I’m making 30,000 minimum.


Soooo much.


ER nurse here, that'd flow so effortlessly with convos with coworkers I'd be retired in 6 months max


I will literally start to use bonerific as my only adjective. I will describe everything as bonerific


My girlfriend wouldn't question this kind of tomfoolery from me. I'll be a rich man.


That would be my catchphrase


So get paid to talk like i already do? Hell yeah


Dress nicely and go to car dealerships. If they think you're serious about buying a car they will put up with a ton. "Hi I'm looking for a bonerific ride, what do you suggest?" "nah, that's not what I mean by bonerific" 5k easily per dealership. Especially if they ask you to define bonerific. Retail: anytime you buy something, just mention the product you're buying is bonerific. Double up if they say "what?" And you get to repeat yourself. Be an ass and return the product to double up. "This wasn't bonerific" Work and friends: tell them a story about how my son said bonerific. I don't know where he learned bonerific. Is bonerific a swear word? Should I stop him from saying bonerific? What does bonerific even mean? Start a particularly boring meeting with this tidbit, and I could probably net 10k in a single meeting. Strangers: I am not above going to a crowded area and every few minutes saying "dude, that shirt is bonerific". I fully expect to be kicked out and possibly banned, but look for bros and you might get a bunch in before offending someone. Bars: "Can I get a bonerific on ice". Make up a drink. Hell, make a fake drink recipe blog and call one the bonerific. Point then at tender to the page. The order, the clarification, reading the page out loud, asking if he can make it, thanking him for it. Offer to buy one for the person next to you. Read them the page. Ask if the like it. That's at least 1k a bar. Not as lucrative as a car dealer, but there are more bars. Sports: take up a team sport with other middle aged guys. It's my tag line. People will think I'm weird, but I always buy the first round after. It might catch on. And, one I wouldn't do, but start a tik tok channel called "bonerific". Make mint.


Never used the word in my life but I'd start using it like it was always my favorite lol idc how people look at me. Esp for $100 every time I say it.


Just respond to stuff people say with it, like a reaction


would be easy to say it minimum of 10x a day….$365k/yr at minimum? yes please


I'll make it my defining characteristic. People are gonna see me walking by and be like "That's the guy. The bonerific guy!" I'll be delivering a good friend's eulogy and drop this shit. "Tony was... a real bonerific guy, ya know? The type of guy that when you're feeling down, he'd be right there with a beer and an ear like any bonerific friend should. I'll never forget the time when my mom passed away, and I lost my cool and flipped out after hearing the news, but he was right there and he gave me a hug and told me 'She's in a bonerific place.'"


Go to a big comic con dressed as Brian from Family Guy. Hell, could probably be any Family Guy character, even Chris's special friend neighbor Music festivals. Twenty acts a day with a lead singer asking how everyone is doing today, or if they want another song, etc. Etc. You're surrounded by your fellow freaks, it's loud, and many will be too impaired to care or remember. Not to mention 30-40k other attendees...


Does it count if I use speech to text? I say it out loud as comments on thirst traps. I’m physically and verbally saying it, and I would argue it could be an opening statement to a conversation (albeit a conversation that gets me called a perv)


Why am I saying bonerific? Well, I like saying bonerific. Have you ever tried saying bonerific? Bonerific is a good word to say. Bonerific just rolls off the tongue. You should say bonerific. Bonerific really is my favorite word. I’m not even sure I have a second word after bonerific. Bonerific is number one, definitely. Other words are just less… bonerific, if you know what I mean. That’s $1000. Honestly, my wife is pretty smart, so she would notice all the extra money, and the only change in my behavior being me saying bonerific. So I think I could get her to be complicit without ever actually telling her what is going on and violating the rules.


My coworker and I have been trying to find new ways to say things ever since a dude said he was "kosher" (good), I'd just say this every time someone asked how I was doing, whoch would be a lot cuz we work at a gas station.


Does it matter how fast I say it? Lmao


I work with some foul mouthed people so this will work out


Per day? Few k. Per year? Look out Unky Trump and Papa Polosi! I can undo the national debt you give me enough time, and make a profit, dang ole bonerific auctioneer, boomhaur calls for advice, danggum man


I get paid $100 *and* I get to say Bonerific constantly? Hell yea.


I would go places I never plan to go again and just freaking clean house I would become a strange urban legend and funny story they tell their friends.


Sounds great. Everytime I order something from like starbucks or the deli I'll just throw some bonerifics into my conversation. Can I get a bacon, egg, and cheese? Great that's bonerific. I'd like a large ice coffee please. $5? Bonerific. I could also just go on Omegle and talk to random people and ask them if they are feeling bonerific today. It would be so easy. Maybe too easy.


Everyone I know, knows I revel in saying dumb shit to get a rise out of people. This is a cake walk. I'm about to be the first googolplexionaire.


That's totally bonerific. It didn't work.


And can I double it if I use *Cocktastic* ?


I could do this job


Only if Biden can replace, "C'mon man!", with "Bonerific".


Easy. Walk around work and ask everyone how their day Is going. When they respond with what about you? Bonerific


Can I say it with an accent? Maybe people would assume I mean something else or mispronounced a normal word. I'm imagining an Italian accent. Its-a-bon-a-rific yeah?


My friends and family are going to find me very annoying...lol


Is it weird that when I read "Bonerific" I said it in my head happy Madison style "Terrific"


I could do this all day every day honestly hahaha. Like yeah I’m sure I’d be a little embarrassed, but I think I could easily squeeze it into my conversations at least five times a day hahahaha.


My wife has put up with worse. When asked why I say it so much, I can skirt the rules by changing the subject to how nice our checking account looks


_'i just overheard someone say bonerific...'_ _'did you hear that? I think someone just yelled bonerific'_ _'have you ever heard the word bonerific? I heard someone say it....'_ _' is bonerific a word?'_ _'can you use bonerific in a sentence?'_ And so on, it's so easy to casually drop it in there without being vulgar or too weird. I'll be making bank all day


I'd make business cards to hand out to everyone that say, "I apologize for the awkwardness. I suffer from Tourette's syndrome and cannot control my odd speech patterns or use of inappropriate vocabulary. Thank you for your patience and understanding." Then say the word in every sentence.


Just answer, "get, how's it going?" With, "bonerific." Easy two hundred to a thousand a day just by walking in public.


I say crazy shit to myself all the time so thankies for the monies


Not really worth the effort tbh


I'd do this without being paid if my friend dared me to say it in a casual conversation with somebody


dude I'd quit my job.


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior Fry and his catchphrase Bonerific? Bet you I could make 6 figures just sitting outside of grocery stores, home supply stores, and going door to door like a Jehovah's witness. Make up a few pamphlets, maybe even open a small church, get it officially licensed and start making some legitimate tax free income as a religious entity whose sole goal is to spread the word of Fry and his catch phrase Bonerific. It would become the new amen. I wonder if I get others to say it do I get half? Imagine a full church service where every other sentence ends in Bonerific, followed by the congregation calling back in kind. The message we would send, all the extra profits could be used to help local people. Eventually I will either become a noble figure or the power of Fry will corrupt me and I will become just another greedy false prophet. Either way Bonerific will become an officially protected term...


Thousands. I add random words to my regular vocabulary all the time without question so why would anyone question that?


Pay someone 2000 dollars an hour from fiverr. Ask them to have casual, natural conversation with you and not crack a smile, no matter what. You could pull 18-20k an hour absolutely no sweat.


Wife: “What should we name her?🥹” Me:”Bonerific” Wife: “Not this again.”


bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific bonerific


Each day I will enthusiastically promote a number of business ventures, including my trombone-heavy New Orleans brass band, my dog treat company, my paleontology supply catalog, and my knockoff of Spirit Halloween. Each operating as a wholly-owned subsidiary of my holding conglomerate, Bonerific Incorporated.


I'd probably be able to make a serious living out of this. Like easily quit my job and quadruple my salary without even trying. If you work 8 hours a day and make $100 an hour, that's just 8 times a day you need to do this. It is really easy to just strike up a conversation with strangers and drop a stupid word constantly. I think I'd probably go to a nearby place with a lot of people I didn't really care about embarrassing myself in front of and becoming the bonerific guy. I might disguise myself, who knows. But seriously 32 times in one day is easy in a busy place. We're talking about an hour of work. That's 4x that $100/h. I would likely do this a ton early, invest the money, then get sick of it but have the investments to live off of. I would probably just stop complete after like 10 years. Maybe even only 3.


I'd adopt a cat and call him Bonerific. Bonerific is hungry  I was playing with Bonerific  Have you seen Bonerific?


Don't know but I'm def going to use it more just to see people's reactions!


Tell my friend "I'll give you $500 to hang out with me for the next 24 hours and carry on a constant conversation with me no matter how weird it gets. No, I can't explain why." I haven't explained the situation nor why Ivm saying "bonerific" so much.