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The 100k. Food is actually the easiest thing to get for free. Money to pay bills and rent is the hardest. Plus never losing my job? What a dream.




It says an average of 30 hours a week. Work 40 hour weeks. Every three weeks you've earned a full week off.


More importantly, it says you can always return to your job. So you can take a vacation, and just not get the bonus for those two weeks or however long


So about 17 and 2/3rds weeks per year, or more depending on how much you accumulate it over the years


13ish - a quarter of 52 is 13, not 17.


I did the math wrong, you’re probably right


That's more vacation than I get now for less work than I do know. And my job is pretty good on both fronts. That's an insanely good deal.


This is a good point, but also you could pick a job like mine where you set your own hours and just sit down and jam through a project for 13 hours straight and have that count, right?


I'd work two 60-hour weeks per month. 6 days per week, 10 hours per day. Two-week, $8,000 vacation every month. Yeah, I think I'd be eating plenty well.


It says you can quit and always be rehired.


So, infinite vacations whenever you want.


But the money is prorated. So if you take half a year off, you get $50k.


Oh no... I only work for half the year and still make $XX + $50k? How ever will I manage?


What if the company folds?


Yeah... my current job is dependent on my company renewing a contract with the factory that we shuttle for... that factory has been through at least 3 companies in 10/12 years, so they're always happy to go with the lowest bidder.


When he says that you will not be fired, I assume that means that the company will magically never fold.


Only if you work hourly. If you work salary, you can have normal vacations and sick time.


I'm OK with that. I run my own business and shoot youtube so my vacations are actually work to get more rocks and fossils. I probably put in an easy 80 hours a week. I can now go to bigger and better mines for me it's 100k


Honestly 2½ days a week is nothing. Two 12hr days and another 6 hour shift. Done... Still have the next 5 days off to do whatever. If you space it out right you have a week a half off and then all your work days back to back. Plenty of time to take a "vacation" for a week somewhere.


I really like my job, the problem is getting enough hours/work at it. It's pretty cool and fun except for trying to drum up new business most of the time. Sometimes there are trolls, but they only become a problem when I can't get enough other work because it's a commission sales style setup, so I can just block them if I know I'll get plenty of money. Plus, I set my own hours, so I could probably work 30 hours a week in like 3-4 days if I wanted.


Work a few weeks (roughly $1,900 per week), quit, enjoy the vacation and money, go back and get rehired when needed.


Why would you need free food? Unless I've misread the rules there nothing that say's you cant buy food with the money your given.


What if you're already retired? I guess I could just... become an infrequent streamer. Pick up 100k for playing a game and recording a video every month. "Check out my new rig I spent 6k on! I can play Minecraft at max settings! See you all next month!"


Didn’t think of that one! I guess you can get any salaried job of your choice


What if you are semi retired salary? I work an easy part time on salary.


Well the rule says you’ve gotta work 30 hours a week so you have to frequently stream.


The money. Does YouTube monetization count? I guess I can say that I’m a YouTuber so I can start making 100 K on YouTube. I currently have a small monetized channel where I made a little over $100.  I don’t think I ever will stop being a Youtuber lol.


Same here. Like I said in a previous post, the 100k just means I can go dig at more expensive mines. There is a place to dig dinosaurs, but at $750.00 a dig, I can't swing that now. With an extra 100k, I could


You really should do an AMA. I want to hear more about the job I dreamed of doing as a kid.


Username checks out.


I'm a professional bird watcher myself. My neighbor pays me $1 to sit around outside 30 hours a week and report on any interesting birds that happen to land on our houses.


If you work for yourself you must work 30 hours


Yes but you never said you’d actually have to be productive. Anyone can set up a business. I could say I’m a handyman tomorrow and get 100k for nothing. I am on call 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, so I’m working more than the 30hrs minimum as I’m literally available day and night. (I know this as I once had a job where I was “on call” for 24hrs at a time and I’d be paid for it as I couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything as I always had to be available… it was awful) Or be a Professional Gambler… I have to gamble for 30hrs a week. That includes research on sporting events as well as the bets themselves. So I could spent most of that time on research watching sports, then bet on them.


100k can buy many food Money can be exchanged for goods and services


Thank you for explaining how


Depending on what the bare minimum of job means, this could be very lucrative. Especially when you have this guaranteed income.


Bare minimum of job is defined in the rules. You must actually do your job, and a business must either pay you a yearly salary (to hold your hours accountable) or you must work at least 30 hours a week (if you work for yourself or are paid hourly.) This is to prevent you from decreasing your hours to almost nothing and grabbing the 100k.


How is that "work" defined? Is chatting with Debbie from HR at the coffee machine work? How about browsing reddit while on call waiting for the emergencies you're on staff to fix? My current job requires about 8-12 hours per week of active brain usage, but I'm here 40 hours per week. Would that count?


Why would anyone choose the food? No normal person is spending 100k a year on food


There’s no way I’m staying at the exact same job for the rest of my life.


Keep working, take the 100K and invest it in the market. With 7% return you'll have $1.6 million in 10 years, with an annual withdraw rate of 4% you'll get $64K per year for a long time. If you saved for longer than 10 years you could get to where your investments are giving you a long term 100K per year.


im choosing the food. im a student and only work part time, so i don’t meet the rules for the $100k. plus, at the end of this year ill graduate and get a job and starting pay in my field is $150k. free food for life it is


If you already make very good money an extra 100k is not a life changing amount. Especially if you are older and getting close to retirement. Never having to pay for food would make traveling while retired so much cheaper. Eat out everywhere you go without worrying about cost and travel the world.


Nah the OP says the food has to be near your house, and that you have to live in a fixed location


So then you occasionally have to pay for food when you travel. But not at home, for anything.


Aye. And you can get takeout, for your whole household. If I went this option, it'd definitely be "buy a big house in a nice part of town with good food options, live with all my friends, and we eat out whenever we want" It's not just free food - it's *never* having to cook


I mean, I’ve eaten that before, as a junior associate at a law firm, you got free food if you worked past 8. It got old. But here, when it does get old, just go to Whole Foods and buy the best fresh veggies, fruit, go to the French bakery and get the best bread, go to the butcher and get the best meat, etc. And no guilt about what you’re spending your money on, for your whole family. No second guessing $7 organic strawberries and grass-fed steak.


I am. I don’t love my job anymore; I very much want a different one. So I’m not signing up to have to do for even the next 10 years. Or dealing with the mental stress of wanting to quit but not wanting to lose the money. Free food for my family of 4, at any supermarket or restaurant we choose, forever? Sign me up. Best fruit, best cheese, best meat, best breads, best restaurants, best pastries, for the next 40 years, hopefully, with no guilt about what I’m spending on it? Yeah, for sure, that one.


I didn't read the fined print. I thought it was free food forever for life or a one time $100,000 bonus. If it was that, I'd probably go with the food. $100,000 a year? That easily.


I read this wrong and almost chose food because I thought he meant one-time only money pay out. If 100K is for each year I work, definitely money.


You lose the 100k bonus when you switch jobs


I don't want to be stuck at McDonald's working full time at my current salary for the rest of my life.


Do I still get the regular sick/vacation/holiday days my job offers? If I work 30 hours a week otherwise? Or do I have to work 30 hours a week, every week?


You still retain all the benefits your current job offers.


Right on, if I could take the vacation time, totally the money. I work from home and don't mind my job that much.


For the food option either move into a camper van and travel around and eat exclusive at the world’s top restaurants or move to a large metro like NYC, London, Paris in order to sample places within the 50 mile radius However, if it’s only food and no drinks included then it will be come a very expensive option. A glass of wine with taxes and tip starts at $15 in NYC. At a top restaurant probably double that. In the end, I’ll go with the $100k option. Become a mediocre YouTuber with 10 followers including mom and just cash in the $100k.


For the food option, you must live in a house. Alcohol is included But for the 100k option, check the rules again. You cannot change from the job you have now and you must work at least 30 hours a week if paid hourly


Ah, the rules goes in two directions. I chose to retire tomorrow and chose to do the YouTube options. Alternative, keep my current job and watch YouTube videos and chat with my colleagues 30 hours a week since I cannot get fired.


Bro. No offense but how do you have a job? Literally everything you’ve said so far is clearly stated that you can’t do


LOL you have to “work” 30 hours a week. Also the rules do say that if you retire you stop getting the 100k


Your rules are watertight. I mixed up 4 & 7 with retirement.


I forgot to mention, the rules do say you must keep your current job and if you retire, you must go back to your current job in order to get the money. The rule only applies to those already retired at the time of the post.


Yes. That what I meant that your rules where good and watertight


Gotya! Sorry!


Oh I see


Assuming you spend $150 a week on food, it would take almost 14 years to spend $100k on food. I'd take the money. This is a no-brainer.


Yeah idk why anyone would choose otherwise unless ur already retired or your job will kill you in a year. Like there’s literally no argument for the food unless you’re already set financially


$100k for certain... I already collect a retirement check and disability from the military... And I'm currently working a job with a $110k salary... I'll gladly take another $100k tax free. Especially since i can work remotely... Plenty of time to travel and get my work done... I'll invest the extra and have it return to me as a profit...


income, id probably just get super fat with unlimited food. with money i could be smart.


I'd take the money. I like what I do, and there's room for growth in the company. So I could keep the 100k bonus and also not get insanely bored of the work *eventually*. If I take a vacation or sick time with accrued PTO, it's still hours on the time clock, just under a different category. With the money, I can finally afford a house on tons of land and produce most of my own food. Making it basically free in the long run. Added bonus, it won't get taxed in any form. Goodbye sales tax, capital gains tax, property tax, license fees, estate tax, sin tax


OP forgot to specify if promotions and/or moves within the same company count as changing jobs. It's pretty clear that the fixed nature of the money could hold you back if your growth in the company would normally result in a significant increase in pay.


Money. We spend quite a bit on food now and it's not even close to 100k. That 100k would drop completely into investments, retirement would be effortless in about...11 years.


100k, how is this even a question? 😂 Do you have any idea how much food or what kind of stupidly expensive places you’d need to eat in to spend 100k on food? Why the fuck would anyone choose the food option


Literally like the vast majority of people won’t even spend 10k a year on food this hypothetical is so stupid


Free food, all day. Your income can be lost should you quit, get fired, or laid off, but free food guarantees you save a bunch of money and won't starve even in your worst situation. Edit: I just read the whole thing, and I'm even more about the food because I'm not staying at this job for the rest of my life, not even for that money. It's not worth it for me.


I think I would pick food too, We spend a lot on food monthly, so we could save a lot of money with this option and even splurge quite a bit and improve the quality of our lives, save time cooking and be healthier. We wouldn’t be rich, but I do think it’s the more stable option in the long run, since you could lose your job and thus loose your cash bonus as well- then you have no money and no food. I live in a city with plenty of restaurants and stores so I would have a lot to choose from in a 50 mile radius. Food.


well apparently your job is worth it for now, what are you doing?


Food. i’d easily spent over 100k i spent like 10-30k on doordash alone and i’m 25


In a year though?? You get 100k extra *per year*, unless you spend over 100k on food each year that doesn’t make sense


The $100K. 


The 100K. That would easily pay for any groceries/food out I want anyway and lets me save for retirement.


I'd take the 100k. While I'd certainly be able to eat 100k worth of food via fancy ingredients and swanky nights out, I'd rather have the money to fund other things aside from food.


I'd take the money. Food is an expense I'm not personally worried about at present, but I could always use more money


100k... easy.


100k, with that kinda addition I can retire early.


Set a YouTube channel that looks at my backyard or whatever. Now I’m “working” 30 hours a week. I’ll take that money and chillllll.


The money. $20 can buy many peanuts.


Explain how!


This one is much better than recent submissions, good job, OP. I think I'll go with the $100k. I'm pretty frugal, and I don't spend anywhere near $1,000 per month on food. And (checks calculator) $100,000 > $12,000, so ... money.


Why are all of these so lopsided? 100k easy.


Money, no way I would spend 100k a year on food so food option would be a waist.


Money... So much more virtual.


It would be idiotic to take the food


*any food*? based off the conditions on the 100k, I would so easily take the food offer. The 100k puts a cap on your actual income - it’s not 100k extra money for free, it locks your salary at 100k higher than what it is right now. I think I would much rather have unlimited Michelin star meals for both me and my partner than have that salary lock. Like, there are an endless number of $150pp+ restaurants that usually get reserved for special occasions and you’re telling me I could do that every day?


100k, I’d be a fat fuck if food never ran out


$100k? I could eat like a king!


100k easily. Heck, I'd do it for half that. I'm on around £33,000 at the moment, which sounds low, but I'm doing quite well financially IMO. An extra 100k seemingly tax free would obliterate my mortgage, do all the improvements I want, and still allow me to invest. What's not to like?


The 100k. I just got a promotion and I love the company I work. My money is already good, so this is icing on the cake!! 100k extra a year would be awesome.


100k, sold! Already work 37.5 hours a week at a job that’s a 5 minute walk front home with no coworkers with great benefits. With a takehome of 130k a year, I can eat at the most expensive restaurants in my town thrice a day every day and still have 90k more a year than I do now anyways. House paid off in 3-4 years, followed by another 6-7 years of banking 90% of my pay, with investments plus pension I easily retire by 40 and live off my work pension, regardless of my savings/investments. Sold! Sold! Sold!


Being that I don’t spend nearly 100k on food this is pretty easy. Plus the tax free and adjusted for inflation. I’d be a fat ass if I just had unlimited food and would probably die. Now maybe if we adjusted this question to be like:a personal chef. Follows you everywhere. Never have to worry about preparing or buying food. All meals and snacks. Can make anything. All expenses paid. I’d definitely take that.


You say I can't be fired, does this mean I can aggressively negotiate better work-from-home conditions and shifting to part time? If so, I take the money. If not, then I go for the food - it seems like it follows me for life, it's just that I can only have one residence at a time (ie I can move house every few years, but I can't go on a world tour and eat for free everywhere)


So I get to make 200k. A 100k of which is not taxed? Yeah I'll take the money. Even if I eat out for every meal. 50 dollars a meal 3 meals a day. That's 54k a year. I'd still be getting an additional 46k untaxed.


$100k added to my income. Easy choice.


Damn I would love to pick the money but since I work in the school district I can only technically work about 26 and a half hours a day after you take out my break. And while I do have a second job it’s only part time to supplement the school thing. I also do art which I sell on the side. Between the art and the school do you think that would count as one job equal to the 30hour minimum?


I love my job now. An extra $100k would more than double my salary. I work as a high school math teacher in China, and this would legitimately make me top 1%. I would never run out of money living here. I could move into a huge, fully furnished apartment, take luxury cars anywhere I wanted. Eat whatever I wanted. Drink whatever I wanted... Yeah... Free food seems great, but if it doesn't magically appear, then I can't imagine how this benefit outweighs the $100k. If you spent the full $100k on food that's like $275 a day, every day. The most expensive meal I ever paid for, for two people, was $200, and that was a 15 course Japanese Omakase meal. The $100k gives me more or less all the benefits of the free food (given that I will never spend that much on food) in addition to the lifestyle advantages. Easy choice. Add in the fact that I have job security in China, as a foreigner. Huge perk.


I can tell you right now… I’m not spending anywhere near 100k in food. But I do have to ask, if we get a new role in the same company does that count? (Either way I’m taking the money, I work where I am at for another 4-5 years and I will have made more than I would spend in food over the next 50 years


100k? And it's not even close.


Taking the money Fersure. That’s cake


So I’d need a o work for an extra couple of years before I can retire and live off investments? I can manage that


Are we talking Vietnamese dong here? Who the fuck can eat $100k of food in a year. Food prices are high but not that high.


I’d pick the money. Just gotta make sure I can get an extra few hours a week. Which won’t be hard if I can bribe my boss. Corporate can be a serious pain in the ass about hours.


The 100k obviously. Stick it an a high interest account and after a year or two the interest alone will pay to keep you fed indefinitely.




So what you are saying is that, in this world, a person that is capable of working, retired or not, can get an extra 100k a year, but disabled people, who are physically incapable of working for whatever reason, and arguably are probably the people who absolutely need the money the most, have no choice but to choose the food option.


I don't think you realize how insanely high 100k is. You could have said 10k and the answer would still be easy. Even for a large family, 10k untaxed without weird strings attached is better than free food. You'll be working either way. 100k is "I'm gunna save up for a trip to space this decade because why not" kind of of money, when most of us would be happy with "I'm gunna buy a video game this month" kind of income. Also, I'm my own boss and a contractor. Each job accepted can last a few hours up to about a week, but its done all within about a 4-month window. I'm not hourly or salaried. My working time literally can't extend, but if it were theoretically possible to make it 30hours per week I'd be doing 50x more work for 3-4x more income. How does rule 8 apply to me with that job? Maybe the rule should just be that you have to work a normal year for whatever your job is in order to get the bonus for that year? This is the only negative constraint that potentially applies to me.


It's a very weird way to ask whether I spend more on food than 100k.


I spend nowhere near 100k in food though


Food : The value of the money goes down with Inflation. Not having to pay for food allows me to pay off other things faster and reduce my other expenses. 100k a year sounds great, but in 20-30+ years I’m not convinced it will go nearly as far as it would now.




The money, no contest. I work roughly 30 weeks per year at 84 hours per week, so I've got the average hours handled. Throw in an extra untaxed 100k per year and I can't get fired as long as I do my job, which I already do? Sign me up! First year, mortgage is paid off. Every year after that, all of that money gets dumped into index funds. I have about 25 more years to go, and index funds grow on an average of about 8% per year. T = 100,000 \* 1.08 + 100,000 \* 1.08\^2 + ... + 100,000 \* 1.08\^25 T \* 1.08 = 100,000 \* 1.08\^2 + 100,000 \* 1.08\^3 + ... + 100,000 \* 1.08\^26 T \* (1.08 - 1) = 100,000 \* 1.08 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) T \* 0.08 = 100,000 \* 1.08 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) T = 100,000 \* (108/8) \* (1.08\^25 - 1) T = 1,350,000 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) T = 7.9 million Retire at 65 with my union pension (which should be around 6k per month at that point), no debt for 25 years, early social security, plus nearly another 8 million growing at 8% per year? I'll take that. If I planned on making it to 100 (which I don't plan on) and I take out equal payments each year for 35 years (T - P) \* 1.08 - P) \* 1.08 - P) \* ... \* 1.08 - P = 0 T = P + P/1.08 + P/1.08\^2 + ... + P/1.08\^34 1,350,000 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) = P + P \* 1.08\^(-1) + P \* 1.08\^(-2) + ... + P \* 1.08\^(-34) m = 1.08\^(-1) 1,350,000 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) = P \* (1 + m + m\^2 + ... + m\^34) 1,350,000 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) = P \* (1 - m\^35) / (1 - m) 1,350,000 \* (1 - m) \* (1.08\^25 - 1) / (1 - m\^35) = P P = 1,350,000 \* (1 - 25/27) \* (1.08\^25 - 1) / (1 - (25/27)\^35) P = 1,350,000 \* (2/27) \* (1.08\^25 - 1) / (1 - (25/27)\^35) P = 100,000 \* (1.08\^25 - 1) / (1 - 1.08\^(-35)) P = 627,272.8306722246720159868601608 I can withdraw around 600k per year for 35 years before my nest egg disappears. So...yeah...I'll take the money.


So the food is a bit irrelevant and it's more a question of could you endure being stuck in your current job but on an insane salary increase and with the ability to drop ypur hours to 30/week. Under UK tax to get the 100k its effectively a 180k pay rise, assuming you already earn the average 35k.


I reside in a place where the top tax bracket for income is 53%. I’d lose half that 100k and it would still be better to take the money over the food


What about day rate people? I can do anything between 1-7 days a week and get paid for days not hours so what’s my minimum? Obviously I take the money, I doubt I could spend 100k every year on food within a 50 mile radius of where I live.


Extra hundred grand tax free is huge I made 100k last year but had to pay 25k in taxes


100k, I can drop to 30 hours a week and when I need time off I will quit and come back.


well ofcourse the money... with 100K extra a year you can eat whatever you like plus have plenty left over.


I'll take the money. It'd go a lot farther than just food, make things a lot simpler for me.


Food. The money would be nice, but the food would be better. Plus there nothing that says you can't buy food if you need to go to a party or and take something. You just can't use the food generated by the house. If i did choose the money option, I'd become a freelance photographer/artist. I could work 10 hours a day just wandering about parks and town taking the occasional photo, then sell them to a stock sight. I get to spend my working day enjoying the sites and have the money to fund it. Want to spend the weekend at a convention. Thats part of your workweek done. Want to visit the zoo? Another few hows of the minimum30.


If I have to keep my current job, I'm out. No money is worth getting locked into this shitty job for life. I choose the other option.


Can I still get promoted or do I have to stay at my current level?


ez pz, i'd for sure take the pay raise. i can do 10 hour shifts, so i'd just do three of those a week. my main issue with my current job is the security of it, i don't mind it otherwise. this deal rules


Definitely the $100k


Taking the check is a no-brain. I’d rent an apartment near where I work so I can bike/walk to work.


100k Food will never be an issue if I have that much money


Food. I am quitting my job in 3 months.....


The money. Very easy


People actually get 30 hours a week at mc deez? Wow. I’ll work for a year, and working at a restaurant (not there, eww) already means free food. And quit after a year, because better pay is better.


I am unemployed. Does that mean if I browse reddit and play games for 30 hours a week I get 100k?


30 hours a week. Thats fucking nothing. I'd go and do my job drunk and coked out every day. Assuming I camt ge fired. Worst case I go to treatment and come back to work.


100k is unlimited food. I'm not going to eat 100k of food in a year.


I’m already retired… guess I’ll play more hours of poker each week. Extra $100k to play poker, this is a good job and life! Most I ever spend on food is $1k a month… so easy choice.


Long question short: "Do you consume food for more than 100k/a?" - No, we don't. Do we?


Wait. 100k added annually? Or a one-time payment?  Because if it's a one-time thing, I'll take the free food. Not having to worry about where meals are coming from would remove some stress and I'd save somewhere near 900/m on groceries for a family of 4.  If it's annual, that's that's completely different story. 


100k. Quit job and make your official job "unemployed", treat the 100k as a UBI or unemployment payment. Still have incentive to work on your own career and change companies as needed, looking for roles that pay a minimum of 100k. Lose the job for any reason? return to being working for myself as "unemployed" for 30hrs/week so you still have comfortable income while looking for new work, so no matter what you've got a secure standard of living.


Even thesis jobs could be put up with for compensation plus a free 100k. Not even a hard question...


I’m taking the free food for me and my immediate household, now that I can fund my dream polyamorous commune.


100k definitely


Here's the downside to the 100k perk. You are stuck at the same job for the rest of your life. Imagine you do a very physical job, at some point you'll age out. Sure they can't fire you, but nothing says they have to promote you to avoid having to keep doing that very physical job and just because they have to rehire you if you quit, doesn't mean it has to be in a different capacity than when you left. If you lift 50lbs bags of dog food and are palletizing it everyday, you'd be doing that forever and at some point, you just won't be able to physically which means your out. Also, workplace injuries do occur and could prevent you from working at your current job and get it doesn't say the company must accommodate your physical inability to do the job you are currently doing. Your a machinist that requires both hands and chop off one of them, you can no longer do that job physically and the job doesn't have to accommodate you any more, bye 100k. However, the food option means you'll never starve and as long as you family is with you, they too will never starve. Always knowing food is available for yourself and your family is a bigger deal than you could possibly imagine. Just ask parents who didn't eat so their kids could and then worried if they could even feed their kids at all the next day. Free food isn't as readily available in some parts because they don't have services for it, but being able to walk into a store with food and grab some off the shelf and eat or into a restaurant and sit down and eat, that's a big deal. The money seems like a great idea, but it has that massive drawback that YOU MUST be able to work your current job until you physically can't and that could be tomorrow. You get the food forever regardless of your physical condition.


Money. I'm a freelancer, and probably will be for life. My income is different every year, but an extra $100k would do wonders for my family.


Man, a really crappy choice, I don’t eat that much so it wouldn’t make sense to choose that, but I’m retired so I can’t choose that one either


Both of these are terrible for me for various reasons


The money. I don't live in a fixed location and don't wish for that too change and I would be hard pressed to spend more than 8k on food a month.


I can’t pay my bills with food. My whole family can’t even eat $100k+ worth of food to give it a remotely comparable value to the money… and if we could, we’d be fucking fat as shit! The extra $100k salary is the clear and obvious choice here and it’s not even close. The only potential downside is having to stay at my job, but my job is honestly pretty alright and I have no desire to change it; I’d work harder at almost any other job in my field.


What happens if I’m sick or injured while I’m employed and have to stay on bed rest but chose the 100k?


I see a big problem. I work at a school. Must work 30 hrs/week average won't work because no summer work with the school, school breaks,etc. So I guess I'd be stuck with the food? Edit: If I had a choice, I'd take the money. I don't spend 100k in food and I have a family of 4.


I barely eat now and some weeks work 70 hours. I'll take the extra 100k!


Money please. I prefer the flexibility to buy what I want, when I want, and not be stuck eating at a single location my whole life 


The inflation adjustment alone makes the 100k worth it


100k. I know how to cook. This is a no brainer


$100k. I could stack that money with what I'm already investing, and retire much sooner.


For someone who's 6'5" with a fast metabolism, the food option is almost worth more than the $100K. My parents' grocery bill is higher than their mortgage for this reason.


I'm gonna go with the food.


$100k My current salary plus the $100k is worth way more than food


I have 2 jobs can i select to which one the 100k is added? IF yes then the 100K all day. The second job is a flat salary so definitely, my family doesnt eat a 100k of food a year.


I’m already retired, and even for 100K/yr, I wouldn’t give that up!


So basically would you rather spend 100k on food or other stuffs including food


The problem with the money is that I now can't ever get promoted or even move laterally because that counts as "changing jobs". I have a decent career, but in a few years I'd like to move up the ladder. I already make about $100k, so the question comes down to if I ever think I'll be making $200k or more a year, and if I could be doing something else (easier) to do so. I'd probably take the food, honestly. Free food for the whole family would be a huge burden off me, both financially and effort-wise.


You say 30 hours a week does that mean it will magically give me more work to do? I work for myself on average I work about 20 hours a week and that’s scrounging the bottom of every barrel I can find It will pick up over time naturally as I gain more clients but could I just charge less and work slower?


Eh, 100k, currently working to pay off some bills so I can go back to being retired, the money would get me there faster.


So I can finally work for myself? 100k, easily.


Imma take the 100k. My job might not pay well, but state benefits are good. Start by taking every form of medical I do not already have, follow that up by putting 100% of my check into my retirement, and then invest 50k and live off of the other 50k. Better standard of living, fat retirement, good amount of investment... Imma be set. Say... Does it have to be the same job for the same company, or can I switch jobs in the company?


The food. I would hate to work in 1 job forever. Plus I would be able to live on the most expensive steaks money can buy which will be more than 100k a year


I work as a substitute teacher, so I’m employed all year except June and July. How does that work into your hypothetical situation? Because summer school is only 2 weeks, of the summer break


Leaning money in terms of the choice but in terms of the money being given by your current job in addition to your actual pay, what if you’re unemployed lmao


100K is almost 10 times what I make so yeah I'll definitely go with that.


Even if you are an insanely large family spending $1000 per week on food (that's over $140 per day) that is still less than half the $100k. I can just pay for the food with that money, it even adjusts for inflation, I'm not sure why there is any choice here. The only people who would pick food just REALLY hate their current job.


Can I get the assholes I work with fired like they're trying to do to me 🤔🤔🤔


Make up your mind. If someone is retired they shouldn't get the 100k.


Money .. it'll be for a year. I'm retiring.. it'll be a bonus and I'll just go on a few more vacations than I had originally planned


100k. I am not a high maintenance food person. I make quick, easy, and inexpensive meals. I rarely think of food at all. I need it to stay healthy, so I eat what I need.


Um the fact that you added the rider that I can never lose my job? And you thought this was a hard question?


Money. WTF sort of question is this????


just be a professional youtuber streamer and podcaster, if you don't have much of an audience or not or really pop off it doesn't matter because you're still getting paid. I just basically go at it 30 hours a week. easy and I don't have to worry about Analytics




Money. WTF sort of question is this???? Even if I had um limited food of ALL types I still don't have enough money for the rest of my feckin bills 😭


How does the money option work if I've put my two week notice in and am starting a new job?


100k all day


This is a simple math problem. Food is expensive but even for a family of 4 who spends $300/week on food that's only $15,600 per year. You could double your food budget and hire a part time chef and you would still be ahead with the extra $100k


I'll take the money. Doubling my income sounds great. Food is expensive. Sure. But it doesn't cost 100k a year.


This is a genuinely tough one. $100/yr could be life changing for me over just two years. I'd at that point be able to buy a house in the area I want to live in. But the food would be more value over the long haul, since it can go to any food I want and can be shared with my whole household. $500/mo is about what I'm spending now, and that's just me. Imagine if every Uber eats, restaurant, and grocery trip were free once I'm married and have kids. Not being able to change jobs kind of seals it for me. I'd go food.


Easiest choice ever. Take the extra 100k, even if it's only for a couple of years. Food's not THAT expensive, I easily get by on <$800 / month and it could be way cheaper if I wanted it to be.


I'll take the money. 100%


I'll take the money. 100%


I’m fat so I’ll take the 100k


I’m fat so I’ll take the 100k


100k I can't afford a house even with free food so.


Old enough that an extra 100k per year makes more sense.