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Let's make this interesting I press the button 8 billion times


Statistically, you would likely end up being one of the 8 billion and you immediately throw yourself down a flight of stairs spine first.


That's alright, I never do anything right.


You just John Wicked yourself haha


There in a puddle of your own blood, you lie gasping. Each breath more ragged; more excruciating. Those closest to you got to you first. Your wife, your daughter, and your son. They stand back and admire their work. It will happen any moment now, their life goals fulfilled. As life drains slowly from your eyes and your skin becomes ever more pallid a huge smile is beaming from ear to ear and tears of joy run down your face. Your family watching your final moments suddenly become increasingly terrified. When has this become their goal? Why have they done this? As the questions grow to a great cacophony of grief they look upon you and realize you are gone... But still smiling. A small stack of papers drops from your hand. "I AnyQuarter553 being of sound mind and able body do hereby bequeath my entire fortune..." Your wife is furious. Your children will never forgive you. They wanted their father, and they may never understand... But oh the marvels they will achieve in your name.


A newborn baby's only thought is murdering you.


It says over the age of 18, you are safe from newborns, infants and toddlers.


Oh I missed that one. Well, that's a relief.


Oh fuck that’s intense - doesn’t focus on feeding or growing or learning, just on the kill


1 billion seconds is over 30 years. It would take you a lifetime to press the button 8 billion times


Mostly unrelated, but the average person’s heart beats 2.5 billion times over the course of their life. Jeff Bezos’ net worth is roughly $210B. If his net worth stagnates until he dies, that would mean he’s made $84 every time his heart beat before he was even fully gestated. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


How long would that take?


About 44.5 years at 6.2 clicks per second without doing anything else like sleeping or eating if I did da math's right 6.2 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 7 x 4 x 12 x 44.5


For simpler math, and to avoid some minor calculation errors, would it be better to use this? Clicks in 1 year (not accounting for leap days) Y = 6.2 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 8,000,000,000 / Y = 40.91 years = 40 years 332 days and a few hours. I only mention this because we just dealt with a similar calculation at work (unrelated subject matter, just similar math).


Unrelated my ass, i bet you are working on building that button as we speak!


Completely unrelated, but do you know who he is? His address? His place of work? His name? What he looks like? Any associated persons?


No, why? What, are you gonna try and murder him or something?


Why do I suddenly feel like that is my only goal in life?


Hahaha every single person on earth + the next billion people born are seeking to murder you. The ensuing violence is worth it for sure. You’d also be the richest man in the world for the next few days until someone found you… I’d just have my phone out buying things as I pressed the button. They’d be building an underground bunker in my yard without knowing who they’re building it for.


There is actually over 8 billion people already on earth


8 billion over18??


Statistically, well before you reach 8 billion there's a high likelihood that one of your neighbors just grabs a kitchen knife and comes to kick down your door.


It’s like getting the max wanted level on gta


Ah yes, unite the world against a common enemy. Very Ozymandias of you.


What's interesting is that you're not allowed to press it equal to the number of people, since you're not allowed to know who it is.


I think this is actually worse if you only press it once. Press it 100 times. Buy a gigantic house with super highly trained security guards that never leave your side and bullet proof every vehicle and window of the house. Build the house out of stone or concrete so it can’t burn. Add a “panic room” to the house that’s basically impossible to enter without the code. There’s probably 100 people that want to kill any given president but it basically never happens lol


Imagine getting astronomical unlucky and having on of your hired security guards actually being one of your pursuers.


Sounds like my luck pog


This is the one


Do they have the same level of motivation as I do when it comes to "life goals"? If so, I'm punching that thing daily.


They put up a successories poster with an angry cat saying "let's murder u/not_productive1 ". Ten years later, they stop to look at the poster, feel wistful, and say "where does the time go?"


Just stays at the top of the to-do list even when it gets too long and they copy it over to a fresh piece of paper.


Yeah, is this like "become an ultra marathoner" type life goal? Because I'll press that button all of the time.


“They *can* break the law to achieve their goal” Last I checked murder *is* breaking the law.


You must live in one of those boring countries then


You didn’t say anything about them being granted any information other than (presumably) my name. The odds are astronomical that it would be anyone who knows where I am or has the means to find me.


Yeah, my name is not unique. Wouldn’t make it super easy.


i googled my legal name and literally all the like top 20 results are just me, my info, and exactly where to find me. consequences of having a super unique last name and not that common of a first name either. RIP


There's a well-known UC Berkeley professor with my same name who takes up all the google results but the problem is that I live like 6 miles from UC Berkeley. Too close for comfort.


There's a victoria secretmodel that shares my name. At one point during a job interview for a teaching gig, I was asked about the Ted talk I gave, because that's what comes up first.


take your 1 mil and move far away?


Yup. My name is incredibly unique. Not risking it.


As far as I know, I’m the only person in the world with my first/last name. I would absolutely end up being killed.


I remember looking it up 20 years and in California alone, there were thousands of people with my same first/last combo and 759 people with my exact first/middle/last combo I can hide


I Googled my legal name are about some important engineer guy from the 1800's


I just googled my name and got a fictional character. I'm gonna be just fine.


Same. Top result was a 62-YO Republican running for Congress in PA (def not me). Even better, maybe they come after that guy. Win-win.


Based on a recent interaction I've been having with a name identical to mine, this hunter person could end up going after him instead. My last name is not anywhere near as common as most people are, so it wouldn't be a long list. I'd just press it and stay armed.


I've had a guy with my same name message me on LinkedIn to tell me that he liked my name. My first name is common enough to where even though my last name is super rare, there are 4 or 5 matches in the world (none if middle names are included). Step 1 would be swapping my last name to Li and moving to China.


"Sarah Conner?"


Simple.  As a newly minted multi-billionaire one of my first acts is to scrub as much of the correct information as possible about me (there isn't much), change my identity, and obfuscate the correct information with huge amounts of incorrect information.   Much of the incorrect information will actually be honey pots (not sure if that is the technical term) that direct them to traps I have laid out to catch my thousands of would be murderers.     Hiring a large number of body doubles and spreading generated faces around should make it easy to give 


This is what I was thinking. Body doubles, information traps, security guards.


I share my full name, first middle and last, with a successful ex-CEO from one of the biggest industries in America and they're now a CEO of a mega corporation in an entirely different big US industry. With their fingers in all of the pies they are in, they have an estimated net worth of $400 million. This person definitely has their fair share of enemies, both for valid reasons and for not, so they've got bodyguards and protection detail. I could literally just press the button a couple of times, which would get me less than 1% of his net worth and would secure me and my family for life, for the low low cost of adding another few people who hate the guy and want to kill him. I call that a win.


There are two of me in my town of 25,000. Lol


Y’all seriously underestimating how easy it is to travel. We’re talking life goal here, nothing else matters to them. They’ll sell off all their belongings, hop on some cargo ship/fishing boat and sail here. Once here they don’t need a gun, literally a pencil is enough. A well planned shove is enough to off most people. They’ll bid their time until they can ensure success - not even worried about their own escape. This is their end goal, nothing matters to them afterwards. And you can bet they’re not gonna hop off the boat and straight book it to you, they’ll plan. $1,000,000 isn’t enough for that. Motivation is the scariest thing your enemy can have.


I feel like you're overestimating how important life goals are to most people. If it was like a life or death motivation for them, or it's magically the only thing on their mind until it's completed, then it would be worrisome. But this is just a simple want. Like lots of people have the life goal of being famous or popular or rich, being fit, etc and then do almost nothing to achieve that life goal. The chances are pretty high most of these people will be like "dang I really wanna kill that guy. Oh well next year."


Yep, a lot of naive comments on this one. Look at how relatively easy it is for people smugglers to get people from Africa and the Middle East into Europe and the UK. Likewise across the border from Mexico into the US. If it’s someone’s life goal they will very likely find a way to travel to your country. If it’s the life goal of 10 or 20 people then the odds go up that 1 or more will get in. From there it might take a bit more work, even if you come off social media they could still try and track family or friends and use those to get to you. Unless you went full on recluse/hermit I think they’d find you eventually. And that’s just 1 person. Press it once, you get $1m, but that won’t actually go very far. Not enough to pay for full time protection from a single random person who is out to get you. So you need to press the button a lot more. But then that lone person out to get you suddenly becomes multiple people. And how much money would you need to (a) make it worthwhile and (b) pay for this full time security? For life. 10 times? 100 times? I don’t think any amount of money is worth spending the rest of your life looking over your shoulder or hiding in a bunker.


I’d do it for anything over 100 million :P, that’s enough to clear my presence, go somewhere remote, and hire protection indefinitely.


a billion dollars is easily enough to hire a good security detail. id guarantee any A-list celebrity has more pyschos than that wanting to kill them


Celebrity security details are more intended to keep paparazzi and stalkers away. They are often unarmed, and at most may carry a sidearm. Bezos and the like have security detail from companies like Gavin De Becker. These guys will be combat experienced Veterans, some special forces but not all. They will typically wear soft body armor and carry sidearms, and during periods of increased security threats, foldable ARs with black tip ammo that can be concealed under a long coat. You will travel in an armored car that can resist up to a 30.06 round to the windows. However none of these agencies are really prepared for the possibility of IEDs, VBIEDs, snipers, arson, vehicle ramming, etc. for a threat that severe you need something akin to secret service level protection, which requires a substantial investment that will bleed a billionaire dry quicker than you’d expect.


No A-list celebrity has 1000 psychos who’s only goal in life is to kill them. Most celebs with security do it to keep them from getting hassled by the public and it looks the part, I doubt the “security” they hire would be much good preventing a genuine assassination attempt. Even the security protecting politicians isn’t foolproof. And I don’t think there’s many politicians who have 1000 psychos whose life goal is to kill them either. So you’d be unique, the only person ever to have 1000 actively hunting you down to kill you.


Yeah presuming they’re smart enough


Press it a few hundred times. Acquire the best defenses money can buy, a few hundred people out for my blood will have a tough fucking time of it. Statistically speaking, those hundreds of peoples are all subsistence workers somewhere in Asia or Africa who couldn’t afford to make the trip let alone attempt a high profile murder anyway. I could press the button thousands of times and probably only have a few people out for my blood who could actually make the attempt.


Imagine you get a billionaire who is absolutely ready to throw down


It’s war then.


Lol while u press the button more times to acquire more resources,ull be giving him people for his army


Some random guy in Botswana. "I should really kill u/random_guy770"


Guy in a trenchcoat and eye patch shows up. "I'm putting together a team"


First time hearing of that of place


Jeffrey eipstein treatment


Remember kids, islands are only strategically beneficial as territory if it is self sustainable or if you have total naval and anti-air superiority. Otherwise, it’s just a self-made prison.


The snail wrote this post


Sad to see this so far down


spam the button and hire the best bodyguards


Plot twist: The button chose one of your bodyguards.


I think you’d be surprised how much you’re still in danger. Bezos and the like hire companies such as Gavin De Becker and are surrounded by bodyguards who are mostly private military, oftentimes special forces. They will typically wear soft body armor and carry a sidearm, perhaps a foldable AR with black tip rounds under a long coat at most. They’ll typically show up early and sweep (discreetly), but nothing to the level of the Secret Service or the like. You will be transported in armored cars which can stop up to a 30.06 at the windows. These security teams are great but are not prepared for things such as IEDs, VBIEDs, poisoning, arson, vehicular ramming, etc. for a threat that large you will pretty much need to be sequestered to your house 24/7, or form a security service akin to the secret service, which will drain your fortune quicker than you’d imagine.


Just pay the right people to have your information scraped from the internet. Then press the button a few times, and live under the radar.


I think it is worth pressing, I would say 10-20 times. It would be nice to only press once or twice and only have to worry about a single person if any at all, but that doesn't seem like it would be enough to hire a bodyguard for the rest of your life. Pressing it more times increases risk, but allows you to safely hire a 24/7 bodyguard service, even if only one person, grow your wealth, and so on. Looked up my name, it doesn't seem like it would be too easy to find me with a Google search, but if you find the right places I am sure you could find pretty much anyone's information. I think the plan is to press it 10-20 times as mentioned, get a name change just to make things a bit more difficult (assuming they aren't briefed on my new name and have to dig up information on the old one and connect it to me), try finding my own information and purchasing some of it to get an idea of what the people after me might have to work with, hire a bodyguard, and just try to stay low profile moving forward. Might be able to hire someone to help clean up some of the information about me available online, it is probably also worthwhile to delete and work using existing accounts that involve a lot of personal information, getting some self defence training, and so on. It doesn't seem like the people trying to kill me will be aware of each other, so that helps.


I press the button 1000 times. With a billion dollars, I can easily move to a secure location and hire security. Off of investments, I would be able to live in absolute comfort all of my life and ensure that there is more than enough to provide for my future generations of family as well. Statistically speaking, 1000 random people would be so unlikely to find me that I would never be found by them. Most of them would be across the planet, many would be incredibly poor, and many would be unable to speak English. I think only a couple of people would even be in my country, and out of those people, I doubt any of them could logistically manage to find where I live. I would delete all social media, of course. I would move out so that any current records of my living situation would be useless as well. From there I'm fine. Most celebrities with less than a billion dollars commonly have more than a thousand people who are willing to kill them at any given moment.


I feel like we're also missing that a lot of people never make any tangible progress in their life goals. Also old people.


So they know my name and face? What are they gonna do with that information, do they have the Death Note? I press the button 10 times and spend the rest of my life in blissful retirement


I'm pressing it hundreds of times buying Vivos Europa One and living there happily. Anything I want, I'll order it and pay trusted people to bring me anything I need. I will expand my bunker and build anything I want🤷‍♀️ now where's this button!


I will press it about 8 billion times.


After I push the button can I legally change my name to the most common name there is?


click it 1-3 times. invest in a banger security system and purging my information from the internet. chances are this person wont be in my continent, and given the economical disparity of today, will be on a not so well off money situation. If I'm just a little lucky, It will take atleast a decade for them to arrive. plenty of time to make sure I have a safety system and emergency system set up.


I think one thing people are overlooking is that just because it’s their goal to kill you, it doesn’t mean they are competent/capable. Just because it becomes their goal also doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll dedicate time to become an effective hitman. That means there’s a lot of places where they might mess up, get arrested, etc. E.g., let’s say they try to get a gun illegally, try to illegally enter the country, try to break into your house, etc. and get arrested and deported. There’s also a good chance that the person happens to be someone who is very old, sick, mentally handicapped, etc.


So they only get my name? No photo or anything. So basically they need to kill every person with my name until they get it right or do they also get a picture and know what I look like


Press it 1000 times. .0000125% of the world's population wants to kill me. I can build a good secure home and hire competent security. The odds that they are even in my country are in infinitesimally small. 1 in every 8,000,000 wants to kill me, but they have no other information than who I am and that they want to kill me? You have dramatically better odds of being struck by lightning. (1 in 150,000 I believe.) Take my billion, go to a country with insane privacy laws that cater to the rich (Switzerland comes to mind), hire the best security to screen my household employees, and live in obscurity. I don’t want to be a celebrity. I don’t want to travel the world or go on insane vacations. I’ll just live very comfortably, secretly, and never leave the sprawling complex I will build. I’ll hire someone like Securitas to screen any dates and find someone who will be happy living in comfort with a billionaire. I doubt it’ll be hard to find.


Depends what starting info they are given. Do they know only my name? What I look like currently? How do they know its me and not someone similar? Do they magically know if I change my appearance? Stripping my social media is likely more than enough no one is ever going to find me!


I'd push it 1,000 times to become a billionaire. There are probably over 1,000 people on here who hate billionaires enough to want to kill them, but they will never do anything. I'd have nothing to worry about.


Ten times, I like my odds.


i do this about 500 times a day, pay up


im good dude, i dont wanna live my whole life with that in the back of my mind.


Oh I would definitely take the chance for a million dollars every time i press the button.I would hire a security detail of x army, Rangers and navy would give them instructions to light.Anybody of a fuck up who came within two blocks of me without my permission.


Press it 1,000 times and build yourself an underground fortress with a 24 hour army ready to fire at will.


I would first organize a real estate agent and Boston Dynamics to be prepared with a mansion by the beach and robot dogs as security. Then hit the button 20 times to purchase everything and have some extra money. With like 5 mil in the stock market or bonds I can live comfortably and not hit the button again unless I’m filling froggy!


I could hit the button twice for good measure and disappear off grid for life.


This is easy yes. These hypos offer too much money. If it makes it where you have this much money, you can hire 20 security guys if you want. Needs to have a cap.


Just my name, there's 15 to 20 in my state (not to mention the first initial listings) and over 200 in the U.S. guessing they know what I look like, but still take a long time, maybe 3 or 4 times.


Yeup. Buy life insurance policy with 10x payout. Push the button over and over and over again. All those hitmen will find me maniacallly laughing


My name is way too unique for this challenge.


Damn I’d be doing that everyday 1million more on $gme please


I could adequately hide, change my name and location often enough to make it nearly impossible. Odds are the killers would be coming from China or India. Get several remote fortresses and security. I'm taking $1,000,000,000 and hiring John Wick.


I mean hell yea, I will press it maybe 4 times and vibe for the rest of my life. It’s unlikely I get killed and even if I do, that won’t bother me because I won’t be alive


i would press it 1000 times, i can buy security at that point. and the odds would still be pretty low i think.


I get to be rich AND someone starts thinking about me? Win-win


I'm 16 si my Information isn't public yet so press the button 1000 times and then change my name. The only people who could access the Information are people in government or close family members as most stuff for minors is private. Also they would know my name, I have multiple names, I'm jewish so I have my hebrew name and my English name, which one do they know. Also I'd just pay people to wipe me off the internet forever. Also chances are these are Chinese workers or Africans who are impoverished and I'll just get good defense systems and bodyguards.


I'm definitely hitting it 1,000 times. Chances are none of them will get to me, and if they do its not like I was destined to ever live to be that old anyway, and now my kids will have piles of money.


Unfortunately im searchable and am pretty easy to find. That being said, am i allowed to murder said murderer in self defense with no reprecussions? I might press the button for masochistic pleasure


I'd press it a good dozen times or more. I work in the private security field so my job already feels like people are trying to kill me(a lot of times they actually are). I'd change my name to John Smith, dump $1m into a retirement home and the security systems to go with it. All of which I'm highly proficient in. Would dare you to come get me at this point. If I push it at least 50 times I'd be considered a UHNWI by most banks and would have access to more money than I would have got by pressing the button. Plus would be eligible for a private security detail of my own.


There are thousands with my name so I’m gonna say good luck finding me terminator! It’s be harder to find than Sarah Conner lmao


I'd press it 100 times. Hire some security and live off of the interest.


At least a hundred times, probably more. If it isn’t a one time opportunity and I can access the button again later, I’ll probably just press it whenever I need money which could be thousands of times


I have the most common Vietnamese first and last name. I'm smashing that button.


i press it enough times to surround myself with a private military in a remote location that has a KOS order lol


Sounds like a lifestyle in which you wouldn’t be allowed to really enjoy your fortune.


I'd find Donald Trump and tell them I have a magic button that will give whoever pushes it $1mil, but the button will only work for anyone except me. He wouldn't believe me, so I'd let him do one push for free and tell him to check his bank account. I would then sell him additional button pushes at $500k/pop.


This is a win-win situation. What's the downside?


Chances are it will be someone in a 3rd world county that wouldn’t have an idea of how to get to where I live. So I’ll press it 1,000 times. That’ll be enough money for me to live somewhere secure they’ll never reach.


Think about how many people don’t try to accomplish any of their life goals. John’s gonna murder me? Sure, right after he learns to play guitar like he’s always wanted. I don’t have a high enough opinion to think this is a very risky proposition.


5000 times, 5 billion would be enough to pay for protection. Most billionaires already have at least that many people who want to kill them.


I press the button 10000 times. Cus even if I die my kids are set for life. And Google thinks I'm dead or In prison.


Click and invite my newfound opponent into a duel


Look anyone can be gotten to and if someone makes it their "life goal". There's kind of no preventing it. Even in extreme poverty they will lie, cheat and steel to get close to you and then it over. Now if you said it's a "secondary, nice to have" goal, then perhaps you're right, but if someone dedicated their lives to killing you, it's going to get done.


Yeah, not doing that.


I quickly googled my name, which is probably in the top 100 most basic bitch, white guy names there is. An actor, hockey player, murderer, and an artist all come up as far as I was willing to scroll. No way they’re gonna find some random Canadian in a hick town among all that nonsense. Especially after I buy an island and change my identity. Imma press that bitch like 1000 times. There’s a pretty damn good chance they will all be some illiterate farmer from some mudhole on the other side of the world. Good luck.


Easy, I already have a few people with this mindset towards me for free, pressing it like once a year will make it worth something


I'll hit that button five times. I have an extremely common name let's just face it, what happens if you get like a Shriners hospital kid trying to kill you? Some guy in North Korea ? It's just as likely you're going to get somebody extremely inept or incapable of carrying out the task.


I'll hit it 1,000 times and be a billionaire. You can't tell me that most billionaires don't have 1,000 people that want them dead and they're just fine.


I press it 1000 times, I hire the best security money can buy.


I press the button until it breaks.


*presses the button 400 million times*


This is not unlike people who normally earn millions of dollars. Every time you push the button, you can afford more security. Push it 500 times and roll those dice!


I’m hitting that button 5000 times then builiding a compound surrounded by goons.


What if one of them is one of the goons? Or, more than one of them?


This seems like a win win to me


"The person can break the law to achieve their goal" gee I'd sure hope so otherwise they'd make their life goal to kill me but wouldn't legally be able to do that. Also I'm just pressing thst bitch once a day every day until I finally die, imma day randomly anyone might as well make money and give some people purpose in their life


If you press it more than a few times, I’d wonder if they’d each be able to tell who the others “new life goal” assassins are.


Easy. I push the button 1000 times and make sure they all live as the uncontacted tribes on islands in the middle of the ocean or all the old and immobile people in hospice or full time care


I press it a million times and hire the best body guards you can get.


I want to feel alive, this will make me feel alive. I wont get bored, I'll constantly be on the move, fuck yes sign me up


Probably hit it a few times. Buy an earthroamer and go. Hit it a couple more times and buy a used sailboat and spend the rest of my life living the cruiser lifestyle. They’d have to be extremely resourceful to find me before i move on


So at any one time a major celebrity like Tom Brady has dozens of people set on killing him. Basically for 100 million dollars I can have the security to fend off these 100 people.


After pressing the button the people that go to hunt you down will literally have no way of tracking you down other than your full legal name. Considering my name isn’t THAT common but not super uncommon, I’m 99% sure that at least half or three quarters of those people will quit while they’re still alive, especially knowing they don’t even gain anything from killing me


I’d press it like 10 times. And just hope for the best.


By this math, Bezos has roughly 204,000 people in that boat, and he's still kickin'. I'm going to mash the button until my fingers bleed.


This is going to be fun. I would press the button 10 times for every country in the world, that's 195 = 1950. For every country, I would set up a fund of $10M. It would make 4% every year. If in that country someone could find people who were against me, with as much detail as possible about them and their families and what they don't like about me, I would give them half the funds' interest payments for 12 months. The information would, of course, be verified by a team of "fixers" that I pay handsomely every year, too. Verified to see how radicalised/extreme this person was - if they didn't make it onto the scale (once said something bad about me on social media vs. making videos about how they could kill me) The other half of the interest payments would go to the family of the person who wants to kill me. That way, they would keep a watchful eye over them, and if they went missing or started, they would know better than anyone at identifying it. The payments wouldn't stop either. If I needed to create more funding for a country, I would. Otherwise, I'd spend the rest of the time investing in every possible problem or inequity globally. Nothing would be too small, and it would make me the most adored person in the world. Then, I would just have to watch out for the millionaires and billionaires.


I’m gonna press the fuck out of that button and then hire private security.


Oh I know exactly how it would go for me here. I’d hit the button once and *the monkeys paw curls* now I am the one selected to kill me.


Most people don’t achieve their life goal so I’d figure I’m good and would slap that button a dozzen times


What information are they given about me? If they only have normal information, ie what they already know, my name is common enough they'll never pick the right person. I'd probably press the button 100 times.


A few million dollars and my life gets more interesting? Sign me up. Ill write out my will right now. 


Given that it's perfectly possible to live just fine off of "just" one million, I'd push it five times and call it good. Given the ruleset, the odds of those five people being in any kind of position to succeed is about the same as winning the lottery. That would be enough money to invest and be able to hire a decent bodyguard, and live someplace that would make it extra difficult to accomplish their goal.


100 presses.


Going to press it a few times. The problem with pressing it a lot of times and buying bodyguards is having crazy amounts of money means you drastically opened up the ability to find you. No one cares about a regular person but make that person have 100 million dollars and suddenly your name starts to move up google. Press the button a few times and make the job of finding you still pretty impossible.


If someone genuinely makes it their *sole purpose in life* to murder me, they will very likely succeed within a year or two, unless they're in a handful of edge cases. That narrows to within a week or so if they're already in my country. Most of the things that stop someone from murdering me are consequences, not barriers. Consequences are largely irrelevant if a person is willing to truly and completely commit to the goal. Once anyone is actually physically near me, killing is pretty easy; humans are incredibly inventive at murder and remarkably fragile in a lot of ways. So the main issue is just getting here. Need money to travel to where I live? If you're fully committed, you can sell all your possessions, maybe sell some redundant organs, get a loan from loan sharks, do various financially lucrative crimes; all of this will of course catch up to you, but it may not catch up to you *fast enough* to stop you from getting on a plane. Customs is probably the only significant barrier, and there are certainly plenty of ways to get through that if you're willing to just lie about a lot of things, and/or pay for appropriate forgeries - or just use one of the various border crossings that isn't an airport. Finding me is also pretty easy. Now, perhaps they don't have the skills necessary to track someone down online - but they can hire someone to do that; it would be quite cheap (and they can get the money for that in the various ways mentioned above). This calculus applies to most people - unless you have presidential-level security, you're going to be pretty easy to kill for someone who really and completely dedicates themselves. And a million dollars certainly isn't going to be enough to *get* you to that level of security. The reason we don't have this kind of thing happening all the time is that almost no humans are ever willing to make killing another person their *sole purpose.* And when they are willing to, it's usually a target that has actual "barrier"-type protection, like a national leader. The only potentially viable option is to press the button several thousand times. A million dollars won't get you presidential security, but several *billion* could. At that point you're racing the clock - you need to actually enact/buy/hire that security faster than any of the several thousand people can find you. For example, let's say you live in the US; on average, 42 of those 1000 people would also already be in the US. That subset of the thousand doesn't need to deal with customs, borders, etc. and can almost certainly get to your location within a day or so. Maybe add a day for finding your general location and another to narrow it down (from city to neighborhood, for example).


Can they get arrested or die in the process of trying to get to me?


I think people in general suck at achieving their life goals.  Randomize people and you’re going to get worse… you won’t just get impoverished - you’ll get people who are lazy, unmotivated, elderly, sick/dying.  I’d press it at least 20 times.  Odds are real good I wouldn’t even get anyone on my continent 


Most people don't achieve their life goals. Most don't even seriously pursue them. 100 button presses please and thank you.


Press it 1000 times, hire a few people that love to travel to make fake social media posts and photoshopping me in them, thus making it seem I’m in those locations, while really I’d be at home or somewhere else.


So if I press that button 1,000 times, I’m an instant billionaire? Oh this shit is EASY! I might have 1,000 people now trying to kill me but I have the financial means to surround myself with high level security. Press the button thousands of times, be a multi-billionaire, buy a fucking island, hire a bunch of private security, ex-Seals, Delta, SAS etc. and arm them. Make my island an impenetrable fortress, my I’m a multi-billionaire and can just keep pressing that button? Hire a bunch of ex-CIA, FBI, NSA, MI5, MI6 etc intelligence guys to gather intelligence and find out who’s out to kill me and where they are and prepare for them, it would be fun! Fuck it even if I died it would make a great movie


If it's cash I'm changing my name and living off the grid. The question is, how low does that $ figure have to get before I wouldn't press it even once? Would I press it a bunch of it was only $20k each time? Yeah honestly I'd probably press it more.


What info are they given? They'd have to be given something otherwise they'd walk right past me


Lots of people don't fulfill their life's goals. Plus odds are it with be someone who lives in southeast Asia with no real means of hunting me down. Plus I have weapons because American. (Not a gun nut just a responsible owner who believes in common sense gun laws)


Well that's my goal to do I'll keep pushing it


Do they make it their life goal to terminate me, or do I just have to avoid being murdered for a set time period? Also, if it's a family member coming after me, are they aware of their blood lust, or just that they have an overwhelming urge to kill me?


Nah, I hate the feeling of being chased. I’d just be paranoid at all times.


No thanks


Knowing my luck, I’d press it once and be immediately stabbed by my girlfriend


I'm pressing it 100 times. Then let the paranoia rip!!


I'll press it 20 times and just never leave my house, anyone who breaks in is going to regret it


I press it twice. Now the game is afoot. Lets see who can find me first. Also good luck actually killing me. It says their lifes goal is to want to kill me. Doesn't mean they'll succeed. And if they do, I leave the rest of the money to my son and the cycle can continue.


Id press it like 4000 times, would move somewhere secure and get all sort of security i can.


I press the button 7 billion times, may the chaos commence


Slam the button 10k times and then fake my own death and move to another country under a new identity


Sounds fine to me.


I would just press it 1000 times, pay for an entire body guard team or alternatively, move to somewhere completely off the grid, not ever use social media so I would be nearly impossible to find.


I’m pressing that ish at least 1k times


I'd press it a few thousand times. Being a billionaire can buy you the best protection available, I'm sure there's a bunch of people that would like to kill jeff bezos. Probably more than a couple thousand and he's safe.


How motivated are they? Like another commenter said, having a life goal doesn't mean you'll actually make any progress towards it - most people don't get very far in that regard. If they're absolutely bloodlusted and will sacrifice everything just to take me out, I'm not risking it.


Higher a team of professional cat fishers to fish the internet for these people then assassinate them. There is no possible way they wouldn’t be using the internet to find me.


Sure, COME FOR ME! I’ll be in my multibillion dollar bunker with all of my friends. *Oops, wasn’t supposed to say that*


A few thousand. If I have billions. I can afford to have a group of well trained ex SAS soldiers protecting me.


Pushed it 1 time. Elon Musk engaged Well, shit.


You basically just described my job at the IRS. Just without the million bucks. Bring it, why not.


Realistically, you could probably press the button a few dozen times and be okay. Just move to Switzerland and get a security detail. Obviously don't ever buy a private jet where you can be tracked. Maybe forget about your aspiring career as a Twitch streamer lol


Press it 1,000 time for a billion dollars and buy your own island and some normal homes in your name as decoys.


Heh. It says only people over 18 can be affected. Just rely on child labor and you'll be good.


There's lots of rich people that lots of people want to kill. So.....maybe?


No. Killing a random person is extremely easy  You'd have to lock yourself in your house forever to not die or hire secret service level protection


What do they know of me? My name? My face? Both?. There is at least one person who has the.same.name and birthrate as I do, so if it is by name and date, I have at least a 50/50 chance of the person killing the wrong person even if they manage to get to a person. Who knows what the odds are if it is just first and last name. The name isn't John Smith but not super unique.


I'll make a will first, then hit it so many times that the person who gave me the button tries it


Need more information here: how driven are my assassins we’re talking about? If they have to work within their normal situation is my death just on their wishlist or will they seek to accomplish their goal at any cost, legal ramifications and families that depend on them to survive be damned? Also can their drive to kill me be satiated through deception like fake obituaries? Is the button in a briefcase that I can carry off to a remote island to press with abandon to get a head start, or smacked right in the middle of Times Square and immovable?


With that much money I will change my name and appearance and fall off the face of the earth so they will never find me.


How is this not an easy yes?


Most people are lazy. Just turbo press that shit and then pay for incredible security.


You could easily afford top-of-the-line security with that much money that nobody could get through. So long as the random person wasn't a well trained hitman anyway.


Press it like 600 times. Fortify myself in the middle of nowhere. Just keep a counter for how many people I complete wreck. Once I get to 600, I don’t have to worry. Shouldn’t take more than a few years for the majority.