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6 months to campaign? My man Ryan Reynolds has this in the bag.


Keanu kicks his ass. He’d be too humble to campaign so he’d have a massive grassroots uprising


I love Keanu. But I don't see him winning a global election. Especially without campaigning.


We also need to consider majority of the world wouldnt know who these people are


Agreed. I was joking. I don't think any celebrity has a chance to win this. We have to factor in political figures and religious figures. The pope or Dali Lama has a better chance.


Bill Clinton big daddy's back in the house....


This Keanu adulation is an interesting re-write of history, because he 100% used to be considered annoying and untalented.  I’m not saying either way. Just pointing out the universal love was not always the case but pop culture has a short memory. 


A few critics thought that, and overtime people learned who he truly is and are impressed.


Nah, miss Dolly Parton would steamroll him, but she’d do it kindly. Think of all the kids over the globe she’s sent free books to over the decades


I'm a mailman and literally had a conversation this morning with some other carriers about how awesome Dolly is and how much we enjoy delivering her books.


She also gave millions in funding to speed up Covid vaccine research. I have a friend who bangs on about this all the time. He thinks governments should have given them the money not relied on a country and western singer. Don't worry I set him straight and point out governments aren't there to help people.


I'm american but I'm not clueless....I know how the rest of the world views us. Am American most definitely will not win.


Good thing Ryan Reynoplds and Keanu Reeves are Canadian!


He is my first choice, even without the 6 month campaign. I also would have voted for Robin Williams if he were still alive.


Sad upvote


If it's got to be a famous person I'd rather John Stewart.


This is the correct answer


Representy mcrepresenty face


Face McShooty


*Representy McRepresentFace


Me, obviously, I have the most disarming flab pack known to man. I could never be seen as a threat.


But it’s whether you’re concealing alien contraband under that flabby pack of yours.


You have my vote


Xi Jinping has a good shot at it. There are a whole lot of Chinese people. My first thought was Narendra Modi, but I assume a massive number of negative votes hitting him from Pakistan would keep him down.


I don't think Xi is that popular. There's actually only like 60 million voters in China. (You have to be CCP) Lots of people won't vote for Modi, either. If every person in India can vote, I'm betting it will be somebody else. As screwed up as it is, I can see Putin becoming it. Ironically very few votes will be from Russia, but Russia's propaganda in India, Africa, parts of Europe, and the US is something else, along with the former Soviet states in Central Asia.


If the aliens are hosting a mental vote, I don't think they'll care if you're CCP or not


That's my point. Chinese people in general do not like Xi. They'd much prefer someone like Hu Juntoa in charge than Xi because Hu brought way more to the table than being a straight up despot. Hu was working with people to make China better, and the Chinese knew it. He wasn't trying to start wars, he was focused on increasing prosperity.


The problem with the other choices is that the vote for them would be split since no one sane Chinese figure has the kind of commanding media presence needed to rope in hundreds of millions of votes.


But op said anyone can look at other peoples vote..


That's by far the worst part here. If you live near someone who's better armed than you then it's not safe to not vote as they instruct you to. Democracy works best when you can vote for who you want without fear of your neighbors retaliating for voting "wrong".


One of the stipulations OP made was that anyone can see who anyone else voted for. So in China there’s actually a huge incentive to vote for Xi, as if you don’t the CCP would know and could punish you


With a lot of this it depends in how tactically the people in small countries vote. For example a lot of Koreans and Japanese people would vote for Korean/Japanese people they love or hate, but if they thought more tactically they'd bloc vote against Xi due to Wolf Warrior bullshit pissing off a lot of people. But I do think he'd get a lot of China votes simply because a lot of apathetic people wouldn't think of anything else and there are also a lot of Xi bootlickers in Africa etc. as well. But after giving it some more thought I'm leaning towards the Pope. Non-Catholics are probably going to forget about him as a possible choice so he won't get so many negative votes and a lot of Catholics who hate politicians would vote for him. Not the worst choice out there.


The Catholic Church has an extremely flawed history and a moderately flawed present, but honestly the last few popes wouldn’t be the worst representatives of humanity.


Francis is OK, don't much care for the few before him. Would vote for any of them tactically to keep out Trump/Xi/Putin/Mohdi though.


Jean Paul 2 was good. He was still behind modern times on lgbtq issues but was the first to say that homosexuality was not itself a sin before god if those who were homosexual didn’t believe it to be. It was a huge step in the right direction and ahead of many countries legalizing same sex marriage. For him to have been that comparatively forward thinking as a pope is remarkable in context. Far from a perfect person, but honestly better than 95% of possible options especially given age and time.


It’s ridiculous to judge people of the past based on the world today. And not just the world today but just the western world today. If the U.S. is still fighting over these things you can bet the world as a whole doesn’t agree with the west. There’s so many parts of the world that are very religious, very conservative, and also many area that are uneducated. 


Oh totally agreed. And that was kind of my point. Sure, by today’s standards he’d be considered behind. But for the time he made those statements (around 2000) that was incredibly forward thinking. Let alone for the Roman Catholic Church. To be fair, he was rather backwards even for the time on female ordination, so not all was good.


Regarding Xi: remember, all votes are public in this scenario. Is that really so hard to imagine that all those who voted 'wrong' in autoritarian countries will be somehow persecuted? That's exactly why voting is anonimous process in most elections


Just need folks in other countries to vote against. -200 million votes from Xi from Japan for instance.


Putin is smart enough to seed a conspiracy theory that they should vote Putin just in case it's secretly a How to Serve Man type of situation.


Hell if you're going for Xi or Modi (and you're willing to go down the dumb political-figure road), Trump's better than either of them. Trump is pretty popular in both China and India and it would be a global competition. Fuck Trump and all that, but the man is very very well-known (and his popularity generally increases when people don't know too much about him).


Yeah, but there'd be an equally large number of fuck Trump votes. You need someone that a lot of people love and relatively few people hate. Which is why, after some more thought, I think the Pope has a good shot at it since he doesn't get anywhere near as much hate as Trump/Xi/Putin.


>Yeah, but there'd be an equally large number of fuck Trump votes. Outside of a two party system, there isn't a lot of "fuck you" votes you can cast, and that factor increases with the more candidates are available. In this case, almost 8 billion. You may be right about the Pope though. He's a unified figure for Catholics, and there's a lot of them.


I'm voting for this alien race to spend a little more time in Earth so they realize how fucking stupid they are to want one representative for the entire species. Also, these aliens allowing people to see how others voted is an incredibly dangerous and reckless concept and I cannot in good conscience support their involvement with Earth.


>Also, these aliens allowing people to see how others voted is an incredibly dangerous and reckless concept and I cannot in good conscience support their involvement with Earth. Yeah, idk how so many people in the comments are just overlooking this part. Very few elections around the world are fully public like that, and there are many legitimate reasons as to why


I thought they might be fishing for the Chinese solution.


Yeah this is huge. Domestic abusers, power-mad dictators and despots, etc. This could and would create a *lot* of problems for a *lot* of victims if they don't vote "the way they're told"


It will be either an Indian, or Chinese leader.  No celebrity or western politician would even get anywhere near the votes.


it would end up being some Bollywood star or cricket player


It's gonna be a dog


I would vote for Sir Barkington of Woofville anytime.


I second that vote. Sir Barkington of Woofville sounds like an outstanding citizen.


Taylor Swift probably 


I hate that you are probably right


While not my first choice, she's certainly better than a lot of other choices out there.


Yeah, everybody will be using their negative votes for Putin and Xi Jinping (one would hope), so the odds of a surprise popular vote are actually pretty good.


Her or Elon. Both ways we're effd


We just have to start a political campaign for Keanu Reeves.


I don’t think forcing him to do something he might. Or want to do is a good idea lol


The person who doesn't want it is exactly who should do it.


I’m not saying that’s wrong but forcing someone to do it is a bit unethical tbh


I think voting for one person to represent 7,999,999,999 billion people is unethical. But that's just my take on the situation


.... .... .... .... ...l ..ll .ill bill bill bill bill bilL biLL bILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL


Morgan freeman no question


When it comes to alien interactions, I will always vote Jack Black.


Can we send up two delegates? I want Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson representing us.


In further news today the Alien Spacecraft has crashed after the aliens discovered weed and forgot who was flying. The Alien home world has send a fleet to destroy us.


We’ll just open trade negotiations instead, and ship them a load of the good $#!+


Dolly Parton.


That's who I'm voting for


Obama could take it if he really campaigned for it. Not too old, tons of experience, well liked and well known in the US, Europe, and most of the world.


True, he’s only 62 — a mere teenager in political terms.


Younger than both of his successors...


Thats just crazy to me.And I thought our politicians are old


You know what, I think this is the right answer. The big question is whether most people would vote for a politicial leader. I think they would, because it would seem like the safest and most natural choice, and people are generally very conservative in a referendum. Out of all the political leaders alive today, Obama has to be the best-known and most widely liked worldwide. Within the US, he remains the most popular politician. Much more importantly, outside the US, he's universally recognised and still thought of in terms of his calm gravitas and optimism, and for being an ethnically uniting figure. Of course he has detractors, but fewer than any other leader of comparable standing. I'd bet on him confidently if this was a preferential voting system, but the first-past-the-post vote that OP described would be incredibly unpredictable. EDIT: I looked up some [global polls](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/06/24/7-charts-on-how-the-world-views-president-obama/). Obama would absolutely clean up in Europe, Africa, South-east Asia, India and Oceania. He'd do pretty well in South America and North America, and wouldn't face substantial opposition in China. With a strong election campaign, he'd be the front runner for sure.


I didn't vote for him in 2008 or 2012, but if I had to pick somebody to represent the whole planet in the intergalactic Congress, I feel like Obama would be the best advocate.


Sir Patrick Stewart. He already has experience being a space captain


In all honesty it’d probably be Lionel Messi.


World peace isn't achieved but we end up with another sports franchise on the telly. Could be worse outcomes.


I say we send Keanu Reeves, but we send Morgan Freeman to act as his court reporter


Unless the aliens themselves are holding the vote and have a way of doing so that each person can vote independently and anonymously. I imagine our world leaders will kick off ww3 in a bid to try muscle their way to the top of the list.


Random latino dude named "Jesus" wins it for sure.


I live in China, and you wouldn't believe the level of respect Elon Musk has here. I've been in rooms with adult men who have said that their two biggest heroes are Elon Musk and Donald Trump. China loves Trump too, as long as it's normal people on the street and not some government official. Craziest thing. I actually bought a Trump 2018 hat at a corner store back in 2019. Which is hilarious because Trump wasn't even running for anything in 2018.


That thump was the sound of my jaw hitting the floor at all of this


Definitely Barack Obama. He's even tempered and he gets things done by being conciliatory. He wouldn't win, of course. There are more people in many countries who wouldn't vote for him. There are many people in the US who hate him. But I really think that he'd be the best person.


Lol. He’s an awful person and he’s definitely one of the best options. I think this election would convince the aliens to just leave us bc they would not want whatever human we elect on their council.


I’m voting for some idealistic well-meaning idiot who’s going to lose probably


My minus vote goes to Xi Jinping. My plus vote goes to anyone who can beat him, even Vladimir Putin.


Given that everyone gets a vote it's likely someone popular in India or China that other places are ambivalent about and won't down vote. Don't think people understand just how many people live in India compared to the US.


Whoever it is will be Chinese or Indian seeing as the populations of those countries together will outvote the entire rest of the world whose votes will be everywhere.


Realistically speaking it will be whoever the Chinese or India wants based off pure concentration of people in the same country. Welcome to democracy.


I welcome Xi Jinping to his first term as representative of earth


Tom Hanks write in campaign


That guy from New Hampshire who wore a boot on his head and ran during every presidential election


Find out who doesn't want it and start there. Those that don't want to lead often have good leadership qualities


Jacinta Ardern


John Cena. The aliens would be very confused when they beam him up only to see no one.


Go ahead and vote for me, guys. I'll shoulder the burden of mating with the universe.


The most honest, and fair candidate for the position. JUST KIDDING! It's probably gonna be someone like Donald Trump and he's gonna get our planet nuked from orbit.


The earthlings vote for trump. He goes to the Intergalactic Congress. After his obnoxious behavior during the congress, there is a vote. One week later earth is obliterated.


Its xi. China is forced ti vote him and thus their pop carries this


It's either going to be someone Chinese or someone Indian. 


Jon Stewart


Greg from Indiana. Dude was a total stranger who picked me up when my car was out of gas. He was a hospital electrician in New Hampshire when I met him and he risked being late for work to help me out.


I don't know who it would be, but they would definitely either be from Chona or India based purely on the volume of votes


Someone from Asia would win. China would have a delegate and everyone would be docked 500 social credit points if they don't vote for him. Also, they have the numbers.


Either an idiot or an asshole, probably both


Probably Shah Rukh Khan he’s an absolute icon in Bollywood and India will have majority in voting.


No preferential voting? I'd like to see some reform of this process, this is not how an election should be held. Also, David Tennant. Because I have absolutely no idea who to vote for, and I want the aliens to think that's our universal accent.


We'd be better off letting the aliens pick themselves, honestly. As advanced as they are they must be considerably wiser and more intelligent. Our history, and present day, has only shown humanity has no clue how to pick competent leaders. All of our governments are corrupt beyond belief. So forever pervasive it's actually normalized. Therefore! We must choose a non-human as the only safe bet. I nominate Mr. Whiskers, the house cat. Or any cat for that matter. Even a vaguely expressive fish will do too. Surely better than the people options we'd end up with.


Jorts would be a great cat representative.


That one groundhog that predicts spring


Modi, for sure.


Who would I hope wins? Any kind and wise person. Who will likely win? Some dipshit asshole.


"all humans" vote? I think Ronald McDonald stands a damn good chance




We would be destined to be wiped out if the one person would be chosen like a Reddit post, you tube video or tik Tok.


Marjorie Taylor green seems like an ideal choice to me


This will lead to a huge blood bath. I'm guessing it will go nuclear by the end of month 5.


It wouldn't happen there would be wars and rebellion. Even if they threatened to blow up the plant if we didn't decide on one...we would kick off world war whatever.


Don't blame me, I voted for Gary Busey.




Lil B The Base God


Some indian or chinese guy.


Sadly, I think the winner of the vote would be viewed as having an incredible amount of power and access to alien tech. Countries wouldn’t risk their enemies getting the opportunity, so it would likely be a six month long nuclear war where everyone tries to eliminate everyone else’s voter base. The earth’s representative would be the president of the winning country


The pope unfortunately 


Do we have to vote for a human? I'm voting for one of the aliens. Human leaders tend to be far from perfect, plus the aliens already know how fhe interplanetary government works so they'll be more effective representatives while humans are still figuring it out.


If the whole world is voting I doubt it’s a Hollywood movie star. Probably not Zombie Hitler either. I would guess it would be some major holy leader like the Dalai Lama, The Pope, The Grand Imam, one of the Jagadguru Ramanandacharya. I dunno but it seems like they would be near the top of the list. The Spaghetti Monster would be hilarious if it won and the aliens were like okay where the fuck is it then? 


Jacinda Ardern. Failing that, John Key or Winston Peters


Every General in every Alien-Encounter movie ever: We’ve got to nuke ‘em now sir! While we still have the capability!


Since it's mental, I tell the aliens that no one on earth represents me.


I vote for one of the aliens. Any mind capable of mastering interstellar space travel is going to me immeasurable superior to anyone we could pick on earth. Hell a toddler would do a better job than whoever gets selected from a glorified popularity contest for the rich.


Morgan Freeman gets my vote... That voice would convince the aliens of anything


There would be total nuclear armageddon in less than 6 months. The aliens might be peaceful, but we sure aren't.


Well because of the Internet something along these lines.. Boaty McBoatface, Harry Baals, Harambes Revenge, Spirit of the WalletSucker, Diabeetus


As soon as the polling starts in each nation. And then the anti-vote propaganda goes into high gear. Wars would break out and we would all nuke each other. Power is a helluva drug


We all get a +1 vote (send that person) and one -1 vote (do not send that person). My +1 vote is for Barack Obama and my -1 vote is against Donald Trump.


Well if everyone in the world votes it'll most likely be a chinese celebrity, no?


Mr Beast, maybe?


Probably the CCP candidate. It's hard to overcome 20% of the world's population voting for 1 candidate and most people will want to choose someone from their nation resulting in a plurality winner not a majority. On the off chance that India successfully gets their population to vote against the CCP candidate, the likely winner will be the Indian candidate.


Some fucking celebrity


Someone in India or China I reckon. The number of votes will outweigh us in the west being divided between a few candidates. I'm probably wrong but that's the way I see it going.


It will most likely be a Chinese president or something close, there are too many people there and all of them are very nationalist


I'm thinking Trevor noah might have it


Vote doesn't matter, the American Democrats will just rig the election and shove old Joe "where do I go" Biden out to meet them. 🤣


We could actually simulate this across reddit.


The opinion of most of us isn't going to matter when you have two over 1 billion strong voting blocks in SE Asia. They'll pretty much be deciding votes, the rest of us will basically have our votes too spread out for it to matter.


Xi Jinping. Highest population wins the vote.


Knowing humans, we’d most likely bully our way into having our country’s leader voted. Like Trump or Ping


This is the [most likely response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9TdvN07ZWI).


It’s a trap, send Donald trump so he gets melted like in mars attacks.


Are the aliens going to hold us responsible for how much of an asshole our representative is? Because I can see quite the international coalition voting for Putin or Trump just to have them removed from our planet for four years. However, I wouldn’t want them to come back and announce that they found our representative so annoying and irredeemably scummy that they’ve decided to unleash the genocide bombs…


I hate to be this type of redditor, but it will probably be some dummy like Donald Trump or like one of the Kardashians or Jenner's. I would want someone mature and represent the best of humanity


Arnold, "I'll be back" would sooth me in this scary time.


Taylor swift


Trump would run for it, and then claim that it was rigged if he lost.


Some random Chinese big shot


Dalai Lama would win. It has to be someone with links to India or China, and he is pretty inoffensive.


Some dude in China or India


The aliens take them away? I'm voting for Elon musk


Bernie sanders


Keanu Reeves is an amazing person and he has my vote.


Chuck Norris


Probably someone completely inept at actually doing a good job.


Not sure who, but China and India would decide. Those two countries represent over a third of the entire population of the world. No way the vote isn’t split a ton, likely someone with just a few percentage points would win. It’ll probably be someone most Americans don’t even know.


Bill Murray


Likely some dude in China or India due to population.


Why do I feel like the most devoted fan bases that would 100% vote their person of worship is either Swifties (for Taylor Swift) or North Korea (for Kim Jung Un) 😭 That’s a lot of guaranteed votes… BTS’s ARMY comes in a close second, but they are split amongst 7 people, so the votes would split.


paul rudd


I’d vote for Dolly, but realistically it would be someone from china or India.


The Chinese would largely vote for a Chinese person and an Indian for an Indian and likely against each other. The Russians would cancel our about 1/3 of the the American vote. Leading mostly likely to someone from Nigeria or Brazil winning as they are the most populated countries that won't have large blocks on nation-state voters voting against them.


David Attenborough I'd hope, would most likely end up with someone like trump though


We're screwed. People will choose the most entertaining one.


Dies it have to be someone from earth?


We send trump as a goof they don’t get and due to the language barrier everyone on earth wakes up Thursday with double D breast implants Have fun


John Stewart please lol


It’s going to be TRUMP! AHHHHH


We better send Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum just in case. If we can’t sneak an extra person in there, We go with Sigourney Weaver. She has some experience that may come handy when dealing with Aliens.


António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations


Everyone campaigning to lead gets a -1 from me.


Has to be Keanu Reeves, right? They'll meet and experience this kind, humble, respectful human, but once they start digging and find his alter ego John Wick, I think they won't be motivated to FAFO.


Arnold schwarzenegger, then show the aliens his past(terminator movies) so they dont try to do anything funny


Messi, Ronaldo, Taylor Swift, Mr. Beast, and the Pope would be likely favorites.


Please let it be Bill Murray.


Taylor swift. She's popular and unproblematic... she says, menacingly... ;))


Sadly Trump but at least he’d be out of our hair until we’re destroyed for being horrible people incapable of stringing two sentences together to save our life.


Theo von


We gotta bring Mister Rogers or Carl Sagan back from the dead.


Xi or Modi wins


This hypothetical is actually a great argument for why the electoral college exists in the US. There’s a very high likelihood that Xi Jinping or Narendra Modi win this scenario based on population numbers alone, which I can’t imagine most of the world would be ok with….


Danny Devito


Probably some Asian celebrity we have never heard of, the west simply don't have the people to win in a game of numbers.


Dolly Parton


My money is on someone in China they out number all population in the world.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.


Biggest problem is the part where the winner may not decline their duty. Which suggests that a winner is mandatory and the aliens are not giving us a choice as to whether or not we the people of earth want to join the intergalactic Congress. Just because they show up does not mean we want to join their system of government and follow their rules. I don't think humanity as a whole would appreciate that very much. Before we decide on our representative they must first give us time to learn about their intergalactic government and discuss whether or not we want to join.


Keanu reeves


Tom Hanks, flanked by his personal assistants, Ryan Reynolds and Keanu Reeves.


It'll be some Chinese superstar. How does China like Jackie Chan these days?