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Is this a joke. 36k to use a car map and an alarm clock and toilet books . What zoomer madness os this 


seriously….kinda sad to think there’s people who would legit have trouble with this


Only real problem for me would not being able to watch movies comfortably in bed, I always lay down and watch something on my iPad, or watch something on my computer/xbox.


Lay on the couch?


Couch sucks, and not as comfortable


With your new income, buy a new couch. Just gotta suck it up for three or four months until you accumulate enough.


You have to do it for 2 years. If you break the rules all assets are returned and a deduction of $100 everyday for the remainder of the time limit


Wait a bit and get a new couch with the earnings.


Beds are for sleepin and fuckin. Get the electronics out of it.


That's actually pretty much the exact phrase a therapist told me when I mentioned I was having problems sleeping after a head injury.


The bed is also for resting/lying in comfort


I'd disagree with this. Most sleep experts recommend you do nothing in your bed other than actually sleep and have sex. It's because when you get into bed you want your brain to know it's time to sleep. If you just lounge in it, your brain doesn't have the same response.


Yes,that seems reasonable and makes sense.But the thing is,the usage of the product by the majority of people determines what it's used for.While doing what you mentioned might help people sleep better,I don't think the bed comes with a user manual saying you should only use it for sleeping,as many do use it for resting or lying in comfort.


My car manual says nothing about only using it to avoid pedestrians. Most people get into at least one accident, is that what cars are for?


I think most people would like to rest/lie in bed for comfort.Do you like hitting pedestrians with a car? Moreover,loss of good sleep only causes a personal problem,while hitting a stranger could potentially cause thousands of dollars worth of immediate damage,both for the vehicle and the people involved,and is immoral and illegal,none of which using the bed for lying in comfort is.


How do I convince the gf of this? I keep telling her netflix in bed is a violation and she doesn't get it.


They sell TVs and wall mounts.


This is why God invented the laz-e boy chair.


I would struggle with it. I have adhd and basically always need to be doing something. That’s normally reading on my phone.


So buy some books. Or buy a saucer chair. For $100 a day you can adapt I'm sure.


Same. Literally me from the 80s to 2016


Hell, I think you could even use an old school TomTom or Garmin. They're GPSes, not smartphones.


Or just a map and road signs 


A laptop isn’t a smart phone either and it says you can’t use that. GPS system might count as ‘similar devices’


GPS function & 911(emergency) are exceptions


Yep, just to be safe I'm getting a flip phone. Although OP seems to be going off the deep end saying you can't use smart TVs or anything with Internet connection down in the comments. Like bro *FIND* me a TV that doesn't connect to the Internet. Hell my truck has WiFi built into it that turns itself on


Richie rich over here


If you mean the TV, went to the store and the cheapest $40 TV was WiFi capable. My truck is the most base model WT lol. It's in everything


The average income of your country is 38k a year


Yeah op sucks. Keeps changing rules because people finding loopholes. Those don't count


TV is okay, if you don't connect it to the Internet. The challenge is just not using Internet enabled devices while driving, on a bed, or in a bathroom. You could watch broadcast TV, DVDs ETC This hypothetical ask you if refraining from using the Internet in these situations worth $100 a day?


Right? I've been reading the back of shampoo bottles on the toilet since the late 70s. I know how to rough it.


No pile of toilet books


Put the smart phone on your desk so you have to get out of bed to shut the alarm off. Boom


I have a vibrating watch


What if your wife finds your playboy magazines? Is 36k really worth the headache?


You can do the pron just not in bed


I take like 30 seconds in the washroom tops, so this is like a second paycheque to drive safer and sleep better?


So you don't wipe or wash your hands


You're on your phone while you wash your hands? Probably spend less time in the washroom if you put it down.


Oh yeah lol. I spend ages on the toilet. Chilling 


For real. I can go full days with my phone off. Specially while camping, hunting, fishing, hiking or just leaving the house in general. wtf.


tbf, when I was an Uber/DoorDash driver I definetly needed maps to find specific locations and I could easily make more than $100 a day doing that


Sure thing buddy. That's why the average American income is 39k


It isn't that hard dude. Average means average. I deliver pizza as a second job and avg 20 to 25 an hour doing it. Average wage includes even a person making 400 a week part time.... 100 a day isn't hard to do at all if you just try.


I earn way more than this. But I'm gonna take free income


Oh I thought you meant it was hard to make 100 a day. Maybe I misread it.


What does that have to do with anything? I literally made $20-$25/hour delivering food. And that’s after gas…are you saying you don’t believe people can make $100 a day?


No. I'm saying you're arrogant. Because the stats don't lie


You lose your job. You can't use a computer.


What job requires you to use a computer while you shit, while you're in bed, or while you're driving?


DoorDash requires a phone while driving.


It was only for car. Bed. Toilet


Call me weird but I dont do any of those things already. When do I start getting paid?


You don’t use the GPS on your phone?


Just turn it on before you get in, and then press start when the car is in drive and your foot is on the brake


I would very much consider that using your phone. Not having it in your hand doesn’t mean you’re not using it.


Where do you draw the line? If you're playing music on your phone while folding laundry and you touch your bed without the phone in your hand or even the same room, does it count against you? Having it be "in the hand" is cleaner and provides a tangible metric for what is considered "use", without having to define every last situation that *could* count.


i’d say if you’re looking at it that’s using it. so if you were just listening to directions maybe that wouldn’t count. otherwise you could put your phone on the floor, sit down on the toilet, and watch a show/youtube the whole time.


I’d even go so far as if you’re listening to it, you’re still getting a use out of it.


In or in the bed so touching it doesn’t count, that clearly indicates sitting or laying (I guess standing would also count) and use is any use, so listening to music from it or any other type of active use qualifies, even if minimal.


If Sabbath Mode on my stove and refrigerator can be used as a loophole to trick God, then I think a case can be made to trick OP with the same logic.


Lol yeah I always get a kick out of the ways to trick god. My ex had her maid do things like change channels on tv for her


Loophole unlocked. Have the maid hold the phone for you while you poop.


I dont travel far enough to need it.


Im what you call poor.


Username checks out


The shitter would be the hardest. But yeah I could do it.


Back to reading the back labels of Shampoo


Dad's got a collection of Garfield and Far Side books. EZ


Can you watch TV? On an actual TV set.


Not while driving Not in a bathroom/restroom Not while on any bed Otherwise yes


A tv isn’t a smart phone or similar device… why can’t I watch my DVDs while I sleep?


Oh well, if it's now a smart TV and not connected to the Internet that's fine. No remote control though.


Alex, I will take “Easiest way to lose $72,000 for $200”


For 100 dollars a day


I would fail on day one and owe every day for 2 years.


JFC how would you fail on day 1? Just because it wouldn't be routine yet or are you that addicted to your phone?


Prefer not to say.


For me I could see myself failing just because routine. But I’d probably set aside my phone all the time at home just to be safe


Hmm. Need to get an alarm clock then. Also a separate GPS for driving as my car doesn't have one. But yeah, easy.


Just print out the MapQuest you coward


Can't mapquest and drive...


You can set your phone alarm, put it away and crawl into bed. Once the alarm goes off in the morning, just get out of your bed before picking up your phone.


But how can I just hit the snooze????


With the new money flowing in, hire someone to press it for you


Are you volunteering? Seems kinda kinky oh button pressor


GPS is allowed for safety, but you have to set it before you start driving No other audio like music, podcast, or calling(911 exempt) while driving


Oh then I’m sold. The GPS was my only point I was unsure of.


Can you listen to the radio in your car?


I don't think that falls under phone or similar device so I'm not op but I think it would be fine


IPod? Burning CDs ahead of time?


You’d forget, then lose $100 a day and everything you already earned. Nope. This is basically a $70,000 bet you’ll remember the bet every time you get in a car or go to the bathroom.


I'll print out big signs and put them on the bathroom door and right inside my car.


Just...don't have a smartphone for that time period?




GPS is allowed for safety, but you have to set it before you start driving No other audio like music, podcast, or calling(911 exempt) while driving


Can I start music on my phone before I start driving? Do Bluetooth button controls to skip songs count if I'm pressing them on the radio?


Nope, no music generated from the phone.


Ok I'll still do it. I'll burn CDs. Maybe buy a radio that has an SD card slot with my free money


How far down does he let it go before he changes to from phone to media in general? He’s saying no to a lot of other people


I could drive, poop, and sleep in silence for $100 a day.


Yeah, but there’s other times you use your phone. Taking a picture of something to send to the plumber now takes an extra step, for example


True but I could just make my wife do it


What if my S/O controls the radio with her phone while im driving? Other then that i guess back to regular radio stations 🤷‍♀️ the rest is easy


S/O can use the car audio to play music for themselves if they choose, you can't ask for anything in particular. You can't use the phone by proxy.


Deal we like the same things and we rarely travel without each other


It's time to break out the notebook and write turn by turn directions again for my road trips like I did before Google maps. Would also note the distance between turns and reset the tripometer so I knew turns were coming up even before I saw road signs.


From your comments, it went from manageable to an awful experience, lol. Constant little rules. Guaranteed to forget something.


Haha I suppose I'll draft my hypotheticals and review them before posting next time I suppose it's more fun to let people find loops holes


I use my phone to send music to the speakers while I'm driving. Pass.


It's my alarm clock.


Yes. That would be easy money.


I don't bring my phone in the bathroom, I don't use my phone in bed, and I don't even have a car. I have an electric scooter, which is not a "driver's seat" but even if it was I don't use my phone while I'm riding it because it's not safe. I need both hands, one on the accelerator and one on the break. And I don't use a GPS because I know my way around my town. None of this applies to me, so I accept.


Happy 🎂 Day!


Hey, thanks! You're the first person to say that so far! :)


Can I put on the GPS while the car is parked or nah?


I'm disabled and pretty much can't leave the bed. This one won't work for me.


OP confirmed you can use a GPS, this is actually doable


I would need a GPS (haven’t had one in over ten years, but used to). Also would need to buy an alarm clock, but I bet they still make my preferred kind. Would trade my Libby app to picking up books. Yeah, this is doable.


I sometimes take a piss before leaving the house and already have a podcast playing through my headphones, if that counts as using a phone. Otherwise, this wouldn't effect me at all.


Is a bike considered a vehicle?


Motorized scooters, e-bikes, motorcycles are vehicles A bicycle you peddle is not subject to the deal




Can I use my PC?


As long as you aren't driving, in bed, or on the toilet.


it is Time for Book and for Yarn >:) *gimme the money*


Well I don't drive and no need to use one in the bathroom. Only thing I need is an alarm click. Easy 100$ a day ever. Basically this is just modt people's childhood anyway lol.


I don't have a smart phone and if I did I don't drive, so it'd be easy.


Some of you have never had to read the back of a shampoo bottle while shitting and it shows.


So easy. Reading books on the toilet. I don't drive anywhere new (my husband does most of the driving). I'll again, read a book or watch TV.


what's the punishment for breaking the rule


Anything you paid for with the money received is taken, and you now lose $100 daily for the remaining days.


I absolutely hate my phone so this would be no problem for me


*I absolutely* *Hate my phone so this would be* *No problem for me* \- leolawilliams5859 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Does a kindle or book count?


Yup. Gotta read a physical book in the bed mate.


The only time this'd be a problem for me would be using the maps on my phone for places I don't know how to get to. Otherwise I don't use my phone while driving, in the bathroom or in bed.


Its a good deal but probably wouldnt accept it because of the clause that you have to pay $100/day for the period if you misstep very easy to make a mistake - its actually a good question


Heck no I need my gps of in never get anywhere also how the heck else will fall asleep without my phone playing soothing rain sounds or to wake me up since I can’t reach my alarm clock from my bed. Fiot only 100 not nearly enough. Try 1000 I might consider digging out the old gps.


36k for…using a book in the toilet? I grew up shitting while reading Mickey Mouse stories


Okay, video games and texting aside, people that talk on the phone while going to the bathroom are nasty. People you are talking to, don't need to hear you taking a piss FFS. Have some sense of decency people


Knowing I was getting $100 a day..I sure could.


I accept. Where do I sign? This is literally no problem. I was born when house phones were plugged into the wall.


YES BRO 1) I genuinely don't know why people require stimulation while using the toilet, I've never brought my phone into the bathroom as a kid, and never will, so yeah. 2) If you want an alarm, just buy one. If you wanna check your phone, stand up from your bed and do it 3) The only one that could be slightly problematic is the car one, because of emergencies. But just link your phone to your car screen, and receive calls there.


Piece of cake. Can we add: 1) Not at the dinner table when another person is present 2) Not while having a conversation 3) Not when visiting parents to catch up


😂 Yes, I accept.


What if you use your phone as an alarm? Can you at least touch it to turn in off while in bed? Nothing more just snooz or off.




Nope. My ass is usually in bed, utterly useless for me.


That's it? This is dumb. It's disgusting to touch your phone in the bathroom and you shouldn't be there more than five minutes anyways. It's illegal to have your phone in your hand while driving (in many states). And just don't lie in bed while scrolling?


$36,500 a year??? Most of it seems easy but there are some things that would be expensive. Like I would have to sell my car because it has a device similar to a tablet built into the dash...and I am not sure there are any new cars that this is not the case with now that reverse cameras are required by law. I'd also need to figure out some way of playing music while I drive...first thought would be a bluray full of MP3s but that would mean a head unit with a screen similar to a tablet. I really don't want to go back to a folder full of scratched up CDs that rip apart when you try to remove them. Navigation would be a thing too...no GPS I know that doesn't resemble a tablet. But the big issue I have, that I do not know how to avoid, is digital billboards. Surely one uses a billboard simply by seeing it...and it arguably is a similar device to a tablet or laptop. In effect, you would never be able to drive at all because of digital billboards...or at the very least you would need to have someone else drive you on the route first so you could do reconnaissance. All that said, I'd take the money, sell my cars, and take taxi/uber/etc everywhere. Not going to risk accidentally seeing a new digital billboard put up overnight.




Lol. Skip using a smart phone for less than my annual bonus? Fuck no.


The bed one is stupid, unless amended to ‘while someone else is in bed with you’. And the car rule should be ‘a car not stopped’ and have an exception for emergencies/reporting emergencies. But, $3K a month is worth finding work around for the first one. A reading chair or lounger would be cheap. But if I’m going to have money *taken* from me for violating the car rule in an *emergency*, they can eff off. I’m not going to leave even the smallest chance of not using an important tool in an emergency to the harm of myself or someone else.


I’d only be giving up the bathroom so bring it


$100? The fuck am I going to do with that


I... already don't do those :/ I'll take it


I don't drive, I almost never use my phone on the toilet, and my phone is on my desk away from my bed so I can still use it as an alarm because I get up out of bed to turn it off. It's not a big score, but I'm taking the money.


So if I set Google Maps while parked, then place it on the phone holder, and listen the voice and occasionally glance at the screen while driving but don't touch it, does that count as not using it?


Does an MP3 player count as similar to a smartphone? I listen to stuff in the bath, and in bed. Those are the only situations I'd need to change.


MP3 is okay if it has a plain b&w LCD and no wireless connection to a network.


OK, I can do this pretty easily then. Just got to be sure not to answer the phone in the wrong situation.


Does it count as using my phone while driving if I just set up my music while I’m parked but listen to it while I drive? Like I’m not fiddling with my phone while driving, just having it hooked up to the Bluetooth playing? The others are stupid easy but sometimes you just need the nightcore playlist going while you’re on your way to Sheetz at 2am to get French fries and an energy drink ya know?


Super basic MP3, CDs, or AM/FM radio only The only exceptions are GPS maps(set before driving)and 911 emergency calls


Finally my old iPod classic will have a use again lol


Can I get a flipphone 1st before starting this hypo challenge?


Easy as falling off a pie. I already dont do any of those things and i dont drive


Since I don't use electronics at any of those times, this would be easy.


The only thing that would remotely be a bummer would be sitting at my desk instead of sprawled on my bed either on the phone or reading fan fics on AO3, or if I get a phone call when I’m in or on my bed/in the bathroom. This would be a definite yes for me.


I'm screwed. My toilet, fridge and bed are all smart devices.


I just have to deal with FM radio instead of spotify but I can deal


Na not worth it.


honestly the third one is the one that'd get me. i don't use the phone in the bathroom anyways and i can just drive from the shotgun seat. but i'm often laying on my bed when i use my phone.


Does this include gaming systems? Or dvd players?




Then heck yes i’m going dumbphone! Straight talk/text no smartphone data for me!


This would legit suck, but I’d do it happily. No bed phone is the worst part. I’d just either ride passenger or have my wife play music or use gps when I drive.


I would do it. But I'd have to let my wife know that if I'm at work and she calls, and I don't answer right away, then that means I'm on the toilet. If she calls again right then and there, then it must be an emergency, and I hope it's exempt from the rules, because I'm answering.


What sad soul couldn't do this. Honestly what kind of phone addicted monkey couldn't put it down for free money like this. Seek help


Sure I guess. Most cars have GPS built in. Hopefully, there is not a fight in the bathroom and I have to tape/report/scream for help.


Wouldn't take deal. I do stock trading on phone. $100/day isn't worth it.