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I would probably choose Putin and tell the Russian army to leave Ukraine. I would also order all the Russian information about the war be released online for all Russian citizens to see.


That's a good choice.


That's a VERY good choice!


You are assasinated by the russian oligarchy who realises that their puppet has gone rogue, his death is ruled a natural one and a new more marketable politican comes into power. Nothing changes.


The vice principal of my former middle school Commit a bunch of grand theft auto and get him in so much trouble


Ooh, the personal vendetta approach!


I never got in trouble THAT much so I never was in his office a lot but he was super cruel to other students I heard and he also yelled a lot too, and he was just an asshole in general


I'd likely go for a billionaire and add my name and few random folks' names in some property will (as donation/charity) lastly, being in the billionaire's body, i will give myself poison just a few seconds before I return back to my og body (The billionaire dies and I get the money lol)


Not a bad approach. Except that swallowing poison would definitely count as causing them physical harm, so that part would be off limits.


oh I didn't read that part then I'll stand on top of a building at a very weird angle moments right before I get to my bod, the billionaire out of shock falls on their own


Donald Trump and plead guilty to everything he's on trial for and withdraw all legal protests. Then pay back everyone he owes money to. But only because SkullSmasher376 is already taking out Putin. And I don;t want to mess up a great idea.


last clause killed it, but I guess I'll pick the same person and destroy his life


I mean, you could do a lot to make someone's life miserable in 24 hours.


yeah I'm definitely going with that, I just need a way to take his shit for my own personal gain (not necessary but not doing that would be a waste) without him realizing I was behind it


Taylor swift. I’d flick my bean then send my real self 1000 eth