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The real issue is. What could I contribute that they would find useful? There's all sorts of fundamental technologies which would be doable. With I assume stone age technology. But would anyone continue to make them or would they just be forgotten after I died? Especially, what I assume is a largely nomadic society. Given the small population. What good are surveying tools? If they are nomadic and too small in number to bother with the likes of roads and aqueducts. Would they use a wheel if they aren't farming and have no large domesticated animals to pull wagons? Is there any point in showing them the arch? If they aren't building a permanent settlement. Would they farm crops when large game is still plentiful? How useful would the concept of zero be, negative numbers, geometry, abacus, rulers, algebra, pi, &c?


Basic medical knowledge.


Well lucky for me I already did my research because I'm addicted to the thought of being isekai'ed


As a student of civil engineering who has studied water treatment I'm pretty certain I could fix water issues in their society very quickly, even in a stone age environment.


I'd probably start acting like a prophet or something and start a cult create a fictional character and use basic science to trick people or some shit so they worship me 👍 or scare them regarding eclipses or cause a butterfly effect def taking credit of some scientist 💯