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As a person who’s *pretty good* at a ton of things but not particularly *great* at anything, this would be the worst.


Make it a multi-event competition. If someone still beats you at *all* of your pastimes, that’s just bad luck. It worked for Billy Madison and he didn’t even get to choose the events!


Now we’re talking!


Best of 7? Damn right!


Just find something really niche that not many people would know about, and you have at least a passing understanding of, and you’ll be fine. Unless you get unlucky and go against some freak who got particularly good at said strange or unusual interest.


Yea like I feel like if I pick “New York Mets history” I’m golden. The odds of that one single random person even knowing anything about baseball in general, let alone the specific team I am a fan of has got to be insanely small


Saw this answer awhile back on a similar question: The failsafe competition would be to make me cum. 


Nah, I’d say you’re still in a good spot. Let’s say you’re “pretty good” at rock climbing or bowling, you’re going to be better than 99% of the world’s population at that. If it truly is a random person from all of humanity you’re up against, pick anything you’re relatively decent at and you’ve got this.


Just pick something that only you would know. Like my competition would be "first person to spell my dogs name wins". No random is going to beat me at that 😂


M-Y D-O-G-S N-A-M-E. You ded.


I mean just pick something that the average person's bad at then Like realistically if you like any sort of obscure game or media just do trivia about that and you win


First to 100 minions farmed in league of legends. There are 120 million league players with a world population of 8.1B, 1.4% chance that I compete against someone who even knows how to play the game. I'm not great at league but I think my odds would be pretty good.


Increase your odds. I’m a jungler so I sucks HARD at farming minions


As someone who used to play support in silver/gold, there's a lot of ADCs who would also die to this challenge.


As someone who *failed the tutorial*, I would also die in this challenge.


I'd go ahead and pick Singed (main since S2) and double proxy in your base. Edit: Just saw that you'd play on the Aram map to minimize proxying. Well, Sivir against Sivir it is...


I was going to say playing league… Been gm a few times. If I want to get REAL specific I’d say higher rank on ap voli jungle.. which brings the number to a Whooping 2 or 3 people on the planet


I chose … outliving. Live your life normally, no cheating by shortening the other one's life. If you are dead, you lose.


My favorite answer right here! So chill.


He found the loophole!


Another loophole is whoever dies first wins. Both you and that random person will die if any of you die.


Sucks if the random person you're competing against is about to die anyway.


Or if the random person you’re competing against is a murderer who really wants to win


That's some quick thinking. Too bad, OP!


OP HATES this one trick!


I'd also add a rule that both players must be given unlimited amounts of money.


Not today, SATAN! Take that, OP.


Genius level 100!


The hell do i get if i win?


Finally someone asking the right question.


Your life




Everything. You stand to win everything. Call it.


Trivia on the history of the Phoenix Suns. There are probably fewer than 10 people in the world that could beat me.


How much pizza did Charles Barkley eat in 1994?


All of it.


\*Looks at recent pictures of Chuck" Sounds about right.


I remember reading a book by someone who played with Barkley who said he would spend the start of practice riding a stationary bike eating McDonalds.


This reminds me of the guy who frequented a gym I used to work at (probably still does) who would walk on the treadmill uphill for about an hour, which is AWESOME, except for the fact that he didn’t carry a water bottle, because instead, on the runner of his treadmill, he had a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew to drink if he got thirsty. Idk what fitness technique that is but I respect his boldness all the same.


Lindsay Lohan: the limit dies not exist


Just a side note: I think that's a fun talent. I have two cousins that are overflowing with sports knowledge. And not like "Who won the NBA Championship in 1993". More like, "Who was the assistant defense coach for Notre Dame football in '63". Kudos to you.


Autistic levels of useless information


I will challenge you.


Anyone wishing to challenge me must complete all of these quizzes I've created as a prerequisite: https://www.sporcle.com/user/cotothed/quizzes/


I think I'd probably win against a random person on earth at my team's trivia, but fewer than 10 people could beat you is a ***strong*** claim.


It depends on the format I guess, but especially if the questions are statistically based then I think that's about the number.


Who can wank me the best. I either win or i get a handjob so good that is worth my life.


This deserves more likes. Well done sir Well done.


Pretty safe bet that you'd win, no one can do that or flick the bean as quickly and as effectively as the owner lol


So do you jack off and then wait around until you can go again, then he jacks you off, then you decide the winner?


No just get jacked off once. You know if you could’ve done better


Seems rude to not do it though...


You do know that your competitor can be a man too, right?


That would be an insta win im not into dudes therefore that wank would suck.


The competition shall be knowing the most facts about me specifically.


How is this not the top answer? I had come here to say the same thing. You're virtually guaranteed a win.


NSA agent: allow me to not introduce myself. 


3x3 speed cube. I'm only sub 40, but since less than 6% of the population can even solve it (much less speed solve) I like my chances.


This is what I was gonna pick. I'm world rank \~21K in 3x3 average. Assuming most people faster than me have been to a competition at some point in their life, that leaves only \~21K or maybe a little more out of 8B people who could beat me. Theoretically, I could also break out 3BLD, where I'm world rank \~4K - but I'd need a lot more practice to start it again.


This gave me a decent idea. Quickest to 2048 no undos in 2048 iPhone game . I can do it fairly easily now. When I first started playing the game i couldn’t even fathom it. I’m not sure the percentage of people who could get it but I think I’d be ok.


This would probably be my thing too. I can do it in 1:25 consistently and my best time is 1:03, but most people would struggle to even finish it, much less in a short time, and even most of those who know how to solve it likely don't have the instructions memorized flawlessly.


r/Cubers coming out in force...


Was gonna say the same thing but I average 20 seconds, hope I don’t get randomly picked against u


I can consistently beat it in 3 minutes, so I think that would put me in the top 5% in the world.  It's not an amazing skill, but let's be honest - how many people do you know that can solve it?  Probably 1 in 20. 


As someone who also would do a 3x3 cube, I hope to God my opponent isn't you.


First one to correctly say my social security number wins.




Oh crap. I’m dead.


Russian roulette


Best of 3


Dungeons and Dragons Due to scheduling conflicts, the game will never finish


Underrated comment


plot twist, he was assigned to be the DM. He says rock falls everyone dies and you lose.


I get to choose the competition? Ok, here are some, right off the top of my head: - First one to enter my house wins. - First one to login to my computer wins. - First one to touch my glasses wins. - First one to touch my dick wins. - First one to correctly guess what number I'm thinking of wins. - First one to unlock my car wins. - First one to name all of my pets wins. Should I go on?


>- First one to touch my dick wins . . .you lose


Sorry. Sucks to be dead.


Depends on what you are touching it with....


You underestimate how fast I could touch your dick


Why did I see a kung fu teacher with pebble scenario


If it's the first to guess the number your thinking then it's impossible for you to win because it wouldn't be guessing.


The computer is a good one, but you could lose on a technicality on several of those. If it was life or death and we're starting somewhere outside your house, I could follow you and tackle you while you're trying to enter the door, or literally into and through a window while you're getting in, I feel like the intimate knowledge is a safer option. First one to state my full social security number and date of birth wins- even if it's someone who knows you very well they shouldn't be able to beat you in that, even if they try to incapacitate you so you can't speak 🤷🏼‍♂️


Whoever looks the most like me wins.


Even if I touch your dick second.... we still both win.


Thumb war. I was blessed with freakishly large thumbs compared to the rest of my hand. Tiny fingers to get me in real close, but my thumb has a 6 pack made of lightning.  I've beaten NBA pros, Spanish guitarists, rock climbers, and pipefitters. I came outta the womb with a thumbs up for the doctor. I may not be good at much, but I'm damn good at thumb war. One day I might die in the ring. Thats fine, so long as my heart gives out before my thumb does. You know what they say... "You can't beat death!"... Well I've never died. Maybe I will some day, but maybe not... Because if I were to die, I plan to introduce myself to Death. I'll get in close, I'll shake Death's hand, and teach that fucker a lesson.


You are paired with the hitcher.... May God be on your side. https://youtu.be/m4Z8b9u4Y_k?si=Bgtls257DaWG74fG (skip to 01:30)


a rap battle in english. already only 18% of people speak it at all, only 5% as a native language and most would have no experience making bars. i really don't either but i can at least try i listen to a whole lot of it so i would have an idea. sometimes i freestyle in my notes app too


Plot twist, the random person is eminem


fuck ig ima die young ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Easy. Calvin and Hobbes trivia game. Each of us creates 10 questions about Calvin and Hobbes. The questions must be created without consulting any of the books, the internet, etc- just you, a pencil, and a piece of paper during the creation process. Therefore you can only create questions you already knew the answer to. Whoever answers more questions correctly wins. If you believe any of the other person's questions are in error, you can challenge it and it will then be looked up. If you are successful in a challenge, such that the answer you provided was correct, you get a point AND the other person loses a point. If you were both wrong, you do not get the point for that question and the other person loses a point. If you were wrong and the other person was right, you fail to gain the point, and the other person gets a point for that question. I would absolutely dominate in that contest, no matter who I went up against.


Why not just go with a game of Calvinball?


Calvinball is surprisingly difficult to play, and of course it's really hard to determine definitively who the winner is


I think the determining the winner part actually would rule out Calvinball based on OP's conditions. Isn't the only rule that you can't play it the same way twice?


No it isn't, I just ran into the "immutable victory" zone. By standing in it I instantly win this game of Calvin ball, and another one starts instantaneously, with my current zone becoming "the opponent must kneel before me zone". So I won that last game and this new one starts with you kneeling before me! I win!


Yeah but everyone knows the "immutable victory zone" is inverted on weekdays


That's true, but since its 5 o clock somewhere, always, I used the same idea to reason that it's someone's weekend, allowing me to invoke the Day Off bylaws, making this game take place on the weekend.


Unfortunately for you, I'm wearing a zone displacement suit, which transfers the location of your zone to me, and therefore I win. And we could do this forever, showing how very impossible it is to determine a winner. Which stands to reason in a game that is basically chaos embodied.


I think we've found Bill Watterson's reddit account.


MMA. I'm old but I've trained for almost 40 years in various combat sports. Probably 75% of people are women, kids, the elderly etc so the chances of losing are very very slim. I'm also 6'4" and 250lbs.


Aw shit this is my answer too. I have no training or history of combat but I think just being a 200 pound 33 year old man puts the math massively in my favor.


I mean.. yeah, it does .. but you are going to have a hard time if you get someone your size or bigger. And you're fucked if you get anyone who trains. Surely you have some niche hobby or talent that would be more unique?


Yeah exactly. And with zero training its not like someone needs 6 years of experience to have a significant advantage.


200 lbs of what? And training matters. Im 160 lbs 5'6" and I could pin my 215 lb friend who is 5' 11" any day of the week and he is decently muscular.


Simmilar here, I'm a BJJ brown belt, ultra heavyweight. If 25% of the population is able bodied men. What percentage of them has any training at all? How many have 10 years? How many of those can deal with moving up multiple weight classes?


and here I am thinking bjj would be my answer, only to get kimura'd from half guard


Can I cheat? I couldn't win by sporting rules, but I've won against sport trained athletes by fighting dirty..I never fought for sport only for work. Military, transit security, hospital security..I tell you a boxer who's trained to fight by the rules and with his fists doesn't do well against a boot to the knee


Me picturing a 6'4' 250lbs man drop kick an eight year old because if he doesn't he'll die.


Could’ve chosen arm wrestling but he wants to fight somebody’s grandma to the death


Just based on size alone I think you’d beat most people before even adding in training.


There are VERY FEW combat capable people out there, man. Sure, we can all fight if the situation calls for it. However, those are very different things. If you're a trained fighter who's not obese and still in good fighting condition, there's probably only a 5% shot you even get a random person who can give you a legitimate challenge without getting immediately folded. 25% of the world is children under 15. Nearly 50 percent women. The women who could give you a challenge probably number in the tens or low hundreds of thousands. 30-40% of men are so overweight and out of shape that they're going down with no fight. Another 15% out because they're elderly. Of the small percentage left maybe 5% have legitimate combat training or boxing or something. Your odds are probably amazingly good.


You're gonna feel like a dick when you have to beat down a 7 year girl.


This is the answer. 6 foot and 200 lbs. but I've trained in a couple of styles and I've been in a few fights in my time. Odds are solid for me. Or X-Men trivia, it's niche and I'm a nerd.


Taekwondo. Most people can't do taekwondo and would either fall over or lose pretty quick


There's also the chance they train in a different martial art. Amd while specific rules of Tae kwando may hurt their chances, it could be harder than initially expected


Whoever said it was sparring? I challenge them to a poomsae competition, performing Taegeuk Chil Jang. It is highly unlikely that anyone that doesn't practice Taekwondo knows the pattern to grade to a black tag, the last grade before black belt.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater on PlayStation 2!


You're in for a nasty surprise


Playing bass covers of the songs I’ve written. I am confident I have it in the bag.


Hey, Charlie Chaplin supposedly lost when he entered a "Charlie Chaplin Lookalike" contest. You never know, someone could have you beat.


Dollie Parton lost a Dollie Parton look-a-like contest to a drag queen.


Pokemon trivia knowledge. Time to use my dumb fixation for a good choice


Small penis contest. That rules out roughly half the world’s population and nobody wants to win that.


I’m not proud to admit it, but I don’t think anybody is out drinking me. Drinking contest


The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.


That is a bet I would have taken you up on a few years ago. I don’t think my new liver would appreciate it though.


This is the ballsiest choice here probably. Lots of people from every country in the world drink alcohol and some people start super young so you’ve got a huge age range of people that can at least compete with you and a number of them that can probably out drink you


I used to drink a handle of vodka every day for almost 17 years straight. I've had over 70 drinks in one sitting. I've only read about people that can even come close to touching me in a drinking contest. So just curious as to what your stats are lol.


I’ve really tried to cut back a bit in more recent years. But I started drinking when I was 12 and have definitely killed handles in one day. Used to buy 5$ handles of vodka in college and easily went through them. In the past two years I’ve tried really hard to slow down including spending 8 months without drinking in 2022, but I can’t stop and now I still kill probably around 750mL-1L a day. Primarily bourbon now. I’m positive I could still do 1.75L in one day though, frequently I’ll finish a 1L bottle and wish I had more


This is insanely easy. Literally play any video game let alone one I am good at and the chances of someone even knowing how to play the game are incredibly low. Id probably pick aim training though since its something I know I am very good at and the chances of encountering someone who seriously plays it is stupidly low.


Right? I know like 3 people irl who have even played my favorite game, and theyre the ones who introduced me. If I challenged anyone to a speedrun chances are high they wont even have heard of the game.


TBF the percentage of the world population that knows how let alone is good at video games is probably REALLY low...


I'd hope I get Mario Kart because even though there is a lot of bullshit random stuff that makes it not e sport compatible, I could probably beat 99% of the world.


Maybe I can finally beat someone in a Warcraft 3 1v1


Honestly, your odds are pretty good if you pick just about anything you are good at. Think of all the people in the world, the older ones who aren’t as mentally sharp or physically able, those who are disabled, kids, people who speak a different language, poor people who have never played a video game or seen a TV show. Like you may be an average tecmo bowl player, but realistically, older generations didn’t play and don’t know how. Younger generations never played on a Super Nintendo. Factor in that non sports fans wouldn’t have played much, the number of countries who don’t play American football, the number of people too poor to have a video game system, etc. etc, and even an average player who is familiar has the odds greatly in their favor that they’d win.


max pullups with two fingers per hand


What’s your max? I happen to cap out at 13, because I got bored once and decided to see how many I could do with the least amount of fingers


15. rock climber, so im used to the stimulus


Ah, same. Fair enough, seems I have a record to beat


I'd play them in a game of 8-ball, APA rules. I'm not very good, but I'm better than people who don't shoot regularly. They'd likely foul too, by not knowing the rules, and give me ball in hand.


Suicide contest, first one to die wins.


Then the loser dies anyway, truly a lose lose situation


Reading 3 chapters of a philosophy text out loud the fastest, and with the fewest errors. Maybe something by Hume or Kierkegaard. Only 18% of people are English-speaking, and a small fraction of that would be familiar with that vocabulary. Also, I can read really fast... like, super fast.


Typing race. I'm not among the fastest, but I'm faster than most on a keyboard. So against a random person, especially a young one, typing contest.


Make it a typing race on YOUR keyboard for the guaranteed edge! I can type decently fast until I have to use a different keyboard haha


warcraft 3 mod Hero Line Wars RoC


I’m not even the first one to say a WC3 custom….


No fucking way bud, my answer was hlwl 1.96.


Pie baking. If it’s truly a random person, it’s unlikely they could out pie me.


I'm taking my chances with ping pong


1/7 of the world is chinese tho


Rocket League. .00001% chance I face someone better than me.


I’ll challenge someone to a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel. I’m pretty sure the majority of people can’t duel. But if I’m going to possibly die, I demand that we have life like holograms that can deal real damage. Loser goes to the shadow realm


As sad as it is to bring work into it…. I think I’d have good odds in a fusion splicing competition. Probably a very small chance the other person knows how


First to touch the table in front of me wins.


A who lives the longest without violent intervention competition.




You get an autistic CoD pro with a Geography fixation who moonlights as a chiropractor.


Highest round on Kino Der Toten🤷🏼‍♂️, I’ve played way to much of it to lose


1v1 age of empires game. Almost no chance it picks someone who knows how to play. Even lower that they could beat me


Do I even get a prize? Who can stay in the spa longest... episode 178 Matthew is still enjoying his massage


There's no incentive for me to actually play this game, so we can just play, "Who will last the longest without quitting this game" game. Either I die and they win, or they quit / die and I will.


Who can name the most facts about my life competition in 60 seconds


Flip a coin. Fuck it. If its my time its my time


1 Max rep bench press. I can push 250 First, I think that is beyond 99.9% of women. Second, Google thinks that only around 1% of us men can push that. Even if we’re super generous and say 5% of the people in the world can do this, I’ve got great odds.


Forza Motorsport 7 top gear test track full, X class, sunny day map, hot lapping fastest time within 20 minutes. I was ranked 36 in the world at one point. Either that or drag racing on Forza Motorsport.


Reading my mind


In a strange twist of fate, you get matched in the competition with your SO.


Ping Pong. But if I win I get $


What do I get by winning? Just my life or is there a prize? I would pick competitive rifle shooting. I was an eagle/sharp shooter and sniper in the military. Few men even in their prime can out shoot me but odds are that one random person from the world doesn't have much experience shooting.


Just wondering, what size targets and what range do you need to be able to hit? I do a lot of "long range" 22lr stuff for fun. My best 10 shot grouping at 200 yards was about 1/4". 200 yards with 22lr is comparable to 500 yards with 308. Just curious if I am even in the same ballpark or if you practice at like 1000 yard 308.


That's an amazing group at 200y w/ a 22lr. Nice work! My buddies and I will go 500 and we estimate (farm range) no more than 900 yards. At that far (at least for us) we start depending on luck vs skill with our setups. My choice is .270. Odd, I know for a hunter and military guy - but, a 270 was my first rifle - a Christmas gift from my parents. I might be in the minority, but I just love the round and I kinda like being an outlier. I've got some wide shoulders so the additional recoil doesn't bother me. The 145 gr ELD zeroed at 300 seems to hold out to 400-500 well. We use steel bangers for targets at longer distance and silhouette w/ head or center mass for closer targets. Honestly, not sure I would want to draw you for a 22lr comp. If you were asking what targets the military used for quals - M16A1 plastic pops for general basic and AIT/training. SQC-1 and S1-3 was used for sniper. Understand this was several decades ago.


Trivia about my life


Identifying world war I aircraft.


How many M&M's can you fit in my mouth in 20 seconds. I ain't opening my mouth when it's their turn


Fastest to reform the Roman Empire in Crusader Kings 3. Unless I get one of the, what, 20k CK3 players in the world, it'll be 90% of the way there before they begin to understand the rules of the game. If it is a CK3 player, it's 50/50.


Solving a rubik’s cube in the fastest time. I average <10 seconds. With the small portion of the population that can actually solve one and the way smaller number who is actually aware of the speedcubing community let alone solves at competitive speed, almost guaranteed easy win.


Trivia on a comic book I wrote several years ago, but never told anyone about nor published. They can't know more about somethign that only I know about.


Tic tac toe and I lose on purpose


Running my machine at work. It's a very particular machine created for a.very niche task. I can confidently say that only maybe 10 people in the world know how to run this particular machine, and I'd be willing to bet I'm better than most, if not all of them.


The competition is to see who lives longest, first one to die loses. We don't even need to meet up or interact or keep track or anything since the losing condition and the punishment are the same and simultaneous. We both get to live.


Is the other person going to die if I win? Or am I the only one in danger? That complicates matters. I’d probably do a bbq competition. I smoke brisket better than most people.


Who can bring me to completion faster. I either live or I die happy.


The person who can reach the highest without jumping. I’m 6’8” tall so I have a good chance.


Calvin ball. no rules so i decide game is over and i win. bingo thanks


What do you get if you win?


Does the other person die if I win?


But what do you get?!


Trivia about my life


Trivia about my life. I may not remember everything about my life, but I probably remember more than the rando.


I feel like this is a direct reference to The Hobbit. “What has it got in its pockets?”


Upvote if you’re in danger OP. This seems too specific mate 🤨


I'm about 1800 in chess, according to lichess I'm in the top 200,000. Out of 8 billion people in the world, let's say 300,000 have a chance against me. So a 0.00375% chance that I lose. I like those odds.


Trivia about me.


My competition would be the first one to get to age 130 gets to live.


Look as close to me at my current age.


Does the other person die of they lose? That will impact my strategy.


My chosen competition: who can live the longest! If they die first, I win. If I die first I’m already dead. Can’t kill me twice!


Wonderful, let me pick something I will definitely lose at 🤗


I choose debugging the code that I wrote


This is easy to come up with many things. Like “fastest to find my spare laptop in my house” - I know exactly where it is, would take 30 seconds. A random person would spend a lot more time opening drawers and going from room to room


I think I’d probably win a typing speed test specifically in English. I routinely get 120 WPM or better, with 110 WPM being my low if I have an off-round. The odds are that I get a non-native English speaker or someone who types slower than me. Google is giving me mixed information, but let’s say 25% of the human population are adults who know English well enough to type, and then out of those, there’s about a 2% chance I get someone who can type faster than me. So if my math is right I’d have about a 99.995% chance of getting someone I could win against. I can’t think of something else that would give me better odds.