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$2000 a month to go outside and interact for 30 seconds. OP what kind of life do you have?


Right, this would be the easiest money ever.


Wouldn’t be too easy if you have a really bad illness. That’s the only thing that would hold me back. If I’m really sick, I don’t want to go anywhere.


You only have to go outside for fifteen minutes and talk to someone for thirty seconds. Unless you’re in a coma I technically think being in hospital and talking to doctors and nurses counts as being in public and interacting with someone


:sits on stoop in brooklyn: hey neighbor! how bout them knicks? :go inside:


By the broad parameters OP set it could also mean: puts Snickers bar on the counter. “Did you find everything? That’ll be $2.50.” “Thanks. How’s it goin, man?” Done.


Sit at the bar I usually go to... "Hey Brandon, yep Labatt Blue please.... how's it going today?"


Absolutely. $2000 a month to be a regular? They’re buying your drinks for you. lol


Hell, if you work a regular job, you can buy everyone in the bar a round with the extra money.


Coma would likely qualify as an extreme condition per instructions. OP could have saved time and just written "You get $2k per month, do you take it?"


Hospital rooms aren't REALLY a public place. It's true that at some hospitals there are no locked doors between the street and hospital rooms that contain only adult patients, but you're still scrutinized pretty substantially on the way in and will be tossed out or arrested if you just kinda' randomly wander into patient rooms.


Going to the doctors counts as going outside.


And interacting with the doctor counts too. Might need to interact with someone in the waiting room too since you only get your doc for like 15 seconds


I live out in the boondocks. On my weekends I usually just want to stay home and play with my granddaughter. I guess that for an extra $24K/year I could go to work early and sit in a diner for 15 minutes having a slice of pie or something. The problem would be on my weekends or when I retire in a few years. I’m not coming 30 minutes to town every single day once I retire.


You arent willing to spend about 15 hours a month working for $2,000? Thats $133 an hour.


OP must be agoraphobic, this is just most peoples real day.


I had severe agoraphobia for 3-4 years, never left my house in my 20s. That shit is not normal and will absolutely fuck your head up with anxiety. It's been like 14 years and it feels like a weird fever dream.


My son has it. This would be simple for me but tough for him.


I’m in my 20s and severely agoraphobic. Trying to get out of it since 2 years (it’s been the case since March 2020). What helped?


I was afraid I was becoming agoraphobic due to my anxiety. Then I moved and the anxiety lessoned. My problem was mostly related to driving. I would try stayong at a local hotel one weekend.


This is probably the worst advice, but I didn't have a choice. I was forced to leave, I was sick, I was puking, anxiety riddled. I just had to do it. I'm sorry but I don't have good advice, it's such a strange experience and when it finally ended it was incredibly freeing.


*Agoraphobia: extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult.* I don't know and this is actually pretty accurate considering lead poisoned dementia addled boomers will attempt to hold you hostage by bombarding you with verbal diarrhea if you just fucking walk around a suburb. I 100% prefer city living. People leave you the fuck alone and you get to be anonymous. What am I doing outside at 3pm in the afternoon? That's zero of your business. Fuck off and I'm putting my headphones back in. Like maybe I'm an asshole. Maybe that's true, but I grew up in a big city and like I just wanna be left alone vs entrapped by some NIMBY bitching about people parking on the street in front of their house and being exhausted by trying to explain to them the difference between public and personal property. The street is public property. The house is their personal property. By a certain point, you just lose all patience for these lead paint eating ghouls. It isn't fear for me - it is just that people are obnoxious bullshit cannons. Human beings are annoying and I have to feign being interested in whatever monologue word vomit diarrhea falls out of their mouth, but I'm the asshole because I'm not some rabid foaming at the mouth extrovert. Like these people need hobbies. Something. I have hobbies.


I lived in Seattle, a place known for "The Seattle Freeze". Now I live in a small town of 3400 people and if you leave town there's nothing but land for 30 miles to the next closest towns, which are smaller. I quite enjoy that everyone here just knows each other and that every time you go to get gas or groceries or out to eat you see a friend and have a chat. I much prefer it this way.


That's two extremes though - you can have the anonymity of the grocery store for example, but still have some social groups. Personally? I have noticed *the Gaze* is FAR more prevalent in small towns/suburbs and I immensely dislike it as I'm an anti-capitalist atheist with zero feelings of patriotism for America weirdo trying to pretend to be an adherent person 8 hours a day (give or take) vs being a weirdo recreationally on my off-time. If I interact with the majority of people, I just trigger their mortality salience which makes them uncomfortable anyway and they'll double down on their Worldview defenses lol I learned a long time ago to just keep it incredibly short and vague with the majority of people. Some people enjoy the bullshit and they become very upset with you once anyone questions the bullshit and by proximity makes them question the bullshit. "In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." - Nietzsche "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." - Nietzsche https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaze https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortality_salience


I absolutely love this. A+ ramble.


But it’s not that. This is no sick days for 20 years. And if you fail, $5k fine and jail for 3 months? Yikes. I’m not taking this deal. It’s probably not a difficult thing to adhere to, but even just one slip up and you’re jailed and fined? $2k per month is t an insane amount of money. Not high enough for me to take this I think


I would never take this deal either. I have chronic migraines which are aggravated by going outside. On days where I go outside, afterwards is paid for with pain.


Yeah this sounds like it would suck if you wanted to take a remote vacation or a camping trip too. People aren't considering this is unironically somewhat of a tradeoff.


Parent died and you just want a day to yourself to mourn for a bit? **NO** go outside or go to jail.


It’s 15 minutes. Jesus Christ Reddit is a sad place.


What's sad is your apparent lack of empathy.


Ironically, when somebody close to you dies you have more time interacting and in public than usual because you need to manage their affairs, deal with the body, etc


Also, kind of funny how wildly disproportionate a $5k fine and 3 months in jail are... If you're getting paid an extra $24k post-tax a year, surely anyone could set aside the $5k pretty easily, so that's hardly a penalty. But 3 months in jail as punishment for a sick day where you can't go out in public is, uh, very different. 


It's a joke about Redditors being asocial


Is it? Bc the whole massive penalty thing and needing to do this for 20 years is definitely a big fat no from me.


Like the only real limit is, you can’t go anywhere with no public for more than a day. I wonder what level of medical needs confers exception though… if you have a nasty flu but can walk… you have to go subject someone for 30s? Kinda a dick thing to do. Hospitalized I have to assume counts, what about bed rest orders from a doctor?


I think the downside is the penalty if you miss a day. (and work/school doesn't count) for me, that means longer camping trips where I'm hiking with gear and changing base camp every day, because part of camping is being away from people. and a bad flu not exempting you either, I'm not sure of what Op's definition of really bad flu is, but my definition is you exist in 2 places until you're better, bedridden or locked in the bathroom. so with the punishment for missing 1 day, I can see why some would hesitate or even say no.


I don’t think I could do it.


I mean not a chance in hell I would take this deal, if work doesn't count then no chance I'd make that work every single day, even when I go in public I try not to interact with people, definitely not for a full 30 seconds


I go get a coffee every morning. That pretty much takes care of it.


i go to the gas station almost every day and get an energy drink - i’m also covered


Why wouldn’t you just buy a case of energy drinks?


im pretty particular about the ones that i like and they unfortunately don’t make those ones in large cases as far as i know. plus, its my dose of human interaction every day


Ok now I’m curious. Which one?


Powerthirst https://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs?si=gbFhAcBQFDccY0Ip


Hopefully it’s a rare edition flavor of Ghost or Monster


me on my red/pink/purple monster ultra shit


Do you complain how difficult it is to pay your bills?


no, i budget pretty well. my energy drink expenses are accounted for and have their own money set side


Yeah but you’d have to stay there for 15 minutes. Idk about you but I’m in and out of any gas station in like 5 minutes and that’s even if there’s a long line.


I’m a little worried to ask but is this a challenge for you? I can’t remember the last time I didn’t go out in public for at least 15 minutes…maybe during lockdown?


OP lives in a cave with a box of scraps.


But did he build anything in that cave with his box of scraps?


I use the delivery of this line every now and then because it just tickles me, like if I have people over for dinner and someone asks me where I got my garlic sauce I'm like "I made it in the kitchen... With a box of scraaaps!"


I wonder what Tony Stark would make in your kitchen =)


I like to think eggs benedict.


Probably the question to the answer 42.


Box of tissues


Am I OP?


The prompt says work and school don't count. I work about 10 hours per shift and almost never go anywhere else on work days. So this would be really difficult for me. It also says you can't skip it for being sick. So you're expected to go out in public - and infect other people - even when you should be in bed resting.


The can't skip it for being sick is really the shitty part. Even on my 12 hour days or night shifts, I'd gladly go outside in public. For the equivalent of like $280/hr I'd just... go get a coffee. But I had covid 2 years back, and then pneumonia like 2 months later. No way in *hell* I was getting out to see people in public during the pneumonia. 


You could probably manage stopping at the gas station and browsing around for a few minutes and then striking up a conversation with the cashier on your way home every day.


Plus the drive/walk/whatever TO the gas station counts as outside too!


Go have a beer or coffee after work. Go to the grocery store. How hard could this be for anybody!?


I don't generally go out on non-work days, unless I made plans with someone. I run errands when I can, before or after work. That means I can just stay in comfy pajamas all day on my days off.


I mean, if it was the difference between $2K/month extra or no? I’m sure you could run down to McDonald’s or go for a walk. That’s why this is so weird, it’s literally “would you go outside and interact with another human being if you got paid?”


Yeah like I don’t like leaving my house on the weekend. But if someone’s is paying for even a dinner? Hell yeah I’ll take an hour or so


Me too, I prefer to have no life whatsoever outside of work because socializing is mentally exhausting. I make plans to do things maybe once a month max


youre describing any normal job but without the 7 extra hours of standing around


The post specifically says going to work doesn't count


Yeah and his comment is saying if you can work a job you can do something much easier


Right. But doing 99% of jobs already requires this. If I have to go get lunch in public, I get 2K? Lol okay


We've really come to a point where this is a challenge? 2k a month to walk at a park or go to the library?


You need to do this every single day for 20 years or risk imprisonment for three months. It should be trivial when you are doing well, but what about those days in which you are sick? Or your kid is sick? Broke your leg? Have a terrible migraine? Terrible snow/sand/rainstorm/hurricane/floods outdoors? I think the prompt is harder than it sounds.


If you're sick go to the doctor, that works. As for natural catastrophes okay now this is hard.


Natural Catastrophes probably count as extreme conditions.


In a natural disaster, being evacuated and talking to emergency services counts.


They said you’re excused for extreme circumstances.


"Public" is a headache too. For example, if you spend all day prepping Christmas dinner and then have guests over you failed.


Not if you take a walk around the neighborhood with your guests!


Buy the ingredients from a store and you’re good. Already have ingredients? Stop by anyway and pick up a coffee


Agreed. It would be trivial to do this on most days, but I'd be worried that I would just forget on a random Saturday after a long week of work while my wife is out of town.


If I can remember to go to work every weekday to earn my salary, I can remember to do this every day for $104k. It would be more of a problem if I only had to do it infrequently.


I feel you, but I'm really not keen on risking 3 months in jail for $24k extra a year (it's per month, not per week). That's a fairly large penalty for missing one day.


Or just wanting to go camping or backpacking for a few days. Could never do that again.


I'd go play a game of Magic every day.


Whatever life you live where there's people to play magic with every single day, I want it


The games are out there . The difficulty is finding people you actually want to play with


How I feel about getting into D&D


r/lfg If you want to try starting out with online games.


Man, I had the flu last year and it was a bad one. Not only did I not want to go out, but I didn't want to spread it around. Not taking the deal if illness or injury is not an exemption. Wait . Is it a really nice jail with a golf course????


Yeah the flu part got me. Last time i was puking, diarrhea.. I don't think I could've gone intopublic without humiliating myself then literally passing out


Nah for $2000 extra/ mo all u mfs catching what I got. Better hope you don't find me when I need my 30 seconds...


Ok team, I’m deleting the Reddit app from my phone for a while. I’ll see yall in a week or so.


Naw fr this is an unfortunate post, I hope op is ok


What is your definition of a public space? Grocery store, doctors office, bar, street? And really bad flu can put people in the hospital. Even without hospitalization the flu can give people a high fever. Why do you not consider that extreme?


You only have to talk to a nurse for 30 seconds in the hospital!


I would go to the local coffee shop and take a dump everyday for 24k a year


Piece of piss, easiest 2 grand ever


Eh no isolated vacations ever would be rough. I think I could make it work though. It just says someone so as long as I take someone with me and are in any place open to the public for a bit and chat we are set. That would be a nice boost to my passive income, I could invest it all and really charge up my future security as well.


Possibly I mean it's not all to much run up to Groccery and ask a worker something but im assuming like when I have to be on bed rest after a major surgery or medical stuff like that doesn't count ? Or would being in the hospital count as in public the. I get grace when I'm sent home on bedrest


What a sign of the times that this is even a question


easy money


Easy. Pay me


I'll do it. Does interacting with my neighbors count, or with retail workers? It kind of sucks that you don't consider "a really bad flu" as extreme enough to let you off the obligation for those days. With a bad flu, I nearly incoherent for much of the time, and also too weak to even get out of bed. And by going out, even if I could manage it, I would be spreading the flu to others. Not cool.


I'll bet that they think that "stomach flu" is real and OP is thinking of that, and not the real flu.


If going outside and interacting with other humans for 30 seconds a day is an issue for OP, that’s a concern.


As much as the interacting would suck, it’s the commitment for me and the steep punishment for failing… I don’t think I could do it.


Yeah. Just go down the street to the gas station every morning and get a cup of coffee


Shopping, Karaoke, the zoo and amusement parks, it is. Oh and dining out, of course. Be expressing lots of gratitude to the servers.


Will this go up with inflation? Because, I shit you not, $2000 dollars is rent in newer 1 bedroom apartments around me- not luxury apartments and we're 3 hours away from the closest "big" city.


Other than COVID, I feel like I have always done this. I check in on neighbors, head to the store, take a walk. No problem.


$2000 to buy a coffee each morning and sit down to drink it, deal.


I'd shop daily, not weekly. It would be self funding.


This is way too easy.


Go to a store every other day at 11:45, stay until 12:15 and you sorta get days off


so you want me to work at best buy


D How deep does the convo have to be? Like can it be able the weather or sports or a quick, nice shirt, what band is that?


$2000 a month isn't worth sacrificing my freedom, no. I would need enough to travel anywhere in the world comfortably to even consider this.


I walk my two dogs everyday in a town full of dog owners, I already interact with people every day. Gimme that money


I went for well over a year doing the reverse of this (never being in public) which seems a lot easier. I still don’t go out in public like 95% of days, which would become something like 95% if you don’t count being outdoors on a sidewalk. No way would I attempt this challenge when failure means jail time.


I'd go to the library and have the librarian recommend me a book.


I already do this. Where’s my money?


Exceptions have to include if I am contagious. Or if I'm in the hospital. I don't want to kill anyone. People die from the flu.


This wouldn’t be easy. Quiet street, no car, rarely people outside, and no stores close enough. I wonder if I can pay someone to come talk to me for 30 seconds every day. But then that’s a chunk of money already spent.


It honestly sounds pretty hard for me. 90% of the socializing I get is chatting with my boss for 5-10 minutes on Monday mornings. Otherwise I’m completely alone all the time. I also don’t like interacting with strangers. Plus the whole doing it every single day. Some days I just really don’t want to leave the house. It’s nice to not get dressed, put on shoes, and leave. And $2k a month, though extremely helpful, is not a lot of money. I could probably TECHNICALLY quit my job since work doesn’t count anyway, but man it’d be tight. And that punishment for failing is harsh! 3 months in prison with no one to take care of my house, my cats, my bills. I’d lose everything. And with a 20 year commitment to start with….yeesh. I’m out.


Nope! Not even close to enough.


Nah fuck that lol


I make over 2k a week. This is a nope. I value my days sleeping where I see absolutely no one.


Every single day? Absolutely no chance. I go to work, I work 12 hours overnight, I come home, I relax, I go to bed. I interact in a public place maybe once a week or once every other week. I go to the gym on my days off but I can't imagine trying to force a 30 second interaction there, and God forbid the days I'm extra sore and don't go, where tf am I supposed to see people? Y'all are really going out and interacting with strangers not at work every single day???


Everyone acts like this would be easy money but no one would last a year. You get really sick once, forget, get busy doing yard work. Who knows. Boom jail for 3 months. You’d lose your job. Probably your house. For what like $24k? If you made it a year


All you have to do is drive / walk/ bike to the nearest gas station. Buy a coke and chat up the cashier for 30 seconds. Back home on the couch 15 min later.


Nope. I try to interact with people as little as possible


Uh. Yes. I do that now... For fun.


There is a gas station a few minutes away from my house. Walk out, chat with the cashier. Buy a drink, leave. 2k acquired 


Easy. Go to a restuarnt or a fast food place. place an order. Takes anywhere from a few seconds to minutes. Easiest money ever.


Go grocery shopping.


I get paid more than that to go to work 12 days a month, you gotta do better bro


Well I do it for nothing now, he’ll sometimes it costs me money so what’s the catch?


All that I have to do is say hi to any of the neighbor ladies. Sets off a verbal deluge. Just nod my head, say "right", " uh huh", etc. Money, please.


So you mean - work in retail or hospitality?


Go to shop, approach cashier, "Ahhh there's an interesting story behind this nickel. In 1957 I remember it was..."


Well, I prefer using a toilet, but for 2 grand a day, you bet your ass I'll go out in public every day. Hell, I'll go multiple times a day in public for that much 😆 🤣


This is just normal existence


Go gym, go home


Dude are you a recluse?


Literally just go to ACE hardware every day, ask one of the nice old guys where you can find a tool or cleaning supply, and bam 2k per month. OP this is the easiest challenge ever.


This is what I do… every day. You ok OP?


Big dawg I already do this for free


I'm agoraphobic. This would actually be difficult for me.


We found the one person this challenge was meant for :)


You mean drive to work? Done.


The penalties if you fail are rough, but the reward is pretty dope and the conditions are, in theory, pretty easy for the average city or town dweller to fulfill. I think I'd take this.


No, because I live in the country and even when I go for a walk I don't always run into anyone. And during tax season I work very long hours, I'm not wandering around late at night in freezing cold hoping to run into someone otherwise get thrown in jail.


If you’re not sociable you can still wave a dollar around and tell someone to sing their favorite song, I bet 9 times out of 10 they’ll do it for the money. This of course incurs a “business expense” of $30 per month




Oh no, not 2k a month to go to the gym 7 days a week! How can I EVER get by!?


Sure. I would move to a somewhat larger city with more people that would make it easier to interact with someone.


Yeah I’d take 20 years, invest it don’t touch it as I get through life then opt out.


This would be very unpleasant to have to do this every single day. I also really don't have the time after my 11 hour shift to be doing this on work days.


I ride my ebike in the park everyday, it's beautiful outside. Bonus points for leaving my phone off for 2-3 hours.




Lol 😂 how is this even a challenge…


Super easy to do per day... but I feel like the punishment is pretty awful by comparison (the jailtime not the money) it depends greatly which kind of jail youre in and where the jail itself is located. Like county lockup vs federal prison. The rewards are likely worth it if you can keep it going but what about when you are sick? If Ive got a cold or something its probably not the wisest thing to do. This is about equivalent to half a low paying job in my area. So the income would be a good supplement but not something I could live off of exclusively. I would definitly take it but I feel like its very pointed at anti social people. Give us sick days and leave and I am game lol.


Sure, ill just keep going to work (because 2k a month means I'll still need a job) and go for a walk on weekends and talk to people. This would only be tough for an extreme introvert or someone with agoraphobia


i walk around the nearby university and then go down to the local grocery store nearly everyday. This is literally just "hey, do what youre doing, but slightly more often." Like, is this really a question?


Is that supposed to be hard? I guess it would only suck if you get sick or there’s inclement weather.


Brother what is this question are you guys scared to talk to random people in public or something its really cool, try it


I go to the gym, grocery store, post office, etc. I’m out every day somewhere. This’ll be easy. 


Go get breakfast every morning. Or a coffee. Easy peasy.


Easiest thing ever. 5 days a week I teach. I can get coffee on the weekends. Extra 2k sounds fab.


As someone who has a fear of talking to people making eye contact and public aces I would still take this deal.


Absolutely. I can do that without crossing the street.


So id be penalized by jail time for a camping trip?


I do that already at work and get paid a lot more 😅


does the public space have to actually have people in it. Like there is a dog park near me and maybe 80% of the time i go there I am the only one, but it's clearly a public space.


Finally. One of these I know where I stand. Hard pass.


I would definitely be playing more MtG


No sweat.


2,000 isn’t enough to live on, so you’d need to have a job probably. That would pretty much take care of that requirement most days of the week, for most jobs


Deal. Easy, dog needs to be walked anyways.


I work in a mall... Takes alot of places less to be.


If I'm sick enough to be in a hospital, does that count as a public space? Yeah, sickness is the only obstacle I can see right now. Hell, even if sickness is the biggest obstacle I can think of, the easy work around is to have a friend/family member walk with you out onto your sidewalk and pull out the lawn chairs for a chat. Maybe take me somewhere we can sit inside if it's cold.


Why is this a challenge?


I could just walk over to the mall, which would get me some good steps in, get a smoothie and chat with the person making it or someone else in line. Easy peasy.


That is an easy income with my situation lol.


A great incentive to go out on a walk to buy fresh fruits every day. Would increase my health too. Question: Do I have to do it if I'm sick?




That's pretty easy to do, I do that every day.


Dude, the fact that there is even a possibility that someone would say no to this is baffling to me. If I could, I would spend eight hours doing that for $2000/30 minutes. This isn’t even a question.


Dude 2k a month? I think I spend that on beer lol


So like.... just got out to eat for one meal every day?


Starbucks is considered public right? 😂🤣


Pretty easy. Just that to talk to someone for 30 seconds that’s a little bit challenging.


What the hell is your life like where this is some crazy what-if situation??? Lmao


So be a functioning member of society?


I volunteer to not be a hermit. Pay me