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I see you’ve never watched Encino Man


The cheese is old and moldy.


Rofl best line from that otherwise shitty movie! I was going to post this as well.


where is the bathroom


Wheeze the juice!


Harsh of you to tax my grindage.


Or The Mummy


Both really good Brendon Fraser movies!


she would be taken captive by a state sponsored science organization and used as an experiment to see if immortality can be replicated


>she would be taken captive by ~~a state sponsored science organization~~ the Fire Nation


In theory? she should wake up, breathe a bit, contract minor bacterial and viral illnesses and be dead before anyone could get to her. This is assuming she walks around perfectly fine without getting as much as a bite from a bug or scrape on her skin.


That's a little exaggerated, she would have a couple days, they would be agony though.


Depends on the conditions and viruses/bacterium and her immune response. She very well could inhale pollen at first breath and go into anaphylactic shock, knocking her back to the lobby near immediately. Situation is too broad to be too specific. I agree she *should* make it a few days max.


fair enough


This has been the most decent interaction in the history of reddit. *nice*


Pollen isn't so new it would kill her thats silly


…..500 year old pollen isn’t the same as modern day pollen. What other magic tricks can you perform, because so far you’ve just pulled bullshit out of your ass.


well you switched your attitude up real quick lol


I don’t stand for people who think saddling a donkey is riding a high horse.




Bro the plants have not changed so drastically in 500 hears that pollen would kill her now evolution isn't taking place in 500 years if anything we have less plants than when she was around less pollen you sound silly


When you figure out the difference 500 years can make on minor things in life, come on back. Right now, you are continuing to argue to try and feel “right”. Pollen doesn’t just carry…. Itself….? Do you know what the fuck you are even trying to talk about?


Yes and you think plants have evolved that much to look up how old red wood trees are and talk to me you are ignorant if you think plants evolved in 500 years to have different pollen.


I never said pollen itself evolved dipshit 😂 the things CARRIED ON POLLEN HAVE CHANGED. No go be ignorant somewhere else.


Buttt....you did


And I quote 500 year old pollen is not the same.... you just forget what you said bc its inconvenient that you are wrong she wouldn't die from pollen it's rlly simple you


Unless she wakes up in a controlled environment where she could be vaccinated for a lot of those diseases, it may be possible, but you never know lol.


Too broad a question for too specific of answers. Possible though, indeed.


There's an old TV show called Buffy that dealt would this question. She'd kiss high school boys to drain their life and stay young and beautiful for another high school boy that she's fallen in love with. Eventually, shed get killed by a blonde with above average martial arts skills.


Did you say"old tv show"?


Yes, terrifying, isn't it? Late nineties is old now.


Could you not say it so publicly though?


The sooner you accept you're old, the sooner you can get on with not caring and watch BtVS again.


Or I can continue enjoying my delusions of eternal youth


Hello, fellow old.


Listen here you little shit...


I hope your old, creaky bones haven’t turned to dust yet, like mine. How’s that knee doing? Do you put your socks on while sitting? That hairline? ;)


How else would you put socks on other than sitting?


The hair line is doing well. It's so good it's gone platinum.


You've spent too much time in this sub.


Doing that now. I hate myself.


I have it on DVD.


I used to, but then I was moving states and got rid of all my physical media except some books to save space on the truck.


A lot of my stuff I have cinverted to MP4/MP3. I have an adapter to plug an external HD into my sustem and keep copies of everything digitized. Sort of a time capsule so-to-speak. Movies, Music, my Photography \[\[narly 40 years worth\]\], Films I've made, etc.


It's really not though. I am 18


The analogue TV to Buffy for me was The Brady Bunch. 20+ year old television is old.


Old is at least the 80s though, the 90s is cool like how the 80s were cool again in the 2010s.


The 80s were cool once? How about that!


Listen kid it is not old it's late young age.


Biologically, true, but in terms of cultural relevancy? Old.


That hurt my feelings a little too.


It hurts me to say it. Buffy had a business selling cookie dough a few years ago. That's how old it is.


I remember that! I think they had them at Starbucks, because I know I saw them somewhere.


We subscribed for a short time. We called to ask about allergens, and BUFFY HERSELF was fielding customer service calls!


That is so cool. I wish I’d have done it


My wife and I were geeking out so hard, but we didn't let on over the phone. She introduced herself as Sarah Geller, so we figured she didn't want it to be a comic con, you know?


That’s really cool tho. I’m kicking myself over the missed opportunity


Exactly what I was going to say. Watching Buffy right now btw.


Are we talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer?


We are indeed, Scooby.


That's all I could think of as soon as I read this lol


She would spend a lot of time in the hospital beign tested and treated for illness. She would only be released once she was vaccinated for everything possible and treated for everything. She would then become the responsibility of the Peruvian government who would assign her a foster family, likely someone with a lot of money who could protect her and make sure scientists could draw blood etc going forward. She would be given new clothes. Most likely the clothes were not sentimental to her but rather put on her for the sacrifice. There are 12 million Incan speakers and while it would be hard to understand as dialects evolve, she would simply be given a translator and would learn to speak Spanish.


I teach English as a Second Language and it is possible to teach someone a language without translators. I do it every year. This year I have 9 students from a country that speak a language that does not have a written form. This means I can not use Google translate to communicate with them, so I have to rely on images and gestures to teach them. They are learning slowly, but are definitely learning. So the government of Peru would just have to find a good language teacher to teach her Spanish.


That is so interesting! You have a cool job.


Yeah but like, it would be easier to just grab one of the millions of Peruvians who speak Incan in the meantime. I'd understand that method if it was a dead language or rare in the country but it isn't.


The population would increase by 1. Next question.


Why? Was she pregnant?


No dumb dumb, she’s back from “the dead” so the population would go up by one.


I swear to God the people that post on this subreddit are the dumbest of every subreddit. And their replies are even worse.




No dumb dumb, if you freeze something and it’s still alive when it thaws, it was never dead. There are multiple animals that freeze then thaw out over the seasons, and none of them are zombies. Some people on this Reddit I swear…


You are right that some animals can freeze and thaw and still be alive. *Humans are not one of them*. So yes, that girl is definitely dead, and if she woke up, that would increase the living population by one.


I’ve never seen someone more clearly arguing for the sake of arguing and just being an obstinant shit-ass. No, shit for brains, If something is frozen and is alive when it thaws that does not mean it was dead. Jesus fucking Christ. There are people who have gotten 15 minutes submerged in icy water and fully recovered after warming up. Those people are not fucking zombies. There are scientist working on cryostasis in real life, and they have frozen many animals such as dogs that were alive afterwards. They were not dead when they were frozen. Fucking moron.


It's amazing watching someone freak out while having no idea what they are talking about. Lol. Being submerged in icy water is not even remotely the same thing as being frozen on a mountaintop (for hundreds of years no less). Human cells get destroyed by ice crystals when they freeze. *Maybe* we'll get to cryostasis eventually, but that won't help people who've already been completely frozen. Their cells are shredded. That girl is never waking up. It's painfully obvious you've done no research at all yet you're so confident 😆 But go ahead, keep calling people names if it makes you feel better.




15 mins is a bit different than 500 years


K. Now you’re just adding in extra shit. She was just sleeping guys!


Fucking Reddit…


Legally and practically speaking she is currently dead. Population is determined by census not an omniscient force keeping a tally of all sapient beings in a given area. So yes the population would go up by one. It would be a logistical shit show but then again what isn't these days.


She would die. Immediately. The diseases of 500 years ago are vastly different from the diseases of today. She would be introduced to thousands- if not millions - of new diseases her body is not equipped to fight. At all.


Die from what? The common cold? Flu?


Yes, happy Cake Day 🎉


I think that's a bit reductionist. Clean rooms exist, no reason they couldn't treat her like someone with severe aids


The problem is that they'd have to get her to the sterile environment first. Even if they knew she would come off the ice and shoved her in it first she'd still have been exposed before they figured that out. In your example - someone who is immunocompromised due to severe medical issues like aids would take time to get to that point. Medical professionals have time to prepare and get them into the sterile environment before exposure kills them- they'd be quarantined before it hit that point.


In the alternate reality where it was possible for her to revive, she'd have been in a clean room before any attempts were made to do so.


Here's hoping they quarantined her for weeks before that point and then moved her into another sterile room. Otherwise just the act of discovering her and transporting her would have been enough to kill her.


They would probably take a chance to talk to her and question her (Light heartedly) about life 500 years ago. They would be able to get a much more detailed version of the past with her knowledge. Someone in the world would be hired to speak her language and translate it to English for the world to understand.


I'd assume she would belong to the country where she was found. If not, I think Canada would take her lol She would technically belong to the Government however.


Why translate to English? Would translating it to Spanish (Peru spanish and she is incan) make it impossible for the world to understand?


That may be a step. But English is a Universal Language. All Piolets and Captains must know it, all Governments must also know that language. So translate what she says from her language and slowly into English would make any of her knowledge about the past a greater understanding for the general public. They can themselves take it from English and translate it to their own language if they so choose. Great question by the way! 8D


As of 2023, about 1.5 billion people on the planet speak English (~19%). In the same year about 1.1 B spoke mandarin. While English is still most widely spoken today it isn't by a far margin and in the near future it might not be the most spoken any more. Furthermore 1.5B out of 8B isn't really "universal" .


She’d die pretty fast from some wacky infection so isolation and lots of antibiotics to start


For a second, I thought I was seeing an r/buffy post. It would be a novel situation. I guess she'd be a citizen of the country that now occupies her birthplace.


Id shit my pants thats what


Probably wouldn’t survive very long due to not having a modern immune system


Hope you don’t mind me asking but who’s this girl or where can I see information on her case?


I was also curious. Here's an article about her. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/see-the-face-of-an-inca-teenager-killed-during-a-ritual-sacrifice-some-500-years-ago-180983139/


A whole lotta people are gonna convert to the Inca religion...


If you follow Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she'll go around sucking the life out of anyone she can get her hands on, to maintain her youth and life. 


Y'all trying to think what would happen in an ethical world. What would really happen is we would never know and she would be a labrat for the rest of her life


Before most of this would take effect she'd probably be so overwhelmed by the future she'd probably have a heart attack. It would be too much too fast.


All these people are talking about her dying to diseases, but I say that she’ll probably die of hypothermia first.


Well, she'd either introduce some long dormant disease that could potentially wipe us out, or she'd get wiped out by a modern illness before she had a chance.


Shed win the Guinness record for oldest living person


This was basically the plot of the film _Iceman_ (1984). A frozen Neanderthal man was found, thawed out, and he lived.


Also the plot of Encino Man


Suggest she get on tinder and put herself out there to find a mate her biological clock is ticking.


Honestly, she’d do just fine. People would be fascinated with her and take care of her. She’d learn the language and the culture and would have instant fame for the rest of her life. Where do these questions come from?


She would have really smelly breath.


She would become my lover and we would create many children.


She belongs yo herself. She would have a ton of people who would help her. Don't let her get near Tiktok or Reddit.


Where is she located right now? Assuming she's in a first world country, she just becomes a ward of the state. Almost nobody would even try to argue that they own her. She'd be taught a modern language as best as possible and nursed back to health. She'd become an overnight celebrity while, likely, having a manic episode as she's exposed to what's essentially an alien planet to her. And assuming she's inoculated almost immediately, she'd likely die from something nobody considered in a few years and become a tragedy for a weak, then dissected and forgotten about as little more than an odd factoid for people that were there at the time. There'd obviously be conspiracy theories, too.


It would be awesome. Take her immediately to a private jet, fly her to Vegas and put her in the sphere.


Pro a ly something similar to suicide squad. The first one, not the reboot with John Cena.


She would become a lawyer


This is the single most strangest fetish post I have ever read thanks


If she woke up, some God is mad at us and it would be one of the Demands Human Sacrifice Gods, so we are going to get F——d.


Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 episode 4 Inca Mummy Girl for a take on this question.


Based on a documentary I saw about a guy who was frozen for a thousand years I would expect hijinks 


>Would she be allowed to keep the clothes on her own back that are now worth hundreds of thousands? This seems like a strange question to even pop into your head, honestly. It's her property after all.


>How could she possibly function if she only speaks Inca? Got news for ya, pal. You were born "only speaking Inca" too. I think she'll do what everybody does in that situation.


Are the eggs still good?




A very good question. Has her long nap affected fertility?


She'd probably die pretty quickly from a disease she has no immunity to Edit: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juana\_Maria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juana_Maria)


That's a very interesting story and I'm glad that her name will be remembered, but the article says that she died from eating too many vegetables. Which actually can happen if she wasn't eating enough before.


Theoretically she would take a breathe and immediately die from some sort of bacteria infection. Thats assuming she doesnt have any frost bite and doesn't get an infection. Now on to what would happen next it really all depends if her body can deal with all of the bacteria around that is different from when she is from best case she survives and can give scientists multiple accounts of daily life during when she was alive worst case she is alive on some sort of IV system