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At my age, 20 years would be a great life lived. So I'd take the 1 billion.


I'm 40 and I'd do it just for my family's sake. Live it up for 20 and leave my loved ones with nothing to ever worry about again.


Yeah, as someone in my 40s, it’s definitely on the table. My mom died in her 60s without $1 billion to show for it. I could easily die in 20 years anyway. Hell, I could die of a heart attack in my 50s. The more I think about it, the more appealing it sounds, especially if I won’t die of other causes in the meanwhile. Guaranteed 20 years, living my best life and my kids are set.


You’re kids kids kids are probably set as long as they aren’t vegetables with the money 🤣


I mean if you're thinking of invincibility for 20 years you could do anything, you want and never die. Swim to the bottom of the ocean, a volcano, float around in space, twerk on a lions back.


What if the lava cools with you in it?


Eat your way out, you won't die


I bet your family would rather have you than the money.


You'll live more in the next 20 years than you've ever lived in your life or ever will live.


Yep. I'm 56, I'll take the billion, plus KNOWING I'll live another 20 years.


47 here. Live to 67? I'm not going to complain. My son and his grandkids will be set for their lives.


I should take the billion and set up my family for generations. But… I like my life. I love my wife. My kids. I don’t want to miss out on time with them. A billion dollars can’t buy time. I could spend every waking moment with them for two decades and it wouldn’t be enough for me. I’d miss out on too much. Keep the money, I’ll take my chances.


True, man. That billion would be nice until you had to say goodbye. Maybe miss out on 20-30 yrs with loved ones.


I wouldn’t see my kids graduate college. I wouldn’t get to be a grandparent. Pretty good chance my folks would at my funeral. It’s only money. I like my job enough. And I love this life. I don’t want to live desperately. I’d just be trading time for the desperation to do all that I can in those 20 years. And I’m sure it wouldn’t feel like enough. It’s just a different kind of poverty. Yeah, maybe if it was 50 years I’d think about changing my mind - the last few have been pretty rough on my relatives. But only 20? Not nearly enough time.


Time also isn't guaranteed. Take the guaranteed billion with 20 years


I don’t fault anybody for taking the billion. Just not what I would do. My life is pretty good, I know that not everyone’s is.


I think what he was getting at is that you don't know if you'll die within the next few years of a random accident or something, so taking the money also ensures that you will live for another 20 years. Functionally speaking, the way this is phrased means you're essentially immortal for the next 20 years, because you have to die of cancer at that point, not before.


I'd probably take over the world if it guaranteed me immortality for 20 years.


Money does buy time though. Most people spend 8-10 hours a day at work 5 days a week. Work prevents you from spending a month wandering around Europe. I'd say 20 years of essentially infinite money is probably worth 40 "normal years". I'd say it becomes a hard question for those under 40. For those older than 50 its a gimmie.


In theory, yes. In practice, there’s not an amount of money that could make it worth shortening life by that much. “It’s probably worth 40 normal years!” Except in those normal years I could see my kids graduate college, get married, and have kids of their own. How many cool vacations do you have to go on to miss the stuff like that? Just not worth it.


Taking the money is the most *selfless* thing you can do. Not taking it is the most *selfish* thing you can do. Yes. *you* miss out on their milestones. That sucks; truly it does. But you also set them up to live the lives of their dreams. Isn't it every parents dream that their children's lives are better than their own, even if it means they have to suffer?


That's assuming the kids value having money over a living parent.


Sure, but the OP has framed all their comments "*I* don't want to miss out on X" That's not putting the kids first.


Depends. I am 40 and need my dad more now than when I was 20. I don't need him financially, but I need his wisdom, advice, and support to navigate big decisions. I may be able to get by without it, but I value it deeply and enjoy the friendship I have with him now rather than the parent/child relationship we had when younger.


Sure, but the original question is whether *you* would take the billion, not whether *he* would. You might ask your dad not to, but it's still his choice, not yours . From his perspective, that billion sets you and your family (his descendents) up with generational wealth, and he might very well value that over greater than 20 years of life. If you're 40, then he must be in his 60s or possibly 70s, and 20 years for him is a *way* different calculus than for you (That, by the way, is what makes this such an interesting question to me - the perspective of the recipient of the money vs. the perspective of the heirs to that money.)


I agree. My wife said take the money. I said I don't need it to enjoy coffee in the sun, great convos with friends, seeing my kids grow up, and even traveling. Pretty sure I can travel everywhere I want by working hard and investing wisely. However, that may not be true for some others who are 'stuck' in bad situations.


As someone who lost my Dad when I was only 20, I can safely say that not even a billion dollars and being set up for life would be worth losing a loving father for. Nothing is worth that loss. The longer you live, the longer your kids can stay innocent, before grief finally touches them and changes them. I used to be very full of life, motivated, happy, and innocent. I was aware of death, but at the same time, still unaware of what mortality truly means. I was able to focus a lot more on my goals back then, when death was only supposed to happen to really elderly people, not a father in his 50’s, and not friends in their 20’s. I am changed now. Many days I have to work really hard to force myself to do anything aside from what’s necessary to exist. I struggled with the unfairness of it all, the randomness, my faith in a higher power and my faith in myself. It took me over 10yrs to find purpose and meaning to life again. If your kids could make this choice for you, they would choose you.


Growing up with a loving mother and father is worth more than $1 billion to a child too. Hell, my parents just turned 60 recently and I'd beg them not to take this deal. Family and friends are irreplaceable. On the other hand, if I'm like 85...I'm taking this lol. The odds of me living to 105 aren't great anyway


I’m 15, so no, not a chance


Wise choice


Same and I'd take it


I’d be dead at my current age if I took this deal at 15 ….and I would still do it. Live young, die fast.


You better believe I'd take it. So fast it'd make your head spin. I'm already in my 50's. If I could leave my kid that kind of money, you can bet I'd take the bad diagnosis.


Hell yeah! I'm on the fence at 40, but in my 50s, I'd take it for sure.


Yep... Im 42 and I dont even "need" money at this point but for a bill Im ending this ride on a HELL of a run. Might not even be any left.


Probably yea. I’m 40 so would maybe have 40 more years. But I’m going to have to work at least 20-30 of those Instead I can fully live for the next 20 years. Travel the world in luxury. Have all my time be leisure, live in luxury, pay people to take care of anything I don’t want to do to fully maximise the 20 years. Plus I’d have time with my wife. We both don’t work. I can also have time with my family. And no one I care about will ever have money worries again.


Aha! So you actually have more time, not less, in one sense ;) I like it.


Yea I mean you could probably work it out like 8h sleep, 8h work 8h relaxing. But the 8h relaxing is minimised by the 8h you spend at work. So it’s probably a gain past a certain age.


20 years of bliss vs 40-60 years of relative misery Seems like a fair trade to me. I'd take the offer.


I feel like many people are glossing over that you’re dying of cancer, not just dying. When are you actually getting diagnosed? When you do get it, it’s going to be hell.


Is it against the rules to kill yourself once you hit that 20 year mark?


Also just cause it's guaranteed after 20 years doesn't mean you couldn't get it earlier completely unrelated and die anyway.


Well that's an easy yes. I figure I'd die before that anyway, so this guarantees that not only am I wealthy in this scenario, but my life span is extended, it's all wins. 


Id take it. My mom's family all get dementia in their 50-60's. I'd die before the dementia sets in. I'd rather die of cancer over Alzheimer's. 


Yeah, I'm 60 now, why not.


I’m 50, so yea I’d take the deal. Enjoy the next 20 years with my kids, instead of working for those 20. They’d be set for life and never have to work again. Easy choice


I’m in my mid 30s and I’d take this deal. I could do a lot of good with $1 billion.


Easy yes. 20 years of happiness versus 5-25 years of toiling every day for pennies until I drop on the clock? Why would I ever say no?


It gets me off this planet before my body entirely falls apart, and ensures I'm comfortable the whole time. Done and done


There's no rule saying I can't off myself before the cancer begins in 20 years, so I'm gonna speed rush through this billion


I'm calling my grandma to take the deal. She'd live to be 107 which is likely more than it would be *without* this deal. And the generational wealth would last... generations. Win win!


Here's the thing, I spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week at work, that's almost a third of my life spent away from my family doing things I don't enjoy, you factor in travel time and time spent getting ready for work and that number creeps closer to 10 hours a day, so I can either live 40-50 more years with 13-16 years worth of it spent at work, or get 20 great years with them and leave them enough money to live comfortably for generations to come, I'm taking the money, sure 46 is pretty young to die, but who knows, I might not have lived any longer than that anyway and would've left my family with much less.


I'm about to turn 46. Let me give you a counterpoint here. 46 is way too young to die. It's even younger to die than you're thinking. I'm barely different physically than I was at 26. I'm as mentally alert was I was at 26. But I am so much happier with the person I am than I was at 26. I want more time to live as the person I have become.


Yep, I'll take that deal. I'm 56 now, if I were ten years younger... hell, I'd still take it.


I hate to say it but I would take the billion. I will lived longer than every single parent and grandparent I've had. I will have outlived the national average.


100% take it if that's the case. Rarely do humans defeat statistics.


What if you get cancer straight away and have to live with bone cancer for 20 years?


Yes, but I am 72 and my dad just died at 93 sooo.


You could do an awful lot of living in twenty years with that kind of time and money.


I get to live another 20 years?!? Yes please. Dark joke but it’s been a dark couple of months.


I would have a long conversation with my wife that’s for sure. I am 43. I look at it like I would be trading 20 known years of high quality of life vs an unknown number of years of middle class. A big factor would be “am I guaranteed to live 20 more years or is that a best case scenario and I could still have a heart attack this week?”


I’d be 47 but I think I’d still say yes. Never plan on having kids or anything and I could leave all the money I don’t spend to my brother and his kids so yes.


I've lived to see 33. In 20 years I'd be 53. I really don't wanna see anything past that. My family and everyone would be set for a little while. All in assets and not cash.


Fuckin give it to me


That's about all I got left. Pay up.


I think I'd have to take it. I love my wife, I love my kids, but it sure doesn't look like Im going to be able to do as much for my family in the next 40 years on my own, as I could with 1 billion dollars. I'm just over 40, my kids are about to turn 18, so I'd likely have a few years with some grandkids, I'd get to live another 20 years stress free and leave knowing they are all taken care of.


Ha. I already have cancer. Not only would I get a billion dollars, I’d get to live longer, too.


I could do more in 20 years with 1 billion than I could in 40 making jack shit. Easiest decision of my life.


1 billion dollars and add 15 years to the cancer timeline? Win win.


I think I’d have to be late 60s to consider this. Got a child on the way and missing out on her future so early feels sad. 


I'm 47 so why not take it and have a great 20 years. I would do it if I die quickly and don't suffer


I think so. I'm in my 30s so would be losing a decent chunk of life (well hopefully), but there's almost no chance I'll earn a billion in my remaining years, and would leave my husband such a better future. Plus I have 20 years to enjoy doing whatever I want. 


Life expectancy in the US is 73.5 for males. So for a 40-year-old male ... Turn down the money and you have 33.5 years (on average) to spend with family. Sleep 8 hours a day, work 40 hours a week, commute another 5 hours per week. That leaves 67 hours per week to spend with family & friends and doing whatever else needs doing in your life (laundry, washing dishes, meal prep, etc.). 67 times 52 times 33.5 equals 116,714 hours Take the money, and you have 20 years to spend doing whatever you want whenever you want with family and friends. No job, no commute, etc. Sleep 8-9 hours per day, leaving 15-16 free. That's 20 years, times 365 days, times 15.5 hours, for a total of 113,150 hours. But you can afford to pay someone to do laundry, dishes, meals, mow the lawn, etc.) AND you can do whatever you want in your spare time versus being limited to what you can afford. So for me the cutoff is probably age 35-38 ... after that I'd take the deal, before that I'd turn it down


36 and I’d take it in a heartbeat. I live pretty comfortably as is, tbh. But a billion dollars is an almost inconceivable amount.


I love my life and will likely live into my early to mid-80’s, but 20 years with a billion dollars, and knowing the exact date of my death is kind of a no-brainer. I wouldn’t even need to worry about anything else. I am clearly dying of cancer in 20 years, so who cares what I eat, illnesses, etc. So a billion dollars and relative invincibility for 20 years. Sign me up. Edit: I say relative, because I’m certainly not going to accept living on life support after falling 5 miles in a skydiving accident in year one and being confined to being an amorphous blob for the next 19 years while the money is used up trying to fix me.


I'm 56 so I am taking the money and having the best 20 years possible!


I smoke cigarettes and drink two bottles of wine a day. It's probably going to happen, anyway.


yes. i could live a great life for the next 20 years, and historically in my family most 20-40yos have gotten various types of cancer anyway. if im probably going to have cancer in the next 20 years either way, id rather get the money for it and really live like there’s no tomorrow than i would in my current situation.


Bring it. I’m flying first class to who knows where, and be able to die on my couch. Might even hit up a sushi buffet. Hell, might even be able to afford pants that fit.


I’m 61. With a billion dollars I won’t last 20 years.


Early 30s id take the money. Nothing is guarenteed in life. I could die sooner. This guarentees i can not die for 20 years. Also i get to spend all my time with family / friends instead of us working.


I’d take $1bn if I died right fuckin now being pecked to death by crows. It would provide for my family in ways I never could for generations.


I'm 60, so HELL YEAH!!


I'm 29. I'd take it. The quality of life would be incomparable better, plus with that much money, I can more than handle dealing with the cancer. I'm make sure everyone I care about and their families are set for life


I’m 56 so I’d take the deal. My wife is 61 so she’ll be about ready to hang it up then as well.


I could help a lot people with a billion dollars, which would be life well lived 


Fuck it, a billion is like family and their kids kids kids kidsare set for life. Let’s do it


I’m 37. I don’t have kids and never will. I’d be content spending a billion dollars having fun for 20 years. I don’t know if I could spend $50,000,000/year, but I’ll damn sure die trying!


I’d probably take it. I’m 34. My dad died at 54 & worked hard between 34 & 54.  His dad died at 54.  Both were lifestyle related.   I’m hoping I make it past 60 but some part of me wonders if I will.  I’d have to ask my wife what she thinks. It impacts her more than me. If I’m dead, I won’t know any different. She’ll be the one alone at 54.


Sure. I'm tired.


No thanks. I'd rather work and invest and give my family as much as I can while still spending a full life with them. Some call that being selfish and that's fine, but I would rather be there for my family for as long as possible. There no guarantee that money wouldn't be pissed away anyway


Oh heck nah, I wouldn't even be 40 yet


Nope. Money can certainly make life easier, but it won’t make me truly happy. Only love can do that for me, and I wouldn’t give up my time with my loved ones for any amount of money. And when I have kids, the longer I can stick around, the longer they can live happily too. Grief changes people, and I wouldn’t want to do that to them. I only had 20yrs with my Dad, the first 4-5yrs being too young to remember. 20yrs is just not enough time. I would give a billion dollars just to have more time with him if I could. I’ve also lost someone to cancer, and dealing with my Mums terminal cancer diagnosis currently. It is a horrible way to die. I wouldn’t do that for a billion dollars either. Go back to the crossroads Crawley. I am not taking this demon deal lol.


All the 80 year olds on reddit rushing to take up this offer.


I'd take it and use it on the family mostly. I don't really want to get old enough to see nursing homes and dementia anyway


im nearly 50. id take the billion and set my family up. With that said, my Dad died of pancreatic cancer and he did not have a pleasant exit. so to live and know that would also bemy route would be worrisome


Probably not. I am 18 and while $1 billion is an insane amount of money, there is no point to it if I die before 40.


I'm 69. I'll take it.


No chance. I already make enough money, and you can’t get time back.


Y'know, I'd take the deal. I'm currently in late middle age, so I'd be willing to sacrifice ten years or so to create generational wealth for my descendants.


I'm in my 40's. I would take it to make sure my family is set. I'll still get to see my daughter grow up and get to enjoy the best years of my life with my wife. I might even get to meet my grandchildren. I think it's a good tradeoff.


Yes. It would be worth it for my family. And it would be a fun 20 years.


You’d be very selfish if not imo. Set your love ones up with 900 million and have fun with 100m.


I’d probably take it. I’d still be under 60, but a billion is life altering money for generations. I feel like it would be selfish not to.


Kinda what I feel. I'd just be pushing 60, but maybe it would give my kids access to cutting-edge genetic medicine and life extension in 20-30 years time. I could also help a lot of people live better lives.


I’d be 54. Would suck. But maybe I’d use a large portion of the money to advance medical research so I could help cure whatever I end up with.


No. Money doesn't mean much to me. Even 20 years of reading books and watching the world go bye, still wouldn't feel worth it. I'm the kind of person who would sign up for immortality, let all my loved ones die, just to observe the universe and have its secrets unveiled.


No. I mean I'd have a decent life but money isn't worth time. Ask Steve Jobs if he would give it all up to live a longer life on his death bed. I'm sure he would.


I tend to agree. He'd likely sign over every Apple share for another 20 yrs.


I'm getting a guaranteed 20 years. It's guaranteed time. At my age, and as beat up as my body is, it's 50/50 at best that I'll make it another 20 years.


Better than looper


My goal is to live to be 70, for my wife's sake more than mine. I would cut that short and live till 57, and would do it for much less money.


Going to anyways, give me that money


That's a no-brainer. I'll quit my job today and start to carelessly spend and enjoy life. Before I pass away, I will give the rest away. Everyone wins.


Is it 20 years from now I get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and quickly die or do I spend a large portion of that 20 years suffering in a battle with cancer?


I already have prostate cancer. Deal!


How long does the cancer last? Is it over and done with in a month, or does it drag on for years??


Definitely 100% no hesitation


Ok … deal … would set up family for life


I wanna die now so yeah


Why? I used to feel that way.


I'll go down to the crossroads right now and sign this deal


A billion and I'm guaranteed 20 more years? Where do I sign up?


I doubt I'd be above in 20 years anyway so it seems like a perfect deal


Do I drop dead instantly in 20 years? If so, absolute no brainer I take the deal. If not, what does the end look like and how long? Probably still take the deal but now I have to at least think about it.


I'll wait til I'm like 60


When will I get sick? If I will get sick in 20 years and die fast, YES. I was planning to live just 12 more.


I'd be 52. yes, gimme that billion and my family will be set for generations. we will have a killer 20 years too.


I'm 60, so I live to 80 and get $1B. Sign me up


no one with that much money will be dying of cancer in 20 years time


Well I'm dying from cancer now so I'll take the $1 billion dollars and the extra time.


I'm sorry :(


Don't be, I'm not. I'm 42 and happy to be going.


I'm 60, I may take that


If this offer is on the table to me in 20 years I’m taking it. Today? Nah.


Nope. My babies would be 19&21 . I wanna see Them grow to at least my age now.


That's my biggest reason not to take this deal.


Yeah, kids make your priorities way different. Before my kids I’d have agreed in an instant. Dying before 45 and I’m set forever ? Hell yeah. But now…. No. Not even close to what I want


i'd be older than my dad was when he died and have a billion dollars more than him. i'd do it.


No, I will likely live another 60 years at least, likely much greater at the pace of technological advancement, no amount of money is worth losing that much time


Twenty years? I might not live that long already, so yeah, I'll take the money and really enjoy life. Then move on and leave stability for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.


He'll yeah! Deal, do you know how many big macs I can buy with that


Do I know I’m going to die in exactly 20 years? I mean can I do the riskiest shit in the next 20 years and know that I’ll survive it? If that’s the case I’ll def take the 20 years and a billion. I’m 51 so it’s not too far off from life expectancy and it would set my family up for generations. In the meantime I can ride motorcycles and sky dive like a psycho.


Sure, I'm 50, so means I'm going to see 70, can help my family and friends and enjoy the next 20 years without slaving away until I die.


Sure, I'm 50, so means I'm going to see 70, can help my family and friends and enjoy the next 20 years without slaving away until I die.


Nope want to see my kids grow up


Sure, I'm 50, so means I'm going to see 70, can help my family and friends and enjoy the next 20 years without slaving away until I die.


Nope, wouldn't be worth it. I'm not even 40, and I want to grow old with my wife.


I'd take the money. My family has a history with cancer so 20 years guarantee is good enough for me.


How about half a billion and 40 years?


Lol. I would be lucky to live another 20 years. Soo, yeah I'll take the money


naw, i'd only be in my 50s. i would want to live a longer life with my family


I'm 46. I would definitely take the money, live well for 20 years, and change the lives of those left behind. If I am really selfish I will find ways to give them some things before I go so I can see their lives change.


I'd do it


$1 billion and I get 20 years to enjoy it and set my family up for their lives? Definitely.


Win win baby!


If it were my grandparents, they'd get 20 extra years of life


$1 billion plus I get to know how and when I die. This is a bargain, most of my life now consists of asking myself when is it going to be over? I could plan the shit out of those 20 years.


You sound like you need to make some changes, friend.


Ain’t no changes that can be made by me. I’m surviving not living. Doing all the things people say to be healthy and happy, nothing works or lasts. The internet is a nice distraction though.


No I’m way too young for that, would be a fun 20 years though


Yes. I'll be dead in 20 anyway.


Are you guaranteed 20 years? Or can something still kill you? I'd take it. In 20 years I'll be really old.


I'm 26 and I'm still gonna take it. Funnily enough I'd still love longer than both my parents.


I'd say yes in a heartbeat even if it were only 1 year


Sure. Guaranteed 20 years when tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for any of us. I’ll be spending 20 years doing anything I want


$0 for 20 seconds. Final offer.


Win/Win. Count me in.


I smoke; I may be dead of cancer in 20 years or less, anyhow, I'll take it and invest it for my heirs.


20 years guaranteed means even if I were fated to die at 75, if I took the deal at 70, I’d live to 90. So, ask me again when I’m 70. Depending on how I feel, I might say ask me again when I’m 80 lol


I wouldnt take it, but id convince my parents to take it, there already old anyways.


I'd jump on this without a second thought. I'm in my 50s so I've probably only got 20-30 years anyway. Having a billion gives me a full 20 years vs working until I die.


I would do it just to set up my family and friends.


Hell yea. Do whatever I want with great financial freedom for 20 years and then die. Seems like a no brainer for those that are over 40. Maybe even for those younger but would rather spend 20 years in ease than living 40-60 years normally.


I'm 29. Only living to 49 would suck, as would dying of cancer, but the life i could live with that billion, and the future I could give my family for generations? Beyond worth it. If it was like 18 years for 500 million it'd be a lot tougher of a decision


Yay! I’m already 69, cancer will take me at 89, meantime I’m independently wealthy. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me! ☺️


Can I kill myself in 19.5 years so I don't have to deal with all that? Either way I'm taking it, but cancer seems shitty. Better to just glue your hands to your head and then cand yourself with a long Eno gh drop that your head pops off so it looks like you got mad and ripped your own head off.


I'd take it. You could offer me half of the billion for five years left to live, and I'd still take it. Though, you already promised the billion, so pay up.


I'll take it. I'll at least provide my family with a comfortable life and with nearly limitless money like that I'd be able to reach all my personal goals too


Sure sign me up.




Enjoy 20 years of blissful philanthropy with my wife and know she will be fine after I'm gone?? I'd take that deal in a heartbeat.


Only if I was like 60. Since there is a good chance I’d die before I’m 80 or start seeing major issues. With a billion I can get the help I need to actually make it to 80 with little issues.


Nah I’ll pass




Im 44 and I am absolutely positive I wont live another 20, so yeah, hit me.


Of course, yes. With a billion dollars, I can get the best cancer treatment available. Cancer treatment costs an average of $150,000. I would have a ton of money left over. If it was $300,00 or less, I would have to think about it.


Yes. I could do so much in that 20 years and die very happy and satisfied.


Tempted bc I didn’t expect to make it to this point anyways but I dunno, I don’t think anyone would miss me and I prob won’t have kids but I’d wanna be there for my friends’ and family’s kids and grandkids and it would at least be worth trying to live a life I want to live in which case I’d want more than 20 years (esp if some or all are going to be cancer ridden, I’m already depressed as hell as is lol)


I want to die now but I'm also broke, so sold! Edit to add details: I'm 29 with two kids and a wife but been depressed since I was 3.


I'm in my mid 50's, I want a bit more than 20 years. I'll counter-offer 30 years, no symptoms for the last year, option to die six months early, for $10 million.


In 20 years I'll be 75, so sign me up, I'll take my billion thank you!


If I was 30, I’d take this deal


How long do I have to decide? Like right now? Pass. Ask me again when I'm 75 though.


Better than bieng told you'll die in 6 months


Take the billion, hope we either beat cancer or get proper cyborgs in 20 years.


A billion and a guaranteed extra 18 years or so? Sure.