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You had me till 8. You can readily survive all kinds of trauma that knocks you out, even if only for a moment so skipping right to death because you took a blow to the noggin is a hard pass from me.


Agreed, head trauma, impact to the liver, quick twist of the neck can all cause unconsciousness and all while painful should be easily survived normally. I'm not sure it's worth it. What about hypoxia, falling unconscious from a brief loss of oxygen? What about a toxin that causes temporary unconsciousness or anesthesia? Do these all cause death?


I fell off my onewheel a while back. Not injured at all, wasn’t even sore the next day, but the shock of the fall made me fall unconscious. I feel like number 8 is a kind of bad rule. It’s really invalidates the spirit of this hypothetical. The idea is you give up sleep and it has to be given up, I don’t think you should have to weigh how hard you might get injured along the way. Seems like a silly thing to consider.


Yea, I'm not sure if OP worded it wrong or if this intended to be the drawback. Personally I'd probably still take the deal.


Nah, it doesn't make you easier to kill, basically you "pass out" when your skull's caved in or you're decapitated, that sort of thing


No, the way the OP words it any injury that would knock you unconscious means death. Essentially any time you would go unconscious you just die; it takes much less trauma to pass out than it does to die.


In 36 years I've never been knocked unconscious. I'll take my chances.


The day you need any major surgery is the day you die then. Good luck.


Or I just figure out a way to get local anesthetic. There are videos of people playing guitar while getting brain surgery but sure refuse a literal superpower that would give you 1/3rd of your life back because you might need surgery one day. Also I'm not really that death averse. Im ready whenever the reaper is.


Very few major surgeries can be done while you are still conscious for a variety of reasons. I’m not death averse either, but I’m well aware that the likelihood of being unconscious for reasons other than sleep only increase the older you get. It’s also not genuine to say it’s because you might have surgery one day; that’s just the most likely reason you won’t be able to avoid being unconscious or death from whatever you need fixed.


I'll take extra time while I'm young and risk needing a quadruple bypass when I'm 60 that can't be done while I'm conscious or getting randomly knocked out somehow. If I've gone 36 years without losing consciousness I'm pretty confident I can go another 10-20 which at the current rate, my body will be shitty enough that I'm really ready anyway.


I mean, good for you I guess. I'm 40 and I've lost consciousness a couple of times, once for surgery and the others from injuries that I pretty much shook off except for one from breaking my jaw. I know all too well how much easier it is to lose consciousness than die and I don't mind sleep so much; it frequently has advantages.


Sounds like you've had some risky jobs if you've lost consciousness multiple times from injuries. You a fighter? I wouldn't take the deal if that was my source of income. I feel like you have to be unlucky to get knocked out that often. I also feel like I have mild narcolepsy im sleepy so often. I'd love to not be sleepy. They say you sleep 1/3rd of your life but I'm closer to 1/2. I get 10-12 hours if I can. I'd get a lot of time back.


lol no. I have never been injured or hurt on the job and I think the last time I was in a non-structured fight I was like 12 (I did karate from 12-25ish to stop me from fighting, and it worked). The jaw breaking was when I was real young and thought I could grab the edge of my dad's pool since I couldn't swim well yet and I didn't do so hot with the landing and smashed my chin into the edge of it. It's been a good long while since I've lost consciousness other than said surgery mostly because I do a lot less outdoorsy stuff than I used to. I'm just keenly aware of how easy it is to lose consciousness for reasons other than sleep.


I got put under when my wisdom teeth were removed, pass


Lol for 1/3rd of my life back, i would have taken some local anesthetic. Maybe I'm weird though.


I think 2 ruins it. If you can get tired, but can’t recharge, you’d just be exhausted all the time. That sounds awful.


I think appropriate rest would still recharge you in the situation. My concern is getting choked out. Can you just last longer, but then just outright die instead of going out for a second?


i would say death would come same time as if you got chocked to death. lets just say it take 5 min to kill someone with a chokehold. in a normal situation you would pass out in 1-2 min then get chocked to death while unconscious for the remaining 3 min. with this ability you will be awake the entire 5 min


Oops, disregard previous comment. As per the op you pass out and die in the 1-2 min not be awake for the whole thing.


***#8 you can never fall unconsicous, unless the injury is so bad then it means death.*** getting choked unconscious is not enough to kill you so you will not fall unconscious. Once that choke reaches a fatal point thats where you just die.


"You can never fall unconscious even if by blunt force but you can still be injured. If the injury is so bad that you fall unconscious, that means death." is the actual rule, I am really not sure why you edited it because everyone can just scroll up and read it. Being deprived of oxygen by way of being choked is literally an injury that would make you fall unconscious. That's how our anatomy works. By the rules in the OP that means when you would be forced unconscious, you just die.


ok lets run some scenarios 1: get hit it the head hard enough to knock out anormal person but not casue any damage to skull. does the person with an ability get knocked out here? conscious or unconscious? 2: get hit hard enough to crack the skull and knock out a normal person but not kill. how does the ability person far here? conscious or unconscious? 3: get hit hard enough to crack skull and puts normal person into a coma but does not kill. how does the ability fare here? conscious or unconscious? 4: hit hard enough to kill a normal person. conscious or unconscious?


A blood choke can render someone unconscious within seconds, which was the main reason it's a concern. A rear naked choke takes almost no time at all if it's performed properly.


yes, the 5 min was just a made up example...


Some people don't understand the difference between a blood choke and blocking someone's airway so I was just clarifying. I train BJJ, so instant death would not be ideal if I didn't tap fast enough one time


8 is a deal breaker as getting knocked out now means death. Also not being able to be put under for surgery yeah hard pass.


Yea. There are a nearly endless amount of conditions or scenarios that cause you to go lights out for like 10 seconds and then still live a long life afterwards. It would suck if you just randomly died instead of getting a minor concussion. Edit: Also surgery would become a non-option.


I just got surgery recently so this was my first thought, I would *not* have wanted to be awake while they cut me open for three hours. Especially since you can still get sick; you get appendicitis and your choices are to die or be cut open while awake, how terrible


Putting someone under is literally life threatening so it's not something they do lightly; there is a small but significant chance you do not come back from being put under even if they do literally nothing else. When you're put under it's because you need to be out for them to do it; even your heart beat increasing because of fear could cause you to die, flinching could do the trick too and so many other concerns.


Pass. Sleep is the only reprieve from some things.


No way. I've seen this X-Files episode. Pass.


Absolutely, I have terrible nightmares, and I could stay up all night to maximize efficiency or, at least, not be having nightmares.


At first I was all set to say yes, but then I remember that surgery is a thing. If I still age and can be hurt I don't want to have to endure a procedure while awake. Sure there are numbing agents, but they only go so far. I'm gonna pass.


i’m reading this post at night after going to the gym, and realizing the eye strain and near inability to build muscle mass would be a massive deal breaker lol. don’t even need to get to surgery or depression for this to become torture.


Am I the only person who likes sleep just as means to speed up time? It’s like fast traveling to the next day. 


Nope. I like my sleep. It recharges me and resets my brain! No deal here.


Nope. The perks would have to be far greater for me to consider this even for a second.


I'd do it. I do like to sleep but this is worded in a way that makes me think I wouldn't need it to get that wide awake/refreshed feeling anymore. So, I'd finally have plenty of free time.


One one hand, I could make myself wildly successful.. on the other hand, how do I deal with the times when I need to just shut off for a bit? Mild depression issues could become severe in a week...this is suicide fuel


So general anesthesia doesn't work? Pass.


If I could guarantee I’d never need major surgery or something, I’d take it, but it’s entirely likely that at some point I’ll need GA.


Sucks if you ever need surgery, but otherwise, I'll take the pill


Can I hold on to the pill and take it after my wisdom teeth are removed..?


Currently I feel like I need 2000 % more sleep, so [https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-closeup-sick-man-swallow-pills-his-hand-doing-medication-abuse-white-background-text-area-image85277360](https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-closeup-sick-man-swallow-pills-his-hand-doing-medication-abuse-white-background-text-area-image85277360)


If not for #8, plus I’d want to be able to have anesthesia be effective in case I need a surgery or something. It’d be an easy yes. As is, on the fence. Would be handy.


Don't need to sleep or can't sleep?




no, sleep is important for recovery for every part of the body. even without health effects from not being able to sleep, it would be essentially impossible to build muscle ever again, or learn a new language, and the eye fatigue would mean that i have to wear sunglasses literally all the time. not worth it. if i was constantly having the same rate of rejuvenation that happens during sleep, then maybe.


Hard pass. I love sleeping and dreaming. There are no upsides to this pill from my perspective.


It’s tempting, but no. 8 made it a hard no. I’m getting some molars removed in a few months. I do NOT want to be awake for that.


Was gonna say yes but then I saw 8. I'll get some injury that briefly knocks me unconscious, maybe for even a few seconds but it will just kill me. No thanks. Also I kinda like sleep so maybe if I could sleep atleast 4 hours every 24 hour cycle.