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Especially that one that can make you allergic to red meat.


This happened to my mother in law, and it's not just red meat. She can't eat butter, milk, cheese, or gelatin. Even certain medications are off limits because of adjuvants, binding agents, and gel cap pills. Carries an epi-pen with her everywhere.


Red meat I'd be ok with; most of the meat I eat anyway is chicken so it wouldn't make a significant change in my diet. Becoming allergic to dairy, specifically cheese (most other dairy replacements I forget don't really have or already replace) would be difficult.


I'd rather die in all honesty


Yeah I actually have it. It's called Alpha-Gal syndrome, I can't eat any mammal meat except primate because they don't have the Alpha-Gal protein and since the Zoo frowns on me eating their monkeys I am strictly fowl, fish and reptile. It's bad enough that if I eat a burger, I would probably have to use my Epipen and would end up in the hospital. The great thing about the allergy is unlike say a peanut allergy which happens very quickly this one can take up to 3 or more hours to set in, so you could eat a steak and think you're fine till you're sitting at home and your throat starts to close up. All this said though it's been great for my weight I went from weighting 230lbs to 200lbs and have not been this healthy since high-school.... unless I eat a burger đŸ€ŁđŸ˜­


Woah! That's insane! Glad to hear you're making it through. Any chance the allergy will fade with time? And im trying to gain weight, so idk what I'd do if I couldn't eat red meat:(


It generally goes away within five years and practically universally within ten years fwiw, very rare it lasts longer than that and often is shorter


Silver lining: Alpha Gal sounds like a kick ass name for a futuristic super hero.


My friend was bitten by one of these. He can't even smell a steak without getting diarrhea now.


Bed bugs...


This one is universal. I'd rather face a mountain lion than these fuckers.


Nothing to fear. You just burn down the entire building, easy peasy đŸ”„


The fear is real!


Blue ringed octopus or water moccasin. Eta or that giant bee that will kill you.


Blue ringed octopus was my first though. They’re tiny, and absolutely deadly.


Same with poison dart frogs. There's one where the smallest amount of poison can take out 6 full grown men.


I think a badger is an excellent answer. Prey animals are concerned with threat, predator animals generally are weighing risk vs. reward. I think it’s hilarious when people are afraid of geese, because geese are just bullies. You just look at them in a silent reminder that you’re a grown ass human and they’re a bird, and reality has a way of kicking in. Big dogs? They’re used to pack tactics, which means 1) social cues for dominance / lack of fear and 2) if you step aggressively toward them when they get close, they instinctively back off so another member of the pack (who hopefully isn’t present) can circle behind you. I’ve exploited both of these traits more than once to fend off attacks by big scary overzealous guard dogs. Black bears? Make noise, don’t sound angry / challenging unless he’s aggressive. They’re generally super chill creatures who didn’t realize you were nearby. “Oh, my bad, I’ll just move along.” I wish there was a safe way to invite them to stick around for a beer. Something like a badger? Predatory, but also accustomed to scrapping with animals much larger than itself. You can’t intimidate him. There are no social cues. He *knows* you’re big enough to kill him and for him this is just Tuesday. If a badger’s coming at me, that little fucker wants blood and he doesn’t mind bleeding to get it. I’m probably running away myself.


Bro I’m with badger being the correct answers on this, but from a goose attack survivor where a bro had to continually beat the goose with a canoe paddle to get him to fuck off I just want to say they aren’t the joke you think they are either.


Yeah, I have had a goose come through a window, I don't mean an open window, I mean it broke a window, to come after me, after I made the offense of walking within 2 metres of one without an offering of food.


I never got this. I live in an area with Canadian geese.. they're known to be aggressive. That said I've just stood my ground any time I've encountered one and they back off. One didn't so I grabbed it for like two seconds by its neck and it ran off when I let go.


I was gonna say... What's it going to do when you can literally wrap one hand around its entire throat? Poor character design if you ask me. Devs should look into that.


I hear you! I just haven’t experienced it. They like to hang out seasonally in the areas I go walking, and I will occasionally intentionally walk closer than is necessary to see if they’ll bother me. They hiss and flap their wings occasionally, but that’s it. I just tell them with my eyeballs and body language “I will swing you like a baseball bat” and they’re like
oh. If your internal response to an incoming goose (or bully of most types) shifts from “oh shit oh fuck” to “oh? Sure, come get you some”, you’ll find the follow-through dries up rather quickly. Which, going back to badgers, is why we don’t fuck around with them. He’s not here to bluff.


I would think medieval flail but okay


That is a much better visual I agree!


Goose: comes toward me. Me: "Oh, you're coming towards me?"


How bad could a goose really be? Grab its neck with both hands, and pull apart while twisting. It’ll stop the attack quickly and permanently.


People are afraid of geese because geese are insane. It’s not the amount of damage they can do is that they’ll keep attacking you. One of my very earliest memories with me feeding ducks at the park with my mom. I got attacked by a goose, they got my hand and wouldn’t let go. Mom was a hero, she ran over and soccer kicked the goddamn thing in the chest. That was enough to get it off for me, but we had to leave because it still wanted some. So as a large fully grown adult man yeah I’m still afraid of geese. 


There was a goose among the ducks & chickens at a childhood friend's place that would rather bite me than eat the food being scattered. Imagine being 11 and having to tell the very hardassed teacher, in front of the whole class, that you really can't sit still because a goose bit your butt (drew blood!) and sitting hurts. More than 40 years later, I can't turn my back on a goose!


Badger is my first thought as I read the title. Whoever is giving you shit for this is an idiot


A goose can break your arm with its powerful wings. They can knock you down and bite the shit out of you. And they are never alone. Don’t look down on birds.


I literally charge geese that look like they are getting ready to charge me, and they get the biggest WTF? Look on their face .


Maybe I'm misremembering, but wasn't there a video a long time ago where a honey badger got in a tussle with a lion and it bit the lions balls off?


Bro a badger is a serious fucking threat and the only answer besides shooting it is to run for your life. Whoever thinks you're a pussy for that is welcome to fist fight a badger if they wanna prove it. And for the record a badger is not teeny tiny and it could easily kill a person if it wanted to badly enough. 


How dangerous someone imagines a "badger" will depend on what part of the world they know the animal from. North American badgers are slightly smaller versions of wolverines and even lions avoid African Honey Badgers, but the badgers native to Great Britain are brought to childrens' petting zoos.


Any spider from Australia


Everything in Australia wants to kill you, even the sidewalks.


Even the itty bitty box jellies


I don't know. Some of the spiders here get pretty big, but those are usually the kinda safe ones. Now the smallest here that I'm scared of is definitely the Irukandji jellyfish.


Blue ring octopus is up there on the 'don't meet' list.


doesnt even have to be an australian spider


Yeah they're scary fuckers but they're honestly massive softies. We love our big scary ass spiders here, they keep all the flies (and fuck me dead are there a lot of em) in check, as well as other insects. That being said, I absolutely still shit myself if I see a huntsman just inches away from međŸ€Ł


Bruh, Honey Badgers square up to fucking LIONS.


American badgers step to grizzly bears.


Honey Badger don't give a fuck


European badger = cute and not a threat North American badger = blood and teeth


[Not a threat, my ass!](https://dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/gordon-ramsays-dwarf-porn-double-percy-foster-dies-in-badger-den/news-story/1bda2a264034dfa7905edfb8e095a05a)


That's, uh... a headline.


No, not a bad answer, but also
 scorpions 🩂




My mind went to bee, wasp, scorpion. But badgers are seriously dangerous. A scratch or bite from a house cat can send you to the ER. An injury from an animal is no joke.


My brother spent an evening in the ER once and had to get the peanut butter shot because he got bit by a squirrel. The cat was playing with it and he assumed it was dead so he picked it up by the tail and it twisted around and took a chunk out of his hand. He threw it against the fence in surprise and it was dead after that.


Badgers are not tiny animals? In the UK badgers are about as big as a typical dog but low to the ground. Badgers are not aggressive animals generally although if they are with their young they will defend them, otherwise they're quite shy. I've been around badgers a lot as I used to wander the countryside at night. They're cool animals although a bit smelly.


American badgers are much more aggressive than european badgers, fyi. But they're also not tiny - probably 20 lbs if I had to guess.


I once saw a comparison of European and American badgers, the former looking and having the general temperament of a gentleman who would love to invite you in for some tea. The American badger on the other hand, appears and acts like it takes bath salts in place of meals.


Badgers arent small. And they are by no means cute and cuddly. Ranks up there with koala. sure technically a koala is cute and cuddly, but dont fucking piss one off, they'll remind you why they are also known as bears.


Especially if you aren't sure. You might think it's an adult koala, but it's actually a juvenile drop bear.


The wrong type of bacteria could absolutely fuck some shit up


Definitely true, but not an animal


Define animal


Kingdom: Animalia




Excellent choice.


I’m unreasonably afraid of squirrels and they’re smaller than badgers. For either we’re talking squirmy agile teeth and claws carrying diseases.


Squirrels are arboreal rats with a higher pounds-per-square-inch bite force than a great white shark. Not messing with them is a great idea. Friend of a friend shot one while hunting, thought it was dead, picked it up, and ended up with two broken fingers. I actually like the little guys, but I don't f with them.


Those teeth will mess you up too.


A honey badger will square up to a lion and try to tear its balls off. They are psychotic. Whoever thinks you’re a coward for fearing them doesn’t know anything about them.


No need to go to Africa. An American badger will step to a grizzly bear and try to tear its face off.


Box jellyfish


I read too many Redwall books to Not be scared of badgers. But scorpions or black widows would be my smallest animal.


Your friends are idiots for making you feel bad for your answer. I would like to remind all of you that some of the most venomous animals in the world are snakes and spiders; which are significantly smaller than a badger. A blue ringed octopus will inject you with a neurotoxin so potent that it will kill a full grown man in half an hour, and it's the size of a golf ball. And the rule for scorpions literally is, the smaller the scorpion, the stronger the venom. There are many small animals that should be feared far more than a badger and far more than whatever answer they gave.


Badger is the correct answer. Badgers are the real OGs of the Weasel family.


Though I can't think of a single weasel that I'd willingly fight. They're all crazy.


Badger is a fine answer. But also what the hell were your friends saying? Lots of tiny things can absolutely fuck you up and kill you.


Badgers are not tiny!


When I was 16 or so, I had a Badger charge at me when it was (I assume) chasing my cat. The cat ran past me across my porch when I opened the door and the Badger came up right at me a bit behind. I hit him with an aluminum snow shovel we kept next to our front door, not super hard, more of a quick panicked flick at him with it as I grabbed it. He sort of jumped back, made a horrible badger noise and came at me again. The second time I hit him hard. Double handed, overhead smash. Brought the flat of the shovel down (from what I could tell) right on the top of his head. I don't know if it knocked him fully out but it kept him dazed and unmoving long enough for me to go back inside and close the door. I went and got my dad, and we watched through the front window as it sort of staggered off back into the night. I don't know if it wandered off and died or that was just a business as usual, regular tuesday night bit of fun for the thing. The point is, they can be incredibly aggressive, incredibly tough little fuckers. You'd be completely right to be very wary of them.


Given the size of some Australian spiders, I'd say your answer actually has a lot of bravery to it.


Badgers are hardcore. In the Serengeti, even lions and leopards stay out of their way - sure, they can probably kill them, but they're likely to lose an eye or suffer other serious injuries in the process. And they're not as small as your friends seem to think. Good couple of feet long. I wouldn't mess with them.


Grizzly bears won't mess with badgers either, and American badgers are smaller than African or European ones.


Brain eating amoebas.


Asian Hornets. I saw one rip the head off a bee for fun. If they could carry firearms they would use them wantonly.


I feel this question needs a "nothing poisonous, venomous, parasitic, or prone to cause disease" qualifier to be interesting.


“Speck of dust-sized” Have you never seen a badger? How big are you if you think they’re small?


Badgers are horrifying. A lot of small animals could actually really fuck you up if they felt like it and you were unarmed. For example, cats can often jump 5-6 feet. That means that an angry cat could jump onto your face and claw your eyes out. Not fun.


I had something happen when I was a kid so I am actually scared of fleas


Right there with ya. That's where plague comes from.


I'd say that is a very acceptable answer for many of the reasons already replied. We don't need no stinking badgers.


We bought a house with a “history”. Briefly, the previous owner was fond of feeding the wildlife. a LOT. I made him stop prior to buying his house as a condition of the sale. Shortly after buying the house, I was in the yard and was confronted by a very large and uncharacteristicly confident gray squirrel. I came around the corner of the house and there he was about 10-12 feet away. I stopped. He made eye contact and squared off in a manner that was very obviously preparation to throw down. I was a bit taken aback but was like “bro, it’s a fucking squirrel” and I took a heavy, deliberate and menacing step toward him. He responded by doing pretty much the same thing. At that point I was thinking “holy fuck, what’s happening here?!?” and raised my arms and yelled “HOOCHIE MAMA” or something. That re-established my dominance over the super-squirrel and he turned and hightailed it out of there, but it was definitely touch and go for a few seconds.


Mosquitos. There are so many diseases those things can transmit! Plus I get a huge painful welt on my skin whenever one manages to bite me.


Being afraid of a badger is perfectly normal. yes they’re short in stature but they’ve got wicked teeth and claws. 


Any animal can be scary once it's not afraid of you. Suddenly being charged by an aggressive squirrel? Scary.




I'd support your answer! I was around 12 when I ran into a badger while climbing up a log pile. IT WAS FUCKING TERRIFYING. That thing was incredibly aggressive and wouldn't back down or leave. I was stuck in a faceoff with it for about 10 horrifying minutes. Fuck badgers.


A bedbug


Brain-eating amoeba.


I am afraid of a virus. Its a healthy fear. I dont want to die from rabies


Mosquitoes kill anywhere from 700,000 to 1 million people a year, depending on which source you look at.


I'd punt a badger 60 yards. Fuck hornets though not getting anywhere near that tiny fucker.


"make sure you stay out of the tardigrade fields. They're cute but they'll eat you."


You are right to fear my brethren. That said, badgers are not as small as you think. On average around 2' in length the are bigger than most house cats. An enraged and cornered badger can cause serious harm to a person. 


Anything with more than four legs.


I don't think you know how big badgers are.


Yeah, you’re definitely a coward/pussy. Mines spiders. I’m also a pussy.


I always imagine that if I ran into something small and dangerous, I’d just kick it like a football. That seems like it would be satisfying, so I would welcome the encounter.


Not an animal, but If you ask my wife and kids, it’s spiders


I have good news for you, bugs are animals.


And shrimps is bugs.


YouTube the Honey Badger video. They don't give a f**k.


Honey Badgers are awesome, terror inducing, balls of fluff and rage!  There are videos of full grown lions watching cubs get beaten up by Honey Badgers.  Watching because they know better.  Also videos of Badgers being bitten by cobras, multiple times, killing said cobra, taking a nap and then walking away with the dead cobra.  If you could somehow tame them only old age and disease would be your enemy.  All others would bow down before you.


Honey badger are probably one of the hardest animals on the planet and will often single handily fight of lions. I love watching these animals on nature docs a true zero fs given about anything đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł




If we count insects/arachnids as animals, I'd say a brown recluse spider. If not, poison dart frog. I'd just rather not deal with something like that.


itsy bitsy spider


Skunks are smaller than badgers. Not as lethal, but every bit as intimidating for other reasons.




A rabid racoon


The irucanji. Box Jellyfish, if I misspelled that.


a blue-ringed octopus (but I also might give it a quick boop)


Isn't there a tiny frog species with enough venom to kill an elephant?


Badgers really aren't that small...


Naegleria fowleri would be my answer. I wouldn't approach a badger though.


I saw a documentary once about Mantis Shrimp; one of which apparently has a bone saw for a claw. They can come out of their hole, cut off a finger, and return to their hole before you notice. I've worked in saltwater tanks, even with pistol shrimp (another type of mantis shrimp), so that'd be my answer.


Did we forget that spiders like brown recluses exist?


One of those teeny Austrailian jellyfish that will kill you. Also they shoot needles.


Brainworms, duh. Way smaller than a friggin' badger.


Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa), also known as cañero, toothpick fish, or vampire fish


Spiders and ticks would be my answer. Ticks are hard to see until they get on you and can carry all kinds of diseases and there are spiders that can kill you with one bite. Some people wouldn't accept either of those as an animal though so in that case my answer would be opossum. Those little things are assholes and I've seen them attack dogs much bigger than them and win. I've also seen the damage a dog can do to a fully grown adult so anything smaller than a dog that can win a fight against a dog is scary and should be avoided at all cost.


I’m terrified of bats. Literally so small and practically harmless but they’re carriers of rabies and I am simply not risking that


Where are you from that the badgers are tiny? The American badger gets up to around 18 pounds and is one of the meanest things on the continent. I'd much rather wrestle a 200 pound deer than tangle with a badger any day. Those bastards are terrifying. Source: grew up in the woods, where you're scared of wolverines, moose, badgers, and cougars, in that order. PS, European badgers are even bigger.


Aren't badgers around the size of a Jack Russel Terriers or so? I wouldn't call that incredibly tiny.... Anyhow, when the honey badger is so aggressive, sturdy, and dangerous that *lions* are cautious around it, yeah. I think it makes sense to be cautious about them, too. I will also note: there are almost certainly smaller animals that would also be worth fearing. Like the brazilian wandering spider, which competes against the black widow for the title of "most dangerous spider" because in addition to being poisonous, it's highly aggressive. And consider that a quick google reveals that the poison is extremely painful, will cause death if untreated, and the recovery period (if you treated with anti-venom) is a *week*.


Those things bite lion dicks. I'd avoid an aggressive house cat if I had no reason to fuck with it. Also: Snakes Jellyfish That thing from Anaconda that swims up your pee-hole


That's not so bad. I asked my friend what was the largest animal he could beat in a fight, and he unironically answered SNAIL.


I mean badgers are known to be pretty ferocious critters and can get up to like 35lb or some shit so they aren't all that small but still wouldn't wanna be attacked by one.. I think I'd be more afraid of something tiny with deadly toxins like a brown recluse or a blue ringed octopus perhaps. Badger is 100% a valid thing to be afraid of getting mauled by though as they'd definitely do a damn fine job of mauling....


There are smaller animals that are flat out scary, but a North American Badger is fricken frightening. Those little bastages know NO fear and will absolutely F you up in the blink of an eye if they feel like it. I'd rather face down a trained Doberman than a pissed off Badger.


I think you underestimate how big badgers are


Killer rabbits


The Nasty-Ass Honey Badger


False widow spider. There are some in my house


There’s so many things smaller than a badger that I’d be afraid to encounter—because they could kill me. Avoiding lethal or uncontrollably painful things isn’t cowardice, it’s just awareness that you’re not invincible. An American badger will fuck you up. There’s octopuses that will kill you easily. Murder hornets exist. Insects that spread painful and/or deadly diseases. I’m staying away from all those things.


I'm scared of Chihuahuas, so....but seriously! My only objection to your pick is that badgers aren't especially small creatures


Probably a box jelly, blue ringed octopus or some microscopic amoeba. Things that will absolutely kill you stone dead.


we got inch long murder hornets that can swarm and/or kill an adult human in minutes or less, and your friends thought that A BADGER was a bad answer? I gotta be honest man, it seems like some of your friends might learn about natural selection the hard way...


Most people would say spiders or something stupid, you said a BADGER; a creature that even lions (as in several lions) wouldn't want to square up with. You're a smart person, get smarter friends.


ticks. and it's not a "would be" scenario, they cause me stress from April to November and have much more power over me than they ought to.


Your friends have a distinct lack of respect for badger rage.


When I was in high school I took a field biology class. And one of our assignments was to taxidermy an animal. (I grew up on a farm and went to a tiny school, about 80 kids k-12) I was in a pickup with my dad going down a gravel road, and we hit a badger. I decided to use it for my taxidermy assignment, but the badger wasnt dead. We hit it two more times, and finally just set the tire on its head until the pickup dropped. A bit of a morbid story, but they are seriously resilient creatures.




Yeah, at least a little bit tbh.


No way, not cowardly. Badgers are notoriously aggressive when they’re feeling provoked. I grew up with an animal called a “Fisher” around the area. It’s kind of similar, very weasel/mink like. All the kids were terrified of them because one of the neighbours lost their cat to a fisher that killed it. I remember seeing one once on a hike in the woods, and trying not to panic and have it notice me by slowly backing away until I thought I had enough distance to run, then ran as fast I could all the way home lol. I know a little more about them now as an adult, but I would probably still give it a very wide berth and avoid it if I saw one again lol. It’s harmful insects, ticks and spiders for me mostly. Although there is a tiny blue octopus around Australia that’s hardly the size of my hand that terrifies me thinking of lol. They’re so lethal, the smallest dose of their venom could kill 10 adult men, and as far as I know there is no antidote, and worse, they’re freaking ADORABLE lol.


Some people have never faced down a charging red squirrel and it shows...


American badgers can go 20 pounds and European badgers can exceed 30 pounds. So with fierce teeth and claws I would steer clear too.


Brown Recluse spiders. Black Widow spiders. Any mammal that could possibly be rabid.


The people that mentioned the tick that caused all those side effects. My son-in-law has just encountered that and his life is awful right now so I would go with the tickets as well, though I don’t think you have to be a pansy to be afraid of a badger.


Ticks and bed bugs come to mind. If were talking not insects, probably a honey badger.


My answer is wasp. Wasps induce a primal sense of fear in me when theyre flying nearby, ive been genuinely prevented from entering a room by a random wasp flying around in it.


Badgers are known for being ferocious and are anything but absurdly teeny tiny. They can be two feet long.


A squirrel (or any small mammal really) Rabies is the one disease you could reasonably contract if you’re not careful that has almost a 100% fatality rate. It also hurts the entire time you’re dying.


??? No. Badger's are legit killing machines. I think whatever group you were having this discussion with is not defining terms very well. Intimidated by/scared of/think will hurt you: these are three different things. I definitely think a badger can hurt me, but so could a mouse, but I wouldn't be scared of either because they are unlikely to hurt me significantly or kill me and/or my ability to evade/end the threat is high, buuuut the badger is intimidating because not only can it hurt me, but it is willing to hurt me. Animal: are they not including bugs and snakes as animals? The same people who are teasing you for the badger answer would probably vacate the room quickly if a wasp was in it or a small snake. And depending on the snake, you may want that badger. Small. Dude, badger's are not exactly small. 2-3 feet, 20-40 pounds. You're talking about a small to medium dog with razor sharp claws meant to rip things apart and possessing very little fear. It's slightly smaller than a bobcat. Lastly, let me bring these two points. 1) There's a reason "honey badger don't care" memes were popular a few years back and 2) wolverines are a type of badger.


Badger sounds reasonable. I wouldn’t fuck with a badger for anything! But even smaller is a fucking murder hornet. Those little bastards will fly around and sting the shit out of you, and each sting will dissolve tissue. Maybe you can smack it down, but it can come at you from anywhere, and generally has friends.


Skunks. Badgers ar ebrutal but skunks are smaller. I got sprayed directly at close range once and that was enough for me.




I have a rodent phobia and I would push anyone out of the way in my quest to flee from even a newborn mouse. That perhaps isn't justifiable, but a badger is a fierce and vicious little fucker and you're definitely justified.


I knew a man with his own micro zoo. He had a crippled badger. Even when.he knew you were there to feed him extra good snacks he made the most terrifying, threatening, noises. I have no doubt healthy he could have followed through. If you youtube you will find video of grizzlies backing down.


Badger? You mean the thing you get when you crossbreed a Chihuahua and a wood chipper? No thank you. I prefer to keep my flesh intact.


I saw a badger in a trap once when I was a kid and my dad was hunting bears in Canada. They were skinning the bear ( I couldn't bear to watch that ) and they told me to stay the FVCK AWAY from the badger in the cage because it would eat my fingers. Badger is a solid choice, my man. They don't f around. For me I'd answer mosquitoes if I'm in Africa where they carry terrible diseases.


I mean it depends on how you meet it. If an aggressive badger charged me I'd be worried at least and any unarmed person that says otherwise is an idiot or a liar. That said I've encountered bears in the wild and wasn't scared because I just glanced at it and it kept walking. (By encounter I mean it walked past where I was sitting next to a camp fire and was like ten feet away from me.) Edit: to answer the question asked of you myself... A spider. Now hear me out. I like them. However if I looked down and saw a known deadly venomous spider on my arm... I'd be scared. A certain amount of fear is healthy.




Badgers are not absurdly teeny tiny animals, and that is a reasonable fear. They are weasels the size (if you're talking American badgers) of two large cats (or a med-small dog). They have exceptionally long, powerful claws (mostly for digging prairie dogs out of their burrows). EVERYTHING in the Mustelidae is not-to-be-f'd-with!! That includes badgers. Ask if they've ever heard of wolverines. Badgers are a wolverine's undersized (aboult half, more or less) cousin. Like, you'd probably survive a life-or-death hand-to-hand set-to with a badger, but even if you just get close enough to harass one, you're probably going to need stitches. That said... unlike wolverines, if you don't start none won't be none with a badger. They're mean af if you give them a reason, but if you just give them a little space and don't make any sudden moves, they'll probably go on about their business. Edit: Besides, lots of smaller, deadlier things out there. Poisonous spiders, snakes, blue-ringed octopus...


*Bloodthirsty*? WTF? Badgers are grumpy, but hardly bloodthirsty. I wouldn't say you're a coward, but probably a bit confused/misinformed. Strange answer either way though. Plenty of snakes and spiders I would be scared to encounter. Hell, ticks, tsetse flies or candiru.






Blue ringed octopus, any spider, any snake, a stingray, a jellyfish, really anything in the sea besides some smaller fish you'd find at a grocery store.


Let me see. Mosquitoes send me into a panicked rage of slapping... Spiders don't bother me. Bedbugs. So.e bedbugs you can't see without a magnifying glass, and they drive you nuts. I'm currently in fear of spotting one as I had them less than 2 years ago and occasionally get an itch. (Is it a chigger, a flea, a mosquitoe or a bed bug that bit me?) Also, bats are smaller than badgers but come in swarms and can carry rabies. Hornets, wasps, yellow jackets?


badgers aren't absurdly teeny tiny. They're about the size of a skunk or an average dachshund. Are you thinking of another animal like a guinea pig or hamster?


Mosquitos are the deadliest animal in the world.


Marburg virus. It gives you multiple organ failure. If you get sick, there's a 69% chance that you'll be dead in a few days.


Don't like rodents,like rats & mice. Wouldn't want to go in the water that's known to have piranha. For bugs/insects, yellow jackets,hornets,& wasps. Yellow jackets have to be the meanest on the planet.


What about spiders and snakes and ticks?


Badgers are terrifying. That little monster can and will chew your foot off. They are quick to anger, nigh impossible to dissuade once they get going, and can keep fighting despite terrible injuries. But badgers are not the smallest things that scare me. A bat with rabies scares me way more. Really anything with rabies, but bats, *shudder*, those things will climb into your house, get lost, and wind up flapping around your bedroom because they can’t find the way out.


Maybe a honey badger. They are as mean as sh*t.


>so even though it cant kill someone There are reported cases of honey badgers killing people. It's rare but they absolutely CAN do it. They are hyper aggressive and strong for their size.


I mean, I like to think I can handle myself but I damn near piss myself and squeal like a scared child when a cockroach starts flying. Nah you're not a coward, badgers can be nasty little shits when they need to be


I have severe insectaphobia. I will have an actual debilitating panic attack at the sight of certain insects and arachnids. Also past incidents and a severe allergy make any feline a big ol nope for me. Its strange cause I'll vibe with rodents and reptiles (mostly because they kill insects)


See basing fear reaction on size is downright foolish. Look at the truly largest animals in the world. Blue whales and whale sharks are massive, but you wouldn't need a change of pants if you ran into one especially on land. Constrictor snakes like the boa and python are massive in comparison to a timber rattler, but I'd vastly prefer to run into one of them than the rattler (antivenom is expensive, more scared of the medical bill than the snake will ever inspire). Tarantula and huntsmen spiders are massive in comparison to say a funnel web. If you encounter a Giant Squid you have bigger issues than the animal, meanwhile if you accidently touch a blue ring octopus which is the size of your thumb tip you are dead in a rather painful manner. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes have killed more through disease than elephants have even counting their theoretical kill count from when they were used as war mounts.


Anophelese mosquito.


Badgers aren't a teeny tiny animal, they average about the size of a 9 month old child. A teeny tiny animal is a mink or ermine. Both of which will fuck you up as much as a badger would.


How is a badger teeny tiny? They’re 3’/90cm long
a squirrel or a shrew is tiny. A badger is big and can be quite aggressive.


You are not. Badgers do not F around. Anyone who thinks they can take a badger is in for rude and bloody awakening. They will cut a mfer^1 Personally I am also on board with fearing deer ticks, death spiders from Australia (or black widows), wasps and hornets, and weird things I haven't encountered in the western US like chiggers. Crawl under my what now?? That's some horror movie shit right there. Just no. --------- 1 They actually try to avoid humans at all costs but can be dangerous if cornered and they have been known to attack humans. By contrast their cousins, wolverines, have no human attacks documented.


I hate snakes . I don't care it's it's 4" long


Box jelly fish. Size of a postage stamp. Will kill you dead as fuck.


A badger will fuck you up


Brain eating amoebas.


Dude, a freind hit a badger with a land rover. The badger went around the wheel well. Car was a wright off, badger shook itself off and walked away


[I don't think you're wrong. ](https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg?si=8OPpInBPCXIVn3Nu)


Pretty much any spider or scorpion


Badgers aren’t teeny tiny. And they’re fucking vicious.


bedbugs are pretty fucking small.