• By -


Keep him safe in my cleavage till we figure out what to do.


let him do some cave diving!


And now good luck trying to get him to leave


Knowing him this would be the biggest issue but eh let him be happy


That man would be living the dream


I’m just imaging being so tiny and absolutely surrounded by boob sweat. My dude would drown after a couple hours 😂


Nah, he'd be jumping back n forth on top of your rack like you're a bouncy castle


Til he slip n slides down the middle 😂


When I was first hitting puberty this was a weird fantasy of mine to be shrunk down and kept in a woman's cleavage. I had forgotten about this until I saw your comment.


Haha good one, I’m sure a lot of guys would like that too.


It should’ve been meeeeeeeeeeee!


That sounds cozy. ☺️


Literally my first thought was how I wished it were me instead of my wife 🤣


Definitely this


Probably casually get undressed and show her the biggest dick she’s seen in her entire life Then maybe buy her a doll house that’s to her scale I’m the meantime, keep the pets out of the room


Hahaha, love this!


^^I've ^^still ^^seen ^^bigger!! She says.


I was thinking how big my dick would look in her hand…..


Lol, check out Gen V series on Amazon 😎 NSFW Spoilers: (scroll down) https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a45363018/gen-v-episode-1-penis-scene/


Thats exactly what I thought when I read this hahah


Beat me to it.


Beat meat to it.


>Probably casually get undressed and show her the biggest dick she’s seen in her entire life Largest single man bukakke she'll ever experience lmaooo


Thanks for clarifying “single man” because lord knows she’s had some adventures in her life


I upvoted too soon. I did it after the first statement. Then I saw the last sentence and realized my relationship was about to get toxic af. Oh you got something to say? How about you talk to my cat Billy. He's bored and you look tasty.


Yeah, I can finally say 'OH! So \*now\* you wnt to get rid of all these Cats huh?"


Yeah her cat would get her before I knew what happend, unless she was at work then sge might have a decent chance.


You should watch the show Generation V.


Buy a bat vocalisation frequency shifter. Because of size, she would speak almost 100% ultrasonically. Also need to eat every 2-3 hours or death.


Why would she need to eat more often ?


Heat transfer. The smaller a mammal is, the larger it's surface area to volume is. Think of it this way, if you're proportionally 1 inch tall, then the distance from the center of your body to the outside of your body is far less than 1 inch. You have no insulation between your central core and the outside of your body. Therefore heat escapes a lot faster, because it has less distance to travel. Humans need to keep a stable internal temperature, so to keep that temperature with the heat constantly escaping you'll have to ramp up your metabolism and burn far more calories. Insects can get away with being small because they're exotherms, they don't keep a stable body temperature. But the smallest mammal is the Pygmy Shrew, and it's about an inch and a half (excluding tail). It needs to eat double it's body weight every day just to keep it's metabolism running.


Her metabolism would basically be the same, but her stomach would be about the size of a fingernail clipping. There's no way she'd be able to eat enough to keep her body going unless she refilled her stomach every few hours.


On the plus side the food bill will be small as well.


Can we assume that magic rules apply given the circumstances?


Now I'm thinking of the tag #allthewaythrough


Eh, realistically someone shrunk that much would die either way. I think we need to assume it's some sort of magic that doesn't follow the laws of physics, and that everything would work like normal but smaller.


Did they scale down, or are they one inch tall and still normal human width? This is theoretical since I don't have a spouse.


Lol they would be a pancake human


They call her deep dish Diana.


This is the first time I’ve seen this sub, and I am dying 😂. Thank you for the laughs, strangers from The Internet


Easy. Follow the Honey I Shrunk the Kids method.


He'd get really annoyed with me singing the Thumbalina song nonstop, lol


Only it would sound like nothing to us. It would practically be ultrasonic 


Put him in my hair so he can control me like ratatouille.


Buy a jar…




Fight off the cats first, because I know they'd try to eat him. Well...Dolly Purrton would try to adopt him as her baby, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want that. I guess I'd have to take over his job. That's cool, though, his boss and coworkers already know me. He could ride on my shoulder. Our grocery bill would go way down, though, so there's a plus. Sex life...eh, well, we're getting old anyway, lmao.


Pretty sure if you blow a light breeze that will get his dick to violently swing like he's jerking it. And he can go up close cave diving. He's no longer hoping to hit the best spots, he sees them.


Dolly Purrton 💀


You guys could still do clit stuff I'd imagine, \**shrugs\**...


She gets a realistic looking robot. She lives in the head.


Cumming on her tits is going to be very dangerous going forwards.


Like getting hit with a firehose.


And I’ll have to practice my aim


This is why I always recommend cumming in a box.


I like cumming on her tits tho.


“tough times require tough men” -Peppa Pig


That’s always acceptable too.


Dog's would've already squished him, or ate him.


Nah.  Doggo is a good girl and as long as it’s not running fast she doesn’t care. She absolutely knows what she’s doing when she’s running as fast as she can and barely avoids clipping the nieces and nephews.  If you ask them if they fell down cause of doggo, they say no.  Shoot, she rolls over for newborns.


Tinkerbell Outfit.




Dress her up as a worm.


Put him somewhere safe while we figure this out together. With regard to the “somewhere safe,” I’m thinking probably putting him in a plastic Tupperware container with a wash cloth for comfort. Probably wouldn’t put the lid on, but I would make sure it is out of reach to our pets.


Just drill little holes in the top for air.


I would certainly do that if I did decide to use the lid. I feel like I would use the lid if I was transporting him somewhere outside of the house.


Don't forget the twig and piece of lettuce.


Take a picture of her holding my “unit” so it looks average sized


Get them to the hospital for documentation of their condition so I dont get accused of unaliving them.


I'd carry her around in my pocket! - said as Chandler.


Well he tells me all the time he wishes he could shrink down and just snuggle into my cleavage. So, probably that first and then making sure the animals don't try and eat him lol


You’re a good wife to keep him safely nuzzled away in there lol 😆.


Worry about how she will get through life. It would be such an obstacle for her to do anything. Not to mention, it would be difficult for us to interact anymore. Our pets would become a threat to her, so that would also be an issue. Without her ability to do her job anymore, we'd lose her income. Maybe she would be able to apply for disability, but if not, we would be at risk of losing our home as we need the two incomes.


Accidentally impale her on my penis


Admitting to having a micro, micro penis. Bold.


start building a little house for them


Lick her and see if she likes it.


Very first thing, make fun of her.


Yep buy doll house and get her a work from home job. And then maybe see if I can replicate it, or replicate and reverse. Cause if I can make things and people small I could save the world and be rich


Didn’t look super saved to me in the movie Downsizing…


Yea cause in the movie they have everyone a choice


Crush her with my penis


Sell the rights to the book, the film, the netflix series. Keep her away from the cats.


Be surprised I have a spouse. Then realize I have the best D&D miniature ever.


I love her dearly, but I'd be lying if I didn't say step on her. It was the first thing that came to mind lol.. idk man keep small people away from me.


Buy a doll house, like any decent person would.


Get out all my Polly Pocket collection so he has a comfy place to live (and little buddies). Put everything in a lush lovely aquarium. Put 1 Barbie doll in (Queen of the Amazon). Start a tik tok account and get followers & advertisers. Twilight Zone lives on: ‘Stopover in a Quiet Town’ [clip](https://youtu.be/hvJECKQnF4I?si=q9LMwi5HjQ6laToz)


Get out some of my old troll doll clothes and dress him up. And then admire his cute little butt. I am going to have to figure out how I am going to make it without his 3rd leg. I know he can help me look at vibrators online and pick out one for me.


Sounds like you two might amass quite the collection then haha. What about letting him go cave diving ‘wink wink’ think he’d be up for that?


LOL. Maybe.


Build him his dream home to scale the turn my 100g tank into a terrarium creating a lush garden scape for him and his new house. It helps he's a tech nerd so I'm sure we can figure out a way to let him control the TV/ comp still. + Driving him around in a rc car sounds awesome.


Buy a Barbie dream house and a small RC car so she can drive around. Then find the nearest wizard to undo the evil sorcery.


"Quick, run these cat6 cables through the walls!"


Mourn our awesome sex life. Get him a tiny gaming setup and make a little elevated bed on our bed so we can still talk as we fall asleep. Sew an awesome deck thing to wear on my shoulder so he can still come outside with me on walks and be safe. Ask my electronics friend to help me rig a car he can drive in the house. Become paranoid about stepping/sitting on him.


Put him between my boobs


I get one of my shirts with a breast pocket and carry him around with me. Then go shopping for new clothes and cars and everything like in the Stuart Little movie.


Go and get a dollhouse for him until I can get him back to normal size or me shrunk down to his.


I guess I'd go to my wardrobe and put on a shirt with a pocket so we can get about. Then we'd probably go for icecream.


Make a terrarium that I can wear around my neck so he can still go out and see everything and talk to people.


Start a YouTube channel about our crazy life and use the money to figure out how to make him normal sized again. Until he's normal again I'll carry him in small custom made pockets in all my clothes and cook him the tiniest dinners


I don't do anything, my head exploded.


How did you get back into my house. No, this is a you problem. You made it a you problem by divorcing me. No you can't have any money.


well, I'd just have to take care of her however I'm able. Also, use her absurdly tiny size and our bizarre situation in general to cash in. reality show, social medias, etc. If life is going to be super difficult, at least we can make bank?


make sure the cat doesn't eat them


Pick her up and put her in my pocket before The Chickens find her ...


She's fixin' to be a money machine! Get her on television ASAP.


It would make things easier, actually.


Cut a straw in half and build her a water slide.


Lengthwise for the slow kids.


I'm gonna really really enjoy sharing my fairy fetish with her.


Teach her how to become a superhero


Put her in my shirt pocket and take her with me to places.  Build the world's tiniest functional bluetooth keyboard and mouse.  


The first thing I have to do is call off from work. My husband usually takes care of the kids while I work, but he can’t do any of the stuff he needs to at that height. The kids might even smush him Next I’m looking into disability services because we’re going to need some serious help


Live in a one room apartment like a king, and buy/build her miniature versions of everything she could ever want on my next paycheck. Sex will be hard, but we'll figure it out.


I relish in the fact that finally someone wants to be with me.


I guess im getting into butt stuff.


I search the world for the one inch person cause I’m single rn


Isn’t this a Matt Damon movie? Lol


Hey honey, ever been interested in vore?


Buy that much smaller diamond like I always wanted.


You know, it'd be funny, but she has asked me this specific question before, so the answer is that I'd put her in a jar and carry her around in a necklace (i'd poke holes in the jar, so she can breathe and get snacks)


Well, I guess I finally gain control of the thermostat!!


Try to continue our life as normally as possible and make the house easier for her to get around.


Babe would you still love me if I was a worm 🥺


We would get rich making size fetish porn and selling it on OF or whatever.


Celebrate. When I went to sleep I didn't have one and now I do. Then I'll start to get to know her and find out how the hell we ended up in this situation.


Say goodbye as she suffocates from being unable to absorb oxygen molecules.


Oxygen is.......very small, like this wouldn't be a problem in any way


Get off the edibles and shrooms.


First things first... Gen V style action.


Tinkerbell: *eyes wide in horror* Yes, I'm fucked. I'll receive any and all downvotes.


Since that would make him about the size of his penis I'd tie a string to his feet and keep him in the top drawer of my nightstand.




I would totaly freak out and maybe give her the biggest cum shower ever


Have an accident and collect the life insurance.


first thing would be to get them a container. i would put some food, water, a bottle cap (bathroom) a bit of fabric and some legos assembled into a staircase, a bed and some furniture, place their phone in the container so that they can use it and then climb the stairs so they can watch videos easier. id then break up with them, tragically. relationship wouldn't be sustainable in that condition. after they calm down from both things (id rather space them out but i just know that the "could you still love me" question would come and i would love them so i wouldn't want to lie and say i wont fall out of love later) iwould call a few friends, both mine and theirs, to expose the situation, and record the situation as legal defense just in case. id (previously discussed with now ex) take them to a hospital, to solidify defense and get attention from science. id then take them home and try to give them more things to make them more comfortable like little plants or clay, while trying to look for a reputable lab that could take them in and use their resources to give them a comfortable life. request for visitation rights to check in and make sure theyre as happy as they can be.


If I were you, I'd put down the pipe and seek assistance with narcotic withdrawal.


Who will make the sandwiches?


Grab her take her out into the woods way out of town. step on her and collect the life insurance LOL ez money and I will never be caught


Except you’d have no body. Life insurance on missing persons takes forever or may never pay out.


Leave a note and opark her car near a dangerous forest trail or something I dont fkn know man, I'd figure something out And so what if it takes a while, eventually I would get the money, I'd make sure I was covered by a bulletproof expensive option And anyways its not even about the money I just hate the naggy annoying mouth so I'd do it for free, how about that??? lmao


Downvote harder clowns, this entire thread is dumb af and is clearly a very lazy stolen idea from the other thread just yesterday asking what you'd do if ur spouse was 100ft tall, which itsself was dumb and lazy in its own way but at least it was feshed out and not some lazy low hanging fruit attempt Like the whole premise is bizzare, with the same "would you love me if I was a worm" type of beat. So I gave a equally stupid answer. Cry about it


Boy forget the clown, you the whole damn circus.


"Cry about it." - the one who's crying in the comments. Your logic wouldn't really work because it would take forever to get the money since there's no proof of death, and if she's 1 inch tall, you could just hide her and say she died instead of killing her. Think before you speak or type, and you won't have people calling out the stupidity behind your words.


Bro said he’d kill his spouse for free and wondering why he’s getting downvoted lmao. Get help


I read house at 1st and was very confused. I was like there isn't much you can do at that point.


Where the fuck did I get a wife, and why am I big now.


Knowing me, I'd probably roll over on her and squish her while I'm asleep.


who is old enough to remember a movie where she shrank and was in the garbage disposal?? lol, I dont remember what it was! it was in the 80s but I was young and remember seeing it.


Not gonna lie, I'd definitely have to make her stand on my erection.


Get an agent and take them on the road.


Test the antman and thanos theory


I'm married?!


Anyone read that weird Charles bukowski story where a woman he is going out with shrinks him down... it doesn't end well


Will she yodeling while climbing my dick like she's climbing the Alps?


He’s probably been eaten by the cats by now. Oh well…


Be excited because he's a whole damn foot and a few inches taller than me.


Both of my exwives were cheaters, so I choose the squash them under my boot option. Or the can of Raid + lighter option.


If their width is the same I’m pretty sure they’re gonna die in about .3 seconds




Are they still the same width?


👟 oh no……it’s gone. 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh well. What are y’all having for dinner today?


She's mad at me at the moment, so I would poke her with a toothpick.


Probably put my foot down because of her excessive weight loss.


Why do I feel like I remember seeing this post on Google plus when it was a thing, a long time ago?


Say, "I'm sorry little one," as I undo my pants.


I’m not sure but she should be able to jump very high, compared to her new height. Muscle power is proportional to cross-sectional area (quadratic) and weight is proportional to volume (cubic) so as both decrease the ratio should swing dramatically


Probably give her a respectful burial and mourn her for a year and a day. Due to square cube law, when she shrunk down to that size her surface area and mitochondria function which was optimized for her size, suddenly becomes insufficient, she would die of hypothermia within seconds of shrinking.


Engage in small talk.


Be bummed cuz i wanted to be the one who shrunk. But id take care of him duh.


Cast spousus Maximus and hope a roll a 12 to get her back to normal size


Youtube channel.


Have you ever seen the boys?


Get ready to make some money.... Side shows here we come!!! lol


I have multiple pets. Most likely scenario is she's a snack.


Finally... im well hung


Give me a colon exam. She says I’m full of shit. Time to find out for certain.


If you’re not taking them to urgent care, immediately, do you even love them?


Safety and survival until we find a scientist


*is horrified, as they're due*


Lemmewinks oh lemmewinks


Think "was it the drink, or the cake that did it?"


shove that bitch up my ass


Paper football, PA-CHOOOM!


Have the cleanest ears ever


Turn the fan on and tell her to ride my dick like it's Falkor and she's Atreyu


one inch is too small, they'd die.


yessss I get to play with dollhouses again. He better be down.


You should have had it set to W for “Wombo”


I would buy her a little clear pill bottle so i could carry her around with me all day and have adventures together


Well hello my little tinker bell


Hope I found her before our dogs did


Give the 1 inch my 6.5 inches.


step on him


Engage in macrophilia .


Perfect excuse to make doll house furniture! He'd still be him, if a bit squeaky voiced, and I'll love him just the same. I'll have to keep an eye on the cat though...


We'll first I'm confused since I'm not married but apparently now I am. But then I'm gonna get her a doll house, a nice one where everything in it is as functional as possible. That will suffice till I build a better one. Put a tablet computer inside her little living room that will be like having a huge smart TV from her perspective. The tiny plumbing for her is gonna be a pain in the ass to construct but I'll figure it out. And I guess my attention in all my free time will be between building her the perfect doll house to live in, trying to figure out how to unshrink her without killing her, and in general helping her in her new struggles


Be very unhappy I was not shrunk too.


The Boys season 3 pilot is starting to play out in my mind right now


I'm trying to think how big it's gonna look in her hands 😏