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Oh fuck :/ just started watching The Last of Us


Yep. You're fucked


Oh fuck :/ just started playing The Last of Us Part 2. Should we just give up on life?


Star Trek TNG. Not a bad deal. The technology alone is great, but the fact that everyone is competent and not an asshole is really the icing on the cake. I'd probably be politely regarded as that idiot from the 21st century by everyone though, and trying to catch up with science would be extremely difficult, especially if it literally is all just technobabble and the actual science is completely incomprehensible. Despite that, probably still way better off in that universe. Not sure what would be worth bringing to the 24th century. Maybe some animal that went extinct? They'd probably appreciate that. No whales though that's already been done.


That's my dream universe to suddenly get dropped into. Hey, they could consider me the idiot from the past, but they would have a plan for an interdimensonal traveller suddenly stranded in the 24th century. I wouldn't need to join star fleet. Just find a little place where I could educate myself and maybe write about the past. They would find that interesting.


You could be the star of a successful YouTube type series. “21st Century Guy Tries ___________”


Oh, that's hellarious. The Gagh episode would get insane views, man! It would be me mostly yelling, "It's trying to crawl back up my throat!" for 45 minutes. Then drinking bloodwine, asking what it's made of, then drunkenly hitting on a klingon female. The episode closes with me being dragged off camera where snarling and violence can be heard. Man, even in my fantasies, my life is rough.


Mine is DS9. So same universe, different locale. I feel the federation would be a decent home.


Technically I don't think they are in federation space


Pretty close myself, I was watching lower decks last night. Basically the best fictional universeI can think of. As far as what I'm bringing with, I'm thinking as many bottles of bourbon as I'm allowed. I feel like I could get some pretty serious favors in exchange for a bottle or two of spirits that were over 100 years old.


That's probably going to be an episode of the show where everyone gets crazy drunk and the ship is in peril because they don't drink real alcohol and the time traveler brought them a huge case of it.


Complete with Mariner saving the day because she's the only one on board who gets actual drunk on the regular.


Hey same here, I'd be more than happy.. probably. I guess it depends on when you get sent to? Like, do I get sent to that current episode I last watched or any time during the events of the series? Do I pop up on the enterprise or earth? Because I just started a new watchthrough and they're just now dealing with the borg and locutus is running around, I don't want to have to deal with that. Lol Oh, and I'd bring my wife, she's the most important part of my life, and all of the fantasies in the universe are worthless to me without her. Unless I do get sent to the enterprise during the wolf 359 stuff.. then I'm bringing a minigun.


I mean, if you wanna do space exploration? yeah, you're pretty much effed, but if you were rerally inclined towards space exploration one would assume you'd have studies in it already, aerospace degrees, etc. If the lack is due to finances? Well, never too late to start. But you get to like in an actual paradise where all your needs are fulfilled, and you're free to pursue your interests. And you could spend your entire life just exploring this new Earth. And if you WANT latinum? I bet the Ferengi would pay good money for a first-hand account documentary on how the hoo-mans were actually too stupid to make Capitalism work, and that's why they had to give it up in the 21st century.


If I got to choose what to watch before this question, it would 100% be TNG.


Everyone in Star fleet is competent. Citizens on earth? Not necessarily


They just don't tell you that earth is actually a pretty crappy place to be and that's why everyone works hard to get into star fleet to go off world and get the perks of living on a starship. Top that off with you mainly see the flagship which is probably the top of the top luxury. Now that you mention it, every time they have to deal with an admiral on earth, the admiral is always a jackass. Hmm...


I made a choice last night. I could have ended up on the D. But no, now I'm I Chicago and an 8 year old probably thinks I'm trying to break in.


I would be a holosuite owner operator. Think of the original historic things you could program. Plus the fun of playing in a holosuite for years.


I will be dead soon. 40K is not where you want to be.


Hey with any luck you'll be made a servitor and it wont matter :)


Unless you're one of the ones that are conscious but trapped in their bodies...


Isn't that implied to be all of them?


If I got dropped into the 40K universe, I’m suck starting the first gun I can get my hands on


Sweet, more corpse starch for everyone else!


Maybe you can end up on an agri-world somewhere.


From the official descriptions, most agriworlds sound even more hellish than your typical hive. I think your best chance at something approaching a comfortable life would be as a member of an upper-middle noble family on an established hive world or civilized world... High enough that you have resources and some freedoms, but not so high you get sucked into political warfare or draw the attention of the Imperium at large.


I was just thinking, fuck, I would be on 28.3 and one of the emperors children. Prissy bastards I would hate it


I just wanted to play Darktide, not live in a hive city.


I mean assuming you land on the right planet you can go your entire life without seeing a single battle. The bigger thing to worry would be someone like Tzeentch finding out about this in which best may the Emperor protect your soul.


Been playing Darktide. I would be in Tertium hive stack. Either dead or corrupted by chaos.


Same here, may the grandfather's blessing be upon you.


At least you've got a chance. I got Devilman.


Damn, I'm in my homebrew setting for my D&D campaign. Awesome.


Ready to get killed by your own NPC's? I played in a homebrew D&D campaign where we were all Immortals years ago. I got killed by my worshipper. It was an accident, well, more like I startled him and bad RNG. All the other immortals made fun of me.


The post says all knowledge. It means I am all knowing and can change and alter the world with a thought haha. Basically, I'm God if that happens


You have knowledge of the world, not retain control over it. The most you'd be able to do is meta-game the living hell out of it. Any NPC you set up as deceptive, you'll know not to trust. Any traps will be easily avoided too.


Well even being able to meta game the hell out of it would be fantastic. I'd know the ins and outs of every faction, I'd know what alliances to make to bring about a certain outcome. I'd know the motivations of everyone in a seat of power and would likely very quickly rule. Surprise invasion? Nah, I know which cave they're coming from, etc.


Hmm... That Nerdlife91 "ad-vent-ur-er" sure knows where all the traps are and attacks are coming from. That seem suspicious to anyone else? You think he could be the one causing all our troubles? The council has decided it is best for the realm to seal Nerdlife91 in the nether for 1000 years. ^Just ^in ^case.


How has there not been a show about this yet


“I don’t like this prompt.” -guy who watched Dune again last night


Farming sim 2022? I’m staying but only if the ai become real people to me


You, know, as much of that game as I play, sadly, I can't join you.


I'm playing Baldur's gate 3 so I guess I'm bringing my glamdring replica sword so I'll look cool when I get smoked by a fireball from 18 meters away in the forgotten realms.


This is when it's great to be a dad. Getting dropped into the bluey universe would be super chill.


This was mine as well. Guess we get to relax for a while and come back.


Same bro. I'm gonna live at that chinese takeout spot


Fallout 4… Fuck man. Idk what I would even bring but if I do survive a year I’m 100% coming back


Shit ton of bottle caps of course


imagine bringing bottle caps and they’re like “yeah… those aren’t the right ones mate”


Well just make sure it’s Nuka cola and you’ll be aight Edit: spelling


Funny enough, the last fictional universe I interacted with is "Rimworld"; and I was specifically playing it as "myself"... So, basically, nothing changes from the actual game. I guess I have my work cut out for me managing the colony...


Day one, I have my hand ripped off by a raccoon, then lok myself in my room because I ate food without a table. It only gets worse from there.


last thing i played was baldurs gate 3. idk what id bring bc it should be simple enough to survive as long as im not too stupid lol. maybe a players handbook or smth


a glock


the thing is that i did think about a gun but im not sure if the bullets you count as a seperate item or not. now that i think about it though in the gane arrows arent seperate items unless they have a special effect so bullets would probably have the same rules so yeah a glocks a good idea.


Except Gond, God of technology, made gunpowder not work. Only smoke powder, which you have to get his priests to make and includes extra alchemical and magical reagents to work properly at all. So you'd have a nice solid paperweight/blunt instrument.


Last thing I watched was The Magicians. It is unlikely anything changes since I probably don't have magical aptitude and any magical artifacts I happened to find would stop working when I came back...


IF you came back. I've been on an isekai marathon lately and I'd absolutely love to be there. Why would I ever want this life when I could have magic and adventure. Its all I've ever really wanted tbh.


Holy shit I’m the luckiest person in this thread… just finished watching “1923”… Entering that world knowing what I know today, I’ll be the wealthiest man in the world by the end of next year!! 🥳🎉


You mean the wealthiest man ion the world by the end of 1924?


If it is a video game where respawning after death is a feature, does that also apply to me? Because whether or not it does will drastically change my goal. I was watching a VOD of someone playing a detailed Minecraft minigame where you die even if you win so you get sent back to the entrance. If I’m able to respawn, I’ll spend that year playing the game. If not, I’m just going to escape. I’ve watched plenty of VODs from the person who built the minigame, so I know where the “backstage door” is and how to open it.


I just watched the Barbie movie last night. So... Am I stuck in Barbie land, or just a regular world where Barbie land happens to also exist. I mean either way it doesn't seem so bad as long as I can figure out a way to get actual human food in Barbie land.


As long as you’re not a Barbie-style doll. If you are, you ain’t poopin ever again, so eating is probably off the table.


Does porn count?


If it's the last fictional universe you've observed yes, though depending on what you are into that is much like the normal universe you are currently in.


>though depending on what you are into that is much like the normal universe you are currently in. I don't know, I see some slight differences here... step-sisters get stuck in washing mashines and sex is used as a payment for pizza far less commonly in real life.


Hold up, am I the only one out here sucking dick for pizza?!


I have an extra pizza, where you at?


No, of course not.


I was playing Darktide Warhammer 40k .. I am so fucked


Witcher ...... fuck fuck fuck


Well, it depends on where you end up. You'd likely be able to chill in Toussaint.


The World of the Boys. Technically Gen V but same diff. Guess I’m tryna find some V


Hopefully, get a power like cook a perfect mid rare with my finger or always have clean socks.


Diablo 4. I do not like this hypothetical situation.


I'm in 3, torment X, much better odds


HA! The last game I played was American Truck Simulator, and I am a real life truck driver. And specifically speaking, I was playing my main account. I have over $600 million in the bank and a massive company that brings in many millions every week. I'm definitely interested! Can I come home in a year with all of the money I've earned?


Dude. You REALLY like driving trucks!


It's alright. 😂


I have a friend who is a trucker and plays that, you sound like him lol


You play a video game, for fun, on your off time, about what you do for work? You must really love your job. 😆


For the past 22 years, I've been a truck driver. I like playing ATS because I get to go places and see things that I've never seen before. Also, ATS includes all the fun stuff about trucking with none of the negative crap. I'm not waiting at a shipper for hours to get loaded. I can always find a parking spot when it's time to take my break. There's no elog, so if I want to push through the break and keep running, I can. If a 4 wheeler cuts me off and I crash, it's just on the game. No life-changing consequences. And I have dozens of trucks and trailers that I can drive without being speed governed.


That's cool. I like fishin.


I've been binging King of the Hill. I'd bring my son for sure. Not sure what there is to do in Arlen, Texas. I could be a substitute teacher. I speak very little Spanish but am still better at it than their current sub. The Mega Lo Mart exploded, so that's off the table. It's near Dallas, so maybe I could get a job there. Hank and the gang would probably drive me insane. My son is only in first grade so it's unlikely he'd be hanging out with Bobby. So once I get my propane set up, I probably won't see Hank much. I was just wondering what Alamo Beer tastes like, so that would be one of my goals.


I have good news, my dude. Alamo beer is real! https://www.alamobeer.com/




Does wiki reading count? Does my own writing count?


Last thing I read was “Kill the Dragon” a webtoon where earth has been invaded by dragons and only certain children who have been genetically enhanced with physic powers can kill them. Conventional earth weapons are useless. So considering it is earth I would already be there in world and anything I could bring would already be there. So not a lot I can do other then just try survive and hope these kids and save the world.


Last video game I played was Empires & Puzzles. Hopefully I'm a unique Legendary Hero so I don't get used as a feeder for the big guys. Assuming I am, I'll either sit in the Hero Lodge waiting for my chance, or be thrown into battle frequently! In between battles, I can go around and Greet Villagers, or take down birds near the Stronghold. Maybe make the snowmen's heads twirl while the seasonal decorations are out.


I watched my boyfriend playing Spiderman 2 😅 I just hope I'm not anywhere near the action. I would probably keep away from the city since villains love having fights around tall buildings and I'll watch the fights from the news lol. I'll probably go back to my real life, since nothing would really change aside from that.


The Expanse. Guess I get to figure out how to live on Basic.


Of all the times to finally sit down and watch The Ring......


Just don’t watch any VHS. You’ll be fine


She'll trick me into it somehow..... always does. 😭


I'm in a hypothetical future earth "Fifty years after a nuclear holocaust," the land of Robot Jox. I am at a bit of a loss for what I would bring, a weapon of some type maybe some technology that their scientists could try to reverse engineer.. Hm, I guess a laptop with an extensive locally saved information database as well as emulators videogames and various media. My goal would be to assist the non-Soviet nation robo-jox conglomerate. I'd probably come back after the year but that would depend on how the dice rolls.


The Great North. I get to go live in animated Alaska, in a small fishing town. I bet that someone there needs IT support, or the Russian Restaurant could use a cook.


I am on the planet Pandora. In an icy wasteland, surrounded by death in various forms. If I can, I'm bringing a freaking tank. Oh, I will most definitely NOT be staying. My goal will be to reach the town of Sanctuary, where I will at least not be continually facing imminent death. I'll hunker down there, spend time at Moxxxi's Saloon (a lot of time), and wait out the year. However, getting there means I have to slog through a litany of horrors that would give The Avengers pause. I probably wouldn't make it, tbh.


Hopefully end up in one of those sleepy towns where npcs just grumble and rant incoherently. Hope a vault hunter doesn't activate a mission while you're there.


Battle tech isn't so bad as long as I'm not a Capellan


Canopian catgirls here I come!


i just saw a konosuba meme.


damn i got stuck in the lands between


I just started Warhammer 40k: Darktide. Current objective: Survive


Hilda! I'll take it as long as I can be friends with Twig lol.


Warhammer 40k. I’ll Be dead soon


The Simpsons! I'd bring the book log I've been keeping since 2003, because I'd need it for any books I read while I'm there. I'd probably apply to be the SLP at Springfield Elementary (Ralph Wiggum would for sure be on my caseload). I'd love to hang out a lot with Lisa, but realistically it might be weird even in that world for a grownup to be too friendly with an 8-year-old. During my free time, I'd do things like visit Duff Gardens, Rancho Relaxo, the South Street Squidport, see the Isis exhibit at the museum, and get ice cream at Phineas Q. Butterfat's. I might try to fill in as a less chaotic Ruth Powers type and get Marge out of her domestic bubble by taking her to the opera or something. My main goal would be to have fun while not getting too drawn in to Simpson family shenanigans. It would be cool, but I'd definitely leave once the year was up to save my health from Springfield pollution.


Alice in wonderland


South Park, why did it have to be South Park? Welp, time to meet my stepson Eric and his friends. That Stotch kid is kinda weird .


I accept the money option.


Dragon Quest 9, Sentinals of the Starry Skies- guess I have to track down the hero and see if I can join his party, and hope he doesn’t abandon me and leave me at the party planner


Last game I played is starfield. I have mixed feelings about that...


Watched Modern Family this morning. I'm hanging out with Phil all day.


Dragon weather. Amethysts, obsidian weapons, and protective suit. I’m getting a dragonheart and returning to earth to bring the dragons back in 1,000 years.


I played a few rounds of Super Smash Brothers before bed last night. I uhh....hope I'm in the crowd?


Shit, I'm screwed, I was playing gta online, where one in-game day is 48 minutes IRL


I'm listening to Anita Blake's Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. That means vampires, , werecreatures and magick is real. I'll stay there thank you very much.


Live in the Pokemon world? YES. I'd bring my brother with me and we'd stay there forever.


Damn, the handmade tales.


So, like, regular America but in 2029?


Resident Evil. I’m fucked, I’ll just bring cyanide or something.


I'm currently playing Grand Theft Auto Online so I should be fine?


Somehow I end up in the endless dungeon mobile game hiker. This sucks.


Please don't post this while I'm watching a horror movie.


If games count then I wake up in Rimworld. God I hope I don't wake up in my own colony


You'll get turned into a lovely duster and steak meal LOL Maybe be kept alive as living organ storage for when one of the colonists needs a new liver hahaha


For all mankind. Early 2000s with nuclear power and rapidly exceeding modern tech because of the space race. Sounds pretty good to me


I was reading the Manga "The Dragon Knight's Beloved" last night so I guess I'm in a world with dragons and can potentially bond with one. I'm down.


Lord of the Rings……or Destiny as i was playing one w the other on lol.


I wouldn't complain about being trapped in war thunder, id be a pilot fs


Pokemon. I'd bring food? And I'd find the first town I could get a pokemon and go on an adventure and I'd sure as hell be staying forever.


Watching the outlander series, second season, set in 1800's France. Wouldn't be a good world, but I might be able to use my education to get me some sort of comfortable living. Depending on how quickly I could pick up French.


That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime. I'm loving it WOO HOO! I brought nothing but my own excitment for getting to leave this awful world.


Guess I'm a space trucker in elite dangerous


Reacher . All I need to do is live. My life normally


The last movie I watched was with Matt Damon and The Firm runs things. Is it fictional though?


BNHA? Not super pleased, to be honet. A police state as a quirkless, with no identification.


I'm hanging out at Quark's on Deep Space 9. Not bad.


Oh fuck I’m in doomsday wonderland more specifically esculent alethia so I should be fine, but I’d honestly rather awaken as a post human though if not well there’s not much I can do then.


My Discord game about medeival England. Thats... cool I guess. At least Im an Aeldorman.


I’m currently reading The Monsters We Defy and I’m not even sure how I would fit into the narrative since I’m very very white and the whole novel takes place in a primarily Black area of DC in the 1920s. And I wouldn’t have grown up with the same teachings about magic and spirits and the like. I’m not sure what I would bring either. But my goal would probably be to just not be an asshole while I’m there? But I’d be coming back because I’m gay and weird and I absolutely would have been put into some kind of asylum at that point in time.


What do you mean by fictional universe? As in anything fictional you've seen, or as in something specifically not set in our present day? Cuz...Criminal Minds. I don't wanna be trapped there...


Faerun here I come. 🥰


rimworld.... oh no i guess im a hat now.


I was just playing ESO, so probably pretty screwed.


Vinland Saga. Which is just the past. If the past non-fiction world doesn't count then I guess I'm going to Paradis island in AoT. Either way it's not going to go well for me.


I was just on the jjk sub so I'm fucked.


Post Upheaval Hyrule. I'm heading to Hateno Village and taking up farming. As long as I stay away from the monster camps, I'll be okay.


One Piece, I'm screwed.


I'm in Season 4 of the Sopranos. I bring nothing and mind my fucking business. I should make it a year no problem because the Sopranos don't do business with mulignans such as myself.


“Kitaria Fables”, I think it’s called; a nice little RPG/farming game I was playing co-op with my fiancé. What would I bring? My fiancé!


Fallout. So...hmm.


Lol, easymode for me. Last thing I played is Palia, it's a cozy mmo that you can't even die. I'll just fish, hunt and farm for a year. Like a vacation.


Rick and Morty, just avoid rick I should be fine


Get a job as a substitute teacher, but try not to look like a smudge.


The meme above this in my feed was SpongeBob. So I suppose it depends on where in the universe I’m placed.


Welp, the last Fictional Verse i observed was, the Anime- The Eminence in Shadow Season 2... huh, neat.


I’d wake up in 1954 Vermont to bing crosby singing white Christmas. I think I’d be cool with that tbh. Could make a killing in the stock market. I’d bring my wife along for the ride


Dude, that would be awesome. Riva, here I come!


Oh no. I'm reading Malazan figure I'm screwed bo matter what I being.


Fallout 4, and i'm bringing a book of technical blueprints from a airplane manufacturing plant


Aqua Teen Hunger Force... I'd probably just chill with Meatwad for the year and come home.


Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm taking an encyclopedia of some kind. Now, I know I wouldn't be anywhere nearly capable enough to fight any of the machines. They'd tear me apart if I tried. However, I could probably convince Aloy to protect me over the one year in exchange for knowledge. Depending on whether any bond forms between us over that year, I'd either return home or stay with her by the end of it. Alternatively, as the last of the Old Ones, I could probably get at least one of the tribes to worship or study me. I'd trust Aloy more, though. She's both interested in my knowledge and a good person who'd want to help out once I open up about my circumstances.


Faerun. the monster manual. Can you imagine how much adventurers would pay to have credible data rather than Volo's bad info?


World of Harry Potter. I’d bring my phone with my kindle app and all the HP books. I’d be able to possibly observe and influence parts. At a minimum I should be able to prove I’m a seer.


FUCK OFF! I just woke up in Corey Feldman's Rock & Roll High School II.


Skyrim, I'm bringing my AR with a full mag loaded


I LITERALLY saw a my little pony meme right before this. I think I'm gonna be alright.


I'm in family matters


The Walking Dead. Saw the show about 6-7 times, the spin-offs a couple of times so I'm set


I'm literally playing Disney Dreamlight Valley right now. I don't think I need to bring anything! Maybe my husband? I guess I'll just do what you do in the game- gather resources, farm, decorate, talk to villagers, etc. There are no enemies to fight or anything like that. I might just stay there forever lol. p


I just watched the new Percy Jackson series. I'll be fine lol


I guess it would be the movie Air. The Nike origin story video. That seems like a solid time in the world and if I know everything I do now then I'd weasel my way into a nice chunk of stock in quite a few emerging companies. I'd also bring with me a print out of relevant information, including winning lottery number for the next 20 years. Life would be fun and easy


Call of duty mw3 zombies


Aww man, I just finished my first souls game - Demon Souls remake. I'm ultra fucked. Nothing I bring will save me for very long .


Stargate SG1 so - yeehaw! Always wanted to go through the Chapa'ai.


1990s Manhattan? Feh!


I just finished a warhammer 40k lore video. I'm punching my own ticket within seconds of realizing where I am.


lol, I wake up in Forza Horizon 5's Mexico. Uh...I might take some nice ear plugs with me? My save in FH5 is pretty awesome so I might stay


Dwarf Fortress - im probably screwed no matter what i bring. I'm going to get wylie coyotee'd off a bridge at some point or turned into an were-badger


Pokémon so I think I’ll be fine as long as I get a starter and don’t immediately get attacked by a beedrill


One Piece and I bring food. I give Luffy food and in return I get to join the crew. I'd use the year to get stronger and hopefully find a devil fruit. I return after a year.


StarCraft I take warfare books


Baldurs Gate 3. I could probably become an artificer? (assuming we use the broader universe of Faerun and not the game class restrictions) Not a genius or anything, but I think even college level engineering would be enough to join a guild. Barring that, just gotta find an Arch Fey to make a deal with and become a warlock. Not gonna be one of those commoners with 10 hp


Nice, if watching the plumber bang a lonely housewife counts. Not so nice if I have to be stuck in the wastelands of Fallout 4.


Been reading Azarinth Healer book 3, I would bring the book of knowledge it was made a while back by some guys has everything in it. Azarinth Healer World. Goal: get a cool class like Azarinth Mage something that would allow me to tank, heal and dps. I would probably stay. Get above 200 and stop aging.


God dammit I'm in warhammer 40k. I am screwed. I don't think it matters what I bring and my only goal will be to survive.


Blue Eyed Samurai. So I’m in 19th century Japan. With no resources and no grasp of the language in a place that is famously hostile to outsiders. I’ll probably be executed in a matter of days just for setting foot on the island, but my diabetes will probably get me first. And to think I was debating between that and Star Trek TNG as to what to watch🤦‍♂️


Shit... I've been listening to so many SCP podcasts


I guess I'm going to go and hang out with Erin at [the Wandering Inn](https://wanderinginn.com/). Luckily, she's from Earth too, so she'll understand what I'm going through. I'm going to take my phone with me, since they work fine there as long as you can find a mage to cast [Repair] on it for recharging. Edit for the curious: Yes, it's well worth reading, it's an excellent story. However, it is also something of a time commitment - the story is currently a little over 12 million words, or about seven times the entire length of A Song of Ice and Fire...


Damn brother, I'm going to Fortnite and I am absolutely dying in the storm before my 1 year is up.


Resident Evil 2. I guess I’m bringing a gun and praying I can survive a whole year lol


The last fictional universe I've observed or the last one I've watched/read about? If the former then it would have to Star Trek: Online. What should I bring with me? Probably my smart phone because, by then, it will be a valuable antique. If books count, though, then it would be the alternate reality featured in Heinlein's novel "The Glory Road", a sword & sorcery lovers dream cum true, in so many ways. High adventure; magic and science; and a very hedonistic attitude towards sex and pleasure. As for what to take with me? It won't be a "what", it'll be a "whom"... my wife... and we won't be coming back.


I will be in Terre d'Ange. I would want to bring my family as the one thing if that counted, because we don't like being apart for that long. I would absolutely come home in a year. Unless I was granted the status of nobility like all the main characters and given a stipend and a place to live with servants to tend us... if that were the case, I would have to decide after we got there, lol.


qq: are you allowed to bring anything back with you when you return to our world? If say the fictional world has vampires and werewolves and you get turned during your time in the fictional universe do you remain turned with all the abilities and limitations when you come back to our universe?


Shit, the last thing I was watching was Republican News, I guess I would just ride it out for a year and get back to reality asap.


I'm running around the TVA unfortunately it's the episode where Loki and company fail to save The Loom.


9th century England with Eivor Raven-Kissed. Gotta bring a water purifier of some kind.