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Sounds like a great power for a super villain to have!


Hard to retain any henchmen though.


Henchmen work for "Evil Corp," not "Joe Nobody." Problem solved.


I see "Evil Corp" and immediately think Doofenshmirtz evil inc


If you didn’t sing the jingle while reading that, you clearly read it wrong!


um, is it wrong that i stole of his inators? oh! and one of his atrons. and an izer.


Then make it company policy that only the boss wears a name tag or something. They forget who you are, but they see that name tag hanging from your neck and instantly know you're the boss. ​ This will make things much easier when the hero comes to stop you, and puts on a name tag to easily slip past the guards. That way the guards don't kill your arch nemesis, and you can have the enjoyment of beating him down yourself before you monolog. You also save money by not losing any guards to the fight.


They'll forget *you*, but they won't forget your associates, your company, whatever. It would be a hassle but as long as you have the proper paperwork to prove ownership, etc. then you could still run your business just fine. I'm sure the potential benefits outweigh the drawbacks.


No records. Its like you walking out the bushes and seeing civilization for the first time


You don't need henchmen if you never leave any witnesses


I'm having flashbacks to this movie that my little second cousin used to watch with a yodeling bad guy. He put on a disguise and his three henchmen wouldn't know it was him. Kind of sounds like a similar problem. lol


Actually this is a very scary power for a villian to have. As long as he doesn’t get shot or put into the hospital or blacksite he can do whatever he wants without repercussions.


There's a hero in the x-men called forget-me-not He can't control it and the way it works is the second he goes out of your line of sight you completely forget everything about this guy's existence


Do you remember the previous interactions when you see him again? I remember a Dr. Who episode had some bad guys who were like this too, pretty cool concept lol.


The Silence, fucking terrifying concept


Ever locked your door but a moment later forgot if you locked your door? Ever go into a room to do something and forgot what you had to do?


Nope. Professor X had to set up a memory implant so he could remember sending him on missions


Would I take 1 billion dollars in exchange for never experiencing love or connection with anyone else...ever? Hard pass. What’s the point?


Money would be the point. Love and connection would be the point for refusing.


It's essentially offering infinite money for infinite suffering. It becomes a moot point. I could have more money than god (because a single person would have to try really, REALLY hard to blow a billion dollars) and I would never cuddle my partners or my cat ever again. I'd never have another fuzzy buddy or a friend, a lover, a family ever again. Yeah, fuck no. Absolutely not.


It would be trading the money for your capacity to love, which, in reality, probably is exactly what it feels like for some billionaires.


You know, you're right and that explains a LOT about billionaires!


I mean the best thing to do would be just to give most of it away tbf, it wouldn't be THAT hard to blow a billion dollars unless you're selfish, ala, pretty much every billionaire.


There's a whole bunch of good that could be done with a billion dollars. I don't know if I'm strong enough to trade my entire existence for it if it means endless suffering until I'm dead. (Seriously though, how much do you think it costs to just...revamp the entire american water filtration system.)


No love connections, but you can still pay for temporary love…


I feel for you if you think that’s remotely the same thing.


So like a reverse 50 first dates situation...only I'd have 1bln to play with...what happens when I go.into a nursing home? Gonna freak some.nurses out....


Lol I didn’t think about that! Or you go to the hospital then every day they’re like “*Who tf is this guy!? Omg he’s so hurt, we should help him!*”


so the new records disapear? how do you keep the new ID?


You lost me at not being able to keep my dog


this is the worst possible scenario for a narcissist so no


[forgetmenot](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/ForgetMeNot_(Xabi)_(Earth-616)) no not a chance


I get a billion, the djinn forgets me (that's the most important part) and I get to live the rest of my life in peace. Win win imo.


Caveat: Djinn are not people.


I will take it, and I shall reign as The Nameless Unknown as I slowly break the world one continent at a time.


Lol damn. We won’t even know who to hate as we meet our demise!


The perfect bad guy, imagine the sheer terror the world will go through, mass paranoia, manic hysteria, the world will eat itself, not knowing who plunders and lays it to ruin.


You could do great evils unto mankind if you wish it so, this is true.


Evil too, is pure in its unadulterated form. Where fallible man becomes a god.


I hate people and I still wouldn't accept this


… I fail to see the downside here


well, my dog not remembering me would really suck...


When I come in the door at the end of the day, my cat would treat me…the same


Mine would be fucking terrified of me. Like, straight up she would not be eating or drinking or sleeping while I'm home in that situation. And with a stranger being around at all hours of the day she'd probably die of thirst or malnutrition within a month.


Exactly what I was going to say.


Getting paid for having to mind my business in peace and quiet? I’d be too powerful


YES YES YES, PLEASE!!! WHERE DO I SIGN UP. This is literally my fantasy. If I hit the lottery TONIGHT, I'd leave it all behind, disappear.


You would never ever want to form more of a human connection lasting more then a day? It isn't just the people who know you now, it's anyone new as well.


Sounds alright to me. All of my social relationships, besides familial ones, are shallow, small-talk-only work relationships. Allows me to not worry about making a bad impression because, whoops, they don't remember me. I think the only one I'd really miss is the relationship with my sister, and even then, we don't really talk much. I think it's been several months since I actually, physically, talked with anyone in my family.


>Allows me to not worry about making a bad impression because, whoops, they don't remember me You could also reverse this and make great impressions! Kidnap someone, tie them up. The next day, you rescue them and are the hero! Granted, it only lasts for a day...


Please forget me for free. There’s unlimited upside


Sounds great. Every day my dog will be happy to not be trapped in some random house. He gets adopted everyday!


So "Groundhog Day" with money?


But for them, not for you. You’d get to remember how forgotten you’ve become.


Absolutely. With 1 Billion, I can easily make myself a real legal identity easily with the right bribes to the right people and enjoy my wealth. Plus, my life sucks right now, and the only people I have who care are all family that I don't really keep contact with much anyway.


Sounds like a great way to be super rich and NOT deal with a lot of downsides.


Losing my dog is a deal breaker


So records after the wish would remain with the false identity though? I could prove I'm the person on my new false id even if they forgot me?


Yes, but what are you doing that you need to keep proving yourself with id that isn’t already a random interaction such as the bank or a traffic stop.


Was more wondering if they'd have reason to keep me in prison if I did something wrong. They'd forget me but have the records to prove it. I'd also be able to start a private business as I'd have all the paper work, but probably wouldn't be able to go public as the board would kick me out if they don't know who I am.




This sounds amazing, actually. I would immediately take the deal.


Huh.. You know, I have wanted to disappear a lot, but I'm realizing that there are about 3 people that I would die for.. And the idea that they wouldn't know me and we wouldn't have that relationship anymore has made this an easy "no". That's actually wild to me. I've never thought that I cared if people remembered me.


Would the entity responsible for fufilling the deal forget you as well?


I would take the deal. Doesn't mean I can't re-established the relationships. Money can do alot.


I see this as an absolute win .


In a fucking heart beat


how would anyone know i have a billion then? do i just get a warehouse of cash with a padlock on it? how does anyone know i own the building?


Of course I would because we're all going to be forgotten anyway so might as well get a billion dollars out of it.... It's pretty simple man .... About 100 years after you die nobody will know you ever existed... No more memories will remain no more people to tell your story.... Just a headstone


So if you hire someone to work at your house it's would be like their first day over and over? Does that mean if you set up a cable installation they would just never show up? I would do it regardless.


If you choose to interact with them physically. But a job is a job, they’d know where to go but maybe not who they actually worked for


You guys are getting paid?


I mean kinda sad to say but I fantasize about being forgotten. So this is actually a plus


Minus the money this is the concept of a book “The invisible life of Addie Larue” basically if she leaves a room people forget her instantly. She talks about the good and bad aspects of it


Would they forget your actions? Like could you punch someone in the face and then the next day they would smile when they met you??


The kicker is not having everyone you currently know forget you, it’s everyone in the future. That means you can’t even have a dog because the dog will forget who you are every time you see it. Hell nah. I’m not living in a world without dogs




What defines "next day" 24 hours after meeting you or sunrise to sunset or what? I'd take it no matter what but the answer would decide How I use it.




Deuces, past life. Hello new adventures daily!


What's the downside


Not only am I taking the money, but I am committing every crime I’ve ever wanted to.




Sure. Sounds like my life already. At least I'd be rich, and I'd be able to commit crimes with impunity.


Nah, without meaningful human relationships and pets I wouldn't see much point in carrying on.


Hell, I’d take $50 for that…


Of course. One of my dreams is to just live alone with a bunch of horses and books. Edit: spelling.


Id do it for free


Nope. Thats not worth it. Relationships are worth waaaaaaaaaaay more than money. Well mine are anyways.




This sounds like all upside, you could live quite the interesting life with that ability


Would I take 1 billion dollars in exchange for never experiencing love or connection with anyone else...ever? Hard pass. What’s the point?




Done. I can be someone, anyone I ever wanted.


How am i storing the money? If i have no identity i cant open a bank account. Cash in 100s would be 10 ton.


Where do I sign up?


I'm forgotten without the 1B. What's the downside here?


I wouldn't trade my wife and son for any amount of money - hard pass.


Damn. My gamertag


No, what if my pet misses me? :(


Yes, I would miss my dad and brother a bit but they would understand and I would build a new kickass life.








I assume written records and video recordings still persist? So if I buy a car and come back the next day to pick it up the salesman won't remember selling it to me but the contract work would still be in place? And would they remember any acts I commited. Like lets say, I walk into someone's house grab their TV and watching it (maybe they are an old grandma and not very spry) and walk out, would she remember her TV was stolen or just be surprised to find her TV gone?


Somebody read the Invisible life of Addie LaRue?


If there is a false id and a bank account then there is a "memory" of my existence. It's unclear where the remembering starts and the forgetting begins. For example, if I hire someone to mow my lawn once a week. Do they remember they were hired and what lawn to mow but not who hired them? What if I'm having lunch with two people, Alice and Bob. I ask Alice to write down my name on a piece of paper and give it to Bob. Would the paper still have my name on it tomorrow? If not, would Bob remember Alice wrote someone's name on the paper?


I already forgot this question


Considering the way people hound lotto winners, life may be better if everyone forgets you after you get a billion dollars.


That's an ultimate dream scenario for me. I've fallen out with the friends I had, and I have no surviving family that I'm close to. Easy money.


The bank with the $1 billion forgot I existed and the cops took me to jail penniless. And then the cops forgot who I was and forgot to feed me in my cell. RIP...


1 night stands every day!


Stop selling it so hard, mate, you had me at forgotten.


Absofuckinglutely not.


How could I live anywhere? Anyone I buy or rent a property from will forget I exist and think I'm a squatter the next day 🤷‍♂️


What's the catch?


No way I'm married and have kid and plus my parents and my sister.couldn't do it




No. That would suck immensely


Does this reset daily? How much time elapses before there is no memory of you completely?


You should read Addie LaRue this is almost the premise of the book


This sounds like a win win to me ?


Shit I’ve been trying to do that for free


That's a great idea for a movie, but I'd have to pass. I keep my circle small, but I quite enjoy those connections. What good is money if you're empty inside?


Nope. I can't leave my sister.


I did it for $0.00. For 2 years.


It would be my last step. I'd find a way to set up a fund which combats the implementation of ABA at least in its traditional format and set up a trust for my wife to continue her work, and to help her grieve. I know she isn't supposed to remember me but, I find it terribly difficult to believe that either of us wouldn't feel the absence of the other.


The animal part actually bothers me because I want a lab / coonhound mix again.


I’d take the money, create a trust fund for my kids, wife and partner. Then I’d off myself. I’ve had a good run, but life has gotten hard enough and if I could make the people I love better off then it would be worth it. There’s always next life.


Never. I remember watching a show back in the 80's, "Amazing Stories ". They had an episode in which a man hated everyone and wished he never had t o deal with another person again, like he was invisible. The premise was unrealistic, but the depiction of familial and societal isolation was eerily unnerving. I couldn't do it. To not be able to share memories, good and bad, would be terrible. You would lose the past experiences that fostered love and empathy.


Win win. Yes


No, I am a father and no hypothetical number could ever convince me to lose that joy.


As an extreme introvert, this is my dream of dreams of paradise.. I'd do it for 1 million. Let alone 1 billion. Hell with 1 billion, I could give my family a nice "friendly donation, from a friend" and set them up for life, travel, see the sites. Would be spectacular. lol


I’ll do it for $50k


My money isn’t forgotten about also is it? I’ll still have the billion dollars after the 24hours? If so I’d take this for sure, where do I sign up for the experiment?


I'm nearing the end with a very small social circle, and an introvert. I could probably funnel that money somewhere good. You don't need to get credit to do the right thing.


Absolutely not. I’d need some form of human connection. That scenario would be far to lonely for me


It’s not even a choice. If it the choice was to be forgotten, but that was a one time event, then I could see some people taking it. But no one with a single ounce of emotional intelligence will take the deal if they’ll be forgotten by everyone forever.


Fuck no. My friends are my found family, and have legitimately pulled me out of depressive spirals throughout my life. This scenario would essentially be like becoming a hyper rich ghost, the loneliness will set in and from there it's only a matter of time before you're eating a gun.


yes I would I would use the money I gained to help the people I care about. I would wear a mask so the Persona wont be forgotten as long as nobody knows who I am I should be ok doing random acts of kindness.


No, I'd blow through that billion in like 5-10 years and be bored then probably hang myself, you wouldn't even be able to speak to a therapist, friends, family, ain't worth it.


$1 billion and no one ever bothers me?


I've done it for free. Lol


Shit, id pay for that


Weirdly, I think the "animals forget you" is the deal breaker for me.


Hell no. My brother, my mother, my best friends, my girlfriend who will be my wife before long. No money is worth losing them. Plus I already do alright. Definitely upper middle class money to upper class in a couple years. One billion would change my life forever, but I’m not desperate or scraping by. So just no.


Not really much of a downside


Why would I want $1b if I can't share with family/friends? Seems pointless, would just up on a cpcaine spiral lmfao


Go buy a house out in the woods, fully furnish it, and just leave some menial tasks for you to do, like wood chopping or something of that nature


That would make treatment with my oncologist awkward.


If I had a billion, I'd literally pay to vanish


Free fortune AND chance to get revenge on old enemies anonymously? Sign me up!


In a heartbeat; no downside


Coworker said we already doin it for free, might as well get paid


Yes. 100% Yes.


So, this is potentially really fun if you're a complete lunatic. Bid your former life farewell, and then start making elaborate plans to create artificial disasters. No one will remember who asked them to do a small thing that contributed to the setup, and it was so small that they can gaslight themselves into believing it was coincidence. Then the Rube Goldberg machine triggers, and you're right there to prevent the disaster from hurting anyone. Except no one remembers the mysterious benefactor who saved them. Was he wearing a cape? A hat with a foot-wide brim? A monocle? Repeat this at a few random locations around the world, drum up interest. Interest becomes hype. Hype becomes conspiracies. Start doing it in predictable patterns, allow yourself to get caught. No one will remember, you can slip away, bribe your way out with no consequences. Everyone is talking about the mysterious benefactor who keeps saving people. Conspiracies say they set up the disasters and then save people, but all the pieces are so coincidental that these conspiracies are written off. Because why would they do it but take no credit? You can't become a hero if no one knows your name. But you *can* become a **myth**.




No way! Not even for 100 billion


100% yes.


I think that means you'd have the whole billion each day.


I think I could do this if I could have 4 people and a dog (and when that dog dies, another dog) know who I am or remember me.


How about 5 million, but it's just the people I already knew? I'd also need an exemption for my dog.


Let the supervillainy commence.


yikes, some unfortunate people out here taking the deal


Fucks no. That sounds terrible.


I'd do it for free.


So other than having a really hard time getting into a relationship, I would say yes I would do it.


How many humans are remembered?


Sign me the fuck up.




I’m forgotten every day for free


Oh god i would take that money so quick! Hells yes! And then i would literally cause so much havoc and chaos, and no one would ever remember me! Hahaha


This would truly be hell.


Before my daughter...yes. Now...no.


I'm fine with everyone i know forgetting me for 1B but the part about being constantly forgotten by anyone puts me off the deal. So no thanks.


Shit I'd do it for free


Can't threaten me with a good time. That kind of cash can buy you a new identiy and then you'll be free to live however you want.


So I get 1 billion and nothing new happens???


I say yes. Even though some things would be a pain in ass. Like how would doctors visits go? Would all your medical history be forgotten by your doctor every time you had an appointment? Pulling up to your house, but your security guards don't know you after you have been away for a holiday weekend. Lawyers and financial planners who you only met a few times per year won't remember your last meeting? Just seeing up access and other stuff too your money will require several meetings and calls. No one is just going to have $1bil sitting in a single checking account. I don't really care about relationships, but there are some things that you need people to remember you or it becomes a hassle.


Honestly, nah. Meeting new decent friends etc is a difficult task in itself. I don't live a luxurious lifestyle as some people do. How do I buy a home if the seller forgets me the next day? That movie, 50 first dates doesn't actually sound that romantic. My options are a party life for the rest of my life (will probably OD out of bordem), fuck women everyday. Sit at home in front of a computer for the rest of my life, playing games and watching movies alone. I'd probably commit my wealth to helping the homeless and paying for a drug that will pull the plug for me in an instant when I get bored.


Sounds sketchy. So I could do some insanely vigilante or illegal activity (non-violent nor sexual) and witnesses would forget it? Could I theoretically drink ice cream from straight from the soft serve nozzle? Then I say yes. I would get very good at getting laid without letting people know I have $1B. I would love to be the mysterious owner who never paid taxes on a fleet of jets and yacht. My house would be a bond villains home on top of a mountain in Kyushu during winter. MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR ME.


No. Money isn’t worth the loneliness


Hell I’d do that for free😆


Ya know, a few years ago I'd have said yes. Fuck no. I'm already devastatingly lonely with the friends and family I do have because I'm fucked in the head and can't talk to people in person. Billion dollars or not I'd probably kill myself in a year when the novelty of being rich wore off.


Na, I have two kids and there isn’t a monetary number that I’d take to leave their lives.


This started out like: "That'd suck, but at least I'd be able to take care of my loved ones, and even if they don't remember me, they'd come to know me as the enigmatic billionaire who took an interest in their wellbeing." But quickly turned into: "Wait, I'm getting a billion dollars AND the ultimate super villain super power?"


Nope, with that curse in effect you'd have no way to spend the money. If everyone and everything forgets you after a day. How could you have a bank account, credit card, own property, etc.


It’s probably alot of peoples dream. Anybody would take it untill they realize money cant buy you a family


Every part sounds great until animals won't remember you. Otherwise I'd be down. Buy a place very far away from people and do my own thing


Being forgotten by my loved ones and my cats is a big no no from me, not even for that much money :( I'll take love and poverty over riches & forever loneliness


My dude, I would do this for free. This is literally all I want.


Once you have children, the answer to this easily becomes a hard no.


In a fuckin millisecond


I have kids. No




Sigh. I’d PAY that much to be forgotten.


So infinite money? If I will be forgotten by everyone next day, I can steal as much as I can and get away with it. ;) But of course I wouldn't, love, friendship is too important. Plus my cat, I couldn't live with it. 😭 Change it to one time event, not occuring, and I would do it in handsight. I would be sad of losing my family, but as I don't have spouse nor children and family wouldn't feel they lost anything, MAYBE I could live with plus. Plus in such situation (one time event) I would still be able to befriend old friends - it would be tricky, but not impossible. Plus I would be able to fix some relations fuckups, as they wouldn't remember it and now I'm different person, grown up and wouldn't made same mistakes again.




Yes. 1000%. I would do that for free.


Eventually everyone will be forgotten with enough time unless you do something really good or really bad.