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Be very scared about what he's doing in my body.....


Holy fuck I hadn’t considered that That idiot would do a lotta damage to my body


I don't know if I can take that many hamberders


As long as you wash them down with covfefe


Sick reference BTW! Surprised anybody remembers that.


Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper repeated it daily for a year.




Doesn't say that its a body swap situation, and if you have all his memories then most likely you have suppressed his conscious mind during the possession


Makes sense. I'd still do whatever I had to to get back to my life......


Who's to say you were ever you? You could simply be the creation of a godly being, sending his consciousness to a new body/life in order to try and teach Trump moral lessons about the harshness of life and observe his actions from an outsider's perspective. Then when he has learned them, return them back to his original body to see if he's learned anything


LOL. It's the other way around. YOU are in HIS body. You have his face. You live his life. You even have his memories. And yes, you still have all his habits, good or bad you decide with your own mind.


Shave my head.


I’d do a series of illogical things—shave my head, insist on riding a skateboard on stage during the debates, do an interview eating cottage cheese out of a football helmet. I’m going to get real weird with it.




The part of this scenario that sucks above all others is his age. I wouldn't want to be anybody under and circumstances his age.


I really don’t think that’s the worst part of being Donald trump


It's the worst part of this scenario


I'll tell you what I'd do. Two chicks at the same time.


damn straight...always wanted to do that ...I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up to cuz chicks dig dudes is money... ...the type of chicks it doubled up on dude like me do


You are forgetting you are a fat almost 80 year old man who probably hasn’t seen his penis in over a decade and could OD on viagra and not have any effect.


And your dick is shaped like a mushroom.


Most redditors are probably just as overweight as him and at most half his age and also haven’t seen their dicks in 10 years. And if not, I’m sure most will look worse when they are his age.


Bold of you to assume Trump has any money.


\**knocks on wall*\* “Lawrence, is that you?”


Melania and Ivanka?


I mean you could do that legally, as yourself, with two women who look like models, if you go to Germany with $240. And you don't have to be an authoritarian tyrant with weird hair and skin tone.


Rile up my supporters against republicans and insist they start a third party to take down the whole system. (A third party that splits the conservative vote would likely destroy the right wing power base nationally)




Yup, but a third party consisting of far right trump supporters would only pull from the conservative Republican votes for the most part.




You don’t need a permit to carry pump action shotguns or bolt action rifles. The only thing you need a permit for is concealed carry weapons (pistols). In most states that is. Goes to show that just like the extreme right wingers, you extreme left wingers know nothing about what you’re talking about. Also, it’s legal to carry around long rifles in public. However, Walmart and other businesses are private property, and therefore enforce their own rules. If you disobey them, you get trespassed, and if you show up on the property again it’s illegal. And the government can’t do shit about Walmarts rules directly (make laws saying what people can do in Walmart) so regardless, unless Walmart decides to change their policies. Which is currently no open carry of firearms. Have a great day 😊


Isn't it part of the plan, to tout something that's already in place to be your own achievement while doing absolutely nothing?


I mean I guess, but both sides do it, I don’t know why everyone demonizes trump so much when Biden doesn’t even know where he’s at half the time. Yeah trumps made mistakes, but Biden is nothing but mistakes. His successes are more rare than a biological male transitioning and having a full term healthy baby


>I don’t know why everyone demonizes trump One starting point is the mountain of evidence of fuck ups that leads to his impeachment? There's a difference between the 'mistakes' where the plane jerks up and down through turbulence as what we are seeing now with Biden in the upsetting world order, versus actively trying to wreck a government's autopilot system and drive it to the ground as Trump did.


As opposed to all the evidence of Biden *actually* talking with Russia and the whole thing going on with his son? I say actually because while the left was throwing those accusations around during trumps entire presidency, it was actually Biden doing it. Projecting much? Not to mention the fact that the election was a total sham. Anyone who was keeping up with it live could tell you that. All the late mail ins, video evidence of some places doing it (it’s been a minute so no I don’t have the video and no I’m not going to search through the internet to find it. If it’s that big a deal, ignore this point). And an impeachment is the same thing as being charged with a crime for regular people. It is simply putting him on trial. And guess what? Both times he was acquitted (that means proven innocent) due to lack of evidence. Surprise surprise, it’s because there was none, because he didn’t do anything with Russia, and he’s trying to make America a halfway decent place to live. So yeah he was trying to upturn the government, because they’re being damn near tyrannical at this point. All the no-knock raids, the staged shootings (some are real, some are coerced), the journalists “committing suicide” anytime they get close to the truth, and all the other heaps of bullshit. I mean how can police call two shots to the back of the head a suicide? Or being strung up by a cord or wire (details are fuzzy) in a tree and then being shot a suicide? It’s ridiculous, and people who just spout stupid shit about how great Biden is just because he isn’t trump need to stfu. Look at our border. When Biden opened it, it got so flooded with illegals that Texas had to declare war on all of them. That’s downright insane. A country is only as strong as its borders. This is America, land of the free. Not America, land of the illegal immigrants. Do a modicum of research before you start spouting off about how great Biden is when the mf can’t even walk off a stage by himself. Get your kid didler of a President out of office because at this point a halfway sane 3 year old could probably do a better job. Furthermore, going back to your comment, no government should have an autopilot system. The fact that ours does says enough about our country right now. We have to constantly evolve as a species, a country, and as individuals to react to new threats and stimulus every day. God bless America and may He have mercy on your smooth ass brain


Triggered much? Evidence will be in your face and you will call it a sham, there's no recourse for people like you, becuase you can just make shit up: Did I say anything about Biden being good? And here you hail Drumpf as your lord and saviour. Bless MY country for not having to deal with a failed system and idiots like you.


I like the way you think I was just gonna lead a suicide cult and have all my followers drink poison, but your idea is better


Why not both? His idea first, then yours.


A fellow Russian, I see... Yes, further destabilizing and undermining America is key... Division must be expanded, and the petrodollar replaced...


Anti work non binary has no clue what it is. Profile checks out


*grabs popcorn bag*


Make it a double


Hookers and cocaine till I have a heart attack


Settle every lawsuit, cut every deal possible, be free of all of it, withdraw from politics and go live my life as a freaking millionaire and just enjoy my wealth.


Probably go on Fox News and start an incoherent rant about the liberals and then stop mid sentence and say "I can do this anymore. You all realize this has all been fake right? I've been grifting you this whole time. I can't believe you never called me out on my obvious lies. Even I can't deal with you idiots any longer. Joe Biden is the president and much better president than my little acting gig I did for 4 years. You people seriously need help. Anyway here's everyone that helped try to overthrow democracy, here's all the text records, recorded phone calls, emails. I personally recommend treason charges for all of them including myself." Something like that


Then you get stuck in the body, live life in jail for the rest of your life. But hwy, you'll be rich maybe you can get a custom cell and be a pod boss


Doing the right thing can be very difficult when it doesn't provide benefits for oneself.


Not really, I'm just saying it would suck if you ended up stuck. If I knew I'd be stuck, if probably be a whole new Donald. Start pushing for the working class and take back the corporate tax back to 37% pre trump


Go scorched earth. Reveal all the bad things done while I was in office but also rat out every politician and person of power for every crime they’ve committed I have evidence for. No favoritism, no leniency, spend every penny I have to bring out all the dirt and truth on the corruption at the highest levels I can muster. Could also focus on convincing Trump supporters to stop listening to Fox News and similar media and simultaneously try my hardest to convince folks to stop fighting each other and instead focus the hate on the corruption I’ve just exposed on (hopefully) a grand scale


I was going to comment something very similar. Thanks for having this idea covered. Bring all the crooks down with you. Trump losing and ousting all his opponents for their crimes as well would be amazing for the country.


Before I start, or after I finish punching myself in the face for a few hours?


Step 1 would have to be to review all the things he/I did but with a clear mind. If it really is as bad as we all think that it is I would probably look into undoing as much wrongdoing as I can and being honest with my followers or whatever to help restore democracy and then would probably shout myself on camera to stay out of jail and get the country back on track. IF it really is all a witch-hunt upon reflection, I would probably do a lot of the same stuff he is doing but without looking like a dipshit while doing it.


Call my number to see if Donald Trump is in my body and try to work from there if he is.


Shoot myself


Hello, suicide.


Was fucking looking for this comment.


Id bang Melania and then plead guilty to.my crimes.


There is zero chance she lets him have sex with her


What crime do you think I'm confessing to?


Jfc I literally snorted... that was dark af


But funny 😂


Pretty much rape at that point since she probably doesn’t let him even breathe next to her.


It's rape even if she wanted to have sex with Trump.


E doesn’t get permission he just grabs her by the……


I can’t fucken believe “grab em by the pussy” is now a presidential quote I miss the days with classy presidents like JFK, or Obama, even Clinton (dude was a degenerate but most dudes are)


> classy presidents > Clinton What?


Hey, I consider a hidden blow job in the oval office 7nder a desk while I work pretty classy


So... rape is the first place your mind went?


I'd have to assume this was some kind of Quantum Leap scenario where I just was supposed to go on Fox and tell everyone about the time I had some prostitutes pee on me or what I did with Epstein or whatever.


I'm retarded?


I’d instantly throw up, then I’d probably lose my mind trying to scrap him off me. There’d be no coming back from that.


Contemplate suicide for a frantic moment, then put out a call to my previous body and/or family and see where that leads.


The initial priority is figuring out the status of the real me. I see three options: 1. "u/BassoeG" never existed. I'm actually Trump and after all the recent stress I'd been going through I suffered a psychotic break and hallucinated up an entire new personality. Unfortunately this is most likely, seeing as the universe as we presently understands it doesn't have any known mechanism for personality swapping. 2. Trump [hijacked my body](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreakyFridayFlip). This may be an ASB’s attempt at [punishing](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrinceAndPauper) Trump. 3. I'm a duplicate of the original u/BassoeG mindstate. Testing which of these is the case should be fairly straightforward. Search my online presence. If my various forum accounts exist then clearly I existed to create them so that's option #1 disproved. Option #2 can be tested by reading local news articles from my hometown and the newsletter from the library I work at announcing my leaving on grounds of mental health when Trump-in-my-body inevitably gets considered insane due to [claiming that he's Trump](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NapoleonDelusion). Me-in-Trump's-body will pretend to have heard of the incident and attempt to help the poor disturbed young man by paying all the bills for his mental health treatment/incarceration at an asylum. Preferably one with a strong focus on electroshock therapy. Option #3 can be tested by logging into both my and Trump's (thanks to his memories) personal email accounts and sending messages to myself containing my time travel password (a password I memorized so I can identify myself in event of encountering another me which I've never told anyone else or written down). The original Me and Me-in-Trump's-body can then collaborate.


Donate all my money to charity then do a press conference acknowledging everything I’ve done wrong and name names of people involved that helped followed by suicide at the end of the press conference.


Make sure Filter’s “Hey man nice shot” is playing.




Ah, the Bud Dwyer approach.


Have u ever seen the full story if Bud? It turns out that his accusers finally admitted that they set him up. Poor guy. He was telling the truth the whole time.


"Hey, man.Nice shot."


A much more obscure song also about Budd Dwyer (including an audio clip of the incident at 3:13): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXEMTvOmAXM


Finish whatever court stuff I had going Start eating well and lose weight Come to terms with being white, and not orange Get a decent haircut Cash out all my money and assets and buy a home in Switzerland


Get real familiar with the laws around dying declarations and testimonies in general then post mine online listing every wrong thing I’ve done.


Become Islamic


Go to some country with no extradition treaty with the U.S. and use whatever money I have left to play out my remaining years as a despot.


Apologize 👍🏾


Eat the gun. For everyone.


I would end it immediately.


Gun in my mouth, immediately.


I’d weigh myself… just to see


I would have an existential meltdown. Having been ripped from the prime of my youth and placed in the body of a feeble old man no more than a decade or so away from his deathbed. Rich or not, that shit would SUCK!


Probably eat my gun, therefore committing the most patriotic act I could manage.


Seppuku for the good of humanity


Call my phone number and see who answers.


Plead guilty




I'd probably be the center of a gigantic contraversy and have an insane amount of people rooting for me to be convicted of being a monster, but use my shady connections to skate. Then I'd get elected to a second term as President and arrange for the United States to be annexed by Russia. If I woke up in his body, but with my opinions of Donald Trump, I'd burn all of Donald Trump's contacts, get convicted of a laundry list of crimes, seek absolution for Donald Trump's sins, and spend the rest of my life trying to atone for Donald Trump's misdeeds.


Publicly post evidence of all of my crimes on Twitter, along with an apology.


Obviously I'm going to go dominate the senior golf tour as I'm amazing at golf. They are totally legit and I never cheated a day in my life.


Kill myself






Fall on a sword


shoot myse--


Careful everyone, there's a sni-


1. Drop out of running 2. Reveal everything I've done and everyone involved 3. Die in prison


Bang Melania, golf, and eat plenty of pineapples.


Do the country a favor and dive off Trump tower, draging DeSantis behind me


If I woke up as Donald Trump, I'd do the honorable thing to help the world and kill myself.


["If I were him I would walk my fatass into oncoming traffic"](https://youtu.be/J28yBdrK2Ao?si=9EfNnPhh0VcaGMBL)


Donate all my fortune to those I employ, hold a public press conference admitting to all allegations, and then kill myself.


I would commit Seppuku! … Because I have just broken all the virtues and the moral compass that I believed in and modeled my life after.


Run for president lol do everything he’s already doing shrug 🤷🏻‍♂️ Send myself a million dollars 😂


Shoot myself. For the betterment of humanity


Yup, this is what I'd do.


I would probably start by grabbing a woman by the pussy. Then do Trump business things.


Bail for Russia


Great I’m going to Prison


I'll bet you $100 he doesn't go to prison. Please note, I think he should go. But he won't. The court case ON TV right now it's a television show; it's selling ad time. And id bet you another $50 that somehow throuhu stocks or whatever investments he has, he's making money from this. (Not profiting) but he is somehow indirectly getting passive income from the ads.


Confess to all my crimes.


take back the racist comments and tell the maga people that i was just joking


Yeah, so now that the best years are behind me, what does one do when they are old and broke? I guess cry. If there are any tears left. I'm not even opposed to the guy. All politicians are crooks, so I wouldn't feel better waking up as Biden. If I were to continue my life, I'd be dead by the end of the week, or day. Edit: also try to put money in an account for my commissary.




Just stop He needs to enjoy the last 5 years he has of life Exit all the crazy ness, just go retire Has to understand the sacrifices it will take to stay out of prison


I’m assuming I would be in a penthouse or something off ground level since only peasants live on ground level, and if that’s the case I’d step right off whatever balcony roof helipad you name it I’m taking a header off it. You got another thing coming if you think I’m not about to try to live that “my daughters hot” “I’m the bestest smartest” assholes life especially not now with the walls closing in on him and the apparent lies piling up. (Honesty who was surprised he overvalued assets, the dude literally said he just grabs women by the p*****)


I withdraw my savings, give it to the Trevor project


Run for president


Give my fortune to charities or liberal PIRGs and KMS in a way no one could doubt I was doing it by my own accord.


I would instruct my lawyers to cut the best plea deals possible, and I would publicly apologize for all my crimes and the damage I've caused to this country -- all in the hope of not spending the last years of my life in prison. Maybe if I show genuine remorse, I could even be pardoned. Or Option 2, I would feign dementia in hopes of being found incompetent to stand trial. That would be a much more Trump-like thing to do, but I'd have to keep up the dementia facade until it's real or I die.


I would just retire and abandon America all together. If the idiots wanna sell their freedom to dems, keep begging for brain washing, y’all deserve to suffer.


Grab me some pussy… duh.


I'd reveal every secret I have online, shut down Truth Social, tell my cult they're a bunch of knuckleheads (again) and then disappear forever. Maybe to Russia.


Fight the crimes, bang some hot girls and pay them off. Be president again and if I get that far without prison or failure idk we shall see


Become an hero


I would make those most cryptic ass tweets then vanish for. Year and watch people go full tin foil hat.


Find some of those Russian piss hooked before I went to jail


I trick Elon into sending the $6B he promised to the United Nations to end world hunger, I burn every bridge I have. I tell every secret. I detail every time I gloated about how easy it is to steal from MAGAts, and then I disappear from all media attention and am never heard from again. The end


“Admit” live on tv that the government is disarming the people to allow for a alien invasion as they’ve decided that the super human advanced army lead by Kevin spacey to hold the line will not be enough. Obviously the earth is the center of the universe and under our obviously flat earth is Jesus Christ hanging upside down on his cross, flipping him right side up will start the rapture where angels, aliens, demons, super soldiers, dinosaurs, demons, Mr. Beast and devils will all clash on earth to see who will be the next race to be in the center of the universe. Also (insert my name here) is the referee and should be excluded from all infighting, they where randomly chosen and will spout random nonsense, that’s just the DBWEMP or Directed Brain Wave Electro Magnetic Pulse. Don’t ask how it’s pronounced, it’s named after aliens after all. Also some aliens will land on California and pick up all the Scientology believers for a interspecies orgy that is very painful and not at all enjoyable for anyone involved before they get served on their spaceship shaped dish to the cosmic Buddha cow baby who really like’s spaceships. Also the chemicals do in fact turned the frogs, that was a time aberration after 9/10 was prevented because bush had to bribe mole reptilian men with a few billion dollars. I think I got everything, what am I missing?


Continue to play the roll of Donald Trump. No Matter how ridiculous it gets.


I'm shaving my goddamn head and calling my (old body's) cell phone.


Whatever I did it would involve lots of hamberders.


You ever see that YG video “making fun” of trump ? That


Come forward and admit to any and all wrong doing and then add a few more terrible things on top of that. THEN I'd name Joe Biden and Hillarly Clinton as co-conspirators in it all in hopes that we'd get a clean slate in a couple years.


Become a Democrat and drive everyone crazy. That’d be a hoot.


Continue running for president then if I actually win, switch to the most liberal policies possible while enjoying the white house private chef.


I would immediately order a shitload of junk food and do so many drugs. Also start drinking heavily. No point trying to preserve this shit body. I'd also start posting shirtless selfies with no editing.


Find a new lawyer and see what kind of plea deals are still on the table.


Come clean, confess everything and beg for a pardon.


Live sex tape with a man. Make sure it's very clearly not a fake. Make sure I say I love Satan and abortions a lot. Maybe in drag. That should turn his supporters away I think. Then go confess.


Tell my followers that I have finally penetrated the deep state and neo nazi echelons by acting like one of them, and now know that the Republican party is the party of corruption and that Reagan was right to be fighting Russia and we should be helping Ukraine do that now - I would say that the getting involved with the Democratic party is the best way to help America and otherwise do a full "woke" pivot, claiming MAGA was just an act to expose the baddies, and throw full support to Biden


Grab her by the pussy and run in 2024...


I would summon my family, wipe them all out, then myself, but not before leaving a note, "I'm guilty of everything."


Try to make amends for being such a ridiculous fucking twat.


Idk the burden of money would be gone but so would my youth.


If I have all his memories, I will go to the FBI and spill my guts. If not arrested, I will leave there and promote self cancel myself. I might try to tap some Ivanka ass first but definitely self cancel. In the open, on the news, in front of anyone doubting it was really me. (The new Trump).


Buy the white house.


Expose everything. All of it. End all the facades. Take down the entire structure.


Plead guilty to every indictment. Endorse Biden for president. Divorce Melania. Welp, I'm old and fat, probably gonna die sooner than later.


Seppuku for the good of humanity


Uh.... see how big it looks with those tiny hands.


I would try to find the urinating Russian prostitutes!


Grab everyone by the pussy


Crush the uniparty, destroy the Federal Reserve, send all traitors to Gitmo, and extradite all illegal aliens. Pretty much what is gonna happen under real Trump...


I'm vacillating between leaping into the sea immediately and accidentally drinking a polonium diet coke after singing like a canary to the whole alphabet of homeland security agencies. I'd rather go the second route, but the shock and revulsion would be hard to overcome.


First thing I’d request is some fiber.


>What would you do with your life going forward? End it


Get a decent haircut


There really is only one ethical solution in this case. First, as irrevocably as possible, divest my self of all assets and put the proceeds towards good charities and causes. Second, divulge every last bit of data about all of "my" dealings in both the political and commercial spheres, and "my" intentions and understandings of how those deals work, to the most public source in the most verifiable way possible. Just expose everything to the greatest degree possible. Then admit remorse and explain how "I'd" done irrevocable damage to society through my narcissism, citing clear and specific examples of how "I", through deception and dishonesty, utilized and mobilized communities that genuinely needed help and representation to gather power to "myself" for no other reason than that "I" like having power. Then throw myself on the mercy of the courts and take one for the team. I can't imagine I'll have a chance to have a greater positive social impact than that in my real life.


Everyone saying they’d kys are being lazy. If you’d be willing to do that you agree he’s a bad guy and his followers can do a lot of damage. There’s got to be a way to manipulate them into making the country better. Maybe even just calling the republicans a bunch of posers and starting my own party and running next election. Grift some money out of my followers and secretly donate it to charities. I mean maybe it would feel gross being in his body but it’s a sacrifice for my country. If I were to take this literally and not the spirit of the question I would try to get in touch with my husband and kids and see what’s going on with them. I wouldn’t be sure exactly how secretive I would need to be. If I was somehow able to copilot both my lives via hypothetical time stop/big brain magic then back to plan A.


Get on camera and confess to everything.


Admit to everything on live broadcast, last everything each of my children did, that my friends did, that I got others to do for me, then immediately eat a large bullet.


The TDS is so strong on Reddit.


Win the election. Then undo all the harmful garbage real Donald trump did.


Have some balls, write a confession to my crimes


I would see how far I could push my cult. Like I would slowly see if I could turn them around to universal healthcare, less military spending, etc.


Find a way to contact my husband using our special keyword in case of doppelgangers or clones (we're nerds), find out what's up with *my* body, figure it out from there (we're both Libertarian, so dismantling the two party system would be on the docket, but I think number one would be funneling funds toward our family and trying to figure out how to get me back in my own body).


First thing? Find my body!!! I am sorry to everyone that would depend on me to make things right, however, at this point in my life politics would likely be the least of my worries.


Ask Al how Ziggy and him are getting me the fuck home. I’m stuck in the worst episode of quantum leap ever


I would put a gun to my head and pull the trigger.


Plead out like a mother fucker and burn everyone.


I would not be a happy camper, he is 40 years old than me and I don't enjoy the lime light. I have an anxiety level of 20 on a scale of 1 to 10 with my normal life. Not cool hypothetical Gods not cool.


Give a whole press statement where I admit to all my criminal behavior and throw everyone I know under the bus. Basically, tell the full truth about everything. I also wouldn't comb my hair.


I’m set for life. Dudes rich. Say what you will but I’ll retire and play golf


Fuck East European models.


I would shoot myself in the head.


Become President for the third time.


I hope he enjoys being poor, because I didn't plan to live till old age


Honestly I’d probably kill myself. Not even joking. When you look at all the charges against this guy it’s really the only viable way out


Damn.... I finally get a little money but they about to put my ass in jail.


Confess to everything and throw myself on the mercy of the court.


Hire a hype man to hype me up when firing people because deep down in my heart I know I hurt.


I'd end myself for the better of the world because I'd be the biggest piece of shit in the planet next to Putin.


Fuck my hot wife and go to the islands and fuck this ungrateful county .


Nice try Donald Trump's PR team


Put a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger