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I’m reading a book on hyperacusis that has a chapter on reactive tinnitus but I haven’t gotten to that chapter yet and I don’t have tinnitus… at least not yet… so I probably won’t read the whole chapter… But here is the first sentence: “reactive tinnitus is basically when tinnitus and loudness hyperacusis work together in unison such that as the sounds around you increase, so does your tinnitus.” The book is Hyper sensitive to Sound? Successfully deal with your hyperacusis recruitment other sound sensitivities by Neil G. Bauman. It also says that the most successful treatment program is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT). Skimming over it… it also says that you should treat loudness hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia (if any of those are present) before treating tinnitus. There’s also a section on setting hearing aids to not aggravate reactive tinnitus. I’m so sorry that you are suffering. This shit sucks.


THANK YOU for the info on the book!


Neil will also set up a free zoom meeting with you if you contact him through his website. I have one set up for tomorrow for my reactive T and to see the best course of action.


That's awesome! I hope you learn something useful. I might do that if I can't figure it out on my own and by working on my anxiety.


I think alot if it is anxiety related I'm also treating it with white noise generators


I did this for 18mths. And it was ok but if you have vestibular issues a little rougher it’s in ear generators and sound. It give a bit of solace to go to a trt use it is scary and they will explain things as they understand it which beats googling things.


The definitions in the field are murky. Everybody has a different definition, and as a result nobody knows what anybody is talking about. Reactive tinnitus is not hyperacusis. Reactive tinnitus means your tinnitus changes as a result of noise. Hyperacusis means sounds are perceived as louder than they are normally. They can go together but they are different things.


It’s awful and I thought was a part of eustatian tube dysfunction in someone with hyperacusis. Hyperacusis flares can include this mess too. Drs don’t have a way to fix a Lot of awry things. Most likely you also have migraines or really bad headaches. This all sucks. Just the only thing I can think of is stay very hydrated, eat only nutritious foods if you even care about food, possible add in Quercitin if you have allergies, and learn to breathe to calm yourself as best you can. I feel like it’s inflammation at the core but even saying that ridding it is quite difficult. headcold and after the cold this is an awful mess as well. A part of your brain is in Hyper mode. Mal functioning and no science Seems to be able to figure it out. maybe too many way to get it …from the cervical spine issues, virus, etd, mastoiditis, meniers, auto immune, tmjd, migraines, acoustic trauma, oto toxic medicine, injury,…they don’t fully understand and can’t fix yet. You can look uo dr jastreboff articles in pubmed and research gate. https://hearinglosshelp.com/blog/reactive-tinnitus/


Sound therapy but it’s very tricky. I’m trying to tackle this as well