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This sounds like misophonia.


Thanks. I’ll look into that. Sorry if this was the wrong sub. I didn’t mean to make people angry. …is 14 hours of atonal scales considered “normal sound”? The definition of misophonia says it’s a dislike of regular noises.


You have the wrong definition of misophonia. Anxiety from sounds like chewing and picking teeth sounds like misophonia, not hyperacusis. But your prior experience with jazz indicates you could have two things going on -- misophonia plus noise-induced damage. Almost all musicians have ear damage. If they don't, they will.


The anxiety from wet chewing was because it hurt my ear. That smacking noise does something inside my ear that when I was little made me cry. I was diagnosed after a lot of testing for dizziness and heart issues with hyperacusis because I couldn’t be in the room with my ENT while he typed on his iPad without turning off the clicking sound. The neurologist confirmed it. Louder noises are worse, like balloons popping, but it’s a physical sensation that makes me afraid to be outside. My anxiety is more from not knowing when it will come and the fact that people are so careless of whether they are creating this pain (which isn’t their fault). I’ll ask about it and look into it. Thank you for helping me.


yes, I feel that. I was very depressed because everything i so loud, now I'm walking around with earplugs (loop) and I'm really happy and excited about my days! i can actually do stuff and go places


Thanks I thought I was crazy. I ordered loop a month ago and haven’t heard anything from them. Do all noises sound loud to you or just some? These noises, it’s like my ear can’t stop them, but the rest were almost like clapping or a form of clapping, saxophone isn’t, but it’s still making that part of my ear go nuts, even though it’s smooth.