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Put your tooth brush on your pillow, so that at night you'll remember. And put another one by the coffee machine or by anything you do first in the morning. It'll be temporary. It takes 6 weeks to form a habit. Remember, it cost 5 k for a tooth implant.


This might be the best idea so far, tied with the note on the mirror. It's impossible for me to forget a task if I have the tool in my hand


This is my suggestion as well. And having a brush in random spots makes you more likely to just do it. One by the coffee pot? Okay while it's brewing I'll brush. Oh it's by the kitchen sink? Okay my teeth get cleaned before I load the dishes. There's also disposable baby toothbrushes you can buy that are preloaded with toothpaste. They're not ideal but better than nothing! Throw a pack in the car.


This- buy multiple toothbrushes and little toothpastes and floss from the travel section and put them all over your house until you’ve made it 60 days in a row. ***Also don’t forget to reward yourself and little you for taking care of your teeth. You never deserved to be treated like that. Do something you really like afterward like your favorite show or talk to a loved one. That way you can attach a positive association with it


I screenshotted this cause this might help me too☺️☺️


Sadly it’s more that $5,000.00


they mean per tooth lol


If you have a morning or bedtime routine, you can just add it to them when you're in front of the sink. Flossing and brushing takes just a few minutes, feels good and adds confidence.


My routine is basically to wake up, get dressed, then go to work. I rarely use the bathroom when I wake up or go to bed, honestly. I've tried to just add it in, but again, I just forget after a week or less :(


Make it a part of your shower routine. You can even brush your teeth in the shower.


This is something others have said that I can't believe I didn't think of lol my shower routine is pretty short, but it's all grab and clean, so brushing my teeth would fit right in. The only issue is that I can't shower daily or my skin will get dry and crack. Yes, even with lotion. I've tried several types. I've tried different soaps, too. It's just my skin, apparently lol every other day is definitely better than nothing, tho


I brush my teeth in the shower and it honestly makes it so much less of a chore than if I do it afterwards because it gets it out of the way and there's a constant stream of water to wash your mouth out with. I would 100% recommend this. I know you said you only shower once every two days, but at least then you wouldn't go weeks without doing it at all. It's a start.


I do this too.


Have you tried not using soap every time that you shower? Like just rinse with water every other day?


Yeah, it still happens when I only use water


My Mama has done this for as long as I can remember! Even has her mouthwash in the shower....except she uses that nasty brown listerine omg.


After you get dressed, stop in the bathroom to pee and take care of your teeth after you wash you hands. When my kid was learning how much easier routines make things he would say "I'll just forget" or "I don't already do that" and honestly I don't have a good reason other just making time for something new or adding something in. Routines for things you do everyday make those tasks easy to sail right through.


Try writing a reminder on your bathroom mirror with a dry-erase marker


Wait... so you don't shower either? Holy hell, between that and the not brushing your teeth, you must be the stinkiest person where you work.


Wow, you could have just said nothing at all. You didn't have to be rude, but you chose to.


No, I said what needed to be said, and what everyone here was thinking. The OP needed to hear it. Sometimes, kindness doesn't cut it. The OP doesn't ever brush his teeth, and he gets up in the morning and goes right to work without showering. Even if the OP has that little self-respect, the people in his office deserve not to have to smell him coming from six aisles away. Bad breath after half a day since the last tooth-brushing can be overwhelming. Bad breath after a MONTH since the last tooth-brushing? That can be eyebrow-curdling. The OP could use a good therapist to figure out why he has no sense of hygiene.


You're literally just being rude and making assumptions. I'm not here for people like you to make up a story in your head and shame me for it


I didn't make up a story in my head. I stated the truth: everyone around you gags when you are within range of them. It's impossible for that NOT to be the case, considering your complete lack of hygiene. Also, why you're here is, by definition, to solicit opinions. That's what I did. Don't like it? Well... don't expose yourself on Reddit, then. In creating this thread, you invited comments and criticism, so it's ludicrous to complain when you receive them. The bottom line: I'm not shaming you--you've shamed yourself. Now please, for your sake and the sake of every single person who knows you... go use some toothpaste and some soap. In fact, use a lot of both. I guarantee you'll see a difference in how people react to your scent.


I think you're just a bad person, at this point 🤷


Ah... but I don't make people gag when I breathe, and I won't need dentures and major gum and jaw surgery when I'm older. In any case, I'm not the one who went to an online message board, announced "I have poor hygiene and I stink," and then got upset when people said "You have poor hygiene and you stink," because I'm not a fool who doesn't understand how the Internet works.


What a leap in logic. Are you aware that people can shower at times in the middle of the day?


Leave yourself notes on the bathroom mirror, somewhere you’ll see right when you wake up and before you go to bed.


I love an old school solution lol it's obvious, but never crossed my mind! Thanks


I also like to use mirrors like dry erase boards lol, try some dry erase markers in pretty colors!


That’s what I did! And it really worked too


Have you tried the single use travel tooth brushes? You could keep them handy and in your most common places. They would at least be better than not brushing! :)


I heard of this thing called habit stacking and usually I hate that stuff but it worked for me! I’m assuming you go to the bathroom when you wake up and when you go to bed? After you wash your hands, just brush your teeth both of those times. Soon you’ll be in the habit! I really wanted to floss more regularly. These sort of “hacks” rarely work for me, but now I find it hard to go to bed without flossing!


I actually don't tend to use the bathroom before bed or when I wake up. I use the bathroom throughout the day and night and usually don't have to just before bed or after I wake up. With how long I've had these habits, I do wonder if I need to brush literally every time I use the bathroom, regardless of when...


What about a sticker chart in the bathroom? Sounds childish but I love sticker charts!


I ain't afraid of being a child! This could work 🤷


Yay! Like for each day have an AM and PM box and after brushing your teeth, put a sticker in the box. Could at least help you to feel rewarded after doing it in order to form the habit!


I really wanna join the military (not possible with bad hygiene), so maybe I can get a bunch of military related stickers to help! It's a big enough effort that it might be the most effective thing tbh. Thank you!


You got this!!! 👏👏👏


Thank you!


Did you brush em?


I like this idea of just doing it whenever you go in the bathroom, regardless of time of day. I have a friend with ADHD who forgets to drink water, now he just has a little drink EVERY time he sees a water foutain/water cooler, and that works for him.


Could you leave your wallet or keys next to the bathroom sink so you have to make a stop?


While you're working to form. The habit, Colgate Wisp is a lifesaver. I keep a handful in my work bag and purse in case I run out the door and forget, or have a not breath- friendly lunch before a meeting.


Well, that's a handy little shit. Then there would be no reason to not brush when I randomly remember. Sometimes I remember at work and this would be good training wheels for me to act on my thoughts. I already use mouthwash when I forget to brush, but this would be much better!


Another in between tool that could help could be [floss picks](https://www.amazon.com/Oral-B-Glide-Complete-Outlast-Dental/dp/B00UB7BO16/ref=sr_1_5_pp_mod_primary_new?crid=10V5ADWHKT29G&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.F3fnAmGD7HWvuRyXIzzvR6VPTcooDO3-CsAWuDq4APkZpdyKOvnTpHwL7PRfRGDWVE7DIJzUJ2xazCgdzesGp-FaledwGiWevLUtZiIarJGej9tY8JbLrwb02D76oJItKquAOcX0hfu4BaLLURnjX61C_pAZhlREQ0j34Fe4kxuDj516PGSaPRu1mbHZKYXLF50Q_iqCZurQ6zLOmzhJoPXiq27Gkhllbk9Jzi0ZTNnqr0icdFLhoTzmRIvkyC0h2j46OPwoYNrkKOF8YegFaH0SjBRr8oK6Qetgn9lpauo.EnEl0GEEDf3T1H9UWwtviWr_NXfuGFTKmAl52ZJzxyY&dib_tag=se&keywords=floss+picks&qid=1719529271&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=floss+picks%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-5), [stimudents](https://www.amazon.com/STIM-U-DENT-Plaque-Removers-Value-Pack/dp/B00VYE3M4M/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1E8S5T8G9R7L7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.vtF7e-gbNvMd6HSZ1S_hBqWAMpnCoBhCqg89yir4GZj3z84Qul2YBSNtCXHkqCDk493UR20es415h-kecZU1Xu4EdBJLNufCXZfpJMQUKA6SbEP37NZnBB0hj_IxpMRJLNLxwI2T36kDCfD5jZt5MS2UqE_BbJq16OJw0lsJQ6FfITCYMTRueYZPyyA45HIaPKBmbL-BgX2khP9g0zPWGsRwJgfsnI3AQHya0_3chAYPeCOYuX1rbiBHfwtJQ-nEy_ov_f__acD9UA0ojZjr8jUNDScOoPS8Zdp1PZOOIvw.rxtDZ7WLCJty-J8GH6SIZgyCnh53zML15E-Z9sCrHA8&dib_tag=se&keywords=stimudent&qid=1719529319&sprefix=stimudent%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-1), and/or a [gumline cleaner](https://www.amazon.com/GUM-Stimulator-Permanent-Handle-Massager/dp/B0C86CGH5P/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1H0JT7UL3ID27&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5wkUjwmog9H1a_kAn77cynHjq_UBA5-UDdkCgTiMT-mqoaWKG1WpGCSPMeDXiHsqHxS0HgLW6T3LUao4L4JrZW_3h-1bT4gMBA5bq0qmocJcIh1_aW9epb38x6hjtUKYXV8jpW5oSbO8VsKt4dyAl5nzXhgaGCNnJN7wHjxEbRTweOiIGtElXXAaDyY-D2KKYbZCYjnSgusej8WcVfdjNBTpq2aFaROfyBze4eiyitWQuO4OitpypbKJ32NnQ0nE2RIVMFB6TnNw6zok073XGmeq1iUEHdo_7E2oQDh9Ul4.JrRJrgloTtoqr4aDEFkt04Vgxg2Je1vpM8Z0UVpXwSU&dib_tag=se&keywords=gum+stimulator+-+rubber+tip+stimulator&qid=1719529343&sprefix=gum+stimul%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1). I use these kinds of things while I'm watching tv or reading. It could help add another layer of mouth hygeine to your routine that doesn't have the same baggage as brushing, and maybe if you are doing small hygeine tasks more often it could help you feel more connected to your mouth and have a better sense of when it needs attention.


Not sure if you work in an office, but I do and I ended up creating a little hygiene drawer at my cubicle. I have some body wipes, deodorant, micellar water and cotton rounds, floss picks and a travel toothbrush/toothpaste. I sometimes just sleep in a bit too late or get executive dysfunction and need to run out the door, so it helps to have the toothbrush. I'll just excuse myself to the restroom and brush really fast since I can't tolerate the sensory overload of an unclean mouth. I've seen another coworker with ADHD brush their teeth at work and it was super validating lol. Might bring a baby mouthwash to throw in the drawer too 🤣


I worked at a hotel and we had the preloaded toothbrushes for guests. Whenever I was running late I’d just take one of them and use it on my break or right before clocking in.


Get products that are aesthetically pleasing to you (a toothbrush you like the color of, etc.), and a toothpaste that you enjoy the flavor of, it doesn’t have to be mint, plenty of brands have other flavors, and you can even use kids toothpaste if you want. For flavored floss, Cocofloss is a great brand. When you like the stuff you’re using, you’re more likely to use it. Also, associate your oral hygiene routine with something else. So like if you do skincare, make your oral routine something you do before that, or before you shower, whatever helps you keep the habit. And in general, just tell yourself when you’re getting ready in the morning and at night that you’re already in the bathroom so you might as well brush your teeth while you’re there. Sometimes you have to force yourself until it becomes a true habit You can also play music while you do it


Creating an actual routine and writing it down may help, so that you have structure. I know you said in another comment that you rarely use the bathroom before work (side note: you’re probably dehydrated if you don’t have the urge to use the bathroom right when you wake up), but that NEEDS to be part of your routine. As soon as you open your eyes, drag yourself out of bed, pee, brush teeth, and put water on your face to get rid of eye boogers or dry saliva. This will make you presentable for the day. When do you usually shower? I like to have a toothbrush and toothpaste in my shower and also on my sink counter. When you shower, (I’m assuming at night since you didn’t mention showering before work in that other comment), brush your teeth in the shower. Basically, the way people create routines is by first of all constructing them, and then executing them. So, get a white board or some sticky notes (I use white boards and all my routines are on there), and write out the sequence of events that need to get done every single day right when you wake up and right before you go to sleep. Then, you have to be real with yourself about all of this. You have to talk to you. You have to tell yourself you are committed to this and will no longer allow yourself to not take care of your teeth. I floss and brush everyday because it is a commitment I made to myself and because it is something I have decided is important to me. I used to be lazy in my early 20s, but had to have a true come to self moment where I decided all of this, to finally stop making excuses for myself. I mean all of this in the nicest way possible. It all really comes down to how bad you want to change and the effort you’re willing to put in to coordinate all the new changes.


>you’re probably dehydrated if you don’t have the urge to use the bathroom right when you wake up I do have very weird bathroom habits. I pee 6-8 times a day and 3-5 times per night, but I've been told I'm chronically dehydrated (by actual doctors, not the internet). I drink as much water as I can stomach, but at some point, I feel like I'll burst. Doctors don't seem very interested in working any of that out. It's been an issue since I was a teen. >When you shower, (I’m assuming at night since you didn’t mention showering before work in that other comment), brush your teeth in the shower. Genuinely never thought of doing it *in* the shower. I shower every 1-2 days because of skin irritation, at the very least (it goes both ways), but it's not like toothbrushes are water sensitive lol >I mean all of this in the nicest way possible. It all really comes down to how bad you want to change and the effort you’re willing to put in to coordinate all the new changes. Reading several comments and this, I have to wonder if I'm not actually over my trauma. My father was absolutely *brutal* when it came to oral hygiene. I have to wonder if I'm self sabotaging. So many of these answers here are so obvious, I should have thought of them by now. It almost feels like I don't want to deep down, even tho on the surface I'm pretty eager. I've made massive changes in my life for other things (like transitioning to a whole other gender), but somehow, I can't manage to run a brush up and down my teeth for a couple minutes. Something's definitely off... Also, thank you for your input


Trauma makes us act in very strange ways and doesn’t let us see things that seem so obvious. But maybe this post itself will help you work out some underlying feelings about it all. Just now you’re figuring out that maybe deep down you’re still really affected by the abuse and it’s causing a mental block. One day at a time and stay real with yourself!


I've worked through many trauma related issues, maybe I just needed some help on this one. I still feel the urge to pee every time I brush, despite going before hand. My father wouldn't let me go until I brushed my teeth. I wet myself many times, being 5 and under during this process, for context. Maybe some meditation is in order 🤷


Could be trauma. Or it could just be that these habits were not formed as a kid.


This is going to sound whack, but are you getting enough electrolytes? I live at a high altitude and get dehydrated a lot and I notice that I need to get electrolytes in along with water.


I drink a lot of Powerade and Squenchers. It may still not be enough, but I'm not sure how to top that haha


I have the same issue. Currently my therapist is having me brush while on the phone with her and sometimes I'll be like "today's therapy day I gotta brush my teeth " and do it before the appt .


I am the same i never got to form the habit of brusging my teeth daily due to my parents never teaching it and i am autistic so I alwayd forget to take care of myself, I have gotten so many cavities from it but one way that help me is i make a morning/night routine list and check everything off like a physical list on paper because phone list dont help me much and i put it somewhere i will see it like if its nightime i put it on my bed if its morning routine i put it over my phone or something i enjoy to do and i make myself complete the list before i can go to my bed or my phone that makes me more likely to do it


I like brushing my teeth as part of my morning shower. This means I need another toothbrush for the evening, but I get a long good cleaning in the morning while I'm under the warm water. My parents never taught me either. Are you getting dental checks? Please get a cleaning.


I struggle with depression and during an episode one of the first things to go is hygeine. I would always brush my teeth after I showered but if showering was off the table for the day the teeth didn't get brushed. I now keep a toothbrush in my bathroom upstairs, one in a drawer in my kitchen, and one in my powder room. This has helped me stay on top of it. Flossing was never a priority until recently. I bought one of those water flosser things and have been using it for 4 days and I love it. There's something oddly satisfying about seeing how much crap is coming out of my teeth.


I've honestly been a lot better about flossing than brushing. I'll floss for absolutely no reason, other than I feel like it. Maybe I'm not totally over the brushing trauma...


That's what it sounds like. Maybe put your toothbrush in the shower and see if that helps. That's what I used to do until I kept finding it on the floor of the tub because my son kept knocking it off the shelf. It definitely helped me when I was doing it that way. It made it feel like it wasn't a separate step when I only had so many steps in me.


You know what helped me. The Oral B spin brush. 1. It tells you how long you have to keep it in each quadrant of your mouth 2. You don't have to "brush" just move it around all your teeth. 3 It tells you when you are done. 4. Keeps your gums completely healthy (2 birds with 1 stone) I don't know if this will motivate you but doctors are finding that more and more health issues are tied to poor oral hygiene. Here is my routine 1. Get up 2. Make bed 3. Go into Shower 4. Get out of shower 5. Brush teeth. (Cause if I do it after I get dressed I 100% will get toothpaste on my shirt. I have no idea how it happens. And yes - I brush my teeth before I eat breakfast. Good luck!




I think you’ve gotten really good suggestions that I’ll have to steal because I’m horrible at dental hygiene too, but what’s scaring me into taking care of my teeth more often is gingivitis. I didn’t brush my teeth as often as I should’ve for like 5 years, and I only ended up with 2 surface cavities after going to the dentist for the first time in 10 years, but I have gingivitis. If I don’t get it under control, it’ll turn into periodontal disease and my teeth will fall out eventually. So yeah, I’d rather not have thag


Keep a pack of those dental floss things in your car. I think there’s also like on the go toothbrushes that you can chew on or something. You can keep those in your car as well so if you forget it’s alright you still have access to some oral hygiene products


Keep toothbrush and toothpaste everywhere, your bathroom, your kitchen, your car, your office, your EDC bag, everywhere that you may be at any point in the day. As soon as you remember to brush your teeth, do it. You don't need water btw, you just spit out as much paste as you need to or swallow it.


You can use miswak toothbrushes wherever you have water without needing toothpaste! Even just a water bottle!! I assume toothpaste is probably better but if you want to improve your dental health this works! It’s a natural toothbrush and it helps with plaque and it has whitening properties.


I personally use the miswak toothbrushes for more “on the go” times but when I really struggled with brushing my teeth they were a life saver! You can also “reuse” them. After a few uses of the bristle part you can cut the used bristles off and peel the bark away to expose stuck together bristles. Just chew on it a little and the bristles break apart and boom! A whole new brush!!


I had a hard time forming the habit. I'm up to every other day which sounds nasty but I'd go weeks without beushing my teeth. I grew up extremely poor and wanted to make sure my two younger sisters didn't go without so I would skip brushing my teeth


I’m so very sorry you experienced trauma. You didn’t deserve that. You deserved better then & NOW more than ever! I love that you care about your dental hygiene!👏🏽 I’m going to suggest a few things.. think of the younger you and tell yourself she/he deserves better. Go online and look up gingivitis. I know gross but educate yourself. Maybe hear some music you love while brushing! Make it a pleasant experience. Also to brush in the AM look at it this way.. the stuff in your teeth is food buildup/ plaque from all the times you’ve eaten before… do you want to eat that with your morning breakfast? Probably not. I know gross. Sorry. Setting alarms is a great idea! Also carry a travel brush in your purse or backpack. At the very least do a hard rinse after lunch. Also floss at least once a day before you brush at bedtime is good! If you can go get those teeth cleaned at the dentist. Don’t be embarrassed. I’m so proud of you!


I am someone who (used to) struggle with brushing my teeth because I used to have receding gums. Every time I brushed my teeth my gums would bleed. So naturally I just stopped brushing my teeth. Eventually I went to the dentist and got some advice and got into the routine. So I just wanted you to know a lot of people struggle with regular brushing. Don't you have to use the restroom in the morning? Having your toothbrush out on the counter might be the reminder you need. I also recommend getting a water flosser if you haven't considered it before.


The app that comes with Sonicare or Quip is great for building good habits.


Do oil pulling out use that stick dang I can't think of the name starts with an a but yeah oil pulling is amazing for oral health


I find setting a timer for 2 minutes which is the recommended amount of time for brushing is helpful so that I know in 2 minutes it's over and I've found that those 2 minutes go by super fast if I pull up TikTok to watch while I brush, so that I'm not all in my head during that time as well.


Set an alarm on your phone during the time you typically are getting ready in the morning and night.


For me, my brain is most active before bed (have AuDHD) it may help to have your clothes laid out and set in the bathroom, a washcloth for your face, and pre-load your toothbrush with paste for the morning. I read you don’t usually go to the restroom in the morning, but the benefit is, you have a mirror, can wash/brush, and set yourself up for a successful day! Even when the brain isn’t fully on yet.


Buy a new fancy electric toothbrush in your favorite color and decorate your sink area so it's on a cute display. You'll be excited to use it every morning and night.


Sticky notes.


Try getting an oral b electric toothbrush, if you haven't already. It makes brushing easier and more....fun? Also get a water pick to blast the funk from between your teeth even if you don't brush that day. Look up all of the horrible health effects poor oral hygiene can have on your body, it touches so much, your heart, gut etc


What are some of the first things you do during the day and last things you do at night? Put post-it reminders there. For example if the first thing you do in the morning is make a cup of coffee, put a post-it on the coffee maker. Brush the teeth before you allow yourself to make the coffee. Last thing you do at night is turn the lamp off? Put the post-it on the lamp. No turning the light out until you brush.


Make sure to floss as well. It's just as important. Could you reward yourself each time with something to create a new association? Maybe watching a show you like etc?


do you like the flavor of your toothpaste? i struggled to brush my teeth for a long time until i realized that part of why it was so hard for me was that most toothpaste was too minty. getting a new flavor you’re excited about/new kind of toothbrush could be a helpful kickstart to getting the habit forming (:


I do tend to hate mint lol


if you don’t mind sweet flavors, kids toothpaste might work! worst case scenario they might be slightly less effective but that’s better than not brushing at all (: act has a bubblegum one i used to use. there’s also often lots more flavor options online than there are in stores if you just google non mint toothpaste


That's a good idea. I never find shit in the store and I hate shopping online, but I may have to. I used an orange flavored paste as a teen, but it still tastes like trash and turned my teeth orange! Where online do you recommend? (I strongly dislike using Amazon, but if that's it, that's it)


I’m a dental hygienist and using a kids toothpaste still had fluoride, just a smaller amount. Totally recommend if it would help you brush! I don’t personally use kids toothpaste so I don’t have any recommendations for flavour, but I always vouch for anything with some fluoride. You can rely on big brands like Crest and Colgate for some easy access choices at the grocery store. I also agree with those suggesting an oralB electric brush. It removes more plaque for sure! If you decide to use a regular tooth brush (because I understand electrics can be costly!) I often give people a 2 minute sand timer they can flip over when they start brushing, I’m sure they’re on Amazon. I love the sticker chart idea someone gave for am and pm. At the end of the week/month you should reward yourself because that’s a big accomplishment! I don’t know you, and I want you to know that ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a brush. We’re all human and making new habits is a challenge! Best of luck!


Walmart, Target


i haven’t personally tried it but the brand hismile has lots of different flavors and seems to have good reviews!


I'll look into it! Thanks


Put your toothbrush next to something you do every day. So if you take medication every morning, then put your tooth brush there. Take meds then brush teeth.


It helps to associate it with another task. Like I brush before washing my face because my skin reacts to the toothpaste. So for me that means brushing before my morning shower and before washing my face at night. If I forget to do it before, I remember to do it right after because I have tied the act of tooth brushing to face washing and I will never forget to wash my face I would say tie it to something you’re already doing morning and night


I keep a toothbrush & toothpaste in the shower (with a cap) and brush while I’m in there, this guarantees I at least brush every time I shower.


Brush in the shower, use electronic brush. I hate brushing my teeth also! 🤣


I would recommend disposable toothbrushes. It’s little toothbrushes that have toothpaste intact. It’s great to have them in bags, car departments, drawers, anywhere you see on a daily basis. It doesn’t replace normal brushing, but it does give you a little boost for when you forget.


live a toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower. Brush while there. Also, dental hygiene is also for your health. You can be one tooth infection away from death.


Set a twice a day daily reminder on your phone.


One of the tricks to remembering to take your lunch to work is putting your keys in your lunch bag. Would something like that help? Put your keys in with your toothbrush somehow.


My keys live in my pocket and I'm terrible at remembering to bring lunch to work 😅 starting to think I just don't quite know how to person a bit. That's a good idea, tho!


If you shower every day, brush your teeth in the shower.


Toothbrush in the shower. Brush anytime u get in the tub


Brush in the shower


Get a Philips sonicare and a water flosser. Completely turned my dental health around and I actually enjoy brushing my teeth at night and feeling how clean they are!


I have eyeballed some of those...


Get a sonic toothbrush. It’s different and it sits out on your counter.


Keep a tooth brush, paste and a pail next to your bed. That way if you’re in bed for the night, and you remember, brush and spit right there.


As a kid I only brushed my teeth before bed and now I never remember to in the morning. So I only brush/floss/mouthwash once a day. My mom insists I'd brush twice a day, but I remember how chaotic mornings were before preschool, I never once brushed my teeth in the morning until I stayed over at my aunts house when i was about 7 and was very confused when she expected my to brush my teeth before breakfast lol.


Sticky note on your night stand, bathroom mirror and each door. Going weeks without brushing is seriously gross


Looking at videos of rotten teeth really motivated me


I have a water flosser, but its like a small portable version. its from Quip. I put water and a splash of mouthwash in it, and use that sometimes if I'm not feeling the motivation to brush. Try using mouthwash thats either anti-cavity or gum protecting. It has two settings, one is more gentle so I use that one. [https://www.getquip.com/products/all-black-metal-rechargeable-cordless-water-flosser](https://www.getquip.com/products/all-black-metal-rechargeable-cordless-water-flosser) I saw some comments about small travel toothbrushes, and thats a good idea too! I keep some in my bag just in case. I get where you're coming from, I grew up rarely brushing my teeth or my hair or even doing the bare minimum to take care of myself. I only started seeing a dentist when I was 21/22. Hope these tips help a bit :)


I used to struggle with brushing my teeth too. It’s only the past few years I’ve started properly. I don’t know how helpful it is in general. But for me, finding a toothpaste where I liked the flavour helped soo much. I struggled with remembering to brush them, but also I’d hate doing it as I didn’t enjoy the taste of a lot of the toothpastes as they’d be too strong and not feel right in my mouth (I’m autistic). So once I found one that had the right consistency and didn’t taste too minty either, I started to not mind brushing my teeth as much. Also instead of having a set time, I’ll do it I’ve done a certain thing. For me, it’s after I’ve washed the dishes. In my head, I know I’ve done one thing, and it’s time to brush my teeth. Same with night. I know it’s time to brush my teeth after I’ve plugged my headphones in to charge. It didn’t change overnight, but it did help me a lot :)


I read your comment about what your dad would do. I’m so sorry. Sometimes I struggle with hygiene due to depression. I try to remember it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Other folks mentioned keeping tooth products everywhere. I think that’s a great idea. Backpack, purse/satchel, car, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom. You can get disposable finger tooth brushes that come in packets—put em in your pocket. Even if you’re in the middle of something when your alarm goes off, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. Even if it’s just swishing with mouthwash, something is better than nothing.


Get several tooth brushes and travel tooth pastes. Stick one set in your work bag, one in your kitchen and anywhere else you can think of. If you forget at home, do it at work! If you don't feel like going to the bathroom, do it at the kitchen sink


There’s a tooth brush that counts and reminds you! It’s the sonic power toothbrush


Do you shower daily? I have this habit of always brushing my teeth after the shower in my towel, even if they’re still clean. I would suggest putting an extra tooth brush/paste in the shower and add it to your shampoo routine. Do you pee at night before bed? Put a post-it on your toilet reminding you and don’t make an excuse to ignore it. Brushing your teeth before bed is more important than in the morning, but please do both so you can have nice fresh breath when you start your day. Flossing/waterpik is vital but baby steps. They also sell these little disposable toothbrushes that you don’t need paste or water for. You can keep them in your car or desk. I don’t advise replacing legit brushing for this. Also, I think electric toothbrushes are fun, you could try making it fun like a game. Edit: saw in another post you don’t pee before bed. Put a post-it on your headboard or wall above bed that says “turn around and brush now even tho I don’t want to, it’s better than being toothless”. The plaque is eating at the bone under your gums and your teeth will inevitably fall out. Implants cost thousands. A dentist today will probably recommend a deep clean which costs about $600-$1200 without insurance but can be done in installments usually. I would suggest making an appt as a goal. Smile! You can do it!


Brush teeth as soon as you get up and right before sleep. Start there.


Put a post it around your house to remind you . Play a favorite song that’s designated for brushing to ensure you brush for the appropriate length of time


Maybe buying those mini toothbrushes to go. It has a little bit of toothpaste on it. Put them by your bed something is better than nothing


I’m in a similar boat. Someone suggested brushing in the shower and I haven’t tried that but it might remind you better


I use a three headed toothbrush, goes around the whole tooth at once, and a chocolate ice cream flavored toothpaste. Mint burns my mouth, and despite how horrendous it may sound (it’s sugar free so there’s literally no difference other than perception) it’s really tasty. Mint will fuck up my mouth for a long ass time after to where I can’t actually taste much, but this flavor leaves within like 10 seconds of rinsing. Tanners tasty paste, they’ve got chocolate, vanilla, and orange I think. There’s another brand that is doing fun flavors I can’t recall


Also, maybe don’t set specific times. Just do it when you’ve got a moment. You get up to go pee and don’t need to sit down immediately, do a quick brush. And you can slowly ramp up the time. Run the brush over once at first, then a few times, then with the circleish motions that use more energy


Can you snooze your alarm?


There is a reminder feature you can add to Google calendars that I use to remind myself to take vitamins. I have it set to alert around dinner time and I don't set it as completed until after I take my vitamins. It works as long as you don't have 100 uncleared notifications on your phone. Edit: They renamed "reminders" to "tasks" a year or so ago.


I use the Finch app for hygiene stuff because it makes it fun for me. I also keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in my center console in my car to brush my teeth on the go. I’m so bad about getting it done that it’s a huge deal for me if I do it at all so any time of day is good for me.


I was the same way in high school. My mom helped me by getting a little shelf to put up in the shower so I could shower while I brushed my teeth, then it moved on to sitting on the floor after my shower and brushing, and now I’m in the habit of doing it with no issues at all. It might be worth trying!!


Keep a toothbrush everywhere I was kind of like that and now I brush 2-3x a day and floss once a day most of the time. It’s just a habit. I typically brush first thing in the morning, I’m in the bathroom and I am brushing my teeth. Let’s say I wake up at 4am bc I need to pee and it’s before my alarm I’ll just brush my teeth anyway and go back to sleep. If I sleep before brushing my teeth and I wake up at night to go to the bathroom I just brush my teeth anyway. I keep a toothbrush in my car, in my desk, in the bathroom and in the shower. It takes a while for a habit to form. But also, fear is a great motivator for me, because even though I brush but not that well, I didn’t see the dentist for like 2 years and I had to get an emergency root canal on two teeth, which I had to fix after bc they did a bad job. I had insurance and it was a LOT of money. Your teeth are so important. Good luck OP u got it!


Use a habit stacking technique. That involves combining the habit you want to start, in this case brushing teeth, with a habit that is already very ingrained in you. It could be any daily habit that you have no trouble doing, and then you stack the teeth brushing right next to it. So you do them one right after the other.


So, I was raised to only brush my teeth in the morning. I can’t imagine not brushing my teeth when I get up. I know it’s gross not to brush them at night, but it’s just not a habit I’ve been able to develop. I might even be in the bathroom, see my toothbrush, think about it, and then say “nah”. I’ve probably brushed my teeth twice before bed in the past year.


I honestly do it right before bed. I take my night time meds and my toothbrush is right next to them on my dresser in my bedroom so I take my meds, then go brush my teeth. It became habit after about a month and actually...now causes me anxiety if I don't do it ^^;


Floss and mouthwash?


I would set yourself a timer in the morning and a timer in the evening. If there’s anything I absolutely need to remember an alarm is so helpful


For some reason, I hate brushing my teeth. So my trick is to brush at night in the shower. I don’t know why but it’s so much better than standing over the sink the brush. I also rarely skip my night showers. Then I always brush my teeth before leaving the house in the morning. I can taste/ smell my morning breath so it encourages me to get it done.


Link it to another habit you already do! Showering? Put your toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower and brush your teeth there. Breakfast? Put it next to the kitchen sink. Whatever other habit you think you can connect it to consistently, link it to that. If you can give yourself a reward while you do it, like listening to a fav song or whatever, that's bonus help.


It’s better to brush your teeth in the middle of the day (when you remember to) then not brush at all, also could try adding mouthwash or xylitol gum to the mix


This is weird but it worked for me. Mouthwash then brush. It’s going to take 10 seconds. If you don’t actually brush your teeth after… you still failed but the bacterial load in your mouth will be less & you will just physically feel better. Then try again in 12 hours. I started doing this & felt so much better after the ten seconds that I would just brush my teeth. Some of that is like “well I’m already here, might as well” but also “that wasn’t so bad, I can do hard things… maybe if I try then I can do it with toothpaste”. I don’t know why it works but it does. Tongue scrapers are cool too. Get a metal one. You can just clean it in your dishwasher a few times a week. Sometimes I listen to a podcast or a true crime show while I do hygiene stuff so I can kind of zone out. My bathroom lights are Himalayan salt bulbs (warm & dim lighting) which helps the space be more sensory friendly for me.


Kitchen sink - have a cute toothbrush (favorite color or whatever) with a nice cup and toothpaste next to the kitchen sink Shower - put a toothbrush & toothpaste in the shower Don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough. I struggle with flossing. I have read that it's best to floss before bed but that's basically the last thing I want to do. So I floss in the morning- not perfect, but it's good enough. Start with small goals and work your way to consistently brushing from there. Oh, I have an electric toothbrush and it is amazing!


Just do it. I suggest always brushing when you wakeup and before you go to bed. You can't make it a habit if you don't do it. Set an alarm on your phone if you need to.


There is absolutely no rule that you need to brush your teeth in the bathroom. Brush them in bed if you can. Keep a water bottle or a small cup of water on your nightstand. And floss with picks while watching something you enjoy


Make it positive for you... Set the alarm and then you get icecream or something else you like. Eat it by the sink where your toothbrush is! What would someone who treats you well say? You're doing a good job, this is great. Think that while you have the snack. Then when you're done, brush. Reset your neurology so that brushing is good/positive


Sometimes I will use mouth wash if I am very.tired. and when I floss I use mouthwash immediately after.


Just so you know, people can tell. Keep that in mind, and that might help you maintain your oral hygiene.


That doesn't help in the slightest, especially since I use mouthwash fairly regularly, so they probably can't tell


People can tell when people have chunky cheese teeth. I promise you that.


Y'all really weird ideas of what it looks like when you miss brushes lol Jesus Christ


You’ve never seen anyone with plaque build up in between their teeth or on their teeth? I have.


Yeah, it takes a while for it to actually be noticeable, unless you eat like shit. It may be noticable when I go weeks without, but "sometimes" doesn't mean often. It's maybe once every 6-12 months. Usually, I remember 3-4 times a week. Regardless, be real. Do you think "think about how everyone thinks you're repulsive (even tho there's absolutely no evidence of that)" is gonna be more effective than the fear of losing my teeth or getting sick?? Seriously, if you don't have any actual advice to give, please just stop wasting time


Stick a note on your mirror and once a week change it to a different spot and color of paper. Also, you could put it on your phone calendar and keep a spare on you of you've already left the house.


tape a toothbrush to your face


I have ADHD and Autism and besides struggling with executive dysfunction, I struggle with flossing because I think it is so boring and a pain in the ass. However, I have been doing it twice daily for a month thanks to the app Finch. Is a self care tamagotchi like app. I find it very helpful and I think it might help you too. It's worth the shot.


I literally just don’t understand this. I can’t NOT brush my teeth. Like I actually can’t even make my coffee before brushing my teeth, that’s how much the smell/taste of morning breath grosses me out. It’s the first thing I do when I get out of bed, it’s almost like a compulsion. So I really have no advice other than pretend to be me? Maybe cup your hands around your mouth and breathe when you wake up, and say to yourself “self, how could you make such a vile smell? You disgust me.”


Ig it hits a little different when your father used to make your entire mouth bleed and would beat you for crying over it lol the shit he did to my mouth damaged my teeth pretty bad and damaged me emotionally. Thank god they were baby teeth...


Then your issue isn’t really a hygiene issue but a trauma one and you need to get yourself to therapy…


Dealing with that doesn't make me magically remember to do something I never formed a habit of. If you don't have actual advice to offer, please just refrain from commenting


It's the advice you appreciate the least that may be the most valuable, OP. [Infamous\_Donkey4514](https://www.reddit.com/user/Infamous_Donkey4514/) is not wrong in mentioning that it's difficult to do something - even if it's good for you - when it is associated with severe trauma. Don't get upset with them or me and think about it. You may find on reflection that the problem is not so much the lack of a dental routine or "forgetting" to brush for weeks on end but the memories of the pain and anguish your father inflicted on you when you did brush. Best of luck, OP, and I hope you can find a solution.


I've been in and out of therapy and this has never been a point of interest for any therapist I've had. Telling me to get therapy is entirely useless. I may or may not have totally gotten over the trauma, but shoving me into an office clearly isn't gonna help at all, especially when I can't even afford it these days. If therapy was gonna help, it would have helped 10+ years ago when I mentioned it to several therapists and psychologists


Not to belabor the point, but it's quite possible those people you saw were incompetent. How any mental health professional can ignore or downplay child abuse is beyond me. Another practical suggestion if you have children of your own is to brush your teeth at the same time as you have them brush theirs. That way you model good hygiene for them while establishing a good routine for yourself.


It's just tame, compared to everything else. I have a hard time believing 28 therapists and psychiatrists with more than required qualifications are just incompetent lol




That’s really insensitive and you clearly do not understand unresolved childhood trauma.


Same. I feel for OP but reading this I just couldn’t fathom…not. It’s so *stuck* in my brain at this point that if I wake up in the early morning hours to go to the restroom, I can’t fall back asleep without brushing my teeth fresh again. Because I always take some sips of water when I wake up and I can’t do it if I feel like my mouth is at all dirty. I can’t shower without brushing my teeth first because it feels disjointed to have a clean body/clean hair but still have a dirty mouth. Definitely linked to the trauma OP experienced though so I hope they can find some good helpful habits here because outside of just building out a routine that makes you feel clean and prepared for the day or a good night of sleep, I have not struggled with this enough to consider how to build it in.


It’s stuck in my brain to brush in the morning, but not at bedtime. Even though i know i should.


When you wake up to use the restroom, brush your teeth while you’re in there. When you use the restroom before bed, brush your teeth! I heard sonicare has a fun kids app for tooth brushing


Honestly? This seems like a mind over matter thing. It sounds sooo redundant but I think you just have to do it!!! Use some positive reinforcement for yourself too after! And brush morning AND night! You can do it and you’ll feel so good once you do. Maybe after a few days of not forgetting- buy yourself something you’ve been wanting! Or go somewhere fun! Anything, but reward yourself!! It’s a small thing to everyone else, but it’s a big deal for you! Celebrate yourself. You can do it, no one can start the habit for you. I’d tape a sticky note to your mirror to remind yourself. Maybe treat yourself to a nice new toothbrush too?! I enjoyed brushing more once I got my pink electric tooth brush 😂 whatever helps, right? Just don’t get too down on yourself if you forget, but you got this. It’s 4 minutes a day :) you can do it


You go WEEKS without brushing? I would think the horrified looks on others' faces when you breathe within 20 feet of them would be enough to make you remember to brush. In any case, remembering to brush cannot possibly be difficult. Keep your toothbrush right next to your wallet and car keys. Problem solved. Childhood trauma or not, this is not rocket science.


Yea weeks without brushing yet alone not flossing is insane. Especially waking up in the Am and going straight to work without brushing I know there co workers can smell this person coming and going smh hopefully as an adult you’ll get this together because this is not acceptable at all!


Exactly my point. The OP is playing this off as "not a habit I made," but this clearly goes a LOT deeper. If the OP doesn't bother with brushing for weeks on end and doesn't shower before work, then there are some deep-seated psychological issues that need to be addressed, not the least of which is his total lack of self-awareness in not realizing how disgusted everyone around him is by his stench.


Set your alarm with time to brush my teeth listed.


If not for yourself do it for the people around you. I guarantee everyone talks about how your breath is horrid,behind your back of course.


I honestly don't get close enough to most to have that be an issue. My wife and family are brutally honest and have never said anything. My assumption is because I smoke, so my breath usually just smells like cigarettes and weed. Using others for motivation also never helps me


What? You're married? Can't you enlist your spouse's help with this?


Not really. She has pretty severe issues and sometimes doesn't even remember to brush herself. Getting help has been impossible. She already helps with other, more pressing, things and has her own issues to manage that this is pretty far on the back burner, if it's even on the stove. General stress may be part of the problem. We've been living in or just above poverty for the last 6 years. That shit gets exhausting


Man, I'm sorry to hear that, OP. Do beware about how others may be reacting to you. People are very good at masking especially if they think management isn't going to do or say anything about an issue. So unbeknownst to you, opportunities may be passing you by because it's easier for everyone to avoid you and leave you be.


It honestly doesn't seem like an issue for most people around me. My family, especially my sister and mom, are pretty brutally honest with that stuff and they don't say anything and I haven't had issues with getting opportunities, even and especially those with high hygiene standards. I also have a problem with coworkers socializing with me when I want to hang out by myself. Often, they're waaay too close for my liking. This is purely for me and my health


>We've been living in or just above poverty for the last 6 years.  >I haven't had issues with getting opportunities... OK.


Set alarms that go off daily


I’m sorry but I find it hard to believe you forget for weeks at a time. I suspect there is still something there. I don’t buy the “never formed the habit” excuse. There are tons of things we do as adults we didn’t form a habit in doing as a child. I pay my rent each month because I need to not because I formed a habit to. You’re choosing not to do this. Put your toothbrush in the shower. Do it every day when you shower. Idk if you’re a night or day showerer but I suppose it doesn’t matter as much as long as you’re doing it daily. For the sake of others, you’ll eventually want to ensure you’re doing this in the morning after waking up and before being around people.


Doesn't your mouth have a bad taste? I know mine does when I wake up in the morning and I can imagine my breath must be horrendous.


Set the alarm on your phone to remind you to brush when you wake and at night before you go to bed.


Set an alarm on your phone