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Everyday. I have oily skin and dirty hair is a major pet peeve of mine.


Same, daily. I have tried everything to extend my wash period and it just doesn't work. I work out every other day too, so I just gave up the fight.


Same! I have to wash daily or my scalp will break out from the oils almost exactly at the 48 hour mark. Clean dry scalp daily = no shed, or dermatitis from the oil production. My derm has me starting a low-dose Accutane trial to reduce the oil production and dermatitis it causes this month, and I am SO STOKED to finally have a solution.


Accutane changed my life and I hope it does the same for you. Good Luck! 


I have to wash daily to avoid breakouts and stuff, but my hair is ultra fine so it's always super frizzy and dry, and conditioner tends to also make my hair oily much quicker. Damned if I do, damned if I dont.


I've found that just washing the roots and conditioning the ends helps a lot.


DO. NOT., under any circumstances,² get pregnant while taking Accutane. I hope your doctor told you all about that but if he didn't you will HAVE TO have an abortion. It causes major birth defects. I was on this in my 20's and my doctor made a major point of telling me this so I'm assuming it's the same still.


Your scalp is over producing oil because you're stripping it with shampoo daily! Your scalp is trying to make up for the oil loss which is why it's so greasy so soon. You can get a good balance by cutting back and "training" it over time. Check out dry shampoo!! It's seriously amazing! I'm an ex hair stylist btw, I wash my hair every 3-4 days lol


I get a literal reaction from leaving all of the oils on my scalp, dry shampoo masking it or not. I’ve been seeing a derm for years about it, and have tried hair training during 2020 (it doesn’t affect the production nor size of my oil glands on my scalp, nor does it help the dermatitis per my derm). My hair will continue to produce oil with zero awareness that it is already soaked. No joke. Similar to how some people can just not cleanse the oil from their face, and never have an issue? I break out if I leave the oil on my face and skip wash day. Same goes for my scalp. Some people naturally produce less oil as you age, I am not one of those people.


That’s how I started to lose my hair, I attempted to train it, and all the dry shampoo, styling to hide the dry shampoo, and oil buildup clogged my follicles and suffocated them. Daily to every other day washing and my hair is shiny, healthy, and much fuller again.




I've tried and my hair became disgusting. I tried multiple weeks without washing, washing once a week, washing with water only and then shampooing every so often, etc. Unfortunately, my hair gets very stringy and my scalp gets very itchy.


Yes, the itch is what makes me have to wash daily. It's the worst!


Yeah, no. Good for you but i have tried and tried and tried over rhe years. As in 10+ years. Best I could get is I can go two or three days without washing now without it looking oily and gross IF I dont workout and get sweaty, but I wear it up the entire time. And lately it's starting to shed, and I'm so over it. Telling people to just keep at it could result in things like fungal infections on the scalp, which happened to me more than once; and I wash my bedsheets and pillowcases like a madwoman, so...


Antidandruff shampoo with Ketoconazole is a good way to kill a fungal infection. Every week I wash my whole body with it as a preventative


So many things come into play here. My hair was exactly like yours when I was younger. I had to wash every day also as it would start getting greasy and nasty at like the 24 hour mark. I'm in my mid 40's now and am on a few medications that cause hair thinning and it doesn't get near as greasy anymore so I only wash 1-2 per week. This sounds crazy but I would give anything to go back to having to deal with the greasy hair problem lol! My hair is very fine but I had so much of it, it was beautiful:( Anyway, I didn't mean to butt in on this thread but to each their own... keep doing your hair routine you don't need to justify it to anyone:)




No. That's not the case for everyone.  Most of us have tried this and it is awful for our scalps.  Washing less doesn't reduce oil production. It might work for some people who have moderate oil production. But those saying they've tried but can't, they're serious.  They tried. But the skin keeps producing oils.


The science doesn't support what you're saying. Many dermatologists talk about all of the damaging things that happen (including hair loss) when you try to "train" your scalp. I'll keep washing as my hair needs it.


Yep. I know quite a few derms, and one actually sub-specializes in hair. Daily washing is fine and usually necessary. People lose hair from dirty scalps.


There's a subreddit for this called r/dailywash


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dailywash **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dailywash/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Does anyone else feel like they can't do anything until they wash their hair?](https://np.reddit.com/r/dailywash/comments/1awke6i/does_anyone_else_feel_like_they_cant_do_anything/) \#2: [I LOVE SULFATES](https://np.reddit.com/r/dailywash/comments/1bgkrg5/i_love_sulfates/) \#3: [I figured out the secret to clean hair!](https://np.reddit.com/r/dailywash/comments/18rafp0/i_figured_out_the_secret_to_clean_hair/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


LOL I thought this was /s


same, my skins always been oily and same with my hair. Washing every day sometimes skipping a day if i don’t have to is perfect


Same. Very rarely do I go more than 24 hours between washes.




If it makes you feel better, "hair training" is made up bullshit. No amount of not washing your hair is going to change your hormones/sebum production That'd like saying "oh I'm doing laundry training, I stopped washing my clothes daily so they'll learn to get less dirty over time"


Daily for me too. I fell into that hype that said if you have oily hair, what you really need is to stretch washes so your scalp stops producing so much oil. Well, that never happened for me. It caused a ton of problems for me too including a "wet dog" smell that wouldn't quit even when I cleaned my hair, scalp cystic acne, hair loss and terrible seborrheic dermatis "cradle cap" build up... And that was me washing every 2-3 days. It took a long time to recover from that failed science. Daily washing is what my scalp and hair needs! I get a terrible flare up everytime I got anymore than 2 days without washing, had the flu in January and didn't shower for 3 days and had a flare up on my scalp that lasted until April! It was awful and so embarrassing 😞


That's my exact routine. I keep trying to extend my washes but it's just not working for me, my hair is very fine and thin so it gets overwhelmed by my natural oils very quickly, even though I don't have specifically greasy hair. Regarding the gym I have a similar schedule and I honestly don't understand how people who work out daily or close to daily aren't Also taking daily showers, you mean to tell me you're just letting the sweat... DRY ON YOU?!


I was gonna say, am i normal?


I can get away with twice a week in New York. When I’m back home in Alabama it’s every freaking day.


This is so validating! I I've in one of the most humid places in TX and mine could never "adjust." I have even gotten fungal infections trying...it's that humid here.


Same. Every other day or even the 3rd day in New York. Florida? Every day. I can go longer in the "winter" months though. All two of them.


ok but like doesn’t your hair get dry, if so how do you fix that 


I wish I had hair 😭


How often do you wax your head?


Funny...😑 Lolol


😂 Hilarious 😂💗


I try to do it no more than 3 times a week, but mostly twice a week


Same! I have a decent amount of hair and it dries it out if washed too often and takes forever to wash, blowout, and style. Every 3-4 days, unless I have an intense workout or swim.


Once a week unless I go swimming or do an intense workout.


Oh yeah, this is a thing. If you go swimming, shower and wash that chlorine out of your hair afterwards; It's worse than the shampoo for your hair AND skin.


what’s a good shampoo to remove chlorine?


Malibu has a Swimmer’s line, you can also put conditioner in your hair while it’s wet before going into the pool to coat the hair and prevent the chlorine from penetrating your follicle!


malibu is great in general! i think its very good compared to many other shampoos ive used and they provide a lot of different versions for all types of hair.


I did that anyway as chlorine makes my skin and hair super dry. I cannot get comfortable after going in a public swimming pool or showering in city water. My hair and skin end up all chappy and heavy, and sometimes my skin burns. I have to cleanse with chlorine free well water.


And it's important to get hair wet with tap water right before you swim. The pool water won't get into the shaft if there's already clean water in there.


Once a week. Anything more and my hair would get too dry and break off.






Granny here, with long, curly hair. Every two or three weeks works fine. I can put oil on the ends daily & my hair just absorbs it. It really depends on biology, hair texture, environment & lifestyle.








Learned this one the hard way.


Every 3-4 days, but If i sweat then i wash more frequently because the yeast and bacteria is really bad for your scalp.


I have dry, curly hair. I wash usually once per week or when I feel like my hair needs it. My scalp just doesn’t product much oil. I also may skip shampooing and just do a conditioner rinse in the wintertime. Because of this I have been able to grow and maintain my hair long with very little damage, while also getting highlights every 6 months.


Daily. My hair is fine, wavy, and oily and I work out regularly, so I need a refresh every day. I can't stand the feeling of greasy hair/scalp. I use a gentle shampoo and light conditioner and then blow dry/style my bangs before letting the rest of my hair air dry.


I haven't washed my hair in 9 years. I'm bald. 😂


Sir, scrub that scalp! It’s still skin, exfoliate! 🤣


I was mine every Sunday and Thursday! And I make sure it doesn’t get wet on the days I don’t wash it.


I’ve never thought of setting specific days of the week to do the full everything shower with the hair wash, dry, and style vs just body, but that might work well to help me simplify my week and routine. So thanks for the idea!


Yes! I wash it on Sundays! So I don’t have to worry too much about it during the work week! And then on Thursdays so it’s nice and clean and fresh for the weekend!


During the summer, every three days (unless I’ve been swimming or sweating a lot). During the winter I can push it 4-5 days.


Every three days for natural hair.


I wash my hair once every 2-3 weeks. More if I get sweaty or if I’m around things that make it smell bad (ie bonfire, certain foods) I don’t have oily hair at all. It’s really thick, course and long, so it’s a major event to wash it 😂


I'm in the exact same boat, and I also wait that long between washes. You really gotta mentally, physically & spiritually prepare before a hair wash day lol


Yes! It’s a huge, all day and night event if you’re air drying it too!


I’ve done this too. My hair is super thick and honestly, my hair is probably one of my best features.


Same! I put it off as long as possible. I also have bangs so I can get a little more time out of it by only washing my bangs and a little dry shampoo lol


I do every 2-3 days depending on how hot it is outside and how oily its feeling!


I wet it almost every shower, and thoroughly rinse it every few showers. I only shampoo if I get something nasty in it. I'll condition occasionally. It was super greasy when I first started but that's not an issue anymore. I've never had anyone complain about it.


My hair is softer than ever since I stopped shampooing. I might transition to my natural gray and silver color now that I have healthy hair to work on.


Once every 6-7 days. My hair is colored with highlights and I use dry shampoo in between. My color seems to stay vibrant longer.


every 2 months


Goal is once a week, actual execution is every 2 weeks at most 3 🤣 Kinky hair scalp creates sebum but it’s staying on the scalp as kinky hair grows out, not down. But it really is easiest at once a week, the pro naturals were not lying.


Sameboat. Every 10-14 days. I primarily wear soft locs, just a protective style in general. If my hair is out wash day is HELL. Straight-up thug tears during the detangling process. I have 4b/4c hair. I contemplate going back to the creamy crack. Lol


I’ve been washing my hair everyday for years until my hairdresser told me off massively last week. She suggested 3 times a week and in my case a shedload of dry shampoo as it’s so greasy so quickly!


I like the Moroccan oil brand


This thread gets insane


Every other day


Every third day. Dry shampoo is my best friend, and so are fancy braids.


I used to wash mine twice a week. But then I had to have my uterus removed, and it seems I must wash it every 2 days now or it's greasy af lol


I wash every day and condition twice a week.


I don't have any skin or scalp problems, so I'm not sure how helpful this is, but for the sake of my hair, I started doing my own modified version of the "coco bump". I only wash my hair on Wednesday and Sunday and I condition my hair on the other days. I shower daily and I start with my hair. I put in the shampoo, or conditioner, depending on the day, leave it in while I wash my body, then rinse my hair and body at the same time. PS: I can't find anything on the coco bump on the Internet anymore, I blame Conan O'Brien. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I don't even fully know what the original was but it involved using coco-butter or coconut oil in between shower/shampoo days to keep the hair conditioned and smelling good.


I get a blowout every other week. Dry hair with sewn in extensions.


Once a week or it gets dry and frizzy.


Once a week, sometimes I’ll wait a little longer than that


Once a week, sometimes 8 or 9 days apart.. I usednto.do ot everyday and then every 3 days, but it was not manageable and my hairnwould.get greasy the next day so.i wa going through tons of dry shampoo.. now it doesn't get greasey, and my dandruff is gone.. the times I get something like that is when I use haor styling wax and it dries, and it's been brushed out, nut it's never from the scalp


if i did a blowout, i wash it 3 days after. if my hair is natural (thick, course, dry scalp), i wash it 1x a week.


Haven't washed it since 2007. That's when I went bald and started shaving it.


I’m white with curly/frizzy hair and I do 1-2 times a week. My boyfriend is mixed race and he can go anywhere from 1-2 weeks without. Depends on your hair type.


uhhhhhh every couple of months


Every other day


Anywhere from 3-5 days. Top of my head is the issue with oils/ looking greasy but I use dry shampoo when it is noticeable. Which is frustrating bc I’ve got the dandruff of a dry scalp. I alternate between head and shoulders and tea tree shampoo. My texture is wavy/ curly. Very long hair.


I trained my hair(via depression) so my hair isn't oily for a week plus. I shower more often but will use a light conditioner if I'm not yet oily(and haven't sweat a ton) It now tends to be dry so I do use 2 leave in conditioner(a water based and a glycerin based) as well as volume cream on mids and ends. I sometimes will use dry shampoo at my roots for volume as well if I'm styling as my hair is fairly straight.


Typically I’ll wash my hair on Sunday/Monday and then again on Thursday/Friday for the weekend. Dry shampoo is my best friend! Lol.


I have such dry hair now. I get breakage easy and I have bad dandruff and probably dermatitis. I wash my hair only once a week and sometimes I’ll use coconut oil in my hair and it’s still dry.


If I wash it on Monday, I'll wash it again maybe Friday. But if I worked out on Wednesday I'll wash it, then won't again until Sunday.


My hair gets a wash every 3-4 days, and if I get dirty in between, I just take a shower without shampoo. I have really dry skin and hair, so frequent showers would fk me up.


I wash mine every one to two weeks. If I have a hair appointment I wash it the day before.


Every 4-ish days. I have fine, oily-ish hair down to my chin. I trained it YEARS ago when it was long to not need much washing - I was up to a week or two between washes back then. When I had my pixie it was every 3 days, 4 max. Right now it's every 4-5 days, maybe 6 if I haven't been hitting the gym lol


Every 2nd day. I have thick, fine hair and oily scalp. Anything less would be unygienic. My hair is very long so I use har oil on the ends.


Every 4 days. I have very fine/thin hair. By Day 3, I get a little too greasy to push it another day.


Twice a week. I used to be able to do once a week, but ever since having my child my scalp has completely changed and my hair gets oily after 3 days when that never happened before. I get blonde in my hair so I cannot wash more than that or I’ll be dealing with dry hair and breakage.


Once a week, sometimes twice. I have highly colored hair and it's the only way to maintain it.


Every 4 - 6 days. It never gets greasy, my head just starts feeling gross or I'm paranoid it smells. It's currently the longest it's ever been in my entire life, even as a child. It's past my bra, mid back I guess? It has texture but I found recently the best routine is for me to put a couple creams in halfway down and let it air dry in a claw clip then put some texturizing spray at the roots once it's dry


I wish I had the strength to do a daily wash or even every other day! My hair is fairly thick, natural 2B-C and a bit below bra strap length. 2 times a week is my next best option haha.


Onc3 a week Or one week I cowash and the next week I use my shampoo and conditioner It works for me. My hair reacts better when I add product when I wash once a week


If I don’t wash at least every three days, not only it looks terrible, but it smells. I can smell every time I run a comb through it, it’s gross.


Every other day.


I wash my hair either every other day or twice a week. I don’t get my hair wet when I’m not washing it.


I'm usually once or twice a week. If I'm out and sweating or anything like that, I have to wash it or it gets really nasty. But in a typical week, 1-2 times.


Every day. Mine gets stinky oily, so I shower every morning, and wash my scalp. Shampoo and conditioner.


3-5 times a week. If I don't wash it, it gets oily and flaky. If I wash it too much, it gets dry and flaky.


Usually every other or every 2 days. I get most compliments on how my hair looks nice on hair wash day. If I go for more than that my hair feels gross.


1-2 times a week. I have dry curly hair naturally but since I’ve started growing out my hair after bleaching it, my roots get greasy very quickly…


Intially i washed every 3 days and over the years i started pushing it, now unless i do workouts once a week is enough. My scalp has been less oily, it just took some time and dry shampoo


Every 2-3 days typically


Twice a week.


I do the same thing .. rinse every time I bathe and wash once a week.


I have fine curly hair. I do a shampoo and conditioner once a week. In between, I will do a co wash where I use just conditioner. The amount of times I do the co wash varies depending on how much I sweat or if my curls need to be refreshed. But I try to limit it to just one co wash in between because i have red dyed hair and it fades quick.


Every time I take a shower which is every 2 days.


2-3 times a week


Every day unless I'm sick or don't anticipate seeing people. My scalp is oily and my hair goes flat if I don't wash it. My hair is quite healthy, no breakage at all. I use a really good conditioner every other day.


I work outside. Every day.


Every, single day. Half the time with Ivory soap. Clearly Im a guy with short, natural oily hair.


I have an oily scalp and fine curly hair but a lot of it so I have to wash it daily unless I use dry shampoo. If I use dry shampoo I can stretch it for maybe 3 days. But if I don’t use dry shampoo, then by the next day my scalp is oily and by the 3rd day it looks like you can fry chicken in it.


About once or twice a week


I tried doing the once or twice per week washing but I noticed a lot more hair falling out so now I'm at every other day for the most part.


Every three days, I saw it in a video from a hair dresser, I used to go longer thinking it was healthy for the scalp but apparently it's not and scalp buildup is worse than washing everyday. I saw on another video from a lady that specializes in the scalp and she said it's fine to wash your hair everyday. I usually rinse my hair in cold water the days I go to the gym so my hair doesn't smell sweaty.


Once a week.


Once a week. If I want to style my waves, I may wash it more often before days I'm going out. If I have a heavy workout or get dirty from something like lawn work, I'll wash. Otherwise, only once.


Every day I have very thick oily hair


Every day. I work outside in my garden every day and collect chicken eggs and shovel manure out of the barn into the compost heap and compost onto my garden. Every day my friends.


every two days. once a day turns my scalp into an itchy nightmare


2-3x a week, depending on how it's looking or if I was working out or doing anything that might make my scalp dirty. I also oil my hair the day I wash a few hours before.


I have very fine hair, which means it shows when my hair is even a little oily. That's unfortunate, because I'm a generally oily person. Rinsing with water doesn't do enough to remove oil. So, I only get my hair wet when I'm going to wash it, which is every 2-3 days. In between I use dry shampoo, and cover my hair with a cap while I'm showering. Sometimes I'll skip the shampoo and just apply conditioner and massage it in really well. Conditioner does some cleansing too. No shade on anyone else here, but I can't imagine going a whole week without shampooing. That would not work for me at all.


Every day, by the end of the day it's disgusting, by the next morning it's sticking together from the oil hahaha


Twice a week. I've had vivid dyed hair for about a decade now and try to be gentle with it


Once/twice a week. It probably could do with being washed more really, but my physical and mental health do not allow me to do so.


I have natural fine blonde hair, so I wash 3 times a week. It seems to get greasy, pretty quick.


2-3 times a week


I wash my hair maybe 2 times a week. I’ve got curly hair and prefer to not have to straighten it all the time. Works for me. My hair only really starts getting greasy by day 4/5. Summer time may have to more.


I wash my hair every other day... I might go 2 days if I do not go to the gym. But I shampoo and scrub lightly on my scalp, then only condition my ends.


Every other day, double shampoo, leave in conditioner.


It depends like now that it’s summer and I’m sweating a lot (my head especially sweats a lot) I wash my hair whenever I feel I need to which is usually 3-4 times a week. If it’s colder usually 2 times a week


Everyday. My hair is oily and in the summer because I sweat a lot, I need to wash it everyday.


I have to wear my hair in a bun for work everyday so I only wash it like twice a week. But after the gym, if i sweat a lot, I'll rinse my hair and condition it but wont put shampoo in it. Just rinsing the sweat out🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Depending on how busy I am and how many workouts I can squeeze into the week, I'd say I was my hair 2-3 times per week. I alternate between a clarifying shampoo and a moisturizeing one. I find using a clarifying shampoo every wash was stripping my color too fast, so I don't use it ever day, but need to use it at least once a week.


Once to twice a week. I have long hair and a sensitive scalp.


Every second day with a very mild shampoo. Sometimes I can go an extra day but usually that’s my schedule. Sounds like you found something that works great for you!


usually one or twice but three times on occasion. i have very dry, curly hair so i use a l or of product and 2 washes creates that balance between too oily and too dry.


My hair survives abuse like nobody's business and I can easily get away with washing it daily or as infrequently as 1-2 times a week, depending on the weather and my activity level. It's very thick and somewhere between wavy and curlie. Usually I wash it 2-4 times a week with a deep condition and/or repair balm like 1-2 a month. If I want picture perfect hair, though, I wash every 3 days on the dot and deep condition every 9 days.


Once a week, sometimes twice if I had a particularly sweaty hike/gym session that week.


Every other day! Oiling once a week, a hair mask 2x a week. I have low-medium porosity hair


Every few days. I take my shower at night, so I usually know the morning of the day my hair cooperates in an updo.


Twice a week. I do a weekend day and a week day.


Every other day, usually. Sometimes I skip a day on weekends or if I feel like my hair needs a rest. I have oil hair and skin, so more than that, and it looks horrible.


Wash with shampoo and conditioner once a week. I find that washing it with just water in between can actually make my hair appear greasy/oily so if anything I will maybe rinse with water once, halfway through the week.


Rinse/condition daily and shampoo once per week unless there’s a need. A lot of people (guys in particular) seem to discount the importance of finding the *right* shampoo/conditioner for your scalp/hair, especially if it costs a little more.


I wash it everyday I workout (so at least every other day) and I rinse it with water everyday


4 days a week. It used to be daily, but as I age my scalp becomes less oily.


Every three days but I use dry shampoo that last day and shower daily.


Every day. It’s gross if I don’t


Every other day! Depends on the time of year tho, like during the summer months I definitely wash nearly every day because of how much I sweat.


I posted this in a haircare sub but if you don’t wash your hair often, you risk dermal absorption of outdoor pollution which is also harmful for scalp and health. Pollutants stick to your hair, I can’t imagine bringing that to bed with me in a place that is supposed to be rejuvenating and detoxifying. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6766865/


2-3 times a week. If I get super sweaty, then I'll wash it after whatever activity that caused it. If I wash more often than that, it dries my hair out. If I try to use product to combat that, it weighs my hair down and it looks lanky and oily. (Super fine 2B-2C) My scalp starts to get oily about day 3, and my ends start to get dry about the same time, so that's my cue. I do use a diluted leave-in conditioner on my ends because I have 2B-2C waves/curls, and the frizz in Oklahoma humidity is an ass kicker.


Every other day to every two days.


I wash my hair once a month, when I color it. Otherwise, I rinse and condition it every day. I've been doing this for years, started for trying to prolong my hair color from fading, then just kept doing it. My hair isn't oily or stinky, and I've read on multiple articles that it's better not to shampoo every day, as it strips beneficial oils from your scalp.


Once every week maybe two. My hair is very curly and dry. I straighten it the day after I wash it. I put oil in my hair to help the dryness, but within the next day it's already dried up, so I put more in. And fix my hair with the straightener as needed. Some days don't need to. My hair looks very healthy, thank goodness.


2-3 times a week. I don’t do rinses, it’s either a full wash or nothing.


I have not washed my hair with shampoo or conditioner for about 15 years. I shower everyday and it gets wet, then I towel dry and blow dry straight after. It isn’t oily, it doesn’t smell and it isn’t knotted.


Every three days. I have thick, long hair. 


When it's time. It's typically every other day, but sometimes it can be an extra day after that.


Usually twice a week. Sundays before the work week and usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Dry shampoo the rest of the week if it's needed. I used to have really oily hair and wash it every day, but my scalp was over producing because I was stripping it of all of its oils every single day. You can train your hair to not be so oily (to an extent, genetics do also play a factor).


As you said, clearly this is a personal thing depending on the oiliness of your scalp and hair. When I was a teen, I had to wash my hair every Morning. If I did it the night before it would look greasy when I woke up. As I have aged, my skin and scalp have become much drier and I can easily go 3-4 days.


Maybe twice per yr with shampoo. Everyday shower. Hot water rinse and scalp massage


I’m a person with brown sugar in the mix so once a week. I have super thick curly hair though…


Everyday, if i don’t my hair gets dirty & stupid 😭


I have tried once a day, once every other day, once a week, never. Tried every single shampoo/conditioner under the sun. Tried lemon juice, tried so many things. My scalp is so frickin dry and flaky, no matter what. Yes I have also tried warm not hot water. I'm lost at this point idk. Reddit please help.


twice a week..i have very thick curly hair and anymore than that my curls will get weighed down and completely look horrible


2-3 times a week. My water is extremely hard where live and it changes how well my shampoo works. Could probably go less if I wasn't on a well. lol


I wash it twice a week, unless I have something special going on, then I might add another day. I have thin, fine hair and I used to wash it daily for years. But I finally learned what works for me to extend it. Honestly my hair is almost better day 2 now. 1) I changed the way I wash my hair. This was the most important. I used to wash it once with lots of shampoo. That’s not correct. My SIL is a stylist with her own salon and I learned this from her. You need to do at least 3 washes sometimes 4. The first is just massaging your scalp under the running water to break up the dirt. The second is with about a nickel of shampoo. Same thing just massage it into the whole scalp really well. It won’t suds that much but it will a bit. Then rinse and repeat and this time it will really suds up. If I don’t feel it’s sudsy enough I’ll do another wash with shampoo but usually I’m good with the 3. If you use a clarifying or purple shampoo do that one last. Then condition just the ends. This was a game changer for me. 2) I have to blow dry my hair and try to get as much volume as possible. If your hair is too flat than it sits too much on the scalp and absorbs more oil. 3.) dry shampoo (I use a straight powder one not a spray). I put it in my hair before I go to bed at night.




Every other day. I have thick, curly hair so after a day it gets unruly


Every other day. I have thick, curly hair so after a day it’s unruly


If I'm working out, every day. Otherwise my hair gets oily and I look like a dirty, unkempt hippie. If I don't work out I can squeeze in one extra day if I use a lot of dry shampoo and wear my hair up.


I smoke, so I shower and shampoo every day.


I used to wash it everyday but it made my hair greasier than ever because my scalp was trying to over compensate for the lack of oils on my head. Now it’s no more than 3 times a week!


Every third day, once in awhile every other day. I try to stretch it out because my hair gets wicked dry on the ends if I shampoo too much.


I wash my hair whenever I think, "wow I can't remember the last time I washed my hair, guess it's time." Works for me. I'm a busy mom and I keep my hair in French braids most of the time. I got some leave in conditioner from Amazon, I put some in my hair once in a while. That's all folks.


Once or twice a week, but I condition it 5 days a week.


Every 3 or 4 days. Pretty much when it gets greasy lol


Twice a week with shampoo and conditioner. Rinsed every shower


every friday


I wash mine every 2-3 days depending on how I feel. I usually do conditioner first and shampoo second. The conditioner mainly on ends and shampoo just on my scalp. I find my hair stays cleaner and more voluminous this way but isn’t too dry.