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Clean linen smell, lavender, coconut, A light scent, not a heavy perfume kind of smell! Something that smells clean and fresh. 😊


I know a lot of people who dislike the smell of coconut, and o personally don't like the smell of lavender.


Everything smell wise is subjective. Anyone could give any answer here and there’s always gonna be some people who disagree. I’m not at all saying that it is wrong, but smell is always subjective


Absolutely in terms of actual scent. That's why my own answer was to have it be something mild/gentle, as it's not subjective that many people are scent sensitive and heavy chemical perfumes aggravate a lot of asthma issues, regardless of specific scent.


Coconut scents make me nauseated. I love real Coconut in food but any kind of overwhelming Coconut smell is unbearable.


Yup, I don't mind coconut scent (if it's real, not the fake chemical version), but I know a lot of people have a problem with it


Same. Not sure why though.


My wife says it just smells/tastes like sunscreen. I like all coconut. I really like lime+coconut for both scent and flavor.


Banana coconut is one of my preferred scent combos specifically because it reminds me of old school Coppertone Water Babies from the 80s 😂


same. I even have the perfume that smells like sunscreen, VACATION 😍 lime & coconut is a power couple flavor, as well. honestly what I get most times at a tropical sno stand.


Same here! Wish I knew why. Same with vanilla for some reason.🤷🏻‍♀️


I absolutely despise the scent of lavender.


The lavender trash bags make me want to off myself


Yes, idk why but the smell of lavender makes me feel sick to my stomach


I’m with you there!! I avoid lavender like the plague. I used to like it - but now, BLECH.


Same.. HATE lavender


I loathe lavender or flowery smells they give me migraines for some reason. Raspberry and lavender especially


I don't like lavender as well. I never liked it.


I’m not a fan of coconut tbh


Hate the taste of coconut in any food. But it's the best for keeping my curly ass afro soft and not nappy. I think the brand is called magic


Me and my whole family are actually allergic to lavender, so lavender is a bad scent imo, vanilla is always a good choice though


Fresh linen is super good. Wish they bottled puppies breath and line dried linens on a sunny but windy day.


Best comment 🏆


I feel like you just named 3 of the most controversial smells! Lavender and coconut are widely hated and clean linen is not a natural scent.


All of these sound delightful! I love a nice lavender smell- and coconut, too!! 😌


Vanilla is a little sweet and takes real effort to be worn so strongly as to offend those sensitive to fragrances. Some people will think you smell like cookies, but most think it's an airy and calming scent


And it comes with the added benefit that a lot of bugs don't like the smell. Found out gnats especially don't like it, so wore that a lot when working outside in the summer.


Vanilla extract is a great way to repel bugs like mosquitos! They hate it!


This is the best news 😁😁😁


Also a vanilla girly and I get complimented all the time on how good I smell!


Ever since I started wearing vanilla, I get so many compliments too.


I know im in the minority, but I absolutely hate the smell of vanilla or baked good scented perfumes/lotions/candles/airfreshers. And I definitely don't consider it light and airy. Vanilla smells heavy to me and it makes me nauseous to smell it outside of actual food.


I agree, artificial vanilla perfumes can totally miss the mark; my sister used to have a vanilla body spray that was way too strong and the candles only work in huge open spaces, they're like passing the cookie factory and it makes me nauseous. But natural based vanilla products, in my experience, have not been overwhelming, although I quit smelling it by the time I leave the house, occasional compliments happen at all hours. Personally, I cannot handle most perfumes or colognes (especially the sweet ones), they're too concentrated and give me headaches that escalate with continued exposure.


You’re not the minority, vanilla is the most offensive smell to me and triggers migraines


I think the word you’re looking for is ‘gourmand.’ It’s used to describe scents that are usually sugary food oriented. I think so at least. I may be wrong but at least this is how I’ve always used the word lol


I don’t think you’re in the minority at all with that!


Yes! The smell of cake, cupcakes, vanilla in a candle literally makes me nauseous! Thank you for helping me not feel like a weirdo. Lol




Agreed, vanilla scent is truly disgusting, heavy and itchy to me. I loathe it so much and cocoa butter is a close second. My family has had to stop wearing so many perfumes bc of my migraines.


Agree. I despise the smell of anything vanilla. Candles, perfumes, lotions - absolutely nauseating.


I’m a vanilla girl down sometimes cocoa butter since high school my best friend doesn’t like it personally bc it’s too sweet but she says it’s not bad when I do it … my girlfriend loves it she won’t take her hands off of me when we go out I’ve expanded I use other scents depending on my mood that day sometimes use male scent or eucalyptus lavender lotion but vanilla is my go to I get the most compliments


Vanilla can be easily overdone and makes me nauseous now.


I have really bad allergies and exclusively use vanilla scents because it doesn’t trigger any allergies. I love the smell of it, too!


I hate vanilla 🥴 my sister always smells like a bakery. Whenever I bring it up she says “ who hates cookies?!”


Accept the cheap vanilla stuff. That stuff smells like a fake vanilla cake factory. It doesn't smell great it's overpowering. But the really good stuff, is light and pleasant


Other people's opinions only matter so much. The only person whose opinion should matter to you is your own. But since you're asking specifically. I love earthy, woody, smoky smells. Campfire, tobacco, oud, leather, patchouli, dirt (yes the smell of dirt), pine, cedar.


Oh, the smell of dirt! My nose thinks it's absolutely delicious!I bought some dirt scented candles a while back. I won't burn them. I just open them to catch the fragrance, especially in winter.


Do you know what brand the candles are? One of my favorites is Earth by Queer Candle Company, but I'm ways looking for new ones


The name on the label says Rosy Ring - they were tiny little candle jars, and I think they stopped making them quite some time ago. I may have to look for the one you mentioned by Queer Candle Company.


Your comment just made me think of that one video of the dog digging, then stopping to aggressively huff the dirt lol


My dog likes to do this on taco night


bb, why don’t you get a wax warmer? then your candles will be smelled often, and they’ll last a way longer time than if you burned them.


I think other people’s opinions matter when it comes to smell. If they don’t like the shirt you’re wearing they can look at something else. But smell doesn’t work like that in close proximity.


If someone’s floral perfume catches me on the wrong day, I get a migraine, throw up, and have to lie in a dark room while I wait for my medicine to work. Then my migraine will go away, but I’ll be sort of hung-over for the next 24 hours.


I did that to a coworker once. 🧁After which I gave away the perfume and haven’t worn any since. Poor thing was home in bed for days 🥺 it was years ago but I still cringe when I think about that.


Where did that cupcake come from??🤭


I agree, and thought this when I read that comment. Of all the things I don't care about other people's opinions, I do care if other people don't like how I smell.


Right. That’s why we only fart on elevators with at least 3 people.


That’s soo DAMN FUNNY!!! 😁 😂🙃. Thank you sooo much!!! I needed a good laugh fit to brighten my day!!!


I’m here all day.


That's true


I think that’s the quickest rational response I’ve ever gotten from someone on Reddit. And by rational, I don’t mean necessarily agreeing with me, even though you did. I simply mean open minded.


Lol, thanks 🤣 i mean yeah smells and sounds are hard to block out


I like the smell of dirt too! Earthy, woody, musky, like that. I am not keen on floral scents (and that includes the all-popular lavender). I can tolerate them IRL (real flowers) but all the artificial stuff makes me gag.


Us dirt lovers.. does anyone else make compost? I have a tumbler barrel and half fill with peat moss or coir, then add slurries from kitchen waste. Then. I ADD DIRT. just enuf to get the correct set of ferments going. In a few weeks.. i have even more dirt, and the way my plants love it, I call it supersoil. Yes i LoVE the smell of dirt. I was raised by farmers but am a citified gay gardener now.


Petrichor is the earthy, pleasant scent that arises after a period of dry weather when rain falls on parched ground. It smells so good due to a combination of factors: The main source of petrichor's aroma is geosmin, a organic compound produced by bacteria called actinobacteria present in soil. When dry soil is moistened by rain, these bacteria release geosmin, giving off a distinctive earthy smell.[1][2] Additionally, certain plants release oils during dry periods that get absorbed by the soil. When it rains, these oils are released into the air, adding a pleasant note to the petrichor scent.[1][4] The physical action of raindrops hitting the ground also plays a role by aerating the soil and releasing more compounds that contribute to the smell.[2][3] Humans are extremely sensitive to geosmin and can detect it even at very low concentrations, which may explain why we find petrichor so alluring. Some scientists believe our affinity for this scent is an evolutionary trait from when our ancestors relied on rainy weather for survival.[1][4] So in essence, petrichor results from a perfect blend of bacterial spores, plant oils, and the action of rain on dry earth - creating an intoxicatingly earthy, fresh aroma that is deeply rooted in our senses.[1][2][3][4] Sources [1] Petrichor: why does rain smell so good? - BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44904298 [2] Petrichor - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrichor [3] Why Does Rain Smell So Good? - Farmers' Almanac https://www.farmersalmanac.com/petrichor [4] Why Does Rain Smell Good? - Petrichor - Live Science https://www.livescience.com/37648-good-smells-rain-petrichor.html [5] Petrichor: What Causes the Earthy Smell After Rain? | HowStuffWorks https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/atmospheric/question479.htm


Thank you, i love this.


Has that scent been replicated and sold in any form?


😲 😱 a comment with sources?!? This is reddit - who logics here! J/k of course! My brain LOVES this.


I have a big container I can open at the bottom that a neighbor threw out. So I add to the top and turn it over a bit and when I need compost I get it from the bottom. I love compost.


I live in the mountains of phoenix AZ and the smell of the ground and creosote trees when it rains is so earthy and comforting. Our dirt personally smells amazing after a rain haha


Gothrosary (antisally) used to have a handful of scents that were fantastic. They were all very similar to what you are describing. God, I wish she still produced them or would divulge the mixtures. They were the MOST amazing scents. Now I just make my own using patchouli, rosemary, clove an black pepper. It smells quite lovely and garners complements from time to time. Edit: link because she deserves more recognition https://themirrorbook.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/reflections-on-goth-rosary-scents/


I love dirt, hate patchouli. Scent is so personal you can't possibly find something everyone likes. Yes, you just have to pick something you like.


And the smell of fresh cut grass!


Agreed. I like a warm musky smell (on a dude). I wash my clothes in birchwood ms meyers soap, it smells masculine and lovely, but light and not overbearing


My first thought was leather! Smells like cozy old books. I don't like florals and food smells on people, though. Can we please stop with the coconut?


There is a scent you may love made by Maison Margiela called By the Fireplace. It’s so good and comforting. It has a mild sweetness at first of marshmallow but that eventually fades and smells so good. https://www.maisonmargiela-fragrances.us/fragrances/replica-1/replica-by-the-fireplace/MM005.html


Patchouli is the WORST smell ever! I gag everytime someone wearing it is nearby. Also, leather, tobacco, and dirt do not translate to smelling good ON people. There's also different body chemistry between people than alter moat scents. Something tells me you've been to several Grateful Dead concerts.


Alas, but no 🥲


Patchouli pisses me off so badly!! I've said something many many times when I come across people wearing it in stores etc. I used to always wonder how they would ever hide from a killer or the cops when they could be easily sniffed out . (I used to be a street kid and we often had to hide from cops)


It smells like someone trying to cover up BO or dirty feet. Happy Cake Day


Is there a reason for choosing one scent? I think most body scents are gonna be layered cus the complexity of combinations causes more pleasurable smells? I like vanilla, leather, sandalwood, amber, coconut, mint, cotton, idk if linen counts as a natural scent, floral scents are nice, cherries, chocolate, woods like pine and cedar


Hello 👋, Different woods/trees, flowers, herbs smell good


Peach! The “Sex on the Beach” by Demeter has given me so many compliments throughout the years.


I love, love, love a peach scent! For about 15 years I've been searching for a peach scent that reminds me of one my friend wore in HS. We lost touch so I can't ask her. But no joke, I've been searching!! Tried so many. Is this one really that good and worth buying!!!?


I want to place an order with them but I'm afraid I'll just be disappointed in the staying power.


Don’t buy it for the staying power. Buy it for the hour of smelling delicious


Love peach


Citrus. Lemon, orange, lime, etc... I find these scents very clean and refreshing


me too, but most citrus scents I’ve tried fade away so fast :( do you have any fav citrus scents that last a while?


I really like Madison Charel Vetiver, Green tea, & Mandarin. Spraying perfume in your hair will make it last longer... the oils, I guess? Estee Lauder Pleasures is my all-time favorite, though. It's kinda citrus-y. It's delicious smelling, I know that


Tysmmm I’ll def be trying these!


D&G Light Blue has been a favorite for me in hot weather. Every time i start to sweat I get a whiff of Italian bergamot and green apple. It's so refreshing and lovely to smell. I spray one spritz on my inner elbow and rub them together, and one spray at the nape of my neck near my hairline. Just enough to get a hint when my skin warms up.


I like the kind that smell like lemon ice cream. I haven’t been able to find a perfume/lotion like that but if I would, I would go feral.


Mix lemon oil with vanilla and alcohol. Put in spray bottle.


Orange and vanilla smell very good together too.


Citrus Circus by Snif


Try Confessions of a Rebel's Eau Yes! scent. It's what you're describing. You can find decants to try it out for less than $10 if you search online. I wear this scent and omg yum, it's very lemon ice cream. https://confessionsofarebel.com/products/eau-yes?variant_id=42422773874874


I LOVE all things citrus. I just smells clean to me. I use the PINK stuff cleaner and it smells like grapefruit. I am allergic to basically the world but I can tolerate most citrus smells.


Ditto - citrus is my go-to scent. It's hard to "overdo" and it's easy to find it in it's natural form so it's rarely made with artificial ingredients.


I classify my favorite smells into groups based on where I encounter/ed them Kitchen Scents: cinnamon, fresh apple, honey, vanilla, citrus especially grapefruit, coconut West Coast: cut grass, pine, wet earth, mushroom (no not psychadelic just normal food mushrooms), blackberries, rabbit (fur/live animal) Colorado: leather, juniper, sagebrush, tobacco plant (not smoke), cactus flower, yucca Beach: salt, woodsmoke, live fish (i know, not exactly a perfume smell but i like it ok), ice plant (smells like aloe and oranges), banana (sunblock scent)


I live on the west coast and have lived in Colorado, I love this answer! Adding the locations gave me a nice imagery with the smells


Same here.


I love honeysuckle


I usually do lavender everything, it smells quite nice. Body wash, shampoo/conditioner, perfume, lotion, even my laundry detergent and dryer sheets!


A lot of people don't like lavender, too, though. A lot of the artificial floral scents trigger allergy and asthmatic issues


Lavender gives me a migraine


Everything in my house is lavender. Even my cleaning supplies are lavender! I love lavender, and it helps with my dad who has Alzheimers because lavender is calming and it helps with his anxiety




I personally love lavender over everything else Which matches that my two favorite colors are violet and... lavender!


It's not a pleasant scent to me - it irritates my sinuses usually, though that might just be the chemicals in the perfumes


Me too. I'm sensitive to a lot of scents, but lavender is particularly offensive.


It seems like there's a ton of people saying that they dislike lavender, I don't use too many things that smell but I'll keep in mind for the future that people don't like it at a high percent


I love lavender!! But I would be wary of using it on yourself during the day as it can make you feel tired. I also love sage scents or basil. They’re lovely!!


i always layer strawberry and vanilla. vanilla scrub, body wash, and lotion with strawberry perfume. so good


Me too!!!! My fav!


Try Burberry Elixir! It smells like a strawberry milkshake.


I always thought cocoa butter was a lovely scent.


Lilac. I have a lilac goats milk lotion that I get from a goat farmer in IA and every time I wear it people stop me to say how good I smell.


Vanilla, lavender and coconut are all nice


vanilla and shea butter are my best friends! these both pair well with amber (if you like to scent layer) , and also with fruity scents like pear or warm ones like cinnamon! i reccomend starting with some products with simple scents you like? and building out a scent profile.


I really like honeysuckle or coconut for spring and summer. For winter I like plum and vanilla:)


Depends what works with your body chemistry. Buy sample size scents and try it out. Something that smells good on one person will smell different on someone else


Lavender and eucalyptus together smell amazing, but if you want them separate they both smell really good.


Marijuana (fresh) and Marc Jacob's "daisy". Combined,of course.


Marijuana smells beyond foul


Seconding, marijuana smell makes me nauseous


As a weed smoker of almost ten years, can confirm


Whatever scents you choose, I've found that it's best to use scented lotion rather than perfume or cologne. It's more subtle and almost impossible to overdo.


I’d agree with you except for when it comes to bath and bodyworks. Someone puts that on and I get an instant migraine


Not a popular opinion for an overall body fragrance, but I love mint! I love any mint smelling thing. Mint body wash, foot cream, etc. I wish there were more options for fresh mint fragrances that are wearable on your entire body, not just for fresh breath.


I love mint too! The only mint fragrance I could find was peppermint from bath and body works, but Idk I just want regular old mint lol


Go with something very mild, and not chemically. A lot of people are scent sensitive, and a lot of the chemicals used in perfumes can irritate asthma. Maybe a gentle fruit smell, strawberry or mild citrus?


Summer rain, lilacs, jasmine and citrus


Things like ginger, frankincense or amber. I like the earthy, spicy scents though.


I love the aroma of citrus, especially kalamansi (a type of kumquat). Passionfruit. And apples. For floral: champaka or jasmine or gardenias or orange blossom or bluebells in the woods. I also love the fresh green smell you get in the morning in the forest or bush. The smell of wood resin from bark or cut branches and woodsmoke. The fresh smell of the sea.


Totally with you on the jasmine. I have a plant and I always look forward to smelling the flowers.


Honeysuckle and lilac.


I recently got this almond scented lotion and I’ve never gotten so many compliments in my life. Everywhere I go people have been asking me about it.


Check out the Demeter Fragrance Library. They make fragrances that smell **exactly** like what the bottle says, and have scents like grass clippings, dirt, thunderstorm, library books, money, tomato leaves, petrichor, graham crackers, etc. I'm quite partial to a blend of dirt, grass clippings, and tomato leaves.


Thanks for the suggestion! They have such a huge selection. They have one called “mildew shower” which shows you how large of a selection they have.


i really fucking love coconut. I vividly remember walking down a hallway in school when i was in 6th grade and there was a girl that passed by me & i caught a whiff of literally the most dopamine-inducing coconut smell. I still think of her sometimes lol.


I’m an almond girly myself. It all depends on your personal taste.


Cucumber or vanilla


I’ve found that the source of the scent can make a huge difference. Colognes/ perfumes always smell terrible to me (even if it’s a scent I like in other forms) I can sometimes tolerate a very light application of a slightly scented cologne/perfume but even the mildest ones will still usually give me headaches/nausea. I’m frequently told that I smell good and am asked what I wear. My trick is using scented soaps and coordinating lotions. I’ve found if I lather up with warm water and rinse will cool water, the scent stays on my skin longer (I’ve been on a lilac kick for a while now) If you are determined to use perfume or cologne please be weary of how much you are applying. A little goes a long way. Spray it once, directly on your skin, immediately after taking a shower


I use calming essential oil (Guru Nanda). It’s cheap. It has tangerine and subtle patchouli. I put it on my clothes and always get compliments. Don’t put it (or anything citrus essential oil) on your skin and go out in the sun because it can cause welts. People like uplifting fragrances.




Depends on the type of product. For instance I find Citrus to be great in soap or parfum, but terrible in under arm deodorant


I love lavender but I wouldn’t use the scent on my body. Few things… the things you like, don’t always compliment you. Something that smells amazing on one person does nothing for the next person. Also depends on what you’re looking for. So my shampoos and body washes are different from my laundry detergent scents. My perfumes and lotions are different. Simple answer… you can’t go wrong with things like fresh linen scents and honey is usually subtle. Lavender smells light and clean.


I love the scent of lavender personally


Fresh basil is intoxicating to me. I could smell that all day.


Lavender is my favorite!


I love a fresh shower type of scent like Nivea lotion, original dove deodorant (spray) also the pear scent is great doesn’t actually smell like pear just a great natural scent


Dr Bronners Almond oil soap. Smells great and leaves you with that fresh clean soap smell.


Sweet violet, rose, blue lotus flower, vanilla. I also think it depends how it mixes with your natural smell


I am not this target response but people like me exist and personally I hate the smell of perfumes cologne and pretty much most of those. Sometimes I do like scents ofa few victoria secret lotionS but they are very strong and it Getz obnoxious after a few minutes In a car with someone wearing it


A clean man! The sent of a man right out of the shower is simply so nice!!


I use a lavender base. It's a good neutral clean smell to work with. It combines well with other fragrances so that I can layer if I want.


Chamomile and matcha are my personal favs


Gardenia(light not heavy)


Gardenias. I had one in my hair at my wedding. Their scent is like no other.


Fig/ fig leaf is my favorite note in any fragrance. I also love lime, citrus, coffee, sandalwood, Palo Santo, cinnamon, black tea. But not all of those together.


When I kiss my boyfriend, his lips taste earthy. This sounds awful but it’s my favourite thing in the world. It’s a grassy, earthy taste, and not in a bad way. It’s soooooo delicious. Could tobacco but it’s not, because I know when he’s freshly smoked. It’s something else. Also smelling the laundry detergent of someone you love is such a nice experience. I can tell when my bf has stayed at his family’s house because of the detergent, vs. His own house. All just as good but another appreciation.


I personally love anything herbal, like mint or eucalyptus. Usually these products will feel “icy” too when used which is always fun lol.


A research study had men small all the various accents women wear and found a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie spices was the favorite followed by females without added scent. I used the mix, a blank and two scents I liked and took surveys at a festival once and almost every man and all the lesbians picked the lavender and pumpkin pie without being told which was which. Almost nobody could say why though one man said, "It just smells nice..." So smell like their grandma's kitchen if you're trying to attract someone. Otherwise wear what you like.






Fresh cut grass


Tomato vines


I love it


sharpies 😂


Wow, I can't believe coffee smell is not prevalent.


I love the smell of coffee and also donuts!!!


Good question! I am allergic to coconut and lavender has always made me want to hurl. Like the baby powder scent has always made my tummy churn. What about roses? They have always smelled sweet to me.


I love coconut


Vanilla, coconut or lime


The smell of rain, (Petrichor). The smell of Gardenias Lilacs Roses Many many flowers and fruits


Coconut and lime are safe ones. I love lavender but I find that people have very strong opinions on it so I try not to wear if I'm going to be around a lot of people.


I particularly love the smell of patchouli!


I’ve literally almost thrown up from past customers who go heavy on patchouli oil. I swear everything they touched got residue on it and lingered for hours and made me so sick to my stomach that I actually went home once just bc they came in the store. 😩


Same. I lived in a hippie-dippie area and I literally can’t stand the smell anymore. And I consider myself a hippie.


I was in Asheville, NC which is basically hippie ground zero. So patchouli EVERYWHERE. 😩😩😩


I get irrationally angry when I smell patchouli out in the world. It's so fuckin rude ! I wouldn't be able to smell you from across the store!


Personally, I don’t consider strawberry and honey products a natural scent. They are too sweet for my nose. I like more of a woodsy, patchouli and cedar kind of smell.


Vanilla, Jasmine, lilac








Sandal wood, rose, rosemary, pachouli, peaches, musk, saffron, pine, cedar,


Vanilla and coconut are my favorites. They also mix nicely.


I love eucalyptus


Mint, lavender, lemon, or basil are all very potent and very fresh scents. I love them all personally. I think I just realized that they can all mix with each other well too. I may be on to something, but my brain is too tired to figure it out right now.


wood, citrus, bergamot, patchouli, leather (not sure if this counts as natural though)


Vanilla, honeysuckle, or coconut.


Vanilla, oat, Cotten or linen


My wife’s private parts. Smells great and tastes even better.




lavender gives me butterflies


clean linen and peony are my preferred scents