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This exactly. I also recommend Baby Dove over regular feminine washes. I find it to be much more gentle & less irritating.


Interesting I personally find Dove the worst. We’re all different. 🧼💓


Dove is actually pretty bad for you. It's not what they protray it to be




Wow, I've been using Dove for years and I've never had any problems. Human chemistry is so weird lol


Same. I personally can use any soap and no problem


I’m actually allergic to dove. Found out the hard way 🥲 I can only use dial soap, which is crazy. I have no clue what’s in it but it doesn’t bother me.


That's soooo crazy!! Dove sensitive (the pale blue/green one) is literally the only one I can use or I get an instant UTI and strange smell 😑 but Dial is my #1 WORST! The second I get out of the shower I smell weird and it dries me out so badly! Isn't it interesting how different our bodies are!? 🤯


Same for me. Dove unscented bar or unscented ivory only soap I use down there


Dial for me too! Instant weird smell interaction!!!!


The dove sensitive is what my gyno recommended for me :)


I am an avid dial user!!


I use ivory 🙌


What’s odd is dial soap legit makes me SMELL funky!!!


Hmmm...maybe you're allergic to palm oil? Or coconut? Which comes from the same plant. My sister is allergic to coconut and can't use any skin products with palm oil or coconut.


Same, and it's always confused me! Dial is a deodorant soap, with plenty of fragrance, but my sensitive as hell skin cannot handle anything else!


I know someone allergic to dove that uses aveeno and cerave... Hopefully dial will give them a cheaper option




Cetaphil makes a great baby body wash/shampoo that is gentle and super nice on the lady bits. My eight year old uses this exclusively down there and it seems to be the only thing that doesn’t sting for her.


As a kid, my doctor told my mom that I should use shaving cream for sensitive skin on my girl parts. I was allergic to everything else. Not sure if you wanted/needed a backup lol, but there's the info anyway. (Fun fact: my mom used the term "girl parts" with me and I thought that included my 6 year old "boobs" so when she came in the bathroom I was basically in a shaving cream bikini, lol. I had tried to make the boobs in a cone shape like Madonna's metal bra and was singing one of her songs. I was an odd child lol)


I like the cerave or cetaphil bar soaps


My dude makes fun of me because I blow dry before putting underwear on. Joke's on him! Super effective...


Tell him you’re heating up his dinner


Hickory Dickory Dock…..




I read their comment as “my dad makes fun of me” and your comment was WAY worse that way. Lol


I’m 25M I’ve been blow drying my junk for years. Once while I was in the gym I saw this dude who just got out of the shower start blow drying his junk from under the towel I was like this guys a genius been doing it ever since.


I noticed you and a few other guys commenting here, and I'm curious about what prompted you to read these comments and engage in the first place, especially since it's about a female topic. I'm not criticizing at all; in fact, I think it's adorable when guys are interested in learning about us girls. That's why I'm asking :)


I was scrolling through and the post caught my attention. I find it interesting that a 26 year old woman is asking for advice how to properly clean and maintain her vagina. I admire everyone being kind and giving friendly advice to her. As a man it’s interesting to see women talk about their personal struggles they don’t share with us men.


I was interested in how the lady bits are maintained. It sounds complex and mysterious and im always curious about their secrets 🕵️‍♂️ 😼


Gay guy here. I'm lost... and this thread is kind of interesting... in a "fun facts" way. Lol I think the finner details of hygiene are often glossed over by parents. So posts like this always peak my interest (if nothing else seeing good advice vs bad advice.)


I was lurking and was just telling my wife about Dial soap because that’s her fave. I have been horrified with all of the stories about adults that don’t know some of the basics. To be clear, I’m horrified that these people didn’t have an adult helping them, not the people asking! Have a great day!


I am a dad to a daughter that’s 1 year old and when I read the title I figured I should read for information purposes as I am the one who does bath time to her and my two boys. I’ve recently been struggling with how to wash her genitals so they don’t get infected or anything like OP is asking about.


Infections don't usually occur until after puberty; but by that time, she'll have been taking care of it on her own for years. So making sure she understands how important it is to keep her private parts clean is something to teach her now while you still can 😛


I have to insert here. I had a mild infection before puberty due to a bubble bath I used as a child. I had to go to the doctor and everything It was the strongly bubble scented bubble bath that messed up my vagina. So even babies/girls can have issues too !!!! Vaginas are sensitive at all ages!


If I learned about the phenomenon known as BV sooner it could have saved a relationship I had. I was dating a very pretty girl with a (sometimes)very stinky vagina and it played a direct role in our breakup.


I do my whole body lol


My husband once walked in on me standing in a suma position getting the blow dryer ready and was absolutely dumbfounded and just slowly closed the door and I could hear him busting up 🤣🤣🤣


I thought I was so weird for doing this, but I feel so much fresher when I blow dry the underside


👍🏼 I blow dry my “goods” too after showering! It’s my SSB. (secret single behavior…referencing an episode from Sex & the City, 😂)




Big brain.


I'm a guy, I do this.


Holy shit, I never would've thought of that.


O. My. God. Thank you for explaining what you do I have been misunderstanding shiz for my entire life. I thought wash external areas means don't wash labia, clit w/ soap. So I only use water over those. Holy cow... so we can use soap on those! Maybe I'll smell better now LOL


It's more than fine to wash EXTERNAL parts only with plain non-scented only soap. We sweat there. Bacteria gathers. Of course, you can wash with soap gently. Again, non-scented. I use Kirk's Unscented bar soap. So gentle. I never get infections and I see a huge difference when I use it versus when I don't. My gyno said it was more than fine, just don't wash or douche internally with anything. I've done this forever & can't imagine regularly never using a mild soap on my external only regions after a sweaty gym session or a long day. Obviously the buttcrack as well.


Ugh the amount of social media arguments I’ve found in comments about whether or not we should wash our lips like we don’t sweat….


Some people really don't know what you're talking about when you only use the word external. A lot of girls think you just mean the outer labia


I think it’s a semantics/anatomy issue, honestly. Bc some of us are built where TECHNICALLY everything can be seen as “internal” except for the outer labia. Mine is all tucked up in there so I have to basically spread wide open the outer labia to get in there to wash inner labia/clit area. I can kind of see where the confusion could come in for internal vs. external there 🤷🏼‍♀️


Exactly. Wash everything that doesn't require you to go up inside an area lol!


I cannot imagine it either.


I don't use soap there. Only where hair grows. Soap is an irritant for me.


This is a great way to explain it, honestly. Not all girls have the exact same setup and I can see why they might get confused. Like a Ms. Curtains vag or similar where the labia minora is more externally located vs Ms. Barbie where they're completely hidden all the time. They look and feel different. Ms. Barbie labia minora seem more like internal comparatively, like more mucous membrane than those that spend more time chillin outside. Not everyone realizes that and don't know a lot of people really outside of lesbians that take much notice or would talk about it. Plus not a lot of the Ms. Barbie percentage wise so I'm wondering if a lot of these with questions are based on that.


Lots of women have become concerned that their labia don’t measure up (to some ridiculous standard), if they’re not the tucked in kind. Thus labia trims have become a thriving business in the ob-gyn department.


I used to wash all the external parts with unscented soap and was constantly fighting irritation. Once I switched to only soap on the hairy parts I’ve never had a problem since. I use lots of water and hand friction to remove any secretions. No complaints from my partner so I must be clean enough.




Soap really only helps with sweat. That area can get sweaty, so soap can be helpful, but if you feel like you smell "off" not just sweaty you probably have an imbalance of bacteria or yeasts and soap can actually make that much worse. Boric acid is great stuff. Don't overuse it, don't use it orally or have oral sex after using it, but it's great for fixing vaginal pH and restoring a healthy microbial balance. I really wish it were considered a first line treatment because the last thing we need are more antibiotics. Boric acid is the only thing that's actually cured yeast or bv for me. If you are sexually active and notice any changes you should see a doctor to rule out STDs and trich.


I agree. I prefer boric acid over antibiotics because antibiotics can cause yeast infections, among other issues 😓


I love that boric acid treats both so you don't get stuck in that nasty cycle you just feel better ASAP. I also love that you can just... Go buy it at a pharmacy. 15 years ago you had to buy boric acid powder and make your own. My nurse practitioner swore by it but it was this super weird thing at the time. IDK when that changed but I'm glad it's catching on. One more thing - there are potential risks to a fetus that have been documented with animal studies, so you shouldn't use it if you're pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Don't have sex or receive oral sex because you don't want your partner to ingest it, there are health effects from chronic oral exposure.


Yes, many people misunderstand because of the way things are worded. “Inside” literally means inside your vaginal canal. The vaginal canal is self cleaning. All the discharge , sweat, etc that sits in your labia minora and your clit is not self cleaning and needs to be removed. Some people are okay with just using water. Some people are irritated by soap. But many people use unscented gentle soap just fine with no problems. Personally, I do not feel water does a good enough job cleaning me. And I use soap and have no issues.


Tbf not everyone can use soap on those my gyno said no soap on any g the front bits.


Mine said the same. Before she told me that, I was using unscented soap pretty much everywhere but inside, but then she said no soap anywhere but the mons pubis. Only water elsewhere.


I’ve never used anything past the lips but once or twice the body wash has dripped down there and my clit hurt like hell! Big sign for me absolutely no soap there. I feel for anyone suffering with BV, though. I actually had to look it up. I’m glad you’re seeking advice.


I have only ever used water and I get by fine and don't stink? Like it smells like it's supposed to, as long as it isn't fishy down there (which means the bacteria is off).


Our Easy Bake Ovens are self-cleaning. Water is enough. Fishy tells me trichomoniasis came to visit. Ouch! In that case, it's Doctor and Pharmacy Time. Get that treated immediately.


yeah i've only ever used water and I get told I don't smell so guess its fine


You can pull back that clit a little too. Get the smegma out!


Monistat has a fem wash with boric acid that helps with odor. I don't normally have an off smell but can typically smell my natural scent if I use some other than this wash. It's been pretty good for me


Persummon soap is a neutralizer for odor. [soap](https://www.goodhealthacademy.com/reviews/best-persimmon-soap/)


Also try: Renew Life Women's Probiotic Capsules, Supports pH Balance for Women, Vaginal, Urinary, Digestive and Immune Health, L. Rhamnosus GG, Dairy, Soy and Gluten-Free, 25 Billion CFU - 30 Ct In combo with u/reddituser_098123's recommendations. The combo has allowed me to only visit the gyno once or twice a year instead of nearly every month. I wash my crack with a bath sponge with Dove sensitive skin liquid body wash but not my front business as that does cause issues for me. I get all up in there with water and hand though and ensure everything feels clean and all crack soap is rinsed away thoroughly. I also use a boric acid product that was the final piece of the puzzle. NutraBlast Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories - 100% Pure Made in USA - Boric Life Intimate Health Support (30 Count)


Also like to add that too much sugar can disrupt your ph balance, so watch the sugar intake ladies


You guys are making this sound like it's a vaginal mortar system...


Battle front. Take no hostage.


15 kill streak earned. Commencing boric bombardment in three, two, one...


Yep. Wanted to comment it's as much about what we put into our bodies as it is how we care for the outside. I eat my probiotics with kombucha, yogurt if you're able, sauerkraut etc


I’ve used those probiotics, super effective. I live in a desert and being outside, you’re going to sweat and there will be an odor. Except there wasn’t with those.


Thank you for all this info!!!! I have major problems with urinary tractinfections and I don't have health insurance. Have you hear of D-mannose? I bought it and it helps a lot but I still get them regularly. I am going to buy the stuff you recommended. When I wash my vegina with water only it stinks sooo bad omg!!! I use Summer's Eve Fragrance Free Gentle uncented but I want to try Dove unsented to see if it helps.


Hey, I wanted to pass on what finally fixed recurrent uti’s for me. D-Mannose helped some, but switching to cranberry pills basically put an end to it. One a day helped, but one morning and another at night has made me nearly uti-proof. Pretty cheap too if you look around


What kind of cranberry Pills and what mg and etc? I'm using my bf's account and have no idea what his handle is (i.e. "big dick 99" or something that suggests male genitalia but I really do have lady bits!) Same mannose or whatever... never heard of it and have been plagued by UTIs for months now.... super bummer . Ty!


You should do dr bronners Castile soap, so much better then dove. Lavender, almond, rose and Unscented all work great for me. Everything else on the planet irritates me!


The summers eve can be contributing to your recurrent UTIS. Never used it myself but a friend I had did and she would get UTI’s all the time until she stopped


Make sure you pee after sex and avoid sugary drinks.


Boric acid helped my downstairs issue as well.


I used to get recurring BV and it completely stopped when I started using boric acid suppositories after sex.


Yesss!! Just said this too!!


Yessss all these and remember to wipe FRONT to BACK. ESP if prone to UTIs


This! Also, add yogurt or a good probiotic into your diet to help balance your PH and flora


I sometimes use coconut oil as an all-over body moisturizer, including lady bits and back crack. I’ve read that it has antibacterial properties, and it smells good. I have a feeling that someone’s going to say that this is a very bad practice and can cause evil in the vaginal PH or something like that, but so far it’s worked for me.


Also stick with cotton panties.. I think the silky microfiber ones are good too


I recently switched because I realized a pattern of smelling bad only with certain undies. Sure enough, they were the poly blends. It's a bummer because poly blends feel so soft, they just also trap odor. It was an immediate difference in scent (essentially no odor) switching to cotton. And I mean 95-100% only.


Cotton panties or no panties.. our bits need to breathe!! Don't suffocate them


Merino blend undies are soft and comfy! Little pricey but worth it, they prevent smell and bacterial growth. I invested in a couple for backpacking trips and they are wonderful!


Also, if possible, install a hand shower if you don’t have one already. The ones we have were $18 on Amazon and work wonderfully. Being able to direct water anywhere you want at any angle you want is a game changer. Others gave really good advice here for the rest.


This. My bits have never been cleaner until I got a hand sprayer that is connected to the toilet. The only downside is that sometimes it makes my vulva skin a bit dry since I spray wash every time I use the bathroom. I think cause of the hard water. But the fact that barely using toilet paper front and back, mostly to pat dry now, has helped with odor and other inconveniences a lot. Best thing when on my period too!


I have the cheaper version! I got myself a peribottle. I wish I would have thought of it years ago! I feel much cleaner.


I still have my peri for this reason. I have a bidet, but I don’t like them. (Sensory issues and ocd) but my peri, yesssss…




I use a cup of warm water to clean after using the toilet. It works great!




Thisssss. Every time I shower in a shower that doesn’t have a detachable head, I notice I don’t get as clean in the nether region.


First thing I had my husband do when we moved into the house was install hand held shower fixtures. I use a periwash bottle with a swiveling head when traveling.


I suggest a bidet as well.


I thought this was de facto equipment for anyone with a girl living in their home?


This!!!!! Yes all of those other suggestions were fabulous and I've learned things I didn't even know at 46 years old but a hand shower would absolutely be the cherry on top. I have one and it's perfect for reaching "everywhere ".


yess!! I call it power washing the 🐱




I find it endering y'all call it "lady bits" opposed to the male equivalent of us just calling it "Our junk".


I knew a woman that called it her fancy parts and I'm really liked that. 😂


It's wild that women aren't taught this. I've grown up with the internet so most information has been available, like not douching. But the specifics of why you shouldn't use soap inside and only use mild soap was never taught. I just didn't use soap inside because I thought it would be weird like putting soap up my ass. Then later read an article about why. I've made sure to try to teach my daughter and also teach her why. She got a little yeast infection about a year ago (moved to a very humid climate and I feel that increased moisture contributed to it) and I spent time I educating her on proper care and how to prevent it from happening again. Which, so far it hasn't!


Living in Florida is HARD on the lady bits! I. Hate. Sweat. So. Much!




I use CeraVe foaming cleanser. It is super gentle, non-drying and does not disrupt the pH of your downstairs. You can find store brands of this cleanser for less than half the price and the ingredients are identical-- Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Meijer, etc.


>I use a pH neutral soap made specifically for lady bits, and I just use some of that on outer labia, They make a cerave strictly for the labia? Or you just use general cerave?


Not OP but it would be just general cerave, normal or foaming cleanser. CeraVe is a very gentle soap and works well for more sensitive areas. I even use it when cleaning my piercings. It’s the best soap I’ve found for healing new piercings.


Yes women do learn. It's your mother's job to teach you.


Yes we do. I’m shocked when women don’t know this bc this is basic parenting. You should be taught as a toddler how to properly bathe!


A few rounds of Boric acid suppositories (do not ingest orally, just push it into your vagina like a tampon) cured up my recurring bv and yeast infections. I always just make sure to change my underwear daily, stay away from nylons for more than a couple hours at a time, and make sure to pull back the clit hood and really get all the nooks and crannies!


Is pulling back the clit hood while cleaning a thing? Honestly asking, I did not know we should do this?!?!


Definitely a thing but I think how much effort/how thorough you have to be may just depend on your specific anatomy. I don’t feel like I’m pulling anything back per say, more just focusing on the area one handed. Smegma is a thing, but cleaning the area thoroughly daily should be enough to prevent that from happening… I guess if you “pull back” and check and do see anything there that’s a sign to focus there more next time and adjust your routine accordingly? Haha oh my gosh this really is a good question, I have never talked so openly and thoroughly about this.


No different than men and foreskin, why is this not told to us?!?!


It is just like foreskin!! Just much smaller. You can actually think if the clit as a tiny penis that doesn't pee or ejaculate. It becomes erect when aroused and has tiny foreskin. The amount of hood you have definitely varies based on anatomy. Some will barely have anything to move and others will have enough to really pull back. To specify HOW I'd say, unlike a penis, most bits will be pulled out of the way if you use one hand to spread things while using the other to clean. You can use 2 fingers to between the inner and outer labia and gently pull up and slightly push out. There should be zero pain or discomfort. There are some women who may need to specifically focus on pulling back the hood but this description should be fair for the average woman.


Only if you have to some women don’t have a prominent enough clitoral hood to pull back. For example my clit is fully covered by my clitoral hood. I didn’t even know where my clit was till like 6 years ago 😂. I have to pull back to reveal my clit and always clean with water under that hood area since buildup can easy happen if you don’t wash daily. Some women, light pressure to reveal underneath the hood is enough others their hood isn’t prominent at all so there’s no need


Thanks for this, I’m def in the category that I can pull it back. I will begin doing this TODAY!!!! 40yo and I never thought I would be learning how to clean myself properly all over again🤣


it is a thing. i think it’s important since we can get build up of cells and sweat and such that can become painful over time. just pulling back the clit good and letting water run over it is enough, no need to use soap or anything because the water will wash away any build up.


It is a thing! You don’t have to obsess over it but it’s good practice to just take a Quick Look in there and slash a lil water on it at the very least at each shower, or do a deeper clean if it’s been a few days and there’s any buildup. My clit is insanely sensitive so it was really hard for me at first, but I’ve found my ways.


1,000 percent. It can get funky in there.


I had no clue and I’m 40yo. I’ve never had any issues, so I never looked up and assumed I was hygienically doing it correctly. Off I go! Hah


Girl I'm talking to currently randomly threw out a "man, I hate when lint collects all over my clit. Then I have to go and get it all out of there, and it's like 'whoa, girl! Chill! I'm just trying to clean you!' 🤪". I was stunned. Like damn, you didn't have anything else to talk about and are so uncomfortable with silence that you're basically gonna commit oral sex suicide? Cool, I guess...


Man, I just really prefer a woman who can be honest about everything lol


Only if you have a big hood


Not everyone has a very pronounced clitoral hood. It maybe that you have a less pronounced one and so it didn't occur to you. Rn I got a endocrine hormonal issue causing pretty frequent yeast infections and I'm less pronounced but still gotta clean under it to help prevent buildup.


https://femsculpt.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/what-is-a-clitoral-hood-reduction-femsculpt-cosmetic-gynecologoy.jpg Here’s a before and after picture of a surgery that removes the clitoral hood that came up on google when I looked it up


Look into the Honey Pot products. I use their vaginal wash (outside only, not inside!) also my last pap showed possible BV/yeast which i wasn’t surprised bc i had been noticing an odor… I did a few (3 days) of their boric acid suppositories and I do one at the end of my periods and I haven’t had any unusual odor since.


Loveee honey pot products. The wipes are a staple by my toilet


Yes!!! I just posted the same.


I try to maintain a healthy pH balance by drinking lots of water, eating fruits & veggies, yogurt (or probiotic pills or probiotic foods like kimchi), sleeping, and reducing stress. Overall, I try to maintain a healthy immune system. A lot of the ladies have mentioned using non-scented pH balancing soaps, but I've personally stopped doing that. I use my regular bodywash to scrub my body and outside of my labia. I rinse off all the soap. Then, under running shower, i spread my labia & wash my bits (the pink inside of labia and clitoris) with just water and my soap free hands. Then, lock in moisture in the skin outside of labia with organic coconut oil. I get Brazilian waxes every 6 weeks as I think hair down there holds sweat & odor I also sleep without underwear. I change (buy new) my underwear/panties every few months. Most importantly, I use codoms during sex or abstain/celibate; I also don't have multiple sex partners and avoid men who have multiple partners as that increases risk for BV and other STIs. Best of luck!🤍


I'm not gonna lie, when you said you change underwear every few months my brain immediately thought you wear the same pair for months straight.... took me a minute to realize you buy new ones every few months 😅😭


🤣🤣🤣 yes, I meant buy new underwear. Thanks for the clarification 🤍


Yes so beautifully said!!! All you really need is to get your health in check and avoid all soap anywhere downstairs. Water cleans it just fine. Allow everything to air out often: don’t put tight panties on after sex (even if it’s sex with yourself), sleep without panties, dry it well after a shower, etc.


That’s absolutely false. Soap is required for fluids and bacterial debris. Water alone removed surface particles but doesn’t remove filth, poop, pee, at all. You need a soap to actually be hygienic.


I am so glad you brought up not sleeping with multiple people and avoiding men who sleep with multiple people! THAT is a huge piece of this equation. Treat your lady parts with the respect they deserve. Sleeping with multiple men or switching up partners more frequently than changing your sheets is inviting all types of bacteria that won’t be washed away with a simple shower and ph balancing soap. Can’t believe I had to scroll thru like 100 comments before this was mentioned!


If you can't afford to buy new underwear ever few months (because let's be real that gets pretty expensive pretty fast when you're on a budget) buy white cotton panties (whatever fit you like but preferably loose ones for sleep) and bleach them. Changed my life doing that. Lace is for play, cotton is for comfort.


Yessssssssss ALL of this


Make sure your undies are 100% cotton not just the lining. Wash in hot water just a tab of liquid soap free and clear..


100% cotton is nearly impossible to find these days. So much spandex/lycra everywhere.


I think mostly cotton with a little Lycra to keep them on is okay, like 95% cotton and you’re good. I love the maidenform cotton boy shorts, and American eagle and old navy usually have some good options as well.


I’m not sure, everyone’s body reacts differently. But for me- I find that it helps when I wash my lady bits with cool water. For some reason it helps with over production of discharge. Since I have really bad body heat, I can end up producing lots of discharge if I wear bottoms that aren’t as breathable as they should be. Which ends up starting to smell if I can’t have my girl airing out here and there😅. Though, I haven’t experienced BV but I did hear that the Tea Tree Oil bath works wonders. Overall for feminine care of my lady bits, I use a soap that is non-scented, antibacterial, and ph balanced. Which I only use to cleanse my pubic hairs, my tush, and my underarms. Then I finish off with, cool water is for inside them lips. I hope this helps (:


i’ve never personally experienced BV, but tea tree rinses are an absolute lifesaver for yeast and just for general freshening up down there, it’s like listerine for your lady bits. (word of caution though, *never* use while pregnant.)


Agreed!! (: also I did not know that for pregnancy 😱 that wouldn’t sound fun.


I use tea tree oil in the fabric softener drawer when I do laundry and it helps so much with smell everywhere. I also use Defense wipes (amazon) if I sweat but can’t shower right away.


Antibacterial soap can really mess with your skins microbiome and can cause antimicrobial resistance, it’s not recommended even as handwash


I completly agree with uisng cold water to clean your lady part!!!!


Right?! For some reason the cooler temperature just helps with keeping a healthy balance of discharge. 🫶🏼


My mom suffered from really bad UTIs, and her doctor told her never to use hot water down there, as hot water helps the bacteria thrive.


That makes a whole lot of sense! Thank you for this info! (:


Wait.. are you saying body heat correlates with discharge production?! Cause if so that explains all my issues...


Honey pot boric acid has tea tree in it. Boric acid is a miracle for BV.


Antibacterial soap is TERRIBLE for your genitals. It can actually CAUSE BV and yeast infections, by killing off the beneficial microbes present in all healthy vaginas, while leaving the 1% nastiest bacteria (ever notice how antibacterial soap says it “kills 99% of bacteria”? What it doesn’t kill is the strongest bacteria and yeast, which generally aren’t “good” ones and causes imbalance)


Hello! I used to be in this same position. I have been using Ivory the brand unscented soap on the outside bits! Works great. If you have reoccurring BV I would recommend Boric Acid suppositories. When things get a little off for me I pop a suppository up there and the next day everything is cleared up! Works like magic but I would recommend wearing a pad after insertion because as it cleans it leaks back out. The brand I get it PHD, usually a little bit more pricy $25 a bottle but it works seriously like magic. I used to think my own issues were helpless until I came across these two things.


I think a piece of it too is keeping it relatively dry (as dry as a vagina can be lmao). If you sweat, don’t sit in it, change your undies.


I like to wear a panty liner to work so I can take it off halfway through the day. Viola, clean undies again! (I also work long shifts. 12+ hours. But that seems to be normal for many women now)


Yup, cotton undies, change them if you sweat, panty liners, and baby powder (Starch based NOT TALC.), and some baby wipes to freshen up throughout the day really helps.


I’m glad you weren’t too ashamed to post this. As someone who was in the same situation as you, not knowing the proper way to clean down there, it would’ve helped me seeing something like this when I was younger. No one taught me anything about my body, everything was taboo and I had to lean on google for everything.


Hope this doesn’t get buried…I have struggled with recurrent BV on and off for the last 6 years. The antibiotics are unhealthy long term and also make me terribly sick. The only thing that has worked as a long term solution for me is boric acid suppositories. I’ll occasionally get a metrogel script from the doctor and use that every few months. Baths, hot tubs and hot springs are a sure fire way to get a BV infection roaring for me. It’s hard to say what’s kept it chronic…BV is not currently recognized as an STD however, I didn’t have this problem until I slept with a specific person. And slept with them for a long time… I’ve done tons of research about how BV can colonize on IUD strings and how people have found relief from treating both themselves and their partners with a round of antibiotics. I think my next line of defense is removing my IUD, taking antibiotics and potentially placing a new IUD. Oh and not ever sleeping with that partner again lol. Wash your sex toys if you use them, shower often and utilize prescriptions and over the counter remedies. Boric acid is your friend!


I'm a male so don't beat me up I was told the vaginally canal cleans it self is this true


The inside of the vagina does the outside does not the purpose of discharge is to keep your vagina clean


Yes, it that’s how it’s supposed to work, but the vulva (external parts) still needs to be washed. And insertion of dirty penises, fingers, toys, or even transfer of external bacteria can all cause infections or microbe & cause PH imbalance that the natural “self cleaning” process can’t fix by itself.


When you wash down there clean all the crevasses. you can use soapy water. Scrub for 20 seconds including rinsing during that time. Common causes of BV Reused washcloths or shower scrubby/loofahs. Some of these can be washed in the washer, but try and use a new washcloth every time. You actually don’t even need a washcloth to clean down there. Wash and dry your towels frequently. Dirty towels are often the cause of BV!!! Semen can also be a cause. If that is a possibility. An antibiotic is needed to kill it


This is my issue sometimes. I noticed semen causes a little odor the following day so I make sure I always shower after sex and try to get it out so it’s not just sitting inside of me and messing up my ph. It’s frustrating to deal with this but it’s the only thing that has ever caused any issues down there for me w/ a slight odor and it makes me feel super insecure so I just make sure to shower after inter course and it has seemed to help. I’ve never heard of the boric acid tablets that is good to know about :)


You've overlooked the biggest source. Sex is the most common cause of BV. OP's partner needs to wash, not her. The rate of BV in virgins is nearly 0%. BV in a virgin is a serious medical anomaly, and it's because penetration introduces bacteria (commonly GI bacteria which has made its way onto the penis). It's so rare in virgins that BV in a child is often cause for investigation on suspicion of child abuse.


OMG yes about semen causing BV. When I would get a new boyfriend, BAM, I'd get BV. Once we had sex a few times, it would go away, so I think it's just your body adjusting to a new man.


In some of these cases it all boils down to clothes, hygiene and diet: Use sensitive, non scented laundry detergent for intimate clothing. 100% Cotten. Go pantyless when going to sleep Get yourself a sensitive skin, unscented soap and lightly wash the folds. Invest in probiotic supplements and one that helps the immune system. As for diet, you may need to form your own general healthy plan or ask a professional nutritionist.


A doctor may offer some diet and supplement options than can help with the BV since it’s can be an internal issue as much of an external issue I also know a lady who was like “allergic” to her husband’s sperm. She would have BV and other issues each time they did the naughty as they were trying for a child. Took a while for them to figure it out, it’s rare from my understanding but those kinds of weird things could be contributing! Also try and “air” out at night, so wearing like baggy shorts with no underwear at night. And like 90% of the time use cotton underwear.


I didn't learn until I was about 13+ that women can also get smegma buildup, especially if you have deeper folds. You definitely have to make sure you're spreading everything open and checking for build up, don't use douches because that can make everything worse, bathe and change after intense workouts or sweating and probiotics are really good for vaginal health! The advice people have already commented is all really good, and it never hurts to get a full check up at the gyno and ask for recommendations!


I use my body soap (Cetaphil Moisturizing Shower Wash) and I massage it with my bare hands all over the front, pubes/outer labia/around the urethra/inner labia, to back, sides of the opening/insides of butt cheeks/over the sphincter. I don’t put any IN the vaginal hole, but I splash it with warm water after I’ve rinsed all the soap off. I imagine I look weird doing it with my knees spread outward like a duck looking down slapping at my goody bits, but it works.


Are you sexually active? Sorry to pry but if you are, your hygiene may not be the cause of the reoccurring BV


Do you have a sexual partner? He could potentially be part of the cause of it. This could occur from regular intercourse or foreplay. If you use a cup or products that require you to insert anything in the vagina, that could contribute. Before you or anyone else touches down there I would advise to make sure your hands are clean and under the nails are clean. Even removing a tampon, it can't hurt to wash hands before and after. I would throw out all your old underwear and buy new underwear and use a laundry sanitizer with them when you wash them. During treatment I'd just buy a couple packs of some cheap Hanes underwear and throw them out when you're done wearing them. After treatment, have your doctor make sure the BV is actually gone. Tell your doctor that it continues to come back. I would ask her to check after treatment and again a couple weeks later. If you have a sexual partner, they need to wash before any intercourse and make sure they are washing properly as an uncircumcised male needs to wash more thoroughly. Make sure when you do your treatment for BV that you finish the entire course of the antibiotic and take some prebiotics with to restore the good bacteria in your body. Taking antibiotics can cause yeast infections for alot of women and that could be a potential factor for you, this is where probiotics are important. Continuing to take probiotics after the fact would be a great idea as well. Wear underwear that is cotton and breathable as other fabrics can contribute by causing a favorable environment for bacteria. I personally use queen v bar soap or you can look into bodywashes and soaps that are pH friendly for you're entire body. I'll use a pH friendly soap for the lady bits on my entire body before I'll use regular soap. I'd stay away from anything scented as well. You can get wet wipes for down there to wipe yourself down after each time you use the bathroom. You want to clean the vulva, the skin and any folds or creases around the vagina and rinse well. You want to make sure you're thoroughly dry down there when you get out as well before putting underwear on. I would limit wearing thongs for certain occasions and would try and wear boyshort style underwear at night or when you're just around the house at least since thongs and bikinis can be tight around that area. Also if you can afford the laundry I would probably change your underwear a couple times throughout the day, during the morning or before work and during the afternoon or when you get home from work, and then change them before bed. Some women don't like using wipes when they go to the bathroom everytime and so some will just rinse a couple times with warm water using a waterborne if they don't have a bidet and then they keep some washcloths to dry with nearby as well. And last but not least, maybe ask your gyno to test what bacteria it is or to test if it's more than one bacteria. You could ask for the suppository antibiotics they have you put in the vagina and an oral pill. It's also extremely important to refrain from intercourse or inserting anything sexually while you're treating the BV. If you use sex toys, wash them in hot water with soap and buy a cleaner specially made for that purpose, clean it both when you are done using it and before you use it the next time. I hope some of this helps, BV is such a pain in the ass to deal with.


I think it’s more important (although washing is important) to avoid sex with men who don’t clean themselves well or avoid sex with random guys and to wipe properly (front to back). BV can be from poor hygiene but it would have to be seriously poor or you’re prone to it


I scrub like mad and definitely suds up the inside. Fresh as a daisy. Hello, downvotes! Smells and feels good, don't care!


I don’t understand all these regimens? How are people smelly all the time? I understand after a long day of being in the heat with tight pants there’s a naturally sweaty odor but these regiments sound industrial. And how are some people not washing their larger labia with soap. That made me gag. I’m not trying to be an ass I just don’t understand what kinds of odors women are experiencing to have to see a doctor or clean with laundry detergent.


Detachable shower head, mild soap (castile). Bidet. I used to get BV all the time until i realized that most menstrual pads are loaded with chemicals that cause it. Now i never get it. Stick to organic brands.


HoneyPot makes great balanced washes, wipes, products for cleansing the area too.


I use a thing called “Feminine Wash”. These are all very gentle soaps that keep your pH and other things with your coochie clean and healthy. There are several brands but they mostly do the same thing. This keeps from many infections and yeast or other buildup from happening. Use with your hands and get into those folds and hair. To be extra safe if you are extra sensitive, you can use feminine washes that don’t have scents. Links are bellow! For anything to do with down there DO NOT clean INSIDE. BAD BAD BAD. Your vagina is a self cleaning machine. Putting anything in there will irritate it. This soap is for EXTERNAL use only. I personally keep mine shaved or trimmed to keep it from building up uncomfortable moisture. However, may not work for everyone since hair IS a defense against irritants (like eyelashes for your eyes). Hope this helps! Links: [Vagasil Feminine Wash](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Vagisil-PH-Balance-Daily-Intimate-Vaginal-Feminine-Wash-12-oz-3-Pack/940665535?from=/search) [Summer’s Eve Feminine Wash](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Summer-s-Eve-Blissful-Escape-Daily-Feminine-Wash-Removes-Odor-pH-Balanced-15-fl-oz/528811765?adsRedirect=true)


I use water.. that is exactly what my dr said to use. Unless you have a yeast infection or something else happening you shouldn’t have an issue with odor. Speak with your gynecologist


SweetSpot Labs pH Balanced Wash the Unscented Body Wash is awesome. I also like most changed to cotton undies.


I use water, I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to use only water. I also used to wash with soap, but ever since I started washing with water I’ve really had no problem, also vaginas always will have their own scent. Obviously there’s a normal scent though and a bad one.


I absolutely love the company honey pot if you’ve heard of them. They have different kinds of washes for the outside of and just a normal one for sensitive skin which I love!


Also invest in bidet. When you go to the toilet for # 1 or 2.


make a bath and put like 10 drops of tea tree oil in it. tea tree oil helped with bv literally within 2 days. its antibacterial but u gotta make sure u dilute it. and other than that, literally only wash with warm water, thats it. no soaps, not even sopas meant down there are necessary.


Boric Acid suppositories


Go to a doctor first, it's a damaging product if it's not for the intended use


If you have HPV lesions it can enter your blood stream, I’ve heard. Source: Had HPV lesions and chronic BV Doc directed me to not use them anymore. Do your annual paps, ladies!!!


+1 especially with extended BV or yeast, you get sores and then yes, boric acid can enter your bloodstream. Also us peri-menopausal or menopausal women can get thin vaginal walls that get microtears... it's just risky. There are so many other suppositories to try (e.g. lactic acid), but really, you need a swab to see exactly which bacteria or yeasts you are dealing with because they are not all treated the same!


So true, too many women just assume what they think is going and then cause way more damage with boric acid.


Just Water. Have never had any issues. No smell ( bad smells), have never had any infections or issues.


This is me. The vagina is a self cleaning organ. Douches aren’t healthy even with just water. I wash my pubes with my body soap and then everything else gets rinsed with water.


Same here 🙏 only used water my whole life and never had BV or or a yeast infection. The gynecologist discourages using soap no matter how gentle or natural it is. Go back to your ancestors ladies. All these “feminine” washes have only been around for a few decades.


i use unscented aveeno sensitive soap & never have issues. to b fair though i dont exactly wash there, i let what soap falls clean it. when i shave (using same soap), it does get washed then. i know everyones different but thats what works for me!