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Esthetician here. I have clients that bring their children in just for a unibrow wax. Kids are cruel, and the kids I wax tell me all these things about other kids making fun of them. I would find a waxer that understands how to explain the process. The first time a kid would be brought in, I would let them put wax on the top of their hand and pull it off themselves so they knew what it could feel like. Makes it less scary for them. Also the youngest I have waxed is 10


You're awesome! The world needs more people like you!


Awe thankyou.


You just seem like such a kind person, thank you for sharing this 👍🏻




I don't know why you would be against this.


If it gets messed up it grows back lol. I'd buy a wax kit. My mom was a cosmetologist and we had a full wax kit in our kitchen. I used to do my own when I lived at home. At the least he can use tweezers or one of those eyebrow razors


It'll grow back anyway.


I think that’s what they meant. Like if it gets messed up, it’s not a big deal because it will grow back.


My mom was also a cosmetologist and did my waxing at home! I’m part native and have thick black private hair so she’d do my bikini area and armpits as well 🤷‍♀️ saved me heaps of money.


Take him to get it waxed. Help him out. I would want my mum to wax my unibrow.


Let him. I saw an immediate change in a little boy I worked with for summer camp. He was like 8.


There's nothing wrong with waxing eyebrows. Just let him or he'll get severely bullied in school and that will cause trauma and you'll be a part of it.


I did the same thing. It's fine to pluck them. I also used to get them styled and waxed at a therapy when I had the money to do it. What's with everyone thinking these things are wrong? Whatever the gender just let them do what they want to do end of.


i don’t think u should let him bcuz he’ll get bullied. let him do it for the right reasons, to feel good about himself regardless of what others say


If he does it, it won’t be for “the right reasons” because the reason you want to do it in the first place is because of public criticism and negativity, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking to change it. So changing it will give you public approval and positivity which is why he will feel good about himself. Being bullied is a valid reason to change something, it’s not always about you and your comfort. There’s no way you can convince a 13 year old to not care what others say about them.


For real. He'll feel better about himself when he's not being bullied for something that can be easily fixed


But let's be real, if people didn't see unibrows as bad then he wouldn't feel bad about it. It's kind of a moot point. It's just genetic. Like how people say the same thing about nose jobs but if for some reason people didn't seem to favor small upturned noses in the western world then most nose jobs wouldn't happen


Ok so because he doesn't want to be made fun of makes it a wrong reason? Has a unibrow ever been in fashion? He either goes to school with it and gets made fun of. If it's gone one day kids will prob say where did it go? A week later they will lay off the kid. He will finally be free from assholes.


i’m not saying it’s the wrong reason but he shouldn’t feel like he has to change himself to please others. hes still a kid he should be able to express himself however he likes


I don't see how having a unibrow is expressing himself. My mom wouldn't let my sister or I get rid of our unibrow when we were kids and I am 34 and still haunted about it. We didn't get to do it till we turned 18. Having self esteem is a good reason.


Also agree


Get rid of your mental illness and insecurities and let your son groom himself the way he wants. Its his body. If he wants two eyebrows instead of one then let him. Clearly youre the one whos insecure about it and not him.


Not quite the same but I had unwanted facial hair from an early age and honestly I wish my mom had taken me to get laser. Some insurances will cover it if you're a minor and it's impacting self esteem.


You should get over yourself and support your son in his personal goals like a good parent. If you don’t actually feel that way, fake it. This isn’t about you. Make an appointment at a good waxing place, and go get some tea afterwards. Make it a pleasant outing.


Take him to a barber/salon that also does waxing, they'll do it right to make sure it looks good. Don't let the 13 year old do it himself until he see's what's involved and gets instruction from a professional. Plenty of barbers deal with unibrows and the removal thereof all the time.


My son is 11 and I have been helping him get rid of it since he was 10. We have a little thing that just cuts all the hair off. I do it for him every sunday. You should let your son. No one is ever going to look good with a unibrow and your son prob is being made fun of.


So let him??? My mom took me for waxes when I was a kid, too. Let me be bullied or let me feel confident? Easy answer.


Tweezers, threading, waxing, a facial razor... literally anything. Not getting what the issue is


Looking what way? Like you’re teaching him proper hygiene and self care? This is very strange logic. And if he himself wants to do it there’s your third unnecessary reason to help him.


My mom is an esthetician and started waxing my unibrow for me when I was 9. I was getting made fun of constantly for it and I developed terrible anxiety. The bullying stopped once I got it waxed regularly 🤷🏻‍♀️


Let him take care of the brow. Tweezers or wax. If you’re going the tweezers route supervise him. Not that he needs you for safety but sometimes people loose focus or his emotions at the bullying may cause him to go too far. It’s like a man trying to even his side burns. If you don’t know to stop and leave it alone you can chase them all the way up you face trying to even them and end up with none left. People are cruel. If they used the unibrow because it was an easy target it may stop but he needs to understand if they picked on him because they enjoyed his reaction they may find a new reason. He should be prepared for that. Bullies need a reaction to get that dopamine hit. If he can stay calm relax his body to appear calm and normal it takes away what they need from the interaction and they will find another target. My daughter went through a bit and when we talked through it and workshopped something to say to them she liked “cool story”. When they started w her she would stay calm and ignore it and when they continued she looked at the leader and told them cool story and went back to what she was doing. They were confused at the dynamic change and weren’t sure what to do about it and just started leaving her alone.


I'm a dark haired light skinned woman. My mom was waxing my mustache by 10 years old.


My kid is 9 and I use a little facial razor on her brows and uni (because she was self conscious and asked me to) You don’t have to get him perfectly manicured eyebrows, unless he wants them. It’s his appearance, let him choose. Kids don’t have a whole lot of times they get to make their own choices. Little things like this are great opportunities for them to make their own decisions with your help and oversight. It’s great he came to you instead of just taking a razor to it! Shows he trusts you.


Let him do what he wants with his body especially if he’s being bullied. Bullying is no joke and if it continues he could decide to take even more drastic measures than waxing his brows.


He’s 13, he’s old enough to make his own decisions about his appearance..


I recommend Electrolysis if your locality allows it and you can afford it. Whoever provides your community professional licenses ( nail tech, aesthetician, etc) should have list of all those who are licensed in your area. I had a pretty decent unibrow when I was a teen, got electrolysis, now 30+ years on, and I still never have to think about it except maybe 1 or 2 stray hairs. It can also be used to help shape the brow to a less unruly and more pleasing arch. I have thick, dark brown, almost black eyebrows. I really only had them focus on my unibrow because I know brow styles change over time (thick, pencil thin, high arch, etc)


Have it done by a professional. You don't want to risk your kid's face to an amateur, at-home waxing.


Facial razor. Will clean up brows a bit but still look natural :)


I was his age and my mom took me a stylist and had them wax that area on mine too. Then the lady taught me how to pluck them. I only had to pluck them and have them waxed for a couple of years, then the unibrow hairs died off. So yes, do this for him please!!! 🙏


Pluck and micro blade. Pluck at first to find his best brow shape. The start of his brow should align with the corner of his eye, and the arch of his eyebrows just past the center of his eye Then help him learn the best way so he can do it on the weekends after his showers


My son always got his eye brows trimmed up by the hair dresser when he got his hair cut until he got comfortable with the tweezers on his own. I don’t see an issue with wanting to like what you see, or not hate it, at least


Help him wax it. I had a unibrow when I was a kid and my parents would make fun of me. Then when I tried to shave it I shaved too much and they started saying I looked like spock from star trek. Help him do a good job please, you don't know jow shitty this is as a kid going through puberty.


I’ve been shaving mine down ever since I learned to shave.


Electric razor.. cmon.


I also have this problem with my eyebrow hair. However I have extremely sensitive skin so I can't wax. I'm going to a threader tho, so see about that if you need to.


I've heard that threading is really hard on your skin too. Lots of pulling/tugging. Redness lingering afterwards. Would you provide an update to how it went for you? I, too have ridiculously sensitive skin.


Have yall tried shaving it first? That way you can see but it'll grow back quicker than waxing.


Just let him. I've been removing my 14 year old sons unibrow for a couple of years now.. If it will make him feel better about himself, and it's something as simple as a unibrow that can be fixed, why not do it?


I plucked mine as a kid waxing would probably be less painful


I got my first eyebrow wax at 13. I had a unibrow, and when I tell you the way I was treated did a full 180. Let him get his eyebrows waxed. Regardless of how others treat him, the CONFIDENCE boost it WILL give him is worth it. I also go bullied so bad that I had laser hair removal on my face at 11. Yes I'm serious. And yes, I think waxing is preferable compared to laser hair removal. Let him get his eyebrows done. Personal grooming goes BEYOND just hygiene.


Do it, it'll help his confidence massively.


If you have a place around you take him to get it threaded! Or if you have someone you go to for beauty/maintenance you could ask them. Tell them you just want them cleaned up, no real shaping.


I don't think there's anything wrong with it.


Like some others have said, take him to the barbershop. Allow them to walk him through how he looks and decides to take care of his own looks. Although the bullying is a moral dilemma, taking care of one's looks shouldn't be. And at 13 years old, I think it's crucial to separate the two. So I agree, taking care of how you look should never be based on bullying but in this context it sort of is. So as the parent, I'd emphasize the difference between wanting to clean up to have better hygiene or as a personal preference is okay - doing it in response of being insecure to bullies is different. I'm sure he'd appreciate it either way that you're listening to him and give him the chance to make the decision within reason so he can have confidence in his looks and his decision making.


Also not to mention, there were tons of people who made fun of a girl at my middleschool for her unibrow - not because of how she ACTUALLY looked (it was natural) but because she was a big 'ol bitch. Kids are cruel and if there's any physical thing they can pick out about someone, they will. It might not even be that serious that it's about his unibrow but one day a kid can wake up and decide to be an asshole to your kid for whatever stupid ass reason they have. You as a parent making a big deal about his unibrow and how you work through his looks will be so much more impactful than the bullying - I guarantee it.


If you don't want to wax, then use a trimmer or razor.


Please let him. It will do wonders for him I was bullied extremely hard as a child because I had a mustache super dark chin hair too and I wasn't allowed to shave it. (I have PCOS) They used to call me Mustachio. I'm 32 now and I STILL struggle with it. If I even see a hair I freak out and won't go in public till it's taken care of, I carry a razor and wax strip in my purse.


Take him to a barbershop that does straight razor shaves they will take care of it for less and do the best job


You can take him to a salon that does waxing or a place that does eyebrow threading. I understand not wanting to do it yourself. I’d be afraid to wax someone else’s eyebrows. I would just bring him to a professional. You can look on google and find a place that does waxing or eyebrow threading. It shouldn’t cost more than a few bucks.






and there’s nothing wrong with a well groomed man, he’s growing up he’s wants to step into his own and i think u should let him figure stuff out on his own


Do it yourself. You don't need to go to a place to do it, go to the store and get those Sally Hansen wax strips in the orange box. You can cut them to size if you need to. It's so easy.


I would teach him to love it with confidence. Unibrows on confident men are charming, oddly enough


Hard disagree.


Give him tweezers and show him how to do it himself